What foods are best to eat on an empty stomach? Which foods are best not to eat on an empty stomach, and which are good to eat on an empty stomach?

Most French women's breakfast consists of a cup of coffee and a croissant with jam, and they look absolutely wonderful! But few people know that such food is difficult for an empty stomach, and if you constantly lean on it, health problems are possible. How to have breakfast correctly? What will help both men and women maintain mental clarity, productivity and a cheerful appearance throughout the day? What foods are contraindicated to be included in the morning menu, but are very healthy to eat for lunch and dinner? About all this today.

A cup of coffee instead of breakfast has become a traditional start to the day for many people. And no wonder! A lot of scientific research has been devoted to the benefits of this drink, and personal experience shows that coffee is excellent invigorating and even energizing. But it also has side effects!

If breakfast is limited to only coffee, the caffeine contained in the drink, when entering the body, irritates the gastric mucosa, thus stimulating the secretion of gastric juice. Frequent irritation of the walls of the stomach in the absence of food for digestion is fraught with the appearance of gastritis.

What's better to eat?

If you want to be productive throughout the day, eat healthy and nutritious foods! An excellent choice would be buckwheat porridge - a source of protein, iron and vitamins. It gently stimulates the digestive system, awakening it from sleep. After such a breakfast you will be full and healthy for a long time!

On a note!

According to Dan Buettner, a famous researcher and author of the book “The Rules of Longevity,” the best drink for health is green tea. 2 cups a day strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of strokes and improves performance.

Bran for weight loss

Respected by many nutritionists, the food supplement is popular not only among those losing weight; it is gladly included in their menu by everyone who adheres to the principles of a healthy diet. It is believed that bran helps keep weight and appetite under control, because once it enters the stomach, it increases in volume many times over (about 25 times!), causing a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

But do not forget that to obtain benefits, bran must be combined with plenty of water. If this is not done, problems with stomach acidity will arise, constipation and irritation of the intestinal mucosa are possible. In addition, phytic acid in oat bran, when used for a long time, interferes with the normal absorption of calcium, which can lead to bone fragility, cracks and fractures.

What's better to eat?

An excellent healthy breakfast option is blueberries. Scientific research shows that taking it in the morning helps improve memory, normalize blood pressure and metabolism. During the season, blueberries are recommended to be taken fresh, and at other times dried berries will be useful. A heartier breakfast option could be a couple of eggs. Eggs on an empty stomach are a proven way to reduce your calorie intake throughout the day.

Most industrially produced sweets that exist today are not healthy, but they are especially dangerous at the beginning of the day. Such products contain a shock dose of sugars, which, when entering the body, require an immediate response from the pancreas. The insulin produced by the gland normalizes the level of glucose in the blood and then short-term euphoria is replaced by depression, weakness, and worsening mood.

Regularly eating sweets on an empty stomach forces the pancreas to work harder, which affects its basic functions (for example, producing adequate amounts of insulin) and may even contribute to the onset of diabetes.

What's better to eat?

Can't imagine your life without sweets? Choose healthy foods, but plan them for dessert! After a hearty lunch, you can treat yourself to tea with honey or a handful of dried fruits. This will improve brain function and provide the body with energy. Carrots are also useful options; they improve blood formation and are good for the eyes.

Mandarin, orange, lemon

Popular in the cold season, vitamin fruits have a bright taste and pleasant aroma. They are loved by both adults and children, and for many people they are a symbol of the coming New Year. But those who like to eat citrus fruits in the early morning should reconsider their food preferences. Citrus juice on an empty stomach is a direct path to gastritis and other gastrointestinal problems.

What's better to eat?

A healthy morning treat is nuts. And even though this is a very high-calorie dessert, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system. A handful of nuts on an empty stomach helps normalize the acidity of gastric juice, they are good for the heart and reduce the risk of diabetes.

This is interesting!

For their ability to have a positive effect on libido, nuts are called “natural Viagra.” The secret of this drug is simple - a piquant taste and a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers or any other raw vegetables are great snack options for those losing weight. But you shouldn’t use them on an empty stomach! The acids that fresh fruits are rich in can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Stomach discomfort, heartburn, increased gas production are just the beginning of the list. Thus, tannic acid contained in tomatoes, when in contact with gastric juice, increases its acidity, which in the long term can cause ulcers.

