Karos: classes and races. Who is better to play Karos: the beginning

The Karos game has a fairly extensive selection of classes for characters to create. Moreover, the choice of game class and character specialization directly depends on the chosen race. For example, a person has two classes available to him: a swordsman or a paladin to choose from. Each class has a number of specific advantages that allow you to choose the optimal combination of play style and gaming class.

A fearless swordsman boldly attacks the enemy. The swordsman has no equal in close combat. His strengths, this is endurance and physical strength. He skillfully wields a spear, halberd or two-handed sword. Thanks to his ability to deliver powerful blows to multiple opponents, the swordsman becomes an indispensable fighter on the battlefield in the thick of things. Weak side a swordsman can be called his defense. Due to wearing a two-handed weapon, the swordsman cannot carry a shield, which significantly reduces his defense indicators.

Noble and courageous paladins are called upon to protect their comrades. Paladins are able to both deal damage and heal wounds with their prayers. Paladins also grant protection to their comrades and bless friendly units for heroic deeds. Paladins wield one-handed swords and shields. The paladin's shield is capable of both protecting from a blow and inflicting significant damage to the enemy. The paladin, with the help of his shield, is able to escape from the encirclement of enemies, and his knowledge of magic helps his comrades on the battlefield.

Accurate gunners shoot the enemy at a distance, not allowing him to come to his senses. They are fluent in small arms, and gunners are skilled engineers who can lay a cunning trap on the battlefield. A dangerous opponent for a gunner is a melee fighter or magician. Low performance armor makes the gunner sensitive to damage received.

The archer shoots accurately with a bow and crossbow. It is capable of hitting a target at a very long distance. The archer also moves quickly on the battlefield, thus avoiding the enemy’s shooting and magical attacks. Weak side archer, this is his armor. Like all classes that prefer ranged attacks, the archer has a weak defense indicator.

The tramp is not ashamed to strike from behind. They are excellent masters of stealth combat and excellent tactics, and their mastery of dual weapons is perfect. Its disadvantage is the measured damage inflicted on the enemy.

The sorceress knows combat spells and skillfully uses them in battle. She delivers devastating ranged attacks and can slow down the enemy.

After registering an account on GameXP, installing the Access Point and downloading the game client, you can begin your journey through the world of Karos.

Launch Karos from your Hotspot and enter your account name and password to log into the game. After authorization and downloading the latest updates, the “Play” button will become active. It's time to go to the amazing and adventurous world of Karos!

Character Creation

The next menu asks you to select the server you want to play on. You have 4 servers to choose from: Eristum, Bloodstone-Posetunya, Azmara-Tempteron and Zeron-Balazon. Select the server where you want to start the game.

Then you should select a channel. You will be able to change the channel at will during the game. Depending on how full the server is, it will have from three to nine available channels.

After this, you can go to the character selection screen and decide which of the presented classes suits you. The following articles on the relevant classes will help you make your choice.

You can create up to four characters on each server.

Having chosen a class, all you have to do is come up with a name for your character and give him personality - hair color, face shape and hairstyle. After this you can start the game.

Game Basics

1. Assignments

So, welcome to the world of Karos! If you have any questions during the game, use the help menu (H key by default).

Not far from where you appear, you will meet Elder Domingo.

He will offer to complete your first task.

In order to quickly find the required NPC or monster to complete a task, the game has an automatic path search function. One click is enough for the character to go to the desired goal.

A chain of initial quests will help you learn more about the world of Karos, practice controlling your character, learn skills and get initial equipment that will help you in the future.

You can see the list of available tasks in the “task menu” (L key by default). With its help, you will always find something to do in the game.

2. Skills and abilities

To complete most tasks you will need to destroy monsters, collect rare items, fight bosses and chat with NPCs. In battle, you will be helped by a wide selection of skills for each character class, including powerful super-skills, the first of which you can acquire after receiving your first profession and improve on your way to the maximum level.

Using the quick access panel, you can arrange your character's skills and items in a convenient order. The Quick Access Toolbar can be expanded or rotated by clicking on the corresponding symbols. You can remove and add the necessary skills and items by simply dragging them from your inventory or skill list.

