What a woman's face looks like before and after smoking. What happens to the face of a person who quits smoking: appearance before and after

All heavy smokers are well aware of the dangers of their habit, and most of of them secretly or openly want to quit smoking. But nicotine is such an evil that doesn’t just leave its victim. People who repeatedly try to quit smoking often complain about deteriorating health, weight gain, Bad mood and depression, which forces them to take up their old habits again. Quitting smoking is really not as easy as starting. Let's look at the stages of termination in more detail.

Stages of quitting smoking

A man determined to take the path healthy image life, wakes up in the morning with the firm intention of not smoking, starting from today. He holds on for a day, a second, and on the third day he takes up cigarettes again, citing his weakness as fatigue or nervous tension. In fact, if a person has a sincere inner desire to stop smoking, sooner or later everything will definitely work out.

And now the first step has been taken: there are no cigarettes in the house, the smoker is determined to fight the craving for nicotine. What can he expect?

Long-term dependence on nicotine has led to the fact that this toxin has already been completely integrated into the metabolism, and it is difficult for the body to quickly adapt to other rails. Withdrawal syndrome occurs. Of course, this is not the kind of withdrawal that drug addicts experience, but it is not pleasant.

characterized by the following features:

  • Severe cough accompanied by brown sputum. Don't be afraid of this cough, it means that Airways smokers are freed from accumulated soot and soot. The work of the ciliated epithelium is gradually restored, which pushes out the sputum and mucus accumulated in the bronchi. The smoker needs to regard this sign as positive point in cleansing the body.
  • Permanent colds. Former smokers often complain of decreased immunity during the period of quitting smoking, and these are not far-fetched complaints. Indeed, nicotine served as a kind of doping for the body, and its absence becomes real stress. Accordingly, they cling to the body various diseases both cold and inflammatory in nature - acute respiratory viral infections, stomatitis, the appearance of acne.
  • The feeling of discomfort and irritability that accompanies a person who suddenly stops supplying the body with nicotine. Such nicotine withdrawal can last for several days - the smoker dreams of inhaling smoke, he constantly pays attention to people smoking, the smell of smoke drives him crazy, and the craving for cigarettes becomes very strong. It causes severe depression and the desire to smoke again. Pleasure receptors that are activated during smoking require their dose of nicotine, which also works former smoker on my nerves. He becomes aggressive and can take out his anger on loved ones. During this period, it is very important to support your relative in his desire to quit a bad habit, distract him, and keep him busy with interesting things. Gradually, the strong craving for smoking subsides, but the desire to smoke a cigarette will haunt the former smoker for a long time.
  • Headaches, stomach pains. Cleansing the body of nicotine breakdown products lasts several weeks, during which it is restored. normal operation all organs. The absence of a habitually incoming dose of nicotine leads to spasm of cerebral vessels, spasmodic pain in the abdomen, and stool disturbances. All these symptoms go away within a couple of weeks.

It is impossible not to note the positive changes that are happening these days to a non-smoking person:

  • gradually disappears bad smell from the mouth, skin and hair;
  • normal breathing is restored within a week;
  • the functioning of the olfactory and taste receptors is improved;
  • after a few weeks, the complexion improves and the elasticity of the skin increases, the circles under the eyes disappear;
  • blood circulation is normalized, vascular tone increases, which leads to improved blood flow to the main organs.

Restoration of the body

Why does it occur physical dependence from nicotine? Our body is a perfect biological mechanism; it produces its own nicotine to maintain normal metabolism. Of course, this is not the same toxin that comes from tobacco products, and it is not produced in such volumes. However, when a huge amount of nicotine enters the body, which is many times higher than the norm necessary to maintain metabolism, the liver stops producing endogenous nicotine. Thus, when quitting smoking, the body experiences real nicotine starvation and requires a new dose of the toxin.

Without receiving a portion of nicotine from the outside, the liver again begins to supply the body with endogenous nicotine. This happens within two to three days. Thus, after just three days, the smoker can easily physically do without tobacco.

WITH psychological dependence the situation is much more complicated. There are quite a few reasons that fuel the craving for smoking - a tendency to bad habits, difficulties in communicating with people, and the desire to be “like everyone else.” It’s quite difficult to get rid of the mental craving for cigarettes, and the longer the smoking experience, the more difficult it is to take a step aside. healthy life more difficult. In any smoking company, a person who quits smoking feels like a black sheep; he wants to take another drag. This craving can last for years.