What's better to eat?

If you want to add fresh fruit to your morning, eat them in combination with other healthy foods. A sandwich made from a slice of whole grain bread, a layer of cottage cheese or feta cheese and a slice of tomato or cucumber is a great start to the day. Complex carbohydrates contained in whole grain bread are vital for the body and the best time to take them is in the morning.

Ryazhenka, yogurt, kefir

Fermented milk products enriched with lactobacilli are very healthy. Its main value is its friendly microflora for the human body. But if you drink yogurt or kefir on an empty stomach, lactic acid bacteria will enter the acidic environment of the stomach, where they will die without having time to reach the intestines. If your goal is to support the body after illness, taking antibiotics, or simply improve digestion, you need to drink fermented milk products between main meals.

What's better to eat?

An excellent breakfast option for every day - meat with vegetables. Perhaps this option may seem too “heavy” to some, but nutrition experts insist: breakfast should be “fatty”. Stewed vegetables and a piece of chicken breast (or alternatively lean fish) are ideal to start the day. Protein foods fill you up perfectly, and stewed vegetables deprive you of the chance to go overboard with calories.

When your empty stomach is already growling, you want to pounce on aromatic dishes with spicy seasonings. But spices can increase stomach discomfort, says Lisa Ganjhu, MD, a gastroenterologist at New York University Langone Medical Center.

The stomach is empty, and there is nothing to soften the effects of the spices when they come into contact with the lining of the stomach.

Lisa Gangi

It is better to leave food with hot pepper or sauce for the second course until at least something appears in the stomach.

What to eat

Dairy products do an excellent job of extinguishing the fire from spicy foods and gently coat the walls of the stomach. Therefore, Indian dishes are often served with yogurt-based sauces. So if you are hungry and have a spicy meal in front of you, first take a few sips of milk or eat a couple of spoons of unsweetened yogurt. Spices are allowed, but more gentle: cumin or coriander do not irritate the digestive system.

Fruit, if this is the only dish

Didriks / Flickr.com

An apple or pear alone won't kill hunger, says Tamara Melton, a registered dietitian and nutritionist with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in Atlanta. The sugar contained in fruits enters the bloodstream more slowly than sugar from candy, thanks to the fiber, but this will not prevent you from wanting to eat.

Fruits should be supplemented with foods high in protein. They are digested more slowly and, as studies show, Acyl and Total Ghrelin Are Suppressed Strongly by Ingested Proteins, Weakly by Lipids, and Biphasically by Carbohydrates., suppress the production of ghrelin, a hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger. It is ghrelin that signals the brain about hunger.

What to eat

Load up on fruit with nuts or braided cheese. Fruits and cottage cheese go well with Greek yogurt dressing.

Snacks, chips and cookies

Five crackers can contain up to 100 kilocalories, which will not help cope with hunger. This is the main problem with fast food snacks: due to the large amount of easily accessible carbohydrates, they spike blood sugar levels, which then quickly drop. And you are hungry again.

What to eat

For a snack on the run, it's better to stock up on a chicken or turkey sandwich. 200–300 kilocalories will cope much better with the feeling of hunger.

Oranges, mint, coffee, ketchup

These are all foods that stimulate the production of acid in the stomach. If you eat them on an empty stomach, the consequences will manifest themselves in pain and pain, says Dr. Lisa Gangi. There is already a lot of acid in an empty stomach, and there is little food to neutralize its effect on the lining. Coffee and caffeine have an irritating effect on patients with gastritis.

What to eat

Most vegetables do not cause rapid acid production, and they also contain a lot of fiber, which helps with gastritis. Vegetables, peas or mashed potatoes are a great option to satisfy your hunger.


