What harm do lenses cause to the eyes? Constant wearing of glasses by a child

I believe that every visitor to the hub is a hyper-active computer user, and we can safely assume that the problem of vision in the present or future is one way or another pressing for everyone reading this post. Today I would like to start a discussion in the comments on the relevant topic, and under the cut I will explain why I decided to do this, and why on the hub.

The history of my eye problems began in early childhood. I think every sympathizer has at least once heard about the Filatov Institute in Odessa. So, over the years, I have accumulated a thick medical card in this establishment, a kind of trinket ala “old-timer”. With this institution, I have experienced more than one operation and hundreds of courses of treatment (familiar children's names “cats”, “cross” and “signs”) for strabismus and astegmatism. At the sixteenth year of life, due to natural chemical reactions in the teenager’s body, all this was unsuccessful (well, at that time “not giving visible results" was equated with "unsuccessful") the treatment was sent by the forest, and I forgot about Filatov. Problems have been present my entire adult life, so I didn’t feel any discomfort, I was used to perceiving the world this way, and I never saw it differently.

But the years flew by.

In dry matter this moment I have a slight convergent strabismus, 15% on the right, 30% on the left. Filatovo and the operations, of course, gave their results in due time; I had a very large angle, of which little remains now. But during my student years my vision deteriorated greatly. IN Lately headaches began, which often accompany astegmatism. At a distance of ten meters it is difficult to distinguish a person’s face; acquaintances have to be recognized by the outline of their figure, gait, gestures and voices.

But now, the time has come to get hold of my head, and I went to the doctor (a famous associate professor with good reviews). It’s worth noting separately that there were a number of reasons for this (my vision began to deteriorate, headaches appeared, I was about to get behind the wheel of a car, and I’m just tired, I want to see the faces of people going to a meeting). Of course, I expected that for treatment and maintenance I would be prescribed another course, which was designed for the long term. But we all know about such cool inventions of mankind as glasses and contact lenses, which serve to correct vision. As can be seen from the listed number of reasons, I needed to correct my vision immediately. Going to the appointment, among other things, I expected to receive a “prescription for glasses.” Imagine my surprise, amazement and shock when the assistant professor told me that artificially correcting my vision it is forbidden! As he explained to me, glasses only make things worse, I need procedures and medications. He prescribed me Cyclomed, Irifrin, and some procedures (I don’t remember the name, something like light-color therapy). My emotions at that moment are perfectly illustrated by the following picture:

I wore glasses as a child. IN last years, when I was still visiting Filatov, things went smoothly, and I was allowed to remove my glasses (at that time, I, a child, terribly did not want to wear them for obvious reasons).

When I got home, I went to Google. I discovered entire oceans of pros and cons of glasses and lenses. Among other things, I learned from various sources that for the most part this is practice national medicine. In the West, people are prescribed glasses without a hitch, and everyone somehow lives with it. Knowing the reputation of domestic medicine, I decided to ask the Habr audience for their opinion on this topic. As you know, the people gathered here are smart, inquisitive, unbiased, and soberly assessing any nonsense in the style of a tin foil hat and a cactus at the computer. Do you think the reluctance to prescribe glasses is also due to this opera, or is there still common sense here? Are glasses so dangerous that you shouldn't wear them?

UPD: I draw your attention to the fact that the topic is not about how to properly treat this whole matter. I think everyone agrees that glasses are not a cure. The question is, how harmful is it to wear glasses, say, on the street and while driving? Why did my doctor categorically refuse to prescribe glasses for me? That is why I chose Habr, and not some medical forum. Because I want to discuss with my brothers in the code not the purely medical effect, but the picture as a whole.

Many people believe that constantly wearing glasses worsens vision because they weaken the eye muscles and become addictive, making it more difficult for the eyes to focus on an object without the use of correction devices. In fact, glasses can cause harm, but various factors contribute to this.

As a rule, vision from continuous wearing of glasses deteriorates due to the fault of the person himself:

  • incorrect selection;
  • incorrect operating mode or its inconsistency with the diagnosis;
  • non-compliance with the ophthalmologist's instructions.

