Chinese Finger Massage: Which Points to Massage for Different Diseases? Massage of fingers for various diseases and conditions.

In the everyday bustle we often do not pay attention to constant stress and fatigue. But the most basic massage of the fingers can return us not only vigor, but also lift our spirits! Try taking a few minutes for yourself right now.

It is recommended to massage your fingers, like your hands, at any free moment, and especially if your hands are cold or sweaty. The fact is that according to Tibetan medicine, the areas of the fingers and the points of the palms are unique windows of health. Each finger is responsible for its own organ, and thanks to this massage the whole body is healed.

The thumb reflects the condition of the lungs and bronchi (it has direct energetic connections with the bronchopulmonary system, and therefore massage of this finger is useful for inflammatory and allergic diseases of this system, such as tonsillitis, vasomotor rhinitis, bronchial asthma) and liver. By massaging it, you can soften and even relieve any coughing attacks.

The index finger directly sends signals to the entire area digestive tract. Massage index finger allows you to stop functional disorders gastrointestinal tract, such as constipation, improves emotional condition, softens stress reactions, has an analgesic effect for pain in the fingers and hand, and even for toothache.

The middle finger conducts a dialogue with the entire circulatory system. Massaging the middle finger improves the condition neurocirculatory dystonia hypotonic type, facilitates and sometimes prevents the occurrence of hyperadrenal paroxysms characteristic of this disease.

Massage ring finger helps to overcome nervous disorders, stress and bad mood. It is good to use it for vascular spasms, high blood pressure, loss of strength, visual fatigue, and joint pain.

The little finger is connected to the small intestine. By rubbing it, you can get rid of chronic constipation. Little finger massage is used for manifestations functional disorders cardiac activity - cardialgia, palpitations of neurotic origin, with neuralgia, hearing impairment, dysfunction small intestine.

In the very center of the palm there is an activity point. By pressing on it, you can relieve palpitations and fatigue, restore vigor and a cheerful mood.

The good thing about hand massage is that it can be performed anywhere and anytime. Sitting at the computer or lying on the couch. Taking a bath or reading the newspaper.

First, you just need to rub your brushes in a circular motion for a minute, as if soaping them. Your skin temperature will rise and your hands will become warmer. Then you should vigorously stretch your joints.

Sharply and quickly clench your fingers into a fist and slowly unclench them 10 times.

Slowly clench your tense fingers into a fist and quickly fan them out 10 times.

Then each finger is massaged from tip to base on all sides. Special attention should be given to areas of organs that cause concern.

Massage of the fingers should be carried out with the thumb, index and middle fingers of the other hand in the direction from the nail to the hand, using stroking, and then rubbing and kneading until the massaged finger is well warmed up and the effect intended for this procedure is achieved.

For increase mental performance and strengthening memory, it is recommended to carry out the following set of exercises: fold the tips together thumb one hand and the index hand of the other and forcefully press them together, bending them outward. The same is done sequentially for the remaining fingers of each hand. Then, with the tip of the thumb, press firmly on the base of all the others in turn. This complex is repeated 20 times.

The palm is kneaded and massaged along three massage lines: from the inner edge to the base, from the outer edge to the midpoint of the palm and along the midline from the fingers to the wrist.

Then use your fingers and circular movements to warm up your wrists. The massage ends with rubbing the hands, which can be rubbed with a nourishing cream. It will be perfectly absorbed into the skin warmed up by massage.

The total massage time does not exceed 7-10 minutes. You can repeat it up to 5 times a day. But the most effective massage is in the morning, before breakfast.

And finally, try another method of dealing with a depressed state - massaging points in the popliteal fossa. They take him to sitting position while simultaneously massaging points on both legs. The massage is done with light circular movements of the index finger. The duration of the procedure is up to 5 minutes.

For immediate relief from some types of pain, you can try simple self-help techniques:


To relieve cold symptoms or hay fever, find the “sore point”, which is located on the palm between the bases of the middle and ring fingers. Using the thumb of your other hand, massage this point well in circular motions clockwise and counterclockwise for two minutes. This massage works especially well if you have headaches in the eye and nose area due to sinusitis. To clear a stuffy nose, press the tips of all your fingers together tightly for a few seconds and then release. Repeat the movement 5-6 times.


Thumb right hand With strong pressure, move along the entire thumb of your left hand, starting from the very base and ending with the tip of the nail. This part of the hand corresponds to the spine. By massaging it, you help relieve tension and relax the muscles that support the spine. Take turns on both hands, massage this section several times, find the point solar plexus(cm. general scheme) and massage it gently. This will help relieve tension from your back and whole body.


