What is the warranty period for dental services under Russian law? According to the law, there is a guarantee for dental prosthetics.

Any violation of the preparation technology may result in the crown not going into place. Poor fit to hard tissues can provoke inflammation of the tooth due to food debris, saliva getting under the crown, the formation of plaque and tartar;

  • The professionalism of the dental technician is an equally important parameter. Exactly at dental laboratory The crowns themselves are made. From proper operation The color of the future prosthesis and compliance with the parameters of the remaining elements of the patient’s dentition depend on the material.
  • How to increase wear time? To increase the service life of the structure, you should pay attention to the following points:
  • During the operation of artificial teeth, it is necessary to take local or panoramic X-ray photographs of the teeth.

Warranties for dentures

If complications arise, the patient must immediately notify the doctor or clinic registrar and immediately attend an appointment with a specialist2.3. When establishing warranty periods for dental services (work), you must be guided by tables No. 1, No. 2 of this provision. In this situation, the guarantee is established by default without a separate indication in medical card.2.4. In cases where a guarantee is not established for the service provided (work performed), it is established in a shortened period, or when a warranty obligation arises that is not provided for in this provision, the attending physician is obliged to reflect the situation mentioned in this paragraph in the medical record with a clear wording: “Without guarantee.” or "Months Guarantee".C special conditions under warranty, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with signature in the medical record.
3. The warranty does not cover: 3.1.

The service life of artificial teeth depends on a number of factors, which include:

Warranty Statement

It is important that the correct cement is used to fix the crown, which is resistant to moisture, and its thickness can be kept to a minimum. This special material dries quickly, 2-3 minutes are enough to set, and retains its strength for a long time. The duration of wearing the prosthesis also depends on this factor.


How to determine that a metal-ceramic structure requires correction or replacement? This is done by a dentist; you must regularly go for preventive examinations. Changes are noticeable already in the first stages of tooth decay. Monitoring the condition of the oral cavity should be carried out once every six months; many clinics do not charge money for examinations.

How to place a crown on a tooth


Difficulties arise in accurately fitting the crown to the tooth. But compared to gold teeth, titanium teeth last longer and are cheaper. The top of the cast frame is covered with ceramic mass; this cladding is applied manually in layers.

Each layer is fired in a kiln at high temperatures, which allows you to achieve a better chemical bond between metal and ceramics. In terms of quality, strength and aesthetics, metal ceramics are second only to metal-free ceramics. Titanium gives a grayish tint, so it is not used to restore front teeth.
The ideal option for the front incisors is crowns made of gold or platinum. Service life of a metal-ceramic crown The service life of crowns depends on what kind of material was used. According to experts, products made from nickel and cobalt chromium should be replaced after 8-10 years of use. With proper care, gold and titanium crowns can last up to 25 years.

What is the legal warranty period for dental prosthetics?

However, there is a caveat: in all medical centers they will be able to replace or adjust your prosthesis free of charge only if the patient complies with all the instructions issued by the attending physician. Warranty and service life of dentures So, the guarantee for dentures provided by medical Center, on average ranges from one to two years. Extremely in rare cases The warranty on dentures can be three or five years. If during this time the patient regularly visits his doctor, every day and more than once hygiene procedures, the warranty will be valid and if the prosthesis is damaged, you can count on its replacement or repair. It will be clear from the prosthesis itself whether it broke on its own or whether external efforts were made, whether maintenance was carried out.

Important facts about metal-ceramic crowns

Because making such a prosthesis is a long and painstaking process. handmade and the service life of metal-ceramic teeth and the patient’s comfort depend on the master who performs it. The price of the product depends on many factors, but you should mainly focus on the following points:

  • Metal or metal alloy from which the frame will be created;
  • Type and manufacturer of ceramics;
  • Type of cement;
  • The work of a doctor, which will include examination, treatment and, accordingly, the creation of a prosthesis.

What does quality depend on? Before going to see a doctor, many people who want to have prosthetics spend a long time searching on the Internet for the necessary information about teeth made of metal-ceramics and their service life, and most importantly, what determines their quality. Circumstances affecting the service life of the prosthesis:

  1. It is important how perfectly the teeth were treated and prepared.

Metal-ceramic crowns 1 year 5-7 years 5. Metal and stamped crowns 1 year 5-7 years 6. Removable and clasp dentures (full and partial) 1 year 3-5 years 7. Metal inlays, SPS, gold 1.5 year 5 -7 years 8.

