Which drug is better to choose: Vitaprost or Prostatilen? What is better vitaprost plus or vitaprost forte, suppositories or tablets.

To date pharmaceutical industry developed, tested and launched in the pharmacy chain a large number of drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma, acute and any etiology.

Basically, these are analogues or generics of Prostamol Uno, so the indications for use are the same for them. Contraindications and side effects of these medicines may be different, depending on the excipients used in the manufacture.

Consider these analogues and decide which is better, Vitaprost or Prostatilen, since these drugs are most often prescribed by specialists as a replacement for a unique medication.


If symptoms of prostatitis appear, you should consult a doctor for an examination and treatment, which includes without fail antibiotic therapy, taking uroantiseptics, hormones and muscle relaxants. In addition, drugs Prostatilen or Vitaprost are prescribed, depending on the existing contraindications.

These drugs are produced by extraction of the large prostate cattle. pharmachologic effect drugs is aimed at improving blood flow in the vessels of the small pelvis, reducing swelling of the prostate gland, and thus restoring urinary function.

When additional excipients or active substances are included in the composition of medicines, the list of pathologies for which you can use this drug.

Release form

Vitaprost is available as coated tablets. special shell and suppositories for injection into anus.

Prostatilen is sold in pharmacies in the form of suppositories and ampoules. Powder in ampoules before use should be dissolved in a special solution and injected intramuscularly. The medicine is administered once a day.

Candles, when inserted into the anus, affect the entire body as a whole. The absorption of active substances from the intestines is slower than in the tablet form.

Suppositories are made using solid fat to give a torpedo shape. Suppositories are injected into the rectum up to two times a day, provided the maximum dose per day is not more than one hundred and fifty milligrams.

More about Vitaprost

Vitaprost is recommended for patients with chronic course inflammation of the prostate, or during prophylaxis in remission. As mentioned above, the drug is prescribed in complex therapy diseases to relieve symptoms of prostatitis: frequent urges to urination, pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination.

Vitaprost Plus is also produced, where the antibiotic lomefloxacin hydrochloride is added to the bovine prostate extract. The pharmacological action of this drug is wider, it is also used for inflammatory diseases, as the main means of treatment, including for treatment, and how prophylactic in pre- and postoperative interventions on the prostate.

Contraindications to taking the medicine should also be taken into account. If Vitaprost has only intolerance to the components of the drug and it occurs in rare cases, then Vitaprost Plus, due to the presence of an antibiotic, is contraindicated, in addition to the above, in patients with a history of epileptic syndrome, as well as in the presence of cerebral atherosclerosis.

Children's age up to eighteen years is also a contraindication to taking the medication.

Side effects in the form of manifestations of allergic reactions are quite insignificant and more pronounced when using suppositories than tablets. What can not be said about Vitaprost Plus. The hydrochloride present in the lomefloxacin drug causes many side effects from all body systems. Also, during the period of taking the medication, you should drive a car with caution and engage in other activities. dangerous species activities.

More about Prostatilen

The drug Prostatilen is recommended for patients with chronic prostatitis, thrombophlebitis of the pelvic organs, with sexual disorders and complications after surgical intervention on the prostate. The dimethyl sulfoxide present in the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and an analgesic effect, helping to relieve pain in the lower abdomen.

Contraindications to taking the drug are intolerance to substances in the composition of the drug, cardiosclerosis, a history of myocardial infarction and renal failure.

Possible side effects, manifested in the form of headaches, dizziness, nausea, enlarged liver, bleeding from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

A variation of the drug is Prostatilen-Zinc. Zinc has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, increasing the body's immune defenses and the ability of spermatozoa to develop a fertilized egg.

Vitamin E is also added to the preparation, which can have an antioxidant effect and increase sperm activity. Accordingly, the range of diseases in which this drug is used is expanding: male infertility, sexual dysfunction.

There is another type of Prostatilen - Prostatilen-AC. In addition to zinc, arginine and glycine are added to it. The drug has proven itself in the consumer market.

