What equipment for a garment factory. The structure of the sewing enterprise includes

While sewing at home, many people think about opening full-fledged business– your own atelier or even a sewing workshop. If you are one of those who are interested in the question of where to start sewing production, then this article is just for you.

In a business area such as clothing production, competition is quite high, so your production must stand out from competitors with excellent product quality and competitive prices. When starting this type of business, it is better to immediately decide on your specialization - bed linen, knitwear, or even specific type

clothing (working clothes, winter jackets, etc.).

Drawing up a business plan

  • Let's determine the amount of initial costs for opening a sewing workshop:
  • equipment from 350 thousand rubles;
  • advertising from 50 thousand rubles;
  • rent before opening from 40 thousand rubles;

renovation of premises from 70 thousand rubles.

  • In total, at first you will have to spend from 510 thousand rubles. In addition, you will have monthly expenses, which will be:
  • staff salaries about 200 thousand rubles;
  • rent from 40 thousand rubles;
  • materials for work from 350 thousand rubles;
  • advertising from 30 thousand rubles;


Every month you will need to spend from 620 thousand rubles. In total, in the first six months of work you will have to spend at least 1,130 thousand rubles. Since the above business plan assumes the presence of 10 employees, you can count on 800 thousand rubles of profit per month. Taking into account the fact that the first months of work after opening clothing business

from scratch, the profit will be less, we can assume that the payback period will occur no earlier than 6 months after the start of work.

Selection of premises

Before you open a sewing production from scratch, you need to start looking for suitable premises. Such premises may be a premises of suitable size, located in an industrial part of the city, where the rent is significantly lower than the cost of rent in the city center.

When selecting the area of ​​the premises, it is necessary to focus on sanitary standards, which establish that each employee must have at least 7 square meters.

Encyclopedic reference: clothing production is an enterprise specializing in sewing clothes or other products (for example, bed linen, hats).

The unrelenting demand for high-quality sewing products inevitably gives rise to supply: the number of sewing factories opening is growing every year. Have you thought about whether sewing production is profitable? The information in this article will help you take your first steps in the sewing business.

Step by step to quality sewing products

Step one: We study demand, develop a strategy

Having studied the demand, you will understand which clothing products are in high demand in your region, and which products are lacking among consumers. Are fashionable clothes very popular? Consider whether you can offer something new and original at a more attractive price. Or maybe your stores only sell imported bed linen? It's time to occupy this niche. Another good option is to find a Western partner interested in high-quality tailoring and fulfill his orders using raw materials supplied by customers.

Type of product, approximate range and expected production volume - these are the questions that need to be answered before opening your own sewing production, at the planning stage.

Step two: preparing the legal and material base

You can start your own business if you are an individual entrepreneur or have the status legal entity.

It is difficult to clearly answer how much it costs to open a clothing production. It depends on the specialization and planned production volumes. You can calculate the approximate size of the investment by assessing the main costs:


If you do not plan to engage in home work, you will need a separate room. The number and area of ​​workshops depend on how many products you plan to produce. There are also General requirements to premises for sewing production. You will save by renting or purchasing premises that do not require redevelopment or major repairs. Please note that you need good ventilation, natural and artificial lighting, sound insulation and industrial electrification (380 V). Permission from the state fire inspectorate and a number of other authorities will be required.


For a sewing workshop you will need several universal stitching machines, one or two overcasting machines, a steam iron with a special table (equipped with a steam generator and a vacuum suction). If the chosen specialization is tailoring, then you also need semi-automatic button and loop machines. The cutting shop needs tables, cutting knives (belt, disk or automatic cutting systems - depends on the volume of work). If your goal is to save money, buy used equipment.

Besides, in initial costs It’s also worth pawning the materials, because without them it won’t be possible to start production. At proper organization a small workshop can pay for itself in 1–2 years.

Step three: we are recruiting staff

To use the equipment effectively, you can hire enough seamstresses to work in two shifts; Please note that you will need two foremen. Besides, clothing production We need a designer-technologist, cutters, and a fashion designer. You can't do without a cleaning lady. A mechanic (if there are few cars), an electrician and an accountant can work part-time or part-time.

Where can I get money?

Sewing production, even with small volumes, is a rather expensive project. You can get funds for it on credit. Carefully weigh all the pros and cons when deciding to combine investments with a partner: as numerous experience shows, everyone’s approach to this type of business is so individual that sooner or later production has to be divided, which means difficulties and additional costs.

Underwater rocks

When starting sewing production, take care of sales in advance. The inability to sell your products and, as a consequence, a decrease in turnover and an increase in debt - main danger, which lies in wait for garment workers. You need a good reputation, strong connections in wholesale and retail trade networks, and high-quality advertising.

Let's sum it up

To open your own sewing production, you need to know the specifics of the industry. If you do not have knowledge and skills in this area, invite an experienced consultant. Considerable costs for opening a workshop or factory can be reduced if you rationally approach the choice of equipment and correctly draw up a work schedule.

Flow production is the most progressive method of organizing production, characteristic of industrial sewing enterprises. Main characteristics of continuous production:

  • division of labor between performers;
  • dividing the process into simple operations equal or multiple in time;
  • assigning each technological operation to a specific workplace;
  • significant increase in labor productivity due to the specialization of jobs, repeated repetition of tasks
  • compliance with the specialization of flows, sections, groups and jobs;
  • improving product quality due to worker specialization;
  • workplaces and equipment are placed in the technological sequence of product processing;
  • continuous production of a product - sequential transfer of semi-finished products from operation to operation immediately after their completion;
  • reduction in the duration of the production cycle (the time a garment spends in the workshop from the moment it is cut to delivery to the warehouse finished products) by increasing labor productivity and rhythm of work;
  • rational use of equipment due to its full load;
  • favorable conditions For integrated mechanization and production automation.

When organizing continuous production, the management of a sewing enterprise decides the following important issues:

  • uninterrupted supply of cut, semi-finished products, accessories, auxiliary materials;
  • changing the range and models requires a significant restructuring of everything production process;
  • trouble-free supply of workplaces with electricity, steam, smooth operation of equipment;
  • strengthening control over the timely delivery of semi-finished products.

Depending on the number of cutting parts and semi-finished products supplied to workplaces, flows with piece, batch and combined (piece-pack) feeding are distinguished.

At piece by piece nutrition Workplaces are served one semi-finished product at a time. This method of feeding is used in conveyor flows with a strict rhythm.