A psychotherapeutic session can help get rid of psychological addiction to nicotine. The doctor will help you find out the reasons that contributed to the start of smoking and, with the help of training, will relieve the addiction.

Removing nicotine from the body after quitting smoking does not mean completely clearing the organs of nicotine breakdown products that have accumulated in it for years. The cleansing process is gradual and takes more than one month.

It begins immediately after quitting smoking and progresses day by day as follows:

1 day. On the first day the blood is cleared of carbon monoxide, accordingly, the level of oxygen in different organs increases.

Day 2. The bronchi begin to push out the accumulated mucus, the ciliated epithelium is cleared of accumulated soot, and the smoker begins to coughing. It is possible to develop insomnia, irritability, and nicotine hunger begins.

Day 3. The restoration of the ciliated epithelium and bronchial mucosa begins. Blood vessels become more elastic, blood flows more intensely to the brain and heart. The smoker's appetite increases. Due to increased blood flow to the head, dizziness and a feeling of tinnitus may occur. At the same time, irritability and nervousness increase, and the craving for cigarettes increases.

Day 4 Blood circulation is normalized, the rush of blood to the brain becomes less strong. The gastric mucosa is gradually restored, and pancreatic secretion improves. Smokers report increased wet cough with discharge of viscous sputum.

Day 5 The functioning of taste buds improves, the smoker begins to feel the taste of food. The tone of blood vessels is close to normal level. The cough intensifies, the color of the sputum becomes dark brown - this is how the bronchi and lungs are cleared of accumulated soot.

Day 6 The activity of the ciliated epithelium is almost restored, the lungs continue to actively produce mucus. When a person coughs, sputum with streaks of blood comes out, as if there is a mucous lump in the throat. Irritability intensifies, the smoker increasingly wants to return to his previous life with the presence of tobacco in it.

Day 7 Harmful nicotine is completely removed from the body. Some tissues and cells are almost completely renewed; a new epithelium, unfamiliar with nicotine poison, is emerging in the stomach and intestines. The liver begins to produce endogenous nicotine, so the physical craving for smoking practically does not bother the person. The cough and feeling of congestion in the throat do not go away.

Day 8 The olfactory receptors come to life and the taste receptors are almost completely restored. Food acquires a normal taste and smell, appetite increases and, as a result, body weight may increase.

The blood vessels of the brain are still unstable, and therefore a person may be bothered by pressure surges and dizziness. Aggression and depression are reduced, but getting rid of the psychological craving for cigarettes is still far away.

Day 9 The gastric mucosa has been almost completely restored, and the secretion of basic enzymes begins. Restorative processes continue in the intestines and bronchopulmonary system. A person experiences pain in the lower abdomen and changes in stool. At this time, colds, stomatitis, and herpes may begin.

Day 10 The recovery process starts immune system. The cough continues due to the regeneration process pulmonary system. When coughing, lumps of mucus with an unpleasant odor may be coughed up - this is coughing up mucus from the bronchi or gradually clearing the tonsils of the plugs that have accumulated in them. Internal state the smoker leaves much to be desired - he is depressed, his intrinsic motivation may shake. These days, more than ever, the support of family is needed.

Day 11 The tone of arterioles - small vessels that carry arterial blood. The brain is actively supplied with oxygen, as a result of which dizziness continues, trembling of the fingers and headache. Appetite increases. The craving for smoking increases, bringing with it irritability, aggressiveness or tearfulness.

Day 12 Improving blood circulation and vascular tone leads to increased cell nutrition. The complexion is normalized, and intestinal activity is almost restored. The blood cells responsible for immunity have been renewed twice and are ready to fully protect the body from viruses and bacteria.

Day 13 Enhanced renewal of skin cells continues. Physical state while it is unstable - a person may suffer from headaches, malaise, and pressure changes continue. This is due to the fact that nervous system didn't pass full cycle recovery.

Day 14 Regeneration of the bronchial mucosa ends. The restoration process of the Reds is in full swing blood cells, the stock of platelets, which were not affected by nicotine poison, had already been almost completely renewed. Gradually subsides painful cough, the complexion becomes more even, the grayness goes away. At this time, many smokers decide to taste the cigarette again, which throws them off First stage regeneration.

