What breed was Hachiko? Akita Inu puppies: breed characteristics and average prices

One of the oldest Spitz-type dogs is the Hachiko Akita Inu breed. It is considered a national treasure of Japan and does not lose popularity today. The dog’s incredible devotion to the owner and intelligence were immortalized in a feature film, and in the 30s of the last century faithful Akita They erected a monument in their hometown.

The breed originated on the Japanese island of Honshu in the Akita province. Local residents used it to hunt large animals and protect their homes.

Several centuries ago there was a cult of the Akita; it was considered a sacred animal and was kept at the court of the emperor.

Later, when Japan became open to foreigners, Akitas began to be actively crossed with other dog breeds. To prevent them from disappearing completely, in the 30s of the last century a law was passed under which Akita Inu were under state protection.

During World War II, the breed practically disappeared, with only a few purebred animals remaining. Japanese dog handlers have done everything to revive the Akita. In 1949, the first dog show was held, the breed was recognized by the Japanese Kennel Club, and the first official standard was developed in the 60s.

After the release of the remake with the participation of Richard Gere, many became interested in the name of the breed of dog from the film “Hachiko: The Most true friend" This is how the Akita Inu gained fame outside of Japan.

Description and characteristics of the breed

This is a very cheerful dog that is hard not to fall in love with. He is an excellent guard, always ready to protect the owner and his property. Akita is a sociable and at the same time proud, independent dog.

She has an explosive temperament hidden behind external calm. This shows up well in a game or in times of danger - in a split second a cute teddy bear can turn into a fierce fighter. IN conflict situation Akita rarely uses its teeth. She will never start attacking first; she enters into a fight only when there is an immediate threat.

Akita Inu is a very energetic dog, but it will not run without a goal; it is able to analyze its behavior and make independent decisions.

You can often hear from owners that the dog is impossible to train. She is very intelligent, but independent, with her own will. The dog’s behavior and its desire to learn commands depend only on the owner.

Breed standard Hachiko (Akita Inu)

These are quite large Spitz-shaped dogs with thick hair consisting of 3 layers. Only three colors are allowed: pure white and red or brindle and white. Too much long wool, which occurs in some representatives of the breed, is considered a deviation from the norm.

In addition to the Japanese type, there is also an American one, slightly different in appearance, since German shepherds took part in its breeding. For American Akita A black mask is acceptable.

Breed standard:

  • height at the withers: for females - from 59 to 64 cm, for males - from 64 to 70 cm;
  • maximum weight – up to 50 kg;
  • the head is wide with a convex forehead;
  • nose black;
  • the ears are triangular, small, and stick up;
  • eyes walnut color or brown;
  • strong teeth and scissor bite;
  • straight back, wide chest, tucked stomach;
  • the tail is curled over the back;
  • paws are straight and strong.

Akita – rare breed dogs, but in Russia it is easy to find a nursery that breeds them.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the conditions in which it is kept; it should have clean fur and clear eyes. You should ask the breeder for documents about the health of the parents of the baby you like. Animals accepted for breeding must not have hereditary genetic diseases eyes and hip joints.

Purpose and character of the dog

The Japanese Akita Inu breed is distinguished by patience and devotion, treats children well, and will never offend them. Much in a dog's character depends on proper education. The whole family should communicate with the puppy, walk with him, then he will grow up affectionate and sociable.

A dog does not tend to obey; it prefers to feel like an equal with its owner. Shows obedience only out of love for its owner. She is unobtrusive and likes to carefully observe on the sidelines the lives of family members.

Nowadays the dog is not used for hunting, as in ancient times, now it is faithful companion. Among the work functions, the Akita copes well with guarding.

The dog must have its own bedding, two bowls (for water and food), and toys. A 1.5 month old puppy is fed 4 times a day, 200 g of food is needed for 1 feeding. WITH three months You can switch to three meals a day, from 6 months - to two meals a day.

An adult animal eats 2 times a day, but can eat 1 time or go on a hunger strike for 2 days. You need to feed your dog after walks to avoid volvulus. There are two feeding options - prepare food yourself or give dry food. balanced food. One of the bowls should always be filled with fresh water.

When feeding with natural food, follow several rules:

  1. The food is given fresh, slightly warm (about 40 °C).
  2. The main part of the diet is meat, preferably raw frozen beef.
  3. Cereals, fiber and carbohydrates are just as necessary for a dog as meat, but in smaller quantities.
  4. Only sea fish is given, without bones.
  5. You cannot give milk, sour cream, or mix meat and dairy products.
  6. Mineral and vitamin supplements appropriate to the age of the animal are required.