Pachkovoe food is used in flows with a free rhythm. The size of the pack depends on the type of product and the stage of its readiness. The size of the pack should be such that monotony in work does not appear. The processing time for one pack should not exceed 30 minutes. Table 1 shows typical pack sizes. For efficient work the pack is not disassembled, but processed with parts clamped on one side, or a chain, without cutting off the thread.

Table 1. Typical pack sizes

Type of material

Pack size by treatment group, units.




Woolen dress fabrics

Cotton fabrics such as chintz

Flannel type fabrics

Silk fabrics

Flows can be through and sectional - with separation of sections for preparation, installation, and finishing. Typically, procurement, assembly and finishing sections are organized in flows. Another organization of tailoring is also possible: two installations, general finishing for several threads.

Advantages of sectional flows over non-sectional ones:

  • improving product quality and labor productivity through job specialization;
  • ensuring uninterrupted operation of the flow during the transition to new models due to intersectional reserves;
  • in high-power flows, different rhythms of work in sections are possible;
  • to avoid operations with increased multiplicity, two or three parallel flows of the same type are allocated in the assembly section with a total power equal to the power of the procurement section.


The workshop manager, technologists, and technical director (chief engineer) are responsible for organizing production, receiving and transferring, and issuing tasks to workers. The financial and economic service is responsible for:

  • ensuring documentary recording and recording of the movement of cutting, fittings, and finished products;
  • monitoring the volume of work performed and calculating piecework wages to employees;
  • planning, operational dispatch of sewing products, regulation of the production process to reach production program standards;
  • control of finished product delivery rates.

Taking into account the indicated specifics, let’s consider accounting and control aspects of the organization of clothing production, as well as situations that require operational regulation (in-line production with batch start of cutting).

Step 1.Standards will be required from technologists for products planned for sewing. This is the Confectionery Card, Specification of Cutting Details, Technological Process. They are needed to plan the production program.

Step 2.Draw up and verify the Production program. If necessary, the program is adjusted taking into account its implementation in the previous month, the receipt of new orders, emergency equipment breakdown and other factors.

The range of sewing products changes frequently. They use sequential-assortment or sequential-cyclic launch of models. As work is launched and completed, the fact is noted in the Production Program.

If deadlines diverge, prompt measures are taken. The situation in production as of 07/12/2018 is shown above. It can be seen that the Mango blouses were delivered to the finished goods warehouse late - in fact, on 07/08 (according to the plan, they were supposed to be delivered on 07/05). Also, three days later, they began sewing “Cherry” blouses. Discrepancies can be avoided if you control the flow of the cut into the sewing workshop.

Step 3.They control the flow of cuts from the cutting shop to the sewing shop in accordance with the production program.

The transfer of the cut to the sewing shops, the accounting of the cut during the sewing and finishing process, as well as the transfer of finished products to the warehouse are organized according to Route sheets. The route sheet is issued in the cutting shop on the basis Cutting cards. Several route sheets can be issued for cutting using one cutting card. The number of products for which a route sheet is issued depends on the type of assortment and the characteristics of production. The route sheet accompanies a pack of cuts of all parts from the main fabric, lining and butt of products of the same size.

The following data is entered into the route sheet:

  • number of the workshop, shift and team for which the cut is intended;
  • number of the cutting card and number of the layout according to which the fabric was cut;
  • product code, model and order number;
  • dimensional characteristics;
  • number of product units and their numbers;
  • fabric characteristics, percentage of fiber content;
  • color number, etc.

Let's imagine Route sheet for the “Citrus” blouse in the amount of 26 pieces, the tailoring of which is provided for in the second stream.

First section The route sheet is filled out in the cutting shop and used to formalize the transfer of the cut to the sewing shop. The receiver accepts the cut according to the route sheets, the driver's voucher and the confectionery card.

Second section filled in in the sewing shop when a completed batch of finished products is delivered to the warehouse. The warehouse manager signs the receipt in the second section of the route sheet. If products with textile or production defects are detected, fill in the line “Written off from the route sheet according to the invoice report No.___”, indicate the date and number of products.

The route sheet is issued in triplicate. The number of copies of route sheets corresponds to the number of technological transitions. On each of them there remains one copy with signatures confirming the delivery of semi-finished products or products.

The first copy of the route sheet is left in the cutting shop to record the delivery of the cut to the sewing shop, the second - in the sewing shop to report on the cut of garments received. The third copy, after the finished products are received in the warehouse, is transferred first to the planning department to record the implementation of the production program, and then to the accounting department to record the delivery of finished products. Delivery of route sheets to the planning department and accounting department is organized according to Accompanying registers.

In the sewing workshop, all received Route Sheets are entered into Cumulative record of cutting in sewing shops. The list is kept by names, codes and models of products. If necessary, the planning economist or accountant checks the accounting data with the entries in the accumulation sheet.

Step 4.Promptly send requests to the sewing workshop.

In production, it is important to ensure the rhythmic operation of all departments, their uniform loading and program implementation. Coordination of work to ensure the rhythm of production is carried out by the planning department or dispatch service. Information about the arrival of the cut to the sewing shop is transmitted to the planners in the form Summary, which are formed from information in cumulative cut accounting sheets.

The management of the sewing workshop provides a summary to the planning service. Based on the reports, they determine how the deadlines of the production program and the workload of workers are maintained. From the Summary as of 07/05/2018, it is clear that the sewing shop has received cutting kits for “Coral” blouses, the start of sewing work for which is scheduled for 07/05/2018 in the production program.

Step 5.They control the movement of cut packs across workplaces and keep records of the volume of work performed.

To accompany cut packs to workplaces and record the output of workers in sewing shops, sheets of accounting of workers' output linked to route sheets are used. The statements are issued in the cutting shop according to the details of the route sheets in one copy. Cut picker fills out all the details of the statement:

  • route sheet numbers;
  • model number;
  • sizes and serial numbers of products;
  • number of units of products.

Production accounting sheets along with the cut are sent to the sewing workshop. Cutting lady checks the correctness of filling out the sheets and the number of products, puts the packs on racks according to processing groups, putting a sheet of the corresponding group into each pack of parts.

The cut picker delivers the cut packs along with the sheets to the workplace. The worker, having processed the cut pack, puts down a personnel number under the number of his operation, indicates the number of processed products and the date.