Michael Kappel / Flickr.com

The combination of white rice and soy sauce is harmful when you eat it on an empty stomach, says Maria Bella, a nutritionist and founder of the Top Balance Nutrition clinic in New York City. The rice is low in fiber and the salty sauce makes you thirsty. But our brain confuses thirst and hunger. Trying to fill your empty stomach and satisfy your thirst at the same time, you... You will pay with a feeling of heaviness.

What to eat

The same rolls, wrapped not only in rice, but also in cucumber (or only cucumber). It’s better to start with a regular salad.


Alcohol, of course, is not eaten, but drunk. But it’s better not to do this on an empty stomach - you’ll get drunk faster, and then you’ll want to eat even more. A hungry and tipsy person runs the risk of eating everything: chips, spicy pizza, and everything else that it is better to abstain from. This is due to the effect of alcohol on the level of leptin, a hormone that signals the brain that you are full. Three servings of alcohol - and you are already 30% less sensitive to the hormone Is Decreased Leptin Secretion after Alcohol Ingestion Catecholamine-mediated?.

What to eat

It's simple: first the appetizer, then everything else. Start not with salted nuts, but with grilled vegetables or chicken dishes - quite light and at the same time nutritious.

Read about what is good to eat in the morning to gain a slim body and always look fresh and young. We have prepared food lists, as well as explanations of why there is no appetite after waking up. There are many people who do not pay enough attention to breakfast, snacking on a sausage sandwich and sweet coffee on the go. Lack of food after waking up is also not uncommon in the routine of busy people who, in the morning rush, do not find 15 minutes to prepare a healthy snack.

And we want to convince you that you should definitely eat at the beginning of the day. Without this meal, it is impossible to speed up your metabolism and say goodbye to excess weight. It also has a beneficial effect on appearance, well-being, performance and health.

Why do you need to have breakfast?

Breakfast is very important, especially for those who decide to lose weight. What should you eat and drink in the morning on an empty stomach to lose weight? There is no secret fat-burning ingredient. But healthy habits can speed up our metabolism and improve our health. What are the reasons not to skip this meal:

  • Acceleration of metabolic processes - during sleep, no food enters the stomach for a long time, and long breaks slow down our body, and then it “does not want” to say goodbye to deposits.
  • A morning meal can fix everything by setting the body at the right pace.
  • Reducing the feeling of hunger throughout the next day - a nutritious breakfast will eliminate the risk of overeating during lunch and dinner.
  • Energy - feel a surge of strength, act more actively, concentrate on current tasks.
  • Ability to focus on important tasks.
  • A consistently good mood depends not only on the fact that you have eaten, but also on filling your plate. If it is dominated by fast carbohydrates (sugar-containing foods, baked goods), then the likelihood of outbreaks of irritation or dissatisfaction increases.

What you can and should eat in the morning is carbohydrate foods, for example, porridge, unleavened wholemeal bread. Also, the morning menu can be supplemented with fruits, berries, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, meat and dairy dishes are appropriate - the list is quite wide. The main task is to give the body energy and set it up for active work.

Industrial confectionery products with excess refined sugar will interfere with this result. They provoke the release of insulin, which is the reason for the constant desire to snack. In such a situation, the hand itself reaches for harmful products all day long.

What is right and best to eat in the morning - the importance of breakfast

Although the morning is the safest time for sweets, since the calories received are consumed without being deposited on the waist and hips. But there is a caveat. If you can't deny yourself a cupcake or chocolate chip cookie, that's only half the problem. After all, you can safely eat 30 grams of dessert, effortlessly fitting into your daily caloric intake. But this act will not remain without consequences. When blood sugar levels rise sharply, a lot of insulin is produced - this hormone quickly delivers glucose to tissue cells. As soon as the work is finished, the body begins to demand dessert again - after half an hour you feel hungry. This means it will be difficult to stick to your diet.

You can eat sweets on an empty stomach, but remember that this is a risk. A small piece of cake can ruin your whole day, setting you up for the consumption of “goodies”.

You can protect yourself by giving up junk food. Instead of confectionery, eat fruits, dried fruits, honey, coconut pulp, do not get carried away with sweeteners - excess fructose also leads to the deposition of subcutaneous fat. Lean on foods with a low glycemic index.