Works and structures not included in those listed above 1 year - Note: 1. In case of unsatisfactory oral hygiene, the warranty and service life for all types of prosthetics are reduced by 50%. 2. If schedules are violated preventive examinations, hygiene visits provided for in the treatment plan, the guarantee is void. 3. When using prosthetics on implants, the warranty and service periods are determined in accordance with the design of the prosthesis. 4. If the recommended treatment plan is not followed, warranty periods and service periods are not established. 5. During the warranty period and service life, relocation of removable dentures is carried out on a reimbursable basis. 5.5.

  • when pain occurs and unpleasant odor from the mouth that is not associated with other diseases, you should go to the clinic.

    Perhaps these are signs of incipient caries under the crown. If help is not provided in time, the risk of developing pulpitis and fistula formation increases, which can lead to damage to the tissue and bone of the jaw;

  • A visit to the dentist is required if chips or cracks appear on the crown. In simple cases, restoration of the product is sufficient, but if the damage is serious, up to exposure of the metal base, it is required complete replacement prosthesis.

If metal-ceramic crowns are installed, you should definitely inform a specialist about this when undergoing an MRI of the brain.

Metal can distort data diagnostic study and interfere with the quality operation of the device.

Legal guarantee for crowns

The guarantee of the quality of treatment is a certain minimum time period of the patient’s clinical well-being after treatment, during which no complications appear and the functional integrity of the manufactured fillings, dentures, crowns, and orthodontic devices is maintained. The warranty period is the period during which, in the case of detection of a defect in the work performed, the patient has the right, at his own choice, to demand: - free elimination of deficiencies in the work performed (service provided); - a corresponding reduction in the price of the work performed (service provided); - free production of another item from a homogeneous material of the same quality or re-performance of the work .

Today, due to various problems and defects of teeth, patients are recommended to have crowns installed. Installing such a prosthesis makes it possible to save even the most damaged teeth. Dental restoration is used to recreate the usual shapes and sizes of the tooth, thereby increasing its strength to chewing loads. The crown on a tooth looks like a permanent structure, and sometimes, based on adjacent teeth, replaces several missing teeth at once.

  1. A crown is installed if the tooth is destroyed, but the root system is still able to perform its functions. The reason for this may be injury and tooth decay due to lack of treatment for caries.
  2. Crowns are also installed due to the presence of any defects in the dentition.
  3. In case the patient is prone to pathological tooth wear.
  4. If the position of the teeth is incorrect.
  5. When a tooth is crooked, a crown is placed to straighten it.
  6. When teeth become loose (periodontal disease), installing a crown is a good way to save the tooth.

In what cases is crown installation contraindicated?

If the crown part of the tooth is severely damaged or its height is insufficient, prosthetics will not be possible.

Today, dental crowns vary according to the materials used to make them, as well as their basic properties.

Speaking about the disadvantages of metal ceramics, it should be noted that over time the metal frame can become exposed and become visible. In addition, a negative point is the process of preparing teeth before starting.

So which ones are better to install crowns?

Based on the above, we can conclude that the patient chooses the selection of material for making crowns, directly taking into account his desires and capabilities. The cheapest option is considered to be metal prostheses, which look unaesthetic.

The metal-ceramic frame of the crown looks like the natural color of the enamel and has good characteristics, however, if there is a slight decrease in the gums, a space is formed between the prosthesis and the tooth itself. In this case, you can easily notice the metal edging.

Ceramic or porcelain crowns have the most natural look. In terms of functionality, they also have a number of positive aspects.

Experts in this field, if the patient has the capabilities, recommend installing ceramic crowns.

What types of crowns are suitable for prosthetic restoration of a specific tooth?

Depending on which tooth the prosthesis needs to be installed on, doctors recommend the following types crowns:

  • metal-ceramic. Metal-ceramic crowns The front teeth look like normal teeth. But it is worth considering that as the gums recede, the metal frame may become noticeable and look unaesthetic;
  • ceramic. Ceramic crowns on the front teeth are the best option, since they are difficult to distinguish from natural teeth. Their frame and base are made entirely of ceramics, taking into account the specific shade of your tooth enamel, which allows your smile to sparkle with health and beauty.

