How to reduce appetite to lose weight: reviews, effective methods and practical recommendations. Eat on a schedule

If you are puzzled by the question of how to dull the feeling of hunger, then first of all you should contact not a nutritionist, but a psychologist. Most often, the desire to eat without a break is due to food addiction. Where you got it from, you need to figure it out with a specialist.

It’s a completely different conversation if you are puzzled by the question of how to dull the feeling of hunger during a diet. Hunger during this period does not mean at all that you are losing weight; it only signals that the diet is absolutely not suitable for you. In any case, the desire to eat constantly is not good, and if you are trying to reduce your appetite, then the gluttony will definitely overtake you later. So, first of all, figure out whether your hunger is real or whether it’s a problem with your psyche or brain.

Are you really hungry?

Psychological (false) hunger is easy to distinguish from “normal”: it is located in the neck area and is not accompanied by stomach rumbling or weakness. There is only a desire to eat something.

Well, the desire to eat stress or a bad mood is also not real hunger. False hunger can arise if something doesn’t work out for you right now or in general, if you find yourself in a dead end in life. Someone in front of everyone negative emotions crunches cookies, someone bakes and eats cakes. The interesting thing is that this type of hunger can occur even if you have just eaten...

The only thing you can do with it is to be conscious of the desire to snack on another handful of cookies. To do this, you will need, first of all, a food diary, where you will write down not only everything that you ate, but also everything that you experienced at the same time (or before). Believe me, this way you will find many patterns, and maybe even a key to solving your problem. Work with emotions and put them into words. You can also share all your feelings with a loved one.

You may have to change your lifestyle - move, stop communicating with those who are annoying, change jobs.

If this is not possible, change your activity, at least for a short time: switch from one task to another, take a walk...

Even during false hunger, you can take a fragrant bath or choose a spectacular outfit, do makeup - get pleasure that is not related to food, in short. There are other ways.

If overeating has become a habit

We need to change a little here eating habits and the diet too.
  • First of all, discard any seasonings. Yes, mustard and peppers with spices speed up your metabolism somewhat, but they also stimulate your appetite.
  • You also need to remove lard, sweets, chocolate and buns from your view. In their place, keep them at hand healthy vegetables, nuts, etc.
  • Do not chew candy in company and do not succumb to the provocations of colleagues or family members who hand you another handful of candy.
  • Treat yourself to a little dessert. IN mandatory Snack your dinner or breakfast with candy, yogurt, or sweet fruit.
  • We eat in silence. No TV or music, preferably without the fuss of home. Conscious eating helps you feel truly full.
  • Let's do exercises. A little exercise will not only help curb your hunger, but also burn a few calories. And they relax, especially if it is a yoga asana.
  • Drink some water. It not only fills the stomach, but also solves the problem of thirst, which we mistake for hunger. But not alcohol or Coca-Cola (and in general, soda with buckets of sugar - they only whet your appetite. You can also drink tomato juice, coffee or green tea with lemon. You can drink immediately before meals, but it is better a quarter of an hour before meals.

Change the color scheme

And at home, and in dishes, and in clothes. Let you have blue and blue sets, blue festive attire, tablecloths and curtains. And no still lifes with orange fruits.

Connect flavors

The centers of smell and hunger are very close to us, so you can save yourself with the help of grapefruit oil (or its peel), as well as floral scents and vanilla (especially good for those who abuse sweets). Mint, banana and apple scents will also help.

Buy children's dishes.

Or just miniature. But very beautiful, and desirable blue color. Eat only from it.

Don't forget about the pleasure of food

Don't punish yourself with slimy oatmeal, if you like sweet or fatty meat, eat it with pleasure a couple of times a week. Otherwise, you will fall apart one day. Prepare delicious salads, try dishes different countries and diversify your diet. Food is also a pleasure, and if you deny this, then you will often overeat.


Sleep well. Lack of sleep is compensated by an exorbitant appetite, and this has been scientifically proven.


