Kefir chicken diet. Chicken and kefir diet to lose weight

Hello everybody! Many women are in search of “their ideal diet.” I am no exception and often go on a diet, not even as a means of losing weight, but as a means of unloading the liver, since I have a congenital deformed gall bladder and my liver often hurts.

Beneficial foods for weight loss are apples, they cleanse the intestines and liver, 1% fat kefir, chicken breast without fat and skin, this meat is low in calories and is easily digested in the intestines, and buckwheat, it also cleanses the intestines and liver.

I follow my diet days in a different order, depending on my wishes.

This could be a day of kefir and buckwheat.

Buckwheat contains a large number of vitamins, protein, iron, iodine, everything our body needs. Kefir is healthy fermented milk product and low calorie. With this diet, buckwheat is not cooked as usual; it is infused in boiling water. That is, I pour boiling water over the washed buckwheat overnight, wrap it up and it’s ready in the morning diet porridge which is eaten with kefir. Do not add salt to the porridge extreme case can add soy sauce. If you eat this for 5 days, the result can be up to 5 kg in 5 days, you can drink green tea and plain water. Eat in small portions, but more often, to prevent the feeling of hunger and thus not to stretch the stomach.

To this diet, which is quite complex and not particularly tasty, you can add cabbage salad or a cucumber, after 18 hours you can eat a green apple or a couple of slices of orange or grapefruit; citrus fruits help break down fat in the body.

The Apples and kefir diet is a powerful cleanser of the liver and intestines. You can eat up to 2 kg of apples a day, and up to one and a half liters of kefir and water. Nothing more is possible. The kilograms go away quickly. You can’t last long on such a diet, either you want meat, or apples don’t suit you.

Or you can eat all four ingredients in one day, it’s varied and won’t get so boring. Menu of the day is simple, boiled chicken breast 500 grams, steamed buckwheat, apples and kefir 1.5 liter. The main thing is not to let your body starve, eat on demand, in small doses.

Everyone chooses their own breakfast, I can’t eat it in the morning full breakfast, but I also can’t eat an apple on an empty stomach, I drink kefir. A little later, when I felt hungry, I eat an apple. Lunch is a little buckwheat and a piece of finely chopped chicken breast, you can wash it down green tea, A better decoction herbs, which is best for your body, for example, a herbal collection of gastrointestinal or just chamomile. My afternoon snack is again an apple or kefir. Dinner is required before 18:00, dinner is the same as lunch. And after 18 hours, especially if you go to bed late, you can eat an apple and drink a glass of kefir, as required by the body, but no later than an hour before bedtime.

Happy weight loss to you)

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The chicken diet is a simple and affordable way to lose weight without feeling hungry or feeling worse. Find out from the article how and with what you need to eat chicken and eggs to lose up to 7 kg in a week!

Perhaps chicken is the most versatile product that allows you to eat nourishingly, tasty and inexpensively. But the main advantage of this bird is its low calorie content, due to which chicken is used in many diets that involve effective and safe weight loss. Based on this product, a mono-diet was even created, which was named chicken diet. It is based on eating exclusively this meat during the entire period of losing weight. Moreover, predominantly only one part of the bird is used - the breast. It has the least calories and is simply a treasure trove. useful substances. At the same time, it is better not to eat the remaining parts of the chicken - they contain a lot of fat and cholesterol formed during heat treatment. Especially avoid the treacherous wings - the fattest part of this bird.

Since chicken is rich in protein, those following a chicken diet are advised to actively engage in fitness. Even small ones physical exercise will speed up progress towards the goal and help get rid of excess weight as fast as possible. In addition, the body will acquire seductive shapes, become fit and slender. It is no coincidence that this meat is considered an ideal dietary product, suitable for sports, treatment and compliance with various diets.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of this diet is ease. There are so many chicken breasts in our stores that you won’t have any problems finding them. This is the most accessible and inexpensive meat, which is presented in abundance on store shelves at any time of the year - there is no shortage of poultry meat in summer, autumn, or winter. The meat itself is easily digestible and perfectly accepted by the gastrointestinal tract. It contains a lot nutrients essential for health and well-being. For example, the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids there is more in chicken than in any other meat. In addition, it contains a lot of tryptophine - the basis for the production of serotonin (the pleasure hormone). By eating chicken, you are not subject to despondency and are in an excellent mood.

Boiled chicken is an ideal food for people prone to gastritis. Meat fiber reduces acidity and has a beneficial effect on digestion. Anyone who regularly consumes chicken meat does not lack vitamins PP, E, K, B, A and minerals (phosphorus, copper, iron, etc.).

