What vitamins to take for nail growth. Vitamin recipes for healthy nails

Every body needs vitamins for normal development and functioning. In the modern rhythm of life, people do not always have time to eat properly and nutritiously, which causes a deficiency of vitamins in the body.

In this case, you should resort to taking vitamin complexes; many people think that the fundamental factor in choosing vitamins is the price, that the more expensive the product, the better it is.

But this is far from true; there are a lot of individual cheap pharmacy vitamins and multivitamins that are affordable and effective.

So, meet: effective inexpensive vitamins(complexes and complex supplements, effervescent tablets)!

Cheap and effective

For hair

What cheap vitamins will be effective for hair growth? The main and cheapest vitamins for the growth of strong, healthy and beautiful hair, as well as from their loss are A and E. They can not only be taken orally in the form of capsules, but it is also advisable to apply directly to the scalp.

Since they are produced in the form of gelatin capsules, inside of which there is a liquid oily content, these same capsules can be punctured and applied to scalp heads instead of a mask. Vitamins E and A are involved in awakening sleepers hair follicles, stimulate hair growth, strengthen, nourish and restore damaged structure.

What are good vitamins for hair growth? favorable price can be bought at the pharmacy:

    Alphabet Cosmetics

    An effective and inexpensive complex drug that is designed to improve skin condition, strengthen and grow nails and against hair loss contains effective vitamins. This good combination vitamins and minerals that are quickly absorbed.

    The feature of this complex is three types of tablets different color and with different components in the composition: green - calcium D3+, yellow - antioxidants+, orange - iron+. They should be taken according to color: 1 tablet in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

    Price— 110 rub.


    Quite cheap vitamins against hair loss. This complex combines vitamins and amino acids, helps accelerate hair growth and prevents hair loss. Doesn't call side effects. Release form: capsules. Dosage - 1 tablet three times a day. Contains B vitamins, iron, copper and zinc.

    Price - 400 rub.


    This drug significantly improves the condition of the scalp and fights the manifestations of seborrhea. The drug is completely absorbed by the body, the result of use is noticeable within a month after the start of use. Daily dose- 1 capsule. Ingredients: vitamins B, E, C, D3, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese and boron.

    Price— 500 rub.

    Complivit Shine

    The complex contains beauty vitamins such as: E, A, C, group B, nicotinamide, copper, selenium, zinc, magnesium, boron and folic acid. This combination allows you to maintain and stimulate the production of natural hair keratin, as well as protect your hair from aggressive factors. environment and weather conditions: direct sunlight, strong wind and severe frost.

    Price packages (30 pcs) - 271 rub.


    This drug Available in several forms: soluble effervescent tablets, capsules, syrup and chewable lozenges. It contains vitamins: A, B9, B12, B6, C, E, as well as coenzyme Q10. This vitamin complex- an indispensable attribute of every woman’s hair beauty. After all, the substances it contains not only accelerate the growth of curls, but also provide them with unsurpassed radiance, shine and a well-groomed appearance.

    Price for 10 tablets - 250 rub.

    Merz Beauty

    A product for restoring damaged hair. Contains L-cysteine, zinc and methionine. In combination, these substances replenish the hair structure and promote its reconstruction during cellular level.

    Price— 700 rub.

For nails

The main signs of vitamin deficiency (which are noticeable by external condition nail plate) are:

  • fragility (deficiency of vitamins C and D);
  • thinness (insufficient amount of zinc, iodine and B vitamins);
  • fragility (lack of protein);
  • white stripes on the nail plate (lack of iron and folic acid).

For strong, durable and beautiful nails, you should consume the following effective vitamins and minerals daily:

  • vitamin D(strengthens the nail plate);
  • calcium(makes nails elastic, prevents brittleness);
  • (thickens the nail layer);
  • iodine(prevents the appearance yellow spots on the nails);
  • iron(gives nails an even color);
  • vitamin C(regulates the production and destruction of melanin).

For skin

Essential vitamins for skin are the following:

    A(improves the body's defense against the influence natural factors, adds elasticity, prevents premature aging, nourishes and moisturizes, maintains the natural water-fat balance of the skin).

    E(restores the natural water-fat balance of the skin, prevents peeling, roughening and cracking).

These vitamins are sold separately at any pharmacy and cost pennies (within 30 rubles). By the way, these cheap vitamins are suitable for the skin of the face, hair and nails! But you can buy them already in the form of a ready-made complex:

For immunity

  • lactating and pregnant women;
  • children;
  • athletes;
  • aged people;
  • women and men with high workload and difficult working conditions;
  • people who already have chronic diseases.

Weak immunity is a favorable environment for viruses and bacteria to attack. Therefore, it should be strengthened by taking pharmacy vitamins. The very first signals from the body that it lacks vitamins are:

  • hair loss and fragility (indicates a lack of vitamins B2, PP and B6);
  • dryness skin and cracks (lack of vitamins A, C, P);
  • bleeding gums (deficiency of vitamins P, folic acid, nicotinamide and C).

First of all, you should resort to enhanced nutrition(increase daily ration, diversify it with new ones healthy products). The best natural sources of vitamins for immunity are: red fish, caviar, carrots, legumes, nuts, veal, garlic, spices, citrus fruits, strawberries and other berries, apples, kiwis, persimmons and pomegranates.