The first two weeks of refusal have come to an end. These are the most difficult weeks psychologically. At the physiological level, the recovery process is full progress, by the end of the first month of quitting smoking, epithelial cells were almost completely regenerated, the process of creating new cells, not familiar with toxic effect nicotine

Subsequently, all organs and tissues undergo a process of cleansing from nicotine poison. The stages can be clearly seen in the table:

Organ name Recovery time What's happening
Blood 1 monthRenewal of white blood cells and platelets.
2 monthsBlood cells are completely renewed.
6 monthsBlood tests have returned to normal.
Leather 1 monthDull complexion disappears, the epidermis is renewed.
2 monthsThe complexion is completely restored and elasticity improves.
Vessels 3 monthsPractically full recovery tone and elasticity of blood vessels and small capillaries.
Lungs 6 monthsLung capacity increases, cough goes away.
8 monthsThere is a persistent improvement in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Liver 6 months
12 monthsHepatocyte regeneration begins.
Heart 6 monthsComplete restoration of heart function due to good blood flow through the vessels. The heart rate is close to normal.
Stomach and intestines 1 monthThe gastric mucosa is restored.
6 monthsIntestinal function has normalized, secretion has been adjusted gastric juice, appetite improved.

In the video about the first days and weeks of quitting cigarettes:

How to speed up the regeneration process

Full recovery of the body after long-term poisoning with nicotine poison occurs within a year. However, after a couple of months, a smoker reaches a period when he wants to start playing sports, hiking, riding a bike. There is not enough physical strength for such activity. How can you help your body quickly cope with the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle?

As you know, everything harmful substances excreted from the body by the kidneys. Therefore, in order to quickly remove all toxins and accumulated toxic elements, you need to drink more clean water. So in a simple way You can improve kidney function and quickly remove accumulated poison.

Consuming will help cleanse the intestines. fresh vegetables and fruits.

Fresh air and walks in a forested area will saturate the body with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

An increase in dairy products in the diet helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and will help neutralize remaining toxic substances.

Physical activity is indicated for smokers no earlier than six months after quitting cigarettes. Exercising in a gentle manner will speed up metabolism and help increase lung capacity, which has a beneficial effect on overall well-being and the functioning of the heart muscle.

A visit to a psychotherapist and a narcologist will help you stay without cigarettes for a long time, and after a year, you will completely forget about smoking.

Every day, a huge number of patients who are dissatisfied with their appearance come to see aesthetic medicine specialists. The most common complaint is bad condition skin, which both patients and specialists often associate with stress, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalance or age-related changes. But the skin of many of these patients is exposed to a much more aggressive factor on a daily basis, which is often overlooked: cigarette smoke. How smoking affects the skin, why cigarette smoke contributes to aging, and how a cosmetologist can help in this case - read the site right now.

Skin and smoking: what is the relationship between them?

Relationship between bad skin and smoking was noticed quite a long time ago: the first reports about this appeared in the literature already in 1856. But since the main emphasis in the pathological effect of cigarette smoke on the body was on the reactions of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, the connection between smoking and skin aging long time has not been studied.

Currently, scientists have made progress in this issue and have determined that cigars actually have a negative effect on the condition of the skin.

Smoking contributes to faster and more pronounced aging, as well as a general deterioration in the appearance and condition of the skin.

Skin and smoking:

  • which pathological processes occur in the skin when smoking;
  • characteristic skin changes when smoking: “smoker’s face”;
  • how a cosmetologist can help the skin of a smoking patient.

What pathological processes occur in the skin when smoking

Numerous studies have revealed that people who smoke actually have impaired skin function and develop immune-mediated pathologies. People who smoke experience pathological dryness of the stratum corneum of the facial skin, which is probably due to the diuretic effect of nicotine, and the content of vitamin A, necessary for neutralization, also decreases. free radicals and slowing down skin aging. The effect of smoking on the skin is also manifested in a decrease in the intensity of capillary and arterial blood flow, which leads to local ischemia of the dermis. Regarding the mechanism of wrinkle formation in smokers, it is assumed that it is multifocal. Similar to photoaging, skin aging due to smoking may be due to the activation of matrix metalloproteinases, which are involved in the processes of collagen breakdown and are significantly increased in the body of smokers.

