Baker's cyst of the knee joint: treatment and main symptoms. Treatment of Baker's cyst of the knee joint at home with folk remedies and gymnastic exercises

The knee joint is one of the most complex in structure in human body. He probably experiences the greatest physical stress. That is why they occur most often. is one of these pathologies that is provoked.

The disease is characterized by pain that occurs when the limb is loaded, with discomfort in the knee fossa. For neglected form characterized by a limitation of its mobility, as well as partial deformation. That is why treatment of the pathology should begin immediately.

Traditional therapy

The doctor must draw up the scheme individually, based on the patient’s complaints and examination results. However, some procedures are mandatory for all patients:

  1. Removing effusion that accumulates in the cavity knee joint. This procedure is called and must be carried out before drug treatment is started.
  2. Reception. They provide a reduction in pain and elimination of the inflammation process. Among these medications, the most popular is Ibuprofen, however, it should not be taken by people who suffer from kidney or liver failure.
  3. with help . It is performed, and the injection is given directly into the joint.
  4. Elastic fixing bandage. It should be worn continuously during Baker's cyst treatment. Using this device at home helps not only stabilize the knee joint, but also improve blood microcirculation.

During the day at home, the knee joint should be allowed to rest. In this case, the limbs must be kept elevated to improve blood flow.

Except medications, you can use and apply ice compresses. They make it possible to reduce painful sensations. This compress is applied for a maximum of 40 minutes. It would be useful to treat with physiotherapeutic procedures: electrophoresis, mud applications, UHF, heating with ozokerite.

Any medications for the treatment of Baker's cyst, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures should be prescribed by a doctor. You should not treat the disease yourself.

Use of folk remedies

Baker's cyst can be treated at home folk remedies. However, such treatment must be carried out with the permission of the doctor. The following recipes will be useful:

  • compress based on a decoction of raspberry and elderberry leaves. To prepare it, you will need raw materials, and the proportion of each component should be equal (a handful is possible). The leaves must be thoroughly washed, placed in a container and steamed in 100 ml of boiling water. It will take half an hour to infuse the broth. Now the softened raw materials are placed on plastic film. She is tied to Baker's cyst on her knee. It is necessary to keep the polyethylene on the affected joint for at least 2 hours. This home treatment can give good effect, if you use it every day;
  • celandine decoction. This folk remedy is useful for compresses. To prepare the medicine, you need to collect young shoots of the plant, chop them thoroughly and steam them with boiling water. Then the mixture needs to be covered and allowed to brew for 15 minutes. The resulting mixture is applied to the Baker's cyst and wrapped with gauze. This folk remedy can be used twice a day;
  • infusion of golden mustache herb. Self-prepared folk remedies from this plant can treat not only Baker's cyst on the knee joint, but also others. To prepare an infusion at home, you only need to collect fresh herbs. It is crushed and placed in a three-liter glass jar. You need to fill it to ½ volume. After this, the raw material is poured with boiling water and closed with a lid. This folk remedy should infuse for about 3 weeks. After this, the mixture should be filtered and taken 2 tbsp. l. 2 times a day. You can also use the paste by applying it to the knee joint as a compress for 2 hours;
  • drinking tea with a piece of ginger will help reduce inflammation in the joint capsule under the knee;
  • it will also be useful Apple vinegar. With its help, you can remove the collected tissue from the knee joint. To prepare the medicine at home, you need to mix 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar with a glass warm water. This folk remedy should be drunk 3 times a day before meals;

  • Spices that have a good effect in treating Baker's cysts include cayenne pepper, ginger, garlic and cinnamon. They help reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process. Therefore, nutrition during treatment of Baker's tumor should be enriched with these foods;
  • sunflower oil. A compress is made from it. It is enough to apply unrefined oil to gauze folded in 8 layers and apply it to the Baker's cyst. A film is applied to the compress and secured with a bandage. It is necessary to treat the knee in this way twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime;
  • compress with aloe juice. You need to mix 1 tsp. juice, same amount lemon juice and 1 g streptocide. Mix all ingredients well until the mixture has a uniform consistency. After this, the substance is applied to the Becker cyst overnight;

