What should the heart rate be during physical activity: normal and maximum values ​​during walking, cardio training? What is the maximum allowable heart rate for a person.

Melanie Houdin beat Sharapova at age 17, reached the quarterfinals of the US Open, and then her life turned into a nightmare.

In 2009, 17-year-old American Melanie Houdin became the main sensation of the US Open. A fragile girl with a height of only 168 cm, but with amazing movement around the court and a biting forehand, she famously beat powerful and taller opponents. It was especially hard for the Russian tennis players back then - Uden knocked Pavlyuchenova, Dementieva, Sharapova and Petrov out of the tournament in turn and reached the quarterfinals of the tournament.

Melanie, who was still remembered by the inscription on her sneakers “Believe,” was calmed down by Caroline Wozniacki, who was then in crazy shape. At the end of the season, Udin won the Rookie of the Year nomination, but the Americans’ dream of a new Serena Williams never came true.

“After the breakthrough, everyone expected only victories from me, and this put a lot of pressure. I squeezed myself, delved into myself too much and could not find my game. It took a lot of time to recover psychologically,” admitted Udin, who flew out of the first hundred as quickly as she got there.

Houdini (as her friend's tennis player is called) reminded herself of herself in 2011, winning the US Open in mixed doubles with Jack Sock. But after that her life turned into a nightmare. As soon as Melanie got in shape and won several matches in a row, terrible things happened to her body.

“I was playing in the qualifications of some tournament and felt that my heart was beating so fast, as if it was about to explode. The worst thing is that the frequency of strikes did not decrease even after I finished the game and returned to the room. Soon this began to happen more often, regardless of whether I was playing or going shopping. It all started and ended unexpectedly,” said the American, who won her only WTA title in 2012 (Birmingham).

At the hospital, Melanie was told that her heart was fine, but they diagnosed panic attacks (Joanna Konta experienced something similar to the US Open 2016 in the second round match) and advised her to drink sedatives. For advice, Melanie turned to Mardy Fish, a former representative of the men's top 10, who ended his career several years ago due to a similar problem. Fish gave some advice, but they did not help - one day Uden woke up after one of these attacks and felt that she could not get out of bed. She felt nauseous, dizzy, and her heart was pounding. “Mom took my pulse and it was 220 beats per minute,” Melanie recalled. Typically, during matches, the pulse of athletes reaches about 150 beats.

Uden immediately went to the hospital and it helped her a lot. She later learned that heart problems can be detected by doing an ECG during a panic attack or within two hours after. Melanie previously had a cardiogram done the day after the problem occurred. Doctors diagnosed her with arrhythmia (more precisely, supraventricular tachycardia, which occurs due to abnormal electrical activity of the heart), and suggested that she undergo surgery.

“It was very difficult for me. Tennis is a sport in which it is not customary to publicly admit that you have some problems. Here it’s every man for himself, and the fans are not interested in how you feel. I continued to play for six months, despite the doctors’ warnings,” the American admitted at the end of 2014.

The only treatment option in her case is catheter ablation. This is when a tiny electrode is inserted into a specific area of ​​the heart, which is then heated using radio pulses, and it destroys a small area of ​​heart tissue where the pathological pathway exists. This leads to the formation of a scar that does not conduct electrical impulses where it is not needed. The arrhythmia is eliminated.

The operation did not help: Melanie still struggled with panic attacks. The tennis player was already thinking about ending her career when US Open 2005 semi-finalist Robbie Ginepri called her and advised one of the best cardiologists in the country, Jacob Blatt - many years ago he helped Ginepri cure arrhythmia.

Blatt said that often one operation is not enough to achieve the desired effect, and suggested that Udin do a repeat catheter ablation. The doctor very accurately identified the pathological path, and this time everything worked out perfectly. In 2015, the American, who by that time had dropped to 376th place in the ranking, returned to the court.

“Doctors are surprised how I could play with such a disease for so long. Stress, stress and frequent releases of adrenaline into the blood aggravated the arrhythmia, after each match it seemed to me that I had run a marathon,” said the American.