How to place a crown on a tooth

Very important in this process will be the removal of residual cement used for temporary structures, this is due to the fact that even a small amount of this substance can affect the appearance of severe irritation and inflammation in the gums. Within an hour after the completion of the crown installation procedure, a small chewing load can be applied to them.

An interesting fact is that if the crown is already fixed, it can only be removed by sawing.

Service life of installed dental crowns and provided guarantees

Usually, with proper and competent installation of crowns, they can function for up to ten years or more. As you know, before starting prosthetics, the dentist removes the dental nerve and fills the canals. Statistics say that in 60% of cases this procedure is carried out poorly and contributes to education inflammatory process. As a result, the tooth has to be treated again, and if this does not give results, it must be removed. Inflammation becomes chronic form and, as a rule, it appears after about a year, a year and a half, when the warranty period has already passed. For comparison, in Germany the warranty is up to five years.

If the patient has a single prosthesis installed, then to care for it you will need dental floss, specialized paste and brush.

Things are more complicated with bridges. The difficulty lies in the fact that under the intermediate part they often collect pathogenic bacteria. In such cases, it is recommended, in addition to comprehensive daily care use irrigators. The essence of the device is to supply (through a special nozzle) a stream of water under strong pressure. Using this device helps patients provide more thorough care. oral cavity, cleaning tooth enamel from accumulated plaque in hard-to-reach places.

In addition, experts strongly recommend periodically visiting your dentist to check the condition of your dentures and gums.

What complications can dental prosthetics cause?

There are cases when, at the stage of final fixation and installation of crowns, patients experienced certain complications. I propose to consider what complications people may encounter after installing permanent crowns on their teeth.

  1. Prosthetic stomatitis. This complication occurs as a result of strong pressure of the crown on surrounding soft fabrics. The consequence of such pressure can be the death of soft tissue at the point of contact with the prosthesis due to a violation of the circulatory system.
  2. Caries. Carious deposits may begin to develop due to the fact that the supporting teeth were not treated before prosthetics. In addition, caries is formed due to poor daily oral hygiene of the patient.
  3. Allergic reactions. After the crowns are installed, the patient may begin to feel some discomfort and burning in the mouth. Severe rashes may appear on the mucous membrane. This speaks of the beginning allergic reaction, which began after the crown was installed.
  4. Galvanic syndrome. Due to the fact that in the patient's oral cavity the crowns are made of different types material, galvanism develops - electricity in the mouth.

If you notice any complications or discomfort, make an appointment with your doctor immediately. Long absence of inspection and acceptance necessary measures may cause tooth loss. When visiting a doctor and discovering various types complications, the dentist will remove the crown and after necessary procedures will be required to re-crown the tooth.

Of course, the option of prosthetics, as well as the material from which the prosthesis will subsequently be made, is chosen directly by the patient himself. However, to prevent complications, it is necessary to take into account the point of view of the specialist involved in prosthetics. If you strictly follow all the established rules and doctor’s recommendations, you will be able to long time use crowns that will give your smile an aesthetic appearance and restore your teeth to their lost functions.

Be healthy and smile more often!

For the official service life to become real and even more, it is enough to comply simple rules denture care:

  • carrying out daily hygiene procedures: in the morning and evening, artificial teeth must be cleaned of plaque, as well as food residues, after eating it is important to rinse, while removable structures should be removed from the mouth - they also need to be periodically soaked in special antibacterial solutions;
  • jaw injuries should be avoided, strong blows, which can lead to damage to prostheses;
  • regular preventive examinations: the doctor will be able to quickly detect, for example, a small crack in the prosthesis, which can subsequently lead to more serious damage to the structure, inflammation of the gum tissue or internal cavity tooth, since harmful bacteria can penetrate through the microcrack.

Warranties for dentures

A guarantee for permanent orthopedic work is provided for the following items:

  • Loss of artificial teeth from dentures, fracture of the plastic of the denture, destruction of micro-locks (attachments) and micro-hooks (clasps).

