How does duphaston affect a woman and is ovulation affected? Does duphaston affect hCG levels?

In recent decades medical science stepped far forward. Cases of impossibility of conceiving and bearing a child, which were previously considered hopeless, are successfully treated today. Pharmaceuticals, used for women's health, are constantly modified.

Why is Duphaston prescribed? Does it require a prescription or not? How to take Duphaston to get pregnant, and what can it be combined with? How does pregnancy proceed after a course of Duphaston? How much does the drug cost? These questions haunt people who want to have a baby.

Duphaston - what kind of drug is this?

Duphaston is based on a synthetic analogue female hormone progesterone – dydrogesterone (active ingredient). According to its formula, this substance practically repeats the composition of the hormone. Progesterone is responsible for the normal menstrual cycle, conception and successful pregnancy. This hormone does not have a contraceptive effect.

Hormone deficiency negatively affects reproductive function, the ability to conceive a child decreases. When planning pregnancy and difficulties in pregnancy, female sex hormone analogues come to the rescue. As a result of a decrease in its amount in the blood, a woman begins labor and produces breast milk.

Duphaston tablets - representative latest generation pharmaceuticals. They are known for their effectiveness. The drug is included in the Register of Medicines of Russia (RLS). According to reviews from those women who were able to get pregnant with the help of this hormonal drug, it really promotes conception.

Description, dosage, release form, composition and active ingredient of the drug

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The composition of the drug includes:

  • active ingredient dydrogesterone, 10 mg;
  • auxiliary components.

The drug is available in the form of film-coated tablets. The number of tablets in the package may vary (20 pcs., 28 pcs.). They white, rounded, convex on both sides. One dose of Duphaston contains 10 mg of dydrogesterone. In the photo you can see what the drug looks like.

What are the main indications for its use:

  • infertility due to insufficient functioning of the corpus luteum of the ovaries;
  • threat of miscarriage due to low levels of progesterone;
  • habitual fetal loss;
  • lack of menstruation for various reasons;
  • violation menstrual cycle, its irregularity when hormonal imbalance;
  • premenstrual syndrome (PMS);
  • menopause;
  • endometriosis;
  • polycystic disease;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • various uterine bleeding.

The drug is used if there is a lack of progesterone in the body. It is shown as a replacement hormone therapy for women in menopause. The medicine helps to successfully fertilize the egg and maintain pregnancy. The hormonal drug Duphaston does not provide contraceptive action, while taking the drug, the normal menstrual cycle is maintained.

Compared to other progesterone analogues, the drug does not cause negative effect. It does not affect liver function, carbohydrate metabolism, does not provide harmful effects on blood clotting. The drug does not provoke neoplasms in the endometrial tissue, as happens when using similar drugs.

There is also no pathogenic effect on the embryo if the drug is used during pregnancy. Duphaston does not promote recruitment excess weight, which is very important for many women.

The dosage depends on the diagnosis, the woman’s health condition, her age and other indicators. Only a specialist will be able to correctly determine the dose and tell you how long Duphaston can be taken. He will make a decision after a progesterone test, which will show the hormone content in the woman’s body.

Instructions for use and dosage regimen for Duphaston

The tablets should be taken orally with a small amount of liquid. It doesn’t matter whether Duphaston is taken before or after meals - it doesn’t really matter. The time of application does not depend on food intake. Daily dose the substance is divided into 2–3 times at equal intervals. For convenience, the drug can be combined with food.

The Duphaston treatment plan is selected strictly individually, but there are general recommendations, on which the gynecologist relies. Any information presented on medical websites and forums is for informational purposes only and should not serve as a basis for use. You should consult a women's health specialist before using it.

When planning a pregnancy

How to take Duphaston 10 mg to get pregnant? The hormonal drug does not in any way affect ovulation - it occurs at the usual time. If there is a problem of impossibility of conceiving due to a lack of progesterone, a woman should take Duphaston 1 tablet per day from the 11th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle after meals. This period is not relevant for all patients, because the period is calculated for owners of 28 days monthly cycle.

The use of Duphaston tablets for conception can last quite a long time, depending on the patient’s health condition (up to six months). If a woman becomes pregnant, therapy is continued, and the specialist may change the dosage or leave it the same.

