Viburnum use and contraindications. Medicinal properties of viburnum: clear benefits and possible harm

Why viburnum is useful and how to use it is a question that interests many adherents of traditional medicine. This is what we will talk about today.

What are the benefits of viburnum for the human body?

Red viburnum contains a huge amount of substances necessary for the human body. This:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • vitamins A, E, P;
  • iron, manganese, chromium, zinc, iodine, selenium and others.

In addition, it contains organic acids, in particular, valerian and formic, as well as tannins. It is the latter that provide a slightly bitter taste. There is enough in viburnum big number amino acids.

What exactly are the benefits of viburnum for the human body? Among its main features it is worth noting the following:

  • soothing properties. The berry helps with depressive states, as well as stress and neuroses;
  • Possibility of use as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory;
  • stop bleeding. Fruits can be used to stop different types bleeding – postpartum, internal, nasal;
  • diuretic effect;
  • astringent properties. Used in the treatment of ulcerative pathology;
  • normalization of blood pressure indicators;
  • increasing the body's immune defense. The fruits are often used in the treatment of bronchi, lungs and colds. The bark is effective against pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • prevention of cancer development;
  • treatment of liver pathologies.

Red viburnum for women – benefits of berries

How is viburnum useful and how should women use it? This berry is often called feminine and for good reason. After all, the pulp of fully ripened viburnum contains substances comparable in power to female sex hormones. That is why red viburnum will be especially useful for women with the onset of menopause.

All components of the plant - bark, seeds, flowers - and not just the fruits, are widely used in folk medicine as a prevention and treatment for the following conditions:

Prepared from fresh berries The drink is good for colds.

The pulp contains special substances - carotenoids. They are part of expensive anti-aging creams and restore lost youth to mature skin. To obtain rejuvenating effect, it is enough to regularly use the following mask:

  1. It is necessary to rub 3 spoons of viburnum and the same amount of cottage cheese through a sieve.
  2. Add the yolk to the mixture and a little oatmeal to make the mask more convenient to apply.
  3. Apply for 20 minutes, treating the face and décolleté area.

To get rid of acne , wipe your face with fresh viburnum juice

To remove age spots and freckles This recipe will help:

  • mix equal volumes of mashed viburnum and sour cream;
  • treat problem areas with a mask.

The skin will become light in just a couple of weeks.

In addition, the plant helps in strengthening hair follicles stopping hair loss.

  • Mix juice from fresh berries (2 spoons), red wine (1 spoon) and olive oil (1 teaspoon).
  • Apply the composition to your hair 30 minutes before washing your hair.

Red viburnum for men – benefits of the berry

Red viburnum will be no less useful for men than for women. It helps strengthen immune system and help restore strength after physical activity. Men can be offered compotes, fruit drinks, infusions and decoctions based on viburnum berries. We offer you a recipe for viburnum compote, in which it retains its beneficial features.

Viburnum compote for the winter with pasteurization.

Before use, dilute the compote with water, as it turns out concentrated.

We will need per liter jar: one kilogram of berries and sugar per liter of water. The recipe for a 3-liter jar requires 3 times more ingredients.

  • Place water and bring to a boil. Place whole berries in a colander and place in boiling water directly in the colander for 3 minutes. After which we transfer the berries into jars.
  • Pour sugar into the remaining water and cook, stirring until completely dissolved. Upon completion of the process, boil for another five minutes and pour the resulting syrup into the berries in the jars.
  • To prevent the compote from fermenting, we pasteurize the jars by boiling. Pour water into the pan, place a towel, place the jars on it and boil. Cover the jars with lids. Boil liter jars for 20 minutes, three-liter jars for 40 minutes.
  • After the specified time has passed, we take out the jars and roll them up. Now compote can be stored all winter and even longer.

Traditional healers have long used the natural power of the plant. to stimulate male potency. Berries cope especially well with premature ejaculation.

  1. Take equal parts of viburnum, mountain ash, rose hips and nettle leaf. Grind.
  2. A handful of the collection is brewed in 200 ml of boiling water. The product is infused for 30 minutes.
  3. Take a full glass of filtered drink in the morning and evening.

The next problem that often plagues men is... The following methods can be used here:

  • Mix tea vinegar (500 ml) with 1/4 cup of berries and leave for a day. Drink 10 ml three times a day before meals;
  • Boil 2 tablespoons of crushed bark in a glass of water. Infuse the product and drink 10 ml after filtering before meals;
  • Pour 1 part of viburnum bark powder with vodka (10 parts). Leave for a week in the dark and drink 25 drops in the morning and evening before meals.

To put away heavy sweating legs, wipe your feet with a strong decoction based on viburnum bark.

Viburnum with honey - healthy recipes

What are the benefits of viburnum and how to use it for various diseases? To enhance immune defense The following composition is used:

  • Rub clean berries through a sieve and mix with the same volume of liquid honey;
  • put the mixture in a jar and leave for a week.

Store the product in the refrigerator. Every day you need to eat a spoonful of the mixture with a cup of tea. It helps to restore strength after serious illnesses, colds, and also helps strengthen the immune system after winter.

When coughing This recipe helps.

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of mashed viburnum - remove the seeds - and brew it in 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes and strain. Put a spoonful of honey in it.

Use the decoction for treatment for no longer than a week. To get rid of a cough, drink 1/3 of a glass three times a day in the morning. Prepare the drink daily.

For sore throat The following recipe helps:

  • Pour boiling water (200 ml) over a spoonful of berries. Close the lid and insulate.
  • Leave for 2 hours and add a little honey to the drink.

Infusion is used for gargling a sore throat.

At mix three tablespoons of viburnum and honey. Pour the mixture with a liter of water and cook for 15 minutes. Filter and drink throughout the day as desired.

Red viburnum: how to use it for hypertension

Viburnum is a berry that is beneficial for hypertensive patients, so you need to know how to use it if you have hypertension. The plant is used in the complex treatment of pathology. For prevention hypertensive crises And for the treatment of the disease itself, you can use both fresh and frozen berries.

At hypertension complicated by heart failure, the berry should be consumed together with the seed. To do this, you need to grind it in a blender. Eat two to three tablespoons of the mixture before meals.