Find the “shoulder point” on your palm at the base of your ring and little fingers. Using the tip of your thumb, massage the point for a minute on each hand. Shoulder pain is most often associated with poor posture, so first you need to find out what is causing your pain. If you suspect that the reason is an inconvenient workplace, try to sit firmly in a chair so that the backrest provides good support for your lower back. If, while sitting firmly in a chair, you still cannot reach the back, place a thick pillow under your back.


Often when we are nervous, we finger something with our hands - this is a natural reaction. To get rid of the stress under which we are in difficult times, massage your palms as shown in the photo. Also massage the solar plexus point, located in the middle of the palm (see general diagram). Using the tip of your thumb, massage this point in a circular motion for two to three minutes.


To feel instant relief, do this simple massage - feel the tip of your thumb and determine its most sensitive point, then massage this place with a confident movement of the other thumb. Repeat the same with the other hand. If headache does not go away, then its cause is probably problems with the back - poor posture, tension in the back. If you often suffer from headaches, it is better to consult a doctor to determine the real reason Problems.


Stimulate points that affect digestion by drawing a curved line along the contour of the palm from the base of the thumb to the little finger. Massage for 2 minutes, then repeat the same with the other hand. Another effective way to get rid of indigestion is to stimulate the corresponding points on the feet. To do this, place a tennis ball on the floor, step on it with the center of your foot and roll in circles for 3 minutes.


Massage your palm diagonally from the base of the thumb to the little finger - the “intestinal points” are located here. Massage one palm for one minute, repeat the same with the other palm.

With these simple massage techniques, you can replenish your collection of methods for self-regulation of your health. And use it to your advantage healing power hands


A couple of simple movements with your fingers, and your life will sparkle with new colors! It just happened!

Press gently thumb left hand to the middle of the right palm and rotate it in a circle for a minute. Do the same with your right thumb on your left palm. This will relieve tension in the neck area and redirect your attention.


Tap the fingertips of both hands vigorously against each other. Then, with the tips of the thumb and index finger of your right hand, squeeze your left thumb and move them from the base to the tip. Do the same with the thumb of your right hand.


Lightly squeeze the thumb of your left hand with the index and middle fingers of your right (like pliers) and “screw” it into this clamp from tip to base. Do the same with the right big one. This massage improves blood flow to the brain.


In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often do not pay attention to constant tension and fatigue. But the most basic massage of the fingers can return us not only vigor, but also lift our spirits! Try taking a few minutes for yourself right now.

It is recommended to massage your fingers, like your hands, at any free moment, and especially if your hands are cold or sweaty. The fact is that according to Tibetan medicine, the areas of the fingers and the points of the palms are unique windows of health. Each finger is responsible for its own organ, and thanks to this massage the whole body is healed.

The thumb reflects the condition of the lungs, bronchi (it has direct energetic connections with the bronchopulmonary system, and therefore massage of this finger is useful for inflammatory and allergic diseases of this system, such as tonsillitis, vasomotor rhinitis, bronchial asthma) and the liver. By massaging it, you can soften and even relieve any coughing attacks.

The index finger directly sends signals to the entire digestive tract. Massage of the index finger allows you to relieve functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, constipation, improves the emotional state, softens stress reactions, has an analgesic effect for pain in the fingers and hand, and even for toothache.

The middle finger conducts a dialogue with the entire circulatory system. Massage of the middle finger improves the condition of neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypotonic type, alleviates and sometimes prevents the occurrence of hyperadrenal paroxysms characteristic of this disease.

Massaging the ring finger helps overcome nervous disorders, stress and bad mood. It is good to use it for vascular spasms, high blood pressure, loss of strength, visual fatigue, and joint pain.

The little finger is connected to the small intestine. By rubbing it, you can get rid of chronic constipation. Little finger massage is used for manifestations of functional disorders of cardiac activity - cardialgia, palpitations of neurotic origin, neuralgia, hearing impairment, dysfunction of the small intestine.

In the very center of the palm there is an activity point. By pressing on it, you can relieve palpitations and fatigue, restore vigor and a cheerful mood.

The good thing about hand massage is that it can be performed anywhere and anytime. Sitting at the computer or lying on the couch. Taking a bath or reading the newspaper.

First, you just need to rub your brushes in a circular motion for a minute, as if soaping them. Your skin temperature will rise and your hands will become warmer. Then you should vigorously stretch your joints.

Sharply and quickly clench your fingers into a fist and slowly unclench them 10 times.

Slowly clench your tense fingers into a fist and quickly fan them out 10 times.