In the first two months after conception

How to use Duphaston during pregnancy early stages? Only a doctor observing the expectant mother can answer this question.

Most often, Duphaston in the early stages of pregnancy is recommended for women at risk (with a history of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy). Doctors prescribe Duphaston during pregnancy only after full examination patients.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, you should take four Duphaston tablets at a time. Then take 1 tablet every 8 hours in the first half of pregnancy. If there is a new threat, the dose should be increased.

The dose of the drug for pregnant women is usually 2 tablets per day. Starting from week 20, the drug is stopped, although some women require earlier discontinuation. The decision is made by the gynecologist - unauthorized termination of treatment is unacceptable.

In late pregnancy

On later pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe Duphaston when there is a threat premature birth due to increased uterine tone. Pregnant women tolerate the drug well, so there will be no harm from it. Negative impact Duphaston also does not affect the child.

Usually, after 20 weeks, Duphaston is canceled, because the body begins to produce progesterone itself. However, in exceptional cases, therapy can continue up to 36 weeks.

For hormonal imbalances

Violations hormonal levels often become the reason for prescribing Duphaston. This could be changes in a woman's monthly cycle, lack of menstruation, or PMS. How exactly and why to take it hormonal agent– the doctor decides, depending on the disease.

Usually the patient takes 2-3 tablets per day, from days 14 to 25 of the cycle. Regular use is indicated for severe disorders.

During ovulation

The onset of ovulation is necessary for conceiving a child, so women who suffer from a lack of progesterone need to take Duphaston to become pregnant. This should be done from the 14th to 25th day of the menstrual cycle. You should not drink Duphaston in advance - only after ovulation. Otherwise, the effect of the drug will occur too early and conception will not occur. This calculation is correct for those patients whose ovulation occurs from days 12 to 14.

Do men need to take duphaston when planning?

A man should not take Duphaston when planning his wife's pregnancy. This drug contains an analogue of the female sex hormone, which is foreign to the male half of the population. To treat infertility and when planning a new addition to the family, you need to visit a specialist and strictly follow his recommendations regarding lifestyle and medication. Self-medication in this matter is unacceptable.

Consequences of overdose and contraindications

Contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance, allergy to the components of the drug;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • renal failure;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • liver diseases in acute or chronic form;
  • manifestation skin itching during a previous pregnancy.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age. Sometimes it can be prescribed to girls in puberty when there is a menstrual irregularity. The dosage and time of taking Duphaston are determined by the attending physician.

The manufacturer indicates that taking the drug may cause side effects:

  • allergy;
  • anemia;
  • headache;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • bleeding from the uterus.

These side effects are associated with individual characteristics the patient's body. Duphaston is quite safe, sometimes with an overdose, digestion can be disrupted and nausea may occur. In this case, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage and treatment, depending on the symptoms.

Compatibility of Duphaston with other drugs and alcohol

Rifampicin and Phenobarbital when taking Duphaston lead to a decrease in its effectiveness. Doctors do not note any other significant incompatibility with pharmaceuticals.

Is it allowed to drink alcohol while taking Duphaston? The course of therapy takes long time, so many women ask this question. Not a large number of alcohol is allowed during the treatment period, although the instructions do not contain any special instructions in this regard. It should be borne in mind that alcohol when combined with Duphaston reduces the effectiveness of the drug. Besides, simultaneous administration may cause liver dysfunction. During pregnancy while taking Duphaston, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Where to buy and do I need a prescription?

You can buy Duphaston at any pharmacy. This prescription drug, to purchase it you need a recommendation from a specialist.

The cost of the medicine depends on the region of purchase, on average in Russia it is 480 - 500 rubles for 20 tablets. IN Lately Online pharmacies have become widespread, where prices are often lower than retail prices, and promotions are often held. You can order medicine on the website of a well-known chain and pick it up at pharmacy. You should not trust unverified online stores, because there is a possibility of purchasing a fake.

Analogues of the drug: what can replace it?

