What vegetables should not be eaten raw? Raise the temperature: vegetables that are best eaten boiled

As children, we were often told to eat vegetables. Children rarely like vegetables, so the memories of these instructions do not warm their souls. Maybe this is one of the reasons why vegetables are often absent from the diet of adults? If you are one of these people, then correct yourself quickly. It turns out that moms were right: vegetables are not only tasty, but also very healthy.

We answer common questions about vegetables and share useful tips on their use and preparation.

What's good about vegetables?

Vegetables must be present in the diet of an adult. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other valuable substances, which improve health and improve the functioning of many organs. Vegetables also contain healthy fiber, which gently cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, normalizes work digestive system and accelerates metabolic processes in the body.

Vegetables also contain antioxidants - these are substances that, when they enter the body, fight free radicals that destroy the immune system. As a result protective forces increase, and the risk of occurrence and development of many diseases decreases. In other words, vegetables rejuvenate the body from the inside out.

How often should you eat vegetables?

Vegetables should be present in the daily diet, that is, ideally they should be eaten every day. This is the easiest way to fill your body with vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. Vegetables hold the record for nutrient content when compared to other foods.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults eat five servings of vegetables a day or 500 grams of fruit. You can eat vegetables for breakfast, lunch or dinner - it all depends on your taste preferences, imagination and culinary abilities.

What vegetables are the healthiest?

All vegetables are equally healthy. Don’t hesitate and feel free to try all the fruits that you see in front of you at the market or in the supermarket. Experiment, try new flavors and make your diet as healthy, varied and rich as possible. Every vegetable is different unique composition, which means that variety will allow you to maximally enrich your body with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and essential oils.

An important point: try to give preference to seasonal fruits. They are record holders for content useful substances. In summer, lean on cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, and in the fall buy turnips, pumpkin, parsnips.

Are only raw vegetables healthy?

Be sure to include it in your diet fresh vegetables: They contain a maximum of useful and nutritious substances, as well as fiber. Raw fruits cleanse the body and act as a “broom” for the intestines. The functioning of the digestive system will only improve.

At the same time, you can cook vegetables and process them at high temperatures. Some of the beneficial properties will be lost, but only part. Vegetables will still be healthy. Try to steam them, in the oven or on the grill. Avoid using temperatures that are too high to retain the maximum benefit from your vegetables. If possible, cook vegetables unpeeled: this method “seals” the beneficial substances inside the fruit. If you decide to cook vegetables, then throw them into already boiling water and not for long.

What happens if you don't eat vegetables?

Lack of vegetables in the diet can lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. This condition is called “vitaminosis” and significantly affects human life. With vitamin deficiency, a person experiences increased fatigue, prone to depression, gets tired quickly, and metabolic processes in the body slow down.

With a prolonged absence of vegetables in the diet, problems with digestion, skin and the functioning of some other organs may begin. Immunity will fall, and with it resistance to viral and infectious diseases. Scientific research also showed that a lack of vegetables in the diet increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

How to choose vegetables?

To select quality, fresh and useful fruits for yourself and your family, buy vegetables not in supermarkets, but in markets and from farmers. You can also ask the seller for a product certificate, which will become a kind of guarantor of the quality of vegetables.

When choosing fruits, pay attention to their appearance. They should be appetizing, rich in color, without dents or rotten parts. If the vegetables seem stale to you, then it is better to refuse to purchase such a product. Most likely there are practically no useful substances left in it. Vegetables should not smell musty or rotten.

To maintain health gastrointestinal tract raw vegetables and fruits should make up at least a third of the diet. This way, on the one hand, you will not overload your body with fiber, and on the other hand, you will receive the necessary dose of vitamins and microelements. You can expand your diet with the help of vegetables that we are used to eating after cooking - it turns out that in their raw form they can be not only much healthier, but also tastier.