Arginine is able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve microcirculation processes in body tissues.

Glycine, present in the composition, enhances the metabolism in tissues, cleanses the body of free radicals and toxins.

Contraindications and side effects for Prostatilen-Zinc and Prostatilen-AC are the same as for.

Based comparative characteristics medicines, experts prefer Vitaprost Plus due to its antibacterial activity. But, if you need to use the drug for carrying out preventive measures, then as a means of removing

This is the most convenient form of using the drug, which allows you to take it in any conditions, even with a large crowd of people. But healing power decreases.

After all, the medicine, before entering the blood, in order to reach the area of ​​influence, must pass through the walls. upper division stomach. In this case, part of the drug is destroyed, which generally reduces its effectiveness. In addition, tablets can adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Characteristics of drugs

To figure out what better candles Vitaprost or Prostatilen and which drug to give preference to, you should study their properties, indications and contraindications, based on the attached instructions.


Vitaprost - medical preparation, consisting of natural ingredients. Most often used in the form of candles. Each of his suppositories, made on the basis of solid fat (Witepsol), contains 50 mg of the healing substance Samprost. Comes to pharmacies in a package, inside which there are 2 blisters of 5 candles each. The weight of one suppository is 1.25 g. The package also contains instructions.

The drug has the following pharmacological effects:
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • reduces thrombus formation;
  • removes tissue infiltration;
  • removes frequent urination;
  • reduces pain normalizes urination.

Vitaprost Forte also accelerates trophic processes and removes hyperactivity Bladder.

Suppositories Vitaprost

Vitaprost Plus, in addition to anti-inflammatory, also has antimicrobial action. Indications for its use are:

  • inflammation of the prostate, which is responsible for bacteria sensitive to lomefloxacin;
  • postoperative condition after prostate or abdominal surgery.

Tablets are prescribed for long process prostatitis treatment. They are recommended to be taken for other pathologies of the prostate gland, as well as for sexual dysfunctions. The main contraindication is intolerance to individual components. You can not take it and minor youths.

There are also a number of diseases in which Vitaprost should be used very carefully. These include:

  • epilepsy and related CNS diseases;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis.

At complex treatment Vitaprost can increase toxicity and enhance the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and oral anticoagulants.

An overdose of the drug can lead to:

  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • the development of photophobia;
  • psychoses and convulsive syndromes;
  • tremor, falling into a stupor.

If symptoms of an overdose appear, Vitaprost should be discontinued.

Side effects are extremely rare. It can be allergic reactions:

  • urticaria, itching;
  • photosensitivity (increased sensitivity to ultraviolet and visible light spectrum);
  • exudative erythema.

With the development allergic manifestations the drug should be discontinued.

Vitaprost Forte may also cause:

  • indigestion, flatulence;
  • vomiting, nausea, stomach pain;
  • increased salivation.

It is not used to treat the oncological form of prostatitis.

Vitaprost should not be used before a trip to drivers and people whose work is related to moving mechanisms, as it reduces concentration.


Most often, this drug, made on the basis of natural product used rectally. Yellowish torpedo-shaped candles contain 30/50 mg of the active substance - Samprost.

Suppositories and powder for injection Prostatilen

Its action is enhanced by an additional component - glycine, which allows a positive effect on the nerve receptors of the brain (brain and spinal cord). And the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide allows for anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The basis of the suppository is macrogol 1500, which increases the mass of each suppository to 2.8 g.

During the course of treatment Prostatilen:

  • completely relieves swelling of the prostate;
  • eliminates hypertonicity of the bladder;
  • eliminates stagnation, normalizes secretion production;
  • relieves inflammation and prevents the occurrence of thrombosis of venules.

The drug is recommended for use in:

  • and chronic prostatitis, including bacterial;
  • recovery after prostate surgery;
  • reflex retention of urine;
  • complications arising from inflammatory processes in the prostate.

Contraindication for its reception - intolerance to the components of the drug. Prostatilen should not be used by women and minors. During treatment, allergies may occur. In this case, this drug is canceled.

