How to raise a dog: we act correctly! What is the proper upbringing and socialization of a dog? Tips for training obedience in dogs.

Our educational complex is designed for puppies aged from one to three months.

Raising and adapting a puppy begins with one month old, and it is better to take a puppy up to three months.
At this age, all phobias are formed ( obsessive fears), all wrong behavior. And also all the right skills are laid.

What can we teach a puppy between the ages of one and three months? A lot:

Don't jump on the owner
sleep peacefully at night
run on the street after the owner's legs
sit quietly and wait for food to be served
Don't bite people's limbs or clothes
get to know the commands “come”, “fu”, “sit”

How to teach a child all this?
Your willingness and patience are required.

Many people ask: “What can and cannot be punished for a puppy at such a young age?” It is better at this age to do without punishment. Take care of yours and your puppy's nervous system.
I especially want to draw your attention to this listing.

Puppies under three months of age cannot be punished for:

  • piles and puddles on the floor or carpet
  • for all material damage. If at this age the puppy took out one of the valuable things and chewed it up, it means that you did not put it in a place inaccessible to the baby in time. If you have electrical or similar wires in an accessible place, remove them immediately. This is a favorite treat for many puppies.
  • running, jumping on furniture
  • biting pieces off the walls. If the puppy does this, consult a doctor, he may be lacking minerals and vitamins, or he has worms.
  • grabbing and ruffling your clothes as you walk by.
  • biting the owner's hands and feet. These are typical puppy plays and usually go away on their own once the teeth are replaced. Sometimes I even tell my clients: “If your puppy under the age of 4 months does not run after your legs and does not chew them, but lies quietly in the corner. He is sick. Take your puppy's temperature."

Maintaining a positive emotional state in dogs is essential. But in puppies from 1 month to 3 months it is necessary to evoke such emotions that strengthen the nervous system and in the future will lead the dog to balance and restraint. The dog will choose the right situation where you can throw out your emotions, and where you need to remain completely calm.

Puppies, from 1 month to 3 months, are raised in ways that bring them only joy and satisfaction and give them hope that everything will be fine. Therefore, methods of working with a small puppy are based only on positive reinforcement (affection, treats, play). Or targeted exercises based on the right to choose.

In order to start working with your baby, learn how to prepare a treat, give it correctly and, most importantly, learn the correct intonation of your voice. It will be preparatory stage for you. Until you master these exercises yourself, you should not start practicing with your baby.

Let's learn how to prepare a delicacy.

From today you have entered new form home clothes. It’s called “Master of a big pocket with cheese.” Carry the treat with you at all times, and for each right action Reward the puppy with treats and affection.

These can be tiny pieces of hard cheese. The cheese can become hard if it sits for a while without packaging.

The size of the treat is important. If the pieces are large, then the puppy will eat up quickly and will no longer be interested in further training. If the pieces are very small, they will fall out of the baby's mouth.

Therefore we take best option about a pea. It is not necessary to round them; the main thing is not the shape, but the size. I foresee a question: if my dog ​​is on dry food, can I give him cheese? I answer as a veterinarian: Yes. But only during classes. Another question: why cheese and not the dry food we feed? Because dry food is given strictly according to the norm - this is one thing, and secondly, the puppy can choke on dry pieces and will cough in the same way as from dry biscuits. Can I have some sausages? You can, of course, but your hands and clothes will be greasy, and this is just unpleasant. So, cheese. Learning to give treats. It always lies in the right pocket of right-handers, and in the left pocket of left-handers. We do not use cellophane bags. Otherwise, the dog will react to the rustling of the cellophane. But we don't need this. Therefore, clothing is selected appropriately. We don’t mind getting it a little dirty, and there are pockets on these clothes.

No more than 5 seconds should pass between the dog’s actions and their reward. Otherwise, encouragement is not effective at all.

The treat is given in two ways. On an open palm and in a pinch (between the large and index finger). Both methods have their place. And in class we will use both.

So, the owner of the “big pocket with cheese” walks around the house and begins to train the dog correct behavior. You can train your puppy in parallel with several methods of correct behavior at once.

We accustom the puppy to his name.

You need to come up with a short and sonorous name for the dog. It may not coincide with the name from the pedigree. There are many names for dogs on the site, take a look and adopt one of them. Example: Siegfried - good name, but very long to attract the puppy’s attention, better than Zigi or Reed.

And when the baby grows up, you can also use full name. And he will respond to it. I like to teach the puppy a name through feeding. Take a bowl and call your baby in a gentle voice: “Zigi, Zigi, Zigi,” repeating the name often and several times. At the same time, show a bowl of food. From the second day the baby will understand that it is his name and that he needs to run faster, as they will give him Tasty food. In such a fun and pleasant way you will teach the puppy to respond to its name.

We teach the dog to respond to the word “Okay”.