But not food, but chewing gum. Whether it is harmful to the stomach and whether it provokes gastritis is a controversial issue. But fruit-flavored gum without sugar will help temporarily deceive the feeling of hunger. Like mint.

Brush your teeth

Let the brush and mint paste always be at hand. The already mentioned mint kills appetite in any form, and after brushing your teeth you usually don’t want to eat for quite a long time.

Practice fractional meals

If there is such an opportunity, you can divide lunch, breakfast, and dinner into a couple of meals and half portions. By the way, this will quickly shrink your stomach. Eat at the same time strictly according to the clock. Let you have a meal schedule and over time your stomach and intestines will get used to it.

Don't forget about herbs and garlic. Also excellent enemies of appetite. Garlic can be used to make a simple infusion to kill hunger. Grind three of its slices and pour in 200-250 ml. boiled water(cold). Let it sit for a day and you can drink 20 ml. for the night.

We eat slowly

Were you called a turtle as a child because you ate slowly? But in vain! Children know better how to eat properly. It is correct to eat slowly, with feeling, arrangement and sense. Ask yourself if you are full only one-third of an hour after you get up from the table. At the same time, for any meal you need to spend the same third of an hour and no less.

Stop snacking on the go

You will definitely eat a lot of unhealthy things and not get enough. The result is extra calories and extra food plus a distended stomach. It also makes no sense to snack while cooking or just standing in front of the refrigerator if you are looking for something in it.

Eating in front of the mirror

This way you will definitely eat 20 percent less.

May the refrigerator always be full

Preferably healthy products. Firstly, it works for those who survived the 80s and 90s, that is, spent their youth and childhood hungry. Secondly, you will be less tempted to run to the kiosk for chips or dubious sweets.

No matter how trite, but have breakfast.

And it's better in abundance. If you're used to a light breakfast and an evening feast, switch gradually. Let the dinner be hearty at first, but with fewer calories, for example. Have breakfast fermented milk products or protein.

Eat potatoes

And in general, carbohydrates, especially slow ones. They really fill you up, and for a long time. But potatoes should be either boiled or baked and with a minimum of oil. The same goes for cereals and pasta. Another the right product- cellulose.

Get treatment for depression

This is one of the reasons for overeating, so it is better to get rid of it, and with the help of a good doctor.

Do self-massage

Just press your middle finger (with its pad) on the point in the middle between your nose and upper lip.

Questions like: “How to dull the feeling of hunger?” very, very ambiguous. For almost any professional, they are like a red marker in the text: “Pay attention, a person eats poorly or incorrectly, or he generally has some kind of mental problems, that he constantly eats emotions, and therefore belongs to the class of those who are always hungry.” And most fitness professionals have been on a classic cutting diet at least once in their lives, so these diets of yours seem like a cakewalk to them. Well, how can you call a food system “restrictive” in which, excuse me, “you can eat everything until 12 noon” or kilograms of fruit? Because if seeker of deliverance from an obsessive feeling a person finds understanding somewhere, it’s in women's magazines and among others like you on the forums, but not with your own coach. In principle, a qualified nutritionist will also try to create a diet for you that would relieve the attacks of severe hunger on its own. But what if nothing works out?

How to dull the feeling of hunger, and why you need it

Usually, severe hunger for several days means only one thing - and no, you are not losing weight. This is a signal that the diet is not suitable for you, it is too restrictive nutrients, and, in general, is more harmful than useful.

Why being hungry all the time is not good for your health and weight loss:

  • Human patience is not unlimited. Even if what we look at below has some effect on you, if the deficit is too great, hunger will return. And if you are mentally healthy, you will not be able to ignore it. Sooner or later too strict diets lead to a breakdown. If your weight loss is a time-limited project, most likely, after a breakdown, you will catch up with those who constantly eat at a slight deficit;
  • lack of macronutrients – i.e. proteins, fats or carbohydrates - a factor that affects overall health. Without proteins there is no recovery and good immunity, without carbohydrates – normal reaction speed and healthy nervous system. And fat deficiency affects hormonal background person. Your hunger, by the way, may be caused by a critical lack of one or more macronutrients. Take the time to recalculate your current diet, and the picture will become more or less clear. If you simply suppress your hunger with “appetite suppressants,” you can end up with real health problems. Which again will not make you slimmer, since during the treatment period the usual recommendation is to abandon restrictive diets.