An animal needs 1.5 liters per day natural food. Feeding can be mixed. When feeding dry food, you need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

The Akita should see its owner as a leader worthy of respect and honor. This main secret proper upbringing.

When training, you should not try to do it at the same pace as for puppies. service breeds. It is impossible to teach a dog to perform a complex of commands - “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!” at a distance, this is beyond the power of even an experienced trainer. Akitas teach only the most necessary commands. Training should not be too long so that the animal does not get tired. When starting to learn a command, they try to ensure its perfect execution, otherwise the dog will think that repetition in the future is not necessary.

No training and long walks without providing good exercise, the Akita can become difficult to control. The more you walk your dog, the better. The required minimum is 1 hour in the morning and the same amount of time in the evening. If the dog lives outside the city, it is taken out for walks outside the area several times a week to accustom it to the outside world.

Akita Inu needs minimal care - no grueling training, frequent bathing, haircuts, or brushing. But due to its character, the breed is suitable only for those people who know how to value independence and can see a friend in a dog.

After the film adaptation, a misconception arose about the name of the main character's breed. An opinion arose that the breed of the dog was “hati”. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the owner often used this name in relation to the dog. In fact, “hachi” is just an abbreviation of the full one, and it has an independent meaning: “hachi” is translated from Japanese as “eighth”. And eight - lucky number in Japanese culture. According to history, this is exactly what was written on the collar of the one found. The real name of Hachiko's breed is Akita Inu.

The name of the breed also has a very simple explanation related to the Japanese language. Akita is the name of the Japanese prefecture where the breed was common back in the 17th century, and the word “inu” translates to “dog” or “breed.” Therefore, it is often this breed They are simply called Akita, which is not a mistake.

Akita character

The character of the Akita Inu was stunningly revealed in the latest film dedicated to this story, directed by Lasse Hallström. The dog of this breed has a calm temperament and high endurance. She does not make unnecessary movements and is faithful only to her owner, but treats “strangers” with composure. But with all the outward calm, in case of danger, the Akita is ready to show courage and protect a loved one. It is not for nothing that this breed is compared to a samurai, ready to rush into battle at any moment. In the 18th century, the Akita could only be seen at the imperial court with a servant, since others were forbidden to keep this breed.

Until now, in Japan, Akita Inu figurines are believed to bring good luck and health to the home. These dogs get along well with children, as they are calm and patient.

How Akita conquered the world

Despite the fact that the Akita’s homeland is Japan, after the famous history of Hachiko, at the beginning of the 20th century the breed won the love of the inhabitants of the USA and Europe. More recently, the Akita was brought to Russia. There is, of course, another story that a very long time ago the Akita came from Europe through Russia to Japan, but there is little evidence for this. The Japanese themselves do not pay much attention to this story and rightfully consider the Akita Inu a national treasure. They imagine it as a “symphony of triangles”, since the ears, eyes, muzzle and nose have a triangular shape.

Three colors

The breed has three color varieties. White color without spots is considered real, natural. It is the figurine of a white Akita that is usually given to a family with a newborn. Brindle and red and white colors, the most common, were the result of crossing an Akita with a German Shepherd during the war.

Hachiko is a devoted dog from the film “Hachiko” about a dog’s devotion to man. Hachiko is a breed of Akita Inu dog. Japanese breed a dog that is highly revered in Japan.

Let's talk a little about the film and about this devoted friend of man.

The film "Hachiko - the most faithful friend" was based on real story, which occurred in Japan, where the Akita Inu dog Hachiko came to the station every day to meet his missing owner for 10 years.

The story is this: a university professor finds a puppy at the station and takes it in, every day the grown-up dog accompanies its owner to the station, from where he leaves for lectures at the university, and then in the evening the dog meets his owner at the station.

But one day the irreparable happens - the owner dies of a heart attack right at the lecture. Hachiko comes to meet him at the station, but the owner is not there. Hachiko waits and leaves, and the next evening he comes again to meet his master at the station.

Hachiko comes to the station every day to meet his owner, without missing a single day of the 9 years of the remaining of his life. There were many attempts to take Hachiko for himself - the professor’s relatives and simply compassionate people tried to do this, but in the evening the dog invariably ended up at the station to finally see his owner. At the station, the dog died while waiting for his owner.

