How to cure lack of sense of smell. Types and causes of loss of smell and taste

The sense of smell is the ability to distinguish odors from each other. Unlike men, women have a more acute sense of smell. It is especially aggravated during a hormonal surge in the body, for example, during pregnancy or ovulation. Impaired sense of smell occurs due to inflammatory processes in the nose and injuries to the mucous membrane. This pathology can be caused by vitamin deficiency, head injuries and intoxication of the body. Allergies and genetic mutations are common causes of loss of smell.

Types of pathology

Impaired sense of smell is pathological condition, in which access of any aromatic substances to the olfactory neuroepithelium is difficult, a special receptor zone is severely damaged, or the central olfactory tract is damaged.

Impaired sense of smell may be three types. Each of them has its own characteristics.

  1. Transport. This type of disorder occurs due to severe swelling of the mucous membrane. This condition is typical for rhinitis, sinusitis, deviated nasal septum and various neoplasms in the nose. Viral and bacterial infections. Disturbances in the production of mucosal secretions can also lead to such a pathology. In this case, the cilia of the epithelium are literally immersed in a viscous secretion.
  2. Sensory. This disorder occurs due to the destruction of the neuroepithelium by various pathogens. Pathology can occur when toxic substances are inhaled and radiation therapy is performed on areas adjacent to the head.
  3. Neural. This type of disorder occurs with head injuries when the base of the front of the skull or the cribriform plate is damaged. Neurosurgery and head tumors can also lead to this.

In addition, a decrease in the sense of smell is differentiated by the ability to detect odors. Based on patient complaints or examination results, doctors identify the following disorders:

  • Complete anosmia - in this case, the patient does not distinguish odors at all.
  • Partial anosmia - the patient perceives some aromas.
  • Partial hyposmia is reduced sensitivity to certain odors.
  • Dysosmia - in this case, a person cannot normally identify odors. The sense of smell is perverted.
  • Complete hyperosmia - the patient has a very developed sense of smell.
  • Partial hyperosmia - in this case, special sensitivity is observed only to certain odors.

Only a doctor can determine the type of pathology in a particular case. For this purpose it is carried out full examination sick.

Impaired sense of smell cannot be called serious symptom, but sometimes it indicates serious pathologies central nervous system.


A change in sense of smell may be due to pathological disorders in the nasal cavity, as well as in pathologies of the central nervous system. The sense of smell is impaired during colds, because the nose swells greatly and odors cannot reach special olfactory receptors. Since the perception of smell also affects the perception of taste, this explains the tastelessness of food during a cold. Sometimes the olfactory cells are damaged by viruses, so a person does not smell or taste for several days after complete recovery.

Sometimes the loss of smell lasts for months or becomes irreversible. Cells can be severely damaged by frequent viral infections or during radiation therapy.

The main causes of impaired sense of smell in people include the following pathologies and conditions:

  • Taking medications that affect the ability to correctly perceive odors. These include amphetamines, zinc-based drugs, some hormones and nasal drops for long-term use.
  • Respiratory and allergic diseases.
  • Blockage of the nasal passages by polyps and other neoplasms.
  • Deformation of the nasal septum.
  • Endocrine disorders.
  • Neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease.
  • Lack of vitamins and nutrients in organism.
  • Injuries to the skull and nose.
  • Surgical intervention in the nasal cavity.
  • Consequences of radiation therapy.

The most common cause of smell disorder is considered to be traumatic brain injury, which often happens in car accidents. In this case, the fibers of the special olfactory nerve, which comes from the center of smell, are torn in the area of ​​the ethmoid bone, which separates the nose and the cavity of the cranium.

Sometimes there are cases when a person is already born with an impaired sense of smell. This indicates congenital neurological pathologies or genetic predisposition.


To test a person’s sense of smell, they resort to various products and substances with a strong odor. Can be used essential oils, some types of soap and such aromatic spices, like cinnamon or cloves. In addition, they check how correctly the patient determines taste. For this you can use sugar, salt, lemon juice and aloe juice.

