How to tie a money knot. Knot of wealth and prosperity

We don’t even think about it, but often the cause of constant lack of money, problems and illnesses can be an ordinary knot in clothes that you tied incorrectly. Today a psychic will tell you about the secrets of knot magic, what mystical connection lies in the knots, and also how to attract money and good luck to yourself.


The head is responsible for money on the human body. This is our thinking center, this is our connection with the outside world. The more this channel is open, the easier it is for us to receive what we want from the outside world. Actually, how have we always earned money? Head. This means your financial well-being is right here. Therefore, let’s look at the knots that are knitted in the head-neck area. As a rule, this is some kind of scarf, headscarf, or scarf. So: you can’t tighten tight knots on your neck and head. You are creating a loop for yourself, breaking money channel, creating a blind knot.

The money knot is ordinary - straight, there is no need for any special weaving, the main thing is that it is not too tight so that you can untie it at any time. There are also rules that relate to the ritual itself. You should start only with good, bright thoughts, and in no case think about how unhappy you are, how little money you have and how much you need this help. This way you will capture all the negative information in the knot, and as you thought during weaving: “How poor and unhappy I am,” so the knot will take it upon itself. When will you knit money node, say: “I fasten everything in one with this knot, my will, my passion, my monetary power” and imagine your life with money, don’t think about it as a distant future, imagine that you have it here and now. It is better, of course, for the fabric to be green or at least with a green pattern.

You can tie, for example, a tie, the main thing is to choose a more complex knot, like a Windsor. And from a fashion point of view, this knot is not as boring as the classic one. It can do close person, but if someone ties you a knot, then you need to remember that you must be sure of the purity of this person’s intentions, because as we remember, with knots you can also harm yourself if you fix negative energy. You can also tie them with a knot, so I would recommend that wives tie their husbands’ ties themselves. I do not recommend buying those that are already tied and fixed, which we cannot untie - they can store negative energy. The same applies to all other nodes - they all must yield to us.

Money knot made of lace. The golden color of the cord represents money, and the red color represents the necessary energy to receive it. To weave a money knot, take two cords at once and make a loop by placing the leading end under the cord. Weaving is done clockwise:

2. Then place the leading end under the cord 2 times:

3. Now intertwine the cords by inserting the cord as follows: over the cord once, under the second time, over the third time, under the fourth time... and pull the cord over the cord one last time:

4. Tighten the cords and fix the beautiful shape of the bow:

You need to weave on the waxing moon. While weaving, say: “Money comes, money grows, money flows like a river into my pocket. True". Don't let strangers touch your nose. Carry the nauz on yourself (for example, on your belt), in your wallet or bag; it can be placed in an envelope with money or where you usually keep money at home or at work; they can be sewn and stuck on something, for example, on the entrance to a house. Options for receiving money may be the most unexpected.


The abdominal area is responsible for our health. This is a channel of communication with nature, with the past, with one’s family. This is where our umbilical cord is. Why was it tied? So that the energy of the child, the new life, is not used by the ancestors, that is, so that it is not dragged into the past. With a knot on the umbilical cord we establish the fact of the appearance of a person. And if something is wrong with your health, you need to look at the energy in this zone. Do your best to influence its improvement. To do this, you should pay attention to the knots that we tie on the stomach. The correct knot will, as it were, “patch up” energy holes - which is what our diseases are.

If you tie a thread in a knot around the sore spot and wear it for a while, for example, tie it at night, it will be easier to get rid of this disease. For example, if you constantly suffer from headaches, you can take a red ribbon and simply tie it around your head. At the same time, you need to say: “The disease went away, but it brought health.”

In case of stomach problems, we tie a belt around the waist - we heal the energy of the body. It is important that the knot of your belt falls on the navel - this is where all our energy is concentrated.

It is important that the knot does not unravel on its own, so if you are not sure that it will be well secured, make a double knot. IN in this case everything is opposite to the money knot. The main thing is that the knot is strong. And preferably red.

And don't forget to imagine yourself healthy, happy man. Men can tie a woolen thread around their waist instead of a belt and wear it under their clothes.


Remember the wedding rituals - the parents tie the hands of the newlyweds together, they tie ribbons on the bride and groom, and the bride used to have many ribbons woven into her hair - this is all in order to link the destinies of the newlyweds and cement the union. The best knot for love is a braid! This also applies to those in relationships. After all, in this way we weave together several components families. To attract the energy of love into your life, braid your hair and say: “I knit, I knit, I tie, I indicate fate.” But the knots on the legs act in the same way as the braid. Newlyweds first step in life together do it on a towel. It is all embroidered, and in fact, threads are woven and crossed in it. The same thing happens on our shoelaces. The more complex the weaving, the better. The final knot must be tight and cannot be hidden. If you hide the loops, you are hiding from your love. And if he doesn’t tie his shoes at all, then you should wear girls.