  • infusion of cloves and dandelion. First you need to chop the raw material, pour it into a container and fill it with water so that it only slightly covers the grass. Then chop the dandelion root. After this, 2 tablespoons of the resulting raw material are poured with water and cooked over low heat for 15 minutes. The roots need to be ground and added to the mixture with cloves. A spoonful of purified alcohol is also added here. The mixture is laid out on gauze: it is wrapped around the affected area and tied with a warm scarf. You need to keep the compress for about 3 hours. It is necessary to apply a compress daily, only then will the Becker cyst resolve;
  • ointment of calendula and propolis. It perfectly relieves inflammation and also promotes the resorption of Becker's cyst. Treatment can be carried out at home. To prepare the medicine, thoroughly crush a spoonful of calendula flowers and pour rendered fat goose Propolis should be added to the heated mixture. The components are stirred until the propolis is completely dissolved. The cooled ointment should be applied to the Becker cyst and the entire knee joint, rub well, wrap in a warm scarf for several hours.

Everything must be used carefully and only after consulting a doctor.

Special exercises that need to be performed for Becker's cyst help strengthen the muscle system. Naturally, physical activity should not be too strong. Light exercises that will be performed daily are enough. So, the following exercises will be useful:

  • the knee joint must be wrapped with a tape expander, which is additionally attached to a vertical support at knee level. Next, the limb is threaded into the loop of the expander. Now the patient should move away from the support several steps so that the device tightens. It is required to extend the leg with some resistance. The exercise should be repeated 10 times in 3 approaches;
  • while sitting on a chair, you need to put heavy objects on your ankles, straighten your legs, holding them in this position for 60 seconds. Now the leg bends at the knee at an angle of 45 degrees. She holds this way for half a minute;
  • sitting on the floor, bend the healthy leg and pull it to the chest, and straighten the sick leg and lift it with a weight above the floor. The limb should be held in this position for about 10-20 seconds. The back should be straight.

Initially, the exercises should be performed under the supervision of a specialist.


The human body is a structure in which the knee joint is one of the most complex elements. This is where the highest load falls. Accordingly, pathologies of the knee joint are diagnosed very often, meniscus cyst of the knee joint is one of them. The disease is characterized by pain that increases with exercise; discomfort is felt in the knee and knee fossa. If you ignore the symptoms, the development of the disease brings with it complications - swelling, limited mobility, deformation. The sooner you set the goal to cure a Becker cyst under the knee, the less problems awaits later.

Types of cysts

Modern medicine includes several types of cysts that develop and are localized in areas of the knee joint:

  • One of the benign neoplasms is a ganglion cyst of the knee joint, which is a round-shaped tumor with a duct in the middle. It connects the cyst to joint capsule, tendon sheath.
  • A parameniscal neoplasm is diagnosed if the cyst spreads to the ligaments, the pericapsular area, and its size is very large.
  • With a synovial cyst, a hernia forms or transforms the synovial articular membrane.
  • Another benign multiple neoplasm- subchondral cyst, consisting of fibrous tissues that are filled with silicone or myxoid contents. The development of pathology is accompanied by degenerative changes in cartilage.
  • When the medial meniscus develops, pain occurs, localized in the inner part of the joint, which intensifies when the limb is flexed.

Separately, it is worth considering Baker's cyst and its treatment, both traditional and folk. The neoplasm has a second, more rare, name: ankylosing spondylitis cyst. It is caused by a variety of degenerative processes, representing inflammation of the joint cavity with the development of a tumor with liquid contents. The tumor is localized in the popliteal fossa, has a clear outline and is clearly palpable, especially noticeable when the knee is extended. The formation of pathology occurs regardless of age category and gender; damage to one joint is usually observed.

Causes of development and accompanying symptoms

Before considering the treatment of Baker's cyst of the knee joint, let's talk about the causes and symptoms of the pathology. This type of neoplasm is secondary and is usually formed against the background of trauma, inflammation, degenerative articular pathologies legs In some cases, the cause of the disease cannot be determined. The basis of the cyst is synovial fluid, the volume of which increases under the influence of inflammatory processes and enters the intertendinous bursa located under the knee.