The question is why do we need this, so that the puppy reacts to the word “Okay”. Everything is very simple. You won’t always be able to give your dog a treat on time for a job done correctly. For example, working at a distance means your dog is 10 meters away from you. And how can you let him know that you are happy with him? And like this. Say the word “good” and the dog will be aware of your mood. And this is how we teach the puppy. We hand him a treat and, saying the word “good” in a gentle voice, always affectionate, we feed him delicious cheese from our hands. You have already read about the delicacy in the previous post.

You can stroke and caress the baby at this time. Learn to pet your dog correctly. Pat her lightly on the chest. Give it a whirl. But make sure that the puppy enjoys it. Do not stroke the head or back. I will explain why to those who will study in our virtual group.

Practice the skill only when the puppy is not doing anything illegal at that moment. For example, he is just lying still or has come up to you and has not yet put his paws on your lap. Praise and give treats.

Raising a dog is a difficult task, but quite doable. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of training so that the owner always remains the indisputable leader for the dog. Today we will look at possible training mistakes and find out why animals grow up disobedient.

To raise a pet correctly, it is important to understand the peculiarities of canine psychology: every dog ​​sees a pack in his family, so the owner’s duty is to show himself as a strong and confident leader from the first day of the puppy’s presence in the house, otherwise your pet will take this place (at least in his family). presentation). The consequence of this position of the animal is disobedience and excessive aggression.

The dog must be trained in basic skills and natural needs (regular walks, toilet, sleep). However, this will not be achieved without mastering the simplest commands. To educate the perfect pet became possible, you will have to show strength of character and not retreat until you achieve unquestioning obedience.

The dog's place in the domestic hierarchy

Still, it is important to make the animal respect its owner from the very beginning. If you don't do this, you will never be able to influence your pet's behavior. There are several important rules that must be observed in the educational process:

  • feed the dog only after the whole family has had lunch: in pack conditions, the leader is always the first to get enough, and only after that the weaker members of the pack are allowed to eat;
  • immediately stop the dog’s attempts to be the first to go through the door - the leader always and everywhere goes first, and the rest of the pack members obediently let him through. Confidently and firmly detain the animal, giving a strict command “No!”, and enter first. At the same time, it is categorically not recommended to hit the dog - a firm hold is enough;
  • remember your unconditional leadership even during games - victory always remains with the stronger member of the pack, that is, with you;
  • If we're talking about about an adult dog, try not to give in to your pet’s suggestions to start playing: such an initiative should come purely from you;
  • the animal should be raised so that it follows the commands received the first time;
  • Teach your pet that he has his own place in the house, and stop all attempts to occupy the owner’s furniture, especially if the dog stubbornly refuses to leave it.

Basic principles

  • The dog needs a constant daily routine. If you follow a clear schedule, over time the pet will get used to walking and eating at approximately the same time, and will patiently wait for the appointed hour;
  • the animal must feel the authority of not only the owner, but also all family members;
  • regularly devote time to training - the success of mastering basic commands will depend on their frequency;
  • start training work immediately after the puppy appears in the house. Animals are receptive to learning up to 2 years of age.
  • When your pet gets older, it will become much more difficult to re-educate him. The question of how to raise an adult dog requires a different, more comprehensive and professional approach; To the question of whether it is possible to beat your dog during training, the answer is clear - it is impossible. Even in natural conditions

, leaders and mothers of wolf cubs only lightly bite the puppies on the withers, or simply push them onto their backs with their noses.

Be that as it may, it is quite possible to re-educate a dog, the process will just take more time and require maximum effort, because you have to change the already established character of an adult animal.

Common mistakes

  • Many inexperienced dog breeders are prone to common mistakes when purchasing and raising dogs:
  • You should not buy an animal spontaneously - the decision to have a pet should be conscious and balanced;
  • training should not be neglected - the puppy’s basic habits are formed early, and if time is lost, it will be more difficult for you to achieve obedience;
  • be united in prohibitions and encouragements with all family members: for example, if one person forbade the dog to sleep in the master’s bed, the rest should under no circumstances violate this prohibition;
  • do not abuse rewards - a treat should always act as a pleasant bonus for following a command or other merit; pay due attention physical activity
  • pet;

You should not leave your dog alone for a long time - animals do not like this. An obedient dog is the dream of all pet owners. But in order for the pet to be flexible and well-mannered, it is necessary to make an effort on the part of the owners. Did the animal come into the family as a puppy, or has it already adult

, it is always possible to correct his behavior. How to raise a dog correctly, what methods of reward and punishment should be adopted and what line of behavior should be followed?