Analog drugs for Duphaston tablets:

  • Utrozhestan (we recommend reading:). This medicine contains natural progesterone, which manufacturers obtain from plant materials. Indications for use generally coincide with Duphaston. It can also be used during pregnancy. The drug is presented in the form of capsules and rectal suppositories. A special feature of Utrozhestan is the side effect hypnotic effect. The cost of a package of 14 capsules (200 mg) will cost the buyer an average of 450 rubles.
  • Prajeesan. Available in capsules. The reasons for the appointment are the same as for Duphaston. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it should be taken with caution and as prescribed by your doctor. In the second and third trimester, it can cause liver dysfunction. The drug has more wide range contraindications compared to Duphaston. A package of Prajisan 200 mg (10 capsules) costs about 230 rubles.

You should not select an analogue of Duphaston on your own. Only the attending physician can competently answer the question about replacing the drug. Do not rely on the opinions of your pharmacist or members of online forums.

Planning for a future child is carried out taking into account many various factors. The question of what the influence is is quite relevant today. This hormonal type drug is widely used in modern gynecology. Its main purpose is considered to be used for problems with the menstrual cycle and if the patient has endometriosis.

This medicine actively used during pregnancy planning. Most experts consider this drug to be very effective. Before taking this medicine, you should understand the question of how the effect of Duphaston on the fetus can affect health expectant mother. The process of rehabilitation through this medication must be accompanied by mandatory supervision by a specialist.

Characteristics of the drug

Today, many gynecologists practice prescribing a medication such as Duphaston. Its basis is an active substance called dydrogesterone. This element belongs to the group of synthetic hormones and is considered an analogue of natural progesterone. Practice shows that this natural substance is intended primarily to prepare the endometrium of the uterus for a full pregnancy. After conception, progesterone plays key role in preserving ovum. The above substance is produced by the ovaries, namely by their corpus luteum. As a rule, this occurs at the end of the menstrual cycle.

When successful conception the concentration of this hormone in a woman’s body increases significantly. If pregnancy does not occur, then progesterone levels decrease. This hormonal substance plays an important role in the process of fat accumulation, development of mammary glands, relaxation of the uterus and intestines in the body of the expectant mother. If significant, a woman may experience great difficulties during pregnancy planning or immediately upon its onset. The above problem negatively affects the ability to get pregnant. In many cases, a lack of progesterone leads to the problem of constant miscarriages. Also, a large number of women have serious difficulties conceiving a child.

Due to the occurrence of the above negative factors due to the lack of progesterone, most doctors prescribe the drug Duphaston. A specialist may recommend the use of this remedy during pregnancy planning or after its onset. Thus, the natural hormone is replaced by a synthetic one and all the above problems are eliminated. Most experts claim that Duphaston has a very positive effect on pregnancy. In many cases the drug eliminates real reasons infertility. Strongly not recommended self-treatment with this medication. Before taking it, a woman should consult a doctor.

The essence of the problem

During the process of bearing a baby, doctors prescribe Duphaston to a woman only if she has already had an abortion or the fetus has died. A one-time termination of pregnancy does not apply to the above cases; with this option, experts do not always recommend taking this medication. It is strictly not recommended to use this drug to prevent miscarriages. It is not prescribed to every patient. The gynecologist recommends it strictly on an individual basis only to those women who have experienced the above problems.

Often this medicine used at the planning stage of conceiving a child. Before this, a woman should be checked for the amount of progesterone in her body. If test results show that the level of this hormonal substance is low, the patient is recommended to take Duphaston. This check should be done in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Practice shows that taking the drug may be accompanied by the following side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • allergy;
  • vaginal bleeding.

Doctors recommend using Duphaston after a frozen pregnancy only if the patient is thoroughly checked for a decrease in progesterone. If this fact is not confirmed by laboratory tests, then the miscarriage could have occurred for a completely different reason. For example, constant stress, inflammatory diseases, infections can also have a very negative effect on pregnancy and cause its termination. Taking Duphaston should not be stopped if conception occurred after the start of its use. Otherwise sharp decline progesterone in the blood can cause miscarriage. Doctors insist on gradual withdrawal of this drug when used during pregnancy. It is important to remember that this medication should only be taken as strictly prescribed by a specialist.

Many women who decide to become a mother face the problem of conceiving and bearing a child. The reason for this may be chronic diseases internal genital organs, as well as unfavorable factors environment. Many women are interested in the question of why Duphaston is prescribed in the early stages during pregnancy. IN modern medicine There are proven methods for using the drug Duphaston, which promotes the onset and maintenance of pregnancy.