The main reasons for the development of pathology include:

  • various types of knee injuries;
  • physical strain associated with professional or sports activities;
  • presence of arthrosis;
  • arthritis, rheumatoid pathologies are especially dangerous;
  • the presence of synovitis.

According to statistics, athletes, loaders and older people are most often affected by the disease.

Now let's look at the signs that indicate that treatment for a Baker's cyst of the knee is required. These include:

  • A mobile, clearly defined neoplasm with clear boundaries.
  • Pain when palpated.
  • As the tumor grows, the pain affects muscle tissue shin, worsens with loads, radiates to the thigh or lower leg.
  • When moving, stiffness is noted, numbness appears, joint mobility deteriorates until it becomes completely immobile.
  • Swelling of the limb is observed.

In this case, a small tumor may not manifest itself in any way and may not be accompanied by obvious signs. If you ignore treatment of a cyst in the knee joint, it will increase. In this case, the walls of the tumor become thinner, the Baker cyst of the knee joint ruptures, and the liquid contents spread over the muscle tissue.

When the cyst ruptures, there is swelling, redness, sharp joint pain, temperature rise. The cyst causes congestion and leads to varicose veins and thrombosis. A blood clot can cause a stroke or be fatal if blocked. pulmonary artery.

Traditional therapy

Let's look at how to treat a Becker cyst under the knee using traditional methods. The basic rule is no self-medication; all therapeutic regimens are drawn up by the attending physician. Treatment can be carried out at home, subject to certain rules:

  • It is necessary to remove the effusion before drug treatment.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
  • A knee block is performed by injection directly into the joint.
  • Provided constant wearing elastic fixing bandage, which stabilizes the joint and improves blood circulation.
  • The knee needs to rest in an elevated position throughout the day to allow blood to flow out.
  • Ice compresses help relieve pain and last for 40 minutes.

As additional funds Physiotherapeutic procedures are used: electrophoresis, UHF, mud applications. It should be understood that medications do not improve joint mobility, but only relieve inflammation and pain.

The definitive method of eliminating pathology is surgery.

It is indicated for large cyst sizes, progressive complications, and significant limitation of mobility.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment with folk remedies deserves special consideration, which, as an additional method, can give good results. Effective treatment Baker's cyst folk remedies involve the use of compresses, infusions and decoctions. The most popular recipes are:

You should remember the need for preliminary consultation with your doctor and the inadmissibility of replacing the main treatment with the use of traditional recipes.

The complex knee joint is often affected by various types of cysts, which are classified depending on the causes of occurrence and location. One of them is Baker's cyst (hernia, hygroma). Pathology is named after the medical scientist who studied and described it.

It is a single-chamber tumor-like, dense, but elastic benign neoplasm, connected to the joint. It is hollow and filled with liquid contents, prone to growth and increase in size, and can reach 10 cm in diameter. Essentially, it is a capsule with liquid.

Location: popliteal fossa, in the posterior inversion of the knee joint bursa.

It is especially noticeable during extension movements of the lower extremities, can be easily palpated, and has clear boundaries. The occurrence and development of the disease does not depend on age and gender. Most often it affects one joint. This is a secondary disease.

The liquid capsule may be crescent-shaped, X-shaped, or elongated wide part in the middle. The largest new growth has a structure that looks like a bunch of grapes.

In addition, there are complex Baker cysts - fused (synechia), with septa inside (septa), with small daughter cysts inside the main one.

This pathology develops against the background of injuries, inflammatory processes and degenerative diseases joints of the lower extremities or as a complication thereof. But there are cases when the origin of the cyst cannot be determined.

In this case, as a result of inflammation in the joint, synovial (articular) fluid is intensively formed, which fills the articular cavity and begins to flow into the intertendinous bursa under the knee. This is the basis of neoplasm.

