Calorie content of rolled oat flakes. Chemical composition and nutritional value

The phrase “Your oatmeal, sir” is known, if not to every person, then to most of the world’s population for sure. And it’s not for nothing that it’s called the breakfast of English aristocrats, because for several centuries the inhabitants of the kingdom have preferred just such a start to the day. And for good reason - the nutritional value of oatmeal is such that it can provide a boost of energy throughout the day. This cereal is beneficial for the human body precisely due to its chemical composition. We will tell you what exactly it contains in this article.

What is oatmeal? Some useful information about the product

Oatmeal has been around for thousands of years. The inhabitants of the Earth became acquainted with it a long time ago, and initially oats began to be grown by the population of the ancient territory where Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel and Syria are located today. Therefore, those who thought that cereal appeared in England, since it is very popular there, were deeply mistaken.

The nutritional value of oatmeal makes it an ideal breakfast food. It can satisfy hunger for a long time, and also stimulates brain activity, in particular memory, which is especially important for people whose professional activity associated with mental work. Girls will be interested to know that oatmeal helps strengthen hair and nails, as it is rich in useful elements, and stimulates weight loss. Therefore, those people who eat this porridge in the process of losing weight do the right thing, choosing it as breakfast. The body receives useful material, important for its work, and does not suffer from a lack of calories. The carbohydrates contained in the product, in turn, are slow, so they are consumed gradually, without being retained as fat on the body.

Chemical composition of oatmeal

Now about the most important thing. Of course, chemical composition and nutritional value of oatmeal. Cereals contain quite a lot of iron and magnesium, and also contain phosphorus, fluorine, calcium, and iodine. As for the vitamins in the chemical composition of the product, these are all the so-called “beauty vitamins,” including representatives of group B, retinol, nicotinic acid and tocopherol. Full list useful substances:

  • chlorine;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • nickel;
  • sulfur;
  • aluminum;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • silicon;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • cobalt;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum;
  • fluorine;
  • magnesium;
  • B1; B2; B4; B5; B6; B9;

Second, but no less important question concerns the calorie content of the product and the content of BJU in its composition. As a rule, the energy value of porridge is approximately 340 kcal per 100 g of dry cereal. This figure may vary depending on the cereal manufacturer. For example, if it is a pure product, then there will be no additional calories in it. But today they also sell cereals with various additives, such as dried fruits, berries, and sugar is added to some cereals. These porridges will have higher calorie content. It is generally difficult to classify such flakes into the list of healthy products and include them in healthy diet dietary nutrition, since you can only get better from them.

Nutritional value of oatmeal per 100 g:

  • proteins - 16.89 g;
  • fats - 6.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 66.27 g.

As for the remaining elements, their content is as follows:





Pantothenic acid



Folic acid

A nicotinic acid




Useful properties of oatmeal

As can be seen from the information presented above, even 100 g of oatmeal has quite a high nutritional value. The chemical composition of the cereal makes this product very beneficial for the body. It is also important to know that oatmeal is rich in fiber - 100 g contains ¼ daily norm. Together with proteins, this element helps improve metabolic processes and improves digestion. Fiber is also involved in muscle formation.

Calcium and fluoride help strengthen skeletal system, and iron, of which there is quite a lot, normalizes the functioning of the hematopoietic system, restores normal level hemoglobin and, accordingly, helps fight anemia. In addition, oatmeal is an excellent antioxidant that can cleanse the body of harmful substances. It helps remove toxins, toxins and other harmful substances. This is important not only for the correct and stable functioning of all organs and systems, but also for external beauty (the condition of the skin, hair, teeth and nails).

Oatmeal is very useful for people with gastrointestinal diseases. It has an enveloping property, due to which a special film is formed on the gastric mucosa, protecting the organ from chemical and mechanical negative effects.

Porridge made from this cereal stimulates brain activity, improves memory, promotes excretion bad cholesterol, reduces arterial pressure, has a mild diuretic effect and helps reduce swelling.

The nutritional value of oatmeal is such that this product is an excellent breakfast for all people, both healthy and those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, diseases of cardio-vascular system and many other pathologies.

