What foods are good for teeth and gums. Habits that are destructive

The key to coordinated operation of systems and internal organs organisms are considered healthy teeth. Everyone knows that strong, healthy teeth provide a beautiful smile, affect quality digestion, and give confidence. But what measures can be taken and how to strengthen teeth if they are destroyed.

Careful hygiene oral cavity keeps teeth healthy and in good shape

To keep your teeth healthy and in good shape for a long time, you need to carry out simple care procedures. :

  • thorough oral hygiene is carried out twice a day;
  • rinsing your mouth after eating with warm water;
  • consult a dentist at least twice a year;
  • use dental floss to remove food debris;
  • enrich your diet with foods that contain fluoride and calcium, and also take healthy vitamin and mineral complexes.

If your teeth are still damaged, you should first contact your dentist. Additionally you should consume certain products and traditional medicine that strengthens the condition of gums and teeth.


Patients are often interested in the question: what should you eat to strengthen your teeth? It is necessary first of all to consume foods with calcium and fluoride for strength. It is useful to eat liver, fish, seafood, dairy products, and nuts. Teeth enamel will be strong if you consume solid foods like carrots, apples, beets, and other vegetables and fruits. It is not recommended to eat sweets during dental diseases. Consumption of hard vegetables, fruits that contain mass useful vitamins and minerals, comparable to massage procedures, beneficial to the gums. They protect teeth from plaque and tartar. Citrus fruits contain many vitamins, potassium, and minerals. Experts have noted that consuming one orange or grapefruit helps reduce bleeding gums. Considered especially valuable wild berries , which contain large quantities of coloring pigments, pectins, and other substances, protecting the enamel from bacterial damage and diseases such as caries.

Parsley helps whiten teeth, cleanse teeth from plaque, while simultaneously killing oral bacteria

Raspberries, strawberries, grapes, and fresh herbs also prevent microbial proliferation, which are also great for strengthening the immune system. Parsley promotes whitening and cleanses teeth from plaque, while simultaneously killing oral bacteria. In addition to the listed healthy fruits It is advisable to consume any nuts, eggs as a source of calcium, honey. They contain many microelements and reliably protect against bacteria. In order for your teeth and gums to become strong and healthy, you need to eat well. From time to time, you can drink red wine in small quantities as a means to strengthen teeth and gums, as it contains antioxidants with tannins, which heal wounds and prevent inflammation.

Treatments at home with salt

Strengthening gums with salt was proposed by the Russian academician Boris Bolotov, who discovered a method of rejuvenation using food or sea ​​salt. But healing salt recipes have long been used by Siberian healers, who did not even know about the theoretical properties of the healing substance.

Salt is used not only to treat teeth, but to heal the intestines, stomach, hair and other organs. It goes well with healthy mixtures, drugs, medicinal plants. Bolotov offers several recipes using salt to strengthen gums and teeth. For example, a recipe such as garlic-salt filling is considered effective., used for pain in the teeth, with the formation of caries with a hole in the tooth. A mixture of powder and salt is placed in the damaged area, then covered with cotton wool. Salts are also effective massage treatments gums that help with periodontal disease. They can be done in the morning for up to 3 minutes using a brush. For cleaning product, or toothbrush you need to apply oil with crushed salt and carefully stimulate the gums. But healers advise performing massage actions with your fingers. Be sure to wipe your hands alcohol solution or cologne. Dental lesions with periodontitis are also treated with salt solutions in combination with infusions and herbal decoctions.

Table salt and sea salt are an excellent cure for gum disease.

Salt added to 200 grams will help rid the gum pocket cavity from infection and strengthen teeth. herbal decoction. Severe inflammation gums are removed by rinsing, while sea salt has a great effect. The procedure will relieve inflammation in one day. And also the use of honey and sea salt is good for rubbing after rinsing into the gums several times every day. Salt helps not only keep teeth and gums healthy, but also does an excellent job of removing unpleasant odor and taste, and is especially useful for those who smoke. Healthy recipe with salt is simple, cheap and high efficiency. To prepare, you will need 2 teaspoons of salt, which is poured with one glass of water.

The saline solution refreshes the mouth, and if you carry out daily procedures, you can forget about throat diseases, respiratory diseases, and diseases of the oral cavity.