The foreman checks the correctness of filling out the statements, selects the statements in the order of the route sheets and transfers them to the accounting department for payroll calculation.

Let's consider Workers' output record sheet No. 14/3 dated 07/05/2018, which refers to Route Sheet No. 14. Depending on the urgency of the work, the number of products in the pack and the qualifications of the workers, one pack can be taken into work by two or more workers. Then each worker, opposite his assigned operation, indicates the quantity completed (operations 33 and 35).

Workers are notified in advance about securing an operation when launching and building a flow for a new model (operation number, content of work, time standard, piece rate, assigned equipment, required equipment). Operations are usually standard, and a number of products differ in color and fittings. In such cases, the complete contents of the transactions are not written in the statements, only the number is indicated. This makes it easier for workers to fill out the forms.

Statements are important not only for calculating piecework wages. The production accounting sheet will be received by the economic service only after the last operation in a batch has been completed (often this is product packaging). The operational Summary about work in progress from the master of the sewing workshop. If necessary, the Summary indicates the numbers of packs and route sheets. The master generates a summary based on statements and the actual calculation of packs for jobs.

Let's consider several production situations based on Reports from 07/11/2018.

Production situation no. 1

It is necessary to find out whether the workshop will be able to deliver the Citrus blouses to the warehouse on time.

  • how many products are in each process operation (information is taken from the Summary dated July 11, 2018);
  • time standards for performing each operation (according to the technical process, see Step 1);
  • crew/shift size. It is optimal to check the “live” number with the foreman, and not rely on the staff, since workers can go on vacation or sick leave.

The calculation begins with the table. 2.

Table 2. Assessment of the level of work in progress for the Citrus blouse

No. of operation by technical process

Number of items in WIP

Scope of work until readiness per unit of production, n/h

Required working time fund per volume, n/h

4 = [ 2 ] × [ 3 ]


Similar calculations are performed for all models that are being launched. The required working time to complete the work is: “Coral” blouses – 250 hours, “Cherry” blouses – 963 hours.

According to the production program, final delivery of “Citrus” blouses is scheduled for July 15, and “Coral” blouses for July 13. These are two priority tasks that need to be completed. At the same time, the “Cherry” blouse remains in production (its delivery is scheduled for more late date, we do not take this model into account in this calculation). The required working time is 738.2 h (488,2 + 250).

Stream No. 2 of the sewing workshop works in two shifts, with 12 workers in each shift. The regime is five days. This means there are three working days left (July 11, 12 and 13). The time fund will be 576 h ( 12 × 2 × 3 × 8). Not enough time. If you organize a day off (Saturday, July 14), then the available time will increase to 768 h(12 × 2 × 4 × 8). The difference between the necessary and available funds is insignificant - 29.8 hours (768 - 738.2). The workers will not find themselves idle; after completing the operation on two urgent models, they will return to sewing “Cherry” blouses.

Conclusion from the calculations: To deliver “Citrus” and “Coral” blouses on time you need:

  • organize the release of workers on a day off (act in accordance with labor legislation);
  • put off sewing the “Cherry” blouses, which are also included in the launch, and send out the “Citrus” and “Coral” blouses first.

Important detail: the situation was viewed in a simplified manner, without taking into account other factors.

Production situation no. 2

One of the operations is a large number of packs, so there is a threat of delays in delivery of products. The bottleneck is operation No. 34 (15 packs, 370 pcs.). Workplace capacity - 50 pcs. per shift, or 100 pcs. per day. In the already agreed three working days (until July 15), the output from the operation will be 300 pieces, and you also need to take into account the “Coral” blouse, the deadline for which is July 13.

The following measures are being taken to resolve the situation:

  • organize an additional worker for operation No. 34;
  • transfer part of the packets to perform operation No. 34 to thread No. 1 (provided that such an organizational decision will not disrupt the operation of another thread).

Step 6.Organize the issuance and control of the consumption of accessories.

The distribution of accessories to sewing shops is organized according to Fence map on the amount of cutting received by the workshop according to established consumption standards. The intake card for each model is issued in two copies by the planning department based on consumption standards. One copy - to the warehouse, the second - to the sewing workshop.

When issuing accessories, an entry is made in both copies of the fence cards. The acceptance and transfer of material assets is confirmed by the signatures of representatives of the receiving workshop and warehouse. Additional issue or replacement of accessories is carried out with written permission technical director companies for requirements-invoices.

Fence cards are closed at the end of the reporting period (decade, month) and transferred to the accounting department for checking and accounting for fittings. The fence card must indicate:

  • receiving workshop;
  • date of discharge and intake card number;
  • the digital value of the limit, how many products the limit is calculated for;
  • detailed information about products.

The maximum quantity of accessories that can be released from the warehouse is indicated in the “Limit” column. The document is signed by the head of the department that sets the limit, and financially responsible persons divisions of the receiving workshop and warehouse. At the end of the month, the supply of accessories is summed up. The total number of material assets issued is calculated and returns are subtracted from them.

Let's consider Fence card for receiving accessories No. 83 dated 07/01/2018.

Fence card No. 83 is issued based on 800 units of finished products. The limits are indicated taking into account the percentage of technological losses. For example, a branded label - 820 pcs. Deviation from the limit is allowed only in a smaller direction. The finishing tape was delivered in the amount of 365 m instead of 370, since it was the remainder of the roll.

For accounting and control of fittings, they are kept. Based on Fence Card No. 83, the receipt of material assets by the workshop is reflected in columns 7 and 8, the return to the warehouse is reflected in columns 21 and 22.

The column “Write-off of costs for the cost of finished products” reflects the fittings and materials included in the cost of manufactured products. In columns 15 and 17, compliance with standards is checked.

The material balance reflects all types of movement that can occur in a sewing workshop. This can be transfer between threads to speed up the delivery of the model (columns 9, 10, 21, 22), inventory surpluses and shortages (columns 11, 12, 19, 20).

Arshin LLC

Material production balance for fittings

For the period: 01.07-31.07.2018

Product: Blouse “Mango” 12-183

Division: Sewing shop/Stream No. 2

Accounting object

Balance at the beginning of period



Balance at the end of the period


units change

vendor code

price, rub.

received from warehouse

received from another workshop/stream

inventory surpluses are taken into account


write-off of costs to the cost of finished products

write-off act/defects/defects

Inventory shortage written off

Return to warehouse/transfer to another workshop/flow



amount, rub.


amount, rub.


amount, rub.


amount, rub.


amount, rub.


amount, rub.


amount, rub.


amount, rub.


amount, rub.


amount, rub.


amount, rub.