Viburnum juice you can drink throughout the day. As an alternative to tea, you can prepare an infusion from the fruit: mash and pour hot boiled water. After the drink has cooled, add a little honey to it.

For the treatment of hypertension You can practice the following recipes:

  • Sprinkle the berries with sugar and leave until the juice releases. Then place them in the oven and bake, grind them and add honey to them;
  • Pour 15 grams of plant bark with water (400 ml) and boil for 30 minutes. Filter and take a spoonful morning and evening before meals.

The classic regimen for taking viburnum-based products:

  • three to four times a day;
  • before meals;
  • one to two tablespoons each.

Red viburnum for diabetes

Viburnum contains sugars that do not require insulin for absorption. In addition, viburnum berries diabetes mellitus 2 types contributes:

  • normalization of blood sugars;
  • stabilizes insulin production;
  • increases tissue sensitivity to its own insulin.
  • mix viburnum berries, juniper, flaxseed and blueberry leaf (proportion 1:2:2:4). Brew a spoonful of the mixture with boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes. Filter the finished broth and drink a glass three times a day;
  • combine equal parts of viburnum bark, galega leaf, dandelion, blueberry, lingonberry and nettle. Take a spoonful of the mixture and brew it with 1.5 cups of boiling water. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes on low heat. Filter. Drink 100 ml of decoction 30 minutes before main meals;
  • mix equal parts viburnum bark, leaf walnut, mint, galega grass and knotweed. Brew a spoonful of the mixture with 1.5 cups of boiling water and simmer for 3 minutes after boiling. Leave the broth for 40 minutes and filter. Drink 60 ml 20 minutes before meals three times a day.

You now know why viburnum is useful and how to use it for various diseases. The main thing is to take into account existing contraindications. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about treatment with folk remedies.

Among the ancient Slavs, red viburnum symbolized youth, beauty, health and love. She played the role of a wedding tree and her flowers decorated the bride's outfit. The berry has a bitterly sour taste, which is not for everybody, but there are a lot of recipes using it in cooking. Red viburnum is rich not only in symbolism and inclusion in recipes for various dishes, but also high content useful substances, thanks to which it is in demand traditional medicine and is included in the pharmacopoeias of many countries.

Red viburnum: beneficial properties

The high value of the properties of viburnum is ensured by the diversity of its constituents. active substances, therapeutic effect which are enhanced by complementing and modifying each other. Various parts of the plant contain a whole bunch of organic complex compounds:

Ether-like tannins and resins - promote the dissolution of clots and blood clots in the blood, thereby increasing its coagulability;

Flavonoids - promote enzyme activity, reduce fragility and increase the elasticity of capillaries;

Organic acids - participate in metabolism, suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and calm the nervous system;

Steroid alcohols - act as regulators of many physiological processes body;

Vitamins - accelerate and enhance the action of other substances, ensure the interaction of physiological and biochemical processes in the body.

Pectins - cleanse the blood of toxins and radioactive elements and promote better digestibility of food.

Red viburnum berries have beneficial properties not only in beauty and edibility. They improve the activity of the heart and help cure diseases of the stomach and intestines. The diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of the fruit help against colds and various skin disorders. Berry juice with honey is used for liver diseases and jaundice.

Liquid preparations Viburnum bark has astringent and anti-inflammatory effects. They are used to enhance the tone of the uterus, lower cholesterol levels in the blood, and as a hemostatic and sedative. Infusion of the bark improves performance, increases tone and has a calming effect.

The seeds of red viburnum have no less beneficial properties than the pulp of the berries. Valeric acid reduces central nervous system excitability and improves sleep. Contained in the plant fatty acid participate in the regulation of renal blood circulation.

Red viburnum: benefits in the fight against disease

For treatment, you can use both your own preparations and drugs purchased at the pharmacy. While in folk medicine the bark, branches, inflorescences, berries and leaves are used, in official pharmaceuticals only the bark, flowers and fruits of the plant are used.

Traditional medicine can defeat many diseases using remedies based on red viburnum. Benefit natural medicines is that they have no side effects. The following diseases can be successfully treated with tinctures, decoctions and extracts of viburnum:

1. ARVI, tonsillitis, bronchitis. Viburnum preparations, due to their anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects, are successfully used in the treatment of colds, strengthen the immune system and speed up recovery.

2. Diseases of the stomach and intestines. Viburnum juice promotes the production of bile, and a decoction of the berries helps with gastritis and normalizes acid secretion in the stomach. Helps with ulcers and indigestion.

3. Problems with the heart and blood vessels. Red viburnum helps well with hypertension, angina pectoris and atherosclerosis, stabilizes the contraction of the heart muscle and strengthens blood vessels.

4. Disorder nervous system. Viburnum berries and juice soothe headaches, help with sleep disorders and in the treatment of neurasthenia and epilepsy. For hysteria and convulsions, a decoction of the bark is used.

5. Skin diseases. A decoction of bark or berries gives good results in the treatment of furunculosis, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and promotes faster healing various wounds and abrasions.

6. Diseases of the liver, kidneys and urinary system. Tinctures, decoctions, extracts and viburnum juice treat hepatitis, jaundice, urethritis, cystitis and edema of renal origin.

7. Internal bleeding and gynecological problems. As an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent, a decoction of the bark and extract of red viburnum are used beneficially and with good results for painful menstruation, in postpartum period, for hemorrhoids and stomach ulcers.

Viburnum red: benefits in dietetics and cosmetology

Nutritionists have also found benefits in red viburnum for creating medicinal dietary dishes.

The berries are low in calories and therefore are used in weight loss diets. People in constant struggle with your own weight, it is difficult without sweet and constant replenishment of vital important elements. Losing weight is much “tastier” with low-calorie desserts that can be made from viburnum berries.

Red viburnum has also found application in cosmetology. To get rid of acne, you need to regularly wipe your face with a decoction of viburnum bark or berry juice. Exist various recipes preparing masks: for dry and oily skin, for smoothing wrinkles, for rejuvenating and whitening the skin, for swelling of the eyelids and circles under the eyes. An anti-cellulite composition is even prepared from viburnum berries.