The use of folk remedies for the strength of teeth and gums

Various dental diseases are additionally treated prophylactic agents With different composition herbs, plants. To strengthen teeth and gums using folk remedies at home, fees are used medicinal herbs, plants, tinctures, decoctions. Their use will allow you to visit the dentist less often if you have dental or gum disease. initial stage development. Folk remedies for strengthening gums today exist in a huge variety. The advantage of using these means is that they are considered cheaper and more accessible compared to traditional ones. medicines. Their use has a quick, positive effect, relieving inflammation, eliminating bleeding, improving metabolic processes in the body. For example, interesting and little known, healing properties possesses such a vegetable as eggplant.

Eggplant is used in folk medicine to strengthen gums

To carry out the procedure with it, you will need to dry the eggplant peel, then grind it in a meat grinder, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour, after which a teaspoon of salt is added. Rinse your mouth with this tincture several times throughout the day. To get rid of bad breath and strengthen gums, crushed St. John's wort helps. It is taken in the amount of one tablespoon and poured with vodka - 0.5 liters and left for a week, after which take forty drops in half a glass of water 3 times a day for one week. For bleeding gums, rinsing with a decoction of two parts of oak bark and linden color one piece. The mixture in the amount of one teaspoon is brewed with one glass of boiling water and filtered. After cooling, you can take one tablespoon of the decoction four times a day. One more miraculous property Sage, which can be taken as a decoction or simply carried out as a daily rinse, helps strengthen teeth and gums.

Many healers say that in folk medicine there are many recipes from medicinal plants, which help strengthen gums and teeth, even when they become loose.

In addition to salt, an accessible recipe is considered to be an infusion of pharmaceutical chamomile. To do this, take two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers and pour boiled water one glass (200 ml). Rinsing the mouth with infusion is carried out after each meal for 3 weeks for three months with breaks. Chamomile flowers have medicinal, healing properties, strengthening the gums and increasing their resistance to adverse effects. A product such as propolis also effectively stimulates and restores gums. It protects gums and teeth from inflammation and has an anti-inflammatory effect. A tincture is prepared from propolis (1 teaspoon) and a glass of boiled, warm water. You should rinse your gums in the morning and evening for 15 to 20 days, 3-4 courses a year. But when using folk remedies, you need to regularly visit the dentist. The combination of preventive procedures in the dental chair with the use of folk remedies will not allow you to develop gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Refusal bad habits, in particular smoking and alcohol, will keep teeth and gums healthy

It is important to take into account several rules on how to strengthen your teeth at home using folk remedies and keep your teeth healthy. The main ones include giving up bad habits, in particular smoking and alcohol.

Bad habits contribute to the leaching of calcium from the body, leading to rapid wear of teeth and inflammation of the gums.

Alcohol and nicotine significantly reduce immune functions organism, damage tooth enamel, increase the risk inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Calcium is also washed out of the body excessive consumption coffee. Therefore, experts recommend drinking no more than two cups per day. Don't open bottles with your teeth, do not crush nuts with them, as loads on them increase sensitivity and lead to the formation of cracks. You should avoid consuming hot food and drinks, and using folk remedies, you can significantly improve the condition of your oral cavity within a month.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that dental diseases are hidden. It is almost impossible to determine the cause of pain and bleeding on your own. If pain or discomfort occurs, it is important to promptly contact a dentist, who will provide high-quality treatment and prescribe additional wellness treatments using folk remedies.

Most of us make our menu based on personal preferences and advice from nutritionists. However, not everything that is good for your figure has a positive effect on your oral health. the site found out which foods are good for teeth and which ones should be avoided.


Strengthen enamel

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Without enamel, it would be impossible to sink your teeth into a juicy apple: your teeth would immediately pierce sharp pain. A durable coating of all shades of white protects delicate nerves, connective tissue And blood vessels, which make up the inner layers of the incisors, molars and other canines. Strengthening enamel, like repair, is a continuous process: the acids and sugars contained in food are determined to destroy.

Among the products for strengthening teeth special attention deserve low-fat cheese, milk and natural yogurt. They contain a lot of not only calcium, but also casein. It is this protein that makes the enamel stronger. Tofu, as well as meat or fish dishes, especially if you make broth from the latter, will compensate for the lack of phosphorus. Eating foods rich in calcium and phosphorus will protect tooth enamel and aid in the remineralization process. Not the most pleasant then dental procedures No need for enamel restoration.