The main causes of the disease are:

  1. Various knee injuries;
  2. Physical overload (sports and professional);
  3. Arthrosis;
  4. Arthritis, especially of rheumatoid origin;
  5. Synovitis (inflammation of the synovium of the joint);
  6. Injuries and diseases of the meniscus of the knee joint.

According to statistics, this disease occurs more often in older people, athletes, and loaders.

Characteristic symptoms

A small cyst of the knee joint, as a rule, does not manifest itself; the disease proceeds without obvious signs. The skin over the neoplasm is not hyperemic, not hot, its structure does not change. This indicates the absence of inflammation above the cyst.

Visually- small cystic formation protruding under the knee, there is no pain when palpated. In progress motor activity minor pain may occur.

Wherein the cyst is mobile and changeable, may disappear without treatment.

At the beginning of the development of Baker's cyst, the patient begins to feel only some discomfort in the knee joint, but if it continues to increase, characteristic features diseases:

  • Pronounced, mobile tumor with clear edges under the knee;
  • Painful sensations on palpation;
  • Permanent aching pain in the knee joint;

As the cyst enlarges, the pain spreads to the muscles of the lower leg, intensifies under the influence of loads, and can radiate to the thigh or lower leg.

A feeling of fullness and discomfort from the foreign formation appears and increases, associated with its growth.

  • During movement and loads, stiffness appears in the joint;
  • The mobility of the knee joint is significantly reduced, and numbness of the limb develops;
  • Swelling of the entire organ of movement is noted;
  • It becomes problematic to bend the knee, difficult to climb stairs and squats, and the pain intensifies;

The onset of complete immobility of the knee joint is possible.

The course and treatment of the disease can be lengthy.

If the disease is not treated, the cyst enlarges, its walls become thinner and rupture, and the liquid contents spread throughout the calf muscle. The possibility of such a complication is high.

Wherein swelling of the knee is observed and shins, redness under the knee and in the area calf muscles, sharp pains in the joint, elevated temperature bodies.

The enlarging cyst puts pressure on the veins of the leg, in which stagnation develops and the walls of the vessels become inflamed.

This is how thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and thrombosis arise. A blood clot that ruptures can cause a stroke or blockage of the pulmonary artery, which can be fatal.

Squeezing lymphatic vessels leads to swelling of the limb. Pressure on the nerves causes numbness in the leg.

Metabolic processes may also be disrupted, which provoke the development of necrosis and trophic ulcers.

Suppuration of the cyst can cause inflammation of the joint - arthritis.

Ways to treat Baker's cyst of the knee joint

The disease begins to be treated after diagnosis, taking into account general state the patient’s health, the presence of chronic diseases, age, lifestyle, profession.

It is aimed, first of all, at eliminating the cause that caused the appearance of this pathology.

But this is a temporary effect.

Fixation of the organ of movement with elastic or with a simple bandage helps reduce swelling. The bandage should be tight, but not impair the blood supply, which can aggravate the disease.

In this case, the leg should be in an elevated state, which helps improve blood flow and reduce swelling.

If there is no need for inpatient treatment, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs with an analgesic effect to take at home.

It can be non-steroidal drugs: Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen or others.

Complex treatment of neoplasm

Complex treatment begins with symptomatic treatment - with the removal of the main manifestations of the disease. This is the suppression of pain, swelling and normalization of body temperature if it has increased.

Select analgesics (painkillers) with anti-inflammatory effects, in which pain relief prevails. Diclofenac, Dexalgin, Ketorol, Ketonal, Ketoprofen are often prescribed. In each individual case, certain drugs are chosen.

To relieve inflammation, Nurofen, Indomethacin, Nimesulide are also used, especially Indomethacin.

An increase in temperature with a Baker's cyst usually causes suppuration, its rupture, or an exacerbation of the underlying disease. In this case, use Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.

Usually antibiotics are taken in parallel.

Etiotropic treatment is also determined and prescribed, which is aimed at suppressing the causes that caused the pathological process.

If Baker's cyst formation is associated with autoimmune diseases connective tissuerheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, then the treatment includes corticosteroids hormonal drugs (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone). Medicines stop cells from acting immune system patient on the connective tissue cells of the body.