Branded label

Finishing tape




Mango threads

Packaging bag


Head of PEO Suvorov E. S. Suvorova

Monitoring the material balance will allow you to take the following operational response measures:

  • organize a revision of the standards. For example, for the indicated 800 pcs. For “Mango” blouses, the finishing tape was written off as a cost price that was less than normal (336 m). Based on the results of the inventory, surpluses were identified and taken into account. Such facts indicate excessive standards and the need to urgently check them;
  • organize work with material leftovers after completion of sewing the entire planned batch. For example, finishing threads and tape are sent to a warehouse because their color is not suitable for other manufactured products. Packages and labels are redirected to the products that are being sewn (Cherry blouse);
  • organize work to improve the safety of material assets. During the reporting period, the zipper and trempel were written off due to the presence of defects. They check the organization of work at workplaces, provide additional carts and racks for accessories and finished products. You should pay attention to a significant shortage: zipper - 60 pcs. It is important to exclude theft and sewing of unaccounted products.

Step 7They control the delivery of finished products, compliance with launch and production volumes.

As already indicated in Step 3, finished products are delivered to the warehouse according to the second section of the route sheet. It is advisable to organize according to route sheets to control production volumes. According to the route sheets, indicate the quantity of products that are planned to be received from the cut kits (column 5), and the number of products actually delivered to the warehouse (column 9).

In some cases, defective products may be detected already in the warehouse. Then the finished product is returned to the workshop for further processing. The delivery of corrected products to the warehouse is reflected in accounting twice (columns 7 and 9). Net delivery to the warehouse, that is, delivery minus returns for defective corrections, is reflected in column 10.

For some models, final defects cannot be avoided (for example, in silk products). Defects are reflected in column 11. In the reporting month, 24 units were written off using the Citrus model. As a rule, when drawing up a production program, they take into account probable irreparable defects and organize the launch in a larger quantity than needs to be transferred to the customer.

When organizing production and launching products, even experienced technologists and economists do not always manage to foresee everything. production factors. To promptly adjust the volume of work and meet delivery deadlines when the plan falls behind, part of the work is transferred from one stream (workshop, team, branch) to another. This cutting movement in production balance entered in column 6. For the “Citrus” blouse in July, a cut was received from stream No. 1 in the amount of 270 units.

Compare the delivery to the warehouse (column 10) with the release program (Step 1). There are no deviations for the “Mango” and “Coral” blouses; the program has been completed. Blouse " Citrus": plan - 1700 units, 1650 units delivered to the warehouse. Find out and eliminate the cause. There could have been an error in the documents by 50 units.

Blouse " Cherry": significant violation of the program of 600 units. With a plan of 2000 units. 1400 units were delivered to the warehouse. They evaluate the percentage of readiness and determine how many working days are needed to enter the plan (see Step 5). They are taking measures to adjust the August production program taking into account the shortfall in July.

Arshin LLC

Production balance by accounting object - cut/finished products

For the period: 01.07-31.07.2018

Division: sewing shop


Unit change

Estimated balance of finished products in production at the beginning of the period



Estimated balance of finished products in production at the end of the period

Received cut kits for the estimated number of products

Return of finished products from warehouse to workshop

Total arrival

Finished products are delivered to the warehouse

Including finished products including corrections

Finished products written off/defective

Total consumption



from the cutting shop

from the workshop/flow

Blouse “Mango” 12-183

Blouse “Citrus” 12-184

Blouse “Cherry” 12-185

Blouse “Coral” 12-186


Head of PEO Suvorov E. S. Suvorova

Typical reasons for failure to fulfill the production program in sewing shops:

  • the technological process is not debugged;
  • incorrect rationing, impossible plan;
  • outdated equipment, when there is a bottleneck in the form of one machine for the entire flow, and the slightest slowdown in this place leads to missed deadlines;
  • shortages of accessories;
  • absence of an authorized person to accept from the customer (when sewing under contract manufacturing conditions);
  • absence of workers due to sick leave;
  • lack of qualified workers, understaffing (often due to low wages and high requirements for the quality of tailoring and production volumes).

In the production balance, control is carried out enlarged - according to models. In practice, there are always many factors to consider. To prevent delays, they organize control of sewing in batches.

IN Pack accounting card enter data on the number of packs received in the sewing workshop. Taking into account the duration of the production cycle, the date of delivery to the warehouse is calculated. Upon actual delivery of products to the warehouse, a mark is also made on the card.

Arshin LLC

From Card No. 7 it is clear that only pack No. 21 was handed in on time, the rest are handed in behind schedule. Assess how critical it is to meet deadlines.

Pack No. 27 has not been delivered to the warehouse, while the packs that arrived at the workshop later have already been sewn. They find out at which operation the problematic pack is located and take measures to speed up the work.

Often delivery is delayed due to defects, incorrect prioritization, and lack of control on the part of the foreman. If the reason is defective, then they will promptly organize the fitting of the required number of parts, using for this purpose the Certificate for Fitting of Rejected Parts.

To eliminate violations of sewing deadlines, optimize the production cycle and increase the consistency of work flow productivity, the following measures are taken:

  • change the duration of an operation by transferring part of it to previous or subsequent operations;
  • use parallel inclusion of workplaces, introduce additional workplaces for the operation;
  • replace equipment, improve the organization of labor during operations to reduce its time;
  • distribute workers to jobs in accordance with the requirements for productivity and individual adaptability of the worker;
  • each operation is assigned a specific workplace, but not a worker (workers can perform any work in the flow);
  • production is taken into account using tear-off coupons attached to the pack of parts;
  • at each workplace they create optimal conditions for efficient work, provide rational office equipment (reel holders), planes for extending the lid of an industrial table, etc.;
  • when staffing operations, an important organizational role is assigned to workshop foremen, who must quickly regulate the situation taking into account numerous factors; enter performance indicators for the master;
  • To quickly reflect production data in accounting, they organize an automated workstation for the foreman and dispatcher, and use barcoding in route sheets.


