Camphor: instructions for safe and effective use.

Camphor is a drug from the analeptic group.

What is the composition and release form of Camphor?

Medicine pharmaceutical industry produces in solution for subcutaneous administration, it is an oily liquid that is placed in glass ampoules. You can purchase medications using a prescription form.

Active substance Camphor is available in dosages of 200 and 400 milligrams, and there are also ampoules of two grams. The container with the medicinal product is marked with the date of manufacture, in addition, there is also a sell-by date, after which the drug must be disposed of.

What is the effect of the drug Camphor?

Medicine Camphor - plant origin. It has an analeptic effect, has a cardiotonic and expectorant effect, in addition, a vasoconstrictor effect of the drug on the body has been recorded, that is, vasoconstriction occurs.

The drug stimulates centers located in medulla oblongata, we're talking about about respiratory and vasomotor. In addition, the drug enhances metabolic processes in the heart muscle, increasing the sensitivity of the myocardium.

The product increases the tone of blood vessels, mainly veins, increases blood flow directly to the heart, improves coronary blood flow, normalizes blood supply to the brain and lung tissue. The action of the drug is also aimed at suppressing platelet aggregation.

The active substance promotes better sputum separation, released directly through Airways. The drug has a fairly high permeability through the placental and blood-brain barriers; in addition, the drug is secreted into breast milk.

The drug Camphor leaves the body through the urinary system, in particular, up to 70% of the drug compounds are excreted with the kidneys, up to ten with bile, and 20% through the lungs.

What are the indications for use of the drug Camphor?

The drug Camphor is indicated for use in chronic heart failure; the drug is prescribed when collapse occurs. In addition, when the respiratory center is depressed during severe pneumonia and other infectious diseases, as well as in case of poisoning of the body with sleeping pills and narcotic analgesics.

What are the contraindications for use of Camphor?

Among the contraindications of Camphor, the instructions for use indicate the presence of epilepsy in the patient, as well as hypersensitivity directly to camphor. The medication is used with caution in pediatrics, during pregnancy, and also during the lactation period.

What are the uses and dosage of Camphor?

The drug Camphor is used parenterally, in particular, the solution is administered subcutaneously, while adults are usually recommended to administer one or two milliliters of the drug every 2 or 3 hours, or 4 or 5 ml twice a day. In pediatrics, the drug is used with caution, and the amount of medication is determined by the treating specialist, depending on the age of the child.

Before immediate administration medicinal solution, it is recommended to leave it for two to three hours at room temperature, after it warms up, you can inject it subcutaneously.

Overdose from Camphor

During an overdose of Camphor solution, the patient will develop redness of the skin of the face, motor agitation will occur, and delirium will occur, as well as so-called epileptiform convulsions. In this case, the patient should be given symptomatic treatment, if necessary, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital.

What are the side effects of Camphor?

During the administration of the solution, the patient may experience side effects that will manifest as a headache, dizziness may occur, if the drug gets into the blood vessel fat embolism develops.

Characteristic and local negative manifestations in response to the introduction of a solution, which is expressed by the development of the so-called oleogranuloma, when a rather dense formation forms under the skin, which is provoked by the introduction of an oily solution. This condition usually requires surgical treatment, as it rarely resolves on its own.

special instructions

If the medicinal solution is stored incorrectly, it medicinal qualities may be lost, accordingly, from further use of such medication worth abstaining. In addition, if a flaky sediment appears in the drug, or the color of the liquid changes, then the subsequent administration of Camphor should be abandoned.

How to replace Camphor, what are its analogues?

Medicine Camphor alcohol, Camphor ointment, Camphor oil, Synthetic camphor, Camphor oil, in addition, Camphor-valerian drops, as well as racemic camphor are analogue medications, they must be administered as prescribed by a doctor.


Enter medicinal product It is recommended only as prescribed by a qualified specialist, adhering to the dosages prescribed by your doctor. If any side effects from administering the solution, the patient should urgently consult a doctor who will take the necessary symptomatic measures.

Camphor, first of all, has a local irritant effect and helps improve blood flow and metabolic processes at the site of application. In addition, camphor has a slight effect on blood vessels and heart muscle, promoting their relaxation, improving blood flow and metabolism. Absorbed when applied topically, metabolized in the liver and excreted through the lungs. Can be used for local use at pain syndromes of various etiologies musculoskeletal and muscular system. When used subcutaneously, it improves respiratory function and facilitates sputum discharge.

1. Pharmacological action

Drug group:

Analeptic drug.

Therapeutic effects of Camphor:

  • Stimulates breathing and blood circulation;
  • Excitation of the central nervous system;
  • Improving metabolic processes in the myocardium.

2. indications for use

The drug is used for:

  • Elimination of hypotension, acute or chronic cardiac weakness, collapse;
  • Treatment and prevention of circulatory disorders in various infectious diseases and poisoning with narcotic or pharmaceutical drugs.

    Average dosage:

    1-5 ml subcutaneously.

Features of application:

  • According to the instructions, the drug should only be used in medical institutions.

4. Side effects

    Nervous system:

    Delirium, agitation, convulsions;

    The cardiovascular system:

    Oil embolism (when the solution enters the lumen of the vessel);

    Skin lesions:

    Scarlatina-like rash.

5. Contraindications

6. During pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should use the drug strictly contraindicated.

7. Interaction with other drugs

Any significant interaction of Camphor with other drugs

not described


8. Overdose

About clinically significant symptoms Camphor overdose

No data


9. Release form

  • Ointment, 10% - 25 g jar.

10. Storage conditions

  • Sufficient distance from heat sources;
  • A dry, dark place away from children and strangers.

Varies, depends on the manufacturer, indicated on the packaging.

