Are coffee machines profitable? Required documents and choice of tax system

Deployment activities retail outlets with the use of automatic machines is called vending. In most cases, vending machines (vending machines) are used to sell packaged goods. One of the most popular products sold through vending machines is coffee, so coffee vending machines as a business attract the attention of many budding entrepreneurs. Let's look at some aspects of management.

First of all, you need to purchase a sufficient number of coffee machines. If the necessary financial resources are available, this does not pose any problems. There are many models of similar devices on the market costing from 80 to 300 thousand rubles. You should not immediately purchase expensive multifunctional machines; it is better to focus on machines in the middle price segment, within 150 thousand rubles. As a rule, this is a good, high-quality tool that allows you to successfully develop a given business.

Next important step There will be an optimal deployment of purchased machine guns. Possibly implement right choice It won’t be possible right away, and you will have to proceed by trial and error. Naturally, when installing coffee machines, you should pay attention to crowded places and institutions where, as a rule, queues arise. The most advantageous places in this regard are various transport hubs, but it should be borne in mind that there is enough high level competition and rent. In addition, the most advantageous places, in most cases, have long been occupied.

It should be borne in mind that coffee machines as a business do not always begin to justify themselves in the first months. This is especially true for young entrepreneurs taking their first steps in mastering vending. If possible, you should agree with the landlord about free installation of the device for one month. During this time, you can decide how justified the rental of this point is.

Features of the coffee machine business

After placing vending machines, you should begin to conduct a deeper study of potential customers and target audience. You don't need to do anything to do this. special research, just enough certain time just watch people making purchases from vending machines. What kind of life do they lead? Do they have enough free time? How long is their break?

Please note the new format coffee business which you can start.

If you have installed coffee machines in an educational institution, it will be necessary to take into account the length of breaks. As a rule, most purchases from vending machines in universities will be made in a short period between pairs. Therefore, it is necessary to select those ingredients, using which the device can prepare the drink in the shortest possible time.

Providing consumables

The frequency of servicing coffee machines will depend on sales volumes. During the initial period of operation, it is recommended to monitor the operation of the machines daily. After full adjustment of their operation, with average sales volumes, maintenance can be carried out once every three days. One person can service a maximum of 10 machines per day. During servicing, among other things, revenue – coins and small bills – is withdrawn from the machine.

How many coffee machines are needed to start?

Beginners in the coffee vending business may have a question: how many machines will be required to start effectively? Ideally, at least five. However, you can start with one car, gradually increasing their number. It is not recommended, especially for beginners, to purchase devices on the secondary market, because at least, the first machine must be new. When purchasing a new machine from the supplier, you will receive a warranty on it and the possibility of service, as well as a free consultation.

Risks and potential income from one coffee machine

As in any business activity, in vending there are also specific ones. First of all, this is possible damage from hooligans and looters. To minimize such risks, machines should be installed in protected areas, and not on the streets, where the possibility of losing or breaking a machine is very high. Another risk is associated with unsuccessful deployment of the machine gun. If the machine does not bring the expected income and is idle, you should change its location, since without this the situation is unlikely to improve.

As a rule, with proper operation, the device pays for itself in one year, which means that it can annually generate an income of 120-150 thousand rubles. Of course, this is less than the expectations of most entrepreneurs starting a vending business, but it should be borne in mind that when properly placed, vending machines bring a stable income with minimal risks. Well, of course, you shouldn’t forget when doing the vending business.

Against the backdrop of another wave of economic crisis, the government Once again thought about preferences that would attract the maximum number of people to small and medium business. They are guaranteed numerous advantages in matters of its organization and management. It remains only to consider those types of entrepreneurship that will be equally successful both if the promised benefits are actually provided and in a situation where real help will not be so significant. Many market analysts for individual entrepreneurs, small businesses and joint ventures recommend paying attention to the vending business, which is constantly gaining popularity in last years regardless of external macroeconomic and microeconomic factors.

Types of vending business and its popularity

A special feature of this form of business is the ability to minimize the costs of maintaining staff and renting premises. Most likely, everyone remembers the very first examples of this production - vending machines for soda water, metro tokens, and railway tickets, which appeared back in the 70-80s of the twentieth century. Moreover, the first automatic machines ready to sell various goods appeared more than a thousand years ago in China. A prototype of vending equipment found by archaeologists sold pencils. Waves of vending development were noted in late XIX century - in the 20s and 30s, such devices offered cigarettes and matches to customers on the streets of Moscow and other Russian cities.