There is... water

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Crispy foods with high content won't even replace water toothpaste and floss. The point is that hard raw fruits and vegetables need to be chewed long and thoroughly, and they perform the same role for the teeth as a scrub for the skin. In addition, this process entails the release of saliva. And saliva destroys food particles stuck between the teeth and protects the enamel from bacteria. Apples, carrots and celery remove plaque and freshen breath. Pears neutralize increased acidity in the mouth. The main thing is to eat vegetables and fruits in their raw form: ratatouille, apple pies or jam are not considered healthy foods for teeth.

Remember about vitamins

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Even children know that teeth and bones need calcium and vitamin D. Just as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson cannot live without each other, the body also needs vitamin D to absorb calcium, without whose company it is of no benefit. Drink fortified milk, eat egg yolks, mushrooms, soy, green vegetables and fatty fish– these products are beneficial for teeth due to the content of both components. Another option is to take special vitamin and mineral complexes. Vitamin D is also synthesized within just ten minutes of exposure to the sun (without sunscreen); the supply is enough for the whole day.


No acids

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As mentioned above, acidic foods (aka foods with low level pH) – the most harmful products for teeth in general and enamel in particular. At risk are soda, coffee and wine (especially red and dry). The last two also stain your teeth an unattractive color. If you can’t give up a cup of Americano in the morning and a glass of Chianti in the evening, change your approach to your drinking culture. Drink such drinks in one gulp or through a straw, but do not stretch them out for a long time. Then stay away from others acidic foods, By at least several hours.

Also increased acidity possess vinegar, all citrus fruits and tomatoes (both fresh and in the form of sauce or soup). It is best to eat them in the company of multi-component balanced dishes. For example, a lunch of meat, cheese and crunchy vegetables will neutralize the harm of tomatoes.

No sugar

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It’s not for nothing that in childhood we were constantly told that between eating chocolates and the number of teeth in the mouth there is an unambiguous connection. Well, maybe my parents didn’t say it in those words, but the meaning is the same: sweets provoke tooth decay and love to get stuck between the teeth, becoming tasty food for bacteria.

Even worse than chocolate are toffees and lollipops (even for coughs). They linger in the mouth for long time, accordingly, have more opportunities for attack. Muesli and dried fruits, especially in the form of bars, are no less harmful. They contain a lot of glucose and sugar, they are sticky and get stuck in the teeth.

Although the safety of many types of sugar substitutes is still in question, dentists are voting yes. In particular, the green light has been given to the artificial sweetener xylitol, which not only does not cause, but also prevents the occurrence of dental caries. That's why after eating chewing gum preferable to candy. Limit the number of snacks, especially sour or sweet ones. The more often you eat, the higher the level of acidity in your mouth.

No alcohol

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We have already talked about the negative effects of wine on enamel. However, teeth are not friendly with other types of alcohol. The reason is that this category of drinks is annoying soft fabrics(including gums) and reduces salivation.

This does not mean at all that for the sake of a beautiful smile you need to deny yourself even useful things from the point of view of healthy eating products. Just try to neutralize the harm: after a dish or drink that your dentist does not approve of, eat a piece of cheese, chew a carrot, chew gum for 5-10 minutes, or better yet, brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth.

To shine charmingly snow-white smile, you don't have to be a regular customer dental offices. We can help by including some affordable foods in our daily diet that are especially good for our teeth and gums.

Studies show that eating yellow cheese, especially when chewing slowly and thoroughly, increases the pH (in a simplified version, the acidity level) in the oral cavity. At the same time, the risk of caries and gum inflammation is reduced. Interestingly, such a dependence is not observed after consuming other dairy products, such as milk or yogurt.

What is the reason for such a rapid and long-lasting effect of increasing pH that appears after hard cheeses? Most likely, this is due to the substances they contain, which significantly activate the production of saliva. It acts as a kind of buffer that protects against a drop in pH.

Yellow cheeses also contain diphosphates, which are often used in the production of toothpaste. They help strengthen the enamel, make it more durable and protect it from the corrosive effects of acids.

Dairy products

Calcium is very useful for teeth: it is a building mineral responsible for their structure. Some of best sources of this substance – dairy products: natural yogurt, kefir, buttermilk.

A lack of calcium can be a serious problem associated with increased tooth fragility, brittleness and tooth decay.

People, due to a banal dislike for cow's milk or intolerance thereto, must take food additives with calcium or.

Another rich source of this dental-healthy mineral is fish that can be eaten with bones, such as canned sardines.

