What is the best calcium supplement to buy? calcium supplements that are good for women

A microelement such as calcium is an integral part of the formation of bone and tooth tissue, as well as hair and nails. With its deficiency, cardiac and nervous activity is impaired, and a person may develop so-called hypocalcemia - a lack of calcium in the blood.

In this article we will look at what calcium medicine is and pay attention to the types of drugs: calcemin, calcium active, calcium D3 nycomed, calcium gluconate, what the tablets are for and what their dosage is.

You will also see that despite the fact that calcium gluconate is cheap compared to other medications, it is not inferior to them in effectiveness.

Calcium gluconate for joints

Calcium gluconate is a salt of gluconic acid. It is necessary for calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Calcium tablets help compensate for its deficiency in human body. However, it should be remembered that use should only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor.

The need for calcium tablets especially increases during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, since it is extremely necessary during the development of the fetus for its mental and physical development. If a child does not receive the required amount of calcium, he may subsequently develop rickets.

This product is currently available in several forms: calcium tablets, powder and solution. If the drug is administered intravenously, the procedure should be carried out slowly, and the administration process should be carried out within two to three minutes.

Before administration, the solution must be heated to normal temperature bodies. Your doctor will tell you what to choose: calcium tablets for bones, powder or solution.


Calcemin is a type calcium tablets . It contains several active microelements, thanks to which it is carried out active influence. We will look at each of these elements in more detail in this section.

One of the main advantages of the drug is that it can be used by patients of any age, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers.

The action of Kalcemin is aimed at:

The action of all components included in Calcemin is aimed at replenishing calcium reserves in the body. The drug takes an active part in the formation bone tissue, prevents its destruction, increasing its density, due to which the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is stopped, the entire bone and joint system is strengthened.

In order to consider in more detail the effect of the drug, you should pay attention to each element that is included in the composition:

  1. Vitamin D3. It is necessary for regulating not only calcium, but also phosphorus in the human body, takes part in the formation of bone tissue of the human skeleton, protecting the structure of bones. Also in the intestines, this element promotes the active absorption of calcium,coming from food.
  2. Zinc. Helps synthesize sex hormones, thereby eliminating the destruction of bone tissue.
  3. Manganese. Participates in the formation of complex proteins, which significantly improves the quality of bone tissue.
  4. Copper. Takes an active part in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which is part of not only bone, but also connective tissue.
  5. Bor. Helps reduce excessive hormone secretion parathyroid glands, increases calcium absorption, helps prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Taking the drug, regardless of its complex composition, must be agreed with a specialist.

Calcium active

Calcium active is the most common source of calcium and vitamin D.

It is produced in the form of tablets, and each of them contains an additional set of elements: calcium carbonate, amaranth, calcium complexone, which help better absorption of the main components.

The main properties of this type calcium tablets are:

  • regulation metabolic process calcium and phosphorus;
  • restoration of the functioning of bone tissue systems;
  • helps in the accumulation of calcium in a form that can be easily absorbed.

Due to its properties, the drug is excellent for the treatment of osteoporosis, when tissue density is significantly reduced and there is a risk of fractures and minor injuries. Tablets are recommended for use during the period of dental damage, when hypersensitivity and during caries. They also help with disorders associated with the growth process, slow bone recovery from injuries, and in compensating for calcium deficiency during active growth children.

Pills absolutely safe in use, contraindications include only individual intolerance any component of the composition.

is a mineral that can compensate the body for a microelement deficiency.

The action of calcium included in the drug is aimed at:

  • increasing the growth and density of inert tissue;
  • development of proper muscle function;
  • protection not only of bones, but also of teeth.

There is an opinion that high pressure and bowel cancer are also associated with insufficient calcium in the human body.

This product can provide our body with 80% of the daily requirement of vitamin D and calcium. The drug is recommended not only for patients with diseases musculoskeletal system, but also for children during active growth, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding and men over 50 years of age.

Another advantage of the drug is that it helps the human body resist the influence of external adverse factors. It significantly slows down natural process skin aging.