What is advisable to do before breakfast

What is healthy and what you should eat in the morning is a very important question, but we also need to talk about what you should drink. Fluid replenishment is an important process, so we solve several problems:

  • setting up the gastrointestinal tract for proper functioning;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • we thin the blood.

The last point is especially important if you have a morning workout planned - you need to take care of your heart function. A glass of water will prevent the risks of unnecessary stress on this organ. It is recommended to have breakfast after completing exercise or jogging. To get enough energy for physical activity, it is better to drink water with honey in the morning on an empty stomach, and have a hearty meal after exercise.

What to drink after waking up

On the Internet you can find a lot of advice on what drinks to start the day with. But not all of these recommendations need to be followed; some of them can cause harm.
It is necessary to warn that the tradition of drinking coffee, unfortunately, does not bring any benefits. The same should be said about fruit juices, especially those produced industrially - they have no fiber and a lot of sugar, which means low nutritional value and high energy content. Fresh juices contain a lot of organic acids, so their presence in the diet should be treated with caution.

Nutritionist's comment:

Is it possible to drink olive/linseed oil on an empty stomach? This question is heard quite often, this is due to the widespread opinion about the benefits of consuming these products in this way. Indeed, they contain important components - unsaturated fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, which are involved in numerous biochemical processes. But they are added to porridge or vegetables, only in this case is it useful. Consuming oil on an empty stomach provokes a strong release of bile, which can cause the development or exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Is it possible to drink water with lemon on an empty stomach, yogurt, juice, coffee and which is better, what fruits to eat - these questions are important, the answers to them may be unexpected, because they depend on the state of your body. The best way to prepare the perfect breakfast is to consult with a specialist who will listen to you attentively. Some tips:

  • It is not advisable to drink lemon juice, even in low concentration, in the morning if you have kidney problems or gastritis - this is due to the high acidity of the product;
  • for the same reason, you should not lean on citrus fruits;
  • the best start to the day would be a glass of clean, warm water;
  • It is recommended to replace coffee with green or herbal tea;
  • yogurt on an empty stomach will not be beneficial, since the bacteria it contains will die in the aggressive environment of the stomach.

What should breakfast be like?

This meal is rightly considered the main one. Performance, emotional state, and determination to resist tasty temptations depend on it. You can determine for yourself what you need and eat better in the morning, focusing on your daily calorie intake and BJU balance.

It is important to remember that the calorie content of each meal should decrease as the evening approaches. That is, you should get the most nutrients at the beginning of the day.

Nutritionist's comment:

The optimal energy value of breakfast is 300-400 kcal. It should contain proteins, lipids, fiber, and complex carbohydrates, which take a long time to be processed by the body and provide a lot of energy. If you have no appetite in the morning, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since after a long break between meals it is physiological for us to feel hungry.

Eating in the morning does not cause appetite for several reasons:

Habit not formed

If you regularly eat at the same time, soon gastric juice will begin to secrete at this point, and you will feel natural hunger. Therefore, if you don’t feel like eating, just try to start doing it on a certain schedule - the situation will change.

Wrong mode

If you usually go to bed late and wake up after 10 o'clock, then in the morning hours the enzymes are inactive. Try changing things up by getting up earlier, this will allow you to enjoy your morning meal.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Lack of appetite in the morning, especially accompanied by nausea, is a common sign of problems with the digestive system. If you never feel like eating at the beginning of the day, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

What are the best healthy foods to eat for breakfast?

Porridge is suitable, win-win options are buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. Cereals provide energy and are also characterized by high biological value - they contain B vitamins, micro- and macroelements (zinc, iodine, copper, phosphorus, iron and others). Buckwheat kernels also boast the presence of tocopherol and a large amount of vegetable protein. Also pay attention to the recently fashionable quinoa culture; it contains all the essential amino acids and has a nutty taste.

Those who want to get the maximum benefit are advised to pay attention to whole grain analogues. It is better to cook them in water, without adding sugar; they can be eaten on an empty stomach with banana, raisins, dried apricots and other natural sweets.