If a woman decides to use the drug, then she needs to agree on the dosage regimen and dosage with her doctor. The clinical effect of Duphaston on pregnancy has been proven experimentally.

The drug is available in tablet form. The medication contains components similar in their action to the hormone progesterone. This drug is well tolerated by the female body without causing side effects. The action of the medication is based on the normalization of the activity of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity (endometrium).

Pregnancy after Duphaston occurs in as soon as possible. Unlike its analogues, this drug does not have a depressing effect on nervous system without causing drowsiness and apathy.

Spontaneous abortions most often occur due to increased tone smooth muscle uterus. The drug Duphaston is prescribed to women during pregnancy to relax the uterine muscles. More often medicine recommended in early pregnancy.

Preservation of pregnancy when taking Duphaston is observed in 85% of cases. If a woman has a tendency to increased tone uterus, gynecologists prescribe this remedy even before the baby is conceived.

The main indication for prescribing the drug is insufficient production of the hormone progesterone in female body. Before starting to take the substance, a woman must obtain laboratory confirmation of progesterone deficiency.

In the early stages

The main indications for the use of Duphaston in early pregnancy include:

  • high risk of spontaneous abortion;
  • endometriosis;
  • dyshormonal bleeding;
  • recurrent miscarriage.

In the later stages

Standard instructions for the use of Duphaston during late pregnancy recommend taking the substance when the tone of the uterine muscles increases, which results in a risk. IN in this case we're talking about about birth.

The drug has high efficiency relation to infertility caused hormonal disorders in a woman's body.

In the vast majority of cases, the drug is favorably tolerated by the woman’s body, and pregnancy with Duphaston proceeds favorably. The main contraindication for taking the drug in the early and late stages is the presence of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Care must be taken when inflammatory diseases liver (hepatosis).

Caution is recommended for those women who have previously reported cases of an allergic reaction. It is strictly forbidden to combine the drug with alcohol, since the effect of ethyl alcohol on the liver prevents the neutralization of Duphaston's breakdown products.

Often, women may experience discharge when taking Duphaston during pregnancy, which is natural.

Instructions for use

In order to get the expected result, it is important to know how to drink Duphaston during pregnancy. different dates. Official instructions by application medicinal product involves taking the medication internally. When the lining of the uterus grows (endometriosis) optimal dosage The drug is 1 tablet 3 times a day from 5 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle.

If a woman is at risk of spontaneous abortion, the dosage of Duphaston during pregnancy is 4 tablets at a time, after which it is recommended to continue using the medication, 1 tablet every 8 hours, until disappearance anxiety symptoms.

Taking Duphaston in the first trimester of pregnancy is most justified. Taking Duphaston for brown discharge during pregnancy will help avoid bleeding at different stages. Colored discharge after Duphaston during pregnancy is a normal option.

At high risk If a woman experiences premature rejection of the fetus, it is recommended that she receive advice on how to take Duphaston during pregnancy with such a pathology. The optimal dose of Duphaston during pregnancy is 1 tablet 2 times a day, until the 20th week of pregnancy.

If a woman is diagnosed hormonal infertility, the amount of the substance taken is 1 tablet 1 time per day from 14 to 25 days of the cycle. The duration of treatment with Duphaston for infertility is at least six months.

To achieve pregnancy, Duphaston and Proginova can be used in combination.

At painful menstruation It is recommended to take 1 tablet of the substance 2 times a day from 11 to 25 days of the cycle. For menstrual irregularities and hormonal instability, it is necessary to take 1 tablet 2 times a day from the 5th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle.

If a woman suffers from amenorrhea, then the essence drug therapy consists of the combined use of Duphaston and medications containing estrogens. For amenorrhea, the dosage of the substance is 1 tablet 2 times a day from 11 to 25 days of the cycle.

To stop uterine bleeding, a dosage of 1 tablet 2 times a day is used for 7 days.

Your doctor will tell you how much Duphaston to drink during pregnancy.

Distribution and excretion from the body

Absorption of Duphaston tablets during pregnancy into the blood occurs in the intestinal cavity. Maximum content active ingredient in the blood plasma is recorded 1.5–2 hours after taking the medication. Duphaston is distributed throughout the woman’s body through contact with albumin. The chemical transformation of the components of the drug is carried out in the liver tissue under the action of special enzymes.

