What is the difference between a Thai cat and a Siamese. The main differences between a Siamese cat and a Thai cat

Today, Siamese and Thai cats are considered one of the most popular breeds. The owners of these cat breeds were people exclusively from high society. However, few of them realized that very often it was not Siamese cats that lived with them, but Thai cats, or vice versa.

This was due to the fact that the animals were brought from Thailand, where Thai cats were raised, but were called Siamese in honor of the Kingdom of Siam. Cats have lived secluded lives at the court of kings for centuries. It was forbidden to take them out of the territory until the beginning of the 19th century.. And only many years later, through selective breeding, was it bred the new kind cats, which were also given the name Siamese.

Main differences between species

  • The body of Thai cats is round, while that of Siamese cats is elongated and very thin.
  • The ears of Thai cats are small and rounded, while Siamese cats are pointed and relatively long.
  • The Thai breed has a tail of standard length, fluffy and thick. For Siamese it is very thin and long.
  • The Siamese cat differs from the Thai cat in the shape and shape of the eyes. The first breed has slightly slanted lower eyelids, while the second breed has rounded lower eyelids.

Today Siamese are successful competitors Persian cats. All this is due to the fact that they have a completely unique character. No one is surprised by this, because their attachment to their owner is similar to that of a dog. Animals are easy to train, and it gives them extraordinary pleasure. Their capabilities are many times higher than a regular game with a mouse or a piece of regular paper.

U siamese cat wedge-shaped head

Cats love to carry completely different objects in their teeth, so they can easily be taught the “fetch” command. This is how they differ from other breeds.

The owner can also train his pet to sit on command, give a paw, or jump over obstacles. It should be noted that there is no difference between the Siamese and Thai cats. Animals that for a long time They are in the apartment themselves, concentrating all their attention on the owner coming from work. They literally follow him on his heels and treat him with sincere love.

Distinctive features of cats

Scientists distinguish more than 40 species of Siamese cats. Since each of them has its own special features, every owner should know what a Thai Siamese cat looks like and a regular Siamese. There are certain standards for this.

The Siamese's body is incredibly flexible due to its long body and tail. Thinness is also given by the triangular shape of the head and the visual absence of the bridge of the nose due to the straight line passing between the forehead and nose of the cat. The eyes are very expressive due to their sky blue color, which is very rare for animals. The cats have a light beige coat, however, the face is completely brown.

Thai cat - rounder head

Another special feature is that kittens of this species are born completely white. And only in the process of growth do they acquire their traditional color.

The Thai cat is much larger in size. Their body is very massive and fluffy. The head and eyes are round in shape. The small ears are also rounded at the tips. The paws and muzzle are brown or black.


Many people think that Siamese and Thai cats are very angry and selfish animals. But those who directly live with them claim that they are very smart and easy to train. At the same time, they can be aggressive and jealous.

If the cat suddenly feels that something is threatening the owner, he will definitely protect him.

Thais are very smart; if the owner does not have enough time to play with them, the cat can occupy itself. The character of the Thai cat is playful and very open. Animals are devoted to their owners, very affectionate and loving, and are happy to pose for photos.

Interesting facts about Siamese and Thai cats

  • In Thailand there is a library where old books about cats are kept. Poems about these animals date back to 1700. The pages of the book depict cats of these species.
  • The first Thais appeared in England at the end of the 19th century. Eyewitnesses described them as “the most terrible cats of unnatural color.” A century later, this breed became famous throughout the world.
  • In the kingdom of Siam these animals were called “moon diamond”. Researchers believe this is most likely due to eye and coat color.
  • At the wedding of Queen Elizabeth II, one of the guests gave her a cat of this breed as a gift.
  • Siamese cats are considered one of the smartest. Almost all owners note that they are highly trainable.
  • Animals of both species often suffer from diseases of the teeth and gums.
  • Modern Siamese cats are considered one of the most hypoallergenic animals. But their owners claim that cats can fully compensate for this deficiency with their affection.
  • The average gestation cycle for kittens in these species is 60-70 days.
  • Most of these cats are lactose and sugar intolerant. Therefore, milk in their diet is one of the prohibited foods.

Many cat lovers think that the Thai cat and the Siamese cat are different names one breed. Confidence in this is added by the fact that the country of Thailand was called Siam until the mid-20th century. But, despite the similar color, common country origin and even the general breed group, this different breeds with its own unique features. Let's look at the difference between a Thai cat and a Siamese cat.