So there are many obvious advantages:

  • the body is cleansed, gets rid of toxins and excess weight;
  • chicken digests slowly, leaving you feeling full for a long time after eating;
  • metabolism improves: the body gets rid of fat reserves without compromising muscle mass;
  • weight loss results last for a long time;
  • there is no shortage of healthy fibers and proteins;
  • at correct observance diet there is no need to consume additional vitamin complexes.

There is only one downside to this diet - a small amount of fat. Therefore, the diet is designed for no more than 2-3 weeks. It is highly not recommended to exceed this period. Those who followed this diet note another drawback - chicken breast gets boring pretty quickly. Therefore, the mono-diet is not so popular. More often than not, chicken is combined with other low-calorie foods, which allows you to diversify the menu and make it more interesting.

Disadvantages and contraindications

Any diet for weight loss, including those based on chicken meat, is intended for healthy people who do not have chronic diseases. The chicken diet is characterized by an abundance of proteins, which negatively affect kidney health. If you have any problems with the urinary system, avoid this diet. With long-term adherence to such a diet, there is a pronounced lack of fat, which leads to metabolic disorders. Problems also arise for those losing weight who at the same time give up salt - this can lead to increased bone fragility. An excess of protein does not have a very good effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which can cause an increase in acidity, impaired peristalsis and constipation. Some people who are losing weight note increased brittleness of their nails and deterioration of their skin and hair.

Don't lose weight on the chicken diet if you:

  • are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • have a chronic disease;
  • under 18 years of age or over 55;
  • have problems with heart health, gastrointestinal tract;
  • recovering from a serious illness or surgery.

If you doubt whether this diet is right for you, consult your doctor. This way you will avoid possible complications and avoid exposing your body to unnecessary stress. Be especially careful when choosing a mono-diet - it is better to dilute the menu with a variety of vegetables that will correct side effect high doses of protein.

Mono-diet on boiled chicken breast

As part of this regime, you need to eat exclusively chicken breast meat during the entire period of weight loss (no more than 3-7 days). It must be boiled without the use of salt, sauces and oils. For taste, you can add herbs and natural seasonings. During the day you need to eat no more than 1200 kcal, that is, you consume approximately 1 kg of boiled meat. This portion should be divided into 4-5 meals. Since in this mode the amount of protein exceeds the usual levels, a mono-diet can have a bad effect on your health. The first to be affected are the kidneys, which react negatively to such nutrition. Therefore, it is recommended to stick to it for only a few days. The result is not bad - in less than a week you can get rid of 4-6 kg.

If you plan to lose weight longer, then dilute the chicken meat big amount vegetables They will correct the effects of high doses of protein and due to the abundance of carbohydrates plant origin will reduce the load on the kidneys. The abundance of vegetables in the diet has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and improves peristalsis.

Losing weight with broth (fillet soup)

One of the most effective ways lose weight with chicken - use chicken broth. They perfectly warm, saturate and enrich the body with useful substances. Even if you cooked the broth in the morning or are drinking yesterday’s broth, be sure to heat it on fire (not in the microwave!) so that it is hot. This will give you a feeling of satiety and warmth. To prepare the broth, use lean chicken. Best fit Domestic bird. The chicken is washed well, skin and bones are removed, and dipped in cold water and bring to a boil over high heat. Skim off all the foam, cook over medium heat for 3-4 minutes, and then turn it down to the lowest setting. And cook for another 30 minutes - until the meat is completely cooked. Before turning off, you can add a little celery, carrots, herbs, Bay leaf and seasonings.

If you follow all the conditions, you can lose up to 10 kg in just a week. For this:

  • Boil 2 chicken fillets daily in 3 liters of unsalted water;
  • Use only broth for food, dividing it into several servings;
  • Do not snack on the broth with bread or anything else.

Use the remaining chicken fillet for cooking delicious dishes for household members. If such a diet seems too strict to you, you can switch to an easier option - eat chicken meat along with broth, dividing it into 4-5 servings.

To prevent the weight from returning quickly after such a diet, replace one meal with the same broth within a week after losing weight.

The menu for the second week will be something like this:

  • Monday - egg, broth, vegetable salad.
  • Tuesday - boiled buckwheat or rice, broth.
  • Wednesday - apple or orange, a glass of broth.
  • Thursday - a portion of broth and 2 tablespoons of porridge, a small portion of stewed vegetables.
  • Friday - 150-200 g of low-fat yogurt or kefir, fresh vegetables.
  • Saturday - boiled fish or chicken, a cup of broth.
  • Sunday - we return to our usual diet, avoiding high-calorie and unhealthy foods.

Subsequently, you can arrange fasting broth days, thanks to which you will lose up to 1.5 kg per day!