Source node magical properties. With the help of magic, the power of the node increases many times over. The meaning of knots in magic has strictly individual shades. We can see echoes of the mystical essence of the knot even in such an innocent ritual as “tying a knot as a keepsake.”

ABOUT magical properties Our ancestors knew the knots, hence many rituals and beliefs arose, some of which have survived to this day. The use of knot magic is one of the simplest and at the same time extremely effective ways attracting wealth into your life.

Money Ritual at 9 knots

First option.

We perform a ritual on the waxing moon or full moon.

Take a green silk ribbon about 30 cm long.

Tie 9 knots on it, sequentially saying to each knot:

« The first node begins witchcraft.

The second node is done.

With the third node, the money comes to me.

With the fourth node, new opportunities are knocking on my door.

With the fifth node, my business is thriving.

The sixth node secures witchcraft.

With the seventh node I was given success.

With the eighth node the income is multiplied.

With the ninth knot, it's all mine now!»

Keep the ribbon with you as a talisman

Second option.

Tie nine knots on the cord. General procedure them on the cord should be as follows: 1-6-4-8- 3-7-5-9-2. That is, first tie the first knot at one end of the cord, the second at the other end, the third in the middle of the cord, the fourth in the middle between the first and third, the fifth between the third and second, etc.

As you tie each knot, say: “I fasten with this knot everything in one, my will, my passion, my monetary power.”

When finished, burn the cord over the candle flame, then scatter the ashes to the wind.

Money ritual on a green candle

At dawn on the waxing moon, light a green candle.

From a skein of green yarn (wool), cut nine threads of equal length. Place them together, hold them between your palms, rub your hands against each other, forming a cord from the threads.

When performing manipulations, say:
“By nine roads, by nine ways, what I desire will come to me: copper nickels, silver rubles, gold chervonets, significant bonds on paper, marked with signatures and seals.”

A bundle of wealth for the lazy

A modern and simplified way to attract wealth using a thread.

You will need a green thread, preferably made of natural fibers, about 30 cm long. This thread is tied 5 times clockwise around the little finger on the hand: for women - on the right, for men - on the left. As you tie the knot at the end, mentally wish yourself prosperity. If the thread gets wet or dirty, replace it with a new one, tie it in the same way and wear it until you receive the ordered amount. Then remove and burn.

English prosperity knots

Perform the ritual on the waxing moon on Thursday.

  • green candle
  • any incense stick,
  • square patch of green / Brown,
  • 3 silver (or simply white metal) coins,
  • a little bit of different herbs: marigold, saffron, la-vanda,
  • 10 rock salt crystals
  • and, most importantly, two threads, gold and silver.

Retreat to a quiet place. Mix the herbs and pour them onto a flat surface in the form of a circle. Place a candle in the center of this circle and incense stick, put coins, salt, a piece of cloth and thread. Light the candle, then the incense stick. Take the coins in your palms, bring them to your mouth, and exhale on them four times.
Repeat the spell three times: “I call for air, I call money the way,”
then once: “It’s done and it will be blessed!”

Collect herbs, coins, salt, place on a green piece of paper and wrap it in the form of a bag. Intertwine silver and gold threads together. Using the resulting rope, tightly tie the bag of green flap with seven knots. Carry this bag with you for thirty days, and then hide it at home in a secluded place.
Based on materials from,

You can believe it or doubt it, but the fact that the magic of money has unlimited power is an indisputable fact. Financial well-being, stability, a decent life, the opportunity for personal self-realization - all this can be given to you by the magic of attracting money and success. All you have to do is take advantage of its capabilities and enjoy the results

At all times, knots have been talismans with strong energy properties. In our article you can learn how to tie a knot correctly, with which you can attract good luck and wealth, as well as fulfill any desires.

Tying a knot is one of the the most ancient ways attracting what you want. Our ancestors quite often used knot magic for protection from evil, evil spirits, and also for acquiring material wealth. There are several types of knots, and each of them has a special secret meaning. Money nodes attract wealth and prosperity, luck nodes help a person achieve success in all areas of life, the desire node serves to realize a cherished dream.