Eyeglass correction products are usually prescribed for farsightedness and myopia. Each of these diagnoses has stages for which the doctor prescribes a specific regimen for using contactless optics. Both myopia and hyperopia have three degrees:

  • initial (weak);
  • average;
  • high.

Constantly wearing glasses for myopia and hypermetropia

Wearing glasses all the time is necessary only in cases of severe illness. On initial stage They should only be worn to look into the distance: when watching TV or driving a car. If you need to focus on objects that are nearby (when reading or working at a computer), it is better to remove optical products. In them, the eye muscles will be overstrained, which will lead to their weakening and decreased vision.

At the middle stage, a person usually sees poorly at far and near distances. In this case, the doctor may prescribe two pairs of glasses. However, this is not very convenient, so a good way out of this situation would be to purchase bifocal glasses. If necessary, the person looks through the top or bottom of the lenses.

On late stages You will have to wear glasses almost without taking them off. Moreover, if the vision is very poor, then they will not be able to correct it 100%. Then you can make a choice in favor of contact optics.

In addition, there is an anatomical and accommodative type of myopia. In the first case, you will have to wear glasses regularly; in the second case, eye exercises will help.

Constant wearing of glasses by a child

Children are prescribed optics for continuous use throughout the day for the following pathologies:

  • astigmatism: if not corrected, there is a risk of developing amblyopia and strabismus;
  • farsightedness, complicated by strabismus and lazy eye syndrome;
  • high degree of myopia.

Therefore, you don't always have to wear glasses. It all depends on each specific case. However, it is worth knowing that complete failure correction is also harmful to the eyes, especially for children under 12 years of age, visual organs which are just being formed. For any disease, you should follow the recommendations of an ophthalmologist, who will determine the optimal wearing regimen for you.

Poor vision causes inconvenience in Everyday life. There are several solutions to this problem - glasses, contacts or surgery. Everyone can choose an acceptable method for themselves. Many people think that wearing glasses is absolutely safe method vision correction. Lenses cause mistrust and fear. In this article we will tell you whether lenses are harmful. In what cases can wearing lenses really harm your health? The article will be useful to everyone who has poor eyesight and wants to give up glasses in favor of contact lenses.

It's easy to get rid of, thanks to complex treatment. In this case, the doctor will prescribe a special gel (for example, Korneregel) and drops. There is a large selection of moisturizing drops; you can choose an option that suits the price and effect.

It is worth noting that not everyone's lenses cause dryness. In any case, these sensations cannot be called painful.

Lenses are more comfortable than glasses

This is noted by many users who switched from glasses to lenses. The most important thing is that the psychological discomfort goes away. A person feels more confident and even forgets about his poor eyesight.

Practical convenience and benefits of lenses:

  1. the ability to see well both near and far (with glasses the picture may be blurry);
  2. the ability to wear lenses with different diopters (if the vision in one and the other eye is very different);
  3. Lenses protect your eyes from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Lenses are not as expensive as they seem

The most common belief against lenses is high price. High-quality lenses are not cheap. But you need to take into account the time of wearing them. The most expensive ones are daily. But with them you can be completely sure that no infection will penetrate the eye.

If you follow all the care rules, you can safely buy monthly or six-month replacement lenses. They cost less. The price also depends on the manufacturer.

How to avoid unpleasant consequences

To completely protect your eyes, you need to take additional precautions. At the right attitude to health, the question of whether lenses are harmful to the eyes will cease to worry.

  1. If there is the slightest discomfort, you should immediately remove the lenses.
  2. This method of vision correction may not be combined well with the use of contraceptives.
  3. Any drops should be selected after consultation with a doctor.
  4. Check your eye condition regularly (at least once a year).
  5. Tell your doctor about any past or present health problems.
  6. Avoid exposing your eyes to steam or smoke while wearing lenses.

Contact lenses - quite safe way vision correction. Of course, you need to remember many nuances and carefully monitor the condition of your eyes. Then the lenses will not cause any inconvenience and will not harm your health.

Thongs are one of the types of underwear. This type of underwear has a peculiar design that looks like a triangle with thin ropes. Recently they have become extremely popular.

Few women think about the question of whether wearing thongs is harmful and how thongs are harmful to the female body.