On vegetables and chicken meat

This is the most common and popular option for fast weight loss. It is designed for 7 days. Main principle the same - you need to consume no more than 1200 kcal per day. At the same time, chicken breast accounts for approximately half of the calories consumed - by calorie content or by the volume of food eaten - this is determined by the person losing weight.

To achieve maximum results with this diet, follow these simple conditions:

  • eat boiled chicken meat without skin;
  • supplement your diet with any vegetables except potatoes;
  • eat unsweetened fruits (grapes and bananas are prohibited due to the abundance of sugar in them);
  • supplement your diet with whole grain unrefined cereals (except wheat and its derivatives);
  • eat in small portions, eating foods stored for the day in 5-6 meals;
  • discard the salt. To enhance the flavor of foods, use seasonings;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters clean water daily.

Be sure to use a calorie chart and kitchen scale to closely monitor the number of calories you eat. If all these conditions are met, the metabolism will be stable. This means that the feeling of wild hunger will not torment you, and the weight will come off evenly and smoothly. In a week on this diet you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight. To improve weight loss results, it is also recommended to combine diet with moderate physical activity.

Menu for 7 days

  • Monday - during the day we eat half a kilo of boiled breast and 350-400 g of rice. All this is divided into 5-6 equal portions. After each meal, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice diluted with water. Unsweetened low-fat dairy product is allowed at night.
  • Tuesday - the daily ration is 700 g of chicken and 500 g of pineapples. All this is divided into portions. Before going to bed, be sure to drink a glass of low-fat kefir - it will help restore the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract after an abundance of pineapples. If desired, pineapples can be replaced with grapefruit or orange. In symbiosis with chicken, the value of these fruits increases.
  • Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - we eat half a kilo per day chicken meat, 200 g cabbage, one carrot and 4 apples. The order in which these products are consumed can be any. But be sure to eat in small portions over several meals. Don't forget about drinking regime- you can drink water, unsweetened tea or coffee, natural juices.
  • Saturday - 700 g of meat and unlimited quantities leaf salad, greenery. You can make delicious cuts by seasoning them lemon juice. The salad is rich complex fiber, which takes a long time to digest and therefore gives a feeling of fullness.
  • Sunday - choose a menu from any of the previous days and stick to it.

With this mode, you can lose up to 7 kg of “ballast”.

For 10 days

The menu for a 10-day marathon is not much different from weekly diet. If you want to extend this diet for a few more days, then simply start the diet over again: on the 8th day, take the Monday diet, on the ninth - Tuesday, and on the tenth - Wednesday. Since the diet is quite varied, the harm to the body from unusual nutrition will be minimal.

Chicken Diet Options

Eating just chicken is uninteresting and harmful. Therefore, based on the mono-mode, various options have been invented that allow you to lose weight in a tasty, healthy and effective way. Their peculiarity is that the basis of nutrition is not one product, but two or three. This allows you to combine ingredients in different ways and create a variety of lunches every day. But, most importantly, it eliminates the disadvantages of mono-mode, saturating the body with missing vitamins and microelements.


American nutritionists suggested losing weight on such a diet back in the 70s of the last century. It is aimed at quick release from the fat layer. The diet is classified as strict, since during it only chicken, oranges and water are consumed. The peculiarity of the chicken-orange diet is that the body does not receive the usual amount of carbohydrates. Therefore, he is forced to use fat deposits in order to obtain energy for the normal process of life.

To achieve maximum results, follow the rules:

  • eat only boiled chicken without skin;
  • oranges and chicken are consumed separately;
  • drink a lot and often;
  • eat no more than 1-2 citrus fruits at one time;
  • Perform moderate intensity exercise daily for 20-30 minutes.

It is safe for health to follow such a diet for up to 4 weeks. Having finished the diet, stick to the fasting regime for another month and a half, giving up fast carbohydrates and fatty foods.

Chicken and rice

This diet comes in a variety of variations. The difference lies in the quantity and proportions of food eaten, as well as in the cooking recipe. Weight loss with this regimen reaches 1 kg per day.

Option 1

In addition to chicken and rice, we eat apples. The diet is divided into three stages: rice, chicken and apple. For the first three days, we eat only rice, after soaking it in water and steaming it. No more than 800 g of cooked rice is eaten per day. The next three-day period is chicken. We eat meat cooked in unsalted water. In quantity - no more than 1.3 kg per day. The final stage is apple. We have been eating apples for the last three days. Preferably green. Their quantity should be no more than 1-1.5 kg. If desired, you can bake the fruit in the oven, adding a little cinnamon for taste. During all 9 days, do not forget to drink a lot: water, unsweetened tea, black coffee without sugar.

Option 2

Instead of fruits, an additional ingredient is vegetables. The principle of the diet is the same, only for the last three days you eat not apples, but fresh and steamed white or green vegetables. The list of allowed ones includes: zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, green onions. No more than 10% of the total mass can be red fruits: peppers, carrots and tomatoes.