The morning menu should also be supplemented with proteins. Lean meats, cottage cheese, eggs, and yogurt are suitable. Proteins provide a feeling of fullness for a long time, protect against the temptation to snack on candy or pie. In addition, this nutrient is a building material for many tissues in the body.

Lipids should also be present in your plate, so you can add a slice of cheese or a little vegetable oil.

Breakfast options

If you find it difficult to figure out what and how much you can eat in the morning on an empty stomach, what to combine it with, eggs or chicken breast, or don’t know whether eating an apple is enough, then we will offer you several successful balanced combinations:

  • Oatmeal with fresh berries or dried fruits, cocoa with milk and cereal cookies.
  • An omelette with pieces of white poultry meat, a salad of cabbage, tomatoes and celery stalks, green tea, a handful of dried apricots.
  • Freshly squeezed juice, sandwich made from whole grain bread and ricotta and avocado spread, muesli with yogurt and nuts.
  • Smoothie with kiwi, banana, lemon juice and mint, boiled egg, coffee and a slice of dark chocolate.
  • Buckwheat porridge with stewed turkey, cottage cheese with honey, drink to taste.
  • Rice with baked vegetables and a piece of cheese, fresh juice from your favorite fruits.
  • Bread with salmon, fresh cucumbers and herbs.
  • A salad of bananas, apples and other fruits with yogurt dressing, you can add seeds (flax, sesame) and nuts for satiety.

In this article we provide a list of foods that, when consumed on an “empty” stomach in the morning or before bed, are harmful to your health.

What foods should you not eat on an empty stomach?

  • A sausage sandwich
    It is one of the worst options because it supplies the body with a large amount of fat and calories. There is practically nothing healthy in the sandwich. If you are accustomed to sandwiches and do not want to give them up, then you need to make the sandwich healthy and nutritious by replacing the loaf with whole grain bread, and the sausage with cheese and other low-calorie fillings.
  • Meat products - sausages, frankfurters, smoked meats, bacon, pate
    This year, the World Health Organization compared the health risks posed by eating processed meat to those posed by smoking cigarettes. Experts noted that processed meat significantly increases the risk of intestinal cancer and recommended limiting the consumption of such products to 50 grams per day. If you do not want to develop psoriasis or eczema, then it is better to choose something healthier for breakfast than sausages.
  • Oranges
    Taking on an empty stomach can cause allergies and gastritis. If you prefer to drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning, have oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Bananas
    Eating bananas on an empty stomach increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Bananas contain a lot of magnesium, and when taken on an empty stomach, it can disrupt the calcium-magnesium balance in the body.
  • Raw vegetables
    Vegetables such as cucumbers, cabbage, and paprika can cause irritation to the gastric mucosa due to their acid content. It can also lead to ulcers and gastritis.
  • Cold drinks
    They complicate the start of digestion in the morning, it is better to drink slightly warm ones.
  • Sweets
    After waking up, the pancreas is not able to produce the required amount of insulin to break down sugar. This provokes an increase in blood sugar. Sugar is also an acid-forming product that can disrupt the acid-base balance.
  • Coffee
    Those who like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning on an empty stomach should think about replacing their morning “ritual.” Coffee on an empty stomach irritates the gastric mucosa, thereby promoting the production of excess gastric juice, which leads to gastritis.
  • Garlic, canned food and smoked meats
    It is also worth mentioning the dangers of eating garlic on an empty stomach; it causes gastrospasm. As well as all kinds of canned and smoked foods that should not be consumed at all, and not just for breakfast.