Numerous consequences for the psyche could serve as a topic for a separate book. In short, most starving people “turn” either towards a fear of any food at all, or towards non-stop consumption of it.

And yes, if this has already happened, no recipes for dulling hunger and “banishing appetite” are recommended. It would be best to contact a psychologist, at least for an impartial assessment of your situation. We ourselves tend to either dramatize or underestimate problems.

How to dull the feeling of false hunger

False or psychological hunger, meanwhile, is the most common reason why a person cannot lose weight. Some people react too emotionally to pictures, i.e. any images of food, whether from a commercial or from a store display. Some people associate food with something from childhood, something comfortable, enjoyable and necessary in order to get through a bad day. Some people simply relieve stress by crunching cookies. And some people fight boredom and life's impasse by baking and eating cakes. There can be a lot of options. There is only one sign - you can feel it even when you are already full.

There is one sure sign of false hunger. The sensation occurs above the neck. Literally, a person does not feel discomfort in the stomach, rumbling, weakness in the legs, but feels the so-called “light head” in which intrusive thought: “what to eat...”

In fact, universal recipe There is no fight against the feeling of false hunger. Just as there is no guarantee that by using certain techniques, a person will never encounter a problem. Most likely, these feelings will not go away, and the main thing that helps you get rid of them without consequences is the realization that in fact you are not hungry, but bored, upset, angry or dissatisfied with the situation.

  • radically change activities for at least a few minutes. For example, if you want to eat while working, you need to pause and take a walk. If this is not possible, at least switch between work tasks;
  • work with emotions - instead of going and eating, put your experiences into words. Moreover, the most effective method– these are entries in a regular paper diary, or discussions of a problem with a loved one;
  • work with what is called a lifestyle. Many psychologists advise drastic changes - stop communicating with annoying people, change your job to a calmer one, finally find your own business, learn to defend your interests within your family. There are, of course, hopeless situations - you need certain work, but it’s stressful and makes you overeat, for example. Then they advise techniques for changing attitudes, removing the importance of this or that matter for yourself.

And “folk psychology” suggests that at the first manifestation of false hunger, take a bubble bath, choose a nice outfit, or do something else that is considered self-care in our culture.

How to get rid of hunger at the beginning of a diet

A conditional diet means any program that restricts nutrition, even the mildest one. In order to go to a new style eating with maximum comfort, you need to find out what exactly causes hunger pangs:

  • changing your usual eating routine. For example, you are used to having a heavy dinner and a light breakfast, but a weight loss program requires you to do the opposite. Then it makes sense to act gradually, for example, replace part of the dinner with a vegetable side dish in order to retain the volume, but reduce the “calorie density”, and do the opposite with breakfast - instead of empty yogurt, start eating denser cottage cheese, or an omelet;
  • transition from normal nutrition to fractional. To begin with, there is no particular point in fractional meals for a losing weight non-athlete. And for the athlete, it mainly serves the purpose of better tolerance of calorie restriction. If you still consider fractional meals the best option, you should start by dividing lunch and dinner into 2 servings, and not by organizing snacks with unusual foods;
  • a complete change in the composition of the diet. The heaviest option, it is usually not recommended by nutritionists, except in cases where the diet consists of hamburgers, shawarma, french fries, dumplings and sandwiches. And even in this option, it is advised to gradually change dishes to their healthier counterparts - make sandwiches with lower fat cheese, roll pita bread with chicken breast at home, etc.;
  • habit of too plenty of food since childhood. The hardest option. They usually start by replacing some of the side dishes with stewed vegetables; when the body gets used to this, they gradually reduce the portions to the standard for all human beings. In general, this case requires lifelong self-control, since during stressful periods and in some typical situations (feasts, for example), the habit of overeating and considering it normal nutrition returns.