The doctor will carefully examine the nose and the surrounding area. To clarify the diagnosis, the following studies may be prescribed:

  • CT scan.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

In addition, the doctor carefully collects anamnesis. It is clarified for the patient when the disturbance in the sense of smell became noticeable and under what circumstances this occurred.

When diagnosing a pathology, the doctor must pay attention to whether the patient has any diseases oral cavity which are accompanied by a lack of saliva.


Depending on the cause that caused this pathology, the doctor prescribes treatment. If the disorder is associated with taking certain medications, they should be discontinued. After suffering from a respiratory illness or flu, you should wait a couple of weeks. If during this time the odors are still not felt, then you need to consult a doctor.

In most cases, such disorders are reversible. To quickly restore your lost sense of smell, you must follow these recommendations:

To restore normal sense of smell, you need to quit smoking. It has already been proven that the disturbance in the perception of smells in heavy smokers is reversible; the restoration of the sense of smell occurs, albeit slowly, but surely.

It is worth understanding that it will not be possible to completely restore the sense of smell in older people. The sense of smell in 80-year-olds is half that of a 30-year-old.

What to pay attention to

If a person does not smell and taste food, then this is not a problem. What should be alarming is that a person often learns about impending danger by recognizing odors. If the perception of odors is persistently impaired, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

If a person cannot recognize odors after suffering a respiratory illness, then there is no need to worry about this; after a week everything will be restored without any treatment.

With respiratory diseases and flu, the sense of smell is almost always impaired. This is due to severe swelling of the mucous membrane and the inability of aromas to reach special receptors in the nose. This condition is reversible and does not require treatment. With head injuries, the impairment in odor recognition may be irreversible. Age-related changes in the nose cannot be corrected either.

A healthy person hears, sees, touches well, and should also have problems with smell and taste. Problems with vision and hearing are very common, but many find it quite difficult to imagine that you suddenly the taste will disappear and smell as well as touch. Surprisingly, even the loss of smell and taste is not such a rare occurrence. There are really many such cases, and their reasons may be different.

To an ordinary person It’s hard to imagine that the world suddenly lost all its smells. What to do in this case? Of course, many in such a situation begin to panic ahead of time, since it is very difficult for them to imagine what the world will seem like to them if the illness does not go away.

Loss of smell, the causes of which will be discussed in this article, can become a problem for anyone, which means you need to carefully analyze everything related to it. Let us say right away that this phenomenon is more unpleasant than dangerous, and also that in most cases it can be cured. In other words, there is absolutely no reason to worry too much.

Loss of smell: causes

The cause may be the most common cold, which is too neglected. Sometimes it is so strong that after its temporary elimination (for example, after you put drops in your nose), you can breathe easily, but odors are not felt at all. The point is that nerve pathways, which lead from the receptors to the nose, have suffered greatly due to the tumor, and it takes time to recover. TO chronic infections, which can deprive us of our sense of smell, should first of all be attributed to sinusitis. Loss of smell can also occur as a result of allergies (by the way, it is allergies that most often lead to this).

There are many known cases when this disease visits people. This is due to the fact that over time, the nerve centers that are responsible for the sensation of smell begin to function worse and worse as they age. This is not surprising, since older people also hear worse, see worse, and distinguish the taste of food worse. Of course, their skin is not as sensitive as in youth.

Loss of smell, the causes of which are different, can also occur due to the fact that a person simply gets used to a particular smell and stops feeling it. This very often happens to people who work in workshops where the smells leave much to be desired. This reason for the loss of the ability to distinguish odors is purely psychological, since the brain thus tries to protect the person. Worry in in this case not worth it.

Causes may include head trauma, diabetes, liver problems or a stroke. Surgery performed on the brain can also affect the sense of smell. This also includes a great emotional shock, as a result of which the entire body is subjected to stress.

Only an otolaryngologist can tell you why the loss of smell occurred. He can determine the reasons for it using endoscopy of the nasal cavity or a test that will determine your ability to distinguish certain odors. A tomograph can also be used for diagnosis.

What could be the treatment?

Basically, all treatment consists in eliminating the underlying disease, which caused the patient to cease to distinguish odors. No disease - no symptom. Everything is very easy and simple. In some cases it is possible surgical intervention(an example is a case where polyps became the cause of the trouble).