The medication is removed from the body through the urinary system. The half-life ranges from 17 to 19 hours. The complete elimination period takes up to 70 hours. In the absence of renal pathology, there were no problems with the removal of the substance from the woman’s body.

Until what time is the drug used?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother's body experiences the greatest need for progesterone. In most cases, the use of Duphaston during pregnancy is justified until the 20th week, since its further use loses all meaning. Using the product in the early stages has its own principles:

  • It is strictly forbidden to independently replace the drug with its analogues;
  • the medication is taken according to the doctor’s regimen;
  • If alarming symptoms occur, it is recommended to immediately consult your doctor.

You can find out how long to take Duphaston during pregnancy from your doctor.

How to properly cancel Duphaston?

Proper drug withdrawal is a delicate issue that must be approached gradually. The standard tactic is to gradually reduce the dosage by 1/2 tablet of the drug every 7 days. This will avoid sharp changes hormonal levels and pregnancy failure.

If a pregnant woman takes 2 tablets a day, then she needs to reduce the daily dosage to 1.5 tablets. After another week, the dosage is 1 tablet per day. Thus, the dose of the drug is reduced to zero.

Your doctor will tell you how much Duphaston to take during pregnancy and how to stop it correctly. It may take several weeks for the drug to be completely discontinued.

Side effects

The drug Duphaston during pregnancy causes side effects in in rare cases:

  • Adverse reactions from the immune system manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions varying degrees gravity.
  • When forming adverse reactions from the digestive organs is disturbed functional state liver, which affects bilirubin levels in the blood.
  • The hematopoietic function is inhibited, resulting in a decrease in hemoglobin.
  • A negative reaction can be obtained from organs reproductive system. The therapeutic dosage of the drug causes bleeding in some women, which can be treated by adjusting the dose of the drug.

Speaking about how Duphaston affects pregnancy, we can conclude that the effect of this drug is multifaceted.

Since the start of production of the drug in practice medical specialists there were no recorded cases of occurrence negative reactions caused by a drug overdose. That is why the question of whether Duphaston is harmful during pregnancy disappears by itself.

It is not recommended to combine Duphaston at the beginning of pregnancy and throughout it with medications such as Phenobarbital and Rifampicin. Such experiments can lead to oppression medicinal effect drug.

Taking the drug Duphaston to maintain pregnancy must be previously agreed with the attending gynecologist. Before starting therapy with progesterone drugs, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with possible consequences. The process of hormone replacement therapy must be carried out under strict quality control of treatment.

If the substance enters the body, it does not cause disturbances in the urinary system. Active components the drugs do not affect the ability to perform precise work and control vehicle. Characteristic signs Pregnancies on Duphaston do not differ from standard symptoms.

Before starting to use the medication, you need to pay attention to the selection of the therapeutic dosage. This issue is dealt with by a medical specialist.

Useful video with specialist consultation on taking progesterone drugs during pregnancy

The drug duphaston is a synthetic progesterone.

When using the hormone in women, the menstrual cycle is normalized, eliminating the threat of miscarriage. It does not have the thermogenic, anabolic, estrogenic activity that the natural hormone and drugs made on its basis have.

The product is produced only in film-coated tablets on a plastic blister, 20 pieces per package.

The active substance is dydrogesterone. Each tablet contains 10 mg active substance. To enhance the effect, the following substances are included in the composition:

  • hypromellose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • corn starch;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide.

The tablet shell consists of white opadry Y1-7000. It contains titanium dioxide, hypromellose and polyethylene glycol.

The tablet has a biconvex shape. There are engravings on both sides. “S T” is placed on one side, and “155” is placed on the other.

Indications for use

Duphaston tablets are used for progesterone deficiency, manifested by a variety of pathologies:

  • infertility, miscarriage;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • secondary;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • ovulation dysfunction;
  • uterine bleeding;

The list of diseases for which a synthetic progesterone substitute is prescribed is quite large.


To date, there are no descriptions of negative effects after taking the medication. However, the drug should not be taken if you are allergic to the substances included in the drug and with Rotor and Dabin-Johnson syndromes.

Side effect

All medications have side effects. Duphaston can cause:

  • Headache.
  • Its use can cause uterine bleeding, which is eliminated by increasing the dosage of the medication.
  • The main thing of any hormonal drug is the disruption of hormonal levels.