Red viburnum seeds benefit not only dieters. They contain large quantities of biologically active substances, so the oil obtained from them is used in food supplements, some medicines and cosmetics. The benefits of the oil are enhanced by the natural carotenoids in which it is rich. Their action as natural antioxidants protects the body from external harmful effects and slows down the aging process.

Red viburnum: contraindications and harm

Viburnum red, like a real medicine, can be a cure for many diseases, but there are cases when the treatment can be harmful. Any product has limits of use. There are also restrictions for red viburnum. Contraindications to the use of viburnum preparations exist for people with the following health problems:

1. Increased blood clotting. The hemostatic property of viburnum can cause the formation of blood clots in people with high blood viscosity.

2. Reduced arterial pressure(hypotension). Viburnum preparations for hypotension can lead to loss of consciousness.

3. Pregnancy. Consumption of viburnum during pregnancy can cause fetal development disorders.

4. Gouty arthritis. The plant contains acids that are not good for joint health.

5. Increased acidity. Viburnum is characterized by a high content of organic acids and when used, stomach ulcers can develop.

6. Overdose. The high content of vitamin C in viburnum is a plus, but excessive infatuation with berries can cause allergic reaction and lead to acne, so it is recommended not to give them to children under 2 years of age.

Viburnum red has few contraindications, but it is better to consult a specialist regarding the regimen and dosage of medications. Treatment requires an individual approach, and it must begin with a diagnosis and then follow the prescriptions and advice of the attending physician.

Branched shrub with red fruits - Viburnum vulgare is an ancient folk remedy for treatment various ailments.

The benefits of viburnum are in its fruits, flowers, and leaves.

The roots and bark of the plant are also used in the treatment of common diseases.

Viburnum: calorie content and composition

The chemical composition of viburnum is unusually rich. It contains saponins, resin, phlobaphenes, glycosides, tannins, phylloquinones, etc.

In addition, viburnum contains formic, acetic, isovaleric, caproic, butyric, linoleic, cerotinic and other acids.

Viburnum has beneficial properties due to the vitamins it contains (A, E, C, P, K), magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, pectin, and essential oils.

The calorie content of viburnum is low and amounts to 28 kcal per 100 g of product.

Viburnum is used to treat a whole range of diseases from the common cold to more serious ones.

1. For the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, a decoction of viburnum bark is used - the most beneficial remedy for human health. It is prepared according to this recipe: simply pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed bark (about 2 tablespoons).

Then the mixture is put on fire and boiled for a short time - 5-10 minutes. As usual in such cases, the composition is infused and, after straining, drunk half a glass in two doses, adding a spoonful of honey to the composition for effectiveness.

This mixture is also used against colds. Combine thyme, chamomile, mint (a spoonful), add the same amount of viburnum bark and half a glass of freshly squeezed juice of the plant’s berries.

Mix everything well and pour boiling water over it, then heat it in a water bath for a little while. After the manipulations have been carried out, the product is infused, filtered and drunk at general malaise and colds, half a glass, adding a little honey for taste (if you are not allergic to it).

2. The beneficial properties of viburnum make it possible to use it to overcome bronchitis and pneumonia. The recipe for preparing medicine for such diseases is special. You should slightly heat the honey (200 g), stirring it with a spoon. Then separately you need to grind a spoonful of viburnum fruits and pour melted honey over them.

The composition should sit well (about 5 hours), and then it can be taken as a remedy as an addition to the main therapy (a tablespoon several times a day).

3. If you have a strong hacking cough, you can prepare the following composition: pour boiling water (2 cups) over viburnum fruits (100 g). Boil the mixture over very low heat for at least half an hour. Then the mixture should be allowed to stand. Drink the healing composition of viburnum, which is extremely useful for promoting health, a couple of tablespoons after a meal.

Do not forget to add a little honey to the mixture for greater effectiveness.

4. Viburnum is useful for hypertension, constant headaches, unpleasant sensations in heart.

In the first case, mix the shoots of the plant (crushed), motherwort herb and valerian root (take everything in equal parts). 2 tablespoons of the healing mixture are poured with boiling water (1 glass) and be sure to boil for a couple of minutes over low heat.

After cooling and straining, drink this remedy just a few sips a day.

For heart pain, use a traditional infusion of viburnum berries (3-4 spoons per glass of boiling water), and for persistent headaches, drink a glass or two daily fresh juice viburnum (you can add honey).

5. Viburnum is beneficial for the body because it helps cleanse the liver. To prepare a healing remedy, you need to boil 500 g of fruits until soft (in a small amount of water). Then you should strain the mixture through a sieve and combine it with honey (1 cup).

Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Be sure to consume on an empty stomach in the morning and evening (2 weeks).

6. The beneficial properties of viburnum make it possible to successfully use the plant in the fight against problems such as stomach pain, indigestion, ulcers, constipation, loose stool.

In such cases, use a simple recipe: pour a couple of tablespoons of berries into a glass of boiling water and drink the mixture like tea.

7. Viburnum is widely used to treat fatigue and chronic fatigue. It’s easy to prepare a remedy that will relieve stress. You just need to grind the plant bark, combine it with universal medicinal herb- chamomile (in equal proportions) and brew the composition in the classic way- spoon per glass of boiling water.

8. Viburnum is also used for skin diseases. Freshly squeezed plant juice is used to treat boils, ulcers, and eczema, using it as a compress on problem areas of the skin.

9. Kalina is a real healer. It is used for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Viburnum juice with honey (1:1) is beneficial. It is consumed several spoons up to 4 times a day.

10. Viburnum tincture, which is easy to prepare at home, is very helpful in treating almost all diseases. You should pour half a kilogram of berries with half a liter of vodka and let the mixture brew, as is customary, in the far corner of the cabinet.

After 3-4 weeks of infusion, the composition must be strained and squeezed out, poured into a clean container and used for its intended purpose.

The tincture is taken orally or applied to the diseased areas of the skin.

Viburnum: what are the benefits for the body?

Due to its beneficial properties, viburnum has gained popularity as a remedy, used in the treatment of many diseases.

What is the power of viburnum?

She has a pronounced choleretic effect.