People who have lost their sense of smell due to their young, various vitamin and mineral complexes, which can slow down the aging process, as well as restore the body (at least a little).

Loss of smell, or anosmia, is enough serious problem for a person, significantly worsening the quality of his life. AND we're talking about not only about aesthetic moments - the pleasure of inhaling the aroma of flowers or the New Year's mood associated with the smells of citrus and cinnamon. Decreased or lost sense of smell can be dangerous to your overall health. A pleasant smell stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, and the absence of its perception can cause digestive disorders. Many substances that are toxic to humans have unpleasant smell and irritate the nasal mucosa, causing sneezing, and with anosmia they easily penetrate the body and have adverse effects.

The reader should understand that loss of smell, although often not a direct threat to life, still requires the patient to seek advice from a specialist. About why the sense of smell decreases and disappears and what are the principles of treatment of this state, And we'll talk in our article.

Classification and causes of loss of smell

During the flowering period of plants, allergic rhinitis can cause a decrease in the sense of smell.

Both the loss of smell (or anosmia) and its decrease (or hyposmia) can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital lack of smell is a consequence of the complete absence of the respiratory tract or their partial underdevelopment. Often this pathology accompanies congenital anomalies development of the nose or facial skull.

Acquired loss of smell can be of peripheral and central origin: peripheral occurs when the disorder is localized in the area of ​​the nose itself, and central when organic damage central nervous system.

Peripheral anosmia, in turn, depending on the reasons that caused it, is divided into 4 types:

  • functional (is a manifestation of viral infections, in this case it is a consequence of swelling of the nasal mucosa; can occur with neuroses and hysteria; after eliminating the cause of anosmia, the sense of smell is fully restored);
  • respiratory (develops when air containing molecules of aromatic substances passes through the nasal passages, but for some reason cannot reach peripheral part olfactory analyzer; often such causes are hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates, and other benign and);
  • senile, or age-related (the result of atrophic changes in the nasal mucosa, in particular the mucous epithelium, which leads to dryness of the nasal mucosa);
  • essential (the result of damage to the immediate peripheral part of the olfactory analyzer, which arose in connection with the inflammatory process in this area, burns of the nasopharynx of any nature, household or surgical trauma area of ​​the nose/nasopharynx, hypo- or atrophy of the olfactory epithelium, prolonged compression olfactory cavity in any way tumor process, and toxic damage her).

In most cases, the duration of peripheral anosmia is characterized by a decrease taste sensations in parallel with a deterioration in the sense of smell.

A decrease in the sense of smell of central origin, or cerebral anosmia, can occur with the following diseases:

  • acute or chronic disorder cerebral circulation atherosclerotic or other nature;
  • brain tumors in the anterior cranial fossa (meningioma, frontal lobe glioma);
  • disseminated encephalomyelitis;
  • traumatic brain injury of any severity;
  • arachnoiditis;
  • meningitis;
  • inflammation of the ethmoid sinus -;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

With cerebral anosmia, if pathological process localized in the area of ​​the cortical centers of smell, a person determines the presence of an odor, but cannot verify or determine its type.

Diagnosis of anosmia

To instrumentally confirm the patient’s complaints that he cannot smell, olfactometry is performed - measuring the acuity of smell with a special device - the Zwaardemaker olfactometer. The device is a hollow porous cylinder that contains an aromatic substance and into which a long glass tube with divisions is inserted. During the examination, this tube is gradually lowered into the cylinder - thus dosing the odorous substance entering the nose of the subject. The amount of immersion of the glass tube into the cylinder is expressed in centimeters according to the number of divisions immersed in the cylinder and is a unit of measurement of the acuity of smell - olfactia.

During the examination, a person first determines the appearance of some kind of odor - this value of olfactions is called the threshold of sensation. The tube continues to be lowered into the cylinder, and at a certain moment the subject learns what kind of aroma he is smelling - this is the threshold of recognition, which is always higher than the threshold of sensation that arises earlier. The recognition threshold directly depends on whether a person is familiar with the scent provided to him or not.