Thongs are underwear, not desirable for wearing in everyday life and for use when playing sports.

In the event of a transport emergency, wearing this type of underwear can lead to serious injuries to the genitals.

Doctors recommend the use of such panties in exceptional cases when wearing tight clothing or clothing that is translucent is expected. Doctors also recommend wearing thongs when going out with evening wear.

Most doctors say that thongs are harmful to health.

Why is it harmful to wear thongs? Very often, to reduce the cost of products, manufacturers use synthetic fabrics to make their products. Such fabrics can be nylon and nylon.

What is the harm of thongs made from such materials? The fact is that materials of synthetic origin have low air permeability, which leads to the fact that moisture begins to accumulate on the surface of the underwear, causing diaper rash.

In places where moisture accumulates, favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora. Fever and humidity are factors that activate the process of bacterial reproduction.

An increase in the number of bacteria may be the beginning of the development fungal disease or organ inflammation intimate sphere in women with weakened immune system, this effect is especially pronounced if a woman, when treating any disease, used antibiotics that further weakened the immune system.

The use of thongs can lead to disturbances in the microflora in the vagina. Wearing this type of underwear in women can provoke the development of thrush.

Very often, women buy underwear that fits tightly on the body. In this case, the greatest danger for women is the band, which cuts into the skin and irritates the genital area. This leads to inflammatory processes, injury and irritation.

In addition to the harm from thongs, the pressure of the tape exerted on the anus leads to its irritation. If a girl wears thongs for a long time and does not wear any other type of underwear, this can provoke the development of hemorrhoids.

Girls who constantly wear this type of panties experience constant irritation of the anal area, leading to the appearance of microcracks through which the penetration of harmful infections is facilitated.

Girls don’t have to completely give up using this type of panties, but they should wear them alternating with other types of this item of clothing.

In this case, the harm from thongs to women's health will be minimal or practically undetectable.

What are the consequences of wearing thongs for a long time?

Harmfulness long-term wearing This type of underwear is that the tight fit of the tape to the girl’s anus helps transport bacteria from anus into the intimate area.

Emerging outbreak pathogenic bacteria begins to harm women's health, due to the penetration of bacteria into urethra and in the vagina.

As a result of the formation of a focus of pathogenic bacteria in intimate area bacteria penetrate into bladder and depth of the vagina.

Girls wearing thongs very often complain of discomfort in the body; this condition may be associated with the development of the following ailments:

  • fungal diseases;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • gardnerella;
  • urinary tract infections such as cystitis

In addition, wearing such underwear can harm women's health by constantly irritating the large gland located in the vestibule of the vagina.

This irritation leads to inflammatory process and the development of bartholinitis.

The occurrence of such problems with women's health is most often associated with the penetration of microorganisms such as staphylococci and gonococci.

Why are thongs harmful? The answer to this question is medical workers unequivocal - the harmfulness of this type of underwear lies in its contribution to a change in the microflora of the intimate area.

Wearing such panties increases the volume of secretions, which leads to increased growth of bacteria and the appearance of unpleasant odor. An increase in the number of discharges leads to more frequent hygiene procedures. When carrying out the latter, glycogen and lactic acid bacillus, which play the role of protective barrier for the genital mucosa.

Forced frequent hygiene procedures provoke death beneficial microflora and as a result of its replacement by pathogenic microorganisms. There is a violation of biocenesis in the vagina.

Infection can cause bacterial vaginosis. The development of vaginosis is especially dangerous for a woman during pregnancy.

This disease can cause premature water breakage and premature birth.

Some people don’t like this model of panties, like thongs, but it still has a lot of fans and admirers. Many people have probably heard that wearing models is harmful, but why? Perhaps full knowledge of the dangers will convince you not to wear them at least every day.

When and how did the model appear?

This model was invented at the beginning of the twentieth century. Officials who saw girls in nightclubs dancing striptease completely naked decided that this was too much. But banning striptease as such was unprofitable. They found a solution by ordering girls to wear panties that would cover only their most intimate parts.

And already at the end of the twentieth century, thongs burst into the wardrobes of many women. They realized that they felt even sexier in them than without any panties at all. A whole boom in thongs has begun. At one time it was even fashionable for them to peek out from under very low-rise jeans. Back then, no one had yet wondered whether wearing thongs was harmful and why.