Salmon and mackerel

Calcium loves the company of vitamin D: thanks to this, it is better absorbed by the body.

Fatty fish, in particular salmon and, are considered to be a good source of the above-mentioned vitamin. Vitamin D plays a key role in maintaining strong teeth and bones as it regulates calcium-phosphate metabolism, and is also responsible for the proper mineralization of tooth enamel.

Those who like to spend long periods of time in the sun should rejoice in the fact that vitamin D is synthesized in excess in human body under the influence of sunlight.


Broccoli is another valuable food for healthy teeth and gums. This delicious vegetable from the family Cruciferous is an excellent natural source of coenzyme Q10, which has a beneficial effect on energy processes in the body. It improves immunity, affects the condition of periodontal disease and protects gums from microbes that cause serious illness– periodontitis. According to some estimates, about 70% of older people suffer from this disease.

Also contains large number calcium, which prevents exposure of the dental neck and protects against cancer.

It is important to remember that to maintain optimal nutritional value, this variety of cabbage should not be cooked for more than five minutes: the vegetable should not lose its bright green color and beneficial properties.


It will never replace professional whitening in the dentist’s office and will not give you a smile “as advertised.” But it is still capable of some “feats”: this berry contains a large amount of malic acid, which is one of the key components of whitening toothpastes.

If you want healthy, sparkling white teeth, you should eat strawberries as often as possible because in addition to their whitening properties, they also prevent the formation of limescale deposits on your teeth and play an important role in fighting oral inflammation.

Strawberries effectively cleanse affected areas as they have regenerative beneficial properties.

Raw carrots

Rich in vitamin A, carrots strengthen and support good condition gums, mineralizes teeth and stimulates the production of saliva, which, in turn, destroys dangerous bacteria in the oral cavity.

IN extreme situations a raw root vegetable can replace a toothbrush, as it perfectly cleanses the interdental spaces of food debris, thereby helping to fight tartar.

Raw carrots have great value for the oral health of young children. Its use affects the formation correct bite, straightens teeth and massages gums. Therefore, this vegetable can be given to the baby, starting from the moment when his first teeth appear.

Green tea

One cup of this drink contains an average of 0.3 mg of fluoride, which effectively fights caries, strengthens dentin and tooth enamel, and maintains its whiteness.

By drinking three cups of drink a day, we provide the necessary dose of fluoride and supply it to the body polyphenols– substances with powerful antibacterial properties.

Kiwi and grapefruit

Record holder for content natural vitamin C is, but in our country it is not very accessible. Therefore, you can replace it with more common inhabitants of vegetable store shelves - grapefruits.

They are also rich sources of vitamin C, which is responsible for the condition of the gums, prevents exposed tooth necks and is of great importance for the prevention of cancer.

Coconut oil

Blacklisted by many diets coconut oil destroys strains of microorganisms that are “to blame” for the production of acids that damage tooth enamel.

In addition, the product prevents tooth decay, is useful in the fight against yeast fungi that cause thrush, and improves the absorption of calcium and magnesium by the body. The extract from coconut fruits is so effective that some researchers consider it advisable to add it to toothpastes.

Healthy teeth and gums are a wonderful decoration for the face. In the old days, teeth were used to determine a person’s health and performance.

Today beautiful smile is an important attribute of human attractiveness. It facilitates the establishment of social contacts and helps to achieve success in society. In addition to their social and aesthetic function, teeth and gums have a very important anatomical significance.

The encyclopedia says that teeth are bone formations in the oral cavity, which serve to grind food. In addition, they play a significant role in the pronunciation of many sounds. The teeth are located in the dentogingival pockets. The main function of gums is to protect teeth from loosening and falling out.