Experts will tell you how to use simple knots to change your life for the better.

Luck Knot

A dark streak can come in every person's life. At such moments, Fortune turns away from you, and any attempts to change your life do not bring positive result. Of course, you can just accept it and get through this difficult period. However, if you want to overcome obstacles as quickly as possible and return your luck, you can do this using a regular knot.

It may seem to many that tying knots for good luck is a long and painstaking job that requires quite a lot of effort. In fact, anyone can tie a knot of luck. To do this you will need three red threads or narrow ribbons. First, form the top of the knot by tying a double knot from the threads. Then fold the threads so that two of them are woven together and the other is separate from them. After this, start tying small knots, and at the end, tie a double knot again so that the knots do not unravel. While weaving, say:

“I tie knots, I tie luck to myself.”

After this, always keep the knot with you so that others cannot see it. If one day you lose a knot, don't be upset: it means you were able to avoid a big setback or serious problem.

Money node

The money node is popular not only in Russia, but also in China, as well as in many other countries. The Chinese quite often call it the knot of life, based on the fact that a person’s life can only be happy if he does not experience financial difficulties.

Many signs and superstitions are associated with knot magic. In many countries, pregnant women never braid their hair, citing the fact that such a hairstyle is also a kind of magic of knots. During childbirth, a woman should not have knots, otherwise, according to legend, the baby may be born sick.

Experienced magicians and sorcerers do not recommend braiding hair or tying knots in clothing during a ritual, since even a small knot can affect its result. Before performing the ceremony, women should let their hair down and wear clothes that will not need to be held in place with knots.

With the help of knot magic, you can perform both white and black rituals. It all depends on your intentions. However, esotericists do not recommend performing dark rituals, especially at home. Most often, their results are disastrous. Use the magic of knots to get what you want. By harming others, you cannot find happiness.

Rules of knot magic

Knot magic must be performed following the rules. If you violate them, you will not get the desired result. If you want to attract something positive into your life, manipulations should be carried out on the growing Moon. To get rid of negativity, work with the knowledge during the waning phase.

If you are going to perform the ceremony at home, be sure to put things in order. Some objects in your home have negative energy and can affect the results of knot magic. It is best to practice weaving near temples or churches. In such places, exclusively positive energy always prevails.

While working with science, you should be in a positive mood. If you are overwhelmed by negative thoughts and cannot concentrate on weaving, it is better to postpone the ceremony for a more appropriate time. It is not recommended to practice knot magic if you are in bad mood. In this case, the negative will be woven into the knot, which means that the result of the ritual will not correspond to the expected result.

Thread is the main attribute of knot magic. It should be made of natural material, without chemical impurities. Our ancestors preferred to use leather or woolen laces. The color of the thread must correspond to the purpose of the ritual. A red or pink thread is suitable for attracting love, green - money, yellow - good luck. With the help of a black thread you can get rid of negativity.

Slavic science for profit “Money Tree”

To attract wealth, the Slavs often turned to To higher powers. Profit tips will help you attract wealth and material well-being.

To attract wealth, it is recommended to use green thread. During the ceremony you must get rid of negative thoughts and focus on results. This pattern consists of three identical knots. As a result, the nauz should look like a tree. You should weave it slowly, saying the following spell:

“Profits are growing! Wealth multiplies! Money comes to me (name) and stays with me!”

The money nuz can be smeared with patchouli or pine oil, and also decorated with a figurine, and then hung near the front door.

Money node

If the Slavic science for profit seemed complicated to you, we offer you a simpler version of the money knot. To weave you will need green and yellow threads - symbols of wealth and good luck.

While weaving, you should think about wealth, imagine how with each knot you weave money into your life. The more nodes, the more money. You do not need to cast special spells, but while working with a money node, say:

“I will become rich! I will find success!

In this way, you will inform the Higher Powers of your desire and prove to them that you are ready for change and believe in your success.

If you want to improve your life, but don’t know how to do it, knot magic can help. It is truly accessible to every person, and its multidirectionality will allow you to achieve outstanding results in almost any field human life.

In the article:

Knot magic - what is it?

Knot magic is a type of witchcraft that was common among the Slavs and many other peoples. Even during pagan times, our ancestors made special sciences in order to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage, cure diseases in children and adults, gain wealth in the home, attract love and achieve many other goals.

The symbolism of knot magic is quite simple. By tying a knot, the performer of the ritual thereby binds good luck, health or wealth to himself. Or, on the contrary, he ties some negative thing in a knot that needs to be gotten rid of, and after the ritual he burns the knot, thereby destroying the negative attachment.