As you complete quests, as loot or as a reward, you will receive various pieces of equipment for your class. To change equipment, just right-click on an item in your inventory (B key by default), or drag it to the character window (C key by default).

As you level up, your character's characteristics will increase, and you will also receive skill points, which you need to spend on learning various skills and abilities. To do this, just open the skills window (key “K” by default) and invest the available points in the skills that suit you best.

While hunting monsters, your character will accumulate a valuable resource - flette points. They can be used to give a character additional characteristics, as a resource for crafting, but most importantly for learning and improving super skills.

Traveling around the world of Karos

There are several ways to navigate the world of Karos.

1. Running

The simplest, but not the most quick way get from one point of the world to another - on foot. If you want to move faster, use a speed potion - it will speed up your character by 60 seconds. Also, you can make your character faster by investing flette points in “water”.

2. Teleportation (stone)

The Return Stone can be obtained as a reward for the “New Mission” task from the character Anne. The stone can be “linked” to any city. To do this you need:

  • find a memory stone near the main entrance to any city
  • click on the city name in the window that opens
  • To save the selected return city, click on the “Accept” button

Using the stone of return, you can move with lightning speed from any point on the map to the city to which the stone is “linked”.

A scroll of return can be purchased in any city from a character marked “Consumables Store.” In different cities you can purchase the corresponding scrolls of return (scroll of return to Berneo, scroll of return to Lupinel, etc.).

You can combine several instant movement methods. For example, attune the Return Stone to Berneo and purchase the Return Scroll to Lupinel. Thus, you can move from anywhere on the map to these two cities in a matter of seconds.

In each city you can find a character marked “Teleport”, who, for a certain fee, will instantly transport you to a dungeon or another city.

There are two ways to purchase a mount. The first is to receive as a reward for the task “The Dead Return V” from Anne in Berneo. The second way is to buy from the head of sacred animals in any city.

Daily Rewards

After each login to the game, do not forget to check in the “Game Diary” to receive an in-game gift. The more regularly you log into the game and check in your diary, the better the reward you receive. In addition to regular rewards, you'll receive incentives from the Game Diary guide section as you learn the intricacies of the gameplay.

Another reward awaits those players who spend a lot of time in the game. You can find out what gift awaits you before leaving the game. Stay in the game for the specified time, and then pick up the item from the in-game mail!

Collect all available rewards for your exciting adventures in the world of Karos!

In order to start playing Karos Online, you will first need to select a character to play. There are 4 races in Karos Beginning, most of which are represented by several professions. Read more about races in Karos Online in this article.

As is already customary in Karos, races are represented in small numbers, the most important of which are Humans. Here people have good thinking and excellent diplomatic abilities, they are quite tall and red-skinned, but in physical terms this race is significantly inferior to others, and also cannot boast of the ability to craft, unlike the Vanisians. People are found everywhere, they perfectly assimilate to the living conditions in any region and, taking into account the geographical distance, increase their knowledge of culture and languages. People find it easy mutual language with other races and spread with incredible speed.

In the Karos game, People can choose the profession of Swordsman or Paladin.


The Shadow Race comes from the East of Azmar's Empire, they are quite gloomy and pessimistic. Mood and basic features The character of the characters of this race is revealed even by their skin color – bluish-gray. In Karos the Shadows, the characters are generally quite dull, but also very mysterious. The Race of Shadows is distinguished by a certain detachment from the outside world and sad faces; perhaps they receive these signs as soon as they learn the Great Secret that flows through their veins, not allowing them to forget about themselves. The secret lies in an ancient magical power, over which none of Azmara's race has power. From time immemorial, the Shadows were not distinguished by their loyalty towards People, but time passed and past grievances were erased, and therefore in Karos the Shadows increasingly began to help their, in the past, enemies and come to their rescue, thereby creating a delightfully powerful tandem consisting of strong magic and the finest military tactics.

If you decide to give preference to the Shadow race in Karos, then two professions are open to you: Vagabond and Sorceress.