Behind Last year 24-year-old Uden rose 100 places in the ranking, but other injuries are preventing her from returning to her previous level. Melanie underwent eye surgery to get rid of her pterygium. Now she is struggling with another problem: the tennis player has been diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis, a syndrome characterized by cell destruction muscle tissue. Because of it, Uden often has microtears in the muscles in her arms.

For many years, young tennis players who shoot and then disappear have been said to be susceptible to “Melanie Houdin syndrome.” But people who are familiar with the story of an American woman who survived two heart surgeries would never say that. Persistent Melanie fights and perhaps one day we will see a girl with the inscription “Believe” on her sneakers on the center court of a major.

The famous saying “movement is life” contains main principle healthy being of the body. Benefit physical activity For of cardio-vascular system does not raise doubts among doctors, athletes, or ordinary people. But how to determine your own norm of intensity of physical activity, so as not to harm the heart and the body as a whole?

Cardiologists and sports medicine specialists recommend focusing on the normal heart rate measured during physical activity. Usually, if the heart rate during training exceeds the norm, the load is considered excessive, and if it does not reach the norm, it is considered insufficient. But there is also physiological characteristics body, affecting the heart rate.

All organs and tissues of a living organism need saturation nutrients and oxygen. It is on this need that the work of the cardiovascular system rests - the blood pumped by the heart saturates the organs with oxygen and returns to the lungs, where gas exchange occurs. At rest, this occurs at a heart rate from 50 (in trained people) to 80-90 beats per minute.

At active movement The need for oxygen in all organs increases sharply. This is why your heart rate increases after exercise.

The heart receives a signal that it needs more oxygen and begins to work at an accelerated pace to ensure the required volume of oxygen is supplied.

To find out whether the heart is working correctly and whether it is receiving adequate loads, it is necessary to take into account the normal heart rate after various physical activities.

Normal values ​​may vary depending on physical training and the age of a person, therefore, to determine it, the maximum heart rate formula is used: 220 minus the amount full years, the so-called Haskell-Fox formula. From the obtained value the normal heart rate for different types

loads, or training zones.

When walking

  1. Walking is one of the most physiological states of a person; it is customary to start morning exercises with walking in place as a warm-up. For this training zone - when walking - there is a heart rate rate equal to 50-60% of the maximum value. For example, let’s calculate the heart rate rate for a 30-year-old person:
  2. Let's determine the maximum heart rate value using the formula: 220 – 30 = 190 (bpm).
  3. Let's find out how many hits make up 50% of the maximum: 190 x 0.5 = 95.

In the same way - 60% of the maximum: 190 x 0.6 = 114 beats. We get normal pulse

walking speed for 30-year-olds ranges from 95 to 114 beats per minute.

During cardio training Cardio classes, or cardio training, that is, training for the heart, are especially popular among middle-aged people. The goal of such training is to strengthen and slightly enlarge the heart muscle, thereby increasing the volume cardiac output . As a result, the heart will learn to work slower, but much more efficiently. The normal heart rate during cardio is calculated as 60-70% of the maximum value.

  1. An example of calculating heart rate for cardio training for a 40-year-old person:
  2. Maximum value: 220 – 40 = 180.
  3. Acceptable 70%: 180 x 0.7 = 126.

Acceptable 80%: 180 x 0.8 = 144.

The obtained heart rate limits during cardio training for 40-year-old people are from 126 to 144 beats per minute.

  1. Slow running perfectly strengthens the heart muscle. The normal heart rate for this training zone is calculated as 70-80% of the maximum heart rate:
  2. Maximum heart rate: 220 – 20 = 200 (for 20-year-olds).
  3. Optimally acceptable when running: 200 x 0.7 = 140.

Maximum permissible when running: 200 x 0.8 = 160.