The human body is designed in such a way that in every organ endocrine system hormone is produced. Its quantity depends on life cycle. If a hormone is present in the body, its production is reduced or stopped completely. When taking Duphaston, the production of your own hormone by the corpus luteum completely stops. That's why this remedy should be prescribed only in cases emergency when other means cannot help.

Precautionary measures

"Duphaston" is a hormone, albeit of synthetic origin. It is prescribed only in cases where the corpus luteum stops producing its own progesterone or its amount is not enough for normal functioning body and maintaining pregnancy. But even in these cases, the drug should be prescribed with extreme caution.

Use during pregnancy

Some women cannot get pregnant due to a lack of progesterone in the body. To compensate for the hormone deficiency, various drugs are prescribed, including Duphaston tablets. It is a progesterone analog created artificially. The main substance, dihydrogesterone, is close in structure to the natural hormone. An artificially produced substance can have the same effect on the body as a natural remedy.

If it is impossible to get pregnant or if the fetus is miscarried, the gynecologist prescribes a series of tests, based on the results of which he selects a progesterone treatment regimen. It is he who is responsible for preserving the fetus and the ability to become pregnant.

"Duphaston" - hormonal drug, which should only be prescribed by a doctor, and in cases where a decrease in progesterone in the female body is laboratory proven. Most often, the drug is prescribed from the second half of the menstrual cycle and continues until the onset of menstruation. If pregnancy does not occur during this period, the doctor will review the treatment regimen.

If pregnancy occurs, you cannot suddenly stop taking the drug, as a sharp drop in the amount of the hormone can lead to miscarriage. Therefore, if conception occurs, the woman must continue taking the drug until the doctor stops it. This happens gradually so that the body can begin producing its own hormone.

Some pregnant women also use synthetic hormones during pregnancy. During this period, uterine stimulation may occur. To relax her, Duphaston is prescribed. However, it is worth considering that during administration the intestines also relax, and the mammary glands begin active preparation for lactation. Therefore, a gynecologist can prescribe progesterone not only to help a woman become pregnant, but also to preserve the fetus, creating favorable conditions for its development.

Around the twentieth week, the placenta is so developed that it is able to support the body by producing additional hormones to maintain the pregnancy. During this period, it is advisable to stop taking progesterone. This is done smoothly, otherwise a sharp decline hormones will increase the tone of the uterus and deteriorate the nutrition of the placenta.

Hormone or not

Duphaston is a hormonal drug of artificial origin. It is distinguished from natural only by the absence of androgenic effects and the method of production. It is produced in a laboratory, unlike natural progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries.

Analogues of "Duphaston"

There is no identical analogue to the drug. However, there are several drugs with similar effects.

  • The main analogue is the drug “Utrozhestan”. The difference between the drugs is the properties of progesterone. Duphaston uses an active substance of synthetic origin, similar in properties to a natural hormone. Utrozhestan uses a plant substance.
  • Another analogue is “Inzhestan”. The product is produced in the form of injection solutions. The product contains progesterone.

Only a doctor can decide which hormonal drug to prescribe.

Stopping the drug

There is no general opinion among doctors regarding the discontinuation of the drug, but they are all similar in that only a doctor should discontinue the drug Duphaston.

In each case, the gynecologist individually develops a plan for discontinuing the hormonal drug under constant monitoring of the level of progesterone in the blood. It may be contained in normal quantities, and then cancellation is prescribed according to general principle, maybe slight deviation more or less from the norm. With such a failure, the work of the endocrine system is canceled by special schemes, developed specifically for each specific case and strictly under the supervision of a gynecologist.

The regimen may include reducing the dose by one tablet per day or by 1/2. It is possible to accurately determine the dosage by which the intake should be reduced only after determining the level of the hormone. The cancellation procedure may last several days or may take weeks.

In case of irregularity in the menstrual cycle, the doctor may prescribe not only Duphaston, but also its analogues. However, the appointment is made only if a lack of progesterone in the body is confirmed. In other cases, the hormone is not included in the course of treatment.

Treatment with the drug for hormonal imbalance does not always provide positive result. In such situations, the doctor adjusts the dosage.