TOP 10 breakfast foods

  • Water
    During the night, a person loses up to 1 liter of water through breathing, sweating and going to the toilet. The body definitely needs to replenish its reserves of water, which is vital for metabolism. So don't start your morning without one or two glasses of water. Within 15 minutes you will feel a boost of energy and appetite, this is how the body signals that it has received what it needs and is ready for breakfast.
  • Eggs
    A source of protein, as well as vitamin A and iron. The protein in eggs helps you feel full and allows you to eat fewer calories throughout the day. At the same time, eggs are an inexpensive product that can be easily prepared.
  • Porridge
    The main source of carbohydrates, they contain a significant amount of microelements and useful organic acids. Porridges are easily digestible and relieve hunger for a long time. Complex carbohydrates contained in cereals, when eaten separately, provide the necessary amount of energy and at the same time do not have a bad effect on the figure (even the opposite).
  • Whole grain bread (rye)
    Rye bread, like cereals, contains a large amount of carbohydrates; it also helps you stay full longer. Unlike a loaf, rye bread contains a lot of vitamins and microelements.
  • Cheese. Contains protein and calcium. Goes well with sour fruits, tomatoes, and vegetables. Many breakfast dishes include cheese.
  • Yogurt, kefir
    Contains protein and calcium. Helps normalize digestion, improve immunity, and resistance to stress.
  • Chicken meat
    Source of protein. At the same time, it contains practically no fats and carbohydrates. Eating boiled chicken will make your breakfast filling and safe for your figure.
  • Honey
    Almost everyone knows about the benefits of honey for the body. Honey is often found in breakfast recipes in combination with cottage cheese, muesli, porridge, toast, and pancakes. Fructose contained in honey supplies carbohydrates (energy), antiseptics help fight viruses and bacteria.

Water for breakfast

Before breakfast on an empty stomach, it is useful to drink pure water or herbal tea. Drinking water before meals should become a healthy habit. This applies not only to breakfast, but to all meals. Start your daily fluid intake in the morning: drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach. Try to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day. Drink a glass of water before meals, and try not to drink during and after meals, as this promotes fat deposition.

What not to eat at night

First, a few words about why it is not recommended to eat it at night. At night, during sleep, the digestion process slows down, so food that enters the stomach shortly before sleep remains there almost undigested until the morning, simply rotting there. In the morning, the stomach must digest all this, but doing this after waking up is not easy for it.

As a result, toxins are formed that are absorbed into the blood. This results in lethargy, weakened immunity, and excess weight.

What foods are especially harmful at night?

  • Snacks
    Chips, popcorn, crackers, cereals - they contain a high content of chemicals and are high in calories. And as we already know, a large amount of calories at night is contraindicated.
  • Meat, fish and other protein foods
    Protein products of animal origin fill you up very quickly, even in small doses. Although such food at night will not affect your excess weight, it will take a long time to digest; even in wakefulness, this process takes about 4 hours. Therefore, if you go to bed without having time to digest it, it will lie as a dead weight in your stomach and decompose.
  • Bakery and flour products
    These products are quickly digested and do not linger in the stomach. But they cause a sharp jump in blood sugar and the release of insulin into the blood. And since at this moment your activity is at a minimum level, all the calories you eat will be stored as fat.
  • Chocolate
    Eating chocolate at night has the same effect as eating flour products; the excess is deposited on your problem areas.
  • Nuts and dried fruits
    They are undoubtedly very useful. But at the same time, nuts are very high in calories, and dried fruits contain fructose, essentially the same sugar. Will you be able to stop in time once you start eating them?
  • Coffee
    We believe that many people understand that drinking coffee before bed is unacceptable. Even small amounts of caffeine cause sleep disturbances. You should avoid drinking coffee a few hours before bed.
  • Alcohol
    Perhaps it can help someone fall asleep. But the quality of sleep will be low. Frequent awakenings, headaches, nightmares.

What should I do?

What should you do now, you ask, if you can’t eat, but really want to? There is no need to go from one extreme to another. After all, long pauses of fasting give a signal to the body to deposit reserves, and sleeping on an empty stomach is fraught with insomnia.

A light dinner three hours before bedtime will save you. Vegetable salads with low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of milk, a piece of cracker or cheese.