In general, before fighting hunger or appetite, it is worth understanding the reasons for such strong cravings for food and working with your individual problems, and not for everyone to soak in a bath with foam.

It's no secret that almost every woman, regardless of age and social status, dreams and beautiful, attracts admiration men's views and at the same time feel good and easy.

In practice, not all representatives of the fair half of society can achieve this goal. The whole point is that to keep your body in good physical fitness It is necessary to strictly maintain a balance of incoming and expended calories so that excess is not deposited in problem areas on the body.

The article will focus on the fact that reviews of the methods listed below are positive. Most women say it works.

How to lose weight?

How to reduce appetite? How to lose weight in general? These questions concern many representatives of the fair sex. There are different ways to achieve your goal and lose weight:

  • By using physical activity- walking, cycling, regular sports, active games and so on.
  • Dietary food - strict restrictions on food for a certain period.
  • Decreased appetite and reduced calorie intake.

In a crazy rhythm modern life Sometimes there is simply no time left to go to the gym or jog in the morning. At the same time, the diet, in addition to the fact that with its cessation, the lost weight returns with an increase, also causes psychological discomfort - depression and bad mood.

An alternative to these ways to lose weight is to reduce the craving for food itself, that is, taming Reviews and methods are presented to your attention below.

Ways to lose weight

There are several basic rules that will help tame your appetite and reduce the amount of food consumed to the required level.

List of the best ways to reduce your appetite:

  • Drink more fluid - daily norm water for humans ranges from 2 liters. Drinking is very important, because water not only helps improve the digestion process, but is also directly involved in the body's expenditure of energy to bring it to body temperature. In addition, thanks to water, the feeling of hunger is somewhat dulled.
  • Replace in your diet confectionery sweet fruits, such as bananas or apples, dried fruits. Fruits quickly give you a feeling of fullness.
  • Consume as little salt and hot spices as possible, which increase appetite. These products irritate the gastric mucosa, as a result of which more food may be eaten than necessary.
  • Any alcoholic drinks, except perhaps a small amount of dry red wine, should be excluded from the diet. Alcohol not only increases appetite, but also slows down metabolism and elimination from the body. excess liquid. Consequently, weight loss will occur much more slowly.
  • Introduce into your diet foods that are low in calories, but quickly satiate you and require long-term digestion - vegetables and fruits.
  • How to reduce appetite and lose weight folk ways? Infusions of medicinal herbs and herbal teas are good helpers in reducing appetite. In addition, they enrich the body with vitamins. More about this we'll talk Later.
  • All kinds of dietary supplements and pills to reduce appetite, according to some data, also help keep appetite under control. However, their use should be strictly limited and agreed with a doctor.

General principles of behavior to reduce appetite

How to reduce appetite? Losing weight is one of the most common problems among women. What if overweight give you no rest? In addition to reviewing the diet, the principles of food intake, that is, nutritional culture, play an important role in reducing appetite for weight loss. Here are the most important features.

  1. Meals should be fractional, that is, distributed over several meals, but in smaller portions. The maximum serving size should not exceed 300 g. This method will allow you not to feel an acute feeling of hunger between main meals. At the same time, the snack should not be too heavy and high in calories.
  2. While eating, you need to chew your food slowly and thoroughly so that the stomach has time to produce a sufficient amount of juice. At the same time, you should not eat in front of the TV screen, as this inevitably leads to overeating.
  3. It is advisable to strictly follow the daily routine, that is, under no circumstances skip breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as a couple of snacks. It is important that food enters the body at approximately the same time.
  4. Water consumption should be meaningful. You can drink between meals or 20 minutes before or after meals. Under no circumstances should you drink and eat at the same time, as this will inevitably lead to overeating and stretching of the stomach.