True story

Hachiko was a representative owned by a professor who lived in Shibuya, Tokyo in the early 20th century. Every day, Hachiko walked with his owner to the Shibuya train station, accompanied him to work, and then waited for him to return. However, one day, in 1925, its owner died of a cerebral hemorrhage and never returned to the station.

As the story goes, and for which Hachiko undoubtedly became legendary, Hachiko continued to wait at the Shibuya train station for 10 years, waiting for his master to return someday. He eventually died and is now immortalized as a statue at Shibuya Station.

You can also see a stuffed Hachiko at the National Museum of Nature and Science in Ueno Park in Japan.

How the film "Hachiko" was filmed

Hachiko is an American adaptation Japanese history about very faithful dog, who accompanies her master to the railway station every morning and returns every day to meet him.

  • Starring: Richard Gere and Joan Allen
  • Director: Lasse Hallstrom
  • Producers: Richard Gere, Bill Johnson
  • Writers: Stephen P. Lindsay, Kaneto Shindo
  • Release date: Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Filming dogs of the Hachiko breed in the film “Hachiko’s True Friend”

General precautions were taken in all scenes. All streets were blocked during filming. All guardrails have been checked to ensure there are no sharp edges. For the scene where the dog is seen in the barn, the area was searched for debris and dog areas were set up for comfort. The shed was kept at a comfortable temperature - the heat was turned on when necessary.

For the train station scenes, the trains were stationary while the animal was on set; the only time the animals were allowed to walk near moving trains was when the actors were holding them.

For scenes in which Hachiko ("Hachi") walks along train tracks, off-camera dog handlers walked alongside the dog and performed gentle walking. The dog's path was cleared of debris in advance. For scenes that included BBQ grills, dogs were at a safe distance.

Most rehearsals used a stuffed dog. Two Shiba Inu puppies alternated in Hachi's role as a puppy. Three Akita Inus alternated in Hachiko's role as an adult dog.

For scenes in which the dog performs simple steps, such as sitting, walking on stairs or next to actors, standing or walking from one point to another, the handlers forced the dog to follow the trail while they themselves were outside the camera, using various signals and verbal commands to trigger the action.

Fine trained dogs accustomed to these actions. For scenes in which a puppy or dog licks a person or object, it was used baby food to entice the dog to lick. All products used were considered safe for canine consumption and their use was limited to avoid overfeeding.

The falling snow and freezing rain seen in the film were added in post-production. The snow observed on the ground was natural. The breed of long-haired dog used for the film is adapted to this weather; however, as additional measure comfort, comfort the dogs were warmed and rested after such scenes.

Puppy filming

For scenes in which Hachi is seen wearing the backpack, the leather backpack was lined with a blanket and the trainers placed the well-rehearsed puppy inside with its head poking out. For the scene in which Parker (Richard Gere) removes the puppy from a partially closed backpack, the puppy was only inside it a short time, and there were many holes for good air circulation.

For the scene in which Parker holds the puppy under his arm on outdoors, the pup was first wrapped in a blanket and then tucked under the actor's coat for even more warmth.

For the scene in which Hachiko passes through a train station in transit, the puppy was placed in a bamboo pet carrier that had a blanket inside for cushioning.

The carrier was attached to a pile of suitcases with luggage straps tied to a holder and attached to both the bottom suitcase and the luggage carrier basket. The dog trainers rehearsed the scene at a slow pace to get the puppy actor accustomed to the action, and once the dog trainers realized that the puppy was accustomed to the movement, the cart-pulling actor was instructed to increase the speed slightly.

The fall of the carrier to the ground was filmed separately. The carrier did not fall to the ground, it fell on specially placed soft bedding. In this case, the carrier was dropped from two centimeters above the ground. Once the carrier was on the ground, the dog was forced to exit through a door that was specially made to open easily.

For the scene in which the puppy first appeared on the platform, the handlers used a track-to-track technique and used various verbal cues to get him to stay.

The trains did not move while the puppy was on the platform. Silence was declared at the station so as not to frighten the little puppy.

Hachiko dog breed

The legendary Hachiko is an Akita Inu dog that originated in Akita Prefecture on the island of Honshu. This breed was bred there for the first time.

Akita Inu are considered to be very ancient dogs, almost genetically close to the wolf. The family tree of the Akita breed dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. And already in the 5th century BC in Japan there were even special fight clubs for fans of this breed of dog.