Then each finger is massaged from tip to base on all sides. Particular attention should be paid to areas of organs that cause concern.

Massage of the fingers should be carried out with the thumb, index and middle fingers of the other hand in the direction from the nail to the hand, using stroking, and then rubbing and kneading until the massaged finger is well warmed up and the effect intended for this procedure is achieved.

To increase mental performance and strengthen memory, it is recommended to carry out the following set of exercises: place the tips of the thumb of one hand and the index finger of the other hand together and forcefully press them together, bending them outward. The same is done sequentially for the remaining fingers of each hand. Then, with the tip of the thumb, press firmly on the base of all the others in turn. This complex is repeated 20 times.

The palm is kneaded and massaged along three massage lines: from the inner edge to the base, from the outer edge to the midpoint of the palm and along the midline from the fingers to the wrist.

Then use your fingers and circular movements to warm up your wrists. The massage ends with rubbing the hands, which can be rubbed with a nourishing cream. It will be perfectly absorbed into the skin warmed up by massage.

The total massage time does not exceed 7-10 minutes. You can repeat it up to 5 times a day. But the most effective massage is in the morning, before breakfast.

And finally, try another method of dealing with a depressed state - massaging points in the popliteal fossa. It is carried out in a sitting position, while simultaneously massaging points on both legs. The massage is done with light circular movements of the index finger. The duration of the procedure is up to 5 minutes.

For immediate relief from some types of pain, you can try simple self-help techniques:


To relieve the symptoms of a cold or hay fever, find the “sore spot” located on the palm of your hand between the base of your middle and ring fingers. Using the thumb of your other hand, massage this point well in circular motions clockwise and counterclockwise for two minutes. This massage works especially well if you have headaches in the eye and nose area due to sinusitis. To clear a stuffy nose, press the tips of all your fingers together tightly for a few seconds and then release. Repeat the movement 5-6 times.


Using the thumb of your right hand, apply strong pressure along the entire thumb of your left hand, starting from the very base and ending with the tip of the nail. This part of the hand corresponds to the spine. By massaging it, you help relieve tension and relax the muscles that support the spine. Take turns on both hands, massage this section several times, find the solar plexus point (see general diagram) and gently massage it. This will help relieve tension from your back and whole body.


Find the “shoulder point” on your palm at the base of your ring and little fingers. Using the tip of your thumb, massage the point for a minute on each hand. Shoulder pain is most often associated with poor posture, so first you need to find out what is causing your pain. If you suspect that the reason is an inconvenient workplace, try to sit firmly in a chair so that the backrest provides good support for your lower back. If, while sitting firmly in a chair, you still cannot reach the back, place a thick pillow under your back.


Often when we are nervous, we finger something with our hands - this is a natural reaction. To get rid of the stress under which we are in difficult times, massage your palms as shown in the photo. Also massage the solar plexus point, located in the middle of the palm (see general diagram). Using the tip of your thumb, massage this point in a circular motion for two to three minutes.


To feel instant relief, do this simple massage - feel the tip of your thumb and determine its most sensitive point, then massage this place with a confident movement of the other thumb. Repeat the same with the other hand. If the headache does not go away, then its cause is probably due to back problems - poor posture, tension in the back. If you often suffer from headaches, it is better to consult a doctor to identify the true cause of the problem.


Stimulate points that affect digestion by drawing a curved line along the contour of the palm from the base of the thumb to the little finger. Massage for 2 minutes, then repeat the same with the other hand. Another effective way to get rid of indigestion is to stimulate the corresponding points on the feet. To do this, place a tennis ball on the floor, step on it with the center of your foot and roll in circles for 3 minutes.


Massage your palm diagonally from the base of the thumb to the little finger - the “intestinal points” are located here. Massage one palm for one minute, repeat the same with the other palm.

With these simple massage techniques, you can replenish your collection of methods for self-regulation of your health. And use the healing power of your hands to your advantage.


A couple of simple movements with your fingers, and your life will sparkle with new colors! It just happened!

Gently press your left thumb into the middle of your right palm and rotate it in a circle for a minute. Do the same with your right thumb on your left palm. This will relieve tension in the neck area and redirect your attention.


Tap the fingertips of both hands vigorously against each other. Then, with the tips of the thumb and index finger of your right hand, squeeze your left thumb and move them from the base to the tip. Do the same with the thumb of your right hand.


Lightly squeeze the thumb of your left hand with the index and middle fingers of your right (like pliers) and “screw” it into this clamp from tip to base. Do the same with the right big one. This massage improves blood flow to the brain.