Characteristic skin changes caused by smoking: “smoker’s face”

Skin changes during smoking are quite characteristic: so-called “cigarette skin” or “smoker’s face” is observed. Among the main manifestations are:

  • reddish-orange or yellow complexion;
  • ashy, pale or gray skin;
  • dullness of the skin;
  • presence of swelling;
  • thickening of the skin;
  • signs premature aging skin;
  • increase in the number of wrinkles on the face;
  • the appearance or worsening of existing purse-string wrinkles, characteristic of smokers.

In addition, an independent study found that there is a strong association between smoking and hair graying, and a recent observational study demonstrated a strong association between smoking and the development of androgen-dependent alopecia.

How a cosmetologist can help the skin of a smoking patient

The priority direction in working with a patient with bad habit smoking is definitely quitting smoking. There are many different methods available, ranging from nicotine patches to oral antidepressants, to help you quit smoking.

It is important to explain to the patient that any anti-aging effect cosmetic procedure may be leveled by smoking.

If the patient cannot give up cigarettes, a certain effect can be achieved by prescribing topical retinoids and antioxidant vitamin preparations.

Women, as well as men, spare neither money nor effort for their beauty. But, paradoxically, every day they undermine it with smoking. This habit is explained by everyday hassle, the fast pace of life, the need to relax and relieve stress.

How does smoking affect your appearance and image?

▪ Bad breath, yellowing of teeth, and dental whitening helps smokers for a very short time, and any lipstick only emphasizes the unaesthetic color of teeth and gums. Expensive perfumes also “fly past the checkout.”

▪ Unpleasant odor from hair. Like bad breath, this is one of those factors that put an end to successful communication and, especially, intimacy between smokers and non-smokers.

▪ Burnt holes on clothes – okay, even on jeans, but what if it’s a Dior dress?..

▪ Decreased sense of smell, change taste sensations. You won't be able to pass for a gourmet or a perfume connoisseur.

▪ Dry cough, especially in the morning. Agree, the sight of a young lady bursting into hoarse “cackles” does not give rise to romantic thoughts. The same applies to men.

▪ Decreased immunity and stamina. It will be difficult to show off at a corporate summer picnic or during a group trip to the pool. And during fitness classes, smokers run out of steam even during the warm-up.

But that is not all. Have you heard the term "nicotine face" ?

It can be recognized by premature wrinkles, dry gray skin, and a yellowish tint to the whites of the eyes. Although no one has ever died from wrinkles and ugly skin color, these unpleasant metamorphoses- a compelling argument in favor of quitting smoking. Especially if you started smoking, considering it a sign of glamor. No one argues that wrinkles are an integral sign of aging, but smoking accelerates this process so much that a woman who smokes looks much older than her true age.

The concept of "smoker's face" was invented in 1985 by Dr. Douglas Model. He proved that when toxins from cigarettes penetrate the skin, they narrow blood vessels. This especially affects the tiny capillaries that are located nearby in the upper layers of the facial skin. Plus, due to cigarette smoke, the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood increases and the oxygen content decreases, which means that the skin of the face is poorly enriched with oxygen and nutrients that are beneficial to it.

The main symptoms of “smoker's face”

(appears after three years of regular smoking):

▪ sharply defined nasolabial furrows and deep folds extending from the corners of the mouth;

▪ a network of wrinkles around the eyes - “crow’s feet”;

sunken cheeks– wrinkles form on them, perpendicular to the lip line;

▪ sharply defined cheekbones;

▪ emaciated, atrophic skin of a gray and sometimes purple hue;

▪ circles under the eyes – reddish, lilac, orange and brownish shades are obtained due to the fact that the normal supply of oxygen to the skin is disrupted.

Will a cosmetologist help?

There is only one way to prevent the impending metamorphosis - quit smoking. After a few weeks, the color and texture of the skin will improve. But not everyone can cope with the habit, which, as you know, is second nature. Is it possible to neutralize harmful effects tobacco on the skin?

Modern cosmetology has few procedures that will help get rid of the “nicotine face.” One of them is microdermabrasion. It is a mechanical peeling of the skin. Microcrystalline powder is applied to it under pressure, which is instantly sucked out using a vacuum tube. For smokers, this is exactly what they need, because their skin is thickened due to the dead layer. No creams, serums or tonics can get through it. And the money paid for cosmetics is wasted.

Advice for smokers from dermatologists and cosmetologists:

▪ Be careful about sunlight. Both nicotine and ultraviolet radiation age the skin. And the combination of cigarettes and tanning is a very dangerous cocktail. It is also not recommended to abuse solariums. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation should be short-lived, and in addition, be sure to use sunscreen.