Sometimes the breed was crossed with the breed German Shepherd— received certain improvements in the breed. After the story with Hachiko, in 1931 the Akita Inu breed was officially recognized as a “natural monument”.

However, the breed was sometimes not entirely Good times. For example, when Japan attacked China, they took Hachiko dogs there too. But since the Japanese did not disdain anything for their comfortable pastime, they ate almost all the dogs they took, and their warm fur was used for heating.

After the war, there were only 10 of these devoted dogs left. But, thanks to the devoted fans of the Akita Inu breed, the breed was restored. Otherwise, we would never have learned about the devotion and loyalty of a dog to a person; Hachiko simply would not exist.

But heaven probably favored Japan, deciding to show them an example of justice, loyalty and devotion, which Japan clearly lacked. That's why the Japanese were so shocked by the dog's loyalty.

What breed is Hachiko? Anyone who has ever watched the film: “Hachiko’s Most Faithful Friend” wants to know as much as possible about these devoted friends of man. Hachiko's dog breed is Akita Inu.. In its homeland in Japan, this breed is under state protection.

The Japanese gave this honor to Akita Inu dogs. This breed is so revered because these dogs never retreat from a person, a dog, or anyone else.

The Akita Inu will respond to any attack without hesitation. And the devotion of these dogs has become the stuff of legends. Probably the most famous story, associated with these dogs, occurred in 1925 in Tokyo (Japan). This story is about a dog named Hashiko, which is what the name of the dog sounds like in Japanese, not Hachiko. Based on this story, the wonderful film “Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend” was filmed in Hollywood in 2009.

A devoted Akita Inu dog accompanied his owner, a professor at a Tokyo university, to the station every morning. After lunch, Hachiko returned to the platform, met his owner, and they walked home together. One morning in May, as usual, the dog led the owner to the train departure point.

Hachiko had no idea that he was leading his master for the last time. On that day, a professor at the university had a heart attack and he died. When Hachiko returned after lunch to meet him, he waited until there was no one left on the train. For 8 years, every evening Hachiko went to the station in the hope that one day his owner would get off the train.

This continued until, in May 1933, death overtook the dog himself. The story of Hachiko became known throughout the world and even attracted the attention of one of the most prominent women in America in the 1930s.

She herself had, but after learning the story about Hachiko, Hellen Keller began to dream of the devoted Akito, and in 1937 her dream came true. The world-famous activist of the blind society received an Akita Inu dog as a gift. And when the pet died, she was given another one. She is believed to have brought the Akita Inu breed to America. Japanese favorites Hellen Keller were not service dogs– they were just her pets.

Akita Inus are good. Absolutely blind people who have an Akita Inu dog claim that the dog compensates for their lack of vision.

Akita Inu dogs love physical exercise. They love people, especially children. In their homeland, the Akita Inu is not just one of the breeds - it is a symbol of good luck and wealth. It is customary to exchange Akita Inu figurines when a child is born or when a friend or family member is hospitalized.

Today in Japan, the Akita Inu bears little resemblance to its relatives in America or Great Britain. A real Akita Inu is smaller, lighter in weight and always the same color. In the USA, Akita Inu coat colors are usually 2 or 3 colors. These Akita Inus are considered purebred only in the United States and Great Britain.

Akita is brave in all countries, strong in spirit and has excellent instincts. But many breeders of this breed in Japan believe that it should be separated into a separate breed. But regardless of origin, the Akita Inu will become a valuable companion for any owner. When it comes to coloration, Akita Inus can be almost any color.

Even completely White wool is not considered a deviation from the norm. Any shades are considered acceptable as long as the color is bright and clear, as are all the characteristics of the Akita Inu. Distinctive feature This breed has a bad character. Akitas can be aggressive towards other dogs of the same sex.

They should not be let off leash. But these dogs become very attached to their owner. However, you should not expect the same devotion to the owner's neighbor, so beware. In addition, Akita Inu is very clean. Some say that in this they are not inferior to cats. To maintain health, these dogs do not require very much exercise.

The breed of dog in the film Hachiko is Akita Inu. The image of this dog has become a shining example of devotion and love. It should be noted that Akita is a big and brave dog. He was always distinguished by his kindness to others and unquestioning loyalty. Akita - completely Japanese dog. Initially, this dog was supposed to be a guard and hunting dog. But now Akita is used mainly as a faithful companion.