However, if you don’t have time to prepare meals, you can buy ready-made pharmacy vitamin complexes. The body's immune defense is supported by the following components:

  • B1 (thiamine)- processes fats and carbohydrates, converting them into energy;
  • B2 (riboflavin)— normalizes the condition of mucous membranes, skin, participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • B3 (nicotinic acid)— ensures the synthesis of fats and proteins;
  • B4 (choline)— helps with weight loss, normalizes fat metabolism;
  • B5 (pantothenic acid)- releases food energy;
  • B6 (pyridoxine)- promotes normal thermoregulation;
  • B9 (folic acid)- promotes the formation of red blood cells;
  • B12 (cobalamin)- stimulates work nervous system;
  • C (ascorbic acid)- natural antioxidant - strengthens the immune system, accelerates the healing process, affects the synthesis of hormones, participates in the growth of tissues and cells;
  • R- prevents aging of the body;
  • RR- responsible for competent work gastrointestinal tract.

For adults

Here is a list of the most effective and good, and most importantly cheap vitamins for the immune system of adults with prices:

For children

Effective and good, and most importantly cheap, vitamins for children and their immunity and growth should be selected according to age: suspensions and syrups are suitable for the little ones, after a year you can try water-soluble vitamin powders, and after 3 years - chewable lozenges in the form of bears. There are also vitamin complexes for schoolchildren and teenagers, but in the form of tablets and capsules.

IMPORTANT! You should not buy adult vitamins for children, because their dose is not designed for the child’s weight and can lead to hypervitaminosis.

    Alphabet “Our Baby” is a children's mineral and vitamin complex, which is divided into consumer groups focused on age categories: from one to three. It comes in powder form and contains calcium, vitamin D3, which are essential substances in the prevention of rickets.

    Price— 397 rub.

    VitaMishki Multi+— made in the form of gummy bears, they contain iodine and choline, which help strengthen memory, concentrate attention and stimulate brain activity. Suitable for children from 3 to 7 years old.

    Price— 750 rub.

  1. Multi-tabs Junior- have a shape chewable lozenges with fruit flavor, they are intended for children under 12 years of age. They support the immune system, increase adaptive capabilities in the team, and supplement irregular and poor nutrition. Contains B vitamins, iron, calcium, vitamins D3 and C.
    Price— 290 rub.
  2. Pikovit(composition: vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus) - form the density of the walls of blood vessels, stimulate increased immunity, are responsible for the growth and strengthening of bones, teeth and hair. Price— 270 rub.


Ultra D 3

Vitamins “Ultra D3” cost about 750 rubles per package. This is a decent price and, of course, many people want to find a healthy and high-quality analogue. Some had to make a lot of effort to find it in their city.

All drugs must contain the active ingredient “(Colecalciferol)” and the price is not important!

Names of cheap analogues of the expensive drug D3 or D in pharmacies:

    Aquadetrim. A drug that regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Price - 180 rub.

    Vigantol. Replenishes vitamin D3 deficiency. Enhances calcium absorption in the intestines. Price - 180 rub.

    Vitamin D3. Oil solution for oral administration. Price - from 40 rub.



With calcium and magnesium for the heart

Most cheap way getting calcium: eating chicken shells or quail eggs. Quail has 2 times more calcium, zinc, and phosphorus. You can prepare it like this: wash 2 quail egg shells, let them dry, grind them into powder and pour for 1-2 minutes lemon juice. It will start bubbling, don’t be alarmed: calcium carbonate will form.

By the way, in pharmacies such a potion will cost from 400 to 600 rubles!

And as a source of magnesium, your best friend for the heart (and also the most inexpensive) is, of course, Asparkam!

Its advantage, besides the fact that it is a very cheap drug, is that active ingredients they are in a form that allows the body to absorb them almost 100%. These vitamins have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and muscle tissue, relieve cramps. Price - 60 Russian rubles.

Almost all reviews about Asparkam (more than 95%) are positive! This supplement really improves general state and solves problems caused by a lack of magnesium and calcium!

Groups B

What cheap complexes of group B (b) in tablets or capsules can be purchased in pharmacies - names and prices are attached:

Analogues of Supradin

Which cheap analogue effervescent supradin is worth choosing:

    Additive "Multivitamin with minerals"

    The drug contains a complex of minerals and vitamins (vitamin E, PP, C, D, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus and potassium), which are necessary for normal functioning body. The components have a beneficial effect on collagen biosynthesis, act as an antioxidant, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and protect the cardiovascular system.

    Price— 200 rub.

    Berocca "Calcium and Magnesium"

    Also effervescent vitamins. The components of the complex ensure the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles, take part in enzymatic reactions, and participate in the development of bones and teeth. Calcium and magnesium in this complex take part in cellular metabolism, optimize the functioning of organs and systems, and reduce nervous excitability. And vitamin C increases blood circulation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

    Price— 230 rub.


    The composition is supplemented with B vitamins ( nicotinic acid, folic acid, cyanocobalamin and riboflavin), amino acids and minerals that are involved in the complex carbohydrate metabolism, stabilize intestinal function, stimulate blood circulation, and also participate in the formation of nerve cell membranes and promote cell regeneration processes.

    Price— 210 rub.

For women

Based on age, the body's needs for vitamins and minerals change. So with the transition to mature age, the female body may not receive enough calcium, silicon, zinc, selenium, as well as vitamins D3 and E from foods (especially in winter).

These vitamin and mineral complexes for women in tablets will be cheap, effective and good:

    Beresh "Calcium + D3"- vitamins prevent tooth decay, strengthen musculoskeletal system, obstruct nervous stress and depression.

    NUTRILITE "Calcium and Magnesium vitamin D+"- helps maintain bone health, muscle and nervous system functioning, and increases blood clotting.

    Doppelhertz Active Magnesium B6 is a complex that increases the supporting forces of the body as a whole, increases performance, prevents headaches, and stabilizes blood glucose levels.

    BioTech "ONE-A-DAY"- activates metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the immune system, improves hair and nail growth, increases protective functions body.

When planning a pregnancy

Folic acid (vitamin B9)- this is the main component that is necessary for full women's health. This substance prevents the formation of tumors and cysts, normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and participates in the synthesis of amino acids.