Both Thai and Siamese cats, according to the classification of the World Cat Federation (WCF), belong to the so-called Siamese-Oriental group. They have a common ancestor that appeared around the 14th century in the territory of modern Thailand. Cats from Siam came to Europe only in the 19th century. There they underwent lengthy selection, as a result of which two different breeds appeared.

Differences in appearance

The main difference between a Siamese and a Thai cat is in appearance. These cats have the same type of color - color point with spots on the head, tail and tips of the paws. They also have the same eye color - a rare sky blue for cats.

The body structure of Thai cats and Siamese cats is completely different.
Siamese cat- This is a fit animal with a long, slender, elongated body. Siamese have long thin paws and the same tail, the head is wedge-shaped with a disproportionate big ears. In general, the Siamese cat is similar to the classic shorthaired Oriental.

Thai cat- This is an animal with a rounded body, distinguished by a more powerful structure than the Siamese. Paws middle length, quite thick. The tail is also shorter and thicker than that of the Siamese. The head of the Thai cat is shaped like an apple, which is why in the USA they are even called “apple-headed cats.” The Thai cat's ears are small, slightly curled at the tips.

Differences in character and behavior

Besides appearance, there is another way to distinguish a Siamese cat from a Thai cat - by the difference in character.

Siamese cat- a companion animal. She follows her owner everywhere and sometimes behaves exactly like a dog. These cats can be easily trained, can fetch objects at the owner’s request and understand simple commands. The Siamese cat is considered one of the most... smart breeds. She is also very affectionate and friendly. There is a misconception that these cats are capricious and even aggressive, but this character is a consequence of improper upbringing or experiences suffered in childhood. severe stress. Among the Siamese loud voice, which they often use to communicate with their owner. Until old age, they love to play with people and constantly need his attention.

Thai cat- considered more calm and peaceful than the Siamese. These cats prefer quiet time with their owner on the sofa to active games. Thais get along easily with other family members and pets, know how to find contact even with small children, and will tolerate intrusion into their personal space more calmly than Siamese. Unlike Siamese, Thai cats are less attached to their owner and will not miss him as much - they will calmly find something to do alone. However, this cat is still very devoted to its owner and would spend time in his company with much greater pleasure than alone.

To summarize:

A short reminder that will help you distinguish a Siamese cat from a Thai cat:

Siamese cat- lean, thin, with a long flexible body, thin tail, long legs and large ears. She has a loud voice and a dog-like personality. She is attached to her owner and misses him.

Thai cat- “rounded” and fluffy breed with an apple-shaped head, small ears, powerful legs of medium length and a thick, shorter tail. These cats are calmer and can have fun with themselves.

Currently, two breeds of cats, due to their origin from the kingdom of Siam (modern Thailand), have the same name for ordinary people - Siamese. But these are almost completely different animals, both in appearance and in character. Let's try to figure out what is the difference between a true Siamese cat and a cat of Siamese origin, but correctly called Thai.

What is the difference between a Siamese cat and a Thai cat?

First, let's look at the appearance of these cats. Here, such structural features immediately catch the eye, such as a very refined body (sometimes ignorant cat lovers mistake them for emaciated animals), the muzzle has a wedge-shaped shape, the ears seem huge in relation to the general format of the cat and have pointed tips. Distinctive features of cats of the true Siamese breed include the absence of a bridge of the nose - if you look at the animal in profile, the location of the forehead and nose is clearly noticeable, almost in a straight line.

Now, to define explicit distinctive features, consider external structure and these representatives of the cat family. One can say about the Thais that they have a more rounded body structure; their whole appearance suggests that they are a fairly strong animal, although quite graceful and flexible. The ears of Thai cats are quite comparable to the size of the head and have rounded tips. The shape of the head of Thai cats can be considered rather round, in contrast to Siamese with their refined, almost triangular head. Another very interesting, one might say “personalized” feature of Thai cats is that their coat has no undercoat.

And in conclusion, it should be said that Siamese cats differ from Thai cats in their character. Thai cats are more playful and calm. Whereas Siamese can be wayward and selfish.

Not many people will be able to distinguish it from the Siamese. However, these are two different breeds that are actually very similar in appearance. Their similarity is associated with the history of their origin: both descend from a single ancestor - an aboriginal cat ancient state Siam. We suggest you find out what a Siamese and a Thai cat looks like, namely the main differences, in our review.