  • It will not be possible to influence the behavior of a pet (this applies not only to puppies, but also to adult animals) if the owner cannot become an authority for him - the leader of the pack. How to show your dog who's boss? There are a few simple rules:
  • The leader enters the gates, doors, gates first, the rest of the pack members will definitely let him through. You should accustom your pet to this order. All attempts to crawl through, squeeze in, pushing others aside, must be stopped. To do this, you need to give the command “No!” in a stern voice, and holding the dog by the chest, enter first. Screaming while constantly tugging on the animal's leash is not recommended.
  • The owner's leadership should be evident even in the game. In any fun of a competitive nature, a person must win. Both puppies and adult dogs love tugging objects, in which case the prey should be in the hands of the owner. If the pet is superior in physical strength, or during the game there is no strength left, you can use the “Give” command and pick up the item.
  • Ideally, the game should start with the host serving. Of course, when it comes to puppies and young animals, it is very difficult to follow this rule. Sometimes you can succumb to provocation from your pet. But the dog must finish the game solely at the suggestion of the owner. One command is enough for your pet - “No!”, but if this does not work, you must command “Sit!” and maintain this position for 30-40 seconds. This pause will allow the dog to calm down.
  • A well-mannered dog should follow all instructions and commands the first time. Of course, such unquestioning obedience is not easy to achieve, but subsequently it will be much easier to control the animal, which means that time is not wasted.
  • A pet should have its own corner in the house - a place. Not all owners agree that dogs cannot sleep on sofa beds, but only on their own. But when an animal growls when trying to kick it out of the owner’s furniture, it is necessary to take serious measures, since the animal has begun to forget about its status in the house.
  • The pet's rank will be significantly lowered if all its attempts to lie down on the sofa or bed are stopped for some time. You can block furniture, close doors, take the animal out of the room before going to bed - all means are good, except physical impact.
  • It is necessary to accustom your pet to the “Place!” command. Of course, if the goal is for the animal to always sleep there, you need to be firm and send the animal back to its place again and again, even if the dog is just stretched out on the floor. It’s easier in this matter with puppies - the main thing is that the owners themselves should not give in to slack; with an adult they will have to work hard.
  • If the dog has gone too far and has stopped obeying, you can use another method - kick the dog out of the place where he lies for no reason. Even if it's his litter. This should not be the norm, but should only be used in educational purposes, since such an attitude will remind the pet who is boss in the house. You can also restrict access to certain rooms by putting your puppy outside the door.

Outdoor toilet training

An important educational issue that concerns not only puppies. Sometimes a family gets an animal that is accustomed to street life, or people move from their house to an apartment. In the latter situation, you should not give up your pet, because in most cases you can accustom the animal to new conditions.

Appropriate Punishment for a Dog

You should never use physical force – hitting or kicking your pet. An example of such an attitude is yard dogs, which everyone tries to offend, which leads to the animal’s embitterment.

In addition, the owner’s hand should evoke extremely pleasant emotions for the dog. It is used to caress the pet, give food, and treat injuries. If you use your hand for beating, the dog's trust will disappear, after which it will be difficult to earn it back. The dog will be aggressive even if the owner takes it by the leash.

Of course, education without punishment is impossible; it is necessary to wean the dog from picking up trash while walking, not taking treats from strangers, etc. It is necessary to choose other, more suitable methods:

  • Word. A command pronounced in a firm, confident voice in most cases works better than assault. In this case, the command “Ugh!” will help; it will become an indicator that the owner is not satisfied with the behavior of his pet.
  • Use of force. This last resort, most often used on puppies that do not want to obey. If they disobey, they get a spanking on the scruff of the neck from their parents. Since the owner takes on the responsibilities of a guardian and educator, he must do the same. It is enough to shake the baby by the withers, raising his voice, and then stand, looking down menacingly. Does the puppy have his tail tucked, ears tucked and looking guilty? This means that the meaning of the punishment has reached him.

Sometimes adults require similar exposure. Most often, dogs are particularly stubborn fighting breeds, especially if they came into the family as adults. In a rebellious pack, the leader presses him to the ground, baring his teeth threateningly; the owner should do something similar.

Initially, the pet should be lifted off the ground by the collar and croup. Having lost the feeling of the ground under his feet, the dog will begin to worry and his confidence in own strength will stagger. Then you need to lower it to the ground, laying it down and pressing it slightly to the ground. This attitude will remind you that a person is a leader and requires respect and submission.

Video on how to raise the perfect dog

Basic rules of education

Of course, without experience in communicating with dogs, it is difficult to immediately understand all the subtleties of education. If you don’t have time to delve into it yourself, entrust this matter to a professional. If this is not possible, you will have to work hard and not let everything go to chance. An animal of any age needs training, but a number of tips will help you find an approach to a pet of any age:

  • The owner himself must learn. Without knowledge, you should not take on raising a dog, because wrong actions can cause harm. Today there are many films and books filmed and written by professional dog handlers and veterinarians that help in this difficult matter. You should set aside time to gain new knowledge - 40-60 minutes a day will be enough.
  • You cannot use the word "later". Don't think that misbehavior the dog will correct itself, or it can be corrected later, when the desire appears, free time etc. If you miss the moment, you can forever lose the authority of the animal, and the correction will have to be carried out by dog ​​handlers.
  • Self-control is important. Being a teacher and educator is difficult in any field, be it working with children, adult audience, or animals. Before training, you need to tune in to a positive mood, but if any events have pissed you off, you should not start training until nervous system will not return to normal. Under no circumstances should you scream, lash out, or spank your dog; not everything works out right away, so it’s important to be patient.