With anosmia, the very fact of the absence of smell is determined, but only in some cases can it be determined what its origin is - central or peripheral. As mentioned above, with the loss of the sense of smell of a cerebral nature, the patient can sense the presence of an odor without the possibility of recognizing it; therefore, olfactometry makes it possible to determine a normal or increased threshold of sensation, but the recognition threshold is either sharply increased or not determined at all.

An olfactometric test can also be carried out using all kinds of odors, which includes 40 items of tasks for the patient (for example, identify a specific odor from 4 provided). The reliability of this test is quite high - about 0.95, but it is sensitive to gender and age differences. In patients suffering from complete loss of smell, the test result will be from 7 to 19 out of 40 points.

If a lack of smell is detected in a patient, further research should be aimed at establishing the reasons that caused it. Highest value at the same time has CT scan brain, allowing to detect organic changes in the frontal lobe and other pathology. If changes in the brain are detected, in order to clarify the diagnosis, further examination and determine treatment tactics, the patient is advised to consult a neurologist and/or neurosurgeon.

Treatment for loss of smell

The nasal polyp prevents the passage of molecules of aromatic substances through the respiratory tract - they do not reach the peripheral olfactory analyzer, and anosmia develops.

Treatment methods for anosmia and the possibility of restoring the sense of smell are, in principle, determined in each specific case individually and directly depend on the type of disease that caused the pathology of smell.

If the cause of anosmia is viral or bacterial rhinitis or sinusitis, the patient is prescribed local and general antiviral or antibacterial therapy, plus local anti-inflammatory and systemic or local antiallergic agents (the latter help reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa).

In allergic rhinitis, restoration of the sense of smell is facilitated by the administration of antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs locally and/or systemically, and in severe allergic reaction or if there is no effect from antihistamines They even prescribe corticosteroid hormones, which are known to have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

If polyps are detected in the nasal cavity, the only thing effective method treatment that will lead to the restoration of smell - removal of tumors surgically. The same applies to other tumor formations in the nose, but in the case of their malignant nature, radiation or chemotherapy will also be added to the operation (of course, restoration of the sense of smell in the latter case is absolutely not guaranteed, but still possible).

If the nasal septum is deviated, the olfactory function of the nose will be restored only after successful surgery to straighten it.

For central anosmia caused by a tumor process in the brain, treatment is usually combined - surgical removal neoplasms plus chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. However, in a number of cases, at advanced stages of the disease radical treatment is inappropriate, but only symptomatic - it is impossible to restore the sense of smell.

Some doctors suggest complex treatment causes of anosmia, add zinc preparations, since its deficiency leads to deterioration and distortion of the sense of smell, and vitamin A, the lack of which in the body causes degeneration of the epithelium of the mucous membranes, including the nose, as a result of which the sense of smell decreases.

At the end of the article, I would like to repeat once again: despite the fact that most of the causes of loss of smell are not life-threatening for the patient, he should not let the disease take its course or self-medicate at home. It is worth seeking help from a specialist as soon as possible to find out what disease caused anosmia - in the case of such an unpleasant finding as a tumor of the nasal cavity or brain area, the chances of it successful treatment on early stage much more than in a neglected one.

The program “About the Most Important Thing” talks about the loss of smell:

The sense of smell is one of the most important senses of the human body. Thanks to it, we feel the aromas of perfumes, food, flowers.

There are even a number of professions where good sense of smell simply necessary - a perfumer, a taster, a cook. In addition, the sense of smell also plays protective function– if you smell gas, smoke or chemicals in time, it will save your life.

But there are people who have never smelled or have lost such an opportunity. Their condition is medically known as anosmia.

Anosmia – This total loss sense of smell is enough rare pathology which leads to damage to the olfactory organs and pathways.

Causes of the disease

Odor recognition system in human body has a complex structure - receptors, bulbs, central analyzer - all components perform their function in the system.