Our ancestors did not knit complex sciences; for this they usually turned to the magicians. But every woman knew how to create powerful witchcraft with the help of simple knots. These rituals have survived to this day and can be used by the descendants of people who lived in those times.

The opportunities that correctly tied knots provided were valued by the people of most countries of the world. In Europe they believed that with the help of knot magic one could destroy a marriage and induce impotence. Arab superstitions about knots are very similar to European ones. In Syria, to this day there is a sign that the bride must ensure that there are no knots in the groom’s robe. It is believed that knots will help the sorcerer destroy the happiness of the newlyweds.

The beliefs of African tribes also connect the sciences and the induction of impotence, as well as the influence on love relationship. If you think about modern wedding signs that are common in our country, you can find points of contact between the half-forgotten belief in the power of knots and modern superstitions.

Many signs for pregnant women are associated with knots. In some countries, superstitions prohibit the expectant mother from braiding her hair, since a braid is also a kind of knot magic. Before giving birth, a woman should not have knots on herself. The symbolic untying of knots in Europe was associated with easy birth, there is a corresponding ritual for a woman to give birth.

Superstitions about knots affect magicians and sorcerers. Almost every magician knows that during rituals, hair should be loose and clothing should not have knots. The fact is that each knot, even if it was tied solely for the purpose of holding clothes on the body, can affect the result of the ritual, distort its properties and give a completely different meaning.

With the help of science you can do both good and bad things. It all depends on the intentions of the person who turns to knot magic. The sciences you make will have only the meaning that you give to their words and your own faith in their power.

Rules of knot magic

Each section of witchcraft has its own rules that must be followed if you want the ritual to work. As with any other practices, the principle of choosing the phase of the moon applies - in order to attract something positive, work with the sciences during the waxing moon, and to get rid of negativity, the waning phase is suitable.

The place where you will weave knots also plays a role. If you plan to weave at home, get it in order. Sciences that were established in nature often turn out stronger. You can weave them near churches, places of power, ancient sanctuaries.

You need to knit knots in the right mood, with the right thoughts. If you can’t concentrate on the goal and you think about everyday problems, making a talisman or any other magical ritual It's better to postpone it. The mood should be positive. There is no need to practice magic when you are not in the right mood. It is believed that a negative mood will be tied in a knot, and instead of happiness, you will attract fatigue, worries and everything that will be in your head during weaving.

The choice of material is another important point. It needs to be natural and not distort the knot that should be created. Our ancestors wove their knots from animal veins, leather laces, wool and other natural materials. Modern choice different threads for needlework opens up wide possibilities for knot magic.

The thread must be the right size, and before attempting to weave a complex knot, you need to master the technique of weaving it. However, not only threads are suitable; if you learn how to make weaves from metal, you will have some pretty beautiful amulets. But don't forget to study the properties of metals.

It is desirable that the color of the thread corresponds to the purpose of witchcraft. For example, pink threads are usually used for love, green threads for money, orange threads for luck, and red symbolizes love, health and protection. Black threads are better than all others for getting rid of negativity.

Happiness Knot

The happiness knot is also called the infinity knot or the endless knot. It's ancient magic symbol, which has a dual nature. Tying it is identified with attracting something, and untying it is identified with the release of energy, liberation from something. It is believed that a tied knot can store something, for example, inspiration, happiness, prosperity.

In Tibetan Buddhism, the endless knot is considered one of the eight auspicious symbols. It symbolizes immortality eternal youth and beauty. Another meaning is karmic justice. Every action generates a reaction, tangling the knot on one side will unravel the knot on the other end. It denotes the mutual dependence of everything that exists in our world. An endless node can represent happy marriage and strong love.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the endless knot is called the knot of happiness. This is traditional chinese symbol good luck, happiness, prosperity and success. In China, it can be seen in wood carvings, carpet patterns and other interior items. Ribbon or rope ornaments in general, according to Feng Shui, symbolize longevity, health and happiness.

Interestingly, the happiness knot is often combined with other symbols. For example, a money symbol tied to an endless node promises a powerful flow of monetary energy that will never run out. Together with a horseshoe, this nouz will attract almost endless luck. It can be either a home talisman or a personal one. It is believed that in the form of a pendant or other decoration, such a talisman gives power over time and helps to achieve goals, successfully bypassing all obstacles on the way to them.