Treats gastrointestinal diseases and cardiovascular pathologies.

Thanks to its powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it is effective against colds.

Viburnum normalizes blood sugar levels.

Helps with irregular periods and alleviates the condition of women during menopause.

It has a strong hemostatic property, therefore it is used for bleeding.

Famous for its mild soothing effect. Relieves insomnia, anxiety, irritability.

Outputs excess liquid from the body. Viburnum is low in calories, so it is allowed for obesity.

It is actively used in the treatment of skin diseases due to its ability to have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, whitening and toning it.

Viburnum is a natural antipyretic. This quality makes the plant indispensable for colds associated with increased body temperature.

Viburnum decoction is effective for sore throat, hoarseness and loss of voice, and inflammation in the oral cavity. The anti-inflammatory properties of the plant make it possible to short term get rid of these ailments. It is enough to gargle or rinse your mouth more often with a healing composition of miracle berries.

The low calorie content of viburnum allows it to be used for weight loss. Those who want to get rid of extra pounds are recommended to consume the juice of the plant’s fruits (separately or in combination with another berry) or add healing fruits to dishes.

Viburnum: what is harmful to health?

The main harm of viburnum lies not so much in the product itself, but in its quantity. An excess of even the most beneficial substances in the body can cause allergic rash.

Viburnum should be taken with caution by people with low blood pressure, as well as those with increased blood clotting and a risk of blood clots.

Viburnum is a real storehouse of organic acids, but for those who suffer from gout it will do more harm than good.

Viburnum should not be taken long time. It is best to carry out courses of treatment, alternating them with breaks.

Viburnum for pregnant and nursing mothers: benefit or harm?

During pregnancy, the expectant mother's body is most susceptible to various infections and viruses. In order not to harm the baby, pregnant women are recommended to use natural remedies treatment.

So, unique properties Viburnum makes it possible to use it for colds accompanied by lingering cough.

Viburnum is a powerful immunostimulant (and a natural one) and a source of vitamins that a pregnant woman’s body so needs.

However, during the period of bearing the baby, use decoctions and infusions of viburnum official medicine does not recommend. It is enough to drink weak tea from the bright red berries of the plant and use viburnum externally (if necessary).

Despite all the benefits of viburnum for the body, pregnant women should be wary of too much of this product. The fact is that the plant has the ability to increase the tone of the uterus, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

Also, viburnum (in case of overdose) can cause an allergic reaction, which will not please you at all expectant mother. To protect herself from negative effects, a woman should consult a doctor about taking viburnum as a remedy. Only a specialist can say for sure whether the plant can be used in your case.

Viburnum for children: benefit or harm?

Kalina - unique plant which is good for children's health. Its rich chemical composition, as mentioned above, has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. Viburnum is used for children's colds, bronchitis, fever, and pneumonia.

For a child, as a rule, tea is prepared from medicinal berries with the addition of honey (in the absence of allergies). To begin, grind the berries (2 tablespoons), add water (1 glass) and cook for half an hour over low heat.

When the composition has cooled slightly, add a little honey (a teaspoon) to it. Children are given this healing remedy three times a day, a third of a glass.

In addition, for colds and coughs, sweet jam from viburnum berries is used, which in season is prepared as follows: the fruits of the plant are ground with sugar (1:1).

However, before using any viburnum-based product, you should consult your pediatrician.

As a rule, experts advise using viburnum - most useful remedy for the body of a child from 2 years old.

A plant with broad-spectrum properties, viburnum is extremely beneficial for health.

Moreover, all its parts have medicinal properties. There are many ways to use viburnum. Only a few have been touched upon in this article. Everyone can choose a recipe for themselves that will relieve one or another disease.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Viburnum must be taken in doses.

There are few people who do not know about the beneficial properties that it has on human immunity in general and in the treatment of colds.

However, these are not the only advantages, besides therapeutic actions possess not only , but also other parts . The range of applications of this berry crop is wide.

You can verify this by reading our material, in which we will talk in detail about red viburnum, its beneficial properties and contraindications for use.

Vitamins and minerals in red berries

is a shrub plant from the Adoxaceae family, which produces spherical berries of red, yellow and black color with a sweetish-bitterish-sour taste.

There are approximately 200 species in the world, but not all of them bear edible fruit. Some of them are used only for a purpose. Viburnum is also used in folk medicine, cooking, and cosmetology.

The medicinal properties of berries have been known since ancient times. This is explained simply - they contain over 10 different organic acids, resins, alcohols, tannins, sugars, pectin, essential oils, tannin, viburnin.

In addition, viburnum is simply a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

The vitamin composition of berries is as follows:

  • carotene (provitamin A);
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • E (alpha tocopherol).
The following minerals are present in viburnum: Fe (iron), P (phosphorus), Zn (zinc), Cr (chromium), I (iodine), Se (selenium), Cu (copper), Mn (manganese).

Did you know? There is no other plant in the world, except viburnum, whose fruits would have heart-shaped seeds..

Beneficial features

Both viburnum fruits and flowers, as well as the bark of the plant, have beneficial properties.


The berries are used to make juice, decoctions and teas.

It also participates in the processes of rejuvenation of the body, promotes rapid cell regeneration, and has an anti-edematous effect.
Viburnum contains over 90% daily norm For human body vitamin C. This means that berries contribute to better absorption of iron, increase the resistance of the immune system against viral and colds, eliminate vitamin deficiency, and help strengthen blood capillaries in the nose, as well as strengthening the gums.

The most powerful antioxidant - vitamin E, which is part of red berries, helps cleanse the body of harmful and toxic substances, normalizes the functioning of the gonads and heart.

Did you know? If you compare the amount of vitamin C in viburnum, and, then the latter berry has the most of it. Viburnum contains 82 mg per 100 g of product, which is 91.1% of the daily requirement for humans, in - 40 mg (44.4%), and in black currant - 200 mg (222.2%).

Decoction and tea from viburnum fruits are good for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: tonsillitis, bronchitis, sore throat. They are recommended for pneumonia.

Pectins and tannins, consumed together with berries, help improve activity digestive system, cleanse the liver.
Juice from the berries is used to prevent headaches, migraines, and hypertension.