The main contraindications include individual intolerance to any components of Calcium 600 from crayfish oysters. The dosage and course of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

Calcium D3 Nycomed for joints

This remedy is a combined type that is capable of regulating not only the metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus, but also filling the gaps associated with a reduced number of basic structural elements.

Calcium D3 Nycomed has two forms of release:

  1. Chewable tablets with orange or mint flavor, packaged in polyethylene bottles with high density. The number of tablets per package varies. The cardboard packaging includes one bottle with the contents and instructions for use.
  2. Chewable round tablets with lemon flavor. They are uncoated and come in bottles of 30, 60 or 120 tablets. Content cardboard box the same as the first option.

In addition to the convenience of the produced forms, it should be noted the main effect of the main components of the composition.

While taking the tablet, 30% of calcium is absorbed from proximal part, after which it enters the bloodstream, where 50% of the substance takes on an active ionized form, which helps it contact protein structures in a short period of time.

Most Vitamin D3 is absorbed from small intestine, passing into the bloodstream, it begins to interact with transport globulin.

In most cases, the drug is prescribed to patients suffering from osteoporosis, calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency, and bone fractures.

To determine the dosage, the age category should be taken into account. And for more detailed information Consult your healthcare provider.

There are several factors that can cause hypercalcemia. These include not only drug intoxication, but also disorders associated with hormonal levels, hereditary diseases and the presence of malignant tumors.

An overdose of calcium preparations does not go away without leaving a trace. First of all, it manifests itself in the form of dull or aching pain in the stomach area. However, in some cases, such an illness may be caused by improper use of the drug.

Since excess calcium can significantly reduce acidity gastric juice, may occur:

  • nausea, vomiting and constipation;
  • pain in the muscle area, as well as sudden and involuntary contractions;
  • weakened immunity, disorders associated with blood clotting, the appearance of stones in bladder and kidneys;
  • destruction of brain functions in the form of hallucinations and confusion.

For a drug such as calcium gluconate, the price varies from 100 to 150 rubles. Calcium tablets are cheap compared to other forms available.

We should not forget that treatment with calcium tablets involves not only reading the instructions included with the drug, but also consulting a specialist.

Ecology of consumption. Health: Dear readers, do you think it’s worth drinking calcium? A strange question, you say, of course it’s worth it. After all, doctors recommend taking it to strengthen bones. I also took drugs

Dear readers, do you think it’s worth drinking calcium? A strange question, you say, of course it’s worth it. After all, doctors recommend taking it to strengthen bones. I also took courses of it every year with vitamin D. Therefore, I was very surprised when I came across information in popular publications that such drugs are harmful.

What is this? – I thought, “a marketing ploy for the sake of some new drugs and discrediting the previous ones? Who to trust and what to do: should you take calcium or not? I decided to look into this issue and study it as deeply as possible. And here's what I found out.

Just the facts

About a decade and a half ago, devices appeared - densitometers, with which you can determine how strong our bones are and whether the process of osteoporosis has begun in them.

It was then that it became clear that with age (especially in women), bone strength decreases, and this is fraught with fractures. Naturally, doctors sounded the alarm about this.

Pharmacists have developed various calcium preparations. And we started drinking them - with or without a doctor’s prescription, because you can still buy them without a prescription.

It has been firmly implanted in our heads that after 40 years we must take courses of calcium supplements, that by doing this we protect ourselves from the risk of developing osteoporosis. It was recommended to take it during pregnancy, for fractures, etc.

Then it turned out that our body does not absorb this mineral well, especially with age. To better calcium was absorbed, new drugs with it in combination with vitamin D appeared in pharmacies.

What rules must be followed?

How to take calcium supplements? Firstly, undergo an examination with a densitometer (a device that determines bone density), and secondly, do monthly laboratory analysis on the content of this mineral in the blood.

Unfortunately, densitometer testing is only available to residents of large cities. Meanwhile, the study of the effect of calcium supplements on the condition of bones and the entire body continues.

Over the years, more than a dozen studies have been conducted on this topic, involving more than 11 thousand people. Recently, a group of English, American and New Zealand scientists studied and summarized the results of all the studies conducted.