Doctors say that our hands experience much more physical stress than our legs. And, of course, the most used part of the hands are the fingers.

Periodic pain and fatigue of the hands and fingers often become our constant companions. However, you shouldn't put up with this. A basic massage of the fingers can improve physical condition, relieve fatigue, etc.

In addition, finger massage improves mood and improves the health of the whole body. To be convinced of this, you just need to devote a few minutes to a pleasant massage.

Connection of fingers and internal organs.

You can massage your fingers at any free minute. But it is especially useful to do this when your fingers are tired, tense, your hands are sweaty or cold, you feel...

Supporters Tibetan medicine claim that the fingers and palms have special points that can affect the activity of internal organs.

Thumb shows what condition it is in bronchopulmonary system. Massaging this finger helps fight inflammation and allergic diseases bronchi and lungs: sore throat, cough, vasomotor rhinitis, . In addition, thumb massage improves liver function.

Forefinger has an impact on digestive system. By massaging this finger you can get rid of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, poor digestion, belching.

The same finger is responsible for the emotional state, stress reactions, and can have an analgesic effect for pain in the upper extremities and toothache.

Middle finger is associated with the circulatory system, so its massage helps with neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypotonic type, fights and reduces the risk of hyperadrenal paroxysms.

Ring finger may have an impact on emotional disorders: stress, depression, bad mood. In addition, massage of this finger helps with the occurrence of vascular spasms, increased blood pressure, weakness, pain in the joints, visual fatigue.

Little finger regulates the functioning of the heart and small intestines. Massaging this finger helps cure chronic constipation, cardialgia, neuralgia, palpitations of neurotic origin, and hearing impairment.

Palm center – in this place there is a point of activity, by pressing on which you can get rid of strong heartbeat, fatigue, bad mood.

Massage of the hands and fingers can be performed simultaneously with other activities: reading a book, watching TV, taking a bath. Video lessons for massage, see the end of the article.

1. To begin, knead the brushes for a minute in a circular motion as if you were soaping them. This is necessary in order to increase the temperature of the skin and warm the hands.

2. We actively rub the joints.

3. We clench our fingers sharply and quickly into a fist, and then slowly unclench them. Repeat 10 times.

4. We strain our fingers and slowly squeeze them into a fist, after which we quickly fan them out. Repeat 10 times.

5. Massage each finger from all sides, going from tip to base. More attention should be paid to those fingers that are responsible for problem organs.

We perform the massage with the thumb, middle and index fingers of the other hand, moving from the nail to the hand. First we perform stroking, and then rubbing and kneading.

6. We massage the palm using three massage lines:
- from the inner edge and moving towards the base;
- from the outer area and move to the middle point of the palm;
— we move along the midline from the fingers to the wrist.

7. We pay attention to the wrist. We knead it with our fingers, then rub and knead it in a circular motion. You can apply a nourishing cream for this.

8. To increase mental performance and memory, it is recommended to perform the following complex:

— connect the tip of the thumb of one hand with the tip of the index finger of the other hand and apply pressure so that the fingers bend outward. We do this consistently with all fingers.
- with the tip of your thumb, press firmly on the base of all fingers in turn. We repeat several times.

It is recommended to massage the fingers and hands for about 7-10 minutes. You can repeat the massage up to 5 times a day. Greatest effect has a massage on an empty stomach, before breakfast.

How to massage your fingers and hands:

In order to select the desired type of massage, click on “PLAYLIST” in the upper left corner of the video.

Jin Shin Jitsu is 5000 years old japanese art healing based on a holistic approach to treating the whole body rather than individual organs. Through careful application of this art, one can not only cure bodily ailments and individual parts of the body, but also improve psychological health. To do this, you just need to know how to massage your fingers.

Such a statement may seem fantastic, not to say absurd, but research shows that it is real. IN cancer center University of Kentucky found that cancer patients who were treated using the Japanese technique experienced significant improvement. Stress, pain and nausea bothered them much less often. In addition, the center staff discovered that those patients who were observed positive changes, practiced this massage regularly and longer than others.

And this is not the only example. During one study, doctors observed a patient who suffered from multiple myeloma. He also practiced Jin Shin Jitsu. He experienced practically no characteristic nausea during treatment, and the only case of it was recorded when the patient was unable to practice the technique.

Jin Shin Jitsu works because all our organs are connected to each other. When one part of the body becomes ill, it negatively affects the entire body. And at the same time, our hands are truly connected to emotions and organs. By doing massage, we can improve the flow of information in vital parts of the body and help our physiological and mental health. This may be why children suck their fingers.