A well-mannered dog is not only a pride for any owner, but also a reliable support and protection.

Raising a dog is a very labor-intensive process that requires patience from the owner. Despite a large number of books on this topic, you should not hope that in a month you will be able to make your pet obedient.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

General rules

The advice of dog handlers regarding the education process boils down to the fact that proper education cannot be achieved without certain features. Simple rules organizing the process. The basics of raising a puppy are strong will and patience of its leader, that is, its owner. That is why, from the very first day a puppy appears in your house, it is worth showing him that in your “pack” the leader is you, and not the dog, and gradually teach him to obey all your commands.

Simple advice from experienced dog handlers will help you figure out where to start and how not to break the dog’s psyche during the training process:

  • daily regime. This point is very important both for the animal and for you. Remember that the puppy cannot tell you about his desires - ask him to eat or play with him. A harmoniously designed daily routine, which includes all the items necessary for a dog, will allow the pet to feel confident. The only thing that should not be forgotten is to strictly carry out all the points in strict sequence every day;
  • You need to dominate your dog from the moment it first appears in your home. To do this, it is necessary to immediately distribute roles in the family. Even in children, the dog should see a leader - then during a walk it will clearly follow the commands of its “little leader”;
  • Training should take place regularly, it is advisable to include this item in the daily routine. However, it should be remembered that classes should not last more than 20 minutes. If you show patience and perseverance, very soon your dog will delight you with its good behavior.

A dog from a shelter - education and its features

When deciding to do a good deed and adopt a future pet from a shelter, you should understand that the occurrence certain problems It's just inevitable. The first thing to remember is that you need to give the dog time to get used to the new environment, family. Perhaps at first the dog will simply hide somewhere and not come out, and will not immediately remember that he should go to the toilet outside. However, your patience and love will help you overcome all obstacles and show your dog in a gentle way that you are the main thing in your tandem.

c"> Raising a dog up to a year - stages and features

You should cultivate obedience in a puppy from birth and not stop for a moment. There are some rules that you should think about even before the puppy crosses the threshold of your home for the first time.

  1. Boundaries of what is permitted. You must understand what you want to see in an adult dog's behavior and what is unacceptable. Start vaccinating required behavior follows from the beginning of the puppy’s appearance, and in no case should one hope that the dog will grow up and become wiser.
  2. Learning to distract attention. From the moment your pet is born, he should have toys. To prevent your puppy from chewing shoes or furniture, you should play with him regularly. Remember that the animal reacts to the smell, and if its saliva remains on your shoes, it doesn’t understand why you can’t play with it. As soon as you notice that your pet has decided to frolic, switch his attention to the toy.
  3. Tasty reward. Every achievement, even a small one, of a puppy should be rewarded - give him his favorite treat or cuddle him.

But after a year, when the dog clearly understands the rules of behavior and determines the limits of what is permitted, you can proceed directly to training. Professionals involved in dog training, developing in them the skills to guard and protect their owner, insist that training can only begin once the dog has reached the age of two. The peculiarity of two years of age is that the dog’s psyche has become quite strong.

Brief characteristics of dog breeds and their education

When starting to raise a Labrador dog, you should take into account the peculiarities of its psychology. Labradors have a very affectionate disposition. And they rightly believe that for affection they can be forgiven for their laziness and reluctance to learn. Unlike a yard dog, a Labrador is not very persistent.

The characteristics of the Labrador dog breed and its upbringing show that you will have to not only attract the pet’s attention, but also keep it throughout the entire lesson. Unlike the Husky breed, which requires strictness in education, the Labrador is more willing to learn for “treats” or affection.

e"> Raising a pointing dog

Wanting to have not just a well-mannered dog in the house, but an assistant and partner in the hunt, it is important not only to teach the puppy to perform simple commands, such as sit, lie down, next to, etc. A hunting dog should not be afraid of water, be able to catch up with prey and bring it to its owner, and have such qualities as perseverance and seriousness. After all, hunting is no place for games. That is why, without training the animal in field conditions you can't get by. First, you should teach your puppy not to be afraid of bodies of water - after all, swimming in a bathtub is one thing, and quite another thing in a lake. To do this, in the warm season, you should go with a puppy who has reached 4-5 months of age to shallow water and gradually call the dog to you, motivating it to go into the water. Only after the puppy learns to swim well can you begin field training, introducing the dog to ducks and other game and instilling the necessary skills.

f"> Collar - noose for education

An indispensable assistant in the process of training your dog is a collar. Today, the choke collar is very popular on the market; it is made of soft nylon and does not cause severe harm to the animal. pain. In most cases, the pet learns to respond to the slight jingling of the chain, and not to pain.