There is such a thing as the fat burning zone (FZZ), which is the load at which maximum fat burning occurs - up to 85% of calories. As strange as it may seem, this happens when training matches the intensity of the cardio. This is explained by the fact that at higher loads the body does not have time to oxidize fats, so muscle glycogen becomes the source of energy, and not fat deposits are burned, but muscle mass. The main rule for HLS is regularity.

In athletes

For people professionally involved in sports, there is no ideal heart rate. But athletes have the highest heart rate standards during physical activity. Their normal heart rate during intense training is calculated as 80-90% of the maximum. And during extreme loads, an athlete’s heart rate can be 90-100% of the maximum.

The type and intensity of physical activity are great value. For example, endurance runners have a lower heart rate during exercise than strength athletes.

One should also take into account the physiological state of those involved in sports (the degree of morphological changes in the myocardium, body weight) and the fact that at rest the heart rate of athletes is significantly lower than that of untrained people. Therefore, the calculated values ​​may differ from the real ones by 5-10%. Sports doctors consider the heart rate level before the start of the next workout to be more indicative.

For more accurate calculations, there are complicated calculation formulas. They are indexed not only by age, but also by individual heart rate at rest and the percentage of training intensity (in in this case- 80-90%). But these calculations represent a more complex system, and the results are not too different from those used above.

The influence of heart rate on the effectiveness of training

Maximum permissible heart rate by age

The heart rate during physical activity is also influenced by factors such as age.

This is what they look like age-related changes Heart rate in the table.

Thus, the maximum permissible heart rate during physical activity, depending on age, ranges from 159 to 200 beats per minute.

Recovery after training

As already mentioned, in sports medicine, attention is paid to what the pulse should be not only during, but also after training, especially the next day.

  1. If before the next workout your resting heart rate is 48-60 beats, this is considered an excellent indicator.
  2. From 60 to 74 is an indicator of good training.
  3. Up to 89 beats per minute is considered a satisfactory heart rate.
  4. Above 90 is an unsatisfactory indicator and it is not advisable to start training.

How long does it take for the heart rate to recover after physical activity?

How long does it take to recover normally?

To restore heart rate after exercise different people leaves different time– from 5 to 30 minutes. A 10-15 minute rest is considered normal, after which the heart rate is restored to its original (before training) value.

In this case, the intensity of the load and its duration are also important.

Let's say that strength athletes are given only 2 minutes to break between approaches to the barbell.

During this time, the heart rate should drop to 100 or at least 110 beats per minute.

After cardio training, heart rate should recover within 10-15 minutes.

What does prolonged high heart rate mean?

If your heart rate remains high for a long time (more than 30 minutes) after exercise, you should undergo a cardiac examination.

  1. For a novice athlete, prolonged maintenance of a high heart rate indicates that the heart is unprepared for intense physical activity, as well as excessive intensity the loads themselves.
  2. The increase in physical activity should be gradual and be sure to monitor your heart rate during and after exercise. To do this, you can purchase a heart rate monitor.
  3. Trained athletes should also monitor their heart rate in order to prevent the body from working too hard.

Regulation of heart rate is carried out by neurohumoral pathways. It is affected by adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol. For their part, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system competitively excites or inhibits the sinus node.

There are many reasons for long-term persistence of a rapid heartbeat, including factors pathological nature, and a specialist should deal with them.

Useful video

Why is it dangerous? high heart rate during physical activity? Find out the answer to the question in the following video:


  1. The normal heart rate during physical activity can be called a value ranging from 120 to 160 beats per minute.
  2. The maximum heart rate is calculated using the formula 220 minus the total number of years.
  3. The heart rate during cardio training should not exceed 60-70% of the maximum. With such a pulse, the most effective fat burning occurs.
  4. Heart rate recovery after active exercise should occur within 10-15 minutes of rest.

Hello dear readers. Normal level The heart rate of a healthy adult is 60-80 beats per minute. But it happens that without visible reasons, such as physical activity, our heart rate increases, and sometimes this process is accompanied by others discomfort. And many people ask themselves, is it worth worrying about this? But, if this phenomenon becomes regular, then it is worth finding out the reason for its occurrence. In the article we will look at the main reasons that provoke an increase in heart rate, as well as the effect of an increased heart rate on the body.