The results were shocking: if you take calcium supplements, your risk of having a heart attack increases by 31%! Another conclusion regarding bones: preparations with this mineral do increase bone strength slightly, but this is not enough to reduce the risk of fractures.

So, to drink or not to drink?

How did it happen that calcium is both beneficial and harmful to the heart and blood vessels? According to scientists, the whole point is in what form and dosage to take it.

For example, if you took a calcium tablet, your blood suddenly contains more calcium than normal, since it is quickly absorbed by the body from the drugs.

It is at this time that the mineral poses a danger, as blood clotting increases. And if you also have a heart condition, this is doubly dangerous for you - a blood clot may form and blockage of the vessel.

Excess of this macroelement can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, making them more rigid and narrowing their lumen. And if you already have it in your vessels inflammatory process or atherosclerosis, the prognosis for such lesions is even worse than for ordinary cholesterol plaques. This is a probable possibility of heart attack and stroke.

Calcium that enters the body from foods behaves completely differently. In this case, it is absorbed gradually, its concentration in the blood does not increase sharply.

Calcium should not be underestimated: bone density depends on it, and, indeed, there may be big problems with its deficiency. But one more feature must be taken into account: our body stores it in the bones in adolescence and at a young age- up to 30 years old.

And later its consumption occurs more intensively than absorption. Therefore, bone density decreases with age. And the more “baggage” accumulated by this age, the lower the risk of joint disease in old age.

But this does not mean that calcium-rich foods are useless for older people. It is necessary to include them in the diet at any age and remember that it is better absorbed in the presence of vitamin D and magnesium. The sun's rays actively help the formation of vitamin D in our body, and magnesium often accompanies calcium in foods.

Content in products (in mg per 100 g)

  • Hard cheeses – from 750 to 1100
  • Cheese cheese – from 200 to 650
  • Cottage cheese – from 150 to 180
  • Milk – 121
  • Kefir – from 120 to 170
  • Yogurt – up to 200
  • Milk chocolate – 127
  • Ice cream – 150
  • Sardines in oil – 380
  • Salmon – 215
  • Cabbage – from 40 to 55
  • Spinach – 200
  • Poppy – 1500
  • Seaweed(kelp) – 1100
  • Sesame – 975
  • Nuts – up to 500, depending on the type
  • Whole grain bread – 320.

The list of foods containing calcium also includes raisins, oranges, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, legumes, and olives.

It should be taken into account that the mineral is less absorbed from low-fat dairy products. Therefore, add a little sour cream or flaxseed oil to low-fat cottage cheese.

Proven safe way bone strengthening - permanent physical exercise. They should be dosed and varied - if possible, on all bones, joints and muscles.

In addition to strengthening bones, physical exercise increase body flexibility, reaction speed and coordination of movements, which also prevents fractures.

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The importance of calcium for the human body

It has long been known that the human body consists of various elements. Some of them are in trace amounts in the body, and some are in kilograms. The latter includes calcium. In tablets, this element is taken by many people according to various reasons. However, most often this technique is associated with compensation for it insufficient income with regular food. Among the main biological functions of calcium in the body, the most important is for bone tissue. The average human skeleton contains about 1.5 kg of this substance. Therefore, it is not surprising that the need for it among various minerals is one of the highest. In addition, calcium is involved in many vital important processes in organism. For example, it is used to transmit a nerve impulse to contract muscle fibers, including heart problems.

Preparative form of calcium

The development of the modern pharmacological industry makes it possible to obtain any substance the human body lacks with the help of medicines. From this point of view, calcium is no exception. In tablets, this element is known in many drugs. There are both the simplest, containing mineral salt, and complex forms of the medicine, which, in addition to the main substance, contain additional compounds that help its absorption. As a rule, calcium in tablets in the latter case is located next to vitamin D. It has been proven that this formula is most quickly and efficiently absorbed by the human body. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the therapeutic effect for which the drug is used.