Since this diet involves serious dietary restrictions, it has many contraindications. Avoid this method of losing weight if you:

  • ulcers, gastritis and other stomach diseases;
  • frequent colds and viral diseases;
  • there are problems with intestinal motility;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnancy or lactation period.

Boiled chicken breast and buckwheat

The buckwheat diet itself has a right to exist, since this cereal is a record holder for the content of nutrients and minerals. It contains a huge amount of carbohydrates, but almost no fat and protein. Thanks to this, the body receives only what is useful and necessary. Breast in this nutrition system acts as a low-calorie source of protein. Meat allows you to maintain muscle tone and makes easy weight loss and effective. The duration of the diet should not exceed two weeks.

The rules of the diet are simple, but it is not recommended to deviate from them:

  • per day, eat an unlimited amount of buckwheat (within reasonable limits) and 1.5-2 chicken breasts (total weight no more than 1 kg);
  • You are allowed to drink a glass of kefir at night;
  • It is better not to cook buckwheat, but to steam it with boiling water the day before at the rate of 1.5 cups of water per 1 cup of cereal. Cook without salt and oil;
  • Eat most of the porridge in the first half of the day;
  • take a multivitamin complex.

The result of losing weight will be more noticeable and sustainable if, in addition to a changed diet, you exercise. The most effective in this sense are cardio exercises that burn a huge amount of calories in one workout.

Chicken and cucumbers

This diet is designed for 3 days and allows you to quickly lose up to 3-4 kg. To achieve this result, eat 1 kilogram of cucumbers and 0.5 kg of boiled breast daily. Cucumbers can be replaced with lettuce leaves or chopped green vegetables.

Losing weight on chicken eggs

Sometimes, in addition to chicken or instead of it, those losing weight use chicken eggs. This makes sense, since eggs are rich in protein, carbohydrates and have a distinct taste. They can be prepared in completely different ways, which allows you to make the menu bright and original. This diet, like the chicken diet, is perfect for those who are losing weight by actively engaging in fitness. The protein and vitamins contained in this product have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. In addition, eggs satiate for a long time, allowing you to forget about hunger for several hours after eating. They cook quickly, so you don’t have to bother yourself with long periods of standing at the stove.

Chicken and eggs with offal

It is not recommended to lose weight with such a set of products for longer than 7 days, otherwise you can oversaturate the body with protein, which will lead to serious illnesses internal organs. The kidneys, which do not tolerate such an abundance of protein in the body, are especially under attack. The rules for observing this regime do not contradict other types of such nutrition: it involves split meals, drinking plenty of fluids, physical exercise. Observing simple recommendations and performing physical exercise, you can lose 10 kg in a week!

Here sample menu meals on this diet by day:

  1. The first day. We eat hot chicken broth. We drink it as soon as we feel hungry.
  2. Second day. We eat boiled chicken meat - no more than 1.2 kg per day. Divide this volume into several servings and consume at intervals of at least 3 hours.
  3. Day three. You are allowed to eat chicken liver. To prepare it, simmer about 1 kg of product in a frying pan with finely chopped onions. The offal is cooked over medium heat for about 30 minutes. For a more pronounced taste, add seasonings. It is advisable to do without salt, but if this is beyond your strength, add a few grains of salt. Alternatively, in addition to the liver, you can dilute the diet with lettuce and chicken broth.
  4. Day four - egg day. We eat one egg every 3 hours. If the feeling of hunger persists, drink chicken broth.
  5. Day five is similar to day two.
  6. Day six - we prepare chicken hearts, the principle of preparation and the logic of use are the same as on liver day. In addition, also drink chicken broth.
  7. Day seven - bake in the oven chicken drumsticks. To make it tasty and aromatic, soak the meat in kefir for several hours. Chicken is baked for 40 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Don't forget to drink water or green tea!

On eggs and kefir

The diet is designed for 2-7 days. The daily diet is the same: all food is divided into 6 meals and consumed at intervals of 3 hours. With each approach, you eat one egg and drink a glass of kefir. In total, during the day you will get 6 eggs and about 1.5 liters of kefir. With this diet, you can easily lose up to 5 kg in a week. Since the range of products is limited, it is necessary to supplement the diet with a multivitamin complex.

On yolks and vegetables

Yolks were not chosen by chance as the basis of dietary nutrition. They contain about 30% fat, 2% carbohydrates and a huge list of useful elements: amino acids, almost all known fatty acids, B vitamins, folic acid, vitamins A, D, E, H, PP, beta-keratin, fluorine, calcium, sodium and many other micro- and macroelements. Even taking into account high percentage Fat content of this product does not lead to a jump in cholesterol in the blood. In a word, the yolk supplies the body with all the elements necessary for normal functioning, eliminating the need to consume vitamin complexes. By correctly following this diet, you will not only lose weight, but also:

  • improve brain function;
  • reboot your metabolism;
  • strengthen your immune system;
  • improve your own well-being.