▪ Avoid anything hot: warm masks, baths and saunas, too hot drinks and food. If you look carefully in the mirror, you will see a fine network of blood vessels on the cheeks or wings of the nose. This is rosacea. To one degree or another, every smoker has it. And you need to give up hot foods to prevent the disease from progressing.

▪ Visit a cosmetologist. Selection cosmetics for a smoking woman should be carried out as carefully as possible, and this cannot be done without a “confrontation”.

▪ Cream for daily care for the skin must contain either vitamins A, E and coenzyme Q10 or oxygen. Vitamins A and E are active antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. Smokers produce a lot of these free radicals, much more than non-smokers. Therefore, antioxidants are simply necessary.

Will a plastic surgeon help?

Not all women smokers can count on help correcting their appearance flaws. Plastic surgery. The fact is that “correct” cosmetic surgeons measure the level of nicotine in the blood and refuse to perform operations if the level exceeds permissible value. The fact is that post-operative scars The tightening may never heal due to poor blood supply and low regenerative capacity of the skin.

And finally - one “interesting” fact. Did you know that the total mass of cigarette butts on Earth per year is more than two and a half million tons? So smoking affects not only the face of the smoker, but also the face of the entire planet.

Hi all!

I haven’t smoked for more than 5 years, but I still decided to write this review because I consider one of my most important achievements to be that I was able to quit, and I would like my experience to be useful to someone.

I am now 33 years old, and I started smoking at the age of 13. Now I think that this is a terrible thing - a child with a cigarette, but then, in 1997, the reality was that 70% of my school friends and girlfriends smoked. So I couldn’t pass by to feel “cool” and “adult”. I continued smoking until I was 27 years old. Of course, I quit several times for a week or two, but I always returned to this bad habit. It's gotten to the point where Last year I no longer liked smoking, it was disgusting, unpleasant, tasteless, but I still continued to smoke through force, because my body demanded it! And then I realized how addicted I was to this terrible habit!

The first days of quitting cigarettes are simply terrible! If you are reading this, it means that the problem is most likely relevant for you and the problems of the first days of quitting cigarettes are familiar to you. Of course, this is nervousness, an aggressive reaction to everyday situations, a “thirst” to smoke. Then, after a week or two, the gastrointestinal tract simply stops functioning normally without cigarettes. I apologize for the details, but going to the toilet normally is a real PROBLEM. And you are always haunted by the desire to smoke... How did I fight this? Here's how:

1. The desire to smoke. I got some help here chewing gum Nicorette. I didn’t really believe in their effectiveness, but I bought them for testing, with a fruity taste. And you know - they work! Plus, the concentration of nicotine in them is higher than in the cigarettes that I usually smoked, so while chewing gum I was a little “high” - calm and satisfied! When I saw friends and colleagues smoking, of course, it was not easy for me! but I told myself “I’ll get over it!” and just endured it until they finished smoking. I highly recommend chewing gum, despite their high cost, they will last a long time - 2 packs were enough for me to quit smoking!

2. it was more difficult with the gastrointestinal tract. I think this problem arises for everyone who quits smoking, it’s just that it’s somehow not customary to discuss it. The main thing is that you don’t need to take a cigarette just to go to the toilet - this way you will never rebuild your body! I'll have to suffer for a while =). To help alleviate this problem:

Drink plenty of plain water, 8-10 glasses a day

Eat more vegetables, fruits, cereals, natural yogurt and less sweets, meat, eggs, milk (during this period)

Move more! I started running, even though it’s difficult at first - run 5 minutes today, 10 minutes tomorrow, 15 minutes the day after tomorrow, and so on - and you’ll get into it!

Black coffee. One cup of good (not instant) black coffee in the morning will help no worse than a cigarette!

If you follow all these rules, then after 3-4 weeks your digestive problems will stop! The main argument for me against smoking again after I quit was that I wouldn’t survive quitting the second time precisely because of such gastrointestinal problems!

