What foods contain good cholesterol? Where is cholesterol found?

Abuse of products containing high level cholesterol leads to the formation of various cardiovascular diseases. In order to avoid this, you need to know which foods contain cholesterol in quantities dangerous to the body. The cholesterol content of food must be known when planning a diet. When drawing up any diet, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to completely limit yourself in cholesterol, since this component is important for the human body.

Anyone who suffers from cardiovascular disease should know which foods contain cholesterol in quantities dangerous to the body.

In order for the body to function normally, it needs about 300-400 grams of cholesterol per day. This level Applicable only to a healthy body.

Man suffering from diseases of cardio-vascular system, for example, atherosclerosis, should limit the amount of cholesterol to 150-250 milligrams per day.

Conventionally, all products can be divided into three categories: minor impact, medium impact, high impact.

In general, foods in the high impact category have the greatest impact on the body, and consuming these foods may cause harmful influence even for a healthy person.

Meat and offal

Meat products contain large amounts of animal cholesterol. Most of products in this category belong to the high impact group. For example, animal brains contain from 1300 to 2200 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 grams of product.

According to international tables of cholesterol content in meat products, a large number of lipoproteins are found in meat by-products.

By-products are not the most common in the diet. Often dishes made from offal are a delicacy and cost a lot of money.

Anyone whose cholesterol level is considered excessively low can consume large amounts of meat products. As a rule, a cholesterol diet includes copious amounts such products.

In order to avoid problems that arise after taking fatty foods, you should limit yourself to 150-200 grams dietary meat. For example, lean beef, lamb, horse meat, rabbit.


Chicken meat is considered less harmful to the human body. However, it is not inferior to red meat in terms of cholesterol content.

Chicken meat contains about 90-105 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 grams of product.

On a note! Chicken liver, as well as the liver of other animals, is a source of cholesterol in any body. Amount of cholesterol in this body remains high even after cooking.

When preparing a cholesterol diet, it is worth considering that chicken giblets contain the most cholesterol, so they must be excluded from the diet. Most doctors recommend eating exclusively white meat without skin. The cholesterol content of breast meat is very low.

This applies exclusively to chicken meat. It is not recommended to eat duck meat. This product, regardless of the cooking method, contains very high levels of cholesterol. It is recommended to eat such food no more than two to three times a month.

Separately, it is worth mentioning poultry products, namely eggs.

The yolk is also harmful product. Despite the fact that eggs are considered a dietary food, the yolk contains about 500-600 milligrams of cholesterol.

On a note! Not all eggs contain a large amount of cholesterol; the protein part is completely beneficial for the body. However overuse this product may cause harmful effects.

In order to protect yourself from high cholesterol when eating egg products, you should limit yourself to three to four eggs per week.

Fish and seafood

Fish products, like any other food, contain both bad and good cholesterol. Most of the fish we eat contain high levels of cholesterol. However, refusal of such products may affect general condition body. This is due to the fact that fish contains essential normal functioning organism substance.

Mackerel contains large amounts of bad cholesterol. Per 100 grams of product contains about 360 milligrams of cholesterol.

Cod is considered the record holder for the absence of cholesterol. It contains only 30 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 grams of product.

All of the above cholesterol concentrations apply only to raw fish. When frying fish in oil, the amount of cholesterol increases significantly. However, if fish is steamed, the amount of cholesterol, in some cases, either does not change or decreases.


Dairy products, despite their beneficial properties, contain some amount of cholesterol. Largely the amount of cholesterol in final products depends on the conditions of keeping the animals and the method of processing cow's milk.

However, products made from whole milk are considered not the most dangerous. Most of fermented milk products contains from 100 milligrams per 100 grams of product.

Record holder in in this case Gouda cheese and any butter. Cheese, depending on its shelf life, can contain from 300 to 900 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 grams of product.

Contains the least amount of cholesterol low-fat foods. For example, low-fat cottage cheese, milk and one percent kefir.

Is cholesterol found in plant foods?

Products plant origin does not contain cholesterol. That is why many nutritionists consider plant foods to be an antagonist to meat and fish.

Almost any plant food, which is suitable for consumption, contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Despite great benefit, it is impossible to completely replace animal food with plant food.

Principles of a diet that normalizes fat metabolism in the body

In order to normalize cholesterol levels, it is first recommended to use cholesterol diets. This diet involves either limiting or adding to the diet certain products with low or high cholesterol, respectively.