This vitamin is necessary for hematopoiesis, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, improves mood and performance. It is worth taking it based on the gynecologist's prescription. Folic acid is a very cheap drug (price - 40 rubles for 20 tablets).

ADVICE! You can first take a blood test to understand what problems are in the body and what vitamins it needs.

For pregnant

Even the cheapest vitamins for pregnant women are selected exclusively by trimester:

    First trimester: The child’s body is just beginning to form; it needs various substances, especially folic acid. This is the only vitamin that gynecologists prescribe at the beginning of pregnancy.

    This prenatal vitamin is very good, but inexpensive. It is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and prevents the development of anemia. You can start taking folic acid long before you plan to become pregnant and take it during the first three months of expecting a baby. The dosage is selected by the attending physician.

    In the second trimester the emphasis is on calcium, because during this period the process is underway active growth a little man and mother's supplies may not be enough. The intake of folic acid is not canceled; vitamins A, E, C and group B are added.

    Third trimester- increased need of the body for vitamins C, A, D and iron. These elements in tandem are an excellent prevention of anemia, they eliminate tone in the uterus and participate in the development of cardio-vascular system child.

    In addition, it is worth preparing for the birth of a child; the body must receive all the necessary substances that are included in multivitamin complexes so that the delivery process goes smoothly.

For nursing mothers

The lactating organism is susceptible external change(hair splits and falls out, nails peel, teeth crumble). To protect yourself from this, you need to fully provide your body with necessary vitamins(PP, B9, B6, B2, B1, E, C, A, D) and trace elements (magnesium, calcium, zinc, silicon, potassium, boron, copper and iron).

It is impossible to do during the period of bearing a baby without folic acid, because it is she who participates in the structure of the placenta and reduces the risk of hypoxia. It can be taken even before pregnancy, because this vitamin accumulates in the body and promotes fertilization. The best ready-made complexes for expectant mothers are:

  1. Elevit pronatal.
  2. Pregnavit.
  3. Vitrum Prenatal forte.
  4. Alphabet - Mom's health.
  5. Complivit - Mom.

During menopause

During menopause, a woman’s body changes significantly and needs support with multivitamins, because it is attacked by hot flashes, hormonal changes, mood changes, and the risk increases oncological diseases.

To prevent this from happening, you should focus on the following vitamins: D, E, C, A, group B (especially folic acid) and minerals: iron, calcium and magnesium.

Cheap Russian vitamin complexes during menopause can usually be bought at a pharmacy:

For men

Men simply need to take good vitamins, because with their physical and emotional stress it is difficult to keep themselves in good shape. Vitamin complexes should contain the following substances: vitamins E, C, groups B, A, D, as well as trace elements: magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium and iron.

The whole picture is supplemented with amino acids: L-cysteine. Multivitamin complexes stimulate growth muscle mass, promote weight gain, increase the body's resistance to all kinds of infections and viruses, in addition, they increase libido and increase sexual interest.

Cheap Supplements for Men:

List of top 5 cheapest in the pharmacy

Expensive does not necessarily mean good. There are several multivitamins that are inexpensive, but include all the necessary substances for the normal functioning of the body. These vitamins are suitable for everyone: teenagers, girls, men, women over 30, 40 and 50 years old - their advantage is accessibility and versatility!

We present a list of the 5 most famous domestic vitamins:


    A fairly good vitamin complex, which includes vitamin C, A, E and group B. Suitable for adults and children over 12 years old. Increases immunity and body resistance to viral and bacterial infections. Improves blood circulation, improves mood, prevents premature aging of the body.

    Price at the pharmacy 40 rubles/


    A complex of vitamins that can compensate for deficiencies useful substances with increased mental and physical stress. These cheap tablets contain vitamin C in a pleasant amount!

    In addition, the tablet in the package comes in two colors - the red one contains vitamins: D, A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12 - they help reduce the risk of anemia and osteoporosis, and the blue tablet contains microelements: manganese, copper, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium - help protect body cells from oxidative processes and premature aging.

    Price— 150 rub.


    Prophylactic against ARVI, strengthens the human immune system. Contains B vitamins (B1, B2) - normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, C - increases blood clotting and accelerates the absorption of riboflavin into the blood, A - maintains carbohydrate and protein balance. The complex also protects the body against vitamin deficiency.

    Price— 35 rub.

    Magnesium SupraVit.

    Delicious effervescent and inexpensive vitamins. Suitable for apathy, depression, fatigue and laziness. Increases heart rate, enhances blood circulation, helps with insomnia, normalizes metabolism and restores appetite. Contains magnesium, calcium, B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin), A, PP and C.

    Price— 110 rub.

    Doppelhertz Active.

    Contains folic acid, B vitamins and magnesium, as well as vitamins D, A, PP, K, E and polyunsaturated fatty acid. These substances maintain hydro-lipid balance, strengthen the heart muscle, restore damaged areas of cells, increase performance, improve mood, promote metabolism, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Price— 175 rub.

Useful video


There are a huge number of vitamin and mineral complexes, they are all effective in their own way, cope with the task and fit any budget. During physical activity and irregular nutrition, taking multivitamins is mandatory so that the body does not work for wear. Share your comments about the presented vitamins: who tried which ones, did you like them, is there any result expected from taking them?

Every body needs vitamins for normal development and functioning. In the modern rhythm of life, people do not always have time to eat properly and nutritiously, which causes a deficiency of vitamins in the body.

In this case, you should resort to taking vitamin complexes; many people think that the fundamental factor in choosing vitamins is the price, that the more expensive the product, the better it is.

But this is far from true; there are a lot of individual cheap pharmacy vitamins and multivitamins that are affordable and effective.

So, meet: effective inexpensive vitamins (complexes and complex supplements, effervescent tablets)!