Negative effects on the body

Although oatmeal can be eaten even by allergy sufferers, since it contains the substance biotin, there are other reasons why cereal can be harmful. This rare pathology Called celiac disease - an allergy to grains. Otherwise, oatmeal cannot harm a person if consumed in reasonable quantities and not limiting the diet to it alone. Cereals contain acid, which helps wash calcium out of the body if its content in the body is higher than normal.

Nutritional value of oatmeal with milk

Usually porridge is prepared in this way for children. Cereals prepared with milk are rich in the same substances as in dry form, only the numbers differ slightly from those of “raw” oats. The calorie content of the product will be 102 kcal per 100 g of product. The amount of protein is 3.2 g, fat - 4.1, and carbohydrates - 14.2 g.

Porridge cooked in water

In this case, the calorie content will be even lower - 88 kcal per 100 g of product. Nutritional value of oatmeal on water:

  • proteins - 3 g;
  • fats - 1.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 15 g.

Even cooked in water oatmeal can create a feeling of fullness for a long time. This is all thanks to the starch and fiber content in the cereal, which are the basis of the nutritional value of the dish.

Oatmeal on store shelves

You can find several for sale various types product. These are whole grains and flakes for cooking, as well as oatmeal in bags for brewing with boiling water. This parameter affects the cooking time, so if you don’t have much time for breakfast in the morning, you need to choose something that cooks faster. Also, depending on the manufacturer, the nutritional value of 100 g of oatmeal and the content of certain substances in it may differ. You should carefully read the composition of the product.

The most popular cereals today instant cooking. If whole grains are cooked for about two hours, then this type takes from 3-5 to 20 minutes, which depends on the variety. The most famous are Hercules and Extra flakes. Flakes in bags that do not require cooking are very convenient. They are simply steamed with boiling water for 3-5 minutes, after which you can have breakfast. As a rule, they are enriched with fruits, berries and some other products. However, you should be aware that instant cereal is not suitable for healthy eating precisely because they contain additional substances and sugar, which can contribute to excess weight gain.

On the package of oatmeal you can see the so-called grain size. For example, “No. 1” is characterized by light plates, cooks for no more than 5 minutes and is ideal for children and people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Under No. 2, the cereal is just as tender, but cooks 2 times longer. Number 3 is characterized high content carbohydrates and dense texture, cooks for about 15 minutes and is the most satisfying porridge. “Hercules” cereal is made from premium oats, so it takes about 20 minutes to prepare. Porridge is as close as possible to the original composition of grains, therefore it is the most useful.

It seems that nothing can make the morning better than a bowl of fragrant steamed oatmeal. Although, by and large, it does not matter in what form you consume oatmeal: in the form of milk porridge, as a component of a cocktail or other dishes, it still remains a delicious product and unchanged perfect breakfast British aristocrats.

What is oatmeal

Oatmeal is, simply put, steamed and flattened grains of regular oats. And although today many people consider “Hercules” a modern dish, in fact this porridge is already more than a thousand years old - the first to prepare it were the ancient Greeks.

Modern oats trace their “ancestry” back to a wild relative that “populated” the expanses of China approximately 7,000 years ago. Ancient people actively used the benefits of this cereal. Meanwhile, long before oats became food, ancient people used it as medicinal plant. Over time, this porridge became a favorite for many Europeans. It confidently entered the cookbooks of the Scots, English, Germans, and Scandinavians, and in the 17th century it reached the shores of America. Today's most major manufacturers oats are Russia, USA, Poland, Germany, Finland.

Oat, also known as Avena Sativa, is a common cereal around the world, not picky about soil and capable of producing excellent yields in places where life is more difficult for other cereals. And the incredible power of this plant seems to be passed on to those who eat oat grains. And, as it turned out, our mothers were right when they said that oatmeal gives energy and strength.

Beneficial features

Asthma protection for children

Asthma ( inflammatory disease respiratory tract) is very common chronic disease among children. And although not all patients experience acute symptoms, but recurrent cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath are characteristic of many of them. Some researchers suggest that one of the reasons for the development of asthma is the early introduction of solid foods into the diet of babies. But what's interesting is that this warning does not apply to oatmeal. On the contrary, the early introduction to children's diet Oat porridge only strengthens their immunity and strengthens the body.