Modern technologies have made it possible to make such equipment more advanced and visually more impressive. Today, such equipment allows us to offer customers a wide variety of products. They can be either packaged or bottled. General principle it becomes possible to make a substantial profit from using a device installed in a high-traffic area. Moreover, this profit actually goes solely to the owner of the vending machine. After all, its purchase fits within the budget, installation requires a minimum area, and the device works independently without the participation of an additional hired salesperson.

Where to start a vending business?

Only at first glance it may seem that in order to start a vending business and receive a stable income from it, you don’t need to make any effort at all. This option is small or individual entrepreneurship in fact, it is quite accessible and simple in procedure, but it will still require certain financial investments and an assessment of market risks.

So, how to open a vending business? The first step for each future recipient of profit from using an automated trading device is a clear assessment of the potential demand for its offer to customers. To evaluate, you will need to understand where the machine can be installed, what is the social and demographic spectrum of consumers of its services.

Currently, there is equipment on the market that is ready to provide services to consumers, offer industrial goods and food. From the point of view of making a profit, it is food products that are in stable demand among any buyer. Moreover, here too there are leading directions.

The highest profitability indicators are shown by equipment offering hot and cold drinks. Considering the obvious seasonality of supply, soft drinks are most in demand during the hot season, which in our latitudes rarely lasts longer than three to four months. But it can be difficult to refuse a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate in any weather.

How to open your own vending coffee machine?

Regardless of the choice, the next step is to evaluate potential locations for the proposed equipment. And in order to install coffee machine, registration as a individual entrepreneur, representative of a small or medium-sized business.

The most simple option becomes a registration or PBOLE depending on the experience of activity and the intended use of a convenient taxation system.

By switching to the “simplified tax system” (USN), it will only be possible to sell bags, chewing gum or chocolate bars.

Why do experts recommend choosing coffee vending equipment to start a business?

Equipment for vending services appeared on the market as a convenient and inexpensive alternative to going to a cafe. And today, this purchase option is most convenient for those who are not ready to set aside time in their busy schedule for a long trip, even to a restaurant. fast food. It is also convenient to combine a light snack and a sip of an invigorating drink with your usual activities.

Experience in using vending machines has shown that coffee is in maximum demand in such situations. It is not such a simple and familiar drink as, for example, tea. Carbonated drinks are harmful to health, and hot chocolate more often finds its admirers among children and visitors to women's cafes. However, in pleasant cafeterias, waiters usually bring hot chocolate for the fair sex, and its connoisseurs choose to relax at a table or bar counter.

Coffee brings almost everyone together. This vending machine is equally popular in the office, shopping center, and just on the street near the metro or at the train station. Considering the variety of options for drinks that a coffee machine can prepare without the participation of a barista, it makes it possible to get a pleasant moment of relaxation during a working day or a trip.

Where to put the coffee machine?

However, the success of a future enterprise depends not only on the choice of drink or food and the choice of a vending machine that is ready to provide both. It’s worth immediately understanding where such a compact “point” Catering» convenient and appropriate placement. It becomes a win-win situation when the device was installed in an office center. Moreover, not only in the dining room or dining room, but simply next to the offices of office employees. In such a situation, its services will be readily used by the employees themselves, who will definitely prefer the opportunity to use the machine to simply throwing a spoonful of instant coffee into their cup.

In an office meeting room, this equipment will defuse the most difficult negotiations, and in the reception area or next to it, management visitors can while away the hours of waiting.

Waiting areas generally become an appropriate option for placing a vending machine for preparing instant or natural coffee. Today such equipment can often be seen at airports, railway and bus stations. Ease of use and financial accessibility ensure a constant flow of people who want to diversify their time waiting for departure or arrival with a cup of coffee. It is convenient to place machines here that are ready not only to offer coffee, but also to provide the opportunity to buy already packaged goods. Today, the choice of such machines is large and varied - from options that provide the opportunity to buy a pack of chewing gum and a chocolate bar, to equipment that is ready to send a heated sandwich, a package of salad or even soup in a plastic container to the receiving box.