Dosages dosage form calcium

The prescription of a particular drug should always be done medical specialist. Even such a harmless element as calcium has many side effects, if taken in excess of the established norm. Adults require about 1000 mg of this mineral. However, those who experience increased stress or are constantly developing physically (athletes, teenagers, children, pregnant women, etc.) require about 1300-1500 mg per day. Calcium tablets (the price of the drug can vary several dozen times depending on its composition, manufacturer and, of course, effectiveness) must be used strictly according to the instructions. In case of overdose, a person may experience nausea, vomiting, upset gastrointestinal tract, violation heart rate and so on.

The most popular drugs and their dosage regimens

One of the cheapest medicines in this category is Calcium gluconate. Method of administration: orally before meals, 2-4 tablets 2-3 times a day. In addition, this mineral can be part of any vitamin complex, but often its concentration in them is not enough to provide lasting benefits. therapeutic effect. TO expensive drugs containing calcium in tablets is “Calcium-D3 Nycomed”. In addition to the main substance, it contains vitamin D, which helps in its absorption. Directions for use: 1 tablet up to 3 times a day for 4-6 weeks.

Calcium is one of the microelements vital for every person for comfortable life and functioning of the body. Calcium is necessary for proper operation cardiac activity, it is also impossible to do without it in the process of transmitting nerve impulses.

This trace element is also involved in the formation of bone tissue and blood clotting. Calcium has a fairly wide range of positive effects, and its use at the right time and in correct quantities will bring great benefits to the body.

Indications for use

Calcium gluconate tablets are medicine, which helps restore calcium ion deficiency in the body. Calcium ions are needed so that the human body can carry out the process of transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction (skeletal and smooth), myocardial function, bone tissue formation, and also for blood clotting.

Indications for use of the drug:

  • disturbances in the process of nerve impulses in muscle tissue;
  • rickets;
  • period of increased body need for calcium ions (pregnancy, lactation, body growth);
  • removal of calcium ions from the body ( chronic diarrhea, prolonged bed rest);
  • diseases that are accompanied by increased permeability of cell membranes and blood vessels;
  • osteoporosis, latent tetany;
  • insufficient amount of calcium ions in the food consumed;

These are not all the indications for which it would be useful to take this medicine in tablets.

Allergy treatment

During the period of allergies, the drug Calcium Gluconate has a good therapeutic effect. An allergic reaction to any factor is a signal that the person’s immune system is not functioning properly. Calcium gluconate helps improve balance immune system and has a beneficial effect on connective tissue cells and the permeability of vascular walls.

The course of treatment with tablets is prescribed by the attending physician. For get well soon You must take the medicine according to the instructions and recommendations of a specialist. Single dose the drug will not immediately stop allergy symptoms, but with regular and correct intake the symptoms of the disease will become less pronounced.

Opinions of people who took the drug

Reviews from patients who use this medicine:

My teeth often hurt, and the whole problem is a simple lack of calcium in the body. As soon as I start to feel that my teeth are starting to hurt, and their sensitivity is noticeably increasing, I take Calcium Gluconate in the form of tablets. I feel much better. And one more little tip to improve the effect when taking this medicine - since the medicine is best absorbed by the body together with vitamin D, you can take the tablet with milk, which contains this vitamin, and also spend more time in the sun.

Alina, 28 years old

You know the feeling when you constantly want to eat a piece of chalk during pregnancy. The lack of calcium in the body made itself felt to me in exactly this way, and during pregnancy I needed even more calcium, hence such strange desires and preferences. Being in interesting position, I took vitamin complex, but one month into pregnancy, my doctor had already stopped taking vitamins. I found out about Calcium Gluconate tablets and started taking it, trying to follow the instructions. The doctor advised not to take a lot of pills, I took about 3 pills a day. You can also take the drug during lactation. The tablets are quite inexpensive, costing about 10 to 30 rubles. These pills really helped me and the calcium levels in my body returned to normal. I did not notice any side effects during the entire period of taking the drug. Before use, I strongly recommend that you consult with a specialist.

Evgeniya, 34 years old

I am struggling with this drug. The cause of the disease is a weakened immune system or, possibly, stressful situations. I decided to start using calcium gluconate for treatment and have no regrets. The drug was taken 3 times a day, 1 tablet. Herpes, which used to disappear in about a week, now cleared up in 3 days. Just in case, I treated it for two weeks, after which herpes has not bothered me for a long time.