Prostatilen AC, also sold in our pharmacies, additionally contains zinc, which affects spermogenesis, increasing sperm motility and concentration. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of infertility, sexual problems.

In the question of which is better Prostatilen or Vitaprost Forte, the former wins in at least one factor. Prostatilen does not affect the ability to drive a car or work on machines with moving mechanisms. It does not reduce either the speed of reaction or the degree of concentration.

Prostatilen or Vitaprost - which is better?

Which of these medicines is more suitable for the treatment of a particular patient, only the doctor determines based on the results of a complete medical examination and after determining the severity of the disease.

Prostatilen has a milder effect on the body, has practically no side effects, and it is recommended for mild and moderate degrees of prostatitis.

Vitaprost has a stronger effect and heals more effectively, but this can adversely affect the well-being and the functioning of other organs, disrupt the ability to concentrate. Therefore, it is not possible to say unambiguously which of the drugs is better.

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Opinion of a specialist about the drug Prostatilen:

Currently, prostatitis with subsequent ensuing consequences is a common disease among men. Against this background, pharmaceutical companies are actively producing various drugs to combat this disease. The most common of them include Vitaprost and Prostatilen. What is the difference between them and is there any at all - let's try to figure it out.

Active substance

The main component of both drugs is peptide extract of the prostate gland of adult bulls.

She is also called " samprost substance».

This substance belongs to the class of cytomedines. They work at the gene level, stimulating the activity of those organs from which they were isolated. Being a protein in nature, prostate extract carries information about amino acids. He participates in protein synthesis gland and prevents the appearance of pathological changes in it.

Substance samprost has an organotropic effect on prostate :

  • activates metabolism;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • relieves inflammation and swelling;
  • resists agglutination of platelets and the formation of blood clots, which improves blood circulation in the organ;
  • eliminates pain syndrome;
  • increases the tone of the bladder, normalizing urination.

In this way, Vitaprost and Prostatilen have the same effect on the prostate: normalize metabolism, reduce the severity pathological processes and repair damaged tissues.

Release form and application

Both means issued in candles. The dosage of Prostatilen is 30 and 50 mg, Vitaprost - 10 mg.

Usually they are prescribed 1 piece 1 time per day. Enter rectally. The course of treatment with Vitaprost and Prostatilen ranges from 5 to 10 days.

Introduction medicinal substance rectally for prostatitis - this is one of the most effective ways treatment. Since the rectum is located in close proximity to the gland, this helps the remedy to reach its goal more quickly. In addition, it almost completely enters the body. And, given the fact that the prostate extract has 100% bioavailability, suppositories are indeed the most optimal dosage form for inflammation of the prostate.

Due to the fact that the drugs have the same base and dosage form, indications for use they also have the same:

Both those and other suppositories are contraindicated in case of allergy to the components of the funds and to foreign proteins, as well as in the presence of cracks and inflammation in the anus.

Thus, there is no particular difference in the use of Vitaprost and Prostatilen suppositories. The difference in price for 10 suppositories is 200-300 rubles.

Vitaprost tablets and Prostatilen powder

Vitaprost, in addition to suppositories, is also available in tablet form. But, if you choose between Vitaprost tablets and suppositories, it is better to give preference to the latter.

Tablet passing through digestive tract, loses some of the useful components in it, they do not reach the prostate in full. Therefore, the effect of oral agents is much lower than that of candles.

Prostatilen can be in the form white or yellowish powder, from which a solution for injection is made, diluted with novocaine or water for injection.

Powder has the same active ingredient as candles is a lyophilisate of bovine prostate extract.

The advantage of the solution is its method of administration: intramuscularly. It is believed that the parenteral route of administration of drugs prevails over other routes. He is appointed to severe cases when bright severe symptoms or if there are contraindications to other routes of drug administration.