Other benefits of oatmeal:

  • serves as a prevention of diabetes;
  • increases athletic endurance;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves sleep.

IN folk medicine Hercules is used:

  • to strengthen teeth and bones;
  • for the treatment of digestive organs;
  • as an antidepressant;
  • to remove carcinogens;
  • for the treatment of the genitourinary and endocrine systems;
  • for anemia, gastritis, colitis, recovery;
  • to restore the gastric mucosa;
  • to get rid of swelling;
  • for cleansing the kidneys, liver, blood vessels.

Oatmeal infusion to cleanse the body

Another name for this remedy is oatmeal. It's not difficult to prepare. To do this, you will have to pour about a third of a glass of boiled (cooled) oatmeal. Let the mixture sit (overnight), then strain. Oat milk traditional healers It is recommended to consume it daily on an empty stomach with a small amount. They say that this infusion has incredible healing properties, removes toxins, and instead enriches the body with many useful substances.

Nutritional value

Oats are one of the healthiest grains. In addition to being gluten-free, it is also extremely high in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

In addition, rolled oats are known as porridge, extremely rich in useful components. The product earned this fame thanks to manganese, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, carotenoids and those included in its composition. Manganese, for example, is important for healthy growth, development and metabolism, phosphorus is essential for bone health, copper is considered good for the heart, and iron prevents anemia. You can also talk for a long time about the benefits of selenium, since it is important antioxidant, on which immunity and the ability to resist cancer depend.

Hercules has a reputation for being good for reducing weight and blood sugar, preventing heart disease and blood clots, and many other health benefits.

Nutritional value per 100 g
Calorie content 362 kcal
11.9 g
6.9 g
69.5 g
772 mcg
0.51 mg
1.9 mcg
0.45 mg
0.05 mg
1.03 mg
1.2 mg
0.08 mg
32 mcg
27.7 mg
351 mg
24.72 mg
128 mg
423 mg
366 mg
220 mg
2.51 mg
0.36 mg
3.39 mg
23.2 mg

Oatmeal for breakfast: the right recipe

As already noted, you can eat oatmeal in different forms, but the most popular is porridge for breakfast. For the most simple way To prepare breakfast you will need half a glass of rolled oats, a glass of milk or water, and a pinch of salt.

Mix the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook the porridge until soft. Additional ingredients will help make oatmeal more tasty and nutritious. This could be cinnamon, fruit, nuts, seeds or yogurt.

In addition, rolled oats are often used for baking delicious bread. oatmeal cookies and making muesli.

Possible dangers

Although oats are a gluten-free grain, oatmeal can sometimes contain small amounts of gluten. This occurs when the grains are processed using the same equipment as other gluten-containing grains. This is important for people with celiac disease or hypersensitivity to gluten.

Benefits in cosmetology

Importance for skin

It is no coincidence that oat extract is included in many skin care products. Also cosmetics homemade Rarely does it go without an important component - oatmeal.

Scientists have determined that oatmeal has a protective effect on the skin, relieves itching and irritation caused by various skin diseases. Experience shows that oatmeal is an excellent cure for eczema. In addition, rolled oats help moisturize the skin and protect against potential irritants, and thanks to its rich mineral vitamin composition nourishes and improves the condition of the epidermis.

Benefits for hair

Hercules is useful not only for digestion, this product also provides proper nutrition. There are hundreds of variations of homemade hair cosmetic recipes using oatmeal. The impressive list of beneficial substances contained in this porridge makes it an indispensable substance for strengthening and accelerating hair growth.

As a rule, most oatmeal masks use flakes ground to a flour state, which are combined with other healthy products (vegetable oils, yoghurts, eggs, honey, vitamins). The finished product should have a thick consistency. Leave on hair for at least 30 minutes.

Oatmeal is an amazing porridge with a rich chemical composition. It is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, including unique ones. People have known about the benefits of this dish for many centuries. And having learned about the amazing abilities of this cereal, it becomes clear why the famous “Oatmeal, sir!” the British say it with such respect. After all, if it were possible to rank all known cereals by class, Hercules would undoubtedly be a revered aristocrat among other cereals.