This vegetable must be present in your diet: low-calorie, with high content fiber, vitamins C and K (vitamin K promotes normal blood clotting and resists the development of osteoporosis). Cauliflower contains choline, a substance that has a positive effect on brain health and maintains the structure of cell membranes.

Break the head of cabbage into florets, add to a vegetable salad or serve with any buttery dressing (homemade mayonnaise, hummus or guacomole) - you will be pleasantly surprised by the fresh and crunchy taste of this vegetable.


One of the main products for women's health(it resists the development of tumors and normalizes estrogen levels) has a beneficial effect on the health of other family members: broccoli is high in vitamins A, C, potassium, folic acid. This flower (and broccoli is nothing more than a blossoming inflorescence) is good for the health of the heart, eyes and for normalizing blood pressure.

When boiled or baked, cabbage requires additions: on its own, it does not have an expressive taste, but when raw, it is tasty even without toppings and spices. The cuttings and stalk of the inflorescence are especially good in a salad or as an independent snack: remove their top layer (peel)– and enjoy the rich taste.


It’s certainly true that what we rarely eat raw is beets, but in vain! It is rich in vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, and stabilizes the functioning of the immune and circulatory systems. Just n grate it or cut it into thin slices using a vegetable peeler, add a little black pepper and lemon juice - a delicious salad is ready.

Young zucchini

This vegetable is best alternative cucumbers, surpassing them in the content of useful substances. B vitamins, vitamins A and C, a nicotinic acid, potassium make the young fruit indispensable in summer diet. Let us add that it is one of the lowest calorie foods in the world, which is very important for everyone who wants to lose weight. Cut the young fruits into thin slices, season lemon juice or sesame dressing - and your favorite dish will live on your table for a long time.

I want to talk a little about which vegetables are delicious to eat raw and which are not. Something may not apply to vegetables, but I will combine it into one article.

- Eggplant.

Before, I was terribly fond of eggplants - stewed, fried, baked, any eggplant dishes. Often eggplants seemed tastier to me meat dishes! True, this was no less harmful, because eggplants absorbed a lot of fat. So, having become a raw foodist, at first I couldn’t imagine how I would live without eggplants. And I tried to eat them raw. Complete disappointment. The eggplants are kind of wimpy and tasteless. I tried it several times - it was disgusting. Moreover, both their own from the dacha and from the markets. Both young and more mature.

- Beet.

I have heard more than once that raw foodists speak very positively about beets. Either I haven’t tried really good beet varieties, or it’s just not my product. So disgusting, it's like eating dirt. Although I really liked boiled and stewed beets.

- Sugar beet.

No matter what they say, it doesn’t taste good to me. Firstly, the taste itself is terrible, and secondly, it really hurts the throat.

- Potato.

Even my friend, who is far from a raw food diet and cannot imagine life without meat, loves raw potatoes. She always eats it when she cooks. But no matter how much I tried, I can’t imagine how you can eat it. Even with severe hunger... I don’t know what could be more disgusting. I tried very young potatoes just dug out of the ground, more mature ones, very mature ones, different varieties, yellow, white, pink. And she's all terrible.

- Carrot.

But young carrots are simply delicious! Thin, not overripe, just pulled out from the garden. I have never seen such young, delicious carrots in a store; I only ate one like this at our dacha.

- Radish.

There are bitter and pungent varieties of radishes, but there is nothing good about them. And there are very sweet and tasty ones! Fairy tale. I ate radishes mono without anything, about 30 at a time, amazing.

It can be very tasty! Some varieties, like radishes, are sweet, tasty and not pungent.

- Beans.

On dishmania, this was almost the number two product for me... after eggplant. How delicious my grandmother cooked beans, it’s simply beyond words! Therefore, even on a raw food diet, during the first months I could not come to terms with the fact that I would not eat it and tried to love it in its raw form. But.. unfortunately, it is bitter and tasteless. But no discomfort then it didn’t happen, as happens with some people. The beans were fresh, just from the garden.