Cheap and effective

For hair

What cheap vitamins will be effective for hair growth? The main and cheapest vitamins for the growth of strong, healthy and beautiful hair, as well as against hair loss, are A and E. They can not only be taken orally in the form of capsules, but it is also advisable to apply directly to the scalp.

Since they are produced in the form of gelatin capsules, inside of which there is a liquid oily content, these same capsules can be pierced and applied to the scalp instead of a mask. Vitamins E and A are involved in awakening dormant hair follicles, stimulate hair growth, strengthen, nourish and restore damaged structure.

What good vitamins for hair growth can you buy at a pharmacy at a good price:

    Alphabet Cosmetics

    An effective and inexpensive complex drug, which is designed to improve skin condition, strengthen and grow nails and against hair loss, contains effective vitamins. This is a good combination of vitamins and minerals that are quickly absorbed.

    The special feature of this complex is three types of tablets of different colors and with different components: green - calcium D3+, yellow - antioxidants+, orange - iron+. They should be taken according to color: 1 tablet in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

    Price— 110 rub.


    Quite cheap vitamins against hair loss. This complex combines vitamins and amino acids, helps accelerate hair growth and prevents hair loss. Does not cause side effects. Release form: capsules. Dosage - 1 tablet three times a day. Contains B vitamins, iron, copper and zinc.

    Price - 400 rub.


    This drug significantly improves the condition of the scalp and fights the manifestations of seborrhea. The drug is completely absorbed by the body, the result of use is noticeable within a month after the start of use. Daily dose - 1 capsule. Ingredients: vitamins B, E, C, D3, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese and boron.

    Price— 500 rub.

    Complivit Shine

    The complex contains beauty vitamins such as: E, A, C, group B, nicotinamide, copper, selenium, zinc, magnesium, boron and folic acid. This combination allows you to maintain and stimulate the production of natural hair keratin, as well as protect your hair from aggressive environmental factors and weather conditions: direct sunlight, strong wind and severe frost.

    Price packages (30 pcs) - 271 rub.


    This drug is available in several forms: soluble effervescent tablets, capsules, syrup and chewable lozenges. It contains vitamins: A, B9, B12, B6, C, E, as well as coenzyme Q10. This vitamin complex is an indispensable attribute of every woman’s hair beauty. After all, the substances it contains not only accelerate the growth of curls, but also provide them with unsurpassed radiance, shine and a well-groomed appearance.

    Price for 10 tablets - 250 rub.

    Merz Beauty

    A product for restoring damaged hair. Contains L-cysteine, zinc and methionine. Together, these substances replenish the hair structure and promote its reconstruction at the cellular level.

    Price— 700 rub.

For nails

The main signs of vitamin deficiency (which are noticeable by the external condition of the nail plate) are:

  • fragility (deficiency of vitamins C and D);
  • thinness (insufficient amount of zinc, iodine and B vitamins);
  • fragility (lack of protein);
  • white stripes on the nail plate (lack of iron and folic acid).

For strong, durable and beautiful nails, you should consume the following effective vitamins and minerals daily:

  • vitamin D(strengthens the nail plate);
  • calcium(makes nails elastic, prevents brittleness);
  • (thickens the nail layer);
  • iodine(prevents the appearance of yellow spots on nails);
  • iron(gives nails an even color);
  • vitamin C(regulates the production and destruction of melanin).

For skin

Essential vitamins for the skin are the following:

    A(improves the body’s defense against the influence of natural factors, adds elasticity, prevents premature aging, nourishes and moisturizes, maintains the natural water-fat balance of the skin).

    E(restores the natural water-fat balance of the skin, prevents peeling, roughening and cracking).

These vitamins are sold separately at any pharmacy and cost pennies (within 30 rubles). By the way, these cheap vitamins are suitable for the skin of the face, hair and nails! But you can buy them already in the form of a ready-made complex:

For immunity

  • lactating and pregnant women;
  • children;
  • athletes;
  • aged people;
  • women and men with high workload and difficult working conditions;
  • people who already have chronic diseases.

Weak immunity is a favorable environment for viruses and bacteria to attack. Therefore, it should be strengthened by taking pharmacy vitamins. The very first signals from the body that it lacks vitamins are:

  • hair loss and fragility (indicates a lack of vitamins B2, PP and B6);
  • dry skin and cracks (lack of vitamins A, C, P);
  • bleeding gums (deficiency of vitamins P, folic acid, nicotinamide and C).

First of all, you should resort to enhanced nutrition (increase your daily diet, diversify it with new healthy foods). The best natural sources of vitamins for immunity are: red fish, caviar, carrots, legumes, nuts, veal, garlic, spices, citrus fruits, strawberries and other berries, apples, kiwis, persimmons and pomegranates.

However, if you don’t have time to prepare meals, you can buy ready-made pharmacy vitamin complexes. The body's immune defense is supported by the following components:

  • B1 (thiamine)- processes fats and carbohydrates, converting them into energy;
  • B2 (riboflavin)— normalizes the condition of mucous membranes, skin, participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • B3 (nicotinic acid)— ensures the synthesis of fats and proteins;
  • B4 (choline)— helps with weight loss, normalizes fat metabolism;
  • B5 (pantothenic acid)- releases food energy;
  • B6 (pyridoxine)- promotes normal thermoregulation;
  • B9 (folic acid)- promotes the formation of red blood cells;
  • B12 (cobalamin)- stimulates the functioning of the nervous system;
  • C (ascorbic acid)- natural antioxidant - strengthens the immune system, accelerates the healing process, affects the synthesis of hormones, participates in the growth of tissues and cells;
  • R- prevents aging of the body;
  • RR- responsible for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

For adults

Here is a list of the most effective and good, and most importantly cheap vitamins for the immune system of adults with prices:

For children

Effective and good, and most importantly cheap, vitamins for children and their immunity and growth should be selected according to age: suspensions and syrups are suitable for the little ones, after a year you can try water-soluble vitamin powders, and after 3 years - chewable lozenges in the form of bears. There are also vitamin complexes for schoolchildren and teenagers, but in the form of tablets and capsules.