Each of the five fingers, as well as the palm, are interconnected with various organs and emotions. Read on to learn how massaging your fingers for three to five minutes can improve your health.


Massaging your thumb can help you let go of the past and ease your worries and stress. You will be able to calm down, improve your self-esteem and are guaranteed to get more restful sleep. It also improves your energy.

The thumb is connected to our spleen and stomach. Therefore, massaging it ensures that the levels of red and white blood cells are high and the stomach can digest food faster.


If the thumb calms us down, then the index finger is responsible for vitality and will. His massage helps to overcome fears and strive for a better future. By improving our will, we can have the inner strength to fight our weaknesses as well as bad habits. This way we can strive for excellence.

The index finger is connected to the kidneys and bladder. Its massage helps prevent kidney stones and balances our body.

Middle finger

This finger is responsible for anger, but did you know that the latter can be not only mental, but physical condition? If you carry stress and anger over loans or other money-related issues, you risk experiencing more headaches as blood rushes to your head. This also means there will be less blood flow to the rest of your body and you will feel tired.

If you massage your middle finger, you can eliminate this effect. Besides, middle finger associated with the liver and gallbladder. By improving the functioning of these organs, you can ensure that your energy flows are strong enough to provide you with the energy you need.

Ring finger

In some ways, the ring finger is similar to the thumb. It is associated with sadness and bad attitudes that drain your energy.

But it is also connected to the lungs, and its massage will ensure that you breathe easily and deeply. Releasing the energy of the ring finger will also improve your muscles and nervous system. With less stress and extra energy, you can change your lifestyle for the better.

Little finger

It is connected to your heart, and therefore to your blood. And since good blood flow is necessary to maintain the functioning of all organs, in a sense it is the most important among the other fingers.

Improved blood flow promotes brain function. This way, you can think better and focus on important things.

Palm massage

Stress is undesirable not only because it harms us. It can also harm our relationships with loved ones. Releasing the energy of your palm will help you improve relationships with people who are important to you, provide you with positive thinking and make your life more orderly. The palm is connected to the diaphragm and navel.

If you have the time and energy, you can try massaging your fingers, one at a time, to improve your overall health. Fortunately, ancient art Jin Shin Jitsu was developed in such a way that any of us can easily improve own health and mental state.

When creating man, nature prudently gave him hands - a convenient functional tool that helps to live, develop, study and transform. the world. Since then, they have not known peace: every minute they transmit subtle signals from external environment into the human brain, they carry out response commands in the form of precisely coordinated movements. Thanks to such painstaking work, we can automatically perform millions of habitual actions: brushing our teeth, fastening buttons, drawing.

Unfortunately, excessive loads cause muscle spasms, ligament wear, pathological changes in the structure of joints, deterioration of skin condition. Massage of the hands in this case becomes a salvation, universal remedy care, a way to relieve fatigue, tension or pain.

It is amazing what a global effect simple rubbing of the palms or kneading the phalanges of the fingers has on the human body. As a result:

The Chinese philosopher Han Xiang Tzu said that a procedure that brings such amazing results is recommended to anyone healthy person as a relaxing, soothing, cosmetic or prophylactic. Massage is of particular benefit to those categories of people whose work involves a long load on the hands: office workers, teachers, builders, athletes, musicians, doctors, engineers, artists, schoolchildren. And in some cases, such exposure becomes a necessity and is used as an effective medicine. Indications for massage of the wrist, palms and fingers are:

The procedure is prescribed even to newborns to strengthen muscles, increase joint mobility, develop fine motor skills, stimulate the speech centers of the brain, train memory and speaking skills.


Like any other medical procedure, hand massage has a number of prohibitions or restrictions. The most serious of them:

Since the palms and fingers are an active reflex zone, massaging them can negatively affect human health with diseases of the heart, stomach, intestines, genitourinary or nervous system. Before the first session, a doctor's consultation is required.

A little anatomy

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure without harm to the patient, every massage therapist must remember that the hand is a complex anatomical unit, consisting of three sections:

  1. Wrist, the structure of which includes 8 small bones, making up two rows: proximal and distal.
  2. The metacarpus, formed by a complex skeleton of 5 tubular bones of different sizes.
  3. Fingers, of which the thumb has 2 phalanges in its structure, and the other four have three phalanges each: distal, proximal, middle.

All these departments are connected to each other using a large wrist joint, as well as a number of small movable joints: midcarpal, carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal, interphalangeal.

The ability to move the hand is provided by three groups of muscles, which are located in several layers on the palm, forming its relief:

  1. The first - provides movement of the thumb, forms an elevation called thenar.
  2. The second – brings and spreads the fingers, control their bending in the joints.
  3. The third - forms a tubercle on the palm - the hypothenar, responsible for the movements of the little finger.