- Zucchini.

Yummy! But only when young. Dairy, so to speak. When the seeds have not yet ripened, and the fruits themselves are small and thin. These zucchini remind me of low-fat ones. Delicious!

- Ripe zucchini.

Not the same anymore. The taste is lost and something nasty and repulsive appears.

They say there are delicious sweet pumpkins, but unfortunately I haven’t come across any like them.

- Broccoli.

Delicious!!! Especially the stems, without flowers. Adore! Again, I went crazy over this cabbage during my dish mania, but it also turned out to be incredibly tasty raw. I don’t know about the store, I’m talking about ours from the dacha.

- Cauliflower.

Average. It seems okay, okay, but not great. There is no desire to eat it.

- Kohlrabi cabbage.

Delicious stuff. Just the same, it is most delicious in its raw form, and not cooked.

- White cabbage.

Also delicious, like broccoli. Probably the most delicious of all cabbages. And the cabbage itself and the stalk. Moreover, such cabbage is tasty both in Russia and in tropical countries. Different, but both delicious.

- Brussels sprouts.

Oh, how I liked it stewed, before the raw food diet. And raw it is bitter...

- Chinese cabbage.

Cool stuff, very tasty. Although it looks more like a salad, greens.

- Corn.

I thought for so long that raw corn tasted bad until I actually tried it. good variety. Since then I fell in love with this gorgeous product! Sweet, juicy, tasty, filling... mmm!

- Cucumbers.

Homemade cucumbers are very tasty. They just have a bright taste that store-bought cucumbers don’t have (they just smell delicious and nothing more).

We are used to thinking that fruits and vegetables are a priori good for our health, but this is not so. There are factors that can turn them into poison.

Russians are against vegetables and fruits

In Russia, even when the season comes and prices for local fruits and vegetables decrease, we are in no hurry to buy more of them. The point is in food traditions: our diet historically contains more animal products: pork, beef, sausages, dairy products, butter.

We do not reach Europe in terms of consumption of plant products. We crunch vegetables and eat fruits less often. On average, a resident of our country accounts for 314 grams of these products we need.

“To maintain a positive level of health, we need to eat 400-600 grams of vegetables and fruits per day.” World Health Organization.

European nutritional recommendations indicate that such habits are fundamentally wrong, because meat and milk fat are extremely harmful to of cardio-vascular system. Doctors suggest refocusing on herbal products: vegetable proteins and fats. To do this, you need to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Scientists from University College London are asking for the five-a-day formula to be revised to seven a day.

As a result of a study that was conducted among 65 thousand people, scientists found that “five fruits a day” reduces the risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease at any given age by 29%, and “seven fruits a day” by 42%.

Why then can vegetables and fruits so valuable for the body suddenly become our enemies?

Second World War hit with pesticides

American working group in the field of ecology (EWG) has spent 10 years researching the contamination of fruits and vegetables with pesticides - chemical compounds that are used to control pests. They began to be produced after World War II, when large quantities of chemical weapons remained in military warehouses.

After 1945, it was decided to destroy the chemicals, but a little later it turned out that these substances could be processed into insect killers.

Every year, EWG specialists analyzed data on vegetables and fruits provided by the Office of Sanitary Supervision of Quality food products and US medicines.

Based on the results summed up in 2014, it was found that in to a greater extent Fruits are still treated with pesticides.

Here are the most infected: peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, cherries and grapes. For example, among peaches and apples that were marketed and tested over a 10-year period, 95% contained pesticides.

Among the vegetables, the most “pesticide” turned out to be celery, praised by nutritionists, the body spends its own calories digesting it, thereby stabilizing the metabolism. But the benefits are offset by the negative effects of pesticides: 95% of celery sold contains them.

“In general, those fruits and vegetables that have thinner skin contain more pesticides - it simply cannot protect them from deep penetration of chemicals. They seep into the very core and remain there even after ripening.”