Double Luck Knot

According to Feng Shui, the double knot of luck symbolizes luck in money and love affairs. It contains eight eights, so until 2024 its influence will be especially noticeable. According to Feng Shui, until 2024 we will live in the eighth period. It is believed that a double knot of luck will multiply by eight all the lucky events that will happen to a person.

This symbol also has protective properties. In China, they believe that it not only attracts good luck and happiness, but also protects against bad incidents. This knot is not only woven from threads, but also carved on stone. It symbolizes lightness and long life, mutual feelings, good news and infinity.

A double knot of good luck can be a personal talisman, a home talisman, or even a talisman for a car. In the form of a keychain or pendant, it can be useful when traveling, providing protection from troubles. As a car mascot, he will help you avoid an accident and remain calm and in a good mood.

The double knot of luck can help in any matter. So, in a student’s room it will improve his academic performance. In the bedroom of spouses - it will strengthen love and guarantee fidelity. In the living room - it will bring good luck to all family members. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, for career growth and increase income, it should be hung above your workplace.

Money node

Money knot - this knot is considered one of the basic ones for most types of weaving. This is where we often begin to master weaving. complex types nauzov. Its second name is the knot of life, because in China they believe that it provides everything you need for a comfortable and easy life. Among people who understand Feng Shui, it is believed that such a knot attracts cash flows to where he is.

Accordingly, the money node can be stored in a wallet, under cash register, hang over a workplace or tool that generates income for a person. It can also be used as a personal talisman, for example, to make a bracelet or keychain with such a name. As a car mascot, it is only suitable for taxi drivers. As a home talisman, a money knot is also not bad, hanging in the house, it will bring good luck in money matters to all family members.

As a rule, this knot is woven from two threads - red and yellow or gold. In China, these colors are considered monetary colors. In order to enhance the effect of the talisman on money, you can tie coins to it. You can use Feng Shui coins or those coins that are used in at least one country in the world.

Knot magic for money - knot of wealth

Wealth is a slightly different concept that differs from the concept of money. It represents the standard of living, the availability of property and everything that is necessary for a happy life, in sufficient quantity. Weaving a symbol of prosperity is an interesting ritual of knot magic for money. It does not attract money in the usual sense, but rather material goods. Not all of them will be purchased by you personally. Perhaps you will be lucky to get discounts, or maybe gifts.

The wealth node helps you invest money in order to make a profit and teaches you to approach spending wisely. It not only helps to gain wealth in money and material goods, but also eliminates the tendency to squander. If you feel like you don't know how to spend money correctly, this talisman is perfect.

Wealth knots are usually woven from red threads. They came to us from China, and in their homeland, Feng Shui considers red to be the most “money” color. Such knowledge can act in different ways. It can attract situations that will be profitable, unexpected earning options, gifts and winnings. But this does not mean that the owner of the money talisman should remain idle; he will not do all the work for you.

Knot magic for love - Celtic love knot

Many peoples used knot magic, and the Celts were no exception. Most often they made their talismans from metals, so it is better to weave a Celtic love knot from wire. But the power of the amulet does not change depending on the method of creation; it can be embroidered, engraved on metal, burned on wood, or woven from threads. The main thing is that the rules of knot magic are followed.

The Celtic love knot contains a shamrock and a symbolic image of a heart. It symbolizes the unity of the feminine and masculine. With the help of such a talisman you can protect love union from betrayal, quarrels, separation. It also acts as a talisman, preventing you from destroying your happiness. This kind of knot magic for love can also be used to find love.

This version of the nauz is popular as a wedding decoration. The marriage ceremony often becomes a real place of magical battle, because many are jealous of other people's happiness. This is where they come from negative programs, the consequences of which can be fatal, including unexpected divorce a few months after the wedding. Our ancestors used it for newlyweds, protective function They also performed signs for the bride and groom.

Pregnancy spell “40 knots”

In the past, a woman who could not have a child faced an unenviable fate. They tried to fight infertility with the most in a variety of ways, including white magic. Our great-grandmothers were helped by a simple method that can be combined with all other rituals and conspiracies. This is for 40 knots. It has survived to this day and can help childless couples continue their family line.

The ceremony with knots is performed for 40 days, according to the number of knots tied. It requires a red thread. Starting from the first lunar day Every day a knot is tied and a pregnancy plot is read:

The knot stuck tightly to the knot, she tied the knots, and conceived a fetus in the uterus. The knots are red and strong, the child is healthy and rosy! To tie, not to untie. Lord, bless, Prisnadeva, help! Amen!