In the presence of psoriatic arthritis, corticosteroids are prescribed, antihistamines are prescribed to relieve itching, and immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed to improve the functioning of the immune system.

To reduce the amount of formation and accelerate elimination from the body uric acid, which causes inflammation and promotes the production of joint fluid, is prescribed for gouty arthritis— Allopurinol and Benemid.

If it is diagnosed that the cyst is caused by osteoarthritis, a method of injecting corticosteroid drugs into the cavity of the cyst is used. This relieves inflammation and swelling in the area of ​​the tumor well.

Often, specialists decide to treat a cyst using drainage.

Using a thick needle, they penetrate into its cavity, and use a large syringe to suck out the liquid contents. After this, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are administered.

The procedure can be repeated. Her positive action comes quickly. Pain goes away, swelling decreases, motor functions are restored.

Physiotherapeutic methods

Modern physiotherapeutic methods are also used in conservative treatment, namely bioresonance therapy and pulsed electromagnetic field treatment.

Bioresonance therapy is based on healing with a person’s own energy. Its action is aimed at destroying pathological information and strengthening the body's immune system.

A pulsed magnetic field penetrates all human cells and, influencing the sick, returns them to a healthy state.

Surgery to remove a Baker's cyst from the knee

If medications and additional methods do not provide positive result, a relapse of the disease is noted, the cyst reaches large sizes, the disease continues to develop, symptoms of complications appear, and surgical treatment is resorted to.

During surgical intervention pathological formation is cut and removed. It is done using local anesthesia and lasts no more than half an hour.

After the operation, the patient is sent home, and after 5-7 days the stitches are removed. In this case, the joint is fixed with a tight bandage.

They begin to restore its functions with the help of massage, exercise therapy and physiotherapy. If all recommendations are followed, treatment ends after two weeks. full restoration motor functions of the limb.

Modern method of surgical treatment of cysts using an arthroscope. Optical instrument and medical instruments They are inserted through two pinpoint incisions on the knee and the valve that prevents the drainage of contents from the cyst into the joint cavity is removed.

The cavity of the neoplasm remains empty and ceases to exist. This incision-free operation heals quickly with minimal possibility wound infection.

Using ointments to treat Baker's cyst

IN complex treatment cysts are not used hormonal ointments with a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. In addition, the excellent warming effect helps improve blood circulation and metabolism, which means it helps the healing process.

The most used ointments:

— Diclofenac;

— Ortofen;

- Nurofen;

— Indomethacin;

- Ibuprofen;

- Indovazin.

On initial stages diseases, Voltaren ointment and Bystrum-gel perform well.

Ointment made from geranium leaves, calendula and lard, cooked according to folk recipes, used for pain relief.

But it must be remembered that using ointment is only an additional method treatment. It is also important to correct use and compliance with dosages.


Simple, but effective method is to apply compresses to the sore joint.

Fresh cabbage leaf, taken at night, relieves swelling and pain. Compress from vegetable oil on the affected area reduces swelling.

A compress made from twisted leaves of celandine and burdock, as well as from raspberry and elderberry leaves, relieves inflammation well.

But the plant - Golden Usher - is recognized as effective in treating cysts.

They use its anti-inflammatory, antitumor and restorative properties. The crushed stem and leaves are applied as a compress to the affected area. An infusion of them is consumed internally.

A decoction of celandine leaves relieves inflammation. You can add burdock leaf to the decoction.

An infusion of elecampane root reduces pain.

Beekeeping products are used, but only for those who do not have allergic reactions.

These products work well in combination with medications and other additional methods treatment as independent method ineffective.

Baker's cyst is a treatable disease. Therefore, it is necessary to contact specialists in time, follow their prescriptions and recommendations, and not self-medicate.

In this case, the forecast for full recovery favorable

The term “Becker cyst under the knee” in medicine refers to inflammatory fluid that accumulates in the mucous bursa, which is located just below the popliteal cavity. This bag “nests” between the calf tendons and communicates with the joint through a small hole. If inflammation begins to develop, the resulting fluid begins to collect in the intertendinous bursa - this is how it forms under the knee.