Photo: anatomical structure hands

Numerous arcuate, radial, transverse ligaments, due to the high elasticity of the fibers, they hold the joints, control the amplitude of their movement, and protect from injuries. Tendons run from the forearm to the hand - very dense muscle fibers, by which muscles are attached to bones, and also flexion and extension of the fingers. They are protected from friction by synovial vaginas located on the inner and outside palms.

Blood vessels penetrate all structures of the hand, forming a single network. They are fed by the radial and ulnar arteries, which form two arches: deep and superficial. Innervation is carried out by the ulnar, radial, and median nerves, which cross the entire hand and end with many receptors on the fingertips. They are responsible for tactile sensitivity.

The skin protects deep structures and also regulates internal temperature. On the palms it is thicker, on the back it is softer. Its elasticity depends on the level of collagen content, the lack of which provokes the appearance of wrinkles, cracks, and peeling.

Types of hand massage

Over the 5000 years of its existence, this popular procedure has accumulated a whole arsenal of diverse massage techniques and technician. They are combined depending on the problem and individual characteristics patient. This explains the variety of types of such massage.

Thematic material:


The purpose of the procedure is to relieve fatigue, muscle tension, give your hands a rest after intense physical activity or prolonged monotonous movements, calm the nervous system. Most often, this procedure is carried out during a manicure. The patient sits, a cushion or rolled towel is placed under the outstretched arm. The relaxation effect is achieved using the following techniques:

Relaxing massage techniques also include shaking the hands while holding the patient's fingertips.


These more intensive procedures are used to improve blood circulation and lymph flow, normalize muscle tone, and increase the elasticity of the epidermis. Stimulating massage movements include: rubbing with pressure, different types kneading, vibration, light tingling.

Massage scheme

From the anatomy course we know that the muscles responsible for the flexion and extension movements of the fingers are located in the forearm. Therefore, we begin the stimulating massage from this area:

  1. Alternately, with our palms we lightly stroke part of the hand from the base of the fingers to elbow joint, covering the front and side surfaces.
  2. We perform a forceps-like kneading of the forearm area, moving along the course of the lymph.
  3. Circular movements of the pads thumbs We work on the area of ​​the ulna and radius.
  4. Raising your hand slightly, clasping it, we perform squeezes - light pressure, trying not to cause pain to the patient.
  5. We do multidirectional stretching of the hand.
  6. We rub the backs of our hands in a circular motion, moving from the wrist joint upward, trying not to damage the delicate skin of this area.
  7. Using spiral movements we work through each tendon sheath.
  8. Using circular kneading, we massage the joints and phalanges of the fingers, moving from the proximal to the distal area.
  9. Using rubbing movements we go through the small joints of the hand.
  10. We massage the palmar part, using kneading and pinching the hypothenar, thenar, and median muscles.
  11. We stretch the wrist with multidirectional circular movements of the thumbs.
  12. We finish the massage with light strokes.

A good stimulating effect comes from performing the so-called passive movements. Invite the patient to place his hand on his elbow. With your palm tilted back, apply light pressure from above. Perform the same manipulations in the opposite direction. This exercise allows you to stretch the muscle fibers and ligaments of the hand and increases joint mobility.

Point (su-jok)

The creator of this unique healing technique is South Korean professor Park Jae-woo. He managed to combine the experience of ancient healers of the East with the achievements of modern medical science. This is how a simple, affordable, and most importantly, very effective health system emerged, which has won recognition all over the world.

It is based on the doctrine that every organ of the human body has its own reflex reflection on the hands or feet. Hence the simple and succinct name of the technique: “su” is translated from Korean as a brush, and “jok” is a foot. Moreover, the body is correlated:

  • With a hand: the head is projected onto the thumb, hands onto the index and little fingers, legs onto the middle and ring fingers.
  • With a single finger: the nail zone is considered as the head, the central one as the chest, and the base as the stomach.
  • With each phalanx repeating the main projections of the hand.

Having clenched your hand into a fist and examined the outward-facing surface (yang), you find lines of symmetry - they are located on reflex zones different parts of the spine.

Using these landmarks and knowing the location active points, you can help any affected internal organ without drugs. To do this, it is enough to stimulate the reflex zone on the hand in a special way by doing:

  • intermittent pressure with one or more fingers;
  • intense friction with small amplitude;
  • pinching the skin and holding until the appearance of a lung redness;
  • rotational movements clockwise with pressure.