  1. Reliable, complete and operational production accounting is a necessary part of all organizational work from launch to product release. In a sewing workshop, it is necessary to control the timing and volume of product delivery, avoid bottlenecks, and respond correctly to deviations.
  2. Setting up production accounting requires professionalism. It is important to follow three main rules:
  • ensure order in production - the presence of a technical process, numbering of storage locations, orderly placement of packs, diligence of craftsmen, exclusion of theft, etc.;
  • develop requirements and debug primary document flow (route sheets, production sheets, fence maps);
  • Based on the “primary” data, grouping documents, material balances, thematic summaries are formed, and indicators are analyzed.

These rules are valid for any form of accounting organization - manual, in Excel or an industry accounting program with wide functionality.

The domestic clothing market is overflowing with products from Chinese, Turkish and Polish manufacturers. However, these products are not always characterized by acceptable quality: the parameters of the models do not correspond to figure standards, the size range differs from the generally accepted one, and the quality of tailoring leaves much to be desired. In this situation, buyers are increasingly paying attention to affordable and quality goods manufactured in local factories.

When drawing up a business plan for clothing production, you need to determine for which consumer the products will be intended. On initial stage An entrepreneur should definitely not compete with well-known global brands and focus on a wealthy audience spoiled by the attention of designers - it is better to give preference to the middle segment, in which for the buyer the quality of an item is much more important than the inscription on the tag.

Business Features

An entrepreneur who creates even a small production must understand that this area requires serious training and knowledge of the specifics of the industry. The reason is that many tailors who have successfully implemented the ideas of a sewing business at home or who have experience working in an atelier move to the next stage of development and open their own private factories. To compete with such workshops, you need to have not only organizational, but also creative abilities.

To others important factor specialization seems to be: covering even three or four areas within a small enterprise is quite difficult. In addition, when producing heterogeneous products, productivity suffers greatly: seamstresses, forced to constantly switch between operations of different types, cannot concentrate on work and ensure the proper speed of technological processes. Therefore, before launching a workshop, you need to conduct a qualitative study and determine what is best to sew: a sewing business will be profitable only if you focus on the most popular types of products.

There are two main production models that an entrepreneur can successfully combine when developing a business concept. The first involves work to order: the company is approached by designers and companies that are developing a new product, but do not have the available capacity to manufacture it. In this case, products are released under a third-party brand, which eliminates the cost of promoting it and allows you not to think about sales channels.

When implementing the second model, the enterprise goes through full cycle, starting from the development of new products and ending with their sale under their own brand. An entrepreneur who chooses this path must clearly understand the quantitative and qualitative composition of the target audience, to attract which it is necessary to regularly conduct marketing activities. In this case, the attention of potential buyers can be focused on the following factors:

  • Quality. The owner evaluates the quality of the item based on many criteria, paying attention to the fabric, threads, accessories, fit, behavior during washing and ironing. It is believed that high-quality clothing should be beautiful, practical and reliable at the same time;
  • Price policy. The price of a thing must correspond to its quality - no one will buy expensive consumer goods, but high-quality clothing cannot be cheap either. Unreasonable deviations from the market price most often cause doubts and suspicions among consumers;
  • Demand. You shouldn’t get too carried away with the release of exclusive or elite designer models - people buy simple things much more often: a shirt, skirt, jeans or underwear.

Production technology

The process of organizing a clothing business must take place in accordance with generally accepted technology for industrial production of clothing, including the following stages of product creation:

  1. Design. The fashion designer develops sketches of the future product, selects the type of fabric, accessories and colors;
  2. Construction. Based on sketches, the designer develops drawings, determines the dimensions of parts, and then creates patterns and technical documentation;
  3. Open it up. Next, the cutter gets to work. Using patterns, he transfers the details of the product onto the fabric and cuts them out using scissors or cutting units;
  4. Sewing. Seamstresses finish the edges and then sew the pieces together according to the instructions. At this stage, two methods of labor distribution are used: in the first case, each master sews the product completely, from start to finish, while in the second, the seamstress performs one or two simple operations, and then passes the semi-finished product further along the conveyor;
  5. Finishing. Operators of auxiliary mechanisms sew buttons, zippers, install rivets and complete the finishing of the product;
  6. Package. A quality control employee checks the product for compliance with quality requirements, attaches tags to it, and then transfers the product to the warehouse.

Business registration

Entrepreneurs working from home usually do not pay attention to the issues of registering an enterprise and draw up business plans for sewing studios without taking into account tax payments. However, the larger production, which employs wage-earners, definitely needs to be legalized. This procedure consists of several simple steps:
  1. Submitting an application in the prescribed form to the Federal Tax Service;
  2. Registration with tax authorities;
  3. Choosing an appropriate taxation system;
  4. Registration in the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund;
  5. Concluding agreements for the rental of industrial premises, disinfestation, waste removal, disposal fluorescent lamps and washing of workwear;
  6. Obtaining work permits from the SES and State Fire Inspectorate;
  7. Production of company seals;
  8. Opening a current account.

Businessmen registering a small workshop can choose one of the available forms of ownership - individual entrepreneur or LLC. Before you start a sewing business from scratch, you should study the differences between them and choose the most suitable option:

Comparative characteristics of forms of ownership

State duty 800 rub. 4000 rub.
Application for registration form P21001 form 11001
Application for transition to the simplified tax system or UTII + +
Minutes of the meeting on the creation of the SPD +
Copies of passports + +
SPD Charter +
Owner's insurance premiums +
Authorized fund 10,000 rub.
Number of owners one owner up to 50
Profit distribution optional dividends
Registration in funds when hiring workers Necessarily
Limits of owner's responsibility personal property LLC property

Workshop premises

When looking for a place to locate a workshop, entrepreneurs have to explore dozens of options: creating a sewing business involves using a well-lit, heated room with comfortable conditions for workers. Therefore, mini-factories are often opened on the basis of old administrative buildings, closed kindergartens and schools: the main requirement is the presence of a spacious hall for arranging the production area, as well as several smaller rooms - here you need to equip administrative offices, a bathroom, a dining room and a warehouse.

The location of the enterprise does not affect its status: preference should be given to suburbs, industrial zones and residential areas with low rent. Before organizing a sewing business, you must make sure that the production is accessible by transport - otherwise, the entrepreneur will have to buy or hire a bus for daily transportation of employees.