If you decide to lose weight on yolks, then take care of the quality of the eggs. The ideal solution is homemade. Try to use only fresh yolks. If on eggshells If you see dirt or traces of droppings, wash the egg thoroughly before boiling. The duration of the diet varies from 3 to 21 days, depending on the goal that the person who is losing weight sets for himself. With this regimen, you can lose up to 12 kg in three weeks.

Eat only boiled or steamed yolks. Raw ones, although healthy, carry the risk of contracting dangerous diseases.

In addition to the yolks in daily diet include: vegetables, fermented milk products, unsweetened fruits, chicken meat. The following food consumption logic is recommended:

  1. Food is divided into 4-5 meals.
  2. Yolks should be eaten only in the first half of the day.
  3. The last meal is 2-3 hours before bedtime. Strong hunger can be satisfied with a glass of kefir.
  4. Play sports: this will improve the effectiveness of weight loss.

An approximate diet for every day is simple: for breakfast two yolks, ½ grapefruit, coffee; for lunch - 100 g of breast, vegetable salad, compote; for an afternoon snack - cottage cheese with dried fruits; for dinner - fish, vegetable stew.

Chicken and vegetable diet for every day

If you just want to unload your diet and lose a little weight without much deprivation and hungry fainting, you can stick to a fasting diet for 2-3 days, or give your body a rest once a week. The menu for such a day is as follows:

  • for breakfast we eat 150 g of boiled chicken and salad;
  • for second breakfast we eat 100 g of chicken and a green apple;
  • for lunch - 150 g of chicken and porridge (buckwheat, rice or barley);
  • for an afternoon snack - 100 g of chicken, vegetable puree or salad;
  • for dinner - 50 g of chicken, a cup of hot chicken broth, 200 g of vegetables.

Expected results

Weight loss on a chicken diet ranges from 4 to 8 kg per week. The final result depends on your diet - what additional foods and how many calories you consume per day. The following factors also influence the final result:

  1. What is your weight at the beginning of the diet - the more “ballast”, the more willingly it will go away in the first days.
  2. How active are you in sports? protein diets designed for intense physical activity, so this diet is not for the lazy.
  3. How often and in what quantity do you eat. It is advisable to divide food into several meals and eat small portions, albeit often. This will help reduce the size of the stomach and thereby maintain the results of the diet for a long time.
  4. What and how much do you drink? No one has canceled the norm of 1.5-2 liters of water per day. If you replace water with other drinks (sweetened soda, coffee), the results will be much worse.

How to get out of a diet

The diet does not limit the menu too much to a set of products. However, going out correctly means maintaining the result for a long time and not harming the body. If you are aiming to make your slimness permanent and not temporary, then follow simple rules.

  • Stay off the diet for twice as long as it took you to lose weight. After a week-long marathon, the transition period takes 14 days, after a two-week marathon - a month.
  • Introduce foods into your diet gradually, rather than all at once in one day. Choose low-calorie foods first healthy food: boiled non-starchy vegetables, unsweetened fruits.
  • Try to go as long as possible without baking, baking or any other food rich in fast carbohydrates.
  • Play sports without skipping workouts - don’t feel sorry for yourself and spend at least 1 hour 3 times a week in the gym.

Those who have lost weight on chicken broth should be especially careful when leaving the diet. It will take 10 days to return to your normal diet. Expand the first five-day period diet menu light porridges on water, dried toast, chicken eggs and liver, lean fish. Eat unsweetened fruits and green vegetables. In the next five days, you can add lean meat, offal, casseroles from vegetables and dairy products to your diet. Give green light to muesli and cottage cheese. You can return to your usual diet on the 11th day after completing the diet. But even then it is advisable to limit to a minimum or completely abandon fatty, sweet and fried foods. This will help you maintain your results for a long time and not exhaust yourself in the future with regular diets.

Fermented milk and very useful product for the body is kefir, which is also used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases . It is good to use kefir after serious illnesses, as it quickly restores the body. Therefore, the chicken and kefir diet is very popular. Of course, you can lose weight on kefir and chicken, but in addition, kefir improves the functioning of vascular and nervous system. However, kefir has an even greater effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It stabilizes intestinal function. For example, it helps get rid of the tendency to diarrhea. Kefir helps with nausea and heaviness in the pancreas.

Among other things, this fermented milk product helps with scrofula, anemia, chronic diseases respiratory tract. For example, pulmonary tuberculosis, exudative pleurisy.