Many novice dog breeders wonder whether it is possible to beat a dog for educational purposes, thus punishing disobedience and other offenses. You cannot resort to this method. Remember that in response to any manifestation of your aggression, the dog will defend itself and its life using the methods available to it - bites, attacks.

Raising an adult disobedient dog

It is, of course, possible to train or retrain an already mature dog, but it will require enormous patience and a long time from you. Adult dog It’s difficult to understand why she should “suddenly” obey her owner. After all, up to this moment everything was different, and it will no longer be possible to cultivate obedience at the level of instincts, like in a puppy. But you need to start from simple to complex.

First, learn to hear each other. You should start training when the dog is already slightly hungry, in which case he will try more persistently to get a treat. A fearful dog needs to learn to deal with its fears. Remember, as a child you were probably afraid of the dark. But persistence and time helped you overcome it. Gradually teach your pet not to react to other people or cats. Hyperactive and large dog Is it difficult to stay in one place and not sweep away everything in your path? Try to free up the space as much as possible, gradually filling it with the items you need. Furniture appears gradually, leaving enough free space. When the pet gets used to the new “obstacle”, you can add the following.

When a puppy is brought into the home, many people worry about the vaccinations and diet of their new acquisition. But from the very first days he needs to be raised correctly and gradually accustomed to the necessary commands. If you put this off, then later you will have to deal with retraining the puppy, and this is not always easy. Let's look at how to properly raise and train a puppy at home.

When to start

You can start training a dog of any age, but, of course, puppies will be easier to train than an adult. No matter what age you bring a puppy into your home, you need to start training him from the very beginning of his stay with you.

First, give your baby a little time to get comfortable in an unfamiliar environment, and then teach him his nickname and the rules of the hostel. For up to three months, you can train your puppy independently, teaching him the commands, “Give!” and start learning the command “Fetch!” (optional). If he has mastered these commands, then from the age of three months you can gradually add new ones. Full training usually begins at four months.

Of course, some puppies learn faster, others more slowly, but this is all individual. Ill mannered and not trained dogs large breeds can be downright dangerous, including for you.

Dogs are social creatures and communication, training only benefits both them and you.

Proper upbringing and training of a puppy will help raise an intelligent family member who:

  • will go to the toilet correctly;
  • will not steal food from the table and spoil your things;
  • make noise, bark and howl when not necessary;
  • know your place, don’t get into your bed;
  • be safe for others, including children;
  • will be an excellent travel companion;
  • it will be possible to receive guests and other strangers;
  • serve you faithfully and be a devoted friend.

Did you know? The Border Collie breed is considered the most trainable. This dog has an excellent ability to concentrate, which makes the training process very easy, but it requires constant activity, which can be a problem. Therefore, many beginners focus their attention on the poodle - the second most trainable dog in the world. In addition, it can be kept in an apartment and its fur is hypoallergenic. Next on the list are: German Shepherd, Golden retriever, Sheltie, Labrador Retriever, Papillon, Doberman, Rottweiler and Australian Shepherd.

By properly raising your puppy, you will develop a strong bond that will benefit you and your puppy. four-legged friend.

The time and patience you devote to training your pet will save a lot of your time and nerves in the future.

Basic rules of education

It is important to establish contact with the baby, showing him attention and care. To establish this connection, it will be better if one owner takes care of the puppy, and not all family members.

Of course, they can also be attracted, but only sometimes. If the baby happily rushes to you when he sees you or is bored, searches and whines when you are not there, contact has been established.

Your working methods should only cause the puppy positive emotions(affection, encouragement, play are suitable).

It is also better to immediately show firmness to the pupil and show who is boss in the house, so as not to later fight with him for leadership.
In this case, you can observe some features accepted in the pack:

  • Start eating first, and feed the dog after everyone has eaten and do not give it pieces from the table, no matter how pitifully it asks. The leader of the pack in nature always eats first.
  • Do not let the dog in front of you from the street. When you enter your home, you must not let the dog pass in front of you, even if he tries to break in. Use "braking" commands.
  • Always be a winner. Even during playful games with your pet, you must be “on top” and win. You must also start and end the game.
  • Execution of commands. The dog should always be required to fully comply with commands.
  • Place. The dog should know its place and not sleep with you. She must also know that her place in the pack is with her wife and children, otherwise in your absence they will not be able to obtain obedience from her.
  • Punishment. You are unlikely to do without it, but physical punishment should be excluded. The maximum is a slap on the puppy's rump, and then only at a young age. Over time, the dog will only need the command “Fu!” But at first you can’t do without a slap on the butt. Do not use your palm; the owner’s hands should evoke only positive emotions - these are feeding and stroking hands. Use a twig or rolled up newspaper. Accompany this punishment with the word “Ugh!” and a piercing, dissatisfied look in the eyes.