Of course, when I quit smoking, I felt a change in my health and appearance! I became “fresher”, my skin was cleaner and smoother, my hair and clothes no longer smelled like “bulls”. I became more resilient, ran more and more every day, lost a little weight and toned up my figure, but then a catch awaited me that I had no idea about - after I quit smoking, overcame the physiological need for nicotine, it turned out that I still had a psychological a need that I struggled with for another 3 YEARS!!! It was expressed tritely in my DESIRE to smoke, I looked at the smokers and they seemed so “cool”, “independent”, “stylish”, etc., passing by the smoking room, I inhaled the smell of cigarettes through my nose... funny right? It wasn't very funny for me =)

It is very difficult to overcome a psychological habit; ONLY time and self-control will help. It is the victory over psychological addiction that I consider my huge victory! Now I am 200% sure that I will not smoke in absolutely any situation - neither out of grief, nor out of joy, nor after sex, nor if I drink alcohol, nor if I drink too much - under no circumstances will I smoke again! I simply have absolutely no such need and desire anymore - and it will pass for you too, the main thing is to wait it out, be patient a little!

I was lucky and smoking didn’t affect my health much, I rarely get sick and feel great, but it probably affected my appearance, my skin, because just think - at 13 years old female body is just beginning to form and smoking during this period is simply a crime against one’s own beauty! Mommies, I ask you to protect your daughters from smoking and alcohol (the main thing is through personal example and trusting relationships, mutual understanding). When your daughters grow up, they will thank you so much for this!

Well, finally, I’ll post a couple of photos of what I looked like when I smoked and when I quit. Of course, this is not the only factor - I also started taking care of myself and playing sports.

It is well known what risks they expose themselves and others to smoking people. For example, what harm does smoking cause to women's health?
  • Smoking ages the skin faster than ultraviolet rays.
  • Each cigarette speeds up a woman's heart rate and increases her blood pressure.
  • If you smoke for a long enough time, then the reality of coronary disease heart rate increases several times, increasing depending on the length of smoking. This possibility is completely reversible if you stop smoking. Heartbeat is restored within six months after quitting smoking.
  • For many, it is because of smoking that their libido decreases and their hormonal balance. Smoking doubles the risk of infertility and rapidly brings menopause closer.
  • The likelihood of getting cervical cancer increases significantly.

Yeah... We don't value health. What about youth and beauty?

All the “charms” of a smoking life will become obvious in a woman’s health after 50 years - gray, dry skin, brittle nails, dull hair - these are just the “flowers”...

It is known that long-term smoking can have a very destructive effect on the skin of the face. Although no one has ever died from premature wrinkles and grayish skin color, these unpleasant changes can still become a decisive argument for women in favor of quitting smoking. This argument will be especially strong for those who started smoking because they considered it a sign of glamor.

No one argues that wrinkles are an integral sign of aging, but smoking accelerates this process so much that a woman who smokes looks much older than her true age. Premature wrinkles, dry, dull, grayish skin, sunken cheeks - this is a typical portrait of a chronic smoker. But for nicotine lovers there are even more serious consequences, including an increasing risk of skin cancer.

Already in the mid-nineteenth century, it was noticed that heavy smokers changed their appearance: premature wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity gave them an exhausted and tired appearance. However, no one provided a scientific basis for these observations.

"Smoker's face" occurs because toxic substances, contained in cigarettes, create a series of changes on the skin of the face that are visible to the naked eye, including changes in the structure and color of the skin. When toxins penetrate the skin, they constrict blood vessels; This especially affects the tiny capillaries that are located nearby in the upper layers of the facial skin. Due to cigarette smoke, the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood increases and the oxygen content decreases, which means that the skin of the face is poorly enriched with oxygen and nutrients beneficial to it. The structure of the skin changes - even naturally oily skin can become dry due to the diuretic effect that nicotine has on the body.

Symptoms of "smoker's face":

* deep nasolabial folds,
* a network of wrinkles around the eyes (so-called “crow’s feet”),
* sunken cheeks (wrinkles form on them, perpendicular to the lip line),
* sharply defined cheekbones,
* saggy skin that has lost elasticity.

The color of the skin around the eyes often changes: reddish, lilac, orange and brownish shades are obtained due to the fact that the normal supply of oxygen to the skin is disrupted.

Nicotine is also dangerous because it reduces the amount of vitamin A in the body. As you know, vitamin A is involved in the process of restoration and renewal of body cells. Consequently, nicotine directly affects the ability of facial skin to regenerate, which is expressed not only in the appearance of premature wrinkles, but also in the slow healing of wounds and scars. This is precisely what is associated with the medical ban on smoking for patients during the postoperative period.