Possible reasons

Factors provoking development of this disease, maybe several. Among the most common, doctors name all kinds of injuries, as well as rheumatoid arthritis and gonarthrosis. Moreover, it is typical that the longer the patient delays treatment and hopes that it will “go away on its own,” the higher the likelihood that he will encounter such a complication as a Becker cyst under the knee.


By what signs can this disease be diagnosed? At an early stage inflammatory process doesn't show up at all. However, as fluid fills the sac, the cyst increases in size. It is natural that it becomes more and more difficult for a person to bend his leg: to sit down, stand up, go down and up the stairs, and then just walk. Upon palpation, you can feel a small but dense formation in the popliteal cavity. Gradually, the Becker cyst under the knee is growing. Accordingly, pain occurs. If not accepted necessary measures, pain can develop from barely noticeable to unbearable. Symptoms also include numbness in the foot (the latter is explained by the fact that the cyst can compress the nerve endings).


For a competent doctor it will not be the slightest difficulty to make the correct diagnosis. Especially if there are obvious signs. In principle, in the presence of visible pathology, a person himself can determine that he has a Becker cyst: a kind of tumor forms under the knee (the photo shows what the disease in question looks like). Under no circumstances should you put off visiting a doctor! After all, what does this disease threaten? Firstly, it disrupts the blood supply to muscles and tendons, which causes severe pain, and can ultimately lead to osteomyelitis and even blood poisoning. Secondly, it suffers venous drainage: the leg from the knee turns blue, swells and becomes covered with trophic ulcers. Finally, many patients who develop a cyst suffer from thrombosis and phlebitis, which, in turn, can cause blockage of the vessel and even cause death.

Becker cyst under the knee: treatment

The disease requires two treatment options: conservative treatment And surgery. The first is based on the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and, as a rule, is considered not very effective. However, if your cyst remains small in size, it is quite possible to resort to the mentioned method. Conservative treatment also includes puncture, that is, removal of fluid from the bag using a special thick needle. The operation is usually indicated for patients suffering from various complications. There is no need to be afraid of it - it is a fairly simple procedure, taking about twenty minutes and carried out under local anesthesia.

What is a Baker's cyst? Current issue is also what kind of doctor you need to contact in order to cure it.

It should be noted that nodes can very often appear in the knee various types. Classification occurs due to development and location.

One type of pathology is considered to be Baker's or Becker's cyst. It is also known as ankylosing spondylitis. There are also alternatives medical names, however, they are not popular among patients. In everyday life, this disease is often called a common hernia.

It should be noted that a Baker's cyst is considered clearly circumscribed and abnormal. This formation is benign and has the appearance of an elastic capsule. Located in the popliteal cap.


It is worth highlighting the features that distinguish a cyst from other diseases.

  • dense, although in fact the cyst is a structure with viscous contents. If you straighten the limb well, the formation will be very noticeable.
  • A Baker's cyst of the knee joint can be oval, hemispheric, or X-shaped. There is even a complex formation, when several cysts grow together and have small nodules.
  • The cyst can grow to enormous sizes, the maximum being 12 cm. Due to this, strong pain, and the joint becomes difficult to move.
  • As a rule, there is only one node, but there are also cases in which small formations occur.
  • Most often, such a tumor occurs on only one leg, but sometimes it is diagnosed on both.
  • Sometimes the neoplasm, being small in size, can resolve on its own; it is generally required therapeutic treatment. Baker's cyst may occur in early age, in which there is a high chance of self-healing.
  • More often this disease occurs in young women, in people who actively engage in sports and expose themselves to physical activity. If we talk about children, they are diagnosed with this disease from 9 to 15 years.
  • This pathology does not develop into a malignant tumor.

How to treat Baker's cyst of the knee? IN this issue Only a doctor can help. Depending on the complexity of the situation, he will prescribe conservative or surgery.