And if dysfunction of the sense of smell occurs, it means that there is a failure in the system. There are a lot of reasons for this:

  • Anomalies in the development of the mucous membrane and nasal passages (congenital anosmia).
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx: rhinitis, sinusitis, formation of nasal polyps
  • Viral infections, such as influenza, that affect the upper Airways
  • , broken nose
  • Loss of smell due to head injuries
  • Benign or malignancy in the brain or nasal cavity. In this case, anosmia can develop very slowly, so the relationship is not always obvious
  • Brain diseases (both inflammatory and non-inflammatory) – encephalitis, meningitis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, multiple sclerosis
  • Bad habits - smoking, drinking alcoholic drinks, reception narcotic substances can lead to damage to the mucous membrane and, as a result, loss of smell
  • Reaction to medications, antibiotics

Conventionally, all these reasons can be divided into two types: those that prevent odors from entering upper section nose (tumors, congestion) and those associated with disruption of the transmission of nerve signals.

Symptoms and types of Anosmia: classification

Symptoms of anosmia include partial or or weakening. Sometimes a person can smell only one nostril - then we are talking about a one-sided pathology.

Congenital impairment of the sense of smell occurs due to improper formation olfactory pathways. As a rule, it is observed together with malformations of the entire facial part of the skull or just the nose.

In addition, pathology can be caused by genetic abnormalities (defective gene). Such anosmia can be either isolated (genetic changes do not spread further) or part genetic disease, for example, Kallmann syndrome.
Source: website Acquired anosmia can be divided into central, peripheral and conduction depending on its origin.

Central (impaired processing of nerve impulses) is observed with lesions of the brain, spinal cord(CNS) - this can be either a neoplasm or a disorder in the vertebral and intracerebral arteries.

With this type of anosmia, it happens that the patient retains the ability to smell, but cannot recognize and identify them. Among the most common causes of this form of the disease are traumatic brain injuries and meningitis.

Peripheral anosmia is a pathology of the nasal analyzer - disorders of the mucous membrane, damage to receptors, olfactory bulbs. This type of acquired anosmia can be divided into several subtypes:

  • Functional peripheral anosmia – is formed in patients with chronic allergic rhinitis and sinusitis, and can also be a consequence of acute respiratory diseases, neuralgia (pinched olfactory nerve) or nervous disorders.
  • Respiratory peripheral– formed in connection with pathological changes in the nasopharynx (deviation of the septum, the appearance of neoplasms, tumors, adenoids, etc.) - with such changes, the air does not reach the area where the olfactory segment is located.
  • Essential peripheral– is a consequence of injuries, inflammation, chemical and thermal burns in which the work of the peripheral part of the analyzer is disrupted. With this type of anosmia, the olfactory cells are completely destroyed.
  • Age-related (senile) peripheral anosmia associated with structural changes nasal mucosa due to age-related changes.

Conduction anosmia occurs as a result of disturbances in the transmission of nerve impulses to brain structures- subcortical centers. With this type, the cause of the dysfunction should be identified and eliminated, then the ability to perceive odors will return.

Diagnosis of smell disorders

To understand what type of anosmia it is, you need to identify the causes of its occurrence. Today, the leading positions among the causes of olfactory dysfunction are occupied by traumatic brain injuries (children and young people) and viral diseases(older patients).

It should be noted

According to statistics, a decrease or complete loss of smell occurs with every tenth traumatic brain injury. Particularly dangerous are injuries to the frontal and occipital parts skulls

Post-traumatic disorders are less responsive to treatment than others. The sense of smell is partially or completely restored in only 10% of patients. In this case, the perception of odors may be distorted.

With viral anosmia, the sensitive epithelium is destroyed by the virus and is subsequently replaced by the respiratory epithelium.

Among the tumors that cause anosmia, Meningioma is the leading one.

Also, with pathology, olfactory hallucinations may occur. In this case, a person thinks that he smells a smell that others cannot sense.

This is typical both for anosmia caused by tumors and for olfactory disorders due to alcohol abuse. Olfactory hallucinations may also be based on mental illness– schizophrenia and depression.

How to treat Anosmia?

Since this ailment is often only a consequence of injury or illness, efforts should be focused not on treatment, but on eliminating the causes of its occurrence.

As soon as the underlying illness or injury disappears, the sense of smell partially or completely returns.

To speed up the process, the nasal cavity and sinuses are sanitized.

Does not require separate treatment anosmia resulting from sinusitis, rhinitis and trauma. When these causes are eliminated, the sense of smell is restored, of course.