Features of “twin” cats

The history of both breeds began in Thailand. The Siamese cat is considered to be a more ancient native cat, from which the Thai cat originated through careful selection. This is clearly visible in the photo, since the appearance of the latter is more noble. They have a more rounded body and a different muzzle shape. However, the existing similarities and insufficient felinological knowledge are still the reason that many confuse these two different breeds with each other.

The breeds of Thailand have the following common features:

  • single color – color point with blue eyes;
  • similar temperament;
  • unified history until the 1960s;
  • loyal character.

We figured out which of our two favorite breeds appeared first. And here's how it happened, look interesting video(Pauline Viardot).

Main differences

To understand the difference between a Siamese cat and a Thai cat, just look at their photos. First and foremost important difference– this is the shape of the body: among Thais it is more rounded and compact. More ancient purrs are slender, the body is flexible and elongated. The paws are also different: the Thais have powerful ones with rounded feet and are shorter. The tail of the former is elastic and medium in length, while the tail of the latter is thin and long.

Many people confuse the appearance of the Siamese cat and call any representative this way. characteristic color: light fur with dark tips of paws, muzzle and tail. However, the most important difference between your favorite breed is its wild appearance.

But the most important difference is the head:

  1. Siamese cats have an elongated, wedge-shaped head, where the tips of the ears and the tip of the nose form a triangle. Thais have round heads.
  2. The eyes of the former are almond-shaped with a sharp slant, while the eyes of the latter are round and wide.
  3. Thai ears are rounded, medium in size, among representatives ancient looking– large with pointed ends.
  4. Thai cats have a slight concave profile near the nose, but their ancestors have a straight profile.

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Confusion with the names of Siamese and Thai cats occurred due to the double name of the country from which these beautiful whiskered creatures originated. In Siam, which is now known to us as Thailand, since ancient times there lived beautiful cats with a light body and a dark head, paws and tail.

For a long time, this treasure belonged only to its own country. Cats lived in monasteries and in the palaces of rulers, and they were treated accordingly, as deities or beings of the highest order.

But in late XIX centuries, miracle cats ended up first in Europe, and then in America, where the transformation of the breed began. Having retained two main characteristics of the Thai cat - acromelanic (color-point) color and Blue eyes, felinologists have bred an animal that is significantly different in other features from the indigenous whiskered inhabitants of Siam. This cat breed has received the official right to be called Siamese.

However, in our country, all blue-eyed cats of the same color-point color were called Siamese for a long time. Moreover, there were practically no real Siamese among them, but there were descendants of those very traditional local muroks brought from Siam.

Fortunately, they also had their admirers, who became concerned about preserving the breed and developed a standard officially adopted by the WCF in 1991. Since the name “Siamese” was already taken at that time, and Siam began to be called Thailand, the cats were called Thai.

Find 6 differences: how to distinguish a Thai kitten from a Siamese

So, what is the difference between representatives of two related breeds? In fact, there are differences in everything - literally from nose to tail.

So, the Thais have a slightly concave nose at eye level, while the Siamese have an almost straight “Greek” profile.

The eyes of Thai cats are more rounded, as if surprised, while those of Siamese cats are more elongated, with a sort of arrogant squint.

Ears: Thais have neat, medium-sized ears with rounded tips, while Siamese ears are quite large, wide at the base and pointed.

Head: rounded for Thais and wedge-shaped for Siamese (a regular triangle should be drawn between the nose and the tips of the ears).

Body: Thais have a dense, muscular body with soft contours and strong legs of medium length. Siamese have a thin and flexible body, long and graceful legs.

Tail: The bushy tail of medium length and thickness adorns the Thai cat, while the Siamese cat has a whip-like tail - very long and thin, with a sharp tip.

Of course, knowing all this, it’s easy to understand the appearance of adult cats, but how to distinguish a Thai kitten from a Siamese? First of all, the shape of the skull and ears will “give away” a Siamese kitten’s head - even in babies you will see disproportionately large, widely set ears, a characteristic straight profile and a “wedge” muzzle.

You can also pay attention to the tail - it is almost even in thickness along its entire length. Thai kittens have a round head, ears that are no different in size from the average, and the tail has a pronounced smooth narrowing from a rather thick base to the tip.

The body shape, even in three-month-old babies, is significantly different: Thai kittens are dense little kittens with limbs of medium length, while Siamese kittens are thin, elongated, with long limbs. In general, Thai and Siamese kittens differ from each other in the same way as the beauties of the Renaissance and decadence. Both are good in their own way. Which ideal of beauty is closer to you?

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