What does cervical dilatation look like before childbirth? Mechanical softening methods

During the normal course of pregnancy, the cervix acts as a kind of muscle ring, which prevents the fetus from leaving the uterine cavity before its due date. During pregnancy, the size of the fetus and the volume of amniotic fluid increase, which is why the pressure on the organ also increases.

Ideally, the cervix should withstand the load and open only before childbirth. However, this does not always happen.

Premature dilatation of the cervix during pregnancy is a common and very dangerous phenomenon. Without timely treatment, it can lead to miscarriage. Save the situation in in this case only timely and correct therapy. This is why all pregnant women should know the symptoms and treatment of this condition.

During gestation, part muscle tissue is replaced by a connecting one. At the same time, the formation of new collagen fibers begins, which are extremely flexible and elastic than those that were before.

A small percentage of them are absorbed and ultimately form the main substance, which increases the hydrophilicity of tissues. Outwardly, this looks like loosening of the cervix, its shortening and gaping of the cervical canal.

The preparation of the cervix for childbirth itself begins to occur from 32-34 weeks of gestation. During this period, it becomes softer along the periphery. At the same time, the area along the cervical canal still remains quite dense. In women who will give birth for the first time, the tip of a finger can be inserted into the external os, while in multiparous women, 1 finger can be inserted at the same time.

At approximately 36-38 weeks of pregnancy, the cervix becomes almost completely softened. During this period, the fetus moves into the pelvis, due to which it begins to create pressure on the cervix, thereby promoting its rapid opening.

The cervix begins to open from the internal os. In patients who give birth for the first time, the canal takes the form of a truncated cone, the base of which is located at the top. As the fetus moves forward, a gradual stretching of the external pharynx occurs.

It is important to say that in multiparous women, cervical dilatation takes much less time. In addition, their internal and external pharynx opens almost simultaneously.

Immediately before the birth itself, in all women the cervix becomes greatly shortened and emaciated. You can insert 2 or more fingers into its channel. However, the opening of the cervix does not end there. As a result, it opens by 10-12 cm. This hole is enough for the child’s head and torso to pass through.


Unfortunately, dilatation of the cervix does not always occur on time. Sometimes it happens earlier. This phenomenon is called isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI). It is extremely dangerous, as it can lead to premature birth or miscarriage, so the woman must receive medical attention.

As for the reasons pathological process, then they are usually as follows:

  • unfavorable obstetric history: abortion, spontaneous termination of pregnancy, premature birth(especially before 28 weeks of gestation);
  • cervical erosion;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • initial weakness of the neck;
  • previous cervical injuries: the birth of an oversized fetus, ruptures during previous births, surgical interventions on the organ;
  • malfunctions endocrine organs;
  • premature placental abruption;
  • infectious processes and inflammation reproductive organs.

For pregnant women who are at risk, doctors should give Special attention. If during previous pregnancies the patient had ICI, then she should under no circumstances hide it. Such women are at high risk.


In many patients, ICI does not manifest itself at all.

If signs of cervical dilatation occur during pregnancy, they will differ depending on the period of gestation at which the pathological process began. Thus, in the first trimester, pathology may be indicated by bleeding, which is not combined with pain, but can sometimes be accompanied by mild discomfort.

If the dilation of the cervix occurs after 18-20 weeks of gestation, then in this case the death of the embryo and further miscarriage already occur. At this time, the woman appears bloody issues from the genital tract, arise discomfort in the lower abdomen (may extend to the lower back). Some patients at this time complain of severe nagging pain in the lower part. abdominal cavity and in the lower back, which is associated with diarrhea and retching.

The problem is further aggravated by the fact that even in women who regularly go to see a doctor, ICI is not always detected on time. This is due to the fact that doctors do not always conduct a classic examination to reduce the risk of infection.

However, even during examination it is not always possible to suspect the presence of a pathological process. If a specialist discovers premature softening of the cervix and a decrease in its length, he must definitely prescribe additional examination. In most cases this is an ultrasound.


If a woman’s cervix is ​​slightly open during early stages of pregnancy, then she needs to observe complete rest and a pastel regime. It is very important that during this time she is not exposed to stress or does heavy physical work.

Conservative therapy of this state may include installation of a Meyer ring. It reduces the force of fetal pressure on the cervix. These measures are indicated for women who have a slight dilatation of the cervix and whose gestation period is 28 weeks or more.

