Which dog was wearing a mask? Jack Russell Terrier (photo) - a cheerful breed of dog from the movie "The Mask"

The film "The Mask", released in 1994, soon gained wild popularity. The main character, played by the inimitable Jim Carrey, was accompanied everywhere by a cute dog who helped the hero in his misadventures. Maybe someone mistook Milo (that was the dog's name) for a mongrel, but in fact it is purebred dog. What is the breed of the dog from the movie "The Mask"?

Dog from the movie "The Mask"

A male Jack Russell Terrier named Milo was selected to play the role of Stanley Ipkis's companion. Initially in scenarios there was a dog character large breed, the candidacy was considered golden retriever and others. But according to the director's plan, Jim Carrey's hero Stanley Ipkis would not have big dog. But the little crafty Milo came in handy for this role.

Based on the sensational film, a cartoon of the same name was later made; the dog from “The Mask” continued to win new hearts, now of a young audience. Viewers did not want to part with the cute dog forever, and he periodically appeared on various talk shows and television programs. And later, a sequel to the famous comedy called “Son of the Mask” was filmed, where the audience’s favorite Jack Russell terrier again got his role.

Jack Russell Terrier: description

If we speak in general outline, the dog from the movie "The Mask" is one of the peace-loving, sociable, cheerful compact dogs bred several centuries ago in the Kingdom of England. The genes of dachshunds, greyhounds and beagles are mixed in their blood.

These animals simultaneously They are considered hunting and decorative. They are no taller than 30 centimeters in height and weigh only 5-7 kilograms. The main color is white, with the presence of brown and red spots of different shades.

The dog breed from the movie "The Mask" can become a favorite for the whole family. Active and restless, she loves to play with children, is peaceful towards other animals in the house, intelligent and curious. Perhaps the decision to use a dog of this particular breed in the film was due to complete absence she has aggression and good abilities to training.

It is not at all difficult to teach a Jack Russell Terrier some tricks and he will happily perform them for a small treat. If you want to get yourself a pet of the same breed, you should consider following:

  • This is an emotional and “loud” dog that barks for any reason.
  • You will have to give the animal attention and time to play; due to its high activity, it simply needs to move a lot. However, you can always entrust this to your children.
  • The breed of dog in the film "The Mask" is a hunting dog, it is characterized by courage and perseverance in the pursuit of a goal. To one degree or another, this is common to all terriers.
  • If you decide to use your dog to hunt small game and birds, give him more independence. Instinct will do its job.

Features of education

The breed of dog from the movie "The Mask" requires only a home content. It will be great if she has at her disposal a fenced yard with a green lawn where she can have fun frolicking.

  • A young healthy terrier needs to be walked for at least 30-45 minutes. If he is taken out into a crowded place, a leash is required. This nimble fellow may well tag along with other animals, or begin to provoke large dogs, which may have consequences.
  • It is advisable for representatives of this breed to take a course training. This is the only way you can turn a stubborn, active and unpredictable dog into a well-mannered and obedient one.
  • To soften the aggressiveness inherent in terriers by nature, you need to “socialize” him as early as possible, introducing him to other animals. Then he will learn the rules of behavior in society and will better understand what can and cannot be done categorically.

Characteristic qualities of the breed

This jumping dogs. They can easily jump 1.5 meters in height. They love ball games, during which they can jump in all directions. Another passion of Jack Russells is digging holes. This feature must be taken into account when leaving the dog alone in the yard, even for a short time. She can easily dig under the fence and escape from the area.

Wayward Jack Russells have a strong chasing instinct and aggression towards other dogs, it is advisable to take control of these characteristics of the breed with early childhood. For those who are getting a dog for the first time, it is better to choose a more calm breed. The dog from “Mask” can be too much for even experienced dog breeders.

Everyone wants to know what breed of dog is from the movie "The Mask"? - Jack Russell Terrier! Main character film Stanley Ipkiss considered himself a loser, although in fact he was an affable, modest and not without a sense of humor person. However, his life did not work out. He remained a modest worker who had practically no friends. And only the cheerful Milo always happily waited for his master from work and gave him his love and loyalty. Even when his master became the spectacular Mask, Milo continued to follow and help him in everything.

The name of the dog breed from the movie "The Mask" is Jack Russell Terrier. This hunting dog, which became famous for its ability to easily climb into holes and extract defeated prey from them. The father of the breed, the priest Jack Russell, considers the breed he bred to be a wild rose, which may not look as impressive as garden roses, but has a special charm. Likewise, the restless short-legged white and red dogs do not stand out for their power, graceful shapes or original colors, but win hearts with their love of life, activity and high intelligence.