Please note that temporary orthopedic structures must be replaced with permanent ones. The recommended period for wearing temporary structures is determined by the dentist and must be brought to your attention with an entry in your chart. If for some reason (due to the fault of the patient) temporary structures are not replaced with permanent ones, then further responsibility from the dental center and the dentist is removed.
The guarantee for permanent orthopedic work begins to apply from the moment the warranty card is issued, which defines the scope of work performed and the warranty period.

What is the legal warranty period for dental prosthetics?

This is a rare case, but it is still possible. Taking into account these situations, the doctor can increase or decrease the warranty period for dental prosthetics compared to average duration warranty period accepted by the clinic. What is included in the guarantee? The warranty period is the period during which the patient has the right to contact his orthopedist for free elimination of identified deficiencies in prosthetics, re-performing the work performed or part of it using materials of the same quality, free repair of the prosthesis or its replacement if the breakdown occurred from - for incorrect installation or manufacturing defects.

What are the guarantees for dental prosthetics?


Attention!!! From a medical point of view, failure to achieve the optimal (expected, positive) treatment result when the doctor accepts all the right steps in treatment, is not a defect, and, therefore, is not subject to free repair under warranty. Moreover, according to the law, the doctor may not give such a guarantee at all. A guarantee is a right, not an obligation. In dentistry, a tangible result is guaranteed (filling, crown, etc.).


For example, treatment deep caries up to 70% of cases end in pulpitis. In this case, when starting treatment, the dentist guarantees the correctness of his actions, which, as we said above, can be assessed by experts, and not financial responsibility possible treatment pulpitis. Pulpitis occurs due to caries, and the dentist, when placing a filling, in such cases applies a special medical pad, to prevent similar development events.

Is there a warranty period for dentures and crowns?

Permanent fixed orthopedic work includes:

  • Metal-ceramic, metal-composite, and solid-cast crowns, incl. combinations of these crowns are bridge structures;
  • Metal-free crowns (prosthetics using the Fabrekor system, pressed ceramics, composite crowns);

The warranty for this work is 1 year. Permanent removable orthopedic work includes:

The warranty for this work is 1 year. Temporary orthopedic work includes:

  • temporary crowns;
  • temporary replacement prostheses.

Permanent orthopedic work is guaranteed for 1 (one) year.
Temporary orthopedic work is guaranteed until it is replaced with permanent structures, but not more than 6 (six) months.

Dental clinic "median"

You should carefully study the clauses regarding the guarantee - some dentists provide guarantees of up to two years, and some - no more than six months. Typically, a warranty is issued for a shorter period for veneers, as well as for permanent structures made of plastic. If the patient has tooth mobility, as well as periodontal disease or periodontitis, then the warranty period is seriously reduced and is established by the dentist himself.

That is why it is strongly recommended to first get rid of all these diseases, and only then install prostheses. If the patient persistently requests prosthetics with a certain scheme, despite the presence relative contraindications, then the warranty period can be reduced to one month. Moreover, all design changes in the future are carried out at the expense of the patient.

Can dentures be replaced under warranty if they are cracked?

Each dental clinic gives the patient guarantees for dental prosthetics - be it implantation or installation of a removable denture. However, in some cases, the warranty periods may differ, and some patients of the clinic are sometimes denied a guarantee. Why is that? Service life and warranties First of all, you need to understand that guarantees for dental prosthetics and the service life of denture structures are different concepts.
And if the clinic provided the patient with a guarantee for 2 years, this does not mean that after this period the prosthesis will have to be changed. The operating time of a prosthetic structure (that is, its service life) is usually much longer than the official guarantee, so the patient should not be afraid that the installed prostheses will only “last” for a year or two, and then they will have to undergo treatment again.


If you are sure that you are right, but the clinic flatly refuses to repair a broken prosthesis or replace a cracked crown for free, you can refer to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the rules for providing paid medical services, which regulate the activities of private dentistry at the legislative level. After this, the conflict will most likely be settled. Service life of dentures The reliability and durability of a denture or crown depends not only on care - after all, their goal is to become a full-fledged replacement for missing teeth. The service life of the structure is affected by the material from which it is made and the manufacturing method: it is better if it is thermoforming or milling under the control of a CAD/CAM computer system, which eliminates the risk of a dental technician’s error - the “human” factor.