Evgeniya, 29 years old

We first became acquainted with this drug when a child developed an allergy. At first, for a long time we could not understand the real reason for the occurrence allergic reaction, but later it turned out that such a reaction was to cow's milk. Our attending physician prescribed us calcium gluconate tablets. It gradually began to help, and when it was removed from the diet cow's milk, the child’s condition improved again.

The medicine can be given even to small children under 1 year of age. This microelement is very useful for the child's body.

I myself also take calcium to prevent allergies, since I used to constantly suffer from seasonal allergies, especially during the July poplar fluff, I think many will understand me. The symptoms are quite unpleasant - watery eyes, sneezing, red nose. I feel much better now.

Many people advise drinking taken pill milk, it is believed that this way the medicine is absorbed much better.

You can also take vitamin D together with this remedy; on sunny days you can get vitamin D outside.

The drug can also be taken for prophylaxis, but, in any case, before using the drug it would not be superfluous to seek advice from your doctor.

Ekaterina, 37 years old

Calcium is one of the microelements most needed by the body. This category includes the following: chemical elements, which are part of the body in very small quantities, but play a huge role in physiological processes. The problem is that human food also contains few microelements, therefore, with an unbalanced diet, a deficiency of microelements occurs, which affects health.

Calcium is an important building element. In this role, it is second only to carbohydrate, which belongs to the category of macronutrients. Without calcium there will be no strong and healthy bones, teeth, hair, nails.

In addition, this element ensures the processes of blood clotting, muscle contraction, and the synthesis of hormones and mediators. The most significant can be considered the role of calcium in ensuring the interaction of every cell in the body with external environment. We are talking about exocytosis - cellular mechanism which provides:

  • delivery to the membrane of substances that ensure cell growth;
  • release from the cell of toxins, waste and substances that are metabolic products (hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters);
  • formation cell membrane from special proteins.

Thus, calcium is part of many substances, forms the basis of “strong” organs such as bones and teeth, and is integral part cell membrane, ensuring the correct movement of substances from cell to cell.

Moreover, its biochemical function is of greater importance for the body than the construction of bones, teeth, nails and hair. It is for this reason that when there is a lack of calcium, the body takes it from places of concentration. For this reason, osteoporosis develops, hair falls out, and teeth decay.

An adult needs about 1000 mg of calcium per day. This is a large amount, considering that he needs 400 mg of magnesium and 10 mg of iron. Only phosphorus competes with calcium in popularity - you need to consume 1200 mg of it per day.

The main source of calcium is food. Most of this element is found in dairy products, sea ​​fish, cabbage, sunflower, nuts, eggs, herbs.

Despite the presence of these foods in the diet, many people experience calcium deficiency. This is due to digestive problems, poor quality the products themselves, physiological features specific person.

Most people, especially city dwellers, often experience a deficiency of this microelement. The problem of providing the body with calcium is especially acute in children and pregnant women. Such problems must be solved using special drugs containing increased amount calcium.

Pharmaceutical industry the whole world produces in abundance medicinal products and biologically active additives containing a large number of calcium in forms that are easily absorbed by the body. However, the price of many drugs makes them inaccessible to most Russians.

The problem of calcium deficiency can be solved with the help of cheap analogues, which are in no way inferior to expensive vitamin and mineral complexes.

All calcium preparations can be divided into three large groups:

  • single preparations (contain only calcium in different states);
  • combined (the basis is calcium, but the composition includes substances that improve the involvement of this element in physiological processes);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes with high content calcium.

Such a variety of options for consuming the required amount of the mineral is due to the fact that each person has his own characteristics and problems with the formation of calcium deficiency.

Monotherapy drugs include:

  • Calcium gluconate;
  • Scoralite;
  • Calcium carbonate;
  • Vitacalcin;
  • Additive calcium.
  • Calcium citrate;
  • Calcium sandoz.