Tricks to help reduce appetite and lose weight

How to reduce appetite and lose weight? In addition to following all the listed rules, in order to reduce food cravings and deceive your stomach, you can resort to some tricks, that is, deceptive maneuvers.

  • Relaxing bath and pleasant music. This simple trick allows you to temporarily distract your body from the immediate urge to eat. In this case, the body will receive not only physical, but also mental rest, succumbing to the relaxing effects of the environment.
  • Favorite hobby. It can be a pleasant way to spend time and not think about food for a while favorite hobby, reading a fascinating book or simply looking at old family photographs.
  • Walk on fresh air. A measured and leisurely walk in the fresh air before or after a meal allows you to adjust the body to a harmonious mood, helps get rid of the stress and fatigue accumulated during the day, and also waste excess energy.
  • Full breathing. Few people think that correct breathing It is also extremely important for normalizing appetite and losing weight. Special breathing exercises allows you to activate metabolism and improve digestion. Moreover, some breathing exercises can distract you from feeling hungry for a while.
  • Aromatic essential oils. This therapy helps to dull the feeling of hunger. This is especially true for grapefruit, green apple, cinnamon, and mint oils. In some cases, it is enough to simply smell a fruit, for example, an apple or a banana, and the feeling of hunger will decrease somewhat.
  • Decreased appetite due to optical illusion. This effect is achieved if you use dishes that are smaller than usual, in cool, discreet shades - blue, purple, blue-green.

How to reduce appetite to lose weight? Reviews about this method are most positive. Experts consider it gentle on the body. As mentioned above, there is a whole list of products that help reduce appetite, and therefore lose weight. Let's consider the features of each of them separately.


Thanks to its high fiber and vitamin content, as well as low energy value fruits can help reduce appetite quite quickly. They quickly fill the stomach without carrying extra pounds. Among fat-burning fruits, grapefruit is the most valuable. Also useful: citrus fruits (oranges, lemons); berries (cherries, figs, blueberries); pineapples.


Just like fruits, vegetables contain a large number of fiber and vitamins. One might say, a treasure trove useful substances are all varieties of cabbage. Other vegetables also give you a feeling of fullness, even though the body spends a lot of energy processing them. It is worth noting that the maximum benefit can only be obtained from raw vegetables that have not undergone heat treatment.


Low-sugar dark chocolate helps reduce appetite and suppress sweet cravings. A small piece is enough to curb your hunger. However, only dark dark chocolate is healthy, not milk chocolate.

Green tea

The benefits of green tea have been known for a long time. This drink is truly magic remedy in the fight against overweight. At the same time that green tea speeds up the metabolism, so it also satisfies the feeling of hunger. A few cups of tea a day will allow you not to worry about excessive appetite.


Experience shows that eggs are an excellent option for breakfast. Since they contain protein, which quickly saturates the body, the feeling of hunger will not bother you for much longer. In addition, the amount of food consumed during the day will be significantly reduced.

and weight loss

How to reduce your appetite folk remedies? Medicinal herbs They are also good for controlling appetite and losing weight. They are used in the form of decoctions, tinctures or tea.

  • The leader among such plants is flax and flax seeds. They contain a large amount of mucus, which envelops the stomach and intestines. Thanks to these properties of flax, appetite is reduced, and the body is freed from toxins.
  • A decoction of sage taken twice a day will help reduce hunger.
  • Nettle infusion is also good remedy to reduce appetite.
  • A decoction made from green parsley allows you to confuse your stomach for a while and satisfy your hunger.
  • Angelica is often used to normalize the gastrointestinal tract and remove toxins, and it also reduces appetite.
  • Marshmallow, due to its astringent properties, increases the time of digestion of food in the stomach, which means that the feeling of hunger appears a little later and appetite decreases. This has a positive effect on
  • Milk thistle is a good liver remedy that normalizes liver function and relieves fat deposits.