Healthy foods for teeth and gums

  • Carrot . Contains carotene, beneficial for the oral mucosa and gums. Strengthens tooth enamel. In its raw form, it is an excellent simulator for teeth and gums.
  • Milk . Contains calcium, which is building material for teeth.
  • Fish . Contains phosphorus, which is also necessary for teeth.
  • Green. An excellent source of organic calcium.
  • Sea kale. Thanks to the high content of iodine and other useful microelements, it restores metabolism in the body.
  • Apples . They perfectly massage the gums, cleanse them, and remove plaque.
  • Pumpkin . Contains fluorine, zinc and selenium. Perfectly whitens teeth, makes them stronger and healthier.
  • Chicory. Restores metabolism. Stimulates blood circulation in the oral cavity.
  • Onion . Contains vitamin C, phytoncides. Helps strengthen gums. Prevents the occurrence of scurvy.
  1. 1 The health of teeth and gums depends on the health of the whole body. Therefore, doctors recommend regular exercise, which stimulates blood circulation in the body and strengthens the immune system.
  2. 2 The diet should contain a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits of non-acidic varieties, which are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. In addition, consuming them raw stimulates blood circulation in the oral cavity, cleanses and massages the gums, and strengthens tooth enamel.
  3. 3 Daily finger massage of the gums is an excellent prevention of periodontal disease.
  4. 4 The most important source of fluoride is water. With a lack of fluoride tooth enamel weakens. If there is an excess of it, the teeth become covered with black dots. Therefore, it is advisable to drink only water that is as healthy as possible for your teeth!
  5. 5 It is believed that tooth powder is more beneficial for teeth than toothpaste. You can also brush your teeth with crushed salt and vegetable oil. True, this recipe is not suitable for everyone’s taste. But this method was approved even by the USSR Ministry of Health! You can also brush your teeth with the ashes of banana or eggplant peels. They say that this powder whitens teeth enamel well.
  6. 6 Yogis and some adherents of a healthy lifestyle use twigs of cherry, pear or oak as a toothbrush. To do this, one end of the branch is flattened to separate it into fibers. Use like a regular toothbrush.
  7. 7 A sufficient amount of water on an empty stomach puts the whole gastrointestinal tract, which is a good prevention of dental plaque and the key to proper digestion.
  8. 8 Eating food that is too cold or too hot increases the risk of tooth enamel cracking. It is advisable to consume foods only at room temperature.
  9. 9 Caries can be stopped by restoring the body's defenses. The main thing is to establish a diet, nutritional value daily ration. Hardening procedures and feasible physical activity also help get rid of the main destroyer of teeth - caries.

Traditional methods for healing teeth and gums

  • In some cases, a decoction of chicory with milk is good for restoring tooth enamel. Condensed milk with chicory will also work. Take a few tablespoons a day for at least a week. At the same time, eat stewed fish more often, which is an excellent source of phosphorus and iodine.
  • Propolis tinctures with calamus are considered the most strong remedy in folk medicine to strengthen teeth and gums. Before rinsing, a few drops of propolis and calamus tincture are mixed in a glass. Rinsing relieves inflammation of the gums and strengthens tooth enamel. Propolis is very beneficial for the entire oral cavity. In addition, it is one of the main components of many medications for periodontal disease.
  • Calcium-containing powders are also used to strengthen teeth and restore enamel. For example, crushed eggshell powder is suitable. But for its absorption, the presence of vitamin D is necessary, which must either be consumed in the form of fish oil or sunbathing.

Harmful foods for teeth and gums

  • Peeled and unpeeled roasted sunflower seeds. When peeling seeds from the hard shell with teeth, mechanical damage tooth enamel. If repeated frequently, the enamel may not recover. A large amount of peeled sunflower seeds can lead to chemical damage to tooth enamel, due to the content of substances harmful to teeth in fried seeds, which cause fragility of the outer shell of the tooth.
  • Rusks and other roughage. In large quantities it harms the enamel and can injure the gums.
  • Bakery and fast food. Those who like to eat such foods should think about the condition of their teeth and gums in the future. Since purified and soft food cannot provide a full chewing load. With a regular preference for such products, the gums become loose, posing a threat of tooth loss, and tooth enamel becomes fragile and thin, which creates conditions for infection to penetrate into the teeth.
  • Lemonade, Coca-Cola and other sweet carbonated drinks. Contains harmful to teeth chemicals. They destroy the enamel.
  • Sugar and oatmeal. Block calcium absorption.
  • Cherry, currant and other sour berries fruits. Contains fruit acids that destroy tooth enamel.

The beauty of teeth greatly affects appearance person.

Proper nutrition is one of the main ways to get a spectacular smile.

This does not mean that you have to eat bland food; on the contrary, all the vitamins and microelements necessary for dental health are contained in tasty foods.

Required Items

A balanced diet should include everything necessary substances. Useful microelements are calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, potassium, iodine, and vitamins B, C, D, E, PP and K. They not only have a positive effect on dental health, but also on the condition of the entire body as a whole.


The main building material of dental tissue is calcium. When it is deficient, they begin to deteriorate and the chance of developing gum disease increases.