But what if you want to eat something shortly before bed? There is a solution, choose foods with negative calories:

  • Apples
    They contain fibers that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce cholesterol levels, and promote weight loss. But if you have stomach problems, they can cause gas formation.
  • Citrus
    No more than one orange or tangerine is recommended. They contain a lot of vitamin C and fiber, which are responsible for good digestion. Also contraindicated for stomach diseases.
  • Celery
    Low-calorie product, contains a lot of fiber. Can be consumed as a salad with carrots or as fresh juice. But celery is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, varicose veins and stomach diseases.
  • Flounder
    Quickly and easily absorbed due to the protein content with a well-balanced amino acid composition. Few calories, lots of vitamins and other useful elements.
  • Kefir
    An easily digestible product has a beneficial effect on the intestines. Contains a lot of calcium, this microelement is well absorbed in the dark, at night during sleep. Kefir has a calming effect and can be drunk as a mild preventative against insomnia. Do not overuse if you have high stomach acidity.
  • Beet
    Low calorie product. Recommended to be taken as a salad with vegetable oil. It burns fat and does not allow the fat cell to become overgrown with blood vessels, which means it does not allow it to live. It also regulates intestinal motility, normalizes intestinal flora, and cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Contraindications: kidney disease, acute inflammatory processes in the stomach.
  • Banana
    You can take no more than one before bed, it will help you fall asleep. Thanks to the amino acid tryptophan contained in bananas, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Contraindicated in case of high blood sugar. Unripe bananas cause gas.

You can also have chicken breast, bread, oatmeal with water, one baked potato, and a handful of dried fruits in small quantities. Warm milk and honey will give you a good sleep, and a cup of green tea with milk will satisfy your hunger.

Freshly squeezed juice or water with lemon, a sandwich with smoked sausage, and chocolate are the most popular breakfast ingredients. However, it is not advisable to eat these foods on an empty stomach.

The manager talks about how harmful it is to eat on an empty stomach. Consultative and diagnostic center "Healthy and sports nutrition" Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology, nutritionist, Ph.D. Ekaterina Burlyaeva.

First of all, anything spicy or smoked is not good for you on an empty stomach. Such products irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. If you regularly irritate your stomach with hot and spicy foods, the protective properties of its mucous membrane will decrease and the likelihood of developing inflammation in the walls of the stomach will increase. Simply put, if there were no stomach problems, they may appear from such a “diet”.

You should not drink freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks on an empty stomach. Especially if they are sour, without added sugar. Firstly, they, again, irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. Secondly, too concentrated drinks stimulate excessive production of pancreatic enzymes, despite the fact that there is no food in the intestines to be digested. As a result, this can lead to loose stools, gas formation, heaviness in the right hypochondrium and nausea.

Water with lemon or vinegar on an empty stomach can also cause discomfort - nausea, heaviness. By the way, this is the basis of diets that recommend vinegar or lemon water on an empty stomach - when a person feels sick, his appetite disappears and he eats less. And if the solution is too concentrated, you can get a burn to the esophagus, which will manifest itself as heartburn and chest pain. If a person experiences heartburn at least once a week, then he should not consume such foods.

There are studies showing that it is undesirable to consume simple carbohydrates, that is, sugar, chocolate, sweets on an empty stomach. Eating sweets in the morning on an empty stomach (when sugar is, by definition, low), a person sharply increases the level of glucose in the blood, because simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed. The pancreas responds to this with an explosive release of insulin, which must utilize glucose and store it in the cells. After this, the blood sugar level also drops sharply, and the body will again require food through increased appetite. So if you ate a piece of cake or tea with candy for breakfast, be prepared for the fact that after half an hour you will want to eat again, and then again. Doctors call this the “insulin circle.” This is how by regularly feeding yourself sweets, a person accumulates more and more belly fat. Getting out of the vicious circle is simple: never eat sweets on an empty stomach.

You should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. In this case, intoxication occurs faster. Alcohol is absorbed much faster than other foods. It is better to eat first and wait half an hour until the food begins to digest. Plus, alcohol has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa and can provoke the development of gastritis and ulcers.

Coffee itself stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which irritates the stomach wall, leading to the formation of erosions and possibly ulcers. So if you drink coffee on an empty stomach, there is a high risk of getting gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Finally, let us remind you what a proper breakfast should be. These are complex carbohydrates (porridge, preferably dairy, since milk contains calcium and protein, whole grain bread, vegetables and fruits) and necessarily a protein product (cottage cheese, eggs, lean meat).