How to reduce appetite to lose weight? Reviews about ways to lose weight

Today you can find many reviews about in various ways losing weight. Some people feel the results of changing their eating culture without experiencing any inconvenience. Increasing weight helps many people lose weight. physical activity. Consumers also respond positively to dietary supplements and weight loss sprays. Medical opinions on this matter vary somewhat. In their firm belief, any diet pills should not be taken uncontrollably, otherwise they can cause harm to health very quickly.

Thus, you already know how to reduce your appetite to lose weight. Reviews about the methods described above are only positive. You need to thoughtfully choose the most suitable option for yourself and not be lazy. Then the results will not keep you waiting.

Often the feeling of hunger appears at the most inopportune moment, when there is no opportunity to have a snack, but biggest problem it is suitable for those losing weight, because... I want to eat constantly.

There are several ways to overcome your appetite, allowing you to get rid of it for a long time.

Is it possible not to feel hungry: the opinion of doctors and nutritionists^

A person’s appetite increases when the body lacks energy, i.e. food. It gives peculiar signals, blood sugar levels decrease, and glucose replenishment is required. It often happens that a person cannot satisfy the feeling of hunger even when he has eaten many portions of food, but the feeling of satiety does not come. This occurs for several reasons:

  • Stress;
  • Bulimia;
  • Poor nutrition for a long time;
  • Health problems;
  • Insufficient physical activity.

To reduce hunger, it is recommended to snack on any fruit, not chocolate or candy: they contain fast carbohydrates, and after them the appetite subsides, but not for long, and when frequent use These foods may cause you to gain weight.

There is a whole list of remedies to curb hunger:

  • Drugs;
  • Certain foods containing fiber;
  • Herbal teas or infusions.

  • Need to start leading healthy image life: reconsider your diet, play sports;
  • At food addiction you need to consult a psychotherapist or try to overcome it yourself;
  • Go to 4-5 meals a day, enrich the menu with foods containing proteins, slow carbohydrates, fiber;
  • Remove fatty, sweet and smoked foods from visibility so that there is no temptation to eat them.

How to dull the feeling of hunger: foods, pills and herbs ^

Drugs that dull the feeling of hunger

There are many drugs that help suppress hunger:

  • Lipovox: contains alpha lipoic acid, green tea extract, deanol and cayenne pepper, used by athletes to stimulate metabolism;
  • Fluoxetine: prescribed for bulimia;
  • Reduxin: it is enough to take 1 tablet in the morning on an empty stomach to forget about excessive appetite for the whole day;
  • Apetinol: Helps relieve food cravings, especially in the evening. It must be taken twice a day, 2 tablets before breakfast and lunch;
  • Lida: increases performance, breaks down fat cells. You need to take 1 capsule per day for 30 days;
  • "Appetite control": normalizes lipid metabolism, helps suppress the feeling of hunger. Take 2 tablets three times a day.

Foods that dull the feeling of hunger

These include the following:

  • Flax seeds: you can simply chew them, or add them to light, low-calorie dishes;
  • Cereal porridge;
  • Red fish;
  • Coffee;
  • Water;
  • Chicken or vegetable broth;
  • Almond;
  • Wasabi;
  • Apples.

Herbs to suppress hunger

To remove the feeling of hunger, you can prepare teas or infusions based on cumin, parsley, freezer, senna, marshmallow or licorice roots, buzulnik, dandelion, mint, lemon balm or green tea.

Infusion recipe to reduce appetite:

  • Pour boiling water over 1 tsp. caraway seeds, leave in a cup for 10 minutes;
  • Strain and drink.

Appetite suppressant tea recipe:

  • Grind 2-3 cm of ginger root on a grater, add 1 tsp. green tea, brew in 200 g of boiling water for 15 minutes;
  • Drink after straining, you can add lemon juice.