The business plan for a small sewing workshop with a monthly turnover of 1.7–2 million rubles should include the rental or purchase of premises that meet the following requirements:

Sufficient area. The area standards for each seamstress are 4–6 m² when producing products from light fabrics, and 7–8 m² when sewing outerwear. It is also necessary to allocate space for passages, installation auxiliary equipment, organize a workplace for the fashion designer and cutters. The final layout of the 210 m² room will include:

  • Production area for ten seamstresses - 100 m²;
  • Cutting area - 25 m²;
  • Ironing space - 15 m²;
  • Fashion designer's office - 15 m²;
  • Office of the director and accountant - 13 m²;
  • Rest and meal room - 20 m²;
  • Warehouse - 20 m²;
  • Bathroom - 2 m²;
  • Electricity supply. The total power consumed by sewing equipment of a workshop of the specified sizes can reach 18 kW. In addition, some machines require connection to a three-phase line with a voltage of 380 V;
  • Water supply. According to hygienic requirements, the premises must be connected to water supply and sewerage lines;
  • Lighting. Working with a sewing machine requires high precision operations and good coordination of movements. Therefore, the illumination at the level of desktops should not be lower than 750 lux. For local illumination of the working area, LED or fluorescent lamps are additionally used;
  • Microclimate. For of this type During work, the room temperature in winter should be between 19–25°C with a maximum humidity of 75%. In summer, an increase to 27°C is allowed with a humidity of 55–60%. In any case, the air flow speed should not exceed 0.2–0.5 m/s.

sewing machines

When developing a business plan for a sewing workshop with calculations, an entrepreneur may be faced with a huge variety of existing types of equipment: each manufacturer has more than a dozen types of overlockers alone. To draw up the correct specification, you should select in advance the main profile of the enterprise: for sewing leather jackets a slightly different set of machines is required than for sewing bed linen.

Before opening a sewing business, you should also purchase various racks for fabric, threads and scraps, brackets for patterns and hangers for finished products, and arrange workplaces for the manager, accountant and fashion designer.

Sewing shop equipment

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Cost, rub.
Straight stitch sewing machine 19800 6 118800
Knitting sewing machine 20300 3 60900
Hemming sewing machine 28500 1 28500
Overlock 33500 2 67000
Riveting machine 40700 1 40700
Loop machine 68600 1 68600
Button machine 40100 1 40100
Accessories for machines (needles, belts, presser feet) 5000
Sewing machine table 2800 10 28000
Overlock table 2800 2 5600
Interoperational conveyor 6200 8 49600
Table for additional equipment 3600 3 10800
Basket for finished products 2500 10 25000
Dummy 4700 2 9400
Ironing system 40600 1 40600
Steam generator 6500 1 6500
Clothes rack 2500 10 25000
Ironing press 15600 1 15600
Warehouse rack 3500 5 17500
Packing table 2500 1 2500
Ceiling lighting 1200 10 12000
Sewing machine light 1350 15 20250
Air conditioner 35000 1 35000
Cutting shop
Cutting table 1.8x4 m 34500 1 34500
Tailoring tools 5000
Bracket for patterns 8500 1 8500
Rotary knife 15600 1 15600
Fabric rack 3500 2 7000
Ceiling lighting 1200 6 7200
Workplace fashion designer
PC or laptop 18000 1 18000
Printer for printing patterns 8000 1 8000
Dummy 4700 2 9400
Ceiling lighting 1200 4 4800
Table lamp 1500 1 1500
Work table 3500 1 3500
Chair 1100 2 2200
Stationery 1000
Director's PC 18000 1 18000
Accountant's PC 18000 1 18000
MFP 10000 1 10000
Telephone set 1500 2 3000
Network router 2000 1 2000
Internet access line 1000 1 1000
Ceiling lighting 1200 4 4800
Table lamp 1500 2 3000
Air conditioner 16000 1 16000
Work table 3500 2 7000
Chair 1100 4 4400
Stationery 3000
Utility rooms
Ceiling lighting 1200 4 4800
Dining table for staff 2000 4 8000
Chair 900 16 14400
Bathroom set 15000 1 15000
Microwave 4500 1 4500
Electric kettle 1400 1 1400
Personal locker for clothes 3300 15 49500
Total: 1046950


Sewing production requires high team coordination: in the technological process there is a close relationship between workers, so a failure at any stage can lead to a sharp decrease in the productivity of the entire enterprise. Personnel must be selected very carefully, taking into account not only professional, but also personal qualities of employees - responsibility, commitment, diligence. The business plan for a small sewing enterprise involves hiring:

  • A fashion designer who creates new products and patterns for them;
  • A technologist who develops assembly maps and sequences of operations, as well as controls the process of their implementation;
  • Cutters who cut out parts of fabric products according to patterns;
  • Seamstresses with experience in handling different types of machines;
  • Operators of overlock machines, button, rivet and buttonhole machines;
  • Specialists working with ironing equipment;
  • Administrative staff.

Thus, when developing a business plan for clothing production with calculations, the following staffing table should be included in its composition:

Workshop staffing table

Name Rate, rub. Qty Amount, rub.
Technologist 30000 1 30000
Seamstress-motor operator 25000 10 250000
Auxiliary Equipment Operator 25000 2 50000
Cutter 28000 2 56000
Ironing shop worker 20000 1 20000
Fashion designer 30000 1 30000
Cleaning woman 15000 1 15000
Mechanic at ½ rate 10000 1 10000
Storekeeper 10000 1 10000
Accountant 20000 1 20000
Payroll tax 147300
Total: 638300

According to sanitary requirements, all employees who have direct contact with products must keep their medical records up to date, undergo regular preventive examinations and get vaccinated.

The piecework wage system for seamstresses deserves special attention. The amount of remuneration is calculated based on industry time standards: for example, 21 minutes are allocated for the production of a men's shirt. With an expected monthly salary of 25,000 rubles, the cost of a working minute is 2.37 rubles: thus, a seamstress receives 49.77 rubles for sewing one product. It should be noted that when determining the amount of remuneration, you cannot use the data given in the business plans of sewing studios for small businesses: in individual production, slightly different time standards are used, exceeding industrial ones by tens of times.

Standards for sewing products


Garment industry light industry includes hundreds of different directions: within the framework of the project, an entrepreneur can sew fur coats or produce children's rompers with equal success. The only condition is the specialization of the enterprise: for example, it is quite difficult to organize the simultaneous production of knitted T-shirts and winter down jackets. Before opening a sewing business from scratch, it is also advisable to take into account the needs of the regional market and the profile of competitors’ activities in order to highlight free niches and organize the production of the most popular goods.