Calcium is indispensable during the formation of hard tissues and restoration of enamel. Average daily norm for an adult it is 800 mg, and for the elderly, pregnant women and children – 1200-1600 mg.

  • Fluorine and calcium-containing paste;
  • limited consumption of sweets;
  • visiting the dentist for preventive purposes.

Calcium enters the body along with healthy products. If the enamel is severely weak, the doctor may prescribe vitamin-mineral complexes or foods high in this microelement.

Products: cheese, cottage cheese, milk, cabbage, beans, egg, sardine, black bread, shrimp, sesame seeds, almonds, dates, raisins, orange.


Fluoride enters the human body along with water, food and air. It accumulates intensively in teeth during teething and after it throughout the year. Over time, the fluoride concentration decreases.

The microelement has the following positive effects:

  • protects against penetration of acids;
  • helps strengthen the enamel crystal lattice;
  • creates a repulsive structure that prevents the attachment of microorganisms;
  • normalizes microflora in the oral cavity.

Fluoride is a trace element that prevents caries. The most effective is the use of fluoride-containing drugs during the formation and growth of jaw elements in childhood from 2 to 15 years. The maximum dose of fluoride per day for an adult is 10 mg.

Products: tea, mackerel, tuna, mineral water, hake, pollock, cod, walnuts, horse mackerel, lamb, pork, poultry, buckwheat.


Phosphorus serves as a binding element between calcium particles and promotes their proper distribution. With it, the enamel becomes strong and durable.

No more than 1500-1800 mg of phosphorus is allowed per day. It is best absorbed when balanced diet and proper intake in relation to calcium.

Products: cheese, beans, oatmeal, beef liver, cottage cheese, chicken, cod, herring, perch, buckwheat, mackerel, beef, pork, egg, rice, potatoes.


With a lack of iron in the body, the blood supply system malfunctions. This contributes to the development of periodontal disease. Required quantity substances per day – 10-18 mg.

Products: pork liver, beans, egg yolk, apricot, sea kale, mushrooms, peas, nuts, spinach, apples.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C strengthens gums and tooth ligaments bone tissue. It is not able to accumulate in the body, therefore daily norm vitamin – 90 mg.

With its deficiency, the gums begin to bleed, ulcers appear in the mouth, and there is a risk of contracting scurvy. Vitamin C improves immunity and protects the oral cavity from infections.

Products: rose hips, coriander, chili peppers, sea buckthorn, currants, bell peppers, dill, kiwi, broccoli, viburnum, cauliflower, orange.

Vitamin D

VitaminD promotes proper development bone organs. A sufficient amount of the element remains intact alveolar tissue, which hold teeth in place. About 5 mg per day is enough for oral health.

Products: red fat, smoked eel, sunflower oil, salmon, herring, chum salmon, beef liver, chanterelles, pork liver, egg.

Nutritional Features

Knowing the features of each product will help you use it to achieve specific goals. Some foods can have an anti-inflammatory effect, and some promote whitening.

Dairy products

Dairy products contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus. They strengthen the enamel and act as a barrier to pathogenic microorganisms.Most calcium in natural yogurt and buttermilk.

Inclusion in daily diet Ryazhenka and kefir supplies the body with vitamins A and D, which becomes a preventive measure against tissue inflammation. Cottage cheese is especially beneficial for pregnant women to protect against tooth damage.

Hard cheese

Cheese - effective product for the prevention of caries. This dairy product protects gums from inflammation.

It increases the calcium content in the enamel by 60% and increases salivation, which creates a pH level in the oral cavity that is harmful to caries pathogens.

When you eat cheese, a protective film forms on the enamel, preventing harmful bacteria. Just 60 grams of product contain half daily value calcium.


Seafood is considered a treasure trove useful elements for dental health. They contain a lot of calcium, fluorine, phosphorus and the notorious vitamin D.

Thanks to seafood, the condition of the gums improves, correct formation bone organs and increases resistance to infections. A large number of easily digestible elements are contained in shrimp. Moderate consumption of the product helps protect the enamel from plaque and strengthen the gums.


The fish is valued for its high content of calcium, fluorine and selenium. Marine species that contain a sufficient amount of iodine are of particular benefit. Consumption of products with this microelement - good prevention from caries.

Salmon is best absorbed by the body. Eating pink salmon ensures that the body receives the entire complex of useful microelements - vitamins A, E and the entire group B, fluorine, potassium, sodium and zinc.