Dogs react strongly to voice intonation. Talk to your four-legged friend in a gentle, kind voice when he is behaving well, and give commands in a firm voice.

Stop bad behavior in a harsh and dissatisfied tone (some owners, at first, even growl at the puppies, imitating the behavior of a mother dog).

Proper upbringing is the most important thing to start with for the successful subsequent training of a puppy.

The main education of a puppy up to three months should be aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • Accustoming to a name. Call your pet by its name as soon as you bring it. Most quickly he will get used to it during the feeding process. Show your baby a plate of food and affectionately call him by his chosen nickname. When he gets used to it and starts running to the kitchen when you call, start calling him to you.

  • . The pet is up to three months old, until the quarantine time has passed after vaccinations, and bladder still weak, they teach him to walk in specific place indoors (newspaper, diaper, tray). You need to immediately determine the place where exactly he went and lay a newspaper there or place a tray convenient for him. Until the baby gets used to the toilet, all carpets and rugs should be removed. Sometimes it is sold already accustomed to go to the newspaper or to the tray, then the animal is taken to a prepared place some time after eating. When the puppy can be walked, do this first after each feeding and do not leave the street until he recovers. After that, praise him and encourage him.

  • Place. The dog should have its own place in the house to sleep, rest and be alone. It should be chosen where no one will disturb the pet and there are no drafts. Place a bedding there and take your baby in as soon as he starts to fall asleep.

  • Getting used to examination. Almost from infancy, dogs need to be taught to undergo examinations, so that later the veterinarian can calmly perform all manipulations. Look into your puppy's ears, open his mouth and feel his fangs, examine his eyes, inspect and trim his nails if necessary. Don't let him growl at you; stop any aggression on his part. Do this often, sometimes combining it with hygiene procedures if necessary.

  • Solving Behavior Problems. Of course, the baby will have behavioral reactions that you do not want. Don't close your eyes to them. The dog must be weaned from them from childhood. Always discourage undesirable behavior and reward good behavior.

  • Accustoming to transport. Car owners need to take their pets by car not only to a veterinarian, but also outside the city or to a park. You should first make sure that the puppy has gone to the toilet and calmed down.

  • Leash training. First, the baby needs to be accustomed to a collar, and then to a leash, which are mandatory attribute when walking outside.

Important! Don't say your puppy's name when you punish him. Never punish your dog for puddles and piles in in the wrong place. It’s better to look him in the eyes and say “ugh” in a clearly dissatisfied tone. Hide things you need from him that he can chew on, and offer toys. Don't yell or punish for damaged things - you didn't hide them well. It will be unfair to punish for natural and playful behavior, jumping on their feet and biting - at this age they cannot behave differently.

You also need to create a routine for the puppy: feed and walk at the same time. For food, he must have his own place and his own bowls for food and drink.

Basic rules of training

The basic rules for training a puppy largely overlap with the basic rules for raising a puppy.

Here is their list:

  • Prohibit and not allow doing what is prohibited. No matter how much you feel sorry for this little furball, it will be better if you immediately teach him to sleep and eat separately, and the latter only after you. You cannot growl at you during food, bark on any occasion, bite your hands or clothes, etc.
  • Do not cancel your orders. If you give a command, do not stop, demand its execution, no matter how long you have to wait and achieve this with explanations and rewards. Otherwise, your orders will remain empty words for the puppy.
  • Don't call your dog by name when you're punishing him; you can't cheat.. If you call your dog for punishment, mentioning its name, then in the future the animal will simply refuse to come. Also, you cannot lure a puppy into an unpleasant procedure by deception, using commands that are pleasant to him.
  • If your dog doesn't follow a command correctly, it's your fault.. When a dog, when given the command “to lie down,” follows the command “to sit,” it means that you have taught it to this incorrectly. Review your training methods, consult with experienced dog handler, but don't be angry with the dog.

  • Take care of your dog and its health. Dogs of any age cannot tell what hurts. Therefore, carefully monitor their behavior and well-being. If an animal whines all the time, curls up in a ball, or shows aggression and nervousness, it needs to be shown to a veterinarian.
  • Don't demand the impossible from your dog. Don't expect the puppy to immediately understand what is required of him; be patient. Try to explain everything to your child as clearly as possible and don’t swear if he doesn’t understand you. Try again and again.
  • It's better to underestimate than to overestimate. You shouldn't expect much from your puppy's abilities. Even if your pet pleases you with exemplary behavior, be prepared for the fact that this will not always be the case. He may rush to run across the road or simply want to bite your hand, so be always on guard.
  • Dog respect. Losing your puppy's love and respect is ruining everything. Shouting, swearing and aggressive unreasonable behavior on your part will lead to you losing your leader status. Some dog breeds may harbor a grudge for this behavior and subsequently take revenge.