How to overcome hunger in the evening

Most The best way preventing and overcoming hunger is drinking plenty of fluids: very often people confuse a lack of water with the urge to eat, when it is enough to drink a glass of mineral water to quench their appetite. There are also other methods to solve the problem:

  • Eat 1 tsp. soaked bran;
  • Go out into the fresh air;
  • Snack on white cabbage leaves;
  • Drink a glass lemon water, herbal tea or infusion.
  • Eat strictly at the same time.

How to satisfy hunger while dieting

  • To cope with the problem, it is often enough to switch to 5 meals a day.
  • But if after this nothing has changed, then you need to increase the amount of protein food, and, if possible, take additional vitamin complexes if the diet is too strict.

A constant feeling of hunger can cause frequent breakdowns, which lead to a re-gain of kilograms lost during the diet. What else can such disruptions threaten:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Lack of appetite control;
  • Obesity;
  • Nervousness.

The experience of our readers, how they manage to fight hunger:

Irina, 23 years old:

“I’m on a diet, and, of course, I feel hungry very often. For me, the best way to reduce my appetite is to drink a cup of cumin tea. It doesn’t taste very pleasant, but it relieves hunger instantly and also stimulates metabolism.”

Oksana, 30 years old:

“I fight hunger very simply: I drink 2.5 liters of still water every day, eat right and run in the evenings, so I’m not in any danger of overeating. This is probably the best way, and with this lifestyle, a person remains 100% in shape.”

Tatyana, 39 years old:

“They help me, I’ve been taking them for 2 weeks now. Previously, I tried as hard as I could to overcome hunger - to no avail, but now my problem is solved, and I finally started losing weight."

Eastern horoscope for March 2019

If you decide to lose weight and go on a diet, but are constantly tormented by hunger, then it will help dull it right choice products and optimal mood.

Initially, you need to set a goal - not to think about food. However, this, of course, is not enough - you need to find something for your soul. When a person is passionate about what he loves, he does not remember food for a long time and does not have free time to constantly look into the kitchen.

Often generates stressful situations. In this case, psychological relief and relaxation will help. You can only relax in complete solitude, sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes and listen only to your breathing, think about your goal - a beautiful figure. Imagine what kind of tight dress you will wear in a month. It is better to conduct such activities in the fresh air, away from the kitchen.

Nothing helps you forget about hunger like physical exercise. When playing sports, energy is released from fat reserves, which is sufficient to satisfy functional needs. The body does not look for additional sources of energy and hunger disappears.

It's better to drink than to eat

When you go looking for something to dull your hunger, feel free to go to the water tap, not to the refrigerator. Water perfectly curbs appetite, but small snacks from food will only fuel hunger with renewed vigor. You can drink plain water or still mineral water, but you should not drink sweet juices - they only whet your appetite.

Decoctions of herbs that dull the feeling of hunger are popular - mint, rose hips, fennel, dried marshmallow roots. It is not recommended to consume bitter herbs; on the contrary, they usually increase appetite.

To dull hunger, weak brewed teas are perfect, but without sugar. It is appropriate to add lemon slices or a couple of fresh mint leaves to them.

What foods dull the feeling of hunger?

If you decide to go on a diet, then you need to take into account that the first few days are the hardest and from persistent endurance, initial stage, the further result depends. The body, accustomed to a larger volume of food, will require its replenishment and the feeling of hunger will not keep itself waiting. Sort through your food supplies in advance and leave only those foods that will not harm your diet and will help cope with the feeling of hunger.

There are a number of foods that dull the feeling of hunger, which contain special fats that help in the production of pancreozymin. This hormone conveys a feeling of fullness to the body and dulls hunger.

These products include flaxseeds - they are rich fatty acids, which are slowly absorbed by the body and create a feeling of fullness for a long time. Flaxseeds convenient because they can be added to any dietary dishes- salads, soups.

A representative of red fish, salmon, satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time. In it healthy proteins combined with special fats that make this dish dietary.

It is important to eat cereal porridges that contain complex compounds - these compounds will saturate the body for a long time. Barley or oatmeal is perfect.