Any diet should be based on the fact that food should be cooked not with butter, but with vegetable oil.

It is necessary to exclude foods containing large amounts of cholesterol from the diet. The most obvious are lard, fried meat, and hard cheeses. Instead of excluded foods, it is recommended to add fruits and vegetables rich in fiber.

Instead of limited fatty foods, in order to increase the amount of energy in the body, you need to eat lean meat. The diet is designed in such a way that a small amount of rabbits, lean beef or lamb is consumed once or twice a week.

You can replenish carbohydrates in the body different ways. As a rule, when following a diet, cereal porridges, durum pasta, and muesli are used.

On a note! You should be careful when consuming foods containing high levels of carbohydrates; excessive consumption of such foods will lead to weight gain.

Due to such restrictions, the amount of fat entering the body is significantly reduced. In order to replace animal fats, you need to add a small amount of vegetable oils to your diet. For example, olive oil.

During the diet, it is recommended to cook any food only by steaming. Any fried foods during the diet will significantly increase the amount of cholesterol in the body. At the same time, even the lowest-calorie vegetables, fried in oil, turn into products comparable to meat in terms of cholesterol.

The cholesterol diet can last from 1 to 2 months. After this period, the patient gets used to the new taste sensations and over time, dieting becomes commonplace.

Our website contains tables of cholesterol content in food products. Separately by category: in meat and meat products, seafood, as well as in vegetable oils, dairy products, cheese, eggs, fat, etc. Detailed list. All data is grouped based on the cholesterol content per 100 grams of product in milligrams. Titles in alphabetical order.

Please note: artificial raising/feeding of animals has a significant impact on fat composition. This especially applies to fish and poultry grown/fed using artificial/intensive technologies.

** Ideal option: refuse to eat this type of product (due to the content harmful substances, violating hormonal background person). Trust domestic, time-tested/conscientious manufacturers.

Tables of cholesterol in food

Now please select the section you are interested in:

Cholesterol in meat - table

For 100 gr. meatUnit measurements, (mg):
Lamb (lean)98
Broiler (1st category)40 - 60
Beef (beef tongue)150
Beef (fatty)90
Beef (lean)65
Beef (liver)270 - 400
Turkey40 - 60
Roe deer (back, leg)110
Rabbit meat90
Chicken (white meat)79
Chicken (dark meat)89
Chicken (liver)492
Chicken (heart)170
Brain800 - 2300
Kidneys300 - 800
Pork (liver)130
Pork (knuckle)360
Pork (fillet)380
Pork (tongue)50
Veal (lean)99
Duck (no skin)60
Duck (with skin)90
Chick40 - 60

Cholesterol in meat products - table

For 100 gr. meat productUnit measurements, (mg):
Sausage (white, Munich)100
Sausage (boiled/fatty)up to 40 / 60
Raw smoked sausage112
Liver sausage (veal)169
Liver pate150
Smoked mortadella85
Sausages (in cans)100
Vienna sausages85

Cholesterol content in seafood - table

For 100 gr. seafoodUnit measurements, (mg):
Natothenia marble210
Fish (up to 12% fat content)88
Fish (from 2 to 12% fat content)55
Sardines in oil120 - 140
Stellate sturgeon300
Pacific mackerel360
Horse mackerel40
Acne160 - 190

Based on the results of a fairly large-scale study (over 16 years), with the participation of more than 3,000 volunteers over the age of 60-65 years, scientists found out: what people prefer in their diet seafood30% less risk of cardiovascular disease. Compared to those who don’t “respect” fish.

So here is the secret recipe for longevity: use fatty sea fish in your diet (containing archaeologically beneficial polyunsaturated fats OMEGA 3) - 2 times per week. Just 2 servings of fish are able to support the work of the heart muscle, enhance the rheological properties of blood, and also give normal tone to the walls of blood vessels and arteries.

Cholesterol in milk, kefir, cottage cheese - table

For 100 gr. dairy productUnit Meas., (mg):
Classic yoghurt8
Low fat yogurt1
Fat kefir 1%3.2
Full fat kefir10
Fat milk 1% / 2% / 3% / 6%3.2 / 10 / 15 / 23
Raw goat milk30
Cream 10% / 20% / 30%34 / 80 / 110
Sour cream fat 10% / 30%33 / 100
Fat cottage cheese 20%17
Fat cottage cheese40
Low-fat cottage cheese1

Even in fresh dairy products (according to experts), the greatest danger is antibiotics. According to statistics: and on large enterprises, and on small farms today more than 70 varieties of them are used. The most harmful (already banned in the EU) are tetracycline antibiotics, negatively affecting bone tissue. And this, for example, is fraught growth retardation in children and tooth decay in adults. It turns out “funny”: we drink milk to strengthen our teeth, but we get the opposite result. But the main problem– if you (God forbid) get sick, then the medications may not help you.