11. Composition

1 g ointment:

  • camphor - 100 mg.

12. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed according to the prescription of the attending physician.

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* Instructions for medical use for the drug Camphor has been published in free translation. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. BEFORE USE, YOU MUST CONSULT WITH A SPECIALIST

Many medicinal plants are now actively used official medicine. Based on them, various pharmaceutical formulations are prepared, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Among the preparations of this type is camphor, which is a product obtained from the camphor tree. This substance has a number of quite valuable medicinal qualities, it is used in the form of an oil and alcohol solution, as well as an ointment. Let's talk about the features of using data medicines a little more detail.

What are the benefits of camphor? Properties

Camphor has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, enhances breathing processes and heart activity. In addition, its use leads to normalization of blood circulation. Medicinal compositions based on this substance have irritating, distracting and local analgesic properties.

What are the indications for use of products containing camphor?

Camphor can be used to correct acute or chronic types of heart failure. Its use is advisable when reducing blood pressure– hypotension, if it occurs sharply enough and leads to collapse. Sometimes experts advise using camphor to prevent and correct circulatory disorders. Also medicinal compositions based on it they help eliminate infectious diseases, pneumonia and purulent pleurisy. Doctors also, in some cases, use such medications to correct breathing or cardiac problems. When camphor is released from the body, it stimulates the processes of mucus separation, having an expectorant effect. In certain cases, drugs based on this substance can be used to correct poisoning that has developed from drug use or sleeping pills.

Camphor oil, as well as an alcohol solution and an ointment composition based on this substance can be used for rubbing. In this case, they help cope with arthritis, rheumatism and muscle pain. Alcohol solution and ointment are also suitable for preventing the development of bedsores in bedridden patients, because they have a stimulating effect on sensitive nerve endings in the skin, which leads to a reflex improvement in the trophism of organs and tissues. Besides local application Such drugs are recommended to achieve a distracting and anti-inflammatory effect.

What are the medicinal uses and dosage of preparations containing camphor?

Camphor in the form of an oil solution is administered subcutaneously. The dosage is determined by the doctor individually, and can vary from one to five milliliters. Adults are most often prescribed one to two milliliters of the drug at intervals of two to three hours, or four to five milliliters once or twice a day.

IN childhood up to one year, the dosage is half a milliliter to one milliliter, from the age of one to two - one milliliter, from three to six - one and a half milliliters, from seven to nine - two milliliters, and from ten to fourteen - two and a half milliliters. IN pediatric practice Camphor is administered one to three times a day.

Both oil and alcohol solutions can be used externally. In this case, the medicine should be applied to a cotton swab, then distributed over the affected area of ​​the skin and gently rubbed. The ointment composition of camphor is used exclusively topically. It is also thoroughly rubbed into the affected area in a small amount.

What are the contraindications for use of medications containing camphor?

The instructions for use do not recommend using medications that contain camphor for the treatment of patients with epilepsy, as well as with a general tendency to seizures. In addition, this substance is not used in the treatment of women suffering from lactation deficiency.

If the patient has acute endocarditis ( inflammatory lesion internal cavities heart) and aneurysm large vessels camphor should be used with extreme caution. Of course, contraindications include the presence individual intolerance of this substance.

When used externally, preparations of this type cannot be applied to areas of the body with damaged integrity. skin.

If we talk about the advisability of using camphor during pregnancy and breastfeeding, then you need to take into account that this substance easily penetrates the placental barrier, the blood-brain barrier and enters breast milk. Accordingly, such treatment should be carried out only in extreme cases and with extreme caution. Also, precautions must be observed if it is necessary to use camphor in pediatric practice.

What are the side effects of camphor products?

It is believed that camphor is a fairly low-toxic compound. However, if it gets inside the lumen of blood vessels during intramuscular and subcutaneous administration, this can cause blockage. In certain cases, a rather painful infiltrate forms in the area where the injection was performed.

After therapy with camphor, a certain percentage of patients experience the occurrence of urticaria or scarlet-like rashes.

Since this substance has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, it can cause seizures, agitation or delirium.

A small number of patients may also develop headaches and dizziness.

Name: Camphor

Pharmacological effects:
Excites the central nervous system, stimulates blood circulation and respiration, and also has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the myocardium (heart muscle).

Camphor - indications for use:

Acute and chronic cardiac weakness, hypotension (low blood pressure), collapse (sharp drop in blood pressure); for the prevention and treatment of circulatory disorders in infectious diseases, pneumonia (pneumonia), purulent pleurisy (inflammation of the membranes of the lungs), drug poisoning, sleeping pills.

Camphor - method of application:

Subcutaneously, 1-5 ml of a 20% oil solution.

Camphor - side effects:

It is possible that the medication will enter the lumen of the blood vessels and cause oil embolism (blockage of blood vessels with oil). Sometimes urticaria, scarlet-like rash, agitation, delirium, convulsions.

Camphor - contraindications:

Subcutaneous administration for epilepsy, tendency to convulsive reactions, insufficient lactation (milk secretion). Use with caution when acute endocarditis(inflammation of the internal cavities of the heart), aneurysm (bulging of the wall) of large vessels.

Camphor - release form:

20% oil solution in ampoules of 1 ml and 2 ml in a package of 10 pieces.

Camphor - storage conditions:

In a dry place, protected from light.

Camphor - synonyms:


Camphor - additionally:

Camphor is also included in the preparations vitaon, denta, cameton, camphocin, capsicam, cardiovalen, coldrex broncho, liniment (balm) “sanitas”, M.J. magic balm, camphor ointment, sunoref ointment, camphor oil for external use, pulmex, renervol, camphor alcohol, forapin E.

You should consult your doctor before using the medicine. This instruction is intended for informational purposes only.