IMPORTANT! You should not buy adult vitamins for children, because their dose is not designed for the child’s weight and can lead to hypervitaminosis.

    Alphabet “Our Baby” is a children's mineral and vitamin complex, which is divided into consumer groups focused on age categories: from one to three. It is available in powder form and contains calcium and vitamin D3, which are essential substances in the prevention of rickets.

    Price— 397 rub.

    VitaMishki Multi+— made in the form of gummy bears, they contain iodine and choline, which help strengthen memory, concentrate attention and stimulate brain activity. Suitable for children from 3 to 7 years old.

    Price— 750 rub.

  1. Multi-tabs Junior— have the form of chewable lozenges with fruit flavor, they are intended for children under 12 years of age. They support the immune system, increase adaptive capabilities in the team, and supplement irregular and poor nutrition. Contains B vitamins, iron, calcium, vitamins D3 and C.
    Price— 290 rub.
  2. Pikovit(composition: vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus) - form the density of the walls of blood vessels, stimulate increased immunity, are responsible for the growth and strengthening of bones, teeth and hair. Price— 270 rub.


Ultra D 3

Vitamins “Ultra D3” cost about 750 rubles per package. This is a decent price and, of course, many people want to find a healthy and high-quality analogue. Some had to make a lot of effort to find it in their city.

All drugs must contain the active ingredient “(Colecalciferol)” and the price is not important!

Names of cheap analogues of the expensive drug D3 or D in pharmacies:

    Aquadetrim. A drug that regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Price - 180 rub.

    Vigantol. Replenishes vitamin D3 deficiency. Enhances calcium absorption in the intestines. Price - 180 rub.

    Vitamin D3. Oily solution for oral administration. Price - from 40 rub.



With calcium and magnesium for the heart

The cheapest way to get calcium is to eat chicken or quail egg shells. Quail has 2 times more calcium, zinc, and phosphorus. You can prepare it like this: wash 2 quail egg shells, let them dry, grind them into powder and pour lemon juice for 1-2 minutes. It will start bubbling, don’t be alarmed: calcium carbonate will form.

By the way, in pharmacies such a potion will cost from 400 to 600 rubles!

And as a source of magnesium, your best friend for the heart (and also the most inexpensive) is, of course, Asparkam!

Its advantage, besides the fact that it is a very cheap drug, is also that the active substances in it are in a form that allows the body to absorb them almost 100%. These vitamins have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and muscle tissue, and relieve cramps. Price - 60 Russian rubles.

Almost all reviews about Asparkam (more than 95%) are positive! This supplement really improves your overall condition and solves problems caused by a lack of magnesium and calcium!

Groups B

What cheap complexes of group B (b) in tablets or capsules can be purchased in pharmacies - names and prices are attached:

Analogues of Supradin

Which cheap analogue of effervescent supradin should you choose:

    Additive "Multivitamin with minerals"

    The drug contains a complex of minerals and vitamins (vitamin E, PP, C, D, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus and potassium), which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The components have a beneficial effect on collagen biosynthesis, act as an antioxidant, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and protect the cardiovascular system.

    Price— 200 rub.

    Berocca "Calcium and Magnesium"

    Also effervescent vitamins. The components of the complex ensure the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles, take part in enzymatic reactions, and participate in the development of bones and teeth. Calcium and magnesium in this complex take part in cellular metabolism, optimize the functioning of organs and systems, and reduce nervous excitability. And vitamin C increases blood circulation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

    Price— 230 rub.


    The composition is supplemented with B vitamins (nicotinic acid, folic acid, cyanocobalamin and riboflavin), amino acids and minerals, which together participate in carbohydrate metabolism, stabilize intestinal function, stimulate blood circulation, and also participate in the formation of nerve cell membranes and promote cell regeneration processes.

    Price— 210 rub.

For women

Based on age, the body's needs for vitamins and minerals change. So, with the transition to adulthood, the female body may not receive enough calcium, silicon, zinc, selenium, as well as vitamins D3 and E from foods (especially in winter).

These vitamin and mineral complexes for women in tablets will be cheap, effective and good:

    Beresh "Calcium + D3“—vitamins prevent tooth decay, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and prevent nervous stress and depression.

    NUTRILITE "Calcium and Magnesium vitamin D+"- helps maintain bone health, muscle and nervous system functioning, and increases blood clotting.

    Doppelhertz Active Magnesium B6 is a complex that increases the supporting forces of the body as a whole, increases performance, prevents headaches, and stabilizes blood glucose levels.

    BioTech "ONE-A-DAY"— activates metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the immune system, improves hair and nail growth, and increases the body’s protective functions.

When planning a pregnancy

Folic acid (vitamin B9)- this is the main component that is necessary for complete women's health. This substance prevents the formation of tumors and cysts, normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and participates in the synthesis of amino acids.

This vitamin is necessary for hematopoiesis, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, improves mood and performance. It is worth taking it based on the gynecologist's prescription. Folic acid is a very cheap drug (price - 40 rubles for 20 tablets).

ADVICE! You can first take a blood test to understand what problems are in the body and what vitamins it needs.

For pregnant

Even the cheapest vitamins for pregnant women are selected exclusively by trimester:

    First trimester: The child’s body is just beginning to form; it needs various substances, especially folic acid. This is the only vitamin that gynecologists prescribe at the beginning of pregnancy.