Table of cholesterol in cheeses

For 100 gr. cheese product / (fat content)Unit of measurement, (mg):
"Gouda" - 45%114
"Home" - 0.6% / 4%1 / 11
"Camembert" - 30% / 45% / 60%38 / 62 / 95
"Limburgsky" - 20%20
"Sheep" - 20%12
"Fused" - 20% / 45% / 60%23 / 55 / 80
"Romadur" - 20%20
“Creamy” - 60%105
"Tilsit" - 30% / 45%37 / 60
"Chester" - 50%100
"Edam" - 30% / 45%35 / 60
"Emmental" - 45%94

"Cholesterol - Enemy or Friend?"

Cholesterol. Who is he? Enemy or Friend?
According to experts, about 60% of adults in developed countries suffer high cholesterol in blood.

How dangerous is this, and how to keep it normal?

The answers to these questions are in the material of the general practitioner Valentina Grigorievna KUCHUBERIA.

Cholesterol is blamed for many sins. For example, in the fact that it is the cause of the formation atherosclerotic plaques on inner surface blood vessels, which, in turn, leads to atherosclerosis and its consequences - heart attacks, strokes, brain diseases, etc.

This is how the killer plaque grows, unnoticed!

In addition, to prevent atherosclerosis, it is important not only to monitor cholesterol levels, but also to pay attention to many other factors: heredity, infectious diseases, state of the nervous system.

And with cholesterol itself, everything is not so simple. Scientists have found that there are

There are two types of cholesterol - “good” and “bad”.

“Good” - or high lipoprotein HDL density(HDL, "Healthy")
- it must be kept normal, and

“bad” LDL (low-density lipoprotein, LDL, “Lousy”)
needs to be lowered. It is the latter that can contribute to the formation of “plaque” on the walls of arteries and vessels.

But “good” cholesterol has the exact opposite effect.

But “bad” cholesterol, of course, is not large quantities, is also necessary for our body.

Thus, studies in Denmark and Germany have shown that a component of blood plasma that can not only bind but also neutralize dangerous bacterial toxins is low-density lipoproteins, that is, carriers of “bad” cholesterol.

In other words,

“bad” cholesterol helps support the human immune system, but only if it does not exceed the permissible limit.

In general, cholesterol in our body provides stability cell membranes over a wide temperature range.

It is necessary for the production of vitamin D, as well as various hormones, including cortisol, cortisone, aldosterone, estrogen and progesterone, testosterone.
In addition, according to recent data, it plays an important role in the activity of brain synapses and immune system, including protection against cancer.

Total cholesterol in the blood should be less than 5 mmol/l;
. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol - less than 3 mmol/l;
. Lipoprotein cholesterol high density- more than 1.5 mmol/l;
. Triglycerides - less than 2.0 mmol/l.

Be sure to know your cholesterol level!

So, you know your blood cholesterol level and now you must decide whether you need to change something in your life or not.

If you have 240-250 mg/dL (or 6 mmol/L), it's worth considering whether you're eating right. Especially if you have other risk factors for heart disease. Emergency measures however, there is no need to do so.

280-300 mg/dl (7-7.5 mmol/l) is the threshold when you need to move on to decisive action. But under no circumstances should you reach for medications - after all, in principle, you are still quite healthy. To stay that way, it is vital to change your lifestyle: move more, eat less and watch what you eat. You need to monitor your results monthly for the first 2-4 months to assess the effectiveness of your diet.

*No sandwiches. Try to sharply reduce your butter consumption, ideally switch to vegetable oil. This one step can often bring your cholesterol levels to an acceptable level of 240 mg/dL in just 2-4 weeks.

* Soy instead of cheese. It would also be good to give up cream, sour cream, fatty cheeses and eggs, and at the same time quit smoking. Switching to soy products is very beneficial. This protein diet, which and with overweight helps fight and replaces cholesterol-containing concentrated dairy products.