Hard vegetables and fruits

It is the hard types of vegetables and fruits that bring particular benefits. Apples increase salivation and cleanse the protective layer of plaque. Carrots contain a lot of vitamin F, which is useful for strengthening enamel, and minerals for destroying bacteria.

Cucumber juice is effective in the fight against periodontal disease. Chewing this vegetable is useful massage for blood circulation of the gums.

Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and contains the rare enzyme bromelain. which effectively fights harmful microorganisms and cleans the enamel of plaque.


These products contain 12 essential vitamins and almost all useful microelements. Vitamin D contained in the yolk serves as a source of phosphorus, which prevents the destruction of enamel.

The shell is rich in calcium, the main constituent of bone organs. Calcium from it is absorbed better than from medical products.

Both chicken and quail eggs are equally useful.


Sesame is rich in calcium. Chewing the seeds has an abrasive effect on the protective layer, clearing it of plaque. One tablespoon of sesame contains up to 85 mg of calcium.

For preventive purposes, it can be used in pure form or add to salads or other vegetable dishes.


All parts of celery contain a lot of calcium, and the beneficial elements of its stems also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Chewing the fresh greens of this type of grass is comparable to hygiene procedures. Parsley and mint have essential oils that help freshen breath.

Spices and seasonings

Cinnamon has powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. It has a gentle effect on the enamel without damaging delicate tissues.

Nutmeg contains eugenol, which eliminates bad smell and protects the enamel from plaque. Sage effectively heals ulcers on the mucous membrane and fights caries.


Honey is a source of energy and strengthening immune system elements. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and representatives of group B. Honey has an antibacterial and tonic effect.

Chewing honeycomb cleanses well and serves as a disinfectant for the oral cavity. Propolis is used to treat periodontal disease and caries.

About 100 beneficial elements for dental health have been found in bee products.


Nuts contain a lot of protein, vitamins, amino acids, phosphorus, iron and calcium. Fiber and folic acid increase the strength of enamel.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains substances from the skin of cocoa beans that prevent the formation of plaque. They neutralize the effect of sugar on enamel.

One of the elements is theobromine, which dentists plan to add to mouthwash solutions. It can be a substitute for fluoride, since the latter cannot be swallowed.


Water and green tea have a positive effect on the condition of teeth, unlike sweet carbonated drinks. Lack of fluid reduces the intensity of salivation, which causes increased proliferation of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity.

Regular water contains fluorides, which strengthen the enamel. When drinking, the oral cavity is cleansed of plaque and harmful acids. Unsweetened green tea is rich in the antioxidant catechin, which has a positive effect on dental health.


Lime, lemon, grapefruit and orange are reliable sources of vitamin C. In addition, citrus fruits contain potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium and many other vitamins.

Daily consumption of grapefruit reduces the risk of gum disease and any inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Orange contains the most vitamin C among all citrus fruits. Thanks to it, the necessary level of collagen is maintained in the gums. Lime is high in phosphorus and calcium, which increases resistance to bacteria and tooth decay.

Folk recipes

To maintain the health of the elements of the dentition, you can seek help from folk remedies. The use of special mixtures is appropriate during intensive improvement of oral health:

  1. Propolis and calamus. Add 2-3 drops of calamus and propolis to one glass of water. The prepared solution cannot be stored; you must immediately begin rinsing. This procedure strengthens the enamel and relieves gum inflammation.
  2. Eggshell. It is used to enrich the body with calcium. Before cooking, you need to boil it in water for a few minutes to get rid of bacteria.

    Then the film is removed inside eggs, and the shell is ground into powder with a coffee grinder or mortar. It can be used as a food additive or to prepare a bleaching composition.

    It is used to clean and remove yellow discoloration. The mixture is prepared simply - toothpaste is mixed with egg powder.

  3. Oak bark. The composition of oak and linden bark has a strengthening effect on the gums. Take crushed oak bark and dried linden flowers in an amount of 1:1 and pour three parts of boiling water. The mixture is infused for an hour and rinsed.
  4. Honey gum. The multicomponent composition helps strengthen the gums, teeth and the entire jaw apparatus. Melt 200 grams of beeswax in a water bath.

    After the formation of a liquid consistency, add 100 grams of honey, 20 drops of lemon juice and 6 drops of peppermint oil.

    All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and cooled. Balls are molded from the resulting mass. They are chewed 3 times a day.

The video provides information about the six most important products for dental health.