Berry-based products are taken as an astringent and diuretic, they relieve excess swelling, have an antipyretic effect.


Flower decoctions are recommended for various types of inflammation and bleeding. They are used to increase appetite, reduce sweating, restore voice and heal vocal cords.

They also help stabilize the condition and relieve pain during acute gastritis in people with low acidity.

In cosmetology, products from viburnum flowers are used to strengthen the growth of hair, nails, and improve facial skin tone.


Viburnum bark contains resins, essential oils, phytoncides, tannins, glycosides, and organic acids. Products based on it help:

  • cope with various skin diseases;
  • have a hemostatic effect;
  • accelerate the healing process for ulcers and hemorrhoids;
  • help cope with nervous disorders and overwork;
  • relieve spasms.

Preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

The berries are harvested in the first and second months of autumn. However, it is believed that best time When to collect viburnum, there will be a period immediately after the first frost.

At this time, the fruits will have the highest concentration of nutrients, and they will also not be so bitter. The berries are cut in clusters, along with the stem. They can be stored in the refrigerator for some time.

To dry the berries, the bunches are laid out on paper in cool room. They will have to remain in this position for 5-10 days. Then they will need to be placed in an oven heated to a temperature of 50°C and dried.
Dry berries should be stored in bags made of natural fabrics in places where light and moisture do not penetrate.

You can easily preserve the nutrients in viburnum if you place the berries in a jar and fill them to the top with sugar. Close the container with a lid. This product, stored in the refrigerator, can be used for six months.
Viburnum juice is prepared from washed and well-dried berries. They are lightly pounded, and then mixed with sugar in equal parts and ground. The juice is poured into glass containers and stored in. The longer it sits, the more bitterness will leave it.

You can also prepare juice by boiling the berries. For 1 kg of fruit, take 1 liter of water and a glass of sugar. The mixture is cooked until the berries are soft. Then the berries are squeezed out and infused for some time. The juice is poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Important! Please note that viburnum juice has both beneficial properties and contraindications. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink it uncontrollably and in excessive doses.

The bark for medicinal products is harvested in April, in the phase after sap flow.

Flowers are collected between May and June. They are dried and stored in glass jars or fabric bags.

Application of medicinal properties in folk medicine

People have known for a long time that red viburnum, its berries, flowers and bark have beneficial properties; since then, many have appeared that are used to treat a wide range of diseases. We present a selection of the most effective ones in this section.

To strengthen the immune system

We wrote above about how to make juice. The tea is prepared as follows: brew the fruit (a tablespoon) with boiling water (200 ml). Leave to infuse for two hours.

For the purpose of prevention, drink half a glass twice a day. For medicinal purposes, it can be consumed more often – up to three times a day.

A mixture of viburnum (100 g), lemon (one piece), leaves (200 g), and a small portion, crushed in a blender or minced through a meat grinder, is very effective as a general tonic. Oil (200 g) and (200 g) are added to it. The product is applied one tablespoon after meals.

To calm the nervous system

Since viburnum bark contains valeric acid, an infusion from it can relieve nervous tension and eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome.

Grind the bark, mix 2-3 tablespoons with (tablespoon). Simmer for 30 minutes in a water bath. Then leave under the lid for 50-60 minutes. Take a tablespoon before meals for a week.

Fatigue will be relieved if you take a couple of tablespoons of a mixture of viburnum bark and chamomile before going to bed. Flowers pharmaceutical chamomile mix with bark powder in equal parts.

Place a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water. Then simmer in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Strain before use.

For sore throat

Frequent gargling with an infusion of flowers and berries will help relieve a sore throat due to a sore throat. To prepare it, take equal parts of flowers and berries, pour boiling water over it and leave for 3-4 hours. For rinsing, use half a glass.

Viburnum-honey compresses are also sometimes used, which are placed on the throat twice a day for an hour.

For a cold

For colds, in addition to viburnum tea, decoction and juice from berries, you can brew the bark. Here are some recipes for decoctions:

For bronchitis and pneumonia

For bronchitis and pneumonia, take decoctions of berries and bark. They liquefy and remove mucus.

A tablespoon of red berries is ground and added to a glass of hot honey. The product is infused for 5-6 hours. Take a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

A tablespoon of crushed bark is mixed with the same amount of herbs:, flowers. Then add a glass of boiling water. After waiting half an hour, drink the product 30 minutes before meals, a quarter glass.

For chronic cough

A decoction of berries (100 g/400 ml of water), boiled for half an hour, with the addition of ½ cup of honey, will help cope with a cough. Take two tablespoons of it, waiting 30 minutes after eating.

For headaches

Frequent headaches can be eliminated by regularly drinking viburnum juice with the addition of honey.

Hypertension is another disease that viburnum helps with. It is good to take viburnum juice. The product is prepared from juice squeezed from half a kilo of berries, a decoction of already squeezed berries (pour 100 ml of water and boil for five minutes), a tablespoon of honey. After cooking, eat two tablespoons 30 minutes before meals.

You can also try a product based on bush shoots. They are crushed and mixed with motherwort, valerian root, brewed with boiling water and boiled for a couple of minutes.

For liver diseases

Viburnum with honey is an excellent liver cleanser. Pour half a kilogram of fruit with a small amount of water and boil. The fruits should soften. Then they are rubbed through a sieve and honey (250 ml) is added.

The course of admission is two weeks. Eat a couple of tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

For constipation

Viburnum is an amazing berry because different means based on it, they can help with both constipation and diarrhea. You can forget about constipation by eating 40 berries mixed with honey.

You can also grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, separate a teaspoon of powder and place it in 200 ml of boiling water. After 10 minutes, you can drink the product twice daily, mixing it with sugar or honey for taste.

For diarrhea

A remedy made from viburnum fruits and honey will help strengthen the stool. The fruits (a couple of tablespoons) are placed in ½ cup of honey. Then the mixture is heated over low heat for 10 minutes, while it needs to be stirred.

After the mixture has cooled, eat it one tablespoon at a time throughout the day, at regular intervals.