Medical harm

When asked whether wearing thongs is harmful for women, gynecologists answer unequivocally that it is yes. Explaining that the point is in that narrow ribbon that connects their front and back parts.

Firstly, it constantly rubs against the delicate skin of the perineum, causing irritation and damage to the mucous membrane.

Secondly, its close location to the genitals and anus allows microflora from the intestines to freely penetrate into the vagina and vice versa. And this absolutely should not happen. Bacteria that are found in the intestines and do not cause any harm there can lead to serious inflammatory processes in the vagina.

The harm is compounded by the fact that thongs are overwhelmingly made from synthetic fabric. Synthetics also promote bacterial growth due to the greenhouse effect it creates.

Why is it harmful for teenage girls to wear thongs?

It's no secret that in adolescence girls are attracted to shocking things. Unusual models of clothing and underwear rarely go unnoticed. But why is it harmful to wear thongs at such an early age?

To begin with, for the same reason as for adult women. The possibility of inflammation due to a favorable environment for bacteria. During puberty, the human body is especially weakened. But young girls are still becoming mothers, and they need to take care of women’s health from a young age.

The second reason is that it is a very sexy wardrobe item. Teenage girls have absolutely no need to cultivate sexuality. After all, their peers are already having a hormonal explosion, and then there are classmates in thongs under their dresses, and trouble is not far away.

And the third reason is that you can get a severe cold in the lower back and organs genitourinary system during long walks. After all, teenage life involves the possibility of sitting on not very clean and cold surfaces. Young girls often neglect their health during long walks. This is why it is important to explain to young girls why wearing thongs is harmful.

In what cases is wearing thongs justified?

Every day 24 hours a day, and especially at night, it’s definitely not worth wearing. This can cause such harm to women's health that later there will be no time for beauty at all.

But there are still cases when wearing a thong is allowed. For example, to the beach for an even tan of the buttocks. Or under a tight evening dress so that the panty seam does not stand out. With the caveat that you should choose panties made of high-quality and natural material. And at the first opportunity, replace them with a more convenient and practical model.

Remembering why wearing thongs is harmful for women, you need to wear other types of underwear every day and under thick clothes. Under a skirt made of thick material or jeans, it is completely impossible to see what kind of panties there are.

Women may say it's sexy and their man would like to undress and see them in a thong. But now there is such a variety of underwear, and not only thongs look sexy.

If you still really want to wear them, then you should remember the following rules:

  • wear thongs for no more than 3 hours;
  • do not wear thongs during pregnancy and inflammatory processes;
  • select underwear strictly according to size;
  • buy panties exclusively from natural materials;
  • don't wear them in winter.

Swimsuit with thong panties

Their popularity is due to the fact that the maximum area of ​​the buttocks will be covered with a tan. And in the future, any model of panties will fit beautifully.

Yes, sometimes this can be allowed, because we don’t go to the beach every day and don’t spend 24 hours there. But it’s worth remembering that this model of panties offers almost no protection against dirt getting into the vagina and anus (that’s why it’s harmful to wear thongs to the beach). Therefore, you need to sunbathe exclusively on a personal and clean towel or blanket. Sitting in thongs on the sand is contraindicated.

It’s also worth taking a closer look at the “Brazilian” panty model. They have a wider strip of fabric in the anus and perineum area and therefore provide better protection from dirt. At the same time, the buttocks are also open.

How to replace thongs with an evening outfit?

But even under thin clothes it is not necessary to wear a thong. The presence of underwear under clothes does not always look ugly. The main rule is that it should be made of thin fabric and match the skin tone. For some reason, many people choose underwear to match the color of their outfit, and this is wrong, as it makes it stand out more under clothes. But the corporeal merges, and only upon closer examination can one understand that it exists at all.

But if the dress does not involve any underwear, then there is a way out. For example, they are now producing It is woven in such a way that not a single seam stands out under even the thinnest clothing. And if you choose it to match your skin tone, it will be invisible even under a transparent dress. In addition, there are corrective models that will help make the silhouette more graceful, hiding the slightest imperfections.