If the gestation period is less than 28 weeks, the woman does not have infectious diseases genital organs, there are signs of the integrity of the membranes and the vital activity of the embryo, then she may be prescribed surgery. Its essence is to apply sutures to the cervix. There is no need to be afraid of this procedure. During the procedure, patients do not feel any pain or discomfort, since they are first given anesthesia.

The pessary and sutures are removed after the 37th week of pregnancy or before childbirth, if the amniotic sac is opened, a fistula is formed, or bleeding occurs.

How during conservative therapy, and with surgical treatment patients are prescribed antibacterial drugs. This is necessary in order to prevent the development of the infectious process.

To enhance effectiveness, antispasmodic drugs can be prescribed, and in the presence of uterine hypertonicity, tocolytics.

If a patient’s cervix is ​​slightly open during pregnancy due to a malfunction of the endocrine organs, then she will be recommended hormonal medications.


The prognosis for premature dilatation of the cervix will directly depend on the degree of neglect of the pathology. So, if the disorder cannot be diagnosed, the pregnancy may end in miscarriage. It is for this reason that about 20% of pregnancies that have just begun to develop are terminated.

If the cervix is ​​open during early pregnancy and the woman received timely medical care, then she will have every chance of carrying the fetus to term. If the muscle sphincter is weak, there is a risk of precipitate labor. In this case, the patient is urgently sent to the obstetric department.

Prevention of this pathology consists of timely treatment endocrine pathologies and diseases of the reproductive organs even during pregnancy planning. After conception, a woman should rest as much as possible and avoid stressful situations, exclude heavy physical exercise. If any unusual symptoms occur, she should consult her doctor.

Normally, it is completely closed; towards childbirth it becomes softer and shorter. Its canal gradually expands and, when fully ripe, begins to let the finger inside. Such maturity of the uterus indicates the imminent onset of labor. During the birth of a child, the cervix shortens and smoothes, and directly opens by 8-10 centimeters.

U healthy woman cervical canal remains closed until the birth itself. However, in some cases premature dehiscence occurs. This happens with the development of a pathology such as isthmic-cervical insufficiency. It can occur as a result of injuries caused by previous abortions, surgeries, ruptures in previous births, and for other reasons.

Usually, the cervix begins to prepare for labor gradually, 2-3 weeks before it begins. Signs of preparation are the presence of training contractions and the release of the mucous plug covering the cervical canal. As a rule, primiparous women notice the presence of these symptoms earlier than with repeated births. The opening and smoothing of the cervix can begin directly in the child.

Determining on your own whether disclosure has begun is quite difficult. This can be done by the attending physician gynecological examination. Based on the results of the examination, he can judge the woman’s readiness for the birth process.

How to give birth without gaps: preparation

If by 38 weeks the cervix is ​​not yet ready for the birth of a child, they are often used to soften it. medications. Application of any medicines should only be carried out on the advice of a doctor. An obstetrician-gynecologist may prescribe the use of antispasmodic drugs in the form of tablets or suppositories that relieve muscle tension, as well as prostaglandins that promote rapid maturation, physical stimulation.

You can start preparing the cervix and perineum for childbirth at. 4 weeks before the expected birth, gynecologists advise women to actively engage in sex without a condom. Due to natural massage during frictions, contractions of the uterus during orgasm and the influence contained in male sperm prostaglandins on the woman’s body, the cervix softens. However, sexual intercourse is possible only in cases where both partners are healthy.

Evening primrose oil is recommended to be used internally from 36 weeks, one capsule, and from 38 - two capsules. You need to take it before meals and wash it down big amount water. Fatty acid, contained in the oil, increase the production of prostaglandins, but you should consult your doctor before using it.

Eating oily fish also helps prepare the cervix for childbirth. This method has no contraindications.

Gentle massage of the nipples with oil or baby cream stimulates the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is necessary for the uterus to contract and begin labor activity. This procedure is recommended to be carried out from 38 weeks twice a day for 5-10 minutes.

You can use a decoction of raspberry leaves. Place two tablespoons of dried crushed leaves in an enamel pan, add a liter of water, bring to a boil, strain and cool. From 38 weeks, before each meal you need to drink 100 ml of the resulting decoction.