Is the vending business profitable in a movie theater, in a hall where slot machines are located, in a shopping center? Undoubtedly. Coffee machines are increasingly being installed in waiting rooms financial organizations, at the post office. What all these placements have in common is a large flow of people passing by or, even better, waiting.

It is important that the machine is located indoors, since such equipment is ready to operate successfully only at temperatures from -4 to +40 degrees Celsius.

Coffee machine installation and maintenance

Installing a coffee machine does not require any special skills. All you need is a dedicated, level place and the ability to connect to an electrical outlet. In the future, such a device is ready to work independently.

The involvement of a specialist will only be required at the time of assessing the successful operation of the coin acceptor and bill acceptor. Exactly how successfully they operate and how well the relationship is ensured with sending an amount of funds to the receiver and receiving finished products, becomes a guarantee of receiving a stable profit.

It is advisable to refill the devices and remove the received funds daily., monitoring the quality and condition of the products in the device. Today, as an additional service, many owners of vending systems install reading devices that allow you to pay for food products received using bank cards.

How many machines are convenient for running a vending business?

First estimates of the prospects for use various quantities devices can be made already at the stage of choosing their location. In this situation, the flow of potential buyers and the willingness of the future “king” of vending to work with several types of products or goods at once are calculated.

At first, experts recommend limiting yourself to installing one vending machine or a maximum of two. This applies equally to those entrepreneurs who are just starting their own business in this area, and to those who are trying to explore new territory.

Experts recommend not taking into account the profit of the coffee machine for the first two months when assessing further business expansion. It is either excessively high (due to the new offer to clients), or, on the contrary, it is small, since the client is not yet accustomed to the new type of service.

On average, with the right placement strategy and type of product, the payback period for a coffee machine is from 1 to 2 years.

How can placeable coffee vending machines work?

Most vending coffee machines have quite significant dimensions. The height of each type of equipment is comparable to the average height of a person. It is determined by experience. After all, it is more convenient for the buyer to pick up the purchased drink without bending or jumping. It is for this reason that the window in which the purchased drink is displayed is located approximately one and a half meters from the floor surface.

The outer bar of the device is equipped with buttons that allow you to select up to 13 types of coffee. Milk can be immediately included in the drink preparation or additionally poured from a separate tank. Depending on this, the coffee machine can be programmed to produce a variety of coffee options. For ease of use, the equipment is equipped with coin acceptors, bill acceptors and devices that read the amount from a bank card.

Profitability of coffee machines

The multifactorial components of the potential success of such a business include a large list of parameters. It will allow you to compare them accurately or personal experience, or marketing research. But a minimal idea of ​​the potential profit can be obtained based on the simplest financial calculations.

An average vending machine of this type costs its owner from 1,500 to 5,000 US dollars. The variability of cost ensures both the complexity of the model and the possibility of choosing used equipment.

The purchase of coffee for one medium-power machine will require from 150 to 200 dollars per month.

Approximately the same amount will be required to purchase tea and hot chocolate.

An average portion of coffee in such a machine costs the buyer from 10 rubles. On average, the machine dispenses from 40 to 120 cups of plain coffee per day. Even such minimum indicators guarantee the owner a monthly profit of at least 12,000 rubles. Even such modest results, plus the amounts received from the sale of portions of coffee with additives and food products, will increase this amount to 20,000 per month.

Excluding from such profit the costs of servicing the coffee machine (no more than 2,000 rubles per month) and the purchase of ingredients (from 4,000 rubles per month), net profit for each machine per month will be at least 5,000 - 6,000 rubles.

Protection from vandals and hooligans

Vending market specialists point out that the most serious cause of damage can be a machine breakdown due to the actions of hooligans.

To exclude this possibility, it is important to pay attention to the placement of equipment in a crowded place, preferably in places where it is located in the field of view of representatives of security services, and also to carefully monitor the availability of everything declared in the assortment and the serviceability of coin and banknote acceptors. Failure to do so may result in a deliberate attempt to damage the equipment. Most modern equipment options are equipped anti-vandal protection.