Fundamental difference

The developers of both brands are trying to make their products stand out and make them the most effective. Therefore, they improve their products, expanding the range of action. We are talking, in particular, about such derivatives as suppositories Vitaprost Plus and Prostatilen-Zinc.

Comparative characteristics - in the table:

Category Vitaprost Plus Prostatilen-Zinc
Current number
  • prostate extract;
  • lomefloxacin
  • prostate extract;
  • vitamin E;
Release form suppositories suppositories
  • infectious prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • postoperative period
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • prevention of chronic prostatitis;
  • postoperative period;
  • male infertility

As you can see, the main active substance the candles remain the same, but additional components have appeared, which expand the spectrum of action of drugs.

Lomefloxacin added to Vitaprost Plus. it antibacterial agent which belongs to the fluoroquinolones. This group of antibiotics is the most effective in the fight against prostatitis. Lomefloxacin has wide range impact, which allows it to influence almost all pathogenic flora with inflammation of the prostate.

Due to the presence of antibiotics in Vitaprost Plus suppositories, they are prescribed mainly for prostatitis of infectious etiology. Use suppositories and acute process, and in chronic This allows you to cope not only with the symptoms of the disease, but also eliminate the cause of the bacterial process.

Candles Prostatilen-Zinc are well suited for the treatment of congestive prostatitis, that is, non-infectious genesis. Their components increase the metabolism in the gland, stimulate recovery processes.

Vitamin E as part of the drug, it has a thrombolytic effect, due to which microcirculation in the organ improves and congestion. Candles Prostatilen-Zinc will restore blood circulation and accelerate the regeneration of prostate tissue in the postoperative period.

All 3 components of Prostatilen-Zinc complement and enhance each other's action, thereby supporting the functioning of the prostate and its condition at the proper level. The ingredients of the drug are physiological substances, the need for which exists in both a healthy and a sick organism. Therefore, these suppositories can be used as a prophylaxis of chronic prostatitis.

Zinc, which is also part of suppositories, is involved in spermatogenesis. It stimulates the production of spermatozoa, improves their quality and mobility. Therefore, suppositories are indicated for infertility, which often results from inflammation of the prostate.

Concerning side effects , then both drugs, both Vitaprost and Prostatilen, can show them. But this most often happens when the prescribed treatment regimen is not followed. In most cases, they have a mild effect on the body.

Candles Vitaprost and Prostatilen have the same effect. And, in essence, big difference not in their application. Some features in the use exist in their derivatives, and they should be taken into account when prescribing therapy. But, no matter what suppositories are preferred, it must be remembered that they are used in combination with other drugs for prostatitis.

And you do not have to puzzle over which is better to choose, since treatment must be prescribed by your doctor and not yourself.

In the treatment of BPH and prostatitis, preparations based on bovine prostate extract are widely used. Usually Prostatilen or Vitaprost are used.

Prostatilen is available in the form of a lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for injections and suppositories. Vitaprost is produced in the form of suppositories and tablets.

Many people have a question, which of these drugs is better? It will not be possible to answer this question unambiguously, since each of the drugs has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Comparison of drugs: table

What is the difference between Prostatilen and Vitaprost? The best way to answer this question will help the table. A comparative analysis of Vitaprost and Prostatilen is provided below.

Release formCandles and lyophysilateTablets and suppositories
Active ingredientBovine prostate extract. Candles also contain zinc.Bovine prostate extract.
Presence of contraindicationsLyophysilate is contraindicated in hypersensitivity. Candles have large quantity contraindications.Candles and tablets are contraindicated only in the presence of individual intolerance components.
Side effectsAllergic reactions. When using suppositories, disturbances in the work of the central nervous system, the hematopoietic system and the organs of vision are possible.Only allergic reactions
Price10 ampoules of lyophysilate 5 mg each - 360-400 rubles.

Suppositories (5 pieces) - 380-500 rubles.

20 tablets of 100 mg - 1300-1500 rubles.

10 suppositories of 50 mg - 630-700 rubles.