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  4. Anomalies labor activity: a guide for doctors. UMO stamp for medical education. Podtetenev A.D., Strizhova N.V. 2006 Publisher: MIA.
  5. Emergency conditions in obstetrics. Sukhikh V.N., G.T.Sukhikh, I.I.Baranov et al., Publisher: Geotar-Media, 2011.
  6. Obstetric risk. Maximum information - minimum danger for mother and baby Radzinsky V.E., Knyazev S.A., Kostin I.N. 2009 Publisher: Eksmo.
  7. New honey technology (Methodological recommendations) “Management of premature pregnancy complicated by premature rupture of membranes”

The human body is such a delicate and at the same time complex device that the slightest disturbance can lead to serious consequences, especially if they concern hormonal balance. Unfortunately, such changes can lead to both a number of diseases and terrible diagnosis like infertility, which everyone has been hearing lately more women. And if 30 years ago, a huge number of women without hope of recovery heard this sentence addressed to them, now doctors are trying to influence the state of the body with the help of the drug Duphaston, and, as statistics show, such treatment helps many. The action of this drug is aimed at combating progesterone deficiency. This is a fairly common cause of reproductive dysfunction, which is faced by a huge number of girls who want to become a mother. This is a serious but solvable problem, about which there is now a lot of discussion among both doctors and patients.

How to use and why Duphaston

Nowadays, almost every woman faced with the problem of lack of pregnancy is prescribed hormone therapy. As a rule, progesterone-containing drugs are used for this. What is Duphaston for if the cycle is not broken and outwardly everything seems to be in order? This is the question most often asked to doctors by a huge number of girls to whom it is prescribed. The fact is that the regularity of the cycle cannot in any way guarantee pregnancy. For its occurrence, ovulation is also necessary, which is simply impossible without a certain amount of the female hormone progesterone in the body. In addition, thanks to this drug, a favorable environment is formed in the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

The question is also often asked: “What is Duphaston for?” women suffering from various gynecological diseases. The answer can be found in the cause of these ailments. As a rule, this is the same background with a pronounced lack of progesterone.

Duphaston can only be prescribed by a doctor after a certain series of laboratory research. The dose in each individual case is different, however, the manufacturers of this medication indicated the recommended dosage regimens in the instructions:

Composition of the drug "Duphaston"

The drug is a tablet in film shell, which contain 10 mg of the active substance dydrogesterone, which is an analogue of the real female hormone progesterone. The following substances are used as auxiliary components: lactose, starch, gelatin, magnesium stearate and talc. This composition medical product very effective, when used internally it provides proper development endometrium and neutralizes the effect of male excess which negatively affects the female body. At correct use the drug eliminates the deficiency of female sex hormones and thereby normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system of the female body, including reproductive function.

The drug "Duphaston" - and warnings

Duphaston tablets, like any other chemical drug, have a number of warnings and contraindications, which are clearly indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for the medicinal product. One of the first things highlighted there was intolerance to components. If ignored, taking the medication may cause allergic reactions, ranging from a simple hives rash to more severe forms such as anaphylactic shock. It is also strictly prohibited for people with Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes to take the drug.

Along with the prohibitions, the instructions also describe precautions when taking it. For example, during therapy, bleeding may occur, which can be eliminated by increasing the dose of the drug. Special attention should be given medical research patients before prescribing treatment, this is due to the fact that Duphaston is a hormonal drug, and its excess can negatively affect the functioning of the reproductive system.

IN special instructions it is said that this drug can be used during pregnancy, but during lactation its use is highly undesirable, since the hormone penetrates into mother's milk, but the child has absolutely no need for it.

Therapy with the drug "Duphaston" does not in any way affect the ability to drive a car or work in production. increased degree danger.

Side effects include the following:

  • from the outside circulatory system when researching in isolated cases hemolytic anemia was observed;
  • hypersensitivity with severe skin rashes, and in rare cases, Quincke's edema;
  • migraines and headaches;
  • sensitivity of the mammary glands and rare bleeding, eliminated by increasing the dose;
  • minor disturbances in liver function, jaundice and abdominal pain.

However, such manifestations occur in isolated cases and often the drug “Duphaston”, side effects which depends on the state of the body as a whole, is well tolerated.