When listing the most popular ideas for the sewing business, we should mention the production of such products as:

  • Clothing and linen for babies and young children;
  • Teenagers clothes;
  • Clothes and underwear made of knitwear;
  • Leather, fur and suede products;
  • Business suits and clothing for special occasions;
  • Wedding dresses and suits;
  • Jackets, coats and other outerwear;
  • Sports and dance costumes;
  • Workwear;
  • Curtains, bed linen, bedspreads, tablecloths and other interior textiles.

Raw material suppliers

Currently, there is no shortage of accessories, threads or fabrics on the market: even a small manufacturer can order a batch of raw materials from Europe or China. Some entrepreneurs personally visit Middle Eastern countries because the materials they need are produced only here. However, on Russian market it is also easy to find suppliers offering the most a wide range of goods, including delivery and the ability to order via the Internet.

When choosing contractors, it is imperative to focus on the needs of the target audience: for example, European fabrics, with excellent quality, are characterized by at a high price, and therefore products made from them are bought mainly by wealthy clients. Consumers with average incomes prefer things made from materials produced in Russia or China: at a low cost, they are of quite acceptable quality.

Where to start a sewing business: after determining the main range of the enterprise, it is advisable to establish contacts with such suppliers and obtain a catalog of samples. Depending on the product range, a wide variety of fabrics are used in production: cotton, wool, viscose or polyester. In addition, when sewing many types of clothing, duplicating and lining materials are used - dublerin, non-woven fabric, twill. It should be remembered that natural linen, silk or woolen fabrics have the highest price, which directly affects the cost of the product, so it is worth working with them only if there is a guaranteed sale.

Sales of products

Entrepreneurs who start their own clothing business often underestimate the saturation of the market and assume that wholesalers and stores will immediately show interest in new products. However, most often the opposite happens: warehouses are filled with unclaimed products, costs rise, and the new enterprise is gradually approaching bankruptcy. To avoid this, you need to look for distribution channels and enter into agreements with partners at the initial stages of creating a business, simultaneously with searching for premises and selecting equipment.

In contrast to the methods given in the business plans of sewing studios with calculations, activities related to the promotion of industrial production should not be aimed at attracting the end consumer, but at increasing brand awareness. What can be used to stimulate sales:

  • Advertising in specialized print media;
  • Sponsorship participation in events of interest to the target audience;
  • Production of POS materials intended for placement at points of sale;
  • Direct contacts with wholesale resellers;
  • Negotiations with owners of brick-and-mortar and online stores;
  • Outdoor advertising on billboards and city lights.

It is advisable to create a corporate website for an enterprise, since it is much easier to promote a sewing business with its help: here you should place information about the assortment, wholesale and retail prices, terms of cooperation, and publish contact information for wholesale buyers. Some entrepreneurs go further and turn the site into a full-fledged online store that delivers not only to neighboring regions, but throughout the country.


It is quite difficult to develop a complete economic model of an enterprise: when carrying out calculations, a large number of variables are used - such as the percentage of defective raw materials and finished products, time standards and material consumption, average labor productivity and much more. The following sample business plan for a sewing production with calculations, compiled for a workshop producing the mentioned men's shirts, will help you roughly estimate the profitability.

Start-up costs

The indicated amount of 1.54 million rubles is not final: to launch the production line, you will also have to purchase materials, threads and accessories in order to provide the enterprise with raw materials for at least a month of operation. The volume of these reserves is calculated taking into account the range and estimated production capacity; in addition to their monthly replenishment, the entrepreneur will have to allocate a certain amount to pay rent and utility bills.

Current expenses

When calculating the material cost of products, industry-standard fabric and thread consumption standards are used, developed for all main types of products. Before starting a clothing business from scratch, it is advisable to study this data and evaluate the profitability of producing certain items of clothing.

Material consumption rates

Name Fabric, m Threads, m Accessories, rub. Amount, rub.
Straight skirt 0,8 100 90 166,6
Jacket with lining 1,5 150 120 885,0
Mens pants 1,3 270 80 216,3
Lined jacket 2,2 200 160 1279,8
Shirt 1,8 120 100 308,5
Knitted blouse 1,6 100 80 264,6
Long sleeve dress 2,2 150 120 316,9
Sleeveless dress 1,5 100 90 224,0

Revenues and profitability

In addition to the cost of materials, the price of the finished product also includes overhead costs and trade margins. The value of the latter is determined mainly by the method of sales: when retail sales the margin can reach 120–200%, while when working with wholesale buyers, the maximum value is 25–35%.

For example, the wholesale price for men's shirts of average quality made from Chinese fabrics reaches 540 rubles with a material cost of 308.5 rubles. Taking into account the standard time (21 minutes), the duration of the shift (8 hours) and the number of working days in the month (22 days), we can calculate the monthly production volume for a team of ten seamstresses: in this case it will amount to 5030 products excluding defects.

Product cost calculation

The development of the economic part of the business plan for a clothing factory ends with the calculation of economic indicators - average profitability and the payback period of the enterprise. It should be noted that the second value can be adjusted depending on the degree of production utilization and the speed of product sales: in practice, it takes 3–4 months to develop a customer base and reach the design capacity.

Video on the topic

Economic indicators of the workshop


Any idea for a clothing business should be based on the real needs of customers. To monitor the dynamics of demand and stay ahead of competitors, you need to constantly study fashion trends and the latest design developments, and then adjust the assortment, offering customers only the latest clothing models.

Often, seamstresses who previously accepted orders at home open workshops and even entire production facilities. This business– very profitable occupation, since such products are constantly in demand among customers. In this article we will consider a business plan for clothing production, advantages and disadvantages.

If you are thinking about opening a sewing workshop, then keep in mind that there is high competition in this area. In addition, sewing requires a large investment of start-up capital. Initially, you will be faced with serious expenses for renting premises, purchasing equipment, materials, raw materials and hiring workers. The payback period for investments is quite unpredictable. Wears everything individual character and depends on your personal strategy and the market situation.

When starting a sewing business from scratch, specialize in the production of specific products. An excellent option would be children's winter overalls or elegant dresses for girls - things that are made from a certain material and are popular with buyers. This is the optimal operating strategy.

Business plan for sewing clothing production: advantages and disadvantages

In the table below, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of opening a sewing production company that produces clothing for adults and children. It can be noted that the main the target audience- people who have a need for elegant clothing, or who may not fit standard clothing sizes due to their build.