For gastritis

Two tablespoons of fruit, brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 3-4 hours, will help alleviate the condition of gastritis. This remedy is taken two tablespoons five times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For stomach ulcers

Stomach ulcer and duodenum– quite serious diseases that require complex treatment. Viburnum-based products can only be used as additional therapy.
Berries (a tablespoon) are crushed and placed in ½ cup of chilled boiled water. Insist for 112 hours. Then drink a tablespoon before meals.

Important! If you have serious illness any internal organ, then before use in medicinal purposes You should consult your doctor, since even such a seemingly innocent remedy as viburnum with honey can have both beneficial properties and contraindications.

For skin diseases

Boils, ulcers, eczema - it also helps to get rid of these troubles. In this case, it is applied externally. Moisten gauze with viburnum juice and apply to problem areas for 1-2 hours.

You will need several such compresses throughout the day. The initial course of treatment is 14-18 days. Then you should take a break of seven days. There must be at least three courses.

For speedy healing skin diseases Make lotions from viburnum decoction: place a tablespoon of berries in ½ cup of boiled chilled water and let stand for 6-8 hours.
Before use, add a tablespoon of honey. The lotions are applied for an hour in the mornings and evenings.

For sweaty feet

Viburnum bark is an excellent remedy to eliminate excessive sweating. Place a tablespoon of fine bark in 200 ml of water and cook over low heat after boiling for 10 minutes.

When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, it is used to wipe the soles of the feet.

In addition to the diseases described, it must be said that viburnum is considered a female berry. After all, it helps with some female diseases.
Viburnum has medicinal properties, however, it also has contraindications for women with heavy and painful menstruation and uterine bleeding. Can be taken alcohol tincture from bark.

It is prepared from four tablespoons of bark, diluted in a glass of alcohol (70%), which are infused for 10 days in a place without light. You should drink it twice a day, a tablespoon.

The use of viburnum in home cosmetology

Viburnum is very beneficial for facial skin. Products based on it and viburnum juice tone it, rejuvenate it, make it more elastic and clean. If you have any problems such as rashes, you can simply wipe your face with viburnum juice every day.

Such rubbing also helps to make freckles and age spots less noticeable.

The juice can be mixed with honey, vegetable oils, fermented milk products, lemon juice, egg.

There are several recipes for face masks that use juice, berries and flowers. From wrinkles. Mix the fruits (three tablespoons), olive oil (dessert spoon), honey (teaspoon), egg yolk. It is better to use a blender for mixing. Apply the mask for 15 minutes. Then wash off with water or herbal decoction.

From rashes. Combine viburnum juice with sour cream in equal proportions. Wash after 20 minutes.

Moisturizing. Combine viburnum juice (two tablespoons), glycerin (one tablespoon), honey (teaspoon), olive oil (teaspoon), flour. Apply the mixture to your face for 10-20 minutes.

Toning lotion. Place the flowers (two tablespoons) in boiling water (200 ml) and leave for two hours. Strain and use to wipe the skin.

Important! All masks can be applied to the face only after allergy tests on the skin in the area of ​​the elbow. The product should be applied in a small amount to this delicate area. If within half an hour adverse reactions did not happen, the mask can be used on the face.


Viburnum-based products can be both beneficial and harmful. They should not be taken:

  • hypotensive patients, since it tends to lower blood pressure;
  • to those who have increased acidity gastric juice;
  • people with gout and arthritis - viburnum can worsen the condition of the joints;
  • prone to thrombosis;
  • In case of long-term use, pregnant women have a risk of provoking premature birth;
  • people with a history of kidney disease.
Excessive consumption of vitamin C with viburnum can also provoke a local allergic reaction in the form of a rash.

Viburnum, in the absence of contraindications, must be consumed during periods of mass epidemics of viral diseases.


The benefits and harms of viburnum:

The questions of what red viburnum is, the beneficial properties and contraindications of viburnum, as well as what medicinal properties it has, are of great interest to people who conduct healthy image life, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods treatment, including medicinal plants. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Viburnum (Viburnum opulus L.) is a shrub of the honeysuckle family that produces an edible fruit - a spherical-ovoid drupe, red in color, slightly smaller in size than a rowan, colloquially called a “berry”, which has a peculiar sweetish-sourish-bitter taste, slightly astringent .

Since ancient times, viburnum has been considered the “Russian national berry”, since it grows only on the territory of ten Great Russian regions and is the main component of the oldest Russian national dish - kulagi (see). It is noteworthy that on the territory of Ukraine and Belarus, instead of viburnum, another type of honeysuckle is common - gourdovina (Viburnum lantana Z.), the fruits of which are black in color and have a different taste.

In the old days, thickets of this plant were extremely common in Russian mixed forests, especially on the edges, but now it has almost disappeared due to predatory hunting: in order not to collect viburnum for a long time, its branches along with clusters of “berries” were simply broken and thereby spoiled many bushes that stopped fruiting for years. Deforestation and thinning of forests in the central regions of Russia also caused enormous damage to this plant, which cannot tolerate the proximity of roads and industrial buildings.

Bright red bunches of viburnum always look attractive in the garden. They are especially beautiful when snow falls: after all, these berries truly ripen only when all of nature has already fallen asleep.

Viburnum berries are not only edible, they are extremely beneficial for health, which is why many people want to prepare them for the winter. Viburnum is dried to drink tea with, some prefer to grind it with sugar. In addition, the berries of this plant make wonderful refreshing cocktails and a wide variety of drinks; jams, jams and syrups are made from them.

Kalina is loved not only for her unsurpassed taste qualities, but also for healing properties. For almost every disease, this berry is simply irreplaceable.

In folk medicine, not only berries are used, but also roots, stems, seeds, rhizomes and leaves of viburnum. All these parts of the plant have different chemical compositions, and therefore, depending on this, they are used in different areas of medicine or in cosmetology. For example, the bark of this plant, its young shoots, berries and flowers are successfully used in medicine.

It is of great importance at what time the viburnum raw materials were collected. Depending on the time of year, and sometimes even the time of day, the healing properties of certain parts of the plant can change significantly. For example, if bark is required for medicinal purposes, then it should be collected in mid-spring, in April, when sap flow is just beginning. At the same time, in early spring, shoots of this plant should also be collected.