Work the points for 1–3 minutes until painful sensations appear. After this, lightly massage them 7 times clockwise and the same amount counterclockwise.

Su-jok offers another acupuncture massage technique - seed therapy. It can be used at home. To do this, it is enough to forcefully rub several grains of millet or buckwheat, peas, beans, apple or pumpkin seeds between your palms. One condition is that they must be viable. Massage therapists claim that the energy of plants is transferred to the diseased organ and heals it. You can learn more about the technique from the lessons:


This healing technique is based on tapping the problem area, which is performed through the palm of the massage therapist.

To do this he:

  1. Places the patient's hand on his knee.
  2. Fixes it securely with one hand to eliminate the risk of injury and swelling.
  3. Another one applies painless blows with the pads of the fingers or the edge of the palm, gradually increasing their strength and intensity.

This procedure is very helpful for joint diseases, helping to destroy salt deposits and growths. Relief occurs after the first procedures. You cannot do this type of massage too often: one session every two weeks will be enough.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to perform percussion on the hands on your own. In this case, it is replaced by charging in the form of continuous tapping of fingers on a hard surface.


Hand care should not be limited solely to hygiene procedures. Don’t forget about self-massage - affordable and very effective way maintain limb health and improve skin. To complete it you need:

Those areas where they appear painful sensations, you need to work on it for a long time, but with caution, gradually increasing the force of influence. In the morning it is better to do a short but intense massage that helps to invigorate, and in the evening - relaxing light techniques at a slow pace.

You can learn about other self-massage techniques from the video:

Medicinal properties

It has been scientifically proven that the palm and fingers are the strongest reflex zones. Their stimulation awakens the body's hidden potential, which can fight many diseases.

After a stroke

In medicine they call it a stroke. acute pathology, the cause of which is a violation of blood circulation in parts of the brain or adjacent structures. The ischemic form of the pathology occurs due to a disruption in the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients. The cause of a hemorrhagic stroke is the rupture of a vessel, as well as the leakage of blood into the brain structures, which is fraught dangerous consequences, up to disability or death. The patient's limbs are especially often affected. Hand massage in these cases is prescribed to:

  • stabilize blood circulation in the affected limb and throughout the body;
  • restore hand mobility;
  • reduce spasms;
  • prevent the formation of contractures;
  • improve the functioning of muscle fibers;
  • dock painful sensations.

The procedure is prescribed immediately after the patient’s condition has stabilized. In the ischemic form of stroke, this usually occurs already on days 2–4, and in hemorrhagic pathology a little later.

Only a specialist should perform massage. The selection of techniques, duration and intensity of exposure are always selected taking into account the condition of each individual patient.

Although there are a number of rules that should be taken into account in any case:

  • The patient should sit, lie on his side or back.
  • The massage begins with a healthy limb.
  • They adhere to a specific algorithm of actions, individually prescribed for each patient in the treatment protocol.
  • Manipulations are performed carefully to avoid spasms.
  • To stimulate atrophied muscles, the intensity of the effect is slightly increased.
  • Start with 3-5 minutes, gradually increasing the session time.

Damage to the left hemisphere is often accompanied by a failure of the speech centers to function. By massaging the hands, it is possible to reflexively influence these areas of the brain, activate the transmission of sensitive impulses, and fully or partially restore the ability to speak.

For tendinitis

With this disease, the tendons in the hands become inflamed. The reason for its development is excessive exercise stress, long-term repeated movements, injuries or one-time direct force, for example, when lifting heavy objects. Symptoms increase gradually: tingling, numbness or weakness in the hand are replaced by pain, swelling, and limited mobility. To prevent the development of degenerative processes in the tendons and muscles of the hand, you need to try to immediately relieve inflammation.

To do this, limit the load, ensure limb immobility, take non-steroidal medicines. Only when it's over acute period, the doctor prescribes a massage to improve blood flow and restore damaged structures. The impact is carried out in stages:

All movements are performed without unnecessary pressure, slowly, so as not to provoke inflammation and swelling. The entire session lasts about 10–15 minutes.

For arthrosis and arthritis

The cause of pain in the hands can be diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis.


This is an inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint, accompanied by the release large quantities liquid (exudate). As a result, joint structures and periarticular structures swell and increase in size. soft fabrics, growths form on the surface of the synovial membrane. The cartilage itself remains unaffected at first, but later, in chronic stage disease, its fiber disintegration occurs.

Massage is scheduled as soon as possible acute stage: pain subsides, swelling and redness go away. The procedure is performed in stages:

The purpose of the procedure is to speed up lymph flow and remove excess fluid accumulated in the interstitial space. Therapeutic effect strengthened with passive exercises: flexion-extension, adduction-abduction, rotation of the hand and fingers. Good act folk remedies: baths, rubbing, compresses.


This pathology is accompanied by deformation and destruction cartilage tissue, which are caused by age-related changes or injury. Bone growths appear at the edges of the joints, causing pain, mobility impairments, as well as deforming fingers, noticeably thickening the joints or bending them.

Massage for arthrosis is aimed at restoring mobility and reducing joint deformation. To basic therapeutic methods percussion massage is added, which we talked about above. It helps get rid of osteophytes, facilitating movement, eliminating discomfort and swelling.

When a nerve is pinched

Injuries, prolonged compression, some infectious diseases can cause neuropathy - pinching of the ulnar, radial or median nerve, providing sensory and motor reactions in the hand. Most often suffers radial nerve, since it is located especially close to the surface. As a result, the functions of the flexors and extensors of the fingers are disrupted, pain appears, the hand hangs, becomes numb, and immobilizes. The patient loses the ability to pronate and supinate (rotate the palm up and down), straighten the fingers, and clench the fist with force.

95% of all cases of neuropathy are treated conservatively. An indispensable part of such therapy is massage, which involves influencing the entire arm and even the spine, since the fascicular nerves responsible for sensitivity exit there upper limbs. It should only be carried out chiropractor. Any exposure during the acute period is contraindicated.

At a fracture

Fractures of the wrist and phalanges of the fingers are common. In this case, the patient is given a cast, which ensures proper fusion of the affected limb. The treatment lasts quite a long time, during which time atrophic changes occur in the immobilized structures: blood supply and nerve conduction are disrupted, muscles weaken and decrease in volume.

Massage prevents the development of such symptoms, so it is prescribed at the earliest stages of rehabilitation. Affects areas in close proximity to plaster cast, as well as on the cervical-collar spine, which is responsible for the innervation of the upper extremities. At the core medical procedure Here are the classic massage techniques:

  • stroking;
  • rubbing, light and heavy;
  • circular, transverse, longitudinal kneading with fingertips;
  • vibration.

After removing the plaster, add light stroking of the affected surface. All movements are performed smoothly, slowly, for 10 minutes. If pain occurs, the procedure is stopped immediately. Rolling balls in your palms or tapping your fingers on a tabletop, imitating playing the piano, will also help develop your hand after a fracture.

Photo: a great exercise for city traffic jams.

After the bruise

Often, due to a blow or fall, the soft tissues of the hands are injured, while the bones and skin remain intact. Massage can achieve quick recovery damaged structures, since the procedure accelerates blood circulation, improves metabolism, removes excess liquid, promoting the resorption of infiltrates, activates muscle contractions, preventing the development of atrophy.

If large vessels and the muscles are not damaged, massage can be performed already 2-3 days after the injury. It happens:

  • Preparatory– carried out in areas above the lesion. Done basic techniques, promoting the outflow of lymph and venous blood from the site of damage.
  • The main thing is direct massage of the affected area. It is performed when swelling and pain have completely disappeared. To do this, use stroking, pinching, patting, and light pressure.

Lost mobility is restored by circular rotation of the hands, squeezing and unclenching of fingers, rolling a ball with the palm of the hand, exercises with dumbbells, using massagers, picking up small objects: buttons, coins, matches.

Materials for massaging other parts of the body:

Massage of palms and fingers for infants

Visual and auditory analyzers newborn, like him physical activity, imperfect. Therefore, he receives 80% of information about the world around him through tactile sensations through sensitive receptors located on the tips of his fingers and palms. The task of parents is to help the baby overcome congenital hypertonicity, unclench a small fist, ensure high tactile activity, strengthen the muscles of the hands, preparing them first for grasping and holding objects, and then for performing precise coordinated movements. In addition, it is important to strengthen the child’s body and activate the work of internal organs.

Photo: a child’s small hands also need massage

They do this through massage.

  • In the first days of life, it consists of straightening the fingers, lightly stroking the palm and its back.
  • From 3–4 months, movements become more intense, squeezing and light circular rubbing of the surface are added.
  • A little later, kneading, soft pinching, patting, and shaking the hands are used.

Every mother should learn how to massage children's palms and fingers. Video materials and educational literature help her.

Stimulating nerve endings on small palms and fingers, we contribute to the development of speaking skills, as we have a reflex effect on the speech centers of the brain, which practically coincide with the areas responsible for fine motor skills. It has been proven that a child who is good with his hands remembers better, has a larger vocabulary, and can reason logically.