Breed characteristics

The breed of dog that starred in the popular film comedy was developed in the 18th century and was used for fox hunting. The priest, who loved to hunt, decided to breed the ideal burrow hunter, with a compact body and strong jaws, which would help him overcome prey in tight spaces.

Despite the fact that this strong dog, she does not have powerful, bulging muscles, and her body remains flexible and mobile. The eyes are almond-shaped and most often dark color. They glow with intelligence and insight.

Representatives of the breed, like Milo from The Mask, have a mostly white body and a red head. Spots on both the body and face are acceptable. The coat can be either smooth or rough. Movable head with hanging ears, which can stand upright in case of danger.

Character of the breed

The film "The Mask" with Jim Carrey caused a real boom in dog world. There are a huge number of people eager to become owners of this cheerful breed. However, before you bring an active puppy into your home, you should familiarize yourself with the character and behavior of this animal.

The Jack Russell Terrier is an incredibly active and cheerful creature, endowed with great love for people, as well as incredible mobility. If you don’t exercise your pet on walks, don’t give him the opportunity to run around and play enough, then he will turn into a real monster, like in the famous movie. Only this dog-mask will not make you happy at all, but rather saddens you, as it will begin to destroy and destroy everything in its path.

The breed of the famous Milo is not a sofa option at all. This is an excellent companion for active people who love sports, hunting, raising and training their pet. It is these people who grow up to be incredibly smart “circus” dogs that faithfully serve their owners and surprise everyone around them.

Famous owners of the dog Milo from the movie "The Mask"

While looking for an answer to the question “What is the name of the dog breed from the movie “The Mask”?”, we learned that this wonderful dog participated in the filming continuation of the film comedy “Son of the Mask”, and also played the role of Grizzly from the film “Problem Child 2” perfectly. Dog Max is not the only film actor from his breed.

The fate of former homeless Uggie, who went from a shelter to the red carpet and won the Golden Collar award for his role in the film The Artist, touches the soul. Due to the puppy's irrepressible energy, the first owners decided to take the animal to one of the shelters in Florida. The ill-mannered hooligan was threatened with euthanasia if the trainer Omar von Muller had not appeared in time in the dog’s fate. New owner took up raising and training the mischievous boy. Uggie began appearing in commercials, and was later noticed by Hollywood directors, who brought the Jack Russell Terrier to world fame.

Representatives of this breed have gained incredible popularity. Consider the millions of views of videos featuring pet Jess, whom American student Heather Brook teaches various tricks!

Jack Russell Terriers have appeared in many other popular films.

  • Luck for hire (RF) 2012
  • Soldiers-10, episode 4 (RF) 2006
  • Vampire Dog (Canada) 2012
  • My Dog Skip (United States) 2000
  • Crimson Tide (United States), 1995
  • A Good Year (United States, England) 2006
  • Beginners (United States) 2010
  • Escalator down (Germany) 2005
  • Princess from Khrushchev (RF) 2013
  • Paws (Australia) 1997–1998
  • Big Party (France, Belgium) 2012

Many celebrities appreciated active character breeds and hastened to acquire funny pets. Among them are Meraya Keri, Mikhail Galustyan, Philip Kirokorov.

Photo of the dog breed from the movie "Masks"

In the gallery we collected of the Jack Russell Terrier - the dog from the movie "The Mask", you can see the dog's owners.

Video about Jack Russell Terrier

In the article I will talk about famous dog, who starred in the film “The Mask”, and will also consider some features of the breed and the cost of puppies.

The American comedian, adored by children of the 90s, made a splash with the roles of a private detective and a small-time bank employee. It is surprising that in both films he was accompanied by animals.

If the first film is remembered for a charming monkey, then the second is for a faithful and cheerful four-legged friend who experienced the power of a magic mask.

The name of the cheerful pet's breed is the Jack Russell Terrier, an English hunting dog.

In the homeland of Elizabeth II, terriers were used for fox hunting. The exterior of the animals allowed them to easily penetrate into burrows and lure prey out.

The four-legged star popularized the breed, demonstrating the best qualities of its species:

  • friendliness;
  • cheerfulness;
  • attachment.

Dog name

A dog named Milo demonstrated not only the power of a dog's devotion, but also showed remarkable ingenuity in the movie scene with the keys. The clever craftsman who played the role little friend Stanley Ipkiss's name was Max.

It's surprising that the viewer was not deceived. For example, the famous Lassie was played by male actors.