As mentioned above, the tumor can remain painless and small in size for for long years, however, most often it progresses, thereby negatively affecting the patient’s life. The exact cause of this cyst has not been established. Doctors only know the factors that provoke the disease and directly how the pathology develops in the future.

Development of the disease

A Baker's popliteal cyst forms in the capsule when it accumulates a large number of liquids. The latter is called synovia. It is a thick secretion that is created in the joint capsule. Synovia is necessary to lubricate the joint from the inside. Thanks to this, the surface does not wear out and there is no friction. Knee mobility is quite high.

If the amount of this fluid increases, it begins to flow under the knee. Thanks to this, a special cavity is formed. When a person puts stress on the knee joint, it provokes the development of the disease. Due to body weight and additional load, the fluid is gradually squeezed out, resulting in the creation of a cyst capsule.

Causes of primary pathology

Baker's popliteal cyst may occur primarily. In this case, the cause will be some kind of injury or even damage. Moreover, blows, subluxations and compression can lead to the development of the disease, especially if they occur quite often.

Causes of secondary pathology

If we're talking about O secondary pathology, then quite a large number of diseases can provoke it.

Among them it should be noted:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Overload of the joint. Usually similar reason more typical for athletes or people who prefer to drive active image life.
  • Inflammation of the bursa in which the synovium is directly formed. This disease is also called bursitis.
  • Degenerative transformations.
  • Chronic diseases that amaze musculoskeletal system. This includes arthrosis, arthritis, periarthritis and so on.
  • Very often, children who are not yet 6 years old develop a cyst due to heavy loads in the sports sections. Parents do not understand that a child at this age cannot work hard in classes, since he has weak ligaments and cartilage. Therefore, it is quite easy to get injured and provoke the appearance of a cyst.

It should be noted that full list The exact causes of this disease have not been determined. And, unfortunately, there are a very large number of situations in which it is simply impossible to identify the provoking factor in a particular patient.


A small cyst does not manifest itself in any way. If it begins to progress, the person will feel constant pain, discomfort. The patient may notice that it is difficult for him to move his knee. Often there is a feeling that something is bursting under the joint. The skin of the lower leg and knee loses sensitivity.

Treatment of an uncomplicated cyst

If the cyst is uncomplicated, then treatment, as a rule, is not prescribed. You just need to periodically check your health and come to the doctor for an examination. Very big chance that the cyst will disappear on its own.

Treatment of an advanced case

If there are any pain or other symptoms, then a puncture is performed. However, conservative treatment cannot provide any guarantee that relapse will not occur. Sometimes the problem can return after a couple of years. There have been cases when this period was even reduced to several days. Moreover, it should be noted that with each puncture, the risk that an infection will be introduced into the body increases. This is why surgery is often done.

A Baker's cyst is usually removed within a few hours. In this case, the intervention is performed under local anesthesia. Motor functions They return to the person quite quickly. As a rule, by the evening the patient is already discharged from the hospital. The stitches are removed after a week. For the first seven days, the doctor limits the patient to physical activity. It is advisable to wear a special bandage at this time. After 2-3 weeks, the patient can return to his normal life.


If Baker's cyst of the knee is not treated, you can face serious consequences. As the volume of contents that accumulates in the capsule increases, the cyst is likely to rupture. Due to this, the synovium will begin to permeate the lower leg. Accordingly, not only the knee, but also the calf will swell. This condition will be complicated by the fact that the person will feel burning, itching and pain. In addition, redness of the skin will appear. Sometimes it happens that the tissue that has been saturated with synovium begins to fester. Because of this, the infection will spread throughout the body, and accordingly, the entire limb will be affected. This condition requires immediate medical attention.

The inflammatory process lasts up to 4 weeks. This can lead not only to blood poisoning, but also death. It is also necessary to clarify that during this period the patient experiences severe suffering.