Very often, kefir is used as a basis for diets for many diseases.

You can use several options for such kefir diets. For example, the “rice, kefir, chicken” diet or the diet with chicken and kefir.

Mono-diet on kefir

It lasts 3 days. When using this diet drink at least one and a half liters fresh kefir all the time. No other products should be consumed. During this period you can get rid of four kg.

Kefir diet in winter

Stick to it for three days and no more. The kilograms lost depend on the characteristics of your body.

Approximate menu:

  • Have breakfast with an omelet, a cabbage salad (sauerkraut), coffee with milk or an egg, semolina porridge, a sandwich with butter, tea with honey.
  • For an afternoon snack, either drink kefir (a glass), or eat a piece of cheese and an apple.
  • Have lunch with chicken soup, vinaigrette, stewed carrots, a slice of bread, or mushroom soup, stewed meat with cabbage.
  • For lunch, eat baked apples or drink a glass of kefir cocktail.
  • Have dinner with fish fried in vegetable oil, eat baked potatoes, tea, or have dinner with carrot casserole with the addition of prunes, tea with honey.
  • At night, drink skim milk (a glass), kefir or yogurt.

Fasting days on kefir

  • Have breakfast with a slice of dried bread and kefir (a glass).
  • For an afternoon snack, drink a glass of juice, or you can eat 2 apples and kefir (a glass).
  • Lunch on boiled fish (200 g), sauerkraut, vegetable salad, vinaigrette.
  • For lunch, eat fruit (preferably apples) and a glass of kefir.
  • Dine with a piece of cheese, apples (1-2), or carrot casserole with bread.
  • Before going to bed, drink milk or kefir (a glass).

The diet lasts only one day. It helps to get your figure in shape after holiday meals. If this diet is used after festive table, then you will not have any excess weight. Besides fasting days kefir will not allow the body to get used to overeating.

Kefir diet for 9 days

Approximate menu diet “chicken, apples, kefir”:

  • For the first 3 days you should drink 1% kefir in any quantity, eat boiled rice without salt (100 g each).
  • On days 4, 5 and 6, consume 1% kefir in any quantity and consume 100 g of boiled chicken fillet without adding salt.
  • On days 7, 8 and 9 you need to drink 1% kefir and eat fresh apples and also in any quantity.

This diet on chicken and kefir will allow you to lose about 9 kg. It is only necessary to exit the chicken-kefir diet with apples gradually - consuming high-calorie foods in large quantities is prohibited.

Diet for five days

Diet menu:

  • At 7 o'clock in the morning, drink unsweetened tea.
  • At 9 o'clock, eat a medium plate of grated carrots, which can be seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • At 11 o'clock, eat boiled white chicken (200 g) or beef.
  • At 13:00 you can only eat an apple.
  • At 3 p.m., eat 1 hard-boiled egg.
  • At 17:00 you can only eat an apple.
  • At 19 o'clock there are only 10 prunes.
  • At 21:00, drink kefir (1 glass) plus an “Iodine-Active” tablet.

The most important thing during the diet is to strictly follow the regime and then you can get rid of the 5th G.

Kefir diet for a week

Diet menu:

  • On the first day, eat boiled potatoes (5 pieces) and drink kefir (1.5 l).
  • On the second day, eat boiled white chicken meat (100 g) and kefir (1.5 l).
  • On the third day, eat boiled lean beef or veal (100 g) and kefir (1.5 l).
  • On the fourth day, eat low-fat boiled fish (100 g) and kefir (1.5 l).
  • On the fifth day, eat fruits and vegetables (excluding grapes and bananas) and kefir (1.5 l).
  • On the sixth day, drink kefir (1.5-2 l).
  • On the seventh day, drink non-carbonated mineral water in any quantity.

All foods must be prepared without salt and sugar. This diet can be used once every 3 months. The kilograms lost during the diet will depend on the characteristics of your body.

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Today, chicken meat is the most popular product, since thanks to it the finished dish is not only tasty and satisfying, but also low in calories. Therefore, since ancient times it has been integral part many weight loss programs. The chicken diet will always be desirable for those who cannot completely give up eating meat products.

This diet is based mainly on the consumption of chicken meat, which contains a large amount of protein. It helps saturate the body, and also restores muscle tissue and speeds up metabolism. In addition to these advantages, one more thing can be highlighted - affordability. The meat of this bird can be bought in any supermarket at a relatively low price.

Useful properties of chicken meat

Since not all chicken meat is suitable for the diet, but only chicken breast, we will consider the beneficial properties of this particular part. Most doctors and nutritionists prefer this part of the bird. This is all explained by the low calorie content of the product - about 137 kcal. per 100 g. Also, chicken breast is rich in various useful elements. Among them:

  • proteins - about 29.8 g;
  • fats (1.8 g), carbohydrates (0.5 g);
  • vitamins A, B, C, E, H, PP;
  • magnesium, iron, cobalt, chromium, zinc, phosphorus and others;
  • protein;
  • amino acids.