Can be used by elderly patients+ +
Indications for usebenign prostatic hyperplasia, non-bacterial prostatitis, preparation for prostate surgery, period postoperative rehabilitation, dysuric disorders.
From the presented comparative table, we can conclude that Vitaprost and Prostatilen are the same in terms of effectiveness. However, each tool has its own advantage. For example, Vitaprost is better tolerated by patients, and Prostatilen is somewhat cheaper.

Which medicine is better to use in a particular case is decided solely by the attending physician, based on the patient's medical history.

Vitaprost: instructions for use

Vitaprost tablets and suppositories are considered the most effective medicines to date. What is the basis of suppositories and tablets? active ingredient medicine is bovine prostate extract. Also, medicines contain auxiliary components that do not have any pharmacological action.

The active substance Vitaprost has an organotropic effect on the prostate gland. It is believed that this component helps to stop inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, eliminate dysuric disorders, normalize the work genitourinary system generally.

It is advisable to use Vitaprost tablets and suppositories in the treatment of prostatitis (non-bacterial etiology), prostate adenoma of 1-2 severity, dysuric disorders.

Another use of the drug is justified in preparation for surgical interventions on the prostate. Moreover, suppositories and tablets can be prescribed to men after surgery.

For tablets optimal dosage is 100 mg. Multiplicity of use - 2 times a day. Duration medical therapy the average is 10-14 days. It is also allowed to take tablets in preventive purposes. In this case, the duration of therapy is 2 weeks. Two preventive courses can be carried out per year.

If suppositories are used, then it is enough to use 1 suppository per day. It is desirable to introduce a candle after the act of defecation and hygiene procedures. Multiplicity of application of suppositories - 1 time per day. The duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Vitaprost suppositories and tablets have a difference in composition. However, drugs have the same contraindication - hypersensitivity to the components. Among side effects drugs can be distinguished:

  1. Redness of the skin.
  2. Puffiness.

If allergic reactions occur, it is advisable to interrupt the course of treatment, as well as undergo symptomatic therapy.

Prostatilen: instructions for use

Prostatilen is a drug produced in the form of a lyophilizate for the preparation of injections. Also, not so long ago they began to produce Prostatilen Zinc suppositories. The candle, of course, differs in composition from the lyophilisate. The composition of the suppositories additionally contains zinc and alpha-tocopherol acetate.

The active ingredient of Prostatilen is bovine prostate extract. The substance has an organotropic effect on the prostate gland. Zinc and vitamin E additionally help:

  • Restore or adenoma.
  • Prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Neutralize negative impact free radicals on cells.
  • Improve sperm quality.
  • Prevent intravascular coagulation.

Lyophilizate and suppositories Prostatilen should be used in the treatment of prostate adenoma, prostatitis, dysuric disorders. Candles can additionally be used for male infertility, hemorrhoids, sexual disorders.

How to use lyophilisate? It is necessary to mix the powder with water for injection, 0.5% novocaine solution or sodium chloride solution. 1-2 injections should be carried out per day, that is, the daily dose is 5-10 mg. The duration of therapy is 5-10 days.

Contraindications for use are hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Candles should also not be used for:

  1. Renal failure.
  2. Cardiosclerosis.
  3. Myocardial infarction.
  4. Hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy.
  5. Thromboembolism.
  6. Atherosclerosis.
  7. Narrowing of the venous or arterial bed.

Among the side effects of the lyophilisate, only allergic reactions are distinguished. Candles Prostatilen can cause complications such as:

  • Decreased blood clotting.
  • Disturbances in the work of the central nervous system (dizziness, migraine, weakness, general fatigue).
  • Hemorrhage.
  • Nausea.
  • An increase in the size of the liver.
  • Creatinuria.

Expert opinion

Makarchuk Vyacheslav Vasilievich


Suppositories should be administered rectally after spontaneous bowel movements. Daily dose- 1-2 candles. The duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days.

The pharmaceutical market today is overflowing with drugs that are designed to treat various forms manifestations of prostatitis. The funds differ in their characteristics and price, although in fact, the composition and principle of operation are almost identical. Of particular relevance are the drugs Prostatilen and Vitaprost.