    This prenatal vitamin is very good, but inexpensive. It is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and prevents the development of anemia. You can start taking folic acid long before you plan to become pregnant and take it during the first three months of expecting a baby. The dosage is selected by the attending physician.

    In the second trimester the emphasis is on calcium, because during this period the little person is actively growing and the mother’s reserves may not be enough. The intake of folic acid is not canceled; vitamins A, E, C and group B are added.

    Third trimester- increased need of the body for vitamins C, A, D and iron. These elements in tandem are an excellent prevention of anemia; they eliminate tone in the uterus and participate in the development of the child’s cardiovascular system.

    In addition, it is worth preparing for the birth of a child; the body must receive all the necessary substances that are included in multivitamin complexes so that the delivery process goes smoothly.

For nursing mothers

The lactating organism is subject to external changes (hair splits and falls out, nails peel, teeth crumble). To protect yourself from this, you need to fully provide your body with the necessary vitamins (PP, B9, B6, B2, B1, E, C, A, D) and microelements (magnesium, calcium, zinc, silicon, potassium, boron, copper and iron).

It is impossible to do during the period of bearing a baby without folic acid, because it is she who participates in the structure of the placenta and reduces the risk of hypoxia. It can be taken even before pregnancy, because this vitamin accumulates in the body and promotes fertilization. The best ready-made complexes for expectant mothers are:

  1. Elevit pronatal.
  2. Pregnavit.
  3. Vitrum Prenatal forte.
  4. Alphabet - Mom's health.
  5. Complivit - Mom.

During menopause

During menopause, a woman’s body changes significantly and needs support with multivitamins, because it is attacked by hot flashes, hormonal changes, mood changes, and the risk of cancer increases.

To prevent this from happening, you should focus on the following vitamins: D, E, C, A, group B (especially folic acid) and minerals: iron, calcium and magnesium.

Cheap Russian vitamin complexes during menopause can usually be bought at a pharmacy:

For men

Men simply need to take good vitamins, because with their physical and emotional stress it is difficult to keep themselves in good shape. Vitamin complexes should contain the following substances: vitamins E, C, groups B, A, D, as well as trace elements: magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium and iron.

The whole picture is supplemented with amino acids: L-cysteine. Multivitamin complexes stimulate the growth of muscle mass, promote weight gain, increase the body's resistance to all kinds of infections and viruses, in addition, they increase libido and increase sexual interest.

Cheap Supplements for Men:

List of top 5 cheapest in the pharmacy

Expensive does not necessarily mean good. There are several multivitamins that are inexpensive, but include all the necessary substances for the normal functioning of the body. These vitamins are suitable for everyone: teenagers, girls, men, women over 30, 40 and 50 years old - their advantage is accessibility and versatility!

We present a list of the 5 most famous domestic vitamins:


    A fairly good vitamin complex, which includes vitamin C, A, E and group B. Suitable for adults and children over 12 years old. Increases immunity and body resistance to viral and bacterial infections. Improves blood circulation, improves mood, prevents premature aging of the body.

    Price at the pharmacy 40 rubles/


    A complex of vitamins that can compensate for the lack of nutrients during increased mental and physical stress. These cheap tablets contain vitamin C in a pleasant amount!

    In addition, the tablet in the package comes in two colors - the red one contains vitamins: D, A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12 - they help reduce the risk of anemia and osteoporosis, and the blue tablet contains microelements: manganese, copper, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium - help protect body cells from oxidative processes and premature aging.

    Price— 150 rub.


    A preventative against ARVI, strengthens the human immune system. Contains B vitamins (B1, B2) - normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, C - increases blood clotting and accelerates the absorption of riboflavin into the blood, A - maintains carbohydrate and protein balance. The complex also protects the body against vitamin deficiency.

    Price— 35 rub.

    Magnesium SupraVit.

    Delicious effervescent and inexpensive vitamins. Suitable for apathy, depression, fatigue and laziness. Increases heart rate, enhances blood circulation, helps with insomnia, normalizes metabolism and restores appetite. Contains magnesium, calcium, B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin), A, PP and C.

    Price— 110 rub.

    Doppelhertz Active.

    Contains folic acid, B vitamins and magnesium, as well as vitamins D, A, PP, K, E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These substances maintain hydro-lipid balance, strengthen the heart muscle, restore damaged areas of cells, increase performance, improve mood, promote metabolism, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Price— 175 rub.

Useful video


There are a huge number of vitamin and mineral complexes, they are all effective in their own way, cope with the task and fit any budget. During periods of physical activity and irregular nutrition, taking multivitamins is mandatory so that the body does not work for wear. Share your comments about the presented vitamins: who tried which ones, did you like them, is there any result expected from taking them?

It often happens that nails suddenly begin to peel, become dull, brittle, and brittle. Their depressing situation is especially observed in the spring, and we try to hide the problem with the help of varnish. And we have no idea that the appearance on nail plates ah defects are explained by the usual lack of vitamins in the body.

Food, even enriched with vitamins, is sometimes not enough to improve appearance nails, strengthening them and returning them to a healthy and shiny appearance. Only specially created vitamins to strengthen nails will help nourish them.

Why do our marigolds have problems?

It is known from anatomy that nail plates consist of keratin - a special protein obtained from amino acids, which, by the way, is also a component of hair. Each person's nail plate may have a different density of keratin, depending on their genetic makeup. Therefore, some people have hard, tough, dense nails from birth, while others have naturally thin and brittle nails.

In addition, nail health is affected by:

  • metabolic state in the body;
  • general state of human health;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals needed by the body.

Improper care, prolonged exposure to heat or cold, Full time job with medications household chemicals, various fungal problems, poor-quality or unbalanced nutrition, including strict diets, will also affect the condition of our nails.

Nutrition - what should it be?