From May to June, the harvesting of plant flowers begins, when they reach full bloom. From September to October you can collect viburnum fruits. If you pick the berries immediately after the first frost, you can be sure that they will definitely retain all their valuable properties. The best viburnum berries are those picked up by the first frosts.

The collected viburnum raw materials, regardless of what part is required, are usually dried in the shade on outdoors. To do this, you should make a canopy or arrange a well-ventilated room for drying. Attics are very suitable for this. Racks or a series of shelves are installed in the room, and raw materials are laid out on them thin layer. While the drying process is taking place, the plants should be turned several times a day. How fast the process will begin drying depends, of course, on weather conditions, but on average viburnum is dried from 4 to 9 days. When the raw materials are dry, they should be placed in clean and dry linen or gauze bags and stored away from light.

What is viburnum, the benefits and harms of viburnum are of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods of treatment. So we will try to answer questions that interest this category of people.


Red viburnum berries are considered a real storehouse of useful substances. The berries of this plant contain 2 times more ascorbic acid and 5 times more iron than citrus fruits. In addition, they are rich in vitamins A and E. Thanks to this, viburnum is successfully used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

Fruits, bark and flowers are used to prepare infusions, tinctures and decoctions. The bark contains the glycoside viburnin, resin, tannins, acetic, formic, butyric, linoleic and other organic acids, iridoid glycosides and sugars. The fruits contain sugars, tannins, pectins, phytosterols, essential oil, amino acids, tannins and phytoncides that destroy pathogenic bacteria.

The berries of this plant have a tonic effect and improve performance of cardio-vascular system, have antiseptic, hemostatic, diuretic and choleretic effects, reduce blood pressure, increase immunity, promote wound healing, help with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

Infusions and decoctions of the bark have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lower blood pressure, relieve spasms, tone, have an antiseptic and calming effect, and increase the tone of the uterus.

The glycoside viburnin provides a vasoconstrictor effect.

Viburnum fruits are recommended for use in restorative postoperative period, as well as with edema of the renal and cardiac origin, liver diseases, etc. Medicines based on the bark are used as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding, heavy menstruation and in the postpartum period.

The benefits of viburnum berries also extend to the seeds, which contain approximately 20 percent oils. Tree bark contains many acids - butyric, formic, cerotinic and others. The foliage and flowers are also endowed with medicinal properties.


Contraindications to the use of viburnum and treatment with it are increased blood clotting and pregnancy.


  • People who have high acidity should not get carried away with viburnum. chronic gastritis. But if these diseases worsen, you should forget about treatment with viburnum.
  • You should not take viburnum with honey if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer.
  • If you have low blood pressure, do not get carried away with viburnum, as this threatens to further reduce your already low blood pressure.
  • For allergies or individual intolerance honey or viburnum, viburnum is contraindicated.
  • Viburnum is contraindicated for thrombosis, in other words for people with thick blood.

And, of course, a doctor’s advice never hurts!

Collection and storage:

The berries should be picked after the first light frost. You can store them by tying the berries in bunches and hanging them on the balcony, in the barn or summer kitchen. Viburnum juice can be ground with sugar to a jelly-like state. This product can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator or even at room temperature.

What are the benefits of viburnum juice?

Viburnum juice is usually used to treat coughs and colds. The remedy is a folk remedy, but doctors do not consider it completely useless. Like many berry juices, this one is a source of vitamins, minerals, tannins and plant analogues of antibiotics.

These substances fight viruses and bacteria. Viburnum is therefore used to treat various viral and bacterial infections:

  • Rinse your mouth with juice for inflammation of the gums, sore throat, and stomatitis. It does not treat the teeth themselves, but helps relieve gum inflammation and pain. Rinsing cannot replace a visit to the dentist, but sometimes it allows you to “reach out” to it relatively without pain;
  • Viburnum juice is drunk for sore throats and pharyngitis, and it acts not only as an antiseptic, but also as tonic, which relieves swelling from the nasopharynx, strengthens the immune system, and helps the body defeat infection;
  • the juice is sometimes applied to boils, ulcers and other foci of skin diseases. Antiseptic properties help prevent bacterial growth.

It is very useful to drink juice from viburnum fruits. It can be prepared with sugar:

For juice you will need 1 kg of berries, 200 g of sugar, 200 g of water. Squeeze the juice from the prepared berries. Pour water over the pomace, boil for 5-10 minutes, then strain. Mix the broth with the previously squeezed juice, add sugar, stir thoroughly and cool. Based on this juice, you can later prepare other dishes and drinks.

You can prepare juice with honey in the same way:

For 1 kg of berries you will need 170 g of honey and 200 g of water. In folk medicine, juice with honey is used to treat breast cancer, as well as to prevent stomach ulcers in hypoacid gastritis.

For longer storage, you can make boiled viburnum juice:

For this juice you will need 1 kg of berries, 200 g of sugar and 1 liter of water. Rinse the fruits in cold water, place in an enamel bowl, add water, cook over low heat until the berries soften.

Squeeze the juice out of the already boiled berries, let it sit for 2-3 hours, then mix the juice with sugar. Heat again over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Strain the juice through cheesecloth, bring to a boil again (do not boil), remove from heat, pour into hot jars, seal tightly and cool.

What are the benefits of viburnum seeds?

Not only in the berries, but also in the seeds of viburnum contains a large number of useful substances. Seeds are a source of macro and microelements, vitamins, useful for the body, as well as valuable fatty amino acids, which the essential oil prepared from them is rich in.

The high content of biologically active substances in the seeds of ripe berries makes them indispensable in nutrition, as well as in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. According to recent studies, natural carotenoids contained in viburnum kernel oil protect the body from oncological diseases, have a powerful antioxidant effect and prevent premature aging.

Due to the high content of oleic and linoleic acids, viburnum seed oil is used in food additives, composed of medicines and cosmetics. When used externally, it can accelerate the healing of a wide variety of skin lesions (cracks, wounds, cuts, boils), and is suitable for the treatment of rashes in adolescence and adolescence. In addition, suppositories are produced from it, used in the treatment of inflammation in the rectum, uterus and lower urinary tract.