Naturally, a number of dental clinics may begin to refuse to fulfill warranty obligations, but today most medical centers still value their clients and try to repair products for free if they are of insufficient quality. You can find out about the warranty provided from your doctor. In addition, the clinic’s warranty obligations must be specified in the contract before starting treatment: pay attention to the conditions under which free adjustment or replacement of prostheses is provided. The service life of dentures is the time they are used. As a rule, the service life is several times longer than the official guarantee for dentures: for example, dentures made of metal-plastic dental crowns will last from one to three years, metal-ceramics - 8-10 years, ordinary ceramics - no more than 7 years.
Removable clasp-type structures will last at least 8 years, but subject to regular adjustment of the metal hooks by the attending physician. The service life of removable soft nylon dentures is from 10 years. The most expensive zirconium dioxide dental crowns and prostheses created from them will last at least 12-15 years. Many clinics attract clients by increasing the official guarantee period. Naturally, the main thing is that the center’s specialists fulfill their promises and do not back down after the introduction of such actions. The patient himself should very carefully monitor the condition of his artificial teeth and do not forget to strictly follow all the instructions of his attending physician - in this case, it will be possible to maintain the guarantee, as well as significantly extend the official service life of the dentures.

Dentures are a fairly expensive procedure. Therefore, many people are interested in how long the crowns or removable dentures for which they have been saving for six months will last. The first thing you should clarify before installing a prosthesis is the terms and conditions of the guarantee that dentistry is ready to provide you with.

In most clinics, the services of an orthopedic dentist have a one-year warranty, but some medical institutions, when carrying out promotions, promise to undertake obligations for a longer period - 24-36 months. Free service during the warranty period includes:

  • preventive dental examinations;
  • relining of dentures;
  • repair or replacement of the product for 0 rubles if the breakdown was not your fault. Not only rights, but also obligations. The guarantee must be drawn up in writing in the form of an agreement before the start of treatment, and not verbally after it.

These terms are recommended for patients with single caries and multiple, stabilized or slowly ongoing processes. With KPU (carious-affected, filled, extracted) teeth 13-18, the terms are reduced by 30%, with KPU more than 18, the terms are reduced by 50%. 2. If oral hygiene is unsatisfactory, the warranty and service periods are reduced by 70%. 3. If the schedules of preventive examinations and hygiene visits provided for in the treatment plan are violated, the guarantee will be canceled. 4. If the recommended treatment plan is not followed, warranty periods and service periods are not established. 5. In orthopedic dentistry: 5.1. Orthopedic dentistry services include services for the elimination (treatment) of defects in the teeth and/or jaw dentition using permanent and/or temporary orthopedic structures. 5.2.

What is the legal warranty period for dental prosthetics?

The guarantee of the quality of treatment is a certain minimum time period of the patient’s clinical well-being after treatment, during which no complications appear and the functional integrity of the manufactured fillings, dentures, crowns, and orthodontic devices is maintained. The warranty period is the period during which, in the case of detection of a defect in the work performed, the patient has the right, at his own choice, to demand: - free elimination of deficiencies in the work performed (service provided); - a corresponding reduction in the price of the work performed (service provided); - free production of another item from a homogeneous material of the same quality or re-performance of the work .

Warranties for dentures

The warranty period for dental prosthetics is a certain period of time during which the repair or replacement of the prosthesis after a breakdown is carried out at the expense of the clinic that installed the prosthesis. In essence, this period is similar to the warranty period household appliances, that is, free repairs or replacements are not made after any breakdown. In what cases does repair or replacement occur under warranty? It is not always possible to replace your prosthesis under warranty.

Quite often, patients do not comply with the conditions and recommendations of doctors for wearing dentures, which is why breakage occurs. In this case, responsibility for the malfunction of the prosthesis lies entirely with the patient.

Regulations “on the provision of guarantees in dentistry” (for patients)

DejaVu LLC 1. GENERAL1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” No. 2300-1 dated 02/07/92, Federal Law RF dated December 17, 1999 No. 212-F3 “On amendments and additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, and subsequent amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, as well as “Rules for the provision of medical organizations paid medical services" (Government Decree Russian Federation dated October 4, 2012 N 1006 Moscow).1.2. These Regulations determine the warranty period and service life for the results of the provision of dental services at DejaVu LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Clinic”).1.3. Warranty periods and service periods are established only for work that has a tangible result: fillings, dental restorations, crowns, veneers, inlays, dentures, orthodontic devices.1.4.