Among the interesting facts inherent in the four-legged actor or his brothers in the breed, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Emotionality. Animals quickly become attached to their owners and express any feelings with the help of a loud bark.
  2. Jumpability. High jumping 150 cm is a favorite activity of terriers. It is important for the owners to mentally prepare for his athletic tricks.
  3. Max's experience. The terrier managed to appear on the big screen back in 1991 in the role of the funny Gryzlik from the film “Problem Child”.
  4. Fearlessness. Miniature size does not matter in times of danger. The dog always shows persistence and is not inferior to larger breeds.
  5. Immortalized memory of the founding father. The first breeder and subsequent founder was the Englishman Russell John.
  6. Love for digging. The hunting spirit of the ancestors allows for short terms dig deep holes, which is why they love to dig in their personal yard.
  7. Mystical coincidence with the director's surname. Chuck Russell certainly didn't cast based on his own last name, but the end result is questionable.
  8. Longevity. Milo lived a long and happy life. Having left the world at the age of 16, he left a reliable replacement in the person of his son Enzo.

Frank Welker, who is remembered for his roles as the monkey Abu and the charming chubby Garfield, was responsible for the voice acting.

Prices for puppies in the nursery

When purchasing purebred animals, choose only large, proven nurseries. The cost of puppies will depend on the cleanliness of the exterior. The average price tag ranges from 15-30 thousand rubles.

Remember that buying secondhand is fraught with deception, so avoid such offers.

When purchasing, check:

  • silkiness of the coat;
  • shine and purity of the eyes;
  • general activity and contact of the baby;
  • availability of mandatory vaccinations.

Do not aim for an elite show class when choosing an ordinary pet for your soul. Any class corresponds to the breed and provides a good pedigree.

In conclusion, I note that the picture shown on the big screen rarely coincides with reality. Don't go crazy watching a funny movie and don't rush to buy a new pet without familiarizing yourself with its features.

The unfortunate Dalmatians, who caused a stir after the release of the cartoon in 1996, found themselves thrown out into the streets en masse after their irresponsible owners realized that the cartoon character was completely different from the real dog.

Due to the fact that nowadays people are actively influenced by literature, art and cinema, many have begun to name dog breeds not by the name of the breed, but by nicknames borrowed from a book or a favorite movie. An example of this is White Beam, Beethoven, Hachiko. The four-legged friend of the protagonist of the film “The Mask,” who was christened Milo in real life, was no exception. This funny little fellow made every viewer smile. The nimble, agile dog aroused interest among the general public, just like the film “The Mask” itself. What breed was used for filming? In fact, this type of four-legged friend is called the Jack Russell Terrier.


The dog breed from "Mask" has interesting story. It was originally bred for the purpose of the badger by combining breeds such as the Parson Russell, Dachshund and Welsh Corga. As a result of crossing, the dog breed Milo from “The Mask” was obtained. The authorship belongs to the English priest - Jack Russell.


The dog breed from “Mask” has a narrow chest bone, which is very convenient for hunting in holes where the terrier must climb and pull out the animal. Short, strong legs and a slightly elongated body clearly indicate a relationship with the dachshund. The growth of the Jack Russell Terrier has modest parameters: an adult dog barely reaches a height of 25-30 centimeters. The breed of dog from the movie “The Mask” weighs no more than five to six kilograms. If a pet is purchased for exhibition, the tail is usually docked. However, when home care the owners prefer to avoid such execution.


The dog breed from “Mask” has a spotted color that combines white, brown, red or red. The smooth, hard coat makes it very convenient to keep a pet in an apartment. This breed is clean: just one brushing of the coat in the morning is enough to avoid unwanted shedding.


Leading dog handlers of professional clubs did not recognize the Jack Russell Terrier for a long period of time. The breed of the dog Milo from “The Mask” was not registered even by the owner himself, who preferred to work on improving terriers only for his own pleasure, using them for hunting. Only in two thousand and one, Jack Russells received their recognition and also acquired a passport of conformity.


The dog breed from the movie “The Mask” is distinguished by its cheerful disposition and high activity. Extraordinary intelligence and mobility are characteristic of these four-legged friends not only on screen in the image of Milo, but also in real life. Such dogs will not let you get bored, so they are sedentary, phlegmatic, irritable and very busy people will cause a lot of trouble, and therefore are not recommended. It should also be added that this breed is distinguished by its special devotion, the same as that of the hero of the same name in the film “Hachiko”.

For full life The dog needs constant communication and walks. Otherwise, she will begin to feel sad. Large families with children will fully appreciate the character and mobility of such a pet. The breed of dog from the movie “The Mask” is especially recommended for hyperactive children: when interacting with a Jack Russell, the child’s psyche is balanced, and the dog becomes his best friend and a playmate.