The drug is produced in the form of tablets and suppositories. Component active typeprostate extract cattle , there are auxiliary components that provide a quick process of action. The main active substance has an organotropic effect on the prostate gland. This component allows you to quickly stop the processes of an inflammatory nature, provides fast elimination dysuric disorders. In addition, the aspect of normalization of the genitourinary system is being formed.

The tool is advisable to use in the treatment of non-bacterial prostatitis, dysuric disorders, with adenoma. It is used when prescribing operations on the prostate (also prescribed in the postoperative period).

The duration of therapy is no more than two weeks often used for preventive purposes. It is recommended to produce no more than two preventive courses per year.

There are side effects: swelling, itching, redness of the skin, with certain data on hypersensitivity to a number of components, a contraindication to use is formed.

This is a drug that is used for the preparation of injections. It is also available in the form of suppositories. The composition additionally contains zinc, Alpha-Tocopherol acetate (composition of suppositories). The main element is bovine prostate extract. The substance provides an organotropic effect on the prostate gland. In the composition with additional components (vitamin E, as well as zinc), the following application effect is formed:

  • An effect is formed that can prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Restoration of erection with adenoma or prostatitis.
  • Complete neutralization of the negative effects of free radicals.
  • The quality of sperm is improved.
  • Prevention of intravascular coagulation is formed.

The drug is actively used in the treatment of disorders of the dysuric type, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, is used in the complex treatment of sexual disorders, hemorrhoids, and infertility.

There is a fairly significant list of contraindications. The use of Prostatilen is not recommended for kidney failure, with atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, with myocardial infarction, with narrowing of the arterial or venous bed.

General characteristics of drugs

Main active ingredient Prostatilen and Vitaprost is an extract of the prostate gland of cattle (bovine gland). The substance has a positive effect on the body. It has the following range of activities:

  1. Positive effect on activity functional type spermatozoa.
  2. Forms a high anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Reduces the level of swelling of the gland of the prostate type.
  4. Reduces the volume of the formed inflammatory infiltrate.
  5. Creates conditions for improving blood circulation in the prostate, increases the supply of oxygen to the necessary cells.
  6. It has properties to increase the activity of the antimicrobial type.
  7. Formed normalization of the tone of the muscles of the bladder, as well as the urethra type.

Through this influence, normalization is formed. hormonal background, which in turn positively affects the improvement of potency. The level of manifestation of prostatitis decreases, improves general state men.

How are the drugs different?

Prostatilen is available in the form of injections, which forms a quick effect on the body. Carries out actions to reduce the level of swelling, improves blood circulation (meaning microcirculation). Candles are produced in two versions. One variant contains zinc, which is essential for the formation reproductive function. The trace element penetrates into the spermatozoa, making it possible normal development an ovum that has been fertilized. The composition includes vitamin E, which is one of the main elements of the prostate secretion. Its role is to maintain the activity of the biological type of spermatozoa. The second version of the candles contains arginine in its composition, which takes an active part in the formation of spermatozoa, forms an improvement in potency.

Vitaprost more available drug , which is offered in the form of tablets and suppositories. Active substance enters the body more slowly, which provokes less significant efficiency. There is a variant of Vitaprost Plus, which contains an antibiotic in its composition, is used only in the presence of an infection. Candles in their composition do not contain additional substances, which does not have any positive effect on seminal fluid.

What's better?

Prostatilen has a wide range of applications. It is prescribed for adenoma, in case of problems with potency and prostatitis. Variants of tablets are actively used in the complex treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. If a we are talking to restore or improve reproductive function, suppositories with additional substances (arginine, zinc, vitamin E) are used.

Vitaprost is prescribed for operations on the prostate, it is used in the recovery process. Of particular relevance is the option with an antibiotic. It is used in the treatment infectious lesions prostate, as an element of prevention after surgery. The cost of the drug is lower than the cost of Prostatilen.