The cheapest is calcium gluconate - in tablets from 4, in ampoules - from 113 rubles. However, the effectiveness of this drug is considered low by many. All other drugs are slightly more expensive than gluconate, but not much. They are designed to combat various diseases, but their main effect is to increase the amount of calcium in the body.

Combined products In addition to calcium, they usually also contain vitamins D and B12. They contribute to better absorption of the microelement, since they participate in the same physiological processes.

Combination drugs include:

  • Complivit calcium D3;
  • Calcium D3 Classic;
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed;
  • Calcemin;
  • Natekal D3.

Vitamin D deficiency often causes calcium deficiency because the latter cannot be absorbed without it fat-soluble vitamin. The presence of vitamin B12 in combination with calcium reduces the fragility of blood vessels and increases blood clotting. An insufficient amount of one of these components in the body entails a deficiency of another component, despite its sufficient amount in the food consumed.

Vitamin and mineral complexes that can be used to eliminate the consequences of calcium deficiency are represented by the following options:

  • Oligovit;
  • Elevit;
  • Vitrum;
  • Complivit;
  • Sana-sol;
  • Multi-tabs.

All these complexes are designed to restore the balance of many vitamins and minerals.

The specificity of drugs intended for children consists, first of all, in a special dosage of all components, and especially calcium. Daily requirement children in this microelement changes with age as follows:

  • up to one year – 400 mg;
  • from a year to three years– 600 mg;
  • from three to ten years – 800 mg;
  • from 10 to 13 years – 1000 mg;
  • over 13 years old – 1200 mg.

Thus, you need to calculate the calcium dosage strictly according to the norms of a given age!

It is recommended that the youngest children take calcium supplements separately from vitamins, since this makes it easier to maintain the dosage. However, there are special vitamin and mineral complexes adapted to the needs of the youngest patients.

  1. Complements calcium D3 for babies. It is a powder for preparing suspensions. The medicine in powder form allows you to change the dosage depending on the age and condition of the child. For children under one year old, a solution of 5 liters is made; with age, the dosage increases in proportion to the child’s need for calcium. The suspension should be taken once a day.
  2. Vita Bears are designed for children over three years old. Those who are in the age range from 3 to 7 years should take 1 tablet once a day. Teenagers can already take a tablet twice a day.
  3. AlfaVit was created for use by children aged 3 to 7 years. They need to take 1 tablet every 2 times a day. Children over seven years of age may increase the dose by one tablet. Teenagers 12 years of age and older can already take 4 tablets per day.

The need for calcium in children is purely individual, which dictates the need mandatory consultation with your attending physician.

Calcium for pregnant women

Women in this position need higher doses calcium. They need to consume 1000 to 1300 mg of this micronutrient daily. Otherwise, cramps, hair and teeth loss will begin.

The pharmaceutical industry produces many vitamin and mineral complexes designed specifically for pregnant women. The most popular are:

  • Complivit calcium D containing 1.25 g calcium carbonate (500 mg) 5 mg vitamin D;
  • Calcium Active - the same components, only in much smaller dosages;
  • Calcemin – mineral complex, containing calcium, copper, manganese, zinc, boron and vitamin D.

These three drugs may well provide a pregnant woman with enough calcium. However, in this case, caution should be exercised, because an excess of this element can have just as bad an effect on the condition of the mother and her child as a deficiency. For this reason, you should not take several complexes at once.

Damaged bones need constant replenishment building material predominantly in the form of calcium. In an effort to recover quickly, people try to consume as much calcium as possible. However, this is not a completely correct strategy. In this case, it is easy to create an excess of calcium for the entire body with all the ensuing consequences.

In this case, it is best to take medications containing calcium and vitamin D in moderate and even small doses, but regularly and long time. Complivit calcium D3, Kalcemin, Vitrum are suitable for such purposes.

Despite the body's need for calcium, it is necessary to take periodic breaks when consuming it. This will reduce the risk of overdose.

In all cases, you need to follow the rule - it is better to take a reduced dose of the mineral than an increased one. A person's daily diet usually contains some amount of calcium. This should always be taken into account when consuming any vitamin and mineral complexes.