Description and origin of the Hachiko dog breed

If we talk about her appearance, then it has a large head and triangular eyes, which look small in contrast. The height of an adult male can vary from 64 to 75 cm, including the crest. Females may be slightly smaller.

Akita can have three types of coloring:

  1. Brindle coat color on the body combined with a white mask on the face.
  2. Snow-white fur.
  3. A combination of white and red. It should be noted that in this case White color should only be on inside chest and paws. And also the muzzle remains white.

If the dog has black mask on the face, then this is already an American subspecies. Japanese Akitas can have only three color options.

It should be noted that purebred purebred Akitas have a strong and proportional physique and strong muscles.

How to distinguish Akita from other similar breeds?

  1. The head of this breed is triangular in shape. The eyes are slightly slanted, but not protruding. The ears are always open and erect. In addition, the ears are shaped like a triangle with slightly rounded edges.
  2. The forehead is quite wide. There is a hollow between the eyes.
  3. The tip of the nose is always black and large.
  4. The tail is high set and curled.
  5. The wool is dense and middle length. There is a thick undercoat.
  6. The paws are strong and strong. However, this breed has soft paws like cats.

How did this breed appear?

If we talk about the history of the appearance of this breed, it should be noted that Akita is enough ancient breed . Thus, scientists, thanks to various archaeological finds, were able to establish that this breed existed in Japan back in the second millennium BC. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that in the drawings that date back to ancient times, there are images similar breed. However, it was never possible to establish the exact time of Akita’s appearance.

There are several theories regarding the origin of the Akitu. According to one of them, Akita descended from a Spitz-shaped dog that came from China and ancient mastiffs. There is also a theory that these dogs are descendants of the Siberian Husky and Mastiff. Even though they may look similar in appearance, they have nothing in common.

If we talk about the name of the breed, it should be noted that the Japanese did not bother much with it. "Akita" is the name of a province in Japan, and "inu" is a dog.

Akita Inu as a separate breed of dog was already known in the 17th century, and since then it has not changed. The uniqueness of these animals is that they are truly purebred.

Character traits

First of all. It should be noted that this is a wayward dog. She is very alert and smart. However, the dog can behave very aggressively, especially towards individuals of the same sex.

This family dog. She herself is affectionate and playful. Besides, This breed is quite silent, it almost never barks..

Proper education and socialization of the breed plays a role key role. This breed is not suitable for beginners or timid people, as it requires firm discipline.

How to properly care for the breed?

Every day you need to perform a certain set of exercises with your dog. It should be noted that a 30-minute walk will be enough for Akita. However, it must be active. Since the dog can be very aggressive towards other dogs, it is better not to walk it in parks.

It is noteworthy that the dog breed from the film Hachiko is friendly to guests if the owners are at home.

The dog should be given special attention when raising puppies. Puppies grow very quickly. However, it should be noted that between 4 and 7 months they are prone to bone deformities, so they should be monitored carefully. To hold them back a little fast growth you can put them on low calorie diet. This will not affect their health in any way. In addition, before the age of 2 years, Akitus develop joints, so forced jumping on hard surfaces should be avoided.

The peculiarity of Hachiko dogs is that if you do not give them the opportunity to throw out all their energy, they begin to be lazy and gradually gain weight.

If we talk about hair care, it should be noted that It is enough to brush your Akita a couple of times a week.. But during the molting period you will have to do this much more often. It is noteworthy that Akita Inu cannot be bathed very often, as it can simply get sick. During the year, 2 or 3 baths will be enough. After water procedures You should dry the wool well, you can use a hair dryer. In addition, only high-quality and specialized products should be used for bathing.

Akita's diet should be balanced. However, care must be taken to ensure that the animal does not gain excess weight. Mixed food type is allowed. In addition, we should not forget that the dog should be periodically fed with mineral and vitamin supplements.

Features of the Akita breed

What breed of Hachiko have we already found out, but do such dogs have such features?

  • Tends to show aggression towards other dogs, especially of the same sex.
  • Akita should be handled by an experienced dog breeder; these dogs are not suitable for beginners.
  • Can shed heavily.
  • May chase other animals in the house.
  • They are difficult to train, so it is best to hire a trainer.

As a result, it should be noted that the dog that was depicted in the film Hachiko is called Akita. This Japanese breed is perfect for a large family, as it is friendly and energetic.