Reasons or why the pulse quickens

The normal limits of heart rate values ​​depend, first of all, on the person’s age, but it is worth remembering individual characteristics body.

The normal rate for infants is 110-140 beats per minute.

Children under 7 years of age - 95-100 beats per minute.

Teenagers - 75-85 beats per minute.

Adults - 60-80 beats per minute.

Elderly – 60 beats per minute.

Anything above these indicators can be classified as an increased heart rate.

The first question that needs to be answered when dealing with palpitations is the reasons for its occurrence. They can be either normal physiological or pathological. And in the second case, you need to pay attention to this symptom close attention.

What is the reason for increased heart rate if a person is healthy?

But first let's look at physiological reasons when an increased heart rate is normal reaction body.

2. Stressful situation.

3. Fear and excitement.

4. Features of the organism.

Factors that cause increased heart rate

But if the pulse quickens at rest, then it is important to figure out what factors provoked it.

1. Sleep disorders.

2. Taking stimulants.

3. Use of antidepressants.

4. Use of substances that alter mental state.

5. Excessive consumption of drinks that contain caffeine.

6. Alcohol.

7. Uncontrolled use of medications.

8. Excess weight.

9. Age-related changes.

10. Hypertension.

11. Acute respiratory diseases.

12. Fever bodies.

13. Pregnancy and toxicosis.

A rapid pulse can occur with high or low blood pressure.

What diseases does a rapid pulse indicate?

If the above reasons are excluded, then it is worth considering a rapid heartbeat as a symptom of the disease.

1. Violations in endocrine system. For example, in case of dysfunction thyroid gland Symptoms such as long bouts of rapid heartbeat, weight loss, and increased irritability appear.

2. Climax.

3. Poisoning.

4. Infectious diseases. They are characterized by dehydration and increased body temperature, which affects the pulse.

5. Anemia. Symptoms also include pallor, skin, general weakness.

6. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Also, for of this disease Symptoms such as headache, low blood pressure, dizziness.

7. A number of heart diseases – myocarditis, heart disease, arterial hypertension, ischemic disease, cardiomyopathy, myocardial dystrophy, arrhythmia.

To exclude these diseases, you should contact a cardiologist.

8. Malignant and benign tumors.

Therefore, if the rapid pulse does not have obvious and visible reasons, you should consult a doctor.


Quite often, a rapid pulse is caused by a phenomenon such as tachycardia.

Tachycardia is divided into sinus and paroxysmal.

Sinus tachycardia - increased heart rate caused by exercise or stress. The number of heart contractions may exceed 100 beats per minute, but it normalizes when the factors are eliminated.

Paroxysmal tachycardia is an increased heart rate caused by heart disease.

The frequency is in the range from 140 to 220 beats per minute. This condition is characterized by other symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, general weakness. The attack begins unexpectedly, and is preceded by a sensation of shock.

Paroxysmal tachycardia differs in the foci of excitation. There are two types - atrial and ventricular.

Ventricular tachycardia. The cause may be inflammatory diseases heart muscle, heart disease, different kinds coronary disease. This is very dangerous condition, which may lead to severe consequences such as cardiac death, pulmonary edema, shock.

Atrial tachycardia. With this phenomenon heartbeat normal, but it happens oxygen starvation heart muscle. During an attack, you may experience shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, and may increase arterial pressure, the patient begins to choke. Two last symptom characteristic of a situation where tachycardia is provoked by a disorder of the nervous autonomic system.

In the case of this type of tachycardia, treatment requires a correct diagnosis and treatment of the root cause of the disease.

Increased heart rate - what to do at home Top 9 tips

Of course, you should not self-medicate, seek advice from professionals and go through everything necessary examinations. But if you do not have serious illnesses, then you can take a number of measures at home.