The study caused quite a stir in the States: the American Association of Pediatrics, which cares about children's health, noted that exposure to pesticides in childhood can damage some brain functions and even cause cancer.

Brief reminder to the consumer

In some diseases, savoring your favorite fruit turns into real torture: substances contained in raw plant products, irritate the suffering organ.

- Problems with the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, ischemia, etc.). It is forbidden: vegetable pickles, onions, garlic - they raise blood pressure.

- Stomach problems (ulcers and gastritis). It is forbidden: carrots, onions, garlic, plums, cabbage. It is safer to eat pureed vegetables and fruits.

- Liver problems or gallbladder. It is forbidden: all sour fruits and berries, garlic, onions, horseradish, sorrel - they all contain large amounts of acids that irritate the liver.

- Problems with the pancreas. It is forbidden: all raw vegetables and fruits; beans, onions, garlic, lettuce, sorrel, white cabbage.

Dangerous: eating fruits and vegetables with pills

If you eat the pills with an unwanted fruit or vegetable, then instead of the desired relief from headaches or tachycardia, you may lose consciousness and even die from cardiac arrest.

What should not be mixed with:

Grapefruit with remedies for hypertension.

Result: Blood pressure may drop sharply, even to the point of fainting.

Why: substances that make up grapefruit block an enzyme that is needed for the metabolism of drugs. “Chemistry” becomes too much in the blood, they become activated side properties medications.

All citrus fruits with allergy medications.

Result: you may get a stomach ulcer.

Why: antihistamines inhibit digestion, and citrus fruits, which contain a lot of acid, stay in the stomach longer, irritating its walls.

Antidepressants with peanuts.

Result: Blood pressure will rise, irritation and nervousness will appear.

Why: Peanuts contain tyramine, which alters the effects of medications.

Healthy and nutritious vegetables and fruits turn into killers if we prepare and store them incorrectly.

Vegetables wipe the smiles off our faces

The European Journal of Prosthetic and Restorative Dentistry published a scientific article reporting that frying and stewing vegetables is a direct path to caries and dental erosion.

According to the results of the study, during the preparation of vegetables in this way, the number of acids that have a destructive effect on tooth enamel, increases to the level of acidity of carbonated drinks. Interestingly, this rule does not apply to only two vegetables: onions and tomatoes.

Vegetable monster from vacuum packaging

Scientists from the Technical University of Denmark report: vacuum packaging, which ideally should preserve all the benefits of vegetables, is in fact a breeding ground for bacteria.

According to the study, the microorganism Listeria monocytogens survives in the cold when frozen, and in a vacuum, that is, in an environment without oxygen, it becomes 14 times more active. The thing is that vacuum packaging creates conditions similar to the conditions for bacteria in the intestines. Many people infected with listeriosis have severe consequences, including death. Therefore, in 1987, WHO classified Listeria monocytogens as an important foodborne infection.

How to live with this?

Continue to eat vegetables and fruits - this balanced diet . They contain key minerals and salts and vitamins for the body, which it needs like air.

Without these unique microelements, all work internal organs“will become”: without them, the processes of synthesis of new cells and hormones will be difficult.

Try to choose local vegetables and fruits that you are confident in their quality. It's easier during the season than in winter. Be guided by restrictions from doctors if you have chronic diseases.

And remember: an important weapon for immunity, which will protect you from pesticides, evil bacteria and other dangerous things, is good mood, peace of mind and the ability to notice the little things around you that “make your day.”

Which vegetables are good to eat raw and which cooked? Many modern housewives are wondering which vegetable products should be consumed raw and which ones should be cooked in order to get rid of harmful chemicals.

In today's topic, we'll look at this ongoing question and share some extremely useful tips for processing vegetables.

To begin with, we should remember such a popular trend as a raw food diet. Raw foodists claim that products that have not undergone heat treatment are much healthier than those that have been subjected to it.