Here are some government statistics on clothing purchases. The leader is the Central Federal District (~50%) and, in particular, Moscow (~40%). Retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg amounted to ~3%. It is most effective to open a studio in the Central Federal District in Moscow, since this is where the greatest demand for purchasing clothes is. The lowest profitability will come from the clothing business in the Far Eastern and North Caucasus districts.

Regions are leaders and outsiders in the purchase of clothing (data from Gomkomstat)

Business registration

At the first stage, the sewing workshop is registered as a legal entity. To do this, choose one of two organizational forms: LLC or individual entrepreneur. When registering as an individual entrepreneur, the following package of documents is submitted to the tax authorities:

  • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles;
  • application in form P21001, certified by a notary;
  • when conducting accounting under the simplified taxation system, an application (form 26.2-1) is submitted for the transition to the simplified tax system;
  • a copy of all pages of the Russian passport.

The provided set of documents is reviewed within 5 working days. After this period, the tax office makes a decision. When positive outcome cases for individual entrepreneurs are issued:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • main state registration number individual entrepreneur(OGRNIP);
  • notifications confirming registration individual at the tax authority and the territorial branch of the Pension Fund;
  • Rosstat certificate with a list of statistics codes provided to the organization.

At the next stage, a company seal is made (costs from 500 rubles), and a bank account is opened (this is completed within several working days and requires a cost of about 2,000 rubles).

When choosing in favor of an LLC in tax office another set of documents is submitted. It will include:

  • application completed on Form 11001;
  • a decision on the creation of a legal entity (if it has one founder) or a protocol on its opening (if there are several founders);
  • LLC charter;
  • receipt of payment of state duty 4,000 rubles;
  • passports of all founders (or copies certified by a notary);
  • application in form 26.2-1 about the transition to the simplified tax system (if Accounting supposed to be conducted according to this system).

The tax office examines the documents and makes a decision within 5 working days. If the answer is positive, the founders of the LLC are issued:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • registration certificate;
  • charter;
  • certificate of registration of the LLC with the tax authority;
  • notifications of registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund;
  • certificate from Rosstat with statistics codes assigned to the organization.

According to current legislation, the authorized capital of a limited liability company being opened should not be below the minimum limit of 10,000 rubles.

After receiving approval from the tax authorities, they register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Rosstat and the Social Insurance Fund. This usually takes several days. Then, within two days, the stamp is made and a bank account is opened. These procedures will take approximately three days.

For clothing production, the following OKVED codes are selected::

  • 18.2 – sewing textile clothing and accessories;
  • 18.21 – creation of workwear;
  • 18.22 – sewing outerwear;
  • 18.24 – other clothes and accessories.

In accordance with current legislation, permits from the fire service (Gospozharnadzor) and Rospotrebnadzor are obtained to conduct activities.

Search for premises to rent

When drawing up a business plan for a clothing production, first determine the premises in which it will be located. The dimensions of the room directly depend on the planned scale of work. For example, for daily sewing of about 100 items of clothing, you will need a workshop measuring 70 m2 or more. Thus, the area of ​​the rented premises is directly proportional to the number of embroidered products.

It is better to open a sewing workshop in the industrial zone of the city. In this case, a workshop with a larger area is sought according to reasonable price. Before signing a lease agreement, make sure that the premises meet the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and other supervisory authorities.

Sewing is easy to organize at home. In this case, equipment for performing sewing operations is installed in the home of each seamstress. The following organizational process results: one seamstress prepares the patterns, another sews them, and the third processes the edges of the products. There is no rent in this case, since a specialized workshop is not needed.

In order for a premises to comply with the requirements of the State Fire Supervision Authority, it must have a fire alarm and fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers).

Sewing shop equipment

Before opening a sewing business, take into account the need to purchase specialized equipment in your calculations:

  • overlock;
  • sewing and cutting machines;
  • steam generator;
  • wet and heat treatment plants;
  • automatic machine, loop take-up and button machine;
  • cutting knife and cutting equipment;
  • interoperative tables;
  • Supplies.

The total cost of purchasing equipment will be about 250,000 rubles. This is not an exact figure; the specific amount is estimated based on the volume of production, the number of employees and the area of ​​the workshop. To purchase accessories and fabrics you will need approximately 50,000 rubles.

Recruitment of personnel for a sewing workshop

The success of a clothing business depends on the skill level of the employees working in it. Therefore, you should carefully select personnel. Hire experienced employees with graduate degrees. Their politeness and communication skills are also important.

If there is a lack of funds to staff a highly qualified staff, hire several experienced specialists and novice workers. There is a high probability that, having gained experience and knowledge in the workshop, they will continue to work for you in the future.

Consider the form of remuneration as follows: a percentage of revenue is added to the fixed salary. This will stimulate staff to work more efficiently. At the initial stage, you will only need seamstresses, but as the pace of production increases, hire other workers: fashion designers, seamstresses and order takers.

Starting a sewing business

Start your business with advertising and promotion. It is important to create a base of regular customers as quickly as possible. Sell ​​products in stores, stalls and markets. Remember that business success is guaranteed only if you start producing quality products. And customers, convinced of the excellent quality of the goods, will come to you again for new purchases.

There are many suppliers of raw materials on the market. Find the manufacturers you are interested in on the Internet or at wholesale stores. Try to enter into contracts with them directly, this will avoid additional production costs.

Communicate more with those who have already started a sewing business. Let them become your mentors. If you don’t have such people around you, then watch interviews on YouTube or the Internet, where successful entrepreneurs share their experiences. This will allow you to avoid many mistakes when starting a business.

Business plan for clothing production: project risks

The main risk (marketing) is the search for orders. Success in the clothing business will depend on the number of orders.

The second risk (organizational) is the organization of production and order execution. Properly organizing production, drawing up plans and monitoring their implementation is the main task of a manager in this matter.

Interview “Clothing Business” (entrepreneur Pavel Sikin)

In an interview with Pavel Sikin, an entrepreneur with 15 years of experience, 5 of them as the owner of a successful sewing business. Expert in the development of various sewing enterprises: from tiny workshops to garment factories. Pavel actively shares his experience on the website http://svoya-shveyka.ru. We recommend visiting it.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(3.0 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.0 out of 5)
The clothing business is a highly profitable, but at the same time competitive business. Key factor success is advertising and promotion of your sewing workshop. It is important to identify the most effective source of advertising (for example, partnerships with sales agents) and concentrate on it.