1. Lead healthy image life and engage in moderate physical activity.

2. If the increased heart rate is caused by a stress factor, then you can take a course sedatives based on herbs such as valerian and motherwort, but first read the recipe and contraindications for use.

3. Reflexology.

4. Taking decoctions of soothing herbs. For example, prepare an infusion of hawthorn. Brew 15 grams with 250 milliliters of boiling water, let it sit warm for a couple of hours. Drink a third of a glass half an hour before meals three times a day.

5. Introduce into your diet foods that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. These include currants, rose hips, beets, parsley, and nuts.

6. K unconventional methods include the use of clay. Form a cake and apply it to the heart area during an attack.

7. Do breathing exercises. Inhale as deeply as possible. Hold the air for 15 or 10 seconds. Exhale the air slowly. Or you can do deep breath, then pinch your nose and mouth and try to exhale. You can also try to provoke a gag reflex.

8. If your doctor has given permission, then you can use Corvalol or Valocordin.

9. Course honey massage neck, as well as regularly taking a small amount of honey in food.

Increased heart rate with high blood pressure

Increased blood pressure and increased heart rate are often caused by normal reasons, such as physical activity, state of mental arousal.

This is explained by physiology, because during physical activity there is a release of adrenaline, which provokes an increase in heart rate and an increase in blood pressure.

So if the indicator numbers are not on critical level, and there are no other symptoms, then this can be considered a normal reaction of the body.

But this may also indicate the presence of the following diseases:

Disorders of the thyroid gland.


The occurrence of oncological tumors.

Respiratory system disorders.

Dangerous for health.

Therefore, in this case, it is also worth consulting a doctor.

What does a rapid heart rate with low blood pressure mean?

Combination low blood pressure and rapid heartbeat are characteristic of the following conditions:

  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • Toxin poisoning.
  • Extensive blood loss.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis.
  • Changes hormonal levels during pregnancy.

With low blood pressure and a simultaneous increase in heart rate, following symptoms– discomfort in the chest area, pain in the heart of weak or moderate intensity, throbbing headache.

If you experience heart palpitations, then, first of all, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

1. Duration of the attack.

2. Frequency of occurrence.

3. The moment of occurrence and the actions preceding it.

4. Are there any heart rhythm disturbances?

5. Presence of additional symptoms.

Already at this stage, you can assess how dangerous your condition is and whether it is normal. If you suspect acute condition, such as having a heart attack or anaphylactic shock, you should call immediately ambulance.

If the condition is caused external factor, then it should be eliminated. When an increase in heart rate is caused by sudden blood loss, the bleeding should be stopped immediately before the ambulance arrives.

Contact your doctor if:

Also, you should urgently seek medical help if, in addition to a rapid pulse:

Blood pressure increased sharply.

There are heart diseases.

The function of the thyroid gland is impaired.


There are cases among relatives sudden death from heart disease.

Close relatives have problems with heart rhythm disturbances.

You are pregnant.

Each new attack is more severe than the previous one.

If the condition is not acute, but cases of attacks for no apparent reason have become more frequent, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

First aid for tachycardia:

1. Wash your face with cool water.

2. Drink water.

3. Provide fresh air.

4. Provide Free access oxygen, to do this, unbutton pressing buttons, loosen belts or ties, get rid of hot and tight clothes.

5. If there is general weakness or dizziness, you should lie on your side.

6.Massage lightly eyeballs.

As a preventative measure to normalize the pulse, it is recommended to exercise breathing exercises, yoga, refusal bad habits, go to proper nutrition, walks before bed, taking medicinal baths.

An increased heart rate may be a symptom critical condition, which threatens your life, so you shouldn’t ignore it.

You should check your health again to rule out serious illnesses. Don't be afraid to go to the emergency room or consult a doctor.

Majority serious illnesses are more successfully treated when detected on early stages development.

Today, many diseases are caused by bad habits, overeating and stress. Therefore, pay attention to your health, because the health of your body is in your hands.