Using fiber from boiled meat you can reduce acidity levels gastric juice, which is very useful for gastritis and other diseases gastrointestinal tract. Vitamins B9 and B12 improve women's well-being during pregnancy.

The essence of the diet

The chicken breast diet is a protein program, the essence of which is the accumulation of a large amount of protein with a deficiency of carbohydrates. This will trigger the absorption of your own fat reserves for energy reproduction.

Chicken meat is an indispensable product balanced diet. This is explained by:

  • Chicken breasts contain a large amount of microelements and vitamins that can compensate for their deficiency when consumed only in foods of plant origin.
  • Breast meat is dietary product due to low fat content and low calorie content.
  • The product contains a lot of protein, which makes it easy to digest.
  • Poultry contains nutrients that the body requires to function.

Only breast is suitable for dietary nutrition. Chicken wings and legs are high in fat and cholesterol, so they are not suitable. You should also not eat the skin.

You can replace chicken with other types of meat - quail or turkey, which also contain a large amount of protein and are low in calories.

Its advantages

The diet has a number of other advantages:

  • When used on a diet, chicken broth allows the patient to strengthen the immune system and also promotes recovery vitality. The broth is used to prevent cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, stroke, heart attack.
  • Eating chicken allows you to maintain the balance of nutrients in the body at the desired level. This allows you to avoid exhaustion, loss of strength and other health problems during the diet.
  • A chicken diet does not require serious restrictions, and you can prepare quite a large number of dishes from it.


This diet has no contraindications as such. But still, before adopting such a diet, nutritionists recommend consulting with your doctor.

Also, along with the advantages that we wrote about above, it should also be noted that such dietary nutrition also has disadvantages.

  • Firstly, not everyone can withstand the blandness of breast dishes for several days. But, according to nutritionists, this deficiency can be easily neutralized. To do this, add spices to the meat. The meat can also be brushed with lemon juice.
  • Secondly, breast meat is very low in fat. Here, some diets allow the use of vegetable oil.

Diet options

In dietetics there is various options diets where the main component is chicken fillet fresh meat. Let's look at some of them.

3 day program

A three-day weight loss program allows you to lose an extra three kilograms. The menu looks very simple. Throughout the day you need to eat 100 g of boiled chicken. As doctors note, with such a diet you should not forget about fluids.

7 day program

This option seven-day weight loss programs can be called classic. Weekly diet on chicken fillet will allow you to remove about 4-5 kg. These data are approximate, since a significant role is played by physiological characteristics person.

With this program, there is one rule - you need to eat in small quantities, but at least 5 times a day, which makes it possible not to experience hunger with a constant supply of nutrients.

The boiled chicken diet lasts 7 days and includes the following products.

With this system you can safely drink coffee and tea. If a person experiences a strong feeling of hunger between meals, you can drink still water with lemon.

9 day program

This program is based on the principle of mononutrition, which explains its effectiveness. Diet food, based on boiled chicken fillet for 9 days, allows, with strict adherence to the diet, to remove extra 5-6 kg.

The chicken diet menu for 9 days includes the following products.

Between meals you can drink up to 500 ml per day. low fat kefir.

There is another menu for this program. This diet alternates rice, chicken and vegetables for 9 days. There is also an apple option, where the diet includes 3 days of rice, 3 days of chicken and 3 days of apples.

Other Diet Options

With chicken broth

Diet for chicken soup refers to fairly common weight loss programs. It lasts a week and allows you to remove about 9 kg.

The essence of this program is that throughout the day you need to drink 1-1.5 liters of chicken broth in 5-7 doses. It is better to eat it hot. Water in in this case You can drink in unlimited quantities, but subject to certain rules:

  • no later than 30 minutes before meals;
  • 2 hours after eating.

Other products must be abandoned. But if the feeling of hunger becomes unbearable, then you can eat a few diet bread or croutons.

How to make delicious broth

Recipes for making broth are quite simple. The chicken is lowered into cold water. After the water boils, you need to remove the “noise” (foam) with a spoon and slightly reduce the heat to medium, and then completely to low. Cook the chicken breast until the meat is done. When about 30 minutes remain, you can add parsley, carrots, celery, onion and salt to taste. If it is impossible to endure such a regime, then it is recommended to lose weight on chicken soup, where they add to the broth boiled vegetables. You can easily last a whole week on this soup.

When leaving the program, fruits and vegetables are gradually added to the diet.