Viburnum berry seeds are used in the treatment of hypertension, strokes, cardiovascular diseases, and colds. An effective diaphoretic is a decoction made from viburnum seeds; in addition, it strengthens muscle tone, improves absorption in the intestines and successfully copes with digestive disorders.

Is viburnum good for women?

It is not without reason that viburnum is called the female berry. The thing is that ripe fruits contain substances that are prototypes of female sex hormones. Therefore, scarlet berries are very useful for women during menopause.

Viburnum (bark, flowers, berries, seeds) is used in traditional medicine as an effective preventive and therapeutic agent for such female ailments as mastopathy, painful sensations during menstruation, uterine bleeding. A decoction of ripe fruits is useful for colds.

Carotenoids contained in viburnum fruits have a powerful rejuvenating effect on mature skin. It is enough to regularly apply a mixture of 3 teaspoons of viburnum mashed through a sieve and 3 teaspoons of cottage cheese, yolk and oatmeal to the face and décolleté for 20 minutes.

If you regularly wipe your face with berry juice, juvenile acne will disappear. Dark spots, freckles and pimples will disappear in just two weeks if applied daily. problematic skin composition of viburnum berries and sour cream.

Viburnum is an excellent remedy for hair loss: a mixture of 2 tbsp. juice of fresh viburnum berries, 1 tbsp. red wine and a teaspoon olive oil Apply half an hour before washing your hair.

What is treated with viburnum?

Viburnum viburnum is a plant that is widely used in medical practice as a preventive and therapeutic agent for various cardiovascular diseases. It is known as an excellent hemostatic agent that relieves spasms of various etiologies and convulsions. Viburnum is a sedative, choleretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Viburnum is widely used in treatment gynecological diseases. It is used in the treatment of skin diseases, stomach ulcers, dyspepsia, dropsy, liver diseases, internal bleeding of different nature. Viburnum is indispensable during colds; it helps well with coughs, choking, and fever. For angina, viburnum is used as an external medicine. Currently these amazing berries are increasingly used in the treatment and prevention of cancer.

Viburnum from pressure:

Viburnum berries have long been used to treat hypertension. Here is one of the recipes:

Viburnum fruit juice with honey

  • 1 kg of viburnum fruits;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 200 g water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Squeeze the juice from the berries, add water to the pulp and boil for 5–10 minutes, strain the finished broth. Pour the broth into the squeezed juice, add sugar, stir the mixture and cool. Add honey to the resulting juice and mix again.

Take 3 times a day, 1-2 tbsp. spoons 30 minutes before meals. Juice from viburnum fruits and honey is drunk for hypertension.

Another recipe for treating viburnum hypertension:

Infusion of viburnum shoots

  • 20 g roots of viburnum shoots;
  • 20 g of motherwort herb;
  • 20 g valerian root;
  • 1 glass of water.

Pour 2 teaspoons of the mixture with water and boil the mixture for 2–3 minutes.

Drink the infusion in sips throughout the day. Used for cerebral sclerosis and hypertension.

How to treat the stomach with viburnum?

Viburnum is widely used in medicine for chronic stomach diseases. The following recipes are especially often used.

Recipe 1

  • 1 kg of viburnum berries;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 200 g of water.

Carefully sort out the clean viburnum berries, squeeze the juice out of them, and pour into a deep bowl, preferably enamel or ceramic. Pour water over the pulp, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and combine the juice with it. Add sugar and stir the resulting mixture. The drink should be taken chilled.

For stomach and duodenal ulcers, it is recommended to use the following collection:

  • 20 g crushed viburnum bark;
  • 40 g of dried and crushed rose hips;
  • 40 g of a mixture of crushed leaves, flowers and St. John's wort herb;
  • 20 g of motherwort;
  • 10 g valerian root;
  • 30 g of blackberry leaves and flowers;
  • 10 g of Veronica officinalis;
  • 500 ml water.

Mix all ingredients, pour boiling water for 30 minutes, but do not bring to a boil. Let it brew for 15 minutes.

Drink 0.5 cups 4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

How to treat a cold with viburnum?

Tea with viburnum helps to quickly cope with the first signs of a cold. Helps reduce temperature. Reducing high blood pressure is not just words, the effect of viburnum has been tested repeatedly.

Preparing viburnum tea is very simple; usually you take viburnum ground with sugar, pour boiling water over it, and the tea is ready. For 200 grams of boiling water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of viburnum ground with sugar. It is advisable to drink tea warm and as often as possible, about 3-5 times a day. Be careful, as viburnum lowers blood pressure.

Viburnum is especially often used for pneumonia and bronchitis.

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of viburnum berries;
  • 2 glasses of honey.

Grind the berries thoroughly. Heat the honey in a water bath while stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. The fire should not be strong. When the honey becomes hot, pour it over the viburnum berries. Wrap in a woolen scarf and let sit for 5-6 hours.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 5-6 times a day with constant monitoring of blood pressure.

For bronchitis, pleurisy and pneumonia, the following collection is useful.

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of viburnum bark;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coltsfoot leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of black elderberry flowers;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of knotweed;
  • 1 liter of water.

Mix the ingredients, pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Cool the infusion before use.

Drink 0.75 glasses 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

We treat heart disease with viburnum:

This plant has a general strengthening effect, therefore it is widely used to prevent exacerbations of various heart and vascular diseases.

Viburnum-beet kvass

Practically no expenses are required for its preparation. Kvass is prepared from beets and viburnum as follows.

  • 1 kg viburnum;
  • 1 kg beets;
  • 1 glass of sugar or honey;
  • 3 liters of water.

Grate the beets, add 1 liter of water and cook. Rinse the viburnum with running water. Boil viburnum briefly in 1 liter of water. Mix both decoctions and add sugar. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. The finished kvass must be cooled, bottled, and stored in a cool place. Viburnum-beet kvass is best drunk cold. Kvass is used as an effective vasodilator.

Infusion of viburnum fruits:

  • 15–20 g of viburnum fruits;
  • 1 glass of water.

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the berries. Leave for 4 hours, then strain.

Take during the day in 3 divided doses. Used for heart pain.

Recipes from the book by L. Repeynikova “Viburnum for all diseases.”