It is impossible to restore the sense of smell in injuries where the pathways are completely damaged.

For congenital anosmia, it is carried out surgery to eliminate developmental anomalies. However, such an operation can be successful if the patient’s age does not exceed 3-4 years.

The difficulty is that such operations are contraindicated for children - the cranial bones are in the process of formation.

At the same time, the percentage successful operations, as a result of which the sense of smell was partially or completely restored is extremely small - 0.1%. Therefore, in general, congenital anosmia is considered incurable.

Drug therapy is indicated only for essential anosmia.

Depending on the causes of anosmia, patients may be recommended the following operations:

  1. removal of nasal polyps;
  2. endoscopic surgery to clear the sinuses;

In addition, the following drugs will help:

  1. nasal sprays containing steroids;
  2. antihistamines, for allergic rhinitis;
  3. antibiotics, for example, Bioparox;
  4. antiviral agents – oxolinic ointment, Arbidol and others.

Also, in some cases, doctors prescribe complex therapy preparations containing vitamin A and zinc (Zincteral, Retinol acetate, Blagomin, etc.)

How to treat anosmia at home with folk remedies?

Folk remedies apply only to anosmia caused by rhinitis, sinusitis, etc. and are similar to methods of fighting the runny nose.

Among the most common traditional methods treatment:

In glass warm water you need to dilute a pinch of salt, stir well and alternately rinse the nostrils.

Holding one nostril with your finger, pull in the second nostril salt water as deep as possible. For greater effectiveness, you can use small enemas or syringes without a needle. To simulate sea ​​water You can add a few drops of iodine to a glass of water and salt.

You can also rinse your nose with chamomile decoction. The duration of such treatment is 7 days.

Helps restore the sense of smell and lemon juice. It must be carefully sucked in with your nose.

Another well-known folk remedy is beet juice. It is recommended to instill 4-5 drops into each nostril 3 times a day.

The same procedure can be done. In both cases, the treatment time is up to 10 days.

Also in the arsenal folk remedies– use of aroma lamp, inhalation with medicinal herbs and essential oils.

But remember, self-medicate and rely only on folk recipes not worth it. All treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Prevention: how not to lose your sense of smell?

Not all causes of anosmia can be prevented and controlled by a person, however, there are a number of ways that will help protect yourself as much as possible from this disease.

So, to reduce the risk of problems with smell and perception of odors you need.

About the loss of smell

Loss of smell, like loss of taste, is big problem for a person. After all, the feeling of the aroma and taste of food is, in its own way, a certain joyful moment in the life of every person, which brings incomparable pleasure. Without smelling, simply put, it is impossible to enjoy life.. For many people, the sense of smell is generally fundamental in life, since their work activity directly related to this ( chefs, winemakers, perfumers).

Olfaction and system trigeminal nerve in the human body is " complex sensor", signaling an inhaled chemical, harmful substances such as natural gas And tobacco smoke with atmospheric impurities. The sense of smell is used in the same way by humans to detect the aromas of liquids and food.

The sense of smell helps a person identify inhaled substances, some may cause a feeling of cold, others - warmth or irritation. This is due to the activity of the afferent endings of the trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, facial, vagus nerve, which are located in the oral and nasal cavities, tongue, larynx and pharynx.

The sense of smell belongs to the category of the chemosensory system, since taste and olfactory sensations, together with sensations that are caused by the activity of the trigeminal nerve system, appear when influence chemical substances . The sense of smell can be impaired in cases where access to the olfactory neuroepithelium is difficult, the receptor zone is damaged, or the central olfactory pathway is damaged.

Causes of loss of smell

The cause of loss of smell may be swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal septum. due to acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), sinusitis, bacterial rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, as well as deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps. Loss of smell is also the result of disturbances in the secretion of the mucous membrane, when the olfactory cilia are immersed in the secretion.

Loss of smell may result from destruction of the olfactory neuroepithelium for acute viral infections, inhalation of toxic chemicals, as well as drugs that disrupt cell turnover. Loss of sense of smell may be caused by cranial injury with a fracture of the base of the anterior cranial fossa, a tumor, neurosurgical manipulations, taking neurotoxic drugs and certain congenital diseases, such as Kallmann syndrome.