When signs of ill health appear on your hands, cosmetologists immediately make a diagnosis of vitamin deficiency and suggest radical changes in your diet. Indeed, vitamins that enter our body along with natural products are considered the most useful and are well absorbed. That's why doctors advise: you should only consume foods that contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals.

The formation of a strong nail plate is greatly influenced by the B group of vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, and E.

Retinol or vitamin A

Retinol is important for general health human body, because it prevents the appearance of inflammatory diseases and helps immune system cope with intermittent failures. Retinol is of particular importance, because it is important for strengthening the nail plates and helping to protect them from fungal damage.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

It is known that ascorbic acid helps strengthen the immune system while solving many nail problems. It is part of the structure of the nail plates, so a deficiency of vitamin C immediately affects their appearance: the plates become brittle, delaminate, age prematurely, and small grooves and irregularities can be found on it.

Vitamin E or tocopherol

It is called the “women’s vitamin of youth” or else natural antioxidant. The body needs tocopherol, because it activates growth, strengthens nails and prevents the appearance of fungal infections on them. In addition, vitamins A and E are inextricably linked, so a deficiency of retinol in the body immediately causes a lack of tocopherol. This results in brittleness, dryness and separation of the nail plates and similar hair problems.

Vitamin B group

To strengthen the human body, B vitamins are considered the most useful. They strengthen the structure of nails and enhance their growth, and also promote the absorption of microelements.

For example, in the human body B3 is responsible for blood supply. But it is known that blood also supplies the nail plates with nutrition. With a lack of this vitamin, nails lose their shine and raised grooves appear on them.

With a deficiency of vitamin B5 in the body, blood circulation is also impaired, and as a result, shallow transverse stripes appear on the nail plate.

It’s not for nothing that B7 is called the beauty vitamin. This is an indispensable component of the skin, nails and hair, from which we can conclude that this vitamin affects the beauty of our entire body and strengthening its natural functions.

In addition to vitamins, our body also needs useful microelements: calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, magnesium, fluorine and others.

How to organize vitamin nutrition?

Since we get vitamins mainly from natural products, then the use of special nutrition will help improve and strengthen nails and hair. To find out what problems our nails have, we need to look carefully at our hands: they are the ones who clearly signal that trouble has arisen.

  • the presence of small white dots on the nail plates indicates that it is time to include foods that contain a lot of ascorbic acid. To strengthen the body, you can eat ripe tomatoes, black currants and strawberries are very useful, you can eat more citrus fruits;
  • if the edges of the nail plate thicken, it means that the body especially needs vitamins A and E. Pork or chicken liver rich in retinol, you can eat more butter, it is advisable to introduce eggs into your diet and fatty varieties fish and, of course, berries and vegetables. More vitamin E can usually be obtained from seeds, nuts, you need to eat cereals, legumes, and more lettuce and drink milk, especially goat milk;
  • if the nails become “ridged”, uneven, dull and have a yellowish-gray color, it means that the body is deficient in vitamin B5. To avoid this, you should eat grains and bran more often, and introduce chicken and mushrooms into your diet. Eggs and offal will increase the vitamin content;
  • In order for the nail plates to look healthy, the body needs calcium, which is obtained from dairy products and fish liver.

Which vitamin complexes should we choose for our nails?

Of course, if a serious problem arises, it can only be solved by special food impossible. An increased supply of the body with missing vitamins and minerals is required. What vitamins to strengthen nails, and at the same time hair, should you look for in the pharmacy?

Modern manufacturers have flooded pharmacy shelves with all sorts of vitamin complexes that will quickly help nails become strong and give them a beautiful color and shine. Here are some of these “helpers”.

  1. Vitamin complex "Vitrum Beauty". The unique complex of vitamins, minerals and herbal components “Vitrum Beauty” is distinguished by its rich composition. Doctors advise women to take this vitamin complex regularly, since its action is aimed at preserving healthy looking nails and hair strengthening. This complex is also recommended for the prevention of hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency.
  2. Dietary supplement "Evisent". Efficient vitamin supplement will help a woman maintain the beauty and health of her nail plates, because it contains all the required healthy body vitamins and minerals. The main principle of action of the unique complex is that it affects the female body from the outside and from the inside. The vitamin preparation strengthens the structure of the nail plates, making the nails strong and durable. In addition, women who use dietary supplements notice that their appearance also improves, especially the condition of their hair and skin.
  3. Vitamin "Aevit". The vitamin preparation "Aevit" provides positive action on metabolic processes, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hands. If you use them not only internally, but also lubricate the nail plates with oil, your nails will become perfectly smooth, strong and shiny.
  4. Vitamin complex "Nagipol". Complex vitamins "Nagipol" includes everything necessary for the body human vitamins, minerals and amino acids. In addition, it contains proteins, carbohydrates and enzymes that strengthen the nail plates and accelerate their growth.
  5. Vitamins "Lady-s". The complex vitamin and mineral preparation has a unique formula. Its ingredients are natural plant extracts the skin is given elasticity, youth and firmness, and the nails and hair are helped to become stronger from the inside.

Which are the most the best means to strengthen nails? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Even grandma’s recipes and proven remedies can help someone. So a woman will always find many options to save her nails and make them beautiful.

beautiful, Thick hair and well-groomed nails are one of the main goals of every woman. Due to insufficient quantity useful elements nails break, grow slowly, hair falls out, splits, and has a dull color. To restore strength and resume growth, you need to support them from the inside by selecting vitamins to maintain hair and nails that are inexpensive and effective.

The body must constantly receive all the missing vitamins and minerals. First of all, you should determine which microelements your body lacks and choose the right vitamin complex.

The general requirement is to have:

  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • gland;
  • zinc

Vitamins for hair and nail growth

Not all cosmetical tools able to cope with the problems of excessive hair loss and slow growth nails Special vitamins that can normalize growth, prevent hair loss and brittle nails will come to the rescue.