Oatmeal is a unique food product of its kind. With a high calorie content, oat flakes are considered almost better nutrition for weight loss, cleansing the stomach and intestines.

The British prefer to have healthy oatmeal with water for breakfast, perhaps because average duration life in England is 70-75 years, which is 10-15 years higher than statistics throughout Europe.

It is interesting that the English began to eat oatmeal in the morning, following the Scots, although in the middle of the 17th century they spoke very negatively about people who ate “horse feed”. One has only to read the well-known English Dictionary Samuel Johnson to understand what emphasis was placed on this fact. The writer James Boswell responded to Johnson’s taunting and disdainful attitude toward the Scots’ diet: “It is thanks to oats that excellent horses are raised in England, and wonderful horses live in Scotland healthy people" And this is true, because the benefits of oatmeal are recognized by nutritionists around the world. But how and when should you eat it, and how does washing with this product affect the skin? What are the contraindications for regular use?

Nutritional properties

Oats are a valuable food grain that has been successfully used in Rus' for many millennia in cooking. And its main purpose is porridge. The diet includes peeled and steamed oat flakes. Their value is due to the presence of a mass of nutrients and substances in them. The nutritional value of oats is completely preserved, because this cereal is one of those few that, even after heat treatment, do not lose their beneficial properties.

Oatmeal, the benefits and harms of which have been discussed for decades, is flakes that are processed and flattened into thin plates, unlike grains, they are cooked much faster and are used in the preparation of various dishes. The most famous of them is oatmeal (porridge based on oatmeal). The benefits of oatmeal have been scientifically proven and lie in its vitamin and nutritional value; there are practically no contraindications.

The nutritional value

The benefits of oatmeal include its rich fiber content. necessary for a person. Energy value per 100 grams of product – 320 kcal. Moreover, these properties do not change whether you use bran, cookies, decoction, jelly or oatmeal.

Composition of the product:


It should be noted that vitamins are, first of all, group PP, C, E, carotene, choline, the entire vitamin B group. Vitamins saturate and nourish the skin (decoction and washing in the morning), activate hair and nail growth (bran, rolled oats, jelly). It is known that regular use and the benefits of oatmeal, the recipe for which is known to everyone) has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, calms, and relieves stress.

What vitamins, see the table:

per 100 grams of product vitamin content mg
Vitamin B1 0.5
Vitamin B2 0.1
Vitamin B3 1.1
Vitamin B4 94
Vitamin B5 0.9
Vitamin B6 0.27
Vitamin B9 0.0029
Vitamin E 3.4


In addition, oatmeal contains minerals, the main components of which are phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, and potassium. Research shows that when this set interacts with each other minerals serves an indispensable assistant in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, strengthening and growth of muscle and bone tissue. The mineral component is supplemented by zinc, nickel, iron, molybdenum and copper. These elements accelerate cell growth and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, so the benefits of oatmeal play a huge role in women’s nutrition. In addition, you can eat not only porridge; for variety, the diet includes bran, jelly and cookies, rolled oats. Oat flour is ideal for dietary nutrition - pancakes, cookies, bread.

The minerals and vitamins in oatmeal give it healing properties, and the bran (fiber) and alimentary fiber(rolled oats, decoction) make it possible to use it as an antioxidant. The product improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, removes from the body harmful substances and toxins, cleanses vitally important organs– liver, pancreas.

Minerals see table:

Beneficial features

One of the popular and famous dishes made from oats and oat flakes is porridge. You can take it for breakfast (rolled oats), which makes it possible to saturate the human body and provide it with energy for the whole day. The same thing will happen to your skin if you include cleansing in your morning routine. The recipe for preparing a decoction to cleanse the skin is simple, and washing will not take much time.


Oatmeal cooked in milk (rolled oatmeal) contains 100 kcal per 100 grams, and in water - 85. Thus, the benefits of oatmeal in the morning are obvious - due to high content carbohydrates, the body receives a boost of energy; thanks to the low glycemic index, rolled oats porridge (or bran) is well absorbed by the body, and the calorie content of the product remains minimal. An excellent addition to the main breakfast can be cooked jelly, cookies for tea (oatmeal is very valuable in composition). The recipe for preparing the dishes is not complicated, since the main ingredient is flour or broth, and therefore the cookies are baked for half an hour.