Loss of smell is caused by damage to receptors in the conduction pathways and olfactory organs. The cause of this complication can be numerous diseases. In addition, loss of smell occurs when poisoned by substances: atropine, morphine, nicotine. Permanent loss of smell ( hyposmia) is called nasal polyps, curvature of the nasal septum, various tumors.

Also, the cause of loss of smell may be:

  • Underdevelopment of the olfactory pathways;
  • Diseases of the olfactory mucosa of the nose, nasal tumors, inflammatory diseases(rhinitis, sinusitis, colds);
  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Destruction of the olfactory pathways and bulbs due to bruises, which are observed when falling on the back of the head;
  • Inflammation of the ethmoid sinuses, inflammatory processes in the adjacent soft meninges and surrounding area;
  • Median tumors, as well as others volumetric formations in the anterior cranial fossa;
  • Smoking;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Toxins like acrylate, meth acrylate and cadmium;
  • Dementia with Lewy bodies;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Age-related disorders.

Treatment for loss of smell

Loss of smell is most often caused by colds, and deviated nasal septum or nasal polyps. The sense of smell in such cases is reduced due to the appearance of mechanical obstacles in front of the aromatic substance on its way to the area of ​​smell.

Treatment of loss of smell due to diseases of the mucous membrane by our specialist doctors involves:

  • Elimination of probable exogenous and endogenous factors causing and maintaining loss of smell;
  • Personally selected complex medical supplies, applied to each type of rhinitis;
  • Physiotherapy and physiotherapy;
  • Surgical treatment (if necessary) according to indications.

This type comprehensive And effective treatment leads to restoration of loss of smell, causing long-term and stable remission.

Book a consultation about loss of smell

Questions from users on our website about loss of smell

I didn’t pull the word “guarantee” out of thin air. That's what it says on your website. to be literally “Free admission.” 100% result guarantee. Return

funds in the absence of effect”! It’s a pity on Instagram you can’t add photos in the comments - I’d take a screenshot for you! - this is your website?! so I failed the question corresponding to the promise. Doctor, you know, if a person nevertheless decides to have an operation, then this means only one thing - he feels sooooo bad and he has not found an alternative treatment. I also found out about you a month ago (from the Internet), after I had already visited a surgeon (((so I tried to describe the problem as best as possible and find out if I have a real chance of recovery (with elevated esionophils, complete absence sense of smell, almost absent nasal breathing, asthma, and on top of that I’m 3 months pregnant)…

Alexander Puryasev,
Sorry, but the website is to the ENT-Asthma Clinic and to our website www.!!! Be careful!

My name is Denmark, my mother is 54 years old, she has chronic bronchial asthma, and cardiac ischemia was detected, is this dangerous?

She has lost her sense of smell, she can’t go outside at all, any smell causes a terrible attack of suffocation!! How can I alleviate the condition???

Alexander Puryasev,
doctor medical sciences, chief physician clinics:
your mother needs to be examined because... anosmia in asthma occurs with nasal polyps. An examination by an ENT doctor is needed, then a CT scan of the PPN. If you are interested in treatment, please contact us, we treat very effectively bronchial asthma, nasal polyps (if they are confirmed, of course)

Suspicion of sinusitis. Now I wash my nose with furatsilin. sage. I take amoxiclav. sinupret. nasal rhinoflaimucin. There is no sense of smell for several days. Perhaps this is due to inflammation... while there is a severe runny nose

and severe headache... will the sense of smell return??

Alexander Puryasev,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Clinic:
will return. But the way you treat your gamoritis will not cure it. He will go to chronic form and will return with every cold or hypothermia.

!! After the operation, clipping of a brain aneurysm, my sense of smell was lost; for three months now, my sense of smell has passed and has not returned. Will appear in


Alexander Puryasev,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Clinic:
I don’t know, this question should go to neurosurgeons, not our area. Apparently damaged central departments auditory center in the brain (optionally, see a neurologist). In ENT pathology, anosmia occurs for other reasons, when the pathological process affects the olfactory area in the nose.