Today, the vending business is just beginning to develop in our country, although throughout the world it has long become a noticeable player in the market for making pleasant and simple profits. It is this, coupled with the relative cheapness of equipment and components to support the work, that becomes a good basis for using this type of activity as a successful option for obtaining a virtually guaranteed income.

Vending trade is a very popular type of income for owners and a great way to save time and gain a number of significant conveniences for the buyer. After all, you just need to press the desired button and insert a certain amount into the bill acceptor, and you can get what you want.

The most popular type of vending machines are coffee machines with coffee beans (or instant), but there are many other vending machines for many types of goods, from chewing gum to souvenirs. Let's look at the most popular vending machines that can bring significant profits to their owner. In this article we will look at other vending machines that generate profit.

Coffee machine

Naturally, the most famous type, which we will talk about in a little more detail. This device will be appropriate in the office, store, and wherever you place it. This unit is installed even on the street, and there it is able to provide high profits to its owner.

Another advantage of this device is that it gives you the opportunity to try more than a dozen different types drinks without the intervention of a bartender or barista. Self-service is a very convenient thing, whatever one may say. And yes, the price in Moscow for such coffee is very low.

Install coffee machine possible in the following places:

  1. Shopping mall. In fact, it’s easiest to see coffee machines there.
  2. Waiting rooms. For example, airports, train stations and other places. The most profitable vending machines are installed there.
  3. Financial institutions. Here you can drink coffee while you stand in line to pay your rent. Very comfortably.
  4. Schools. Of course, coffee machines are rarely installed in places where children study. The point is that for small organism this drink is harmful. But no one bothers.
  5. Mail. The benefits here are the same as in financial institutions. You just need to buy the device.
  6. Cinemas and other entertainment centers.

The coffee machine itself is priced between $1,500 and $5,000. The price depends on the functionality of the model, as well as the ability to buy a used coffee machine. Additionally, you need to spend from 150 to 200 dollars on coffee refills and about the same cost on chocolate and other drinks. The total cost will be $1,800, which in principle is not that expensive.

As for payback, the machine will begin to bring you profit only after 1-2 years, which is, in principle, normal. Although it all also depends on how many people are passing nearby. In principle, many people love coffee, and therefore a direct relationship can be established between the number of people passing by and potential profit. Selling hot aromatic drinks is a very profitable idea.

Snack machine

Business with snack machines in our territory is a relatively new phenomenon. These machines are equipped with refrigerators and their main purpose is to sell packaged products. In addition, such machines can sell sweet water, chips and other small products.

Snack machines are divided into the following types:

  1. Conveyor. Such devices got their name due to the principle of supplying goods. A huge advantage is that you can load any small-packaged products into them.
  2. Spiral. Their essence lies in the fact that first the purchased products are placed in a special tray, and from there they reach the buyer. If the goods are fragile (may break), then a special elevator is designed for this purpose.
  3. Cellular. Everything is simple here - a person takes out all the products he needs from a special cell. Using this method, you can sell a huge number of goods, from fruits to cakes.
  4. Mini snacks. This type of snack machine is characterized, first of all, by its small size. Therefore, it is intended for dispensing tiny products that usually go well with coffee. Therefore, it is recommended to place such vending machines near coffee machines; people like to eat cookies with tea or another warm aromatic drink.

It is impossible to provide exact figures on payback, because everything depends on many factors: the location of the machine, the product sold (each has a different price and demand), the economic period (for example, in times of crisis, people are more inclined to save and not buy small things like chips).


Many people have vision problems and contact lenses- one of possible options solutions to this problem. Therefore, installing lens mats (that’s what these devices are called) is quite a promising activity. The cost of such devices is about 150-200 thousand rubles. It all depends on the brand. The lens machine pays for itself within 5-8 months if you place the device in right place. And where can you install the device?

  1. Shopping and entertainment centers.
  2. Clinics.
  3. Schools, universities.
  4. Gyms.

In general, lenses are an expensive product. Therefore, a special infrared sensor determines whether the product has been issued. If this does not happen, then the money is not debited from the client’s card. If it is not possible to sell lenses, the device can always be converted into another type of vending machine.

Soda vending machine

The business of selling sparkling water, despite the fact that Soviet times are long gone, is still considered a very profitable business with a high return on investment. The cost of a vending machine will be from 75 to 200 thousand rubles.