However, it is worth noting that many scientists have come to the conclusion that raw foodists suffer from a lack of the pigment lycopene, which appears only after heat treatment of certain foods.

Therefore, it is definitely worthwhile to clearly understand which vegetables should be eaten raw and which cooked.

This is a product that must be eaten exclusively raw. After all, after its processing, more than thirty percent of folic acid and other useful microelements for the health of your body.

Carrot- another product that needs to be eaten raw. It’s just that during heat treatment, vitamin C is destroyed, which supports your immunity. In addition, almost the entire range of polyphenols, which can prevent many cancers, is destroyed.

But it’s worth knowing that we can get beta-carotene exclusively from boiled carrots. Therefore, whether you cook it or eat it raw depends on your decision.

Garlic belongs to the group of products that need to be added to food in raw form. Such a small-looking product contains quite a large amount of vitamins and useful elements.

In addition to the fact that garlic and its feathers contain vitamin C and have an antiviral effect, it can lower blood pressure and prevent the formation of plaques in blood clots, thereby keep your vessels from damage.

It should also only be added fresh. When this product is heated, all the vitamin C evaporates from it.

Of course, pepper can be added to cooked dishes, but it is better to take it in its original form - it is much more natural.

There are foods that can be consumed both raw and cooked. These include onion, broccoli And tomatoes. It is worth taking a closer look at the benefits of each in two versions of their use.

While preparing the onions you are losing special chemical element, which can reduce your hunger. With all this, in the case of heat treatment, onions are able to release an element - a flavonoid, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Also, when cooked, more calcium, lutein and vitamin K are produced. Remember that it is not recommended to bake or fry onions for more than five minutes, otherwise they will lose all the inherent properties of the product beneficial features and there will be no benefit from this vegetable at all.

This is another product that can be eaten in any form. When eaten raw, the vegetable can prevent stomach ulcer and cancer.

Also boiled broccoli produces a special enzyme that can prevent the occurrence of prediseases cancer cells or prevent them from becoming benign. Therefore, eating broccoli in any form will significantly improve your body's health.

Tomatoes, consumed in cooked form, baked or fried, prevent the occurrence cancerous tumors and everything related to oncology. Indeed, during cooking, a special enzyme is released in them - lycopene, which prevents the development of cancer cells and various tumors any type.

In their raw form, tomatoes are no less useful., because they contain a sufficient amount of magnesium, zinc and other useful substances. Ready-made tomatoes should be eaten by adding a little vegetable oil. Thus, lycopene is absorbed by the body much easier and faster.

Now it’s worth paying attention to those vegetable products that should be consumed exclusively in cooked form. First of all potato.

Of course, no one eats potato tubers raw, but it is worth knowing that only when baked does it bring its benefits to the body.

Other methods of preparing potatoes have their drawbacks. Fried potatoes are very harmful to your health, and have no beneficial properties, and boiled potatoes contain solid starch.

When baking potato tubers, make sure that they are in their skins. It is this that protects the fetus from extreme heat and helps preserve all the beneficial ingredients.

Spinach it is best to cook, because after processing your body will more easily accept everything nutrients this useful product. In this case the best solution will steam the spinach. You should not cook it in boiling water under any circumstances, otherwise its benefits will be significantly reduced.

Eggplant are able to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood; their beneficial properties are especially evident when baked. At high temperature all of it nutritional properties are intensely manifested, and harmful chemicals disappear.

Mushrooms should be eaten exclusively boiled or fried. After cooking this way, they release potassium, which is very beneficial for your muscle tissue.

Asparagus and zucchini need heat treatment. Under these conditions, asparagus releases even more vitamin A and lycopene than in its raw form.

A zucchini are able to release more folic acid and also vitamin A, the positive effect of which on human vision is a tangible plus.

Now you know exactly which vegetables are healthy to eat raw and which ones cooked. However, you should definitely know how to cook vegetables properly to get the maximum benefits.

Eat healthy and right!