*For amateurs lard We must remember that it is very rich in cholesterol. Its consumption must be compensated: washed down with a small amount of alcohol and, paradoxically, eat vegetable oil and oily fish. It is good to eat lard with garlic: it helps to utilize fats faster.

* Maintain a balance of fats - saturated (animal), monounsaturated and polyunsaturated - there should be a third of them in the diet. In other words, every “eaten piece” of animal fat must be compensated with vegetable fats. You can do this: mix olive, sunflower (or corn) and soybean oils in equal parts and add this balanced mixture to salads, cereals and pasta. Walnuts, contrary to popular belief, do not help lower cholesterol. Coffee and strong tea are also harmful.

* If there is little HDL in the blood (high-density lipoproteins that carry cholesterol), the problem can be solved by moderate alcohol consumption (a glass of wine, a glass of beer, a glass of vodka per day).

If you have more than 300-320 mg/dL (8-10 mmol/L) cholesterol, it is better not to try to cope with the problem on your own. A doctor must understand the reasons for such a serious violation.

If dietary cholesterol is to blame, the only thing that will help is diet. But there are other, more serious violations. For example, genetic: the gene responsible for lipid metabolism has broken down. But such defects, as a rule, make themselves felt in childhood and are very rare.

What foods contain “good” cholesterol?

In vegetable oils and fatty varieties sea ​​fish, for example, in tuna or mackerel. Therefore, you need to eat fish at least 2 times a week.

In nuts. Healthy: hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios and pine nuts

In olives and any soy products

. To keep cholesterol “normal”, you need to regularly eat foods containing “good” cholesterol, as well as fiber.

Don't forget about apples

Very useful for high cholesterol green tea it kills two birds with one stone - it helps increase the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood and reduces the levels of “bad” cholesterol.

Research shows that foods high in flavonoids help lower cholesterol levels by helping prevent the formation of blood clots and blood clots. Flavonoids, also known as bioflavonoids, are nutrients. Foods high in flavonoids: dark fruits and berries

A protective effect against “bad” cholesterol can be obtained by introducing lecithin and garlic into the diet.

Factors that increase cholesterol

First on the list harmful factors that increase cholesterol - fatty foods.
It is also necessary to avoid foods containing trans fats. These are the most dangerous species"bad" cholesterol. Trans fats are often hidden in baked goods, fried foods and fast food. Infatuation with eating fast food leads to the fact that cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels are already found in teenagers.
Drinking alcoholic beverages also has a very detrimental effect on fat metabolism. Among pathological drunkards there are much more people with high cholesterol in the blood than among abstainers. A slight relaxation is allowed in favor of natural dry red wine, which, according to experts, on the contrary, helps remove cholesterol from the body.
According to statistics, smokers also have higher cholesterol levels than non-smokers.

Cholesterol control

The daily intake of cholesterol should not exceed 300-500 mg.
Those who already know first-hand about heart disease and diabetes mellitus, should limit their cholesterol intake to 100 mg per day.

These tips will help you stay healthy and fit!

Cholesterol is mostly synthesized by the body itself (80% of its current norm is produced in the liver). The rest comes from food. However, in large quantities, cholesterol is harmful, as it can provoke atherosclerosis and lead to the formation of blood clots and plaques. The simplest treatment option in such situations is to correct your diet and include only those foods that do not contain cholesterol at all. Which ones are they? Is there any food without cholesterol?

Where is it practically absent?

It is immediately necessary to point out that cholesterol is present in very small concentrations in almost any organic product. Not surprising, because this substance is part of cell membranes. The only exceptions are oils plant based(sunflower, olive). They actually contain no more than 0.01 milligrams of LDL per 100 grams of product. For comparison: in fatty pork there is about 350-400 milligrams per 100 grams of finished product. And, by the way, the option of heat treatment of the original ingredient does not in any way affect cholesterol.

Accordingly, “LDL-free” products include those in which its content is less than 1 milligram per 100 grams. No matter how much of this food a person eats, it will in no way affect the level of cholesterol. Total following products are with its minimum content:

IN specified table products that conditionally do not contain cholesterol (or in very small quantities, which does not affect the norm as a whole).

But it is worth considering that if you adjust your diet, it is better to do this together with a nutritionist, taking into account the complete data on the blood test. After all, the body in any case must be provided with all micronutrients, fat, proteins, carbohydrates.