At 36 weeks you can start taking rosehip infusion, which not only softens the cervix, but also nourishes the woman’s body useful vitamins and microelements. For 150 grams of dried berries you need a liter of boiling water. Take 200 ml infusion on an empty stomach every morning.

Hawthorn tincture will prepare the cervix for childbirth. Thanks to the use of 10-15 drops of tincture dissolved in water at dinner, the pregnant woman’s sleep will also become more restful.

Strawberry decoction is very useful. They make it out of fresh berries, leaves and water. From the 37th week of pregnancy it can be consumed in unlimited quantities instead of tea.

Massaging the perineum with baby oil or a special cream helps to avoid ruptures during childbirth. It is performed daily before bed with your fingers for 3-5 minutes, starting from the 36th week of pregnancy.

It should be remembered that it is undesirable to carry out artificial stimulation of labor without medical indications, since this can have negative consequences: painful contractions, oxygen starvation of the fetus, risk of uterine rupture along the scar in previous births, unpreparedness of the fetus. Artificial stimulation may be necessary in cases of postterm pregnancy, large fetus, hypertension in a woman, or prolapse of the umbilical cord, but the decision on stimulation in any case must be made by the attending physician. Preparing the uterus for childbirth and stimulating labor are completely different things. If in the first case you can safely use the majority folk remedies at home, then in the second all procedures should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of medical staff.

It is known that the uterus is the basis of childbirth, but the role of the cervix is ​​also significant. Before birth, the cervix softens and opens, preparing the birth canal for the baby. Based on her condition, obstetricians monitor the dynamics of labor and its normality.

The structure of the cervix and the entire organ and their role in pregnancy and childbirth

The uterus is the female reproductive hollow organ in which the fetus develops from conception to birth. The shape resembles an inverted pear, and consists of a bottom (expanded top part), body and neck.

Connects the cervix with the vagina, and on the sides - with fallopian tubes. In the body it is located in the small pelvis, behind Bladder and in front of the rectum. It has three layers: perimeter, myometrium, endometrium.

Its position depends on the state of the digestive and urinary systems, and may shift slightly during the day.

The cervix looks like a light pink ring of muscles and consists of an isthmus, cervical canal and vaginal part. On both sides, the cervix is ​​limited by the pharynx - external (vaginal) and internal (uterine).

During pregnancy, the cervix produces a special secretion to protect the fetus and uterus from infection, and maintains the uterus in the desired position at the required level.

Functions of the cervix during pregnancy and childbirth:

  • production of mucous secretion to protect against viral, fungal, bacterial infections;
  • keeping the fetus in the proper place;
  • informational - the gynecologist confirms the fact of pregnancy when vaginal examination, based on the appearance of the neck - the color changes from pink to bluish-purple and increases in size. Shortly before birth, the cervix becomes soft, the organ prepares for labor. During the process of childbirth, the gynecologist assesses the degree of dilation, and this indicator is used to guide the process.

Causes of cervical dilatation

Labor that begins at 37 weeks or later is considered normal. During this period, the cervix independently opens to one finger, which indicates the physiological maturity of the uterus.

She begins to contract, and her body becomes smaller. The pressure of the fetus on the birth canal increases and its opening occurs.

Before birth, amniotic fluid is divided into the upper and lower poles of the amniotic sac.

The cervix is ​​prepared for dilatation in case of post-term pregnancy and the need to induce labor ahead of time - in case of fetal hypoxia and other indications.

Disclosure is helped by:

  • gynecological examination;
  • taking antispasmodics;
  • Sinestrol injections intramuscularly - soften the uterus and do not cause contractions;
  • Enzaprost intravenously - contains prostaglandins and speeds up the labor process;
  • prostaglandins - under their action, the cervix softens. Produced naturally during massage of the cervical canal, or gels containing prostaglandins are administered intravaginally;
  • inserted into the vagina seaweed kelp in the form of sticks 3-4 mm thick. A humid environment causes them to swell 10 times, the neck stretches, softens, and begins to swell. Algae comes out along with mucous secretions. There are also vaginal suppositories with kelp;
  • sex - mechanical stimulation and prostaglandins, which are part of sperm, help. Orgasm, with a sufficient degree of readiness, can become the beginning of labor;
  • - cleaning before childbirth best prepares the cervix. Walking, going up and down stairs, squatting (for example, when washing floors) are useful;
  • herbal medicine - raspberry and strawberry leaves, rose hips help the neck to ripen.

Medication methods are used only in a hospital; the use of drugs speeds up labor.

Usually, closer to childbirth, if the course of pregnancy is favorable, the gynecologist explains to the pregnant woman how to prepare for childbirth and open the cervix at home.

Symptoms of disclosure

Inexperienced women are concerned about the dilation of the cervix at which labor begins.

Normal with the cervix opening by 1 cm. After separation, it opens by 2 or more fingers - up to 10-12 cm, sufficient to pass the baby’s head.

Contractions varying in strength and frequency. The neck becomes short, about 1 centimeter.

In women giving birth for the first time, dilation begins from the internal os, and the cervix resembles a cone with a base at the uterus.

In multiparous women, both pharynxes open simultaneously, and this happens faster.

The main sign of dilatation is contractions. At first they occur at intervals of 20-30 minutes, then they become more frequent and occur with a break of 5 minutes or continuously.

After opening by 2 fingers, its speed is 1 centimeter per hour.

Periods and phases of cervical dilatation

Dilatation is the first and longest stage of labor.

This period is divided into three phases:

  1. Latent - the initial phase of disclosure, lasts six or more hours. Symptoms at this stage are absent or mild. The opening of the neck reaches four centimeters - two fingers.
  2. Active - within four hours the cervix dilates to 6-8 centimeters, at the end of the phase an outpouring of amniotic fluid occurs in a volume of approximately 200 ml. The woman in labor experiences pain, distension in the lower abdomen, and aching in the lower back. When walking and other physical activity the process speeds up. At this time, the baby is involved in labor - his head reaches the pelvic floor.
  3. Transition – This phase is also called the deceleration phase. In multiparous women, it may be absent or go away very quickly. Women giving birth for the first time go through this phase within different time- usually from an hour to two. At this time, the greatest dilation of the cervix of 10-12 centimeters occurs.

The opening period is divided into two stages:

  • disclosure - lasts from the beginning of the process, when the pharynx is opened by 4 centimeters and until full disclosure. The amount of full dilatation is individual for each case and is about 6 centimeters for a premature pregnancy, 10-12 cm for a normal pregnancy;
  • maximum dilation - from full dilation to the birth of the child, and then the placenta.

Sensations of a woman in labor during dilatation of the cervix

All births are individual, and the same woman experiences different sensations during repeated births.

The fetus presses on the lower abdomen, the pain is characterized as bursting. Pulls the lower back and lower abdomen. At the beginning of labor, it is similar to the sensations of painful menstruation; after the contractions increase, the pain intensifies.

Often, shortly before childbirth, contractions subside and the pain goes away. After a short rest, contractions resume, usually more intense.

The opening of the cervix at the last stage, before pushing, is the most painful in the entire birth process.

Degree of cervical dilatation

A dilation of more than 8 centimeters cannot be determined during a vaginal examination - the edges cannot be felt. Therefore, the question of how many fingers should be open is not entirely correct.

They focus not only on the degree of opening, but also on the structure of the tissues and the placement of the cervix.

During pregnancy, the external os is tilted back, and during childbirth it is turned straight.

The degree of cervical dilatation corresponds to the following indicators:

  • 1 finger - 2 cm;
  • 2 fingers - 4 cm;
  • 3 fingers - 6 cm;
  • 4 fingers - 8 cm.

The degree of dilatation is also assessed based on the condition of the cervix:

  • not flattened or opened;
  • completely smoothed out;
  • dilated 6 cm;
  • fully revealed.

How is the degree of opening of the cervix determined?

The degree of dilation is determined by vaginal examination of the cervix before birth.

The middle and forefinger. Then the inspector moves them in different directions until the edges touch.

The resulting distance in centimeters is the desired value. The meaning is subjective.

The mature uterus is soft and loose to the touch. To determine maturity, they use the concept of cervical effacement, which means its thinning, and softening of the cervix before childbirth.

During pregnancy, the cervix is ​​dense; closer to childbirth, it becomes thinner. Measured as a percentage. 90% effacement indicates readiness for childbirth.

To determine the degree of disclosure, they also use by external means. During labor, the uterus forms a contraction ring.

Using the Schatz-Unterberger method, the distance from the pubis to the groove of the ring is measured in centimeters.

This distance is equal to the size of the opening of the internal mouth.

Consequences and possible complications during disclosure

A long and dense cervix before childbirth refers to pathological conditions and often causes complications during childbirth. In this case, complications are possible:

  • perineal rupture;
  • cervical rupture;
  • uterine rupture;
  • long painful labor;
  • fetal hypoxia.

The duration of labor directly depends on the degree of readiness of the cervix. Because uterine preparation is asymptomatic, it is sometimes discovered when the body is already involved in labor.

In this case, an urgent or mechanical procedure is performed - during contractions, the pharynx is dilated manually.

Premature dilatation can cause the birth of a premature baby or fetal death.

Too early shortening of the cervix often indicates. This pathology is one of the main causes of spontaneous miscarriages.

Video: cervix before childbirth

During pregnancy, the cervix is ​​in a closed position, and before childbirth it begins to open, helping the fetus move towards the exit. But often the cervix does not dilate at all during childbirth, then methods of stimulating the process are used.

The cervix is ​​a tube that is the connection for the internal and external genital organs. According to standards, during pregnancy this area should be tightly closed. This is necessary to keep the fetus inside and protect it from external infections.

A couple of weeks before the expected birth, the cervix begins to prepare for the birth of a baby. The organ shrinks, flattens and opens. It happens that changes occur ahead of schedule. This leads to spontaneous abortion or causes premature birth, so they try to stop the dilatation process with medication. But after this hormonal treatment The uterus does not open during childbirth.

The cervix begins to prepare for labor at 34 weeks. Her tissues are gradually becoming softer, but the entrance remains closed. In multiparous women at this stage, the opening in the cervical canal is one obstetric finger.

By the 37th week of pregnancy, the cervical tissues have already completely softened, and the baby has already begun to move towards the pelvis. Subsequently, the fetus’s body weight presses on the canal, which helps open it.

At the beginning of labor, the organ quickly flattens, shortens and 2 fingers are already inserted. During delivery, the dilation should reach 10 cm, which will allow the fetal head to come out.

If the cervix does not open before childbirth, the cause of the anomaly is unpreparedness for motherhood, nervous overexcitation or weak contractions. Often, an incorrect volume of amniotic fluid affects the dilatation process. If the woman in labor is elderly (she is over 35), low tissue elasticity negatively affects preparation for the birth of a baby. To help the process develop further, you should understand the reasons for the non-dilation of the cervix during childbirth.


Women in labor experience too little or no dilatation, which means the birth canal is unprepared for the advancement of the fetus. The cause of the pathology is the peculiarity female body or medical errors during pregnancy.

Why is the cervix not dilated during childbirth?

  1. very weak contractions;
  2. with great psychological stress before delivery;
  3. excessive strengthening during pregnancy hormonal drugs with premature disclosure;
  4. age over 35 years.

In order for the cervix to soften and smooth out, full labor is needed. This means that contractions should appear regularly and gradually intensify. With weak spasms of the uterine muscles there will be no opening.

Often, polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios cause sluggish labor. If there is an excessive amount of amniotic fluid, the uterine muscles become overstretched. Contractile activity deteriorates significantly, so the cervix does not dilate during childbirth. It also happens, on the contrary, that the amount of amniotic fluid is too scanty; a flat amniotic sac cannot cause a full opening.

If the woman giving birth is over 35 years old, the tissues in the body are less elastic. It is rigidity that becomes the basis for difficulties with opening.

Excess hormones when strengthening the cervix during pregnancy negatively affects the process of preparing for pregnancy. generic action. If pregnancy continues due to a small opening up to 32 weeks, it is prescribed drug therapy, which reduces the activity of opening and strengthens the tissue of the cervical canal.

After such treatment, it is difficult for a woman’s body to resume preparations for the birth of a baby, so labor is absent altogether or too weak. After identifying the basis for non-disclosure, piece stimulation is prescribed.

Stimulation methods

At this stage, drug-free or medicinal effects are used to influence the course of labor. There are drugs for cervical dilation that affect the development of labor and dilatation. Sometimes algae (kelp) is injected into the cervical canal. The method of action is that in the moist environment of the vagina, kelp swells and pushes the organ apart. Substances released when algae come into contact with moisture contribute to faster ripening of cervical tissue.

Future parents prefer to stop there medicinal method piece opening. This effect is used outside the hospital, but a recommendation from a gynecologist is required before use. It is believed that this method of stimulation is safer for the fetus.

What to do if the cervix is ​​not ready for childbirth:

  • do a cleansing enema (this will lead to the onset of contractions, which means there will be an opening);
  • have sex regularly (sperm softens, and orgasm contracts the uterine muscles);
  • do housework (doing housework will help the fetus progress through birth canal, so the contractions will begin to intensify faster).

Traditional stimulation is carried out using prostaglandins, hormones that affect reproductive health women. The substances have a positive effect on the muscles and tissues of the uterus. These hormones are not often used for stimulation; they are mainly used for artificial termination of pregnancy.

Gel introduction

Medicines are produced in the form of gels and suppositories, inserted into the vagina, and do not cause discomfort. Labor begins to appear within 30-40 minutes. If the cervix is ​​not ready for childbirth, puncture of the amniotic sac is performed. Dilatation should begin due to the onset of labor. But often after an amniotomy there are contractions, but no dilation. The reason for this is the artificial influence on the process of bringing a child into the world.

When the puncture procedure is carried out ahead of time, everything will go with precision, but on the contrary, if the child has not inserted the head into the pelvis, there will be no contractions. The fact is that the amniotic fluid above the fetal head creates a barrier to the exit and softening of the cervix.

The most common way to influence poor dilatation is injections or drips with oxytocin. This human hormone, produced in the hypothalamus. Its role is to control labor and lactation.

The hormone is prescribed to increase contractile activity uterus The woman in labor feels increased spasms of the uterine muscles a minute after the start of the injection. The method is used when the cervix does not open well during childbirth up to 6 cm. If the opening is less, there is no point in starting stimulation with oxytocin.

It is important to correctly calculate the dosage, since if the hormone is introduced excessively into the mother’s body, placental abruption will occur, bleeding will occur, or the baby will become oxygen starved. Before stimulation, the causes of the pathology are identified and the optimal method of treatment is prescribed. It is also possible to use alternative medicine as a way to stimulate labor.

Traditional methods

Use heating pads. To do this, place a heating pad on your stomach with water at room temperature, and a bottle of water between your legs. warm water. The effect should be as follows: the child will begin to move from cold to warm and insert his head into the pelvis. This will help the organ smooth out and soften.

Why is the cervix not ready for childbirth?

  1. due to weakness of contractions;
  2. due to incorrect amount of amniotic fluid;
  3. through medical incompetence;
  4. early puncture of the amniotic sac;
  5. with the rapid development of labor

Once the reasons for poor cervical dilatation have been identified, you can begin to decide on the stimulation option. If it is just a post-term pregnancy, and opening does not occur, it is allowed to use unconventional means. Although they are painless and not dangerous, you should consult your obstetrician/gynecologist about use to avoid causing harm.

Possible use herbal infusions to improve opening. They take nettles shepherd's purse or barberry. To prepare the drink, you need 1 tbsp. spoon of herbs, fruits or leaves, pour 1 glass of boiling water. After this, you need to boil the tea for 5 minutes and leave until it cools completely. Take the decoction 3 times, 70 g each, throughout the week.

The following methods are used much less frequently:

  • bodyflex;
  • acupuncture;
  • yoga.


When the cervix has not opened, complications may arise in postpartum period. You should familiarize yourself with them in advance to be as prepared as possible.

Possible risks:

  1. cracks;
  2. gap;
  3. C-section.

If there is no opening, it is possible to get a rupture. The cause of the complication is also too big fruit, rapid labor and the birth of a newborn ahead of schedule.

The deviation is manifested by light bleeding; the wound is easy to diagnose with a gynecological speculum during an internal examination of the woman in labor. The defect is corrected by suturing the damaged area, but the stitches hurt for a long time.

At complete absence opening and unsuccessful stimulation, use conservative method delivery. The child is removed by caesarean section. Postpartum recovery will be difficult, because fresh scars will remain inside from the incision of the uterus and abdomen. It is more difficult for a woman to care for her baby after a caesarean section.

Problems with the child's health arise. If the first stage of labor is too long, due to lack of opening, hypoxia appears in the fetus, as well as difficulty breathing after birth. As a consequence oxygen starvation, mental deviations or defects of the nervous system appear.

Lack of dilatation of the cervix leads to pathologies. It is required to be sufficiently informed about the course of delivery in order to avoid labor anomalies.