Oatmeal, and therefore jelly or cookies made from it, is recommended as the main product in the diet of people working in hazardous chemical industries. Research has proven its benefits oat broth at severe poisoning toxins.

For washing

Oatmeal has also proven itself excellent in cosmetology. Washing and the benefits of washing with oatmeal lie in its action as a natural scrub that cleanses pores and smoothes the skin. It is recommended to do the procedure at night. The flakes are first ground with a blender or coffee grinder to make flour, pour in a little warm water and this paste (or jelly) is applied to the face. Keep the mask for 5-10 minutes, no more, and then wash off. Vitamins help cleanse and smooth the skin. Oatmeal is sold today in any supermarket, and the recipe is not complicated, so washing can be done every day.

When choosing a product, focus on a manufacturer you know. For example, the well-known Hercules oatmeal, just like oatmeal, is very healthy and nutritious. They are used in the production of muesli and have proven themselves as an ingredient for making cookies at home. The recipe is simple; in addition to flour, it contains broth and 1-2 eggs, but the benefits of such a dessert are great.

Oat bran

In dietary and therapeutic nutrition It is also recommended to take oat bran. And although many people look at this product as waste after processing wheat, in Rus', for a long time, only peeled wheat flour was used for baking bread. premium grades– for holiday baked goods and cookies only.

The benefit of oat bran is that its composition consists of 90% only active ingredients, and the potassium content is several times higher than its content in raw potatoes. In addition, bran is a fiber that has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines, improves microflora and prevents diseases such as dysbiosis. For disease prevention gastrointestinal tract a decoction is used, the recipe for which is simple. It is recommended to take the decoction regularly, and also start washing with it.


Recipe oatmeal jelly, useful and recommended for weight loss, is simple - you just need to pour cool, peeled or boiled water, add a small slice rye bread, cover with a lid and leave in a warm place overnight. The jelly is ready when it has a pleasant sour smell. The product must be strained before use.


Another product that is also popular in folk medicine is oat kvass. This healthy drink has the same healing properties as oatmeal. The benefit of oat kvass also lies in the fact that it stabilizes blood sugar in people suffering from diabetes mellitus. In addition, children drink it with pleasure. Often refusing to eat oatmeal for breakfast, they receive the same vitamins, but with greater pleasure.

Modern technologies have made it possible to use such wonderful household appliances in the kitchen today as multicookers and bread makers. People wanting to get away from low-quality food products, strive to produce as much food as possible at home. Try baking bread from oatmeal– it is both healthy and very tasty if the recipe is reliable.

The benefits of oats and oatmeal are obvious, but when cooking, do not overdo it by adding all kinds of additives to the dish in the form of fruits, sugar, or milk if these products are contraindicated for you.

The first consumers of oatmeal were not the British; horses were the first to appreciate the usefulness of oats. Thanks to these grains, they can withstand heavy loads and have excellent health. Why do people still have to prove how healing oatmeal is? In this article we'll talk about what vitamins oatmeal contains and how it is beneficial for the body.

Oats are a food cereal crop. Oat flakes are eaten, they are peeled and steamed. All the beneficial substances and vitamins contained in oatmeal are retained in it even after heat treatment. Oats contain complex carbohydrates, thereby being a powerful source of energy.

One bowl of oatmeal contains a quarter of a person’s daily requirement for fiber.

Oatmeal is rich in compounds and tocopherol (E). They nourish and heal the skin, maintain balance nervous system. The table shows which vitamins predominate in oatmeal:

Name mg per 100 g

Scientists believe that consuming oatmeal is beneficial orno affects human life expectancy. You can endlessly joke about the selfless love of the British for oatmeal, but the statistics are inexorable. Residents of this country live on average 15 years longer than other Europeans.

Oatmeal includes the following micro- and macroelements:

A small serving of oatmeal contains:

  • daily intake of silicon , which is responsible for the absorption of calcium and promotes normal functioning brain;
  • same level of manganese , without which thiamine, copper, and iron cannot be fully absorbed;
  • one third of the daily requirement for phosphorus , strengthening bone tissue;
  • quarter iron , responsible for hemoglobin levels;
  • the same amount of magnesium , which improves the condition of the nervous system and protects against stress.