For people, a pulse is considered normal, the indicators of which are optimal for them and do not cause harm to health. The maximum pulse shows the peak of cardiac work and its tension. Although there is no uniform data on the definition normal operation There is no such thing as a heart; maximum values ​​may vary for everyone. What is normal for one person is symptomatic of a disease for another.

Pulse rates

Pulse is data that shows at what frequency a person’s heart contracts. For an adult, the normal range is 60-80 beats per minute. Data up to 130 beats per minute are considered normal for children. With age, the norm decreases, because the heart rate decreases. However, in older people, heart rate gradually increases. So, for 60-year-olds, a heart rate of 74 beats/min is considered normal. Sometimes the heart rate increases.

Enter your pressure

Move the sliders

Knowing your personal maximum heart rate indicator, you can easily determine the optimal load for the body.

The formation of heart rate is influenced by:

  • age indicators;
  • at tall people's heart beats slower and their pulse will be lower;
  • according to gender criterion (a woman’s heart rate is higher than a man’s);
  • in case of illness, heart rate increases;
  • at night the pulse is lower than during the day;
  • after consuming alcohol-containing substances, smoking and after overeating hot foods, pulsometric data increase.

Allowable increase

The pulse varies depending on gender and age.

A person's pulse can only rise 5 beats per minute from the maximum allowable rate. That is, the data should be no more than 83-85 beats/min. in an adult. An acceptable increase in heart rate is most often found in people from 15 to 45 years old in situational circumstances. This short-term disturbance Heart rate. It is known that in females the indicators are 5 points higher than in men of the same age, and during menopause the difference is 7-10 units.

Maximum permissible (MAP) and critical pulse (CP) in humans

The maximum heart rate is the maximum permissible rate at which the heart beats in 1 minute. These data do not cause stress or additional burden on the body. MDP in humans cannot exceed 100 beats/min. However, the permissible heart rate for each individual object is different. A critical pulse is a heart rate that can directly threaten life and health.

Why is it rising?

Everyone knows the limit permissible norm your pulse in calm state. Based on this indicator, the critical and fatal level of heartbeat is calculated. Increased heart rate due to the following factors:

  • after physical overload;
  • after suffering stress or depression;
  • for heart diseases;
  • for bleeding (including menstrual bleeding);
  • if there are deviations in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems of the body;
  • at oncological diseases, tumor formations, etc.

It is necessary to remember that only during physical activity (including after sports) pulse parameters that rise above normal are not deviations. Other factors that determine the appearance of maximum indicators need to be adjusted, a thorough study of the causes and their elimination.

Karvonen heart rate calculations

The most accurate of the methods is considered to be the Carvenon method.

Calculation method limit indicators heart rate (pulse) was developed by Finnish physiologist Marti Karvonen. The method is effective; it helps determine which heartbeat is safe for people. The method takes into account age indicators (simple and the hard way, gender method), gender data (calculation by gender), and also takes into account factors that at first glance do not affect the heartbeat. When calculating, you can not only obtain acceptable numbers, but also find out the maximum limits of acceptable indicators, as well as the maximum human heart rate. The first method is the most popular. But the second and third methods are not inferior to it in effectiveness. The person himself decides which method to resort to. Let's analyze all three methods of calculating heart rate according to M. Karvonen in more detail.

Name of calculation methodDescription of the technique
Easy calculation methodWhen using this method of calculating the maximum heart rate, from the number 220 you need to subtract the number that is equal to the patient's age. This is the most commonly used method for calculating the maximum permissible level Heart rate. But it's not 100% accurate. After all, additional factors are not taken into account.
Calculation based on the patient’s genderBased on in a simple way, this method calculates the maximum heart rate based on whether the person measuring the heart rate is a woman or a man. For male representatives, according to the calculation scheme from 220, age indicators are calculated. For females, age indicators and the number 6 are subtracted from 220.
Complicated calculation methodThis method helps determine heart rate, which, at first glance, does not play a role for the body. According to the scheme, the age data and the amount of heart rate in a calm state are subtracted from the number 220.