Products that can be used to reduce the norm

Not always eating cholesterol-free foods, even for a long time long period time, will help reduce its current rate. But there is food that stimulates its breakdown. By the way, with their help it is generally optimized digestive process, which can be used to quickly lose excess weight.

These products include:

  • citrus;
  • oat cookies;
  • beans (red beans are best);
  • carrots (in any form, including fried):
  • pistachios;
  • tea (black is better than green in this regard);
  • bell pepper;
  • eggplant;
  • cilantro;
  • ginger root (should be included in the diet carefully).

It should be noted that even they will not help reduce cholesterol levels by at least 15-20 percent. Its excessively high level is a sign physiological disorder in the functioning of the liver and requires a more narrow approach to treatment. A various kinds Diets in this case are an addition to the prescribed treatment.

And most importantly, you should not completely exclude from your diet those foods that contain cholesterol. Scientists to this day argue about its benefits and harms. Someone claims that its excessive norm can even provoke cancer, others point to its “neutrality”. Moreover, until now, the function for which cholesterol is responsible has not been precisely established.

High levels of cholesterol in the blood are dangerous to human health. Products containing cholesterol and products that increase blood cholesterol are presented in the list below, familiarize yourself with them and reduce the consumption of these foods to a minimum or avoid them completely, because they have a bad effect on the human cardiovascular system.

No. 1 – Egg yolks

One egg yolk contains a lot of cholesterol, from 210 to 280 mg. The allowed norm for all people is 1 egg yolk per week. Egg whites on the contrary, they are beneficial to humans. Separate the yolks from the whites and eat as many whites as you like, without restrictions. Egg yolks increase the risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other diseases. Yolks are animal fats, and they are not healthy. Therefore, minimize the consumption of any foods high in animal fats. For example, buy milk 0.5%, sour cream 5-10%, kefir 0.5%, etc. See the full food list in the table below.

Watch useful video No. 1:

No. 2 – Sausage

Sausage has a lot of cholesterol, approximately 40 – 200 mg, depending on the variety. In liver, the maximum amount is up to 200 mg, and in doctor’s, up to 40 mg. Sausage contains many flavoring additives that are addictive. Constant consumption of sausage disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular system and increases the chances of developing the disease. gastrointestinal tract and accordingly increase the level of cholesterol in the blood.

No. 3 – Margarine

Margarine contains trust fats, which are harmful to the heart. Margarine is made from vegetable fats, and they are obtained from soybeans. Margarine increases the amount of bad cholesterol in human blood. If you eat 35 g of margarine every day, the risk of a heart attack increases by 45% and cholesterol in a person’s blood increases.

No. 4 - Caviar

The list of foods high in cholesterol includes caviar. They like to spread caviar on bread and butter and serve it as an appetizer. About 300 mg of cholesterol in 100 grams of caviar. Caviar has a peculiarity: it can also reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, so eat caviar in moderation, because it is also salty. Large amounts of salt can lead to water retention and metabolic disorders. Full list food in the table below.

No. 5 – Cheese, fatty varieties

Fatty cheeses contain many harmful components. If you go to the store, buy cheese with minimum quantity fat Excess cholesterol in your diet is not necessary. Pregnant and nursing mothers should avoid blue cheese, because as you know, such cheese is quite popular. Additional harm fat cheese, can harm your figure, so give preference to hard, low-fat cheeses.

No. 6 – Fast food (fast food)

Every inhabitant of our planet has probably tried fast food at least once. They are tasty and high in calories. They contain cholesterol, because the oil used for cooking can for a long time do not change. Fast food contains a lot of animal fats, which only harm the human body. There is no need to constantly consume such food products; if you really want to, then once a week or even once a month to relieve your nervous system.

No. 7 – Butter

Butter has many beneficial properties, vitamins, etc. But butter contains about 190 mg of cholesterol per 100 grams. Oil is high in calories; 100 grams contains 745 calories. You need to know when to stop, a small amount of butter is beneficial, but a large amount is harmful and can provoke atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

No. 8 – Canned fish in its own juice

Have you noticed that when you eat a lot of sprats or other canned fish, you quickly feel full and can no longer continue eating. Because there is a lot of fat. About 95 mg of cholesterol per 100 grams of canned fish. Allow yourself such products for the holidays, add them to salads. Do not allow your blood cholesterol to rise.

Table with foods and the amount of cholesterol in them:

Watch useful video No. 2: