Cyst of the round ligament of the uterus causes. Is a round ligament cyst on the uterus dangerous?

Quite often, many women are diagnosed with a formation such as a cyst. round ligament uterus. This is why many ladies are interested in all the features of its appearance, development and, of course, treatment.

What is pathology?

In fact, the phenomenon of a cyst is a blockage of the glands located in the uterus by epithelial cells. As a result, the glands become clogged and the outflow of secretions stops.

Formations such as Nabothian cysts appear due to the accumulation of squamous epithelium in the glands. As a rule, in this case there is no outflow of secretions, and the glands increase significantly in size. This, in turn, contributes to the narrowing of the organ canal, which can be one of the causes of infertility.

The phenomenon of endometriotic formation occurs due to the placement of cellular tissue on the injured surface of the organ. As a rule, they are blue in color with bloody filling.

Very often, with the development of such a pathology, symptoms practically do not appear. However, it can provoke inflammation of the vagina and uterine mucosa. The development of other types of inflammatory processes is also possible.


First of all, it is worth noting that most often this phenomenon is diagnosed in women over 30 years of age. This feature is due to the fact that most women in this age category have already experienced childbirth. They are the ones that most often cause the appearance of cysts.

In addition to childbirth, the development of such a pathology can be provoked by:

  • Injuries to the uterine mucosa.
  • Introduction of the spiral.
  • Mechanical damage to the genital tract.
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy.

However, in Lately Cases of diagnosing this disease in women who have not given birth to a child have become more frequent. Most often this is due to the development of inflammatory processes.

Quite often education is promoted by:
  • Colpitis.
  • Cervites.
  • Endometritis.

These diseases affect the immune system and reduce protective forces body. In addition, infection can have an impact on health.

Pathologies of organ development can also influence the development of cysts. These include:
  • Polyps.
  • Erosion.
  • Adenomyosis.

Features of the disease

Round connections are processes of a paired nature, starting from fallopian tubes. Then they grow to the side wall of the small pelvis. These ligaments consist of fibrous tissue, which includes smooth muscle fibers. In some areas it is surrounded by fatty formations.

Quite often, a portion of the peritoneum and ligaments get into the area of ​​the inguinal canal. Typically, in this case we're talking about about the development of pathology of the round ligament of the uterus, namely Nucca cyst.

This kind of pathology is characterized by filling with serous fluid. Subsequently, these formations can increase significantly. Most often they are diagnosed on the right. In addition, in addition to the development of cysts in this area, it is possible to develop malignant tumors who may not show any symptoms for a long time.

Seals formed on such ligaments under the influence of hormones may begin to increase in size and exhibit special symptoms. As a rule, their development is indicated by pain in the abdomen and groin. Treatment of this type of pathology is prescribed only by a specialist and, as a rule, is carried out in the form of surgery.


As a rule, this pathology is diagnosed during an examination by a gynecologist.
If you suspect the development of such diseases, additional studies may be carried out:

  • Ultrasonography.
  • Bacteriological analysis.
  • Cytological diagnosis.

Such a phenomenon as a cyst most often does not affect the process of bearing a child and its development.


First of all, it is worth saying that treatment for such a pathology can only be prescribed by a specialist. Before determining the measure of influence, a woman, as a rule, undergoes additional tests to identify concomitant diseases. If during the diagnosis the development of other diseases was determined, then they are treated first.

Depending on what kind of cyst develops, the specialist selects the optimal treatment method. As a rule, the elimination of pathologies is carried out using:

  • Radio waves Treatment using waves of this nature involves evaporating the formation using their vibrations. After this, the accumulated mucus is removed, and the walls of the formation stick together and are no longer filled with secretion.
  • Cryodestruction. This influence implies influence low temperatures for education.
  • Laser destruction. When treated in this way, the formation is removed using a laser.

As for the treatment of pathology formed on the ligament, it behaves like an inguinal hernia. Treatment of this type of pathology is possible only through surgery.

To summarize, we can say that cysts form in women quite often. However, this type of formation, such as a Nucca cyst, appears very rarely. They are characterized by the fact that during development they behave like inguinal hernia, but at the same time they are formed from a special fabric. Very often, such formations are filled with fluid and can significantly increase in size. Such pathologies practically do not show symptoms until there is a significant increase. Most often, specialists prescribe surgery to treat them.

They are of Müllerian mesonephric or mesothelial origin. The epithelium lining cysts may be nonspecific. The diameters of the cysts vary from microscopic to 20 cm. Complications of cysts of the broad ligament of the uterus can be distortion of the cyst, heart attack or infection.

The pedunculated bones (hydatid Morgagni) are of Müllerian origin. These are the most common paramesonephric cysts. They are located near the edges fallopian tube. These cysts are usually lined by tubal epithelium, which may have tubal-like folds (possibly originating from an accessory fallopian tube). Broadly based cysts, but similar to hydatid Morgagni, may be located between the laminae of the broad ligament. Hydatid, unlike cystadenomas, does not have a stromal component. Some cysts are lined by cuboidal or flattened mesothelial cells and may appear as multilocular peritoneal inclusion cysts. Cysts of the mesonephric type are lined with cuboidal epithelium and may have an expressive basement membrane and the vestigial remains from which they originate.

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RCHR (Republican Center for Health Development of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Version: Archive - Clinical protocols Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2007 (Order No. 764)

Other non-inflammatory diseases of the ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament of the uterus (N83.8)

general information

Short description

Functional cysts- cysts formed as a result physiological changes occurring in the ovary.

Follicular cysts- cysts formed from follicles that did not undergo ovulation during their development.

Cysts corpus luteum - cysts that appear in the luteal phase menstrual cycle, in this case, the corpus luteum either increases in size (more than 3 centimeters in diameter), or hemorrhage occurs in its thickness, or 14 days after the appearance of the corpus luteum, its regression does not occur.

Hematoma of the broad ligament of the uterus- this is a hemorrhage between the leaves of the broad ligament of the uterus with the formation of a limited accumulation of blood.

Protocol code: P-O-027 "Other non-inflammatory diseases of the ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament"
For obstetrics and gynecology clinics

ICD-10 code(s): N 83 Other non-inflammatory diseases of the ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament


Functional cysts:


Corpus luteum cyst.

Risk factors and groups

Functional cysts:

1. Past childhood infections ( parotitis, rubella, measles).

2. Disorders in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system.

3. Late age the onset of menstruation.

4. Earlier (before 17 years) and later (after 25 years) onset of sexual activity.

5. Previous STIs (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea).

6. History of chronic inflammatory diseases of the OMT.

7. History of induced abortions.

8. History of infertility.

9. Use of ovulation inducers.

10. Surgical interventions complicated by pelviperitonitis.

11. Hereditary predisposition.


Diagnostic criteria

Complaints and anamnesis

Functional cysts: Most often, follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts are discovered accidentally; the onset of ovarian cysts is asymptomatic.

At follicular cysts large sizes There are complaints of dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse), pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar and groin areas, which are dull aching in nature.

At Corpus luteum cysts There are complaints of pelvic pain, usually in the second half of the menstrual cycle, and a delay in the next menstruation.

Complaints of acute pain occur only when the cyst pedicle is torsed and when there is hemorrhage in cases of rupture of the cyst capsule.

severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen, general weakness, dizziness.

Physical data: bimanual examination.

For follicular cysts a formation is determined, located anteriorly or to the side of the uterus, with an average diameter of 6.5 cm (no more than 8-10 cm), of a tightly elastic consistency.

For corpus luteum cysts a formation is determined, located anteriorly or to the side of the uterus, with an average diameter of 4 cm (no more than 7-8 cm), of a tightly elastic consistency.

Hematoma of the broad ligament of the uterus: a round, tight-elastic formation is determined, emanating from one part of the uterus and not fused with the surrounding tissues, movable. The size of the formation varies, reaching the walls of the pelvis and reaching pelvic floor.

Laboratory research

General analysis blood;

WITH- reactive protein;

General urine analysis;

Examination of smears to identify specific and nonspecific infections.

Instrumental studies:

Ultrasound is the main method of diagnostic research.

Follicular cyst is a thin-walled single-chamber formation with unclear contours and the absence of septa and echo inclusions in the structure, with high level sound conductivity, with an average diameter of 6.5 cm.

Corpus luteum cyst is a formation measuring up to 4.0 cm with a denser capsule, as well as the appearance of multiple echo-positive signals inside the formation, indicating the presence of hemorrhagic contents.

- CT scan;

Indications for consultation with specialists

1. Consultation with a surgeon to exclude surgical pathology in the event of acute pain in the lower abdomen.

2. Consultation with a gastroenterologist to exclude nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

3. Consultation with a gynecological oncologist for girls before menarche and postmenopausal women to exclude an ovarian tumor.

List of main diagnostic measures

For follicular cysts, corpus luteum cysts, hematoma of the broad ligament of the uterus:



Bimanual examination;

List of additional diagnostic measures

For follicular cysts, corpus luteum cysts, hematoma of the broad ligament of the uterus:

Smears to detect specific and nonspecific infections;

General blood analysis;

C-reactive protein;

General urine analysis;

HCG in blood serum and urine;

Tumor-associated antigens CA-125 (in girls before menarche and in postmenopausal women);

CT scan;

Magnetic resonance imaging;

Diagnostic laparoscopy.

Differential diagnosis

Ovarian tumor;

Ectopic pregnancy;

Tuboovarian abscess;

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis;


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Treatment tactics

The main tactics are conservative and organ-preserving treatment methods. Depends on the woman’s age, the size of the cyst and its internal echo structure.

Women of reproductive and premenopausal age:

1. Within 2-3 months from the moment of discovery of the cyst, dynamic observation with ultrasound control.

2. With cysts up to 4 cm in diameter and with a violation menstrual function shown hormone therapy monophasic oral contraceptives in a cyclic mode for 3-6 months.

Postmenopausal women:

1. Surgical removal of ovarian cysts (taking into account more high probability malignant neoplasms).

Girls before menarche:

1. Diagnostic surgery.

Hematoma of the broad ligament of the uterus:

1. If infection of the hematoma is suspected, antibiotic therapy.

2. For growing hematomas - surgical treatment.

Treatment Goals

For follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts:

Ovarian cyst regression;

Normalization of the menstrual cycle.

Indications for planned and emergency hospitalization

For follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts

Planned hospitalization:

Postmenopausal women;

Girls before menarche;

Ineffectiveness conservative treatment persistence of an ovarian cyst for more than 6 weeks.

Emergency hospitalization:

Suspicion of torsion of the cyst stalk or rupture of the cyst capsule.

Hematoma of the broad ligament of the uterus:

1. Emergency hospitalization - when anemia and pain symptoms increase.

Further management, principles of clinical examination

For follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts:

1. Women, with functional cysts history of the ovary, a bimanual examination is performed once a year with ultrasound screening.

2. For women after ovarian resection, observation is recommended 2 times a year with ultrasound screening during the first year, and then once a year.

List of essential medications

List of additional medications

For follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts: no.

Indicators of treatment effectiveness

For follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts: no recurrence of ovarian cysts.


Primary prevention

Functional cysts:

1. Early detection inflammatory diseases pelvic organs.

2. Timely treatment of inflammatory processes of the vagina, cervix, uterus and appendages.

3. Timely correction of menstrual irregularities.

4. Prevention of abortions.

5. Propaganda of the culture of sexual relations.

6.Usage modern methods contraception (COC).

Preventive actions

For follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts:

Prevention of adverse effects on the body of women even in the prenatal period of its development;

Prevention unwanted pregnancies, popularization of knowledge about contraceptive methods, individual selection of contraceptive methods;

Treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;

Early detection and treatment various forms female infertility;

Carrying out rehabilitation activities after surgical treatment for ovarian cysts to prevent relapses.


Sources and literature

  1. Protocols for diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Order No. 764 of December 28, 2007)
    1. 1. Ectopic pregnancy Search date April 2003 Salpingostomy (open or laparoscopic). Clinical Evidence is a website owned by BMJ Publishing Group Limited, company registration number 3012371. Their registered office is located at BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JP. VAT Number 674738491. 2. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Medical management of tubal pregnancy. Washington (DC): American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG); 1998 Dec. 7 p.m. (ACOG practice bulletin; no. 3). 3. Clinical guidelines based on evidence-based medicine: Per. from English / Ed. Yu.L. Shevchenko, I.N. Denisova, V.I. Kulakova, R.M. Khaitova. -2nd ed., rev. - M.: GEOTAR-MED, 2002. -1248 p.: ill. 4. Ectopic pregnancy Search date April 2003 Salpingostomy (open or laparoscopic). Clinical Evidence is a website owned by BMJ Publishing Group Limited, company registration number 3012371. Their registered office is located at BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JP. VAT Number 674738491. 5. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Medical management of tubal pregnancy. Washington (DC): American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG); 1998 Dec. 7 p.m. (ACOG practice bulletin; no. 3). 6. Clinical recommendations based on evidence-based medicine: Trans. from English / Ed. Yu.L. Shevchenko, I.N. Denisova, V.I. Kulakova, R.M. Khaitova. -2nd ed., rev. - M.: GEOTAR-MED, 2002. -1248 p.: ill. 7. Clinical gynecology, I.V. Duda, V.I. Duda, 1999. 8. Gynecology of adolescents, Yu.A. Gurkin, 2000. 9. Non-operative gynecology, V.P. Smetnik, 2003. 10. benign tumors and tumor-like formations of the ovaries, V.M. Serov, Moscow 2001


A round ligament cyst is a benign formation that occurs in the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus. It has a second name: “Nukka cyst”.

Pathology can occur in women reproductive age and if left untreated, lead to complications from female body. Refers to rare types of pathology of the reproductive organs.

Ligamentous apparatus of the uterus

The position of the uterus and appendages depends on the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, which is represented by supporting, fixing and suspending apparatus.

Thanks to the interaction between the ligaments, fascia and muscles of the pelvic floor, the mobility of the uterus and its normal location in relation to other pelvic organs are maintained.

The hanging and securing apparatuses are represented by ligaments. The supporting apparatus consists of the muscles and fascia of the pelvic floor.

Types of ligaments

The ligaments of the uterus are divided into:

  • hanging;
  • fixing.

The suspensory apparatus of the uterus is represented by ligaments.

  1. Round.
  2. Wide.
  3. Sacrouterine.
  4. Proprietary ligaments of the ovary.
  5. Funnel-pelvic.

The fixing apparatus of the uterus consists of cardinal ligaments and connective tissue cords with an admixture of smooth muscle fibers.


The broad ligament of the uterus is a duplication of the peritoneum that runs from the ribs of the uterus to the lateral pelvic walls. IN upper section the fallopian tubes are located, the ovaries are on the back leaves, nerves and blood vessels pass between the leaves, and there is fiber.


The round ligaments of the uterus include connective tissue and smooth muscle. Appearance similar to a cord with a length of 10 to 12 cm.

The ligaments originate from the angle of the uterus, pass under the anterior layer of the broad uterine ligament and approach the internal opening of the inguinal canal.

After the round ligament passes through the inguinal canal, it branches in the form of a fan in the tissue of the pubis and labia majora.

Due to the round ligaments, the uterus tilts anteriorly.


The cardinal ligaments start from the cervix and go to the inner pelvic walls. Posteriorly they go as part of the connective tissue skeleton of the sacral uterine ligaments.


The uterosacral ligaments are folds of the peritoneum that are formed from connective tissue and smooth muscles. The beginning of the links from back surface uterus in the isthmus region. Further, they go posteriorly, cover the rectum and are attached to the anterior surface of the sacrum.


The infundibulopelvic ligaments are considered a continuation of the broad ligaments. They originate from the fallopian tube and go to the walls of the pelvis.

Formation of a round ligament cyst

The round ligament of the uterus is paired. It is based on fibrous tissue and smooth muscle. As it exits the inguinal canal, it is surrounded by fatty lobules.

Normally, in women, the peritoneal-inguinal process fusion occurs. When it is incompletely closed from the inner to the outer inguinal ring, the Nucca canal appears. Subsequently, in the presence of risk factors, cysts may form.

Often, at the site of the inguinal canal, a portion of the peritoneum enters the ligament, which is called the nuccal adiverticulum. At this type pathology, Nucca cysts or round ligament cysts can form.

When a cyst forms, the capsule cavity is filled with serous-type fluid, the diameter of which varies widely.

When a cyst forms, a paired or unpaired blind protrusion of the peritoneum is formed towards the labia majora.

Cases of the development of a cyst of the round ligament of the uterus are rare. 41 cases of pathology detection in foreign practice are described according to data for 2017.

Additionally, the following may occur in this location and remain asymptomatic for a long time:

  • fibroids;


The main risk factors for the occurrence of pathology are:

  • hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs;
  • mechanical injuries.

Among the reasons that can lead to the appearance pathological formation, highlight:

  • mechanical damage to the endometrium after curettage of the uterine cavity, abortion;
  • abortion on later pregnancy;
  • intrauterine contraception;
  • traumatic injury to the genital tract;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitals: colpitis, cervicitis, endometritis of various etiologies;
  • cervical erosion;
  • polyps in the uterine cavity;
  • adenomyosis.

Women who have given birth are more often susceptible to the pathological process. However, pathology can be detected at any age, regardless of performance reproductive function.


Most often, the formation is asymptomatic and is a finding during a gynecological examination.

For a long period of time pathological process characteristic symptoms may appear.

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen. They have a menstrual-like character. Often occur with a sudden change in body position. During the period of complete rest, the woman has no pain.
  2. NMC, or menstrual irregularity. The nature of menstruation, its duration and the regularity of the cycle change.
  3. Character changes menstrual flow. Menstruation becomes more abundant or scanty.
  4. Change in body weight without additional changes in diet, physical activity and concomitant diseases.
  5. Increased body temperature. Rarely seen.
  6. Infertility. It occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance and NMC.
  7. Bulging in groin area. It is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with inguinal hernia.


Diagnostics is complex and includes basic methods.

  1. Anamnesis collection. Allows you to identify the patient’s complaint, risk factors and possible reasons development of pathology.
  2. General inspection. Allows you to identify a protrusion in the groin area.
  3. Gynecological examination. The cervix is ​​examined in a speculum and a two-manual vaginal-abdominal wall examination is performed. Allows you to detect pathological formations.
  4. Taking smears from the vagina and cervix for flora and oncocytology. Necessary for identifying pathological microflora in the presence of colpitis or cervicitis.
  5. Screening for STIs.
  6. Colposcopy is simple and advanced. Done to detect inflammation.
  7. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. They allow you to identify the presence of a pathological formation, its size and location. In addition, the fluid contents of the cyst are determined.
  8. Carrying out a puncture biopsy. Differential diagnosis with malignant formations is carried out.
  9. Diagnostic laparoscopy. Performed in case of difficulty differential diagnosis. Allows for biopsy of pathological formation.

Based on all methods comprehensive examination selection of further management tactics and choice of treatment method is carried out.

Removal methods

The round ligament cyst of the uterus is exposed surgical removal, which is associated with the elimination of risk factors for the development of complications of gynecological pathology.

There are several removal methods.

  1. Radio wave surgery. Allows you to reduce postoperative risks. Refers to minimally invasive surgical intervention. It is carried out using a radio wave knife, which makes an incision on the formation. Its contents are sucked out by vacuum. After the operation, the walls collapse and stick together.
  2. Cryodestruction. Impact in progress liquid nitrogen at low temperature. It is a minimally invasive intervention. The cyst is destroyed. It is carried out on an outpatient basis.
  3. Laser destruction. Produced using a laser knife. It is a minimally invasive and anemic operation. As a result of the intervention, the bleeding vessels are sealed.
  4. Laparoscopic surgery. Carried out through 3 punctures on the front abdominal wall. Has a short rehabilitation period.
  5. Laparotomy intervention. It is performed through an incision on the anterior abdominal wall. Gives full review pelvic organs.

The choice of treatment method is individual for each patient.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

Indications for surgery include:

  • the presence of a round ligament cyst of the uterus;
  • cyst rupture;
  • torsion of the cyst pedicle;
  • suspicion of malignant formation;
  • infertility.

Contraindications include:

  • the presence of concomitant diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Carrying out

The operation depends on the type of intervention.

When performing laparoscopy or laparotomy, the woman is on inpatient treatment. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and allows an overview of the pelvic organs.

When accessing the pelvic cavity, the cyst is removed along with the capsule, which reduces the risk of relapse of gynecological pathology.

Minimally invasive interventions can reduce the rehabilitation period and the risks of developing postoperative complications.


The rehabilitation period after cyst removal consists of:

  • limitation physical activity until the period of complete recovery;
  • prevention and treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • correction of hormonal levels;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes.

Possible consequences and complications

Cyst of the round ligament of the uterus can lead to various complications in the absence of treatment. The consequences that a cyst without treatment can lead to are different.

  1. Cyst rupture. It can occur when performing heavy physical activity or a sudden change in body position. Accompanied acute pain lower abdomen and deterioration of the woman’s condition. To eliminate the complication it is necessary emergency surgery for cyst removal.
  2. Torsion of the cyst stalk. Provoked physical activity. Accompanied sharp pain and rapid deterioration general condition. Nausea, vomiting, and increased body temperature may occur. Hospitalization and surgery are required.
  3. Infertility. Called hormonal imbalance and menstrual irregularities.
  4. Malignization. The complication is very rare. A cyst of the round ligament of the uterus is a benign formation, however, a long course without treatment can lead to the appearance of atypical cells.

Any complication can lead to death if the woman does not receive medical care.

To avoid complications, must undergo annual preventive gynecological examination, Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Worth applying for medical care if there are any complaints from reproductive organs and carry out timely treatment gynecological diseases.


Not all women know what a uterine cyst is. This gynecological pathology recognized by doctors quite serious illness, which can cause severe complications if left untreated. Uterine cysts are often diagnosed among women of reproductive age.

Characteristics of the disease

Any cystic formation - regardless of location - is a pathological cavity in a capsule format filled with liquid contents. Initially the cyst is always benign education, but when forming certain factors prone to malignancy.

A cervical cyst appears as a result of the formation of an isolated cavity resulting from blockage and subsequent pathological expansion of the gland. Later, an accumulation of produced secretion occurs in it.

To understand the mechanism of pathology formation, you need to have a minimal understanding of the structure of the uterus. The cervix is ​​a passage cavity that has a cylindrical shape. Essentially, this is a transition chamber from the vagina to the body of the organ. The surface of the cervical canal and the outer part of the cervix lines single layer epithelium. The difference is the presence of special glands: they are present inside the canal, but they are absent on the surface of the vaginal segment of the cervix. The area of ​​contact between these two types of epithelial cells is called the transformation region. This is where the cystic capsule most often forms.

The mechanism of formation of a cervical cyst is quite simple:

  1. Initially, a woman develops inflammation of the cervical canal, which, in turn, can cause changes in the transformation zone.
  2. Subsequently, the channels through which mucus is excreted become blocked. The secretion remains inside the duct, which is accompanied by its unnatural expansion.

A non-inflammatory cyst is practically asymptomatic and is detected completely by accident. Characteristic symptoms most often appear with the development of local inflammation.


There are uterine cysts different types. This depends on the area of ​​localization of the formation and some other factors.

So-called Nabothian cysts are quite common. They are named after the doctor who discovered them. This pathology is characterized by the appearance of multiple small yellow-white formations.

Nabothian cysts on the cervix do not cause any discomfort and are perceived as harmless. Sometimes this opinion is a misconception: formations also require therapy adequate to the condition.

Doctors do not know the true reasons for the formation of a nabothian cyst in the cervical canal of the uterus. But presumably they can develop as a result of:

  • changes in current hormonal levels;
  • chronic disease of the female organs reproductive system;
  • cervical erosion.

For small nabothian cysts surgery is not carried out. The woman is simply seen by a gynecologist. But if they actively increase in volume, the patient may be prescribed an operation to remove the tumors - puncturing.

Quite often, a retention cyst is a congenital pathology, and therefore can appear at any time. In most cases, the provoking factor is a disruption in work endocrine system. It is sometimes difficult to identify a cystic formation of this format, since it practically does not manifest itself at all.

A round ligament cyst of the uterus and an endometrioid cyst of the cervical canal can also be diagnosed, but they are less common.


A cyst in the uterus is formed in the presence of a number of provoking factors and causes:

  • Abortion or surgical cleaning. A poorly performed procedure, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane, may cause the formation of a cyst.
  • The process of childbirth. During childbirth, the cervix is ​​injured. During the recovery period, blockage of the gland ducts and, as a result, the formation of a uterine cyst cannot be ruled out.
  • Menopause. Increased production of cervical mucus during this period, as a response to external stimuli, can also cause blockage of the gland duct.
  • Infectious diseases. Diseases of the reproductive system infectious origin may also cause blockage of the glandular ducts.

In addition, provoking factors can become:

  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • deterioration of current hormonal levels;
  • placement of an intrauterine device;
  • disturbances in metabolic processes.


In most cases, uterine cysts are asymptomatic and do not pose a danger to the female body. Formations are diagnosed by chance.

Many gynecologists consider an uncomplicated retention cyst as an acceptable physiological norm.

The clinical picture accompanying the disease largely depends on the cause of its formation. In particular, if it developed against the background of the current inflammatory process, then the woman develops symptoms typical of colpitis or endocervicitis:

  • leucorrhoea of ​​a serous-purulent nature, which accompanies bad smell. In some cases, blood impurities are visible in their composition;
  • unpleasant sensations in the vagina - burning, itching. Painful urination is possible;
  • slight pain accompanying sexual intercourse.

Nabothian cysts do not have a typical clinical picture. Only in some cases can women notice small bloody issues after sex.

Endometrioid cysts of the uterus are also asymptomatic in most cases. The growth of the tumor occurs before the onset of monthly bleeding, and then it returns to its previous size. Its typical difference from nabotova is cyclic emptying, i.e. there is a periodic release of a small volume bloody secretion. This fact explains the slight spotting before and after menstruation, accompanied by moderate pain syndrome.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosing a uterine cyst is not difficult. Many neoplasms are clearly visible during a gynecological examination.

  • Nabothian cysts are numerous and small in size. Visually they resemble semicircular formations located in the capsule. A neoplasm is considered large if the diameter of the capsule reaches or exceeds 1 cm.
  • The endometrioid formation format is a capsule filled with contents in the form of the endometrium. Size changes occur in accordance with the current phase of the menstrual cycle. Visually, it is a red-brown spot of irregular shape that bleeds slightly during menstruation.

When diagnosing cystic formation The following methods are used:

  • colposcopy;
  • laboratory examination of a smear for microflora and sexually transmitted infections;
  • transvaginal ultrasound examination.

In some cases, cystic formations located directly in cervical canal, which causes its pathological expansion and deformation.

Due to the absence of a characteristic clinical picture, treatment of the pathology is based on early stages starts very rarely. Besides conservative therapy does not bring the necessary results.

If the disease is detected, the woman is prescribed surgical treatment. Depending on the type of cyst, the following can be used:

  • laparoscopic technique for tumor removal; Diathermoconization of the cervix - contact and non-contact;
  • puncture of cysts located outside the cervical region;
  • laser excision;
  • radio wave surgery.

Early diagnosis of the disease allows you to begin timely treatment of the pathology and avoid the development of complications. That is why it is necessary to visit the gynecologist’s office at least once a year.