Serious complications

If we talk about more advanced cases, then a person may experience other complications. The most serious ones should be noted:

  • Purulent arthritis.
  • Sepsis.
  • Numbness of the limbs. This happens because nerve fibers die off.
  • If the infection gets into bone tissue, then osteomyelitis will begin to develop.
  • Cells often die because the affected knee no longer receives enough blood.
  • Appear trophic ulcers. They are the result of compression of blood vessels and muscles.
  • The person completely loses the ability to move the knee.
  • The lower leg may swell and appear varicose veins veins, as well as thrombophlebitis. This is due to the fact that due to fluid leakage, the blood begins to stagnate.
  • If the vessels become clogged, then most likely blood clots will form, which can break off at any time. This can cause death. IN best case scenario the person will have a stroke or heart attack.


Before you begin treatment for Baker's cyst of the knee, you need to understand how the diagnosis occurs. On this moment special ones are used instrumental methods:

  • In order to completely eliminate the development malignant formation, it is necessary to puncture the cyst by piercing it with a thin needle. Next, the liquid is removed and examined directly.
  • X-ray. It is necessary in order to assess the overall condition of the joint. A cyst is not diagnosed with this method of examination, since it is not clear what kind of formation it is.
  • CT scan. This method allows you to place more accurate diagnosis than using conventional ultrasound. Thanks to this method you can understand how much they suffered soft fabrics.
  • Arthroscopy. If a person has a complex pathology, especially if there are prerequisites for surgical intervention, this procedure must be performed. Thanks to this method, abnormal changes in the knee can be detected. It must be done in combination with pain relief.
  • Ultrasound. Allows you to calculate the size of the cyst and understand where exactly it is located.
  • MRI. The use of this method makes it possible to diagnose the disease on early stages. This is especially true if the size of the formation does not exceed 10 mm.

Sometimes used differential diagnosis. It is necessary to distinguish a popliteal hernia from a real tumor, as well as malignant nodes.

Selection of treatment method

How to treat a Baker's cyst depends entirely on the results obtained during diagnosis. You should not refuse any of the methods prescribed by your doctor. If you spend comprehensive diagnostics, then you can get a complete picture of the patient’s condition. Thanks to this, the effectiveness of treatment will be maximum.

Sports loads

Among patients, the current question is whether it is possible to engage in physical exercise if a Baker's cyst has been diagnosed.

It should be noted that tumors often arise due to a huge level of stress and directly from the chosen sport. Particularly dangerous are those exercises that put pressure on the knee along the vertical axis. Because of this, cysts occur quite often. When formation or inflammation just appears, the doctor may allow you to deal exclusively with physical therapy. In this case, the composition of the exercises should be prescribed only by the treating specialist.

If you engage in sports (even the most minimal), for example, gymnastics, aerobics, acrobatics, jumping and running, the cyst may rupture. That is why heavy lifting and dynamic loads should be excluded. Especially when it comes to a child’s education.

Speaking about remission, it should be noted that during it, doctors allow you to do yoga, swimming, and Pilates. Thanks to light gymnastics, the muscles can be slightly stretched and made more elastic and resilient.

In order to prevent recurrence of Baker's cyst of the knee joint, it is necessary to wear a special knee brace, which will reduce the load on the joint. To summarize, it should be said that playing sports with a cyst is practically prohibited. This can affect a person's health and worsen his condition. It should be noted that if the cyst ruptures, it will be much more difficult to treat.


In order to prevent the formation of a Baker's cyst under the knee, it is necessary to monitor your health and avoid injury to the musculoskeletal system.

  • You should protect your knee from excessive stress, and immediately treat any injuries that occur.
  • It is necessary to reduce body weight if you are obese. This will reduce pressure on the joints.
  • You need to do sports exercises every day to improve blood flow lower limbs was normal.
  • You should also wear comfortable shoes.
  • Do not kneel for too long, you need to place a soft bedding when physical exercise.
  • During rest, your legs should be placed in a slightly elevated position. Thanks to this, the blood will not stagnate.
  • If any unpleasant symptoms in the knee or pain, you need to see a doctor.
  • Children are also susceptible to this pathology. Therefore, they should be prohibited from jumping from great heights.

It is quite difficult and time-consuming to treat Baker's cyst. Joints should always be kept normal. This way you can prevent the disease described.