Important! Beginners should not begin their acquaintance with dogs by purchasing a puppy of the following breeds: Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, Rottweiler, Moscow Watchdog, Chinese Shar-Pei, Dachshund, Doberman, Dalmatian, Siberian Husky. Some of them are not simple in character and are aggressive, while others are difficult to care for.

Where to start training a puppy

From the first days in the new home, you can already start training the puppies, and we will now find out in what sequence to study the commands. First of all, the dog is taught a name, a place and the command “Come to me!” when called to the kitchen to eat or want to play with it.

Gradually, this list expands and it appears: “Ugh!”, “Sit!”, “Nearby!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!” etc.
It is imperative to continue training outside, as the puppy will follow commands at home, but may stop doing so in another environment.

For the first lessons, it is better to choose a place where nothing will distract your pet, and over time, take it to places where there will be irritants: people, cars, other dogs, etc.

It is enough to train the puppy 2-3 times a week.

The first workouts can be done for 30-40 minutes, and over time, increase their duration to an hour or even a little longer.

You should not delay the training too much or overload your pet with new exercises.

Before you start training, you need to consider the following basics of puppy training:

  • give them a good walk so that they are not distracted during classes;
  • pause between commands for at least 5 seconds so that your pet can keep up with you;
  • the command is given only once, and obedience is required immediately;
  • there is no need to work out commands in the same order, sometimes it needs to be changed;
  • if you see signs of fatigue in your pet, complete the training, do not overexert him;
  • if you were too strict or overexerted the animal, then the pet may be lethargic and not cheerful (try to quickly work out an easy, well-executed command with him and praise him loudly for obedience, give him a treat);
  • To prevent the dog from trying to run away somewhere during training (for example, after a cat), use a leash for initial training, develop self-control;
  • always ensure complete compliance with commands in any environment. First in a calmer state, then in the presence of different stimuli;
  • Any family member can do the training, but only one person should be with her during training.

It is advisable to train the puppy in a playful way, encouraging in every possible way with praise for correct execution teams and having prepared goodies for him in advance.

The best treats for training puppies are the foods they especially love.

Take a closer look at your pet. Some puppies are delighted with liverwurst, others look forward to being treated to cheese, and still others will work for cookies.

If any yummy food is good for him, then it is convenient to use sausage cut into small pieces.

Keep in mind that the size of the treat should be small so that the puppy does not get full during training, but is also able to hold the food in his mouth.

In pet stores you can buy ready-made rewards in packs for training dogs and puppies.

If you are tired of one treat, you can change it to another.

Did you know? The puppy will be more willing to follow commands for a treat if he is not full. He should eat up not during class, but after training, not as a reward. A dog can be trained different words

, and especially smart individuals can master the vocabulary of a three-year-old child. For example, Rico, a boder collie, was able to master more than two hundred words.

Basic commands

  • First of all, during training, the puppy is taught the commands that he will have to perform most often:"Place!"

  • . As we have already said, the puppy should have its own place to sleep and rest. When it's time for bed or you're cleaning the house, for example, take the puppy to his bed and command “Place!” If he can't sit still, bring him back there again and again with this command. When your baby remains in place, reward him with affection and treats. Of course, the baby can sleep and rest in other places acceptable for him, but the place must obey the command.. This command is given in a cheerful, affectionate tone along with a nickname and showing a treat. After the puppy comes up to you, you need to pet him and give him a treat. Over time, the command can be practiced without a treat, using a gesture (clap of the palm on the thigh). If learning outside is not going well, use a leash to start with and don’t let your baby off until you are sure that he does it the first time. When your pet gets used to obeying without a leash, calling him to you, do not immediately fasten the harness. Pet him, play with him.

  • "Ugh!". This command is used to prevent unwanted actions (chewing things, barking at passers-by, etc.), and is one of the most important. Try to put as much dissatisfaction into this word as possible. Look the puppy angrily and firmly in the eyes; if he persists, slap him on the rump; use a leash if necessary on the street. At first, the baby will often hear this command from you, but over time he will begin to understand what is possible and what is not.

  • "Sit!". Typically used when traveling or when waiting for you to keep your pet in the same place. To teach this command to your puppy, take a piece of treat, let him sniff it, say firmly and confidently “Sit!”, and wait. The baby will jump and spin around you, beg for tasty treats, but sooner or later he will sit down. Then you will give him the treat. The command should not be repeated - you have already spoken it. When your pet learns this command, begin to gradually increase the sitting time. You can carry out training with a leash - after the order, pull it up with one hand, and with the other, press on the croup and sit the puppy down.