Of course, fishermen and travelers will appreciate this active four-legged friend. This cheerful and fearless companion will not cause problems in feeding and care. Terriers are excellent at dealing with both foxes on the hunt and domestic rodents. In this matter, the dog breed from “Mask” is a real champion.

This clever girl is very popular among dog sports lovers. The Jack Russell is highly trainable, is not afraid of the public, and carries himself with incredible dignity.

Born hunters

To date this breed extremely common in the UK. It is used as a hunting and farm dog. There are varieties with hard and smooth hair. Horseback hunters liked this breed most of all. Despite the fact that Jack Russell Terriers are often caught, they are released because this animal is protected in the UK. Terriers love to hunt hares or In a country like France, these dogs successfully find shot game in large thickets of bushes. The Jack Russell Terrier is excellent at spotting deer tracks, and since these dogs are not as vocal as larger hounds, the hunter can easily get close to the animal. These dogs provide significant assistance when driving down wild boars.

Thus, the Jack Russell Terrier is a versatile, gifted hunter of modest stature. His courage, endurance, activity and bravery are valued not only in hunting, but also in the family circle, where this nimble friend will not let anyone get bored.

The Jack Russell Terrier, who played the role of the dog Milo in the film “The Mask,” is perhaps the most famous representative of his breed. For a long time no one knew the name of such a dog. The four-footed animal was simply described as a nickname from a comedy film.

Milo in The Mask is the pet of the main character, Stanley Ipkiss. Loyal, smart, agile, funny four-legged creature made every viewer smile. The great popularity of the film created a demand for a breed previously known only to narrow circles.

The dog breed from the movie “The Mask” is a hunting dog. She comes from England. The inventor and first owner was a priest named Jack Russell (hence the name of the dog).

The dog Milo in the film Mask was played by a Jack Russell terrier.

Not by chance. The dog was bred by deliberate crossbreeding to catch badgers and foxes. In 1819, the pastor ended up with a female terrier. She had coarse fur, an interesting white color with red spots on her ears, tail and near her eyes.

The owner liked the nimble female, and he began crossbreeding experiments. By breeding greyhounds, Russell received puppies with improved hearing, smell, different heights and speed qualities.

In the end, the priest was satisfied with the result in the form of squat and long-legged offspring. For a long time no one registered them. After the death of the owner, the names Jack Russell Terrier and Parcel Russell Terrier took shape.

The Jack Russell Terrier has become a real find for hunters. After the film, the general public also showed interest.

As can be seen from Milo from "The Mask", the Jack Russell Terrier has a modest height of about 30 cm. The weight of such a dog rarely exceeds 5-6 kg. The legs are strong and short, rib cage narrow, the body is slightly elongated, the coat is smooth. Sometimes individuals have their tail docked, which lately is becoming less and less common.

Jack Russell loves outdoor games, running, long walks.

The breed is convenient to keep in apartments and houses. Its representatives are clean, practically do not shed and do not require complex care. Jack Russell loves outdoor games, running, long walks, and loves communicating with children and adults. Aggression is not typical, which makes it easy to take such a dog even when traveling.

Dog handlers note the friendliness of these dogs and excellent training abilities. Character, intelligence and energy are easy to direct in the right direction - stubbornness in front of the owner is not typical. A fearless defender in front of other dogs. In private homes, it easily deals with rodent pests, remembering its hunting abilities. They perform well at exhibitions - they are not afraid of the public, they behave confidently.

Dog breed from the movie mask and price

The Jack Russell Terrier from the movie “The Mask” with Jim Carrey is a sought-after breed. In specialized nurseries, the price of such a puppy is 15-30 thousand rubles. Club breeders offer necessary documents, vaccinations by agreement.

Average cost Jack Russell puppy - 15-30 thousand rubles.

Important. For private breeders, the cost can be about 10 thousand rubles or even lower. However, in similar cases Thoroughbredness and proper health cannot be guaranteed without expert evaluation.

Interesting facts about the dog from “The Mask”

Here are some interesting facts about the film and this dog:

  • Pastor Russell considered terriers to be dogs not for shows and exhibitions, but for work. In addition, he categorically refused to mix his bitches with bulldogs to avoid aggressive offspring. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to obtain a friendly disposition and high endurance of the Jack Russell Terrier.
  • The breed only received a certificate of compliance with standards in 2001.
  • The dog who played Milo in “The Mask” was the favorite of the entire film crew. In the sequel “Son of the Mask,” another, but no less talented Jack Russell Terrier played.
  • Jim Carrey got himself a Jack Russell Terrier after filming The Mask, having been impressed by his tailed partner.

We invite you to watch a short excerpt from the film Mask, where a Jack Russell Terrier dog is filmed. We wish you pleasant viewing!