The nutritional value

The energy value of cereal is 342 kcal per 100 g.

Benefits of oatmeal

The products have many advantages:

  • Oatmeal envelops inner surface stomach, thereby reducing the painful symptoms of gastritis and ulcers.
  • The fiber contained in oatmeal normalizes the activity of the stomach and intestines.
  • Oats contain beta-glucan, which helps lower cholesterol.
  • Short glycemic index allows rolled oatmeal to be completely absorbed, while having a low calorie content.
  • Thanks to its vitamin composition, oatmeal gives you a boost of energy and strength for the whole day.
  • The substances included in the composition prevent osteoporosis and protect bones and teeth from destruction.

When is it dangerous to use?

You should avoid eating oatmeal and flakes in the following cases:

  • presence of heart and kidney failure;
  • individual intolerance to cereals.

Excessive consumption of cereal can cause calcium to be leached from bones due to the phytic acid content of cereals.

In what form is oatmeal consumed?

Oatmeal porridge contains only 15 kcal more than porridge cooked in water. The nutritional value makes you feel full quickly.

Nutritionists recommend using oatmeal jelly for weight loss. Its mild effect and cleansing properties are gentle on the stomach and remove all excess.

This recipe is widely used in cosmetology. Crushed oatmeal is poured with warm water and infused. Then this paste is used as a mask on the face and décolleté. This mask acts as a natural scrub, cleanses pores and makes the skin elastic.


Some people still regard bran as a product not worthy of attention. However oat bran 90% consist of active ingredients; they are superior in potassium content. Fiber in bran prevents dysbiosis.

The value of oatmeal cookies is as follows:

  • baking takes less time than other types of cookies;
  • most of nutrients preserved;
  • cookies are famous for their high taste.

Nutritional value per 100 grams of oat flakes:

  • Carbohydrates – 66.27 g
  • Proteins – 16.89 g
  • Fat – 6.9 g

Energy value in 100 grams of oat flakes:

  • 389 kcal

Carbohydrates in oatmeal


  • Glucose – 0 g
  • Fructose – 0 g


  • Sucrose – 0 g


  • Starch – 55.7 g

Proteins in oatmeal

Essential amino acids:

  • Valine – 0.937 g
  • Histidine – 0.405 g
  • Glutamine – 3.712 g
  • Isoleucine – 0.694 g
  • Leucine – 1.284 g
  • Lysine – 0.701 g
  • Methionine – 0.312 g
  • Threonine – 0.575 g
  • Tryptophan – 0.234 g
  • Phenylalanine – 0.895 g

Replaceable amino acids:

  • Alanine – 0.881 g
  • Arginine – 1.192 g
  • Asparagine – 1.448 g
  • Glycine – 0.841 g
  • Proline – 0.934 g
  • Serine – 0.750 g

Conditionally essential amino acids:

  • Tyrosine – 0.573 g
  • Cystine – 0.408 g

Fats in oatmeal

  • Saturated fatty acids – 1.217 g
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids – 2.178 g
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids – 2.535 g
  • Cholesterol – 0 mg

Minerals in 100 grams of oatmeal:

  • Calcium – 54 mg
  • Iron – 4.72 mg
  • Magnesium – 177 mg
  • Phosphorus – 523 mg
  • Potassium – 429 mg
  • Sodium – 2 mg
  • Zinc – 3.97 mg
  • Copper – 0.626 mg
  • Manganese – 4.916 mg

Vitamins in 100 grams of oatmeal:

  • Ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C) – 0 mg
  • Thiamine ( Vitamin IN 1) – 0.763 mg
  • Riboflavin ( Vitamin B2) – 0.139 mg
  • Niacin ( Vitamin B3 or Vitamin PP) – 0.961 mg
  • Pantothenic acid ( Vitamin B5) – 1.349 mg
  • Pyridoxine ( Vitamin B6) – 0.119 mg
  • Folacin ( Vitamin B9 or folic acid) – 56 mcg
  • Kholin ( Vitamin B4) – 0 mg
  • Retinol ( Vitamin A) – 0 mcg
  • Tocopherol ( Vitamin E) – 0 mg

The benefits of oatmeal (oatmeal)

Energy benefits of oatmeal:

100 grams of oatmeal contains about 55.7 grams of digestible carbohydrates. This means that by eating a 100 gram portion, your body receives 222.8 kcal, which will go directly to providing the body with energy. Moreover, all these carbohydrates are represented by starch. Starch is one of the complex carbohydrates, is digested gradually, enters the blood slowly, muscles and liver store it in the form of glycogen chains, after which, if necessary, it is used by the body for a long time.