Heart muscle in an adult healthy person at rest it contracts 50-100 times per minute. For children, the norm is higher and depends on the age of the child. For a newborn, this is 120-140 contractions per minute.

Gradually, by 5-6 summer age, heart rate drops to 90. For elderly people with poor health, 90-100 beats per minute are acceptable. For athletes, 40-60 beats per minute will be the norm. If the heart rate is more than 100 per minute, we can talk about the occurrence of tachycardia.

Its causes and types are varied. An attack of tachycardia can be physiological and pathological.

Physiological tachycardia

As the name implies, this is a normal reaction of the body, a natural physiological process, is not a disease. Rapid heartbeat can be caused by:

  • Emotional experiences (grief, fear, joy);
  • Any physical activity;
  • Various factors environment(stuffy room, staying at altitude);
  • Increased body temperature (heartbeat increases by 10 beats when body temperature rises by 1 degree).

Hot flashes during menopause, banal overeating, and allergies can provoke an attack of tachycardia. Heart rate may increase when frequent use strong coffee or tea, energy drinks.

A distinctive feature of tachycardia in a healthy person is the absence of pain in the heart. Normally, after 2-5 minutes the pulse recovers on its own; no treatment is required. To determine the maximum allowable heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For example, a person is 60 years old. It is necessary from 220-60 = 160, which means that his pulse during exercise should not be more than 160 beats per minute.

Pathological tachycardia

A pathological attack of tachycardia is usually a consequence of some disease, for example:

  • Dystrophic changes in the heart muscle;
  • Failure in the endocrine system (hyperthyroidism);
  • Disturbance in the process of impulse conduction (between the atrium and the ventricle, in the sinus node);
  • Hemodynamic disorders (low blood pressure, dehydration (profuse, frequent vomiting, diarrhea), prolonged or profuse bleeding(trauma, uterine bleeding);
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia, most often in young people);
  • Neuroses.


Patients with constant palpitations complain of lack of air, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, constant weakness. The pulse rate reaches 130 beats per minute.

Paroxysmal tachycardia usually begins suddenly. The pulse rate reaches 200 beats per minute and higher - sometimes it is even difficult to count it. Patients may complain of (heart pounding, jumping out of the chest) dizziness, shortness of breath, darkening of the eyes, a feeling of fear, pain in the chest, may faint. The attack may also end suddenly.


Based on the symptoms and collection of anamnesis (patient complaints), one can suspect the cause of tachycardia. For staging accurate diagnosis the doctor will prescribe special examinations: electrocardiogram (ECG), ultrasound of the heart (ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY), general analysis blood, urine, blood test for hormones.

Currently, it is possible to monitor the work of a patient’s heart in the normal rhythm of life. Using a portable device, which is attached to the belt under clothing, an ECG is continuously recorded throughout the day. This procedure is called - daily monitoring Holter ECG. It can be done in the hospital and at home.

First aid

First aid for tachycardia consists of the following:

  1. Don’t panic, but quickly, if possible, call someone for help;
  2. Unfasten the collar, ensure sufficient flow of fresh air;
  3. You can drink Corvalol, Valocordin, motherwort tincture, valerian;
  4. Wash your face ice water, put a cold compress on your forehead;
  5. Close your eyes, press firmly on your eyeballs for 10 seconds, repeat several times;
  6. You can take a deep breath, hold your breath and push as if on the toilet. Do all this for 3-5 minutes;
  7. Try to cough hard.

The doctor will help you in the future

The doctor must decide what to do next. Be sure to consult a doctor. The sooner first aid is provided and the cause of the disease is determined, the more effective the treatment process will be. The main task is to find and eliminate the cause of tachycardia.

Only a doctor can diagnose correct diagnosis, if necessary, prescribe medications, and if necessary, recommend surgical treatment.

For any form of tachycardia, the treatment complex includes physiotherapy(physical therapy), dietary, balanced diet, dosed walking, good sleep, exclusion of factors causing disease. It is definitely recommended to refuse bad habits, do not self-medicate and lead a healthy lifestyle.