Women smokers who expect to correct their appearance flaws with plastic surgery, may never end up on the operating table. The fact is that many cosmetic surgeons measure the level of nicotine in the blood of their patients and refuse to perform operations if the level exceeds a certain value due to the fact that post-operative scars from braces may not heal due to poor blood supply and low regenerative ability of the skin.

Another sad consequence smoking for women - nicotine affects the process of collagen formation, which restores skin covering, creating new cells. Smoking reduces the amount of collagen, thus destroying the skin's repair process. Without enough collagen, skin loses elasticity and becomes dry, dull and wrinkled.

As you can see, there are quite enough reasons to quit smoking - it is obvious that smoking does not bring any benefits to the skin. The best way If you don’t see a “smoker’s face” in the mirror, throw away your cigarettes as quickly as possible.

Well, let's recap

1. Cigarettes add years

Source eternal youth does not exist, but there is a way to age your body. Smoking accelerates the aging process, which is especially noticeable in appearance.

2. Complexion deteriorates

3. Early wrinkles

IN tobacco smoke more than 4000 chemical substances. Many of them destroy collagen and elastin, which give the skin firmness and elasticity. This contributes to the appearance of deep wrinkles and sagging skin. And it’s not just about the face: the previously elastic skin of the chest and arms also becomes flabby and thin.

4. Wrinkles around the lips

First, smoker's lines form around the lips. When smoking a cigarette, a person uses muscle groups that ordinary life they don't work as intensively. Secondly, the skin loses elasticity and wrinkles around the lips become even stronger, nasolabial folds become deeper

5. Crow's feet

Wrinkles on outside Everyone has eyes. But for smokers they are deeper, because during the smoking process a person squints from the acrid smoke. In addition, we repeat: smoking damages the skin, making it more saggy.

6. Age spots

Age is often revealed by “senile buckwheat” - dark spots. With age, they appear in almost everyone, but in smokers - earlier.

7. Damaged teeth and gums

Yellow teeth and bad breath are the most well-known consequences of long-term smoking. In addition, due to impaired blood microcirculation, smokers often develop gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis), and they lose teeth twice as often as non-smokers.

8. Yellow fingers

Do you think your hand with a cigarette between your fingers looks sexy? No. Yellow spots Tobacco on your fingers and yellow nails do not add any charm. But if you quit smoking, they will disappear.

9. Vessels

Smoking constricts blood vessels, resulting in poor blood circulation. In addition, the difference between arterial and venous pressure decreases in smokers. And this leads to erectile dysfunction, because blood can no longer flow in full to the pelvic organs. Whether functions will be restored after you quit smoking depends on how long you have smoked.

10. Baldness

Both men and women lose hair as they age. Recently, scientists have proven that smoking accelerates this process - substances entering the blood from a cigarette damage hair follicles. Hair loss is also caused by impaired blood supply to the scalp.

And further:

Women who smoke are more likely to suffer from depression than others. Every attempt to quit smoking leads to depression, and they start smoking even more.

If you have a conscious and strong desire, then you should call on medicine for help. In this case, antidepressants can help, which should be taken together with drugs containing nicotine ( replacement therapy). Hypnosis, acupuncture, electropuncture, and homeopathy can also be used to treat nicotine addiction. You need to drink more during treatment mineral water without gas, it will help cleanse the body. There are tools to help you quit smoking. For example, pills that, by acting on the brain, suppress the desire to smoke. But they can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor. You can also try special lozenges for resorption. The nicotine patch, due to its nicotine content, facilitates the process of quitting cigarettes. Its effect lasts 24 hours. First, you need to use the strongest patch, gradually moving to a lighter one. As an alternative to smoking, you can try using...

Majority smoking women admit that they do not quit smoking because they are afraid of gaining excess weight. In fact, this is a myth. Nicotine does not help you lose weight or maintain weight. Having simply given up cigarettes, a woman takes up the time freed up from smoking breaks with snacks. What if you try to occupy him with something else? Cup herbal tea? A few simple exercises?

Quitting smoking will benefit your appearance. Blood flow will improve, the skin will begin to receive more oxygen and nutrients, will acquire . Your teeth will become whiter, and tobacco stains on your fingers and nails will become a thing of the past. But what is even more important is that after 2-3 weeks, those who quit smoking experience noticeable lightness in the body, increased strength and energy. So, maybe quitting smoking means finding that very cherished way of rejuvenation?

Stop smoking! This will help maintain health and prolong youth.