Cereals Provide the body with energy for a long time.

Construction benefits of oatmeal:

100 grams of oatmeal contains 16.9 grams of protein. The amino acid composition is complete, but oatmeal is a product of plant origin, which means the protein will be poorly absorbed and most of it essential amino acids It’s simply not absorbed by our body.

Cereals bad source protein, therefore they do not represent any particular construction benefit for our body.

Benefits of oatmeal for the digestive system:

100 grams of oatmeal contains 10.6 grams of dietary fiber (fiber), which is equal to 30% of the daily requirement for an adult. Dietary fiber helps digest food and remove toxins.

Oatmeal is very useful to include in your diet, so you help your digestive system and rid your intestines of toxins that accumulate during the day and during sleep.

Fat benefits of oatmeal:

100 grams of oatmeal contains about 5 grams of fully digestible fats, which will be directly used by our body for protective and energy functions. Thanks to the fats in oatmeal, minerals from the oatmeal itself and other products arriving at this moment can enter directly into the bloodstream and be subsequently used by our body for its intended purpose.

There are few saturated fats, which means the fats from oatmeal will not harm your body!

Mineral benefits of oatmeal:

Let's see how satisfying a 100 gram portion of oatmeal is daily requirement the body in the most basic and essential minerals:

  • Calcium – 6.75%
  • Iron – 31.47%
  • Magnesium – 44.25%
  • Phosphorus – 34.87%
  • Potassium – 10.73%
  • Sodium – 0.05%
  • Zinc – 26.47%
  • Copper – 31.3%
  • Manganese – 163.87%

As we can see, oatmeal is a very good source of the minerals we need. This product can rightfully be considered a source of the following minerals:

  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Manganese

Vitamin benefits of oatmeal:

Let's see how much 100 grams of oatmeal per day satisfies the body's daily need for vitamins:

  • Ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C) – 0%
  • Thiamine ( Vitamin IN 1) – 38,15%
  • Riboflavin ( Vitamin B2) – 6,95%
  • Niacin ( Vitamin B3 or Vitamin PP) – 6,41%
  • Pantothenic acid ( Vitamin B5) – 13,49%
  • Pyridoxine ( Vitamin B6) – 5,95%
  • Folacin ( Vitamin B9 or folic acid) – 3.73%
  • Kholin ( Vitamin B4) – 0%
  • Retinol ( Vitamin A) – 0%
  • Tocopherol ( Vitamin E) – 0%
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B5

Opinion about oatmeal:

Oat flakes, very a good product. It contains good healthy carbohydrates and few unhealthy fats. In addition, oatmeal contains a lot of dietary fiber. We often eat all kinds different foods, which is low in dietary fiber, and I would recommend everyone to include this product in their daily diet.

When is the best time to eat it? Very often you can come across information that oatmeal is very healthy to eat for breakfast. To be honest, it’s impossible to say for sure whether this is true or not. On the one hand, eating a portion of oatmeal for breakfast will provide the body with energy and carbohydrates; on the other hand, the body needs protein after sleep. How would I do it?

Most the best option, take it and learn to feel your body. Try eating them for breakfast. If they go well and you begin to feel much better after a while, continue in the same spirit, if everything is the opposite, then stop eating oatmeal for breakfast and eat it at other times as a source of complex carbohydrates. Try it.

As for vitamins and minerals. There are not many vitamins, all of them are group B. Oatmeal cannot become a source of vitamins. But with minerals the opposite is true. Rolled oats are an excellent source of essential minerals. By including it in your diet, you will not only supply your body with high-quality energy, but also with all the minerals necessary for life!

It is advisable to eat oatmeal along with foods that contain a complete vitamin composition.