The drug "Duphaston" and pregnancy

Enough common cause Infertility and termination of pregnancy in the early stages in girls is a lack of female hormone in the body. That is why doctors prescribe a synthetic female hormone, which is included in the drug Duphaston, when planning pregnancy. Active substance This drug is very close in structure to the natural hormone and, when it enters the female body, completely replaces it. But what is Duphaston for and how is it related to pregnancy? To answer these questions, you need to understand a little about how it works. reproductive system women and what role progesterone plays in it. This female hormone is produced by the ovaries and, together with the equally important estrogen, it forms the mucous membrane in the uterus, in which certain changes occur throughout the monthly cycle. During the initial period of the cycle, when I'm menstruating, progesterone in the blood is not as pronounced as estrogen, due to which the cells lining the uterus multiply and grow. On a certain day, ovulation occurs, as a result of which the egg leaves its ovary, in which it developed, and in the place of its follicle a so-called follicle is formed. It is this that produces such important progesterone. A rapid change in the concentration of this hormone affects the uterine mucosa, making it loose. At the same time, cell growth decreases, and in the structure internal cavity a mass appears blood vessels. Such changes are very important so that in the event of fertilization the egg can be fixed and subsequently receive the necessary nutrition.

Knowing what changes occur in the female body in each specific segment of the monthly cycle, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of the level of progesterone concentration in the blood. And if it does not increase naturally, for this they use the drug “Duphaston”, pregnancy with which occurs much faster.

This drug is prescribed not only when planning pregnancy. It is also used to preserve it. This is due to the fact that progesterone creates a favorable environment in the uterus for the life of the embryo, and the dose at this stage of therapy is often increased. For those who take this medication during pregnancy, you need to know not only about changes in the uterine lining. It should be noted that the drug affects the muscles of the uterus, relaxing it and relieving tone, and prepares the mammary glands for lactation.

It should be noted that Duphaston is used not only when pregnancy has occurred with its help. It is also prescribed to women who, being healthy, become pregnant on their own, but for some reason are at risk of miscarriage in the early stages.

Taking the drug "Duphaston" for hormonal disorders

Quite often, those women who have had problems with their reproductive system for one reason or another need hormonal therapy. The consequences of such violations can be very different. The most common problem is irregular cycle with partial or complete absence menstruation or a neoplasm in the ovary such as a cyst. "Duphaston" as a hormonal surge in this case is simply necessary.

Often a cyst forms in corpus luteum and resolves on its own with a natural increase in the level of the female hormone, however, if the required concentration of progesterone is not achieved, it continues to increase. In this case drug therapy not just desirable, but mandatory.

Often enough this drug They are also prescribed for delays that are not a sign of pregnancy. In this case, it is prescribed along with a course of so-called women's vitamins, including vitamin E in oil and folic acid. If you consult a doctor in time and start taking Duphaston tablets, the delay will not be long and your next period will come on time.

Do I need the drug Duphaston?

Each woman decides for herself whether to use synthetic hormones or hope that the process of increasing progesterone in the blood will restore itself. The reason for such failures may lie not only in some pathologies of the reproductive system, but also in previous stressful situations or nervous and emotional stress. Such disorders, as a rule, go away on their own as soon as the psycho-emotional state is restored. To normalize hormonal levels in these cases, they are prescribed sedatives and a course of vitamins.

How to properly stop taking Duphaston

Hormonal therapy should never be started without the prescription and supervision of the attending physician. Every woman should know this truth. After all, the independent use of such medications negatively affects the health of any person. But not only should the intake begin with a doctor’s recommendation, withdrawal also cannot be abrupt, especially if pregnancy has occurred under the influence of Duphaston. Stop taking these pills under the supervision of a doctor according to a specific regimen, especially if tests have revealed progesterone deficiency. As a rule, they act like this: every few days they reduce the dose used, first by a third, and then by half, gradually reaching the minimum and abandoning the drug altogether. Harmless withdrawal from Duphaston should last at least two weeks. Such actions are carried out as at the end of treatment gynecological diseases, and when you stop taking the medication during pregnancy. Usually, to preserve the fetus, the drug Duphaston is taken up to 12 weeks, after which the dose is gradually reduced. It is believed that at this time, spontaneous abortion can occur only in the presence of several serious factors on which progesterone has no effect.