  • "Near!". It is necessary for the pet to walk next to the owner. This is especially important when crossing the road. Here you will have to use a leash mandatory. Before the lesson starts, you need to take your pet for a walk, and on the way home, start practicing the “Near!” command. If your baby runs away next to you, praise him while continuing to move. The leash should be loosened so that the pupil has freedom to maneuver. If he lags behind or runs ahead, regulate his movement by tensioning the leash. For each section of the path passed nearby, reward with a treat. When your pet gets more or less used to walking next to you on command, make the task more difficult - move along a curve and change the speed of movement.

  • "Lie!". IN Everyday life It is not used often, but it is a pose of absolute submission. As you train your team, you will further establish your leadership position. Perhaps she will be the one who will help you when visiting a veterinarian or on a trip. For a puppy, while he is small, it is enough to sit him in sitting position, put a treat in front of him and, pressing on the withers and saying the command, lay him down. You can simplify everything by commanding “Lie down!” when the baby is already lying down, encouraging him and not allowing him to get up.

  • "Stand!". Will help you when caring for your dog (examination, hygiene procedures etc.), and may also be necessary during walks, when the puppy runs where it should not (on the road, behind a bicycle, etc.). When the dog itself has frozen in the stance, say “Stop!” and reward her, or put the pet in the right position yourself, command and hold it there, and then praise. On the street, during a walk, training can be done using a leash. As you move, give a command and, if the dog moves, pull on the leash until he is next to you. If the puppy sits down, put him on his paws and repeat the command, hold him in this position for a while, reward him and move on again. After a few meters, repeat, and so on 3-5 times.

If the puppy is willing to learn everything, you don’t have to stop and learn other commands: “Fetch!”, “Give!”, “Fast!” and others, according to your desire and need.

How to leash train a puppy

Even as a puppy, the pet should walk calmly on a leash, which will greatly facilitate the task of walking an adult dog.

When developing this habit, first put a collar on the animal when it is busy (for example, eating or playing), and only then you can add a leash to it.

Important! Do not remove the collar if the puppy tries to take it off, as he will perceive this event as a reward. He will decide that if he constantly tightens the collar, the owner will definitely take it off.

The collar must be selected according to size and preferably from a material with a soft structure. A nylon collar with a plastic lock works well. Consult with an experienced dog handler whether it is possible to leave the collar on if it is not fastened to the leash.
Sometimes hunting dogs it must be removed so that the pet does not get caught on a thorny bush or anything else and get hurt.

Some dog owners accustom even very young puppies to the presence of a collar by tying ribbons around their necks. Next important point

Dogs like to chew the leash at a distance of 10-20 cm from themselves and can eventually chew through it.

Therefore, try to distract the puppy by playing when he is fastened - this will save on chewed leashes. Like a collar, to get used to a leash, you need to put it on when the puppy is interested in something, and take it off when he forgets it’s there.
Do not leave your puppy unattended; if the leash is fastened to the collar, the pet may chew it or accidentally get tangled, caught in a tree or something else.

It is also important to teach the puppy to approach the owner and move near him. For this purpose, it is better to use the reward method in the form of a favorite treat. Using pieces of his favorite food, you can force the puppy to go in the right direction.

It is very good to take a bowl of food during feeding and use it to teach the puppy to approach the owner and also follow him. When the puppy performs required action, he needs to be praised in every possible way, encouraging him with pieces of his favorite food.

Once the baby gets used to the collar and leash, the owner can take the leash in his hands. If the puppy, out of habit, begins to be capricious and does not express a desire to walk alongside, then it is strictly forbidden to drag him by the leash - he can injure his throat.
You need to try to distract the puppy so that he relaxes and takes his mind off the leash. Master small pet must learn to use the leash without unnecessary pressure. The puppy needs to be shown that the leash does not cause him any discomfort.

Moreover, the negative situation of a tight leash is created not by the dog, but by its owner, who often believes that a constantly tight leash is normal. This erroneous opinion, since the leash in the owner’s hands must be free.

You can sometimes follow the puppy, but you also need to use developed methods of motivation (approving intonation, goodies) so that the dog follows the owner. Try to maintain your pet's attention and mood.

If the puppy tries to pull its owner forward, he should stop and calmly wait until the baby understands that there is no point in pulling on the leash. You need to immediately make it clear to your four-legged friend that no one will indulge his whims.
As soon as the animal realizes that all attempts to pull the owner wherever he wants on a leash are doomed, you need to try in a playful way to make him run after you with the help of an incentive prize - his favorite treat.

Don’t let your puppy’s upbringing take its course, spend time on it and you won’t regret it. As he grows up, he will increasingly understand what his owner wants from him.

Teaching your pet basic commands will benefit him and you, establish understanding between you and make it much easier to live together.