This method should not be used by people who have health problems, or who are pregnant or breastfeeding. A best effect can be achieved by combining the diet with running, aerobics or other types of physical activity.

Chicken liver diet

An important role is played by chicken liver in the diet, which is not only a dietary, but also a healthy product. It helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also replenishes the balance of vitamin B2, which is responsible for the occurrence of anemia. Chicken liver also helps stimulate brain function and normalize work thyroid gland. You can use olive oil to prepare the liver.

Chicken and rice diet

The rice weight loss program with chicken is usually designed for three days. During this time, they lose about 2 kilograms. This diet includes rice, boiled chicken and vegetables. This diet can also be alternated with a diet of rice, chicken and apples.

The daily diet includes the following products:

Another diet option is alternating rice and chicken days. With this diet, you need to eat boiled rice for 3 days, chicken for 3 days.

Chicken-buckwheat diet

The buckwheat diet usually lasts a month. At the same time, you can lose 3-4 kg on buckwheat porridge. The buckwheat and boiled chicken breast diet includes the following daily diet:

Buckwheat should be steamed in the evening without adding sugar and salt, and the breast should be boiled without spices or salt. Thanks to this, the buckwheat diet is so simple and effective.

Vegetables and chicken

A diet of lean chicken breast and vegetables will allow you to lose weight without extra effort and hunger. The menu is easy to prepare. If you stick to it for 2-3 days, you can lose a couple of kilograms. The basis of the menu is poultry without wings.

To add flavor to the meat, it is lubricated olive oil or vegetable paste, such as garlic paste.

Principles of the chicken breast diet

It is not difficult to guess that the main dish of the diet is chicken breast, which has much fewer calories than beef. Chicken fillet also has such beneficial properties:

  • supports metabolism normal level;
  • strengthens muscles (it’s not for nothing that this diet is so popular among athletes);
  • removes from the body excess liquid;
  • gives a feeling of satiety;
  • breaks down and processes fats.

By choosing this diet, you will save your budget, because chicken breast is inexpensive compared to other dietary products.

The chicken diet has no strict ban on certain products, but there are some rules:

  1. Eat small, frequent meals.
  2. Chicken breast can be boiled or baked, but just do not fry.
  3. Daily diet must contain no more than 1200 Kcal.
  4. Limit, or better yet, eliminate salt and sugar from the menu.
  5. Throughout the day, drink up to two liters of water, natural juices and unsweetened tea; you can also indulge in a glass of dry wine.
  6. For good result stick to this method losing weight for at least a week.

The disadvantage is that chicken breast contains a small amount of fat, and there is also dietary dish Without salt, not everyone likes it.

Chicken diet menu for 3 days and a week

There are 2 most common options for the chicken diet - for 3 days and for a week, the results of which are from 3 to 6 kilograms lost.

Diet menu for 3 days

You need to boil it for three days (you can bake it) and eat only chicken fillet, dividing it into 5 or 6 servings of 100 g each, and drink up to two liters of water.

Diet menu for 7 days

Monday: during the day you need to eat half a kilogram of boiled chicken fillet and 340 g rice porridge in several steps; You can drink a cup of tea (unsweetened) before bed.

Tuesday: 700 g of boiled chicken breast and half a kilogram of pineapples (fresh or canned).

Wednesday: half a kilogram of boiled chicken fillet, 140 g of cabbage, a couple of carrots, greens, 5 apples, can be served as a salad with lemon juice.

Thursday and Friday repeat the diet of Wednesday.

Saturday and Sunday: 700 g of boiled breast and a few lettuce leaves, a cup of kefir.

If you feel hungry, drink water or unsweetened tea between meals.

We remind you that the meat should be boiled, and the dish should be bland; instead of salt, you can use soy sauce (but only natural!) or lemon juice.

Diet options for chicken breast

A chicken breast dish can be used for weight loss in combination with various products. Here are the most popular diet options:

Chicken breast and cottage cheese

For the first 4 days of this diet, you need to eat according to the following menu: for breakfast, eat cottage cheese (120 g) and drink a cup of green tea (unsweetened); at lunch, eat 180 g of chicken fillet (it should be boiled or baked) and vegetables (120 g); for dinner – 120 g of boiled chicken breast and a cup of kefir.

For the next 4 days, cottage cheese and fillet are prohibited, only green tea and fruits (best of all are pineapples, kiwis, oranges and grapefruits).

More easy option diets - alternating chicken days with fruit days.

Chicken breast and rice

This weight loss method consists of 9 days: eat boiled chicken fillet for the first 3 days, the next 3 - boiled rice And last days- only vegetables and greens. You can lose from 3 to 6 kg on this diet.

Chicken breast and buckwheat

This option lasts 8 days. The first day only boiled buckwheat is allowed, the second - boiled chicken breast, and so on.