Russian drug for improving hair growth.

Produced in two formulas:

  1. Night - promotes growth, stimulates hair development, regenerates cells, slows hair loss.
  2. Daytime - protects and restores hair from the roots.

Aleran vitamins are taken as a vitamin-mineral course for 2-3 months.


Vitamins Evalar - natural preparation to nourish hair from the inside. The components of the drug promote growth, strengthening, provide elasticity and strength hairline heads. Duration of use up to 3 months, 2 tablets per day.

Important! Repeated use is allowed after a 2 week break.


Specially developed formula for rapid growth hair and nails. Suitable not only for the treatment of excessive hair loss, but also for prevention. Strengthens weakened, brittle hair follicles and nail plates.

The substances included in the drug contribute to the launch of important metabolic processes body. Restores healthy appearance and beauty. Can be used from 15 summer age, courses for 2 months.


Vitamin complex with therapeutic effect. It is recommended to take when serious problems associated with hair loss and slow hair growth. When there is a change in the structure of the hair follicles under the influence ultraviolet radiation and chemical damage.

Important! Pantovigar improves and stimulates all metabolic processes, due to this it is achieved positive effect from application. Duration of treatment is up to 6 months.

System 4

The natural product acts on hair follicles, heals the scalp and accelerates hair growth. One of the most expensive drugs average cost 2,200 rubles. Course 2 months, apply 2 times a week.


Homeopathic remedy consisting exclusively of natural ingredients. Selencin is a complex strengthening agent that reaches the scalp through the blood and regulates sebaceous glands, reduces the number of dormant hair follicles, increases the number of active ones. Normalizes blood circulation and promotes nutrition of roots.

The product is used as an individual or complex treatment hair loss. For maximum effect, take 30 minutes before or after meals, 3 times a day, for 60 days.

Important! Repeated use of the drug is allowed only as prescribed by a doctor, 1-2 weeks after the first course of treatment.

Vitamins for strengthening hair and nails

Strengthening complexes will help significantly reduce hair loss and brittle nails. Balanced composition complex vitamins Effectively acts on a healthy appearance, protects against fragility and loss.

Vitrum beauty

Complex drug to increase vitality the whole body and immunity. American vitamins specifically for women, taking into account all structural features female body and his needs. The balanced composition ensures improvement of the structure of the hair and nail plates.


  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals.

To achieve maximum effect, the dose can be increased from 1 tablet per day to 3.


Improves the structure of hair, nails and skin. The drug acts directly on the hair follicles, does not allow them to break down and stimulates growth. Take after meals for 30 days; if necessary, the course can be repeated.


The drug helps improve and transform the structure of hair and nails. Reduces fragility, nourishes, restores nail plates and hair follicles. Take the drug 3 times a day, 1 capsule.


A comprehensive product to eliminate excessive dry skin, strengthen hair and nails. Includes 25 active substances, which complement each other, allowing you to solve all the problems of the body.

The effect is noticeable after the first week of use. To consolidate the result, the course is carried out 2 times. You need to drink 1 capsule per day, preferably after meals.

Merz Beauty

Combined beauty vitamins. Effectively eliminate damage to colored hair, restore after perm and frequent use hairdryers. Thanks to the iron included in the product, nails become strong, do not peel or break.

The effect of the drug is noticeable after a few days of use and lasts for for a long time. You need to take 2 tablets a day for 1 month.


Combined and balanced drug for daily use. Used to maintain healthy scalp, warns premature aging cells.

Regular use allows you to add shine to your hair, strengthen it, and protect it from breakage and loss. The best vitamins to maintain the health of the female body.

Lady's Formula Beauty

The product is taken for the complex treatment of hair loss. Lady's formula will restore hair and nails healthy condition. Protects against adverse effects on the body external factors. Ladys Formula contains 29 substances beneficial to the body. Allowed for use by adolescents over 12 years of age.


Cheap vitamins that can improve the overall condition of hair and nails. Can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, the course of treatment is up to 40 days, one tablet per day.


Women's vitamins Swiss made. Stimulates metabolic processes and maintains the body's energy balance. Promotes strengthening. The composition includes macro and microelements. Take 1 tablet per day for at least a month, if necessary, repeat the course after a few months.

Complex drugs


Doppelhertz vitamins are a comprehensive solution to all problems of female beauty. Optimizes metabolic processes, supports growth and strengthening. Helps restore structure, protects against aggressive environmental influences. You need to take one capsule of the drug per day. Duration of treatment is up to 2 months.


American biologically active additive. The drug is designed specifically for women. Effectively strengthens, promotes growth, tightens the skin. The result is noticeable within a month regular use, you can use 1 tablet per day for up to 3 months.


Vitamins complete the basic complex for beauty, shiny hair, healthy, strong nails. The product is designed to enrich the entire body with essential minerals and vitamins. Balanced chemical composition replenishes complivita daily requirement body. IN for preventive purposes drink 1 tablet per day; in case of acute deficiency of nutrients, the dose is doubled.

Important! For good absorption of the drug components, complete and proper nutrition.


Vitamin and mineral preparation for maintaining the beauty and healthy appearance of the scalp and nail plates. Optimal results are achieved when complex application with external drugs. Not an expensive product, but effective remedy. Take 1 capsule per day for no more than 4 weeks.

Priorin Extra

Finnish vitamins for recovery hormonal disorders and stabilization of all processes in the body. Helps strengthen hair and nails. It is allowed to use one capsule per day for up to 3 months.

How to choose the necessary vitamin complex?

Which vitamins to take depends on the causes of problems with the scalp and nails. Expensive product doesn't mean effective. Many cheap drugs are able to quickly and efficiently restore feminine beauty and health.