Dental treatment guarantee

  • Carrying out control examinations - according to indications after complex treatment or if necessary to prevent undesirable consequences;
  • conducting free preventive examinations at a frequency determined by the doctor, but not less than once every six months;
  • dynamic monitoring of the treatment process and results (according to STAR recommendations);
  • measures to eliminate or reduce complications that may arise during or after treatment;
  • determining the risk of recurrence or exacerbation of identified diseases;
  • achieving treatment quality indicators and aesthetic results (taking into account the standards available in domestic dentistry, the wishes of the patient and objective circumstances identified by the doctor).

A set of mandatory guarantees ensures high-quality treatment and a favorable prognosis. 1.2.

What are the guarantees for dental prosthetics?

In this case, the patient is obliged to return the product (crowns, dentures, orthodontic devices) previously transferred to him by the contractor. The warranty period is calculated from the moment the result of the service (work) is transferred to the consumer (patient), i.e. from the moment the service is completed. Service life is the period of free rework or replacement of work, re-treatment the patient in case of identification of irreparable deficiencies that arose after treatment through no fault of the patient (the filling fell out, the prosthesis broke, the crown was not cemented, the artificial crown chipped). 2. Warranty periods and service periods valid at the Clinic 2.1. For most works (services) to provide dental care The Clinic has established warranty periods and service periods (Tables No. 1, No. 2 of these Regulations).

The service life of dentures and the guarantee provided by the clinic are two completely different things, and when choosing structures for replacing teeth, you should remember this. Unfortunately, the exact warranty periods are not specified anywhere. However, there are a number of documents that regulate the rules for the provision of medical services, the mandatory provision of warranties and the return of cost or adjustment of the product in case of damage due to the fault of the contractor.
Among such documents are the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, “Rules for the Provision of Paid Medical Services to the Population”, “ Civil Code RF”, as well as the law “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”. It is worth remembering that each clinic has its own guarantees for dentures, but most dentists announce the actual service life within approximately the same limits.

Guarantee for dental prosthetics according to law

Home Questions and orders Warranty for dental prosthetics— Do teeth have to be redone by law? Asking is faster than reading. Ask a question to the lawyers! 8373 lawyers are waiting for you Question author - Anonymous Russia Hello. In August 2012, I inserted 4 zirconium dioxide-based crowns on my front teeth in a private clinic.


After 2 months, 2 crowns began to loosen. I went to the clinic, where my prosthetist removed my crowns and said that he warned me that the roots of the teeth were in poor condition were, sharpened something and put the crowns back on cement. After 2 weeks, the teeth became loose again. I made an appointment with the doctor again for the next few days. I don’t know how to behave legally competently with a doctor.

However, there is a caveat: in all medical centers they will be able to replace or adjust your prosthesis free of charge only if the patient complies with all the instructions issued by the attending physician. Warranty and service life of dentures So, the warranty for dentures provided by the medical center ranges on average from one to two years. In extremely rare cases, the warranty on a denture may be three or five years.

If the patient regularly visits his doctor during this time, carries out hygienic procedures daily and more than once, the guarantee will be valid and in case of damage to the prosthesis, you can count on its replacement or repair. It will be clear from the prosthesis itself whether it broke on its own or whether external efforts were made, whether maintenance was carried out.


Warranty periods and service periods for work and services therapeutic dentistry begins to act from the moment the treatment of a particular tooth is completed. Signs of the end of treatment are: - in the treatment of caries - diagnosed permanent filling; - in the treatment of complications of caries (pulpitis and periodontitis) - permanent filling of root canals and covering the tooth with a crown. No. Types of work Warranty period Service life 1. Fillings made of composite light-curing material: 1.1 Caries on the chewing surface of teeth 2 3 1.2 Caries on the contact surface of incisors and canines 1.5 2 1.3 Caries on the contact surface of small and large lateral teeth 1 2 1.4 Caries on the contact surface of the incisors with destruction of the crown angle; caries in the gingival area 1 2 Note: 1.