One of the races that productively exists in the vast expanses of Azmara in Karos is the Seroins. They are rightly called the Lady of Nature, who are characterized by grace and elegance. Representatives of this race are distinguished by excellent diplomacy and are able to find a common language with People; they easily manipulate the forces of natural elements, calling them in time for help in dangerous situations. Despite the fact that the Seroins are endowed with great power by the Karos, they can rather be classified as pacifists than warriors, since they enter into battle only in extreme cases.

In Karos, Seroins have two professions: Archer and Sorceress.


The recognized traders in Azmara are the Karos Vanisits; they definitely have no equal in this business. They are distinguished by extraordinary strength, stocky physique and cheerfulness. Vanisitsa have a special nose for profit and can instantly find themselves where there is an opportunity to make good money by selling something worthwhile or offer their engineering talents in general for a decent reward. In Karos, the Vanisits are also rightfully considered to be the best gunsmiths; legends about their blades have been circulating for many centuries throughout the territory of Azmara and far beyond its borders. Vanisians are easily able to build, forge and trade, and you can be 100% sure that if a Vanisians takes up a task, he will certainly see it through to the end, and even with great success.

Karos provides only one profession for Vanisians - Gunner.

The game “Karos: The Beginning” features 4 unique race, to create your character and 7 different classes.

  1. People became owners of the classes “Paladin”, which is like a “war” with magic, and (Swordsman), which is clear from the name “warrior tank”.
  2. Shadow elves, with pointy ears, are endowed with the classes of magician “Sorcerer” and “Rogue” - this is like a thief who masterfully wields blades and knives.
  3. The elves of Seroina are a magical race that allows you to create a character of the witch class “Sorcerer” and “Archer”.
  4. The Vasinians are a race of hardy pirates who represent the “Gunner” class - namely, they perform the role of a certain shooter or hunter.

On the planet Azmara, where the continent “Bracion” is located, there has been a war between good and evil for a thousand years, the former gods who represented the power of good and evil on Brakion were long ago destroyed, cast into the abyss ancient history. Peace reigned temporarily on this land, but this calm did not last long. You have to resurrect the ancient gods to defeat the ancient evils, for this your hero will need to swing and collect magical power“Fletta” this power will allow you to improve your character, weapons, and mounts.

Your hero will have to constantly search for “Flett” flowers that have magical power, so that with their help you can resurrect the ancient gods and restore the balance between good and evil. After each destruction of NPS monsters, you can collect from them magical power“Fletts” 1 point for each monster. For each point of this moment, you can purchase special abilities to upgrade your character.

The online game “Karos: The Beginning” is made very colorfully and all NPS characters are very clearly drawn. All the characters are made in the style of historical freaks, the things in the game are very unusual, the “Elves” girls look especially cool, which suits them very well classic look in clothes. In the game you can upgrade your professions; to do this you will have to complete several simple tasks, usually to destroy several monsters.

You can participate in multiplayer PVP battles when castle siege and mines. Each castle is a small city belonging to a specific guild, where local NPS residents are subject to taxes, which goes towards the development of all members of the guild. Mines are also considered an important resource, for the possession of which skirmishes also occur among guilds.

The game turns out to be quite decent, created according to all the canons of modern graphics. The game client is small, only 600 MB, but you can test the game today, and absolutely free.

Video review of "Karos: The Beginning"

Advanced opinion: Player about the game "Karos: The Beginning"

I really want to say a lot about this game.
1.) - The game is very new, and what will happen next is difficult to imagine. Players need to fall in love with online games y, but the game is in such a state that it’s difficult to even just get some pleasure - so as not to run into another game bug.

2.) - The system of races and classes is still poorly thought out. There is absolutely no variety! You immediately choose a race-class, that is, only elves girls and paladins, or dwarf gunners will run in the game.

For comparison, World of Warcraft has ten races, eight classes, where each class has three development branches, for a total of 24 different characters, in addition to everything there is a system of professions (such as a leatherworker, herbalist, alchemist, tailor) - but the game is of course for this was ten years in the making.

For comparison, there are six races in the Line, and each race has its own special class “and sometimes two”, which another race does not have, and those that are similar have significant racial differences, which are expressed in skills “that is, in abilities” . In total it turns out: People have eleven classes, light elves have six, dark elves have six, orcs have four, gnomes have two, and kamaels have four. There are 33 classes in total, 25 of which are completely different.

It is possible, of course, that there is some further development in Karos: The Beginning, but it is unlikely that anything decent will come out of the Chinese MMORPG.

3.) Their "unique" crafting system. In the same Line, you can also collect something from everything that falls out of monsters. It may be harder, I’m not arguing here, but this makes the game more interesting. What can we say about the economy, which is based on craft.

4.) PVP. Well, it killed me... in any Chinese MMORPG there are duels. Online game World of Warcraft are amazing BGs “a kind of Arena”, and in the Line there is generally freedom, beat whoever you want and wherever you want “only in the city you can’t”. And here they tell us that only during sieges and the capture of mines - in a word, it’s ridiculous.

5.) play MMORPG “oh well, play, but at the same time insult World of Warcraft (The game that ranks 1st among all online games: MMORPG,” or Line - “I don’t remember which place, but only in official Russian. It seems to them 8 or more servers and everyone is simply bursting with players, this is in addition to all sorts of pirated ones,” whose client weighs 600 MB...

Well, guys, you can immediately see nothing better than Karos...
And this is still in addition to graphics and sound design...
In defense, I would like to say that it is really possible there interesting system"fletts". But you won’t be satisfied with flatta alone.

At the very beginning of your immersion into this fabulous, incredible world, you will ask a fair question: who is the strongest character in Karos? After all, there are many races, classes, and even more so professions in the game, and you only need to choose one of the options presented. How not to make a mistake with the choice of GG and get right to the point. Once you decide, this guide will help you.

Karos. Who is better to play?

This choice should be a reflection of your tastes and preferences, and therefore will require answers to a couple of questions. After passing this short test, you can confidently go into the world of karos. Who is better to play will no longer be a dilemma for you.

Question 1: what do you prefer, quietly and quickly hitting enemies from a remote cover, or crushing them in close combat, fighting face to face. These fighting styles are fundamentally different and your gaming experience will largely depend on them.

Question 2: also in inverse proportion, speed and protective characteristics appear. If you prefer one of the options, the lagging link will have to be pumped by third-party methods.

So what is the strongest class in Karos? We will understand this only by delving further into the details.

The main focus of this article is on the so-called. Damagers - characters with high damage. First of all, these are archers and witches.

All classes are perfectly balanced and make it truly unique mysterious world karos. Who is better to play? complex issue, but we will try to answer it fully.

Is the sorceress in karos the strongest class?

Sorceress, you will notice that this character is extremely difficult to level up at the beginning of the game. The very low stats of this hero will significantly slow down your development and bring you a lot of trouble. Nevertheless, having “lived” to high levels, you will feel the beauty of this class. Already the first profession will allow you to turn into a “Blood Mage”, mercilessly crushing his enemies. By the way, judging by the PvP battles, the sorceress in Karos is the most powerful character.

The Sorceress is a team character and she should start leveling up in the squad. At the beginning of the game, it is recommended to attack from long distances, but after significant improvements in armor, you can engage in close combat.

Like the churchwoman and the magician, a whole army will chase you throughout Brakion, waiting for a buff on your part.

Who are the Archers?

If you started playing Karos: Start Online for the first time, then archers will be the ideal class for you. These nimble shooters are famous for their record speed of upgrades and amazing accuracy. The balance is maintained only due to the complete defenselessness of the archer in close combat.

Considering that the archer is a ranged character, he will need good reinsurance in the form of a heavily armed paladin or a strong mount. You should also pay attention to improving your own weapons and armor.
In the case of an archer, weapons are upgraded with yellow and transparent skulls, and armor with protective runes.

You will understand which flette to choose once you have received this or that profession. “Yin” will be an excellent direction because from it you will receive bonuses for any specialty. The second branch, you can choose any one, depending on your preferences.

The Karos universe is fraught with many dangers. Who is better to play in order to overcome all obstacles and still stay alive? The choice is yours.