The price for one glass usually does not exceed 10 rubles. At this price, you will receive 15 thousand per month from one machine if you buy 50 cups. The math is simple. But if you sell sparkling water with syrup at a price of 20 rubles, then your monthly income can be 90,000 rubles, since it sells better with syrup. Well, of course, net income. That is, you need to subtract taxes, electricity and other expenses from this amount.

Ice cream machines

Another popular type of vending machines are ice cream devices. Their advantages are novelty, and hence low competition. Such devices have interesting way serving ice cream. The product is dispensed using a pump arm, a process that is usually very popular with children.

There are many interesting vending machines. It's better to buy them from us. Why? Because we install devices and teach you how to use them for free.

We looked at different vending machines that make a profit. But the choice is not limited to them. We have only listed the most profitable vending machines.

Do you dream of opening your own business, but don’t feel like you have the strength to regularly carry out complex economic calculations and accounting? Today this is no longer a problem. Coffee machines as a business are becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, hot drinks are sold out very quickly.

But the financial investment in such a business is not that big. At the same time, the profit will not only quickly recoup all the funds spent, but will also soon become a real stable income.

Situation today

A coffee machine appeared in Russia relatively recently. In the 20th century, you could mostly find machines on the streets dispensing sparkling water with or without syrup. But today you won’t find them during the day, but vending machines for selling hot drinks are common.

Meanwhile, judging by statistics, this segment The market is not yet completely filled. Competition, of course, is present, but not as intense as in other, more complex types business. Therefore, each coffee vending machine pays for itself perfectly and brings its owner a good income.

But before you organize your own business selling hot drinks, you need to calculate a few little things. In addition to a detailed consideration of all financial investments in coffee machines, a business plan will help you carefully consider ways to reduce production costs.

Why drinks?

In fact, there are quite a lot of similar devices. But experts recognized those that sell coffee as the most profitable. Why is this so? It's all about the product itself. People don’t buy newspapers so often, and they are accustomed to buying them at ordinary kiosks.

And on machines that dispense food or various snacks (chips, crackers, nuts), you cannot make a 100% markup on the product. Coffee machines as a business are very profitable business. After all, preparing one cup of a hot, invigorating drink is a maximum of half of its selling price to the buyer. And in some cases, cunning entrepreneurs manage to make much more money.

Where will we sell

For profitability of this business several factors influence at once. But the most important thing is the location of the machine. The volume of sales and the amount of profit in the end directly depends on it.

Where is the best place to place this equipment? Of course, where a lot of people regularly pass by. The most advantageous places are considered to be airport premises, train stations, secondary and higher educational institutions, large shopping centers, as well as buildings with big amount offices.

The first two objects are the most successful in terms of sales of coffee, since there are always many people there who are forced to wait for their transport. Moreover, many of them need to warm up or somehow wait out half the night if the plane or train, say, is delayed. And coffee vending machines are becoming a real salvation.

This drink is no less popular in higher educational institutions. After all, students have to come to class very early. In most cases, the pairs end around 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Therefore, it is almost impossible to sit without a cup of hot coffee. This is where your equipment will be in great demand.

It is also very important to install coffee vending machines in close proximity to office buildings. Early arrival at workplace, as well as intense mental activity negatively affect the performance of employees. Your coffee will help them come to their senses and cheer up with minimal investment of time and money.

Under no circumstances should such equipment be installed somewhere under the stairs or in a nook. People simply won't notice your unit or won't want to approach it. The machine should be in a prominent place and attract attention with its bright design.

How to care for equipment

Don't forget about maintaining your device. The profitability of a coffee machine very much depends on how attractive it looks and how smoothly it works.

If equipment for preparing hot drinks is not washed from time to time (every 3 days approximately), it will emit quite bad smell. It, of course, only pushes customers away. In addition, you need to constantly ensure that the device does not run out of ingredients. Otherwise, it will cease to be in demand.

Be sure to check all systems for technical failures, errors and breakdowns. Ideally, you should hang a sign next to the machine indicating a contact telephone number for complaints and claims and asking you to call with any questions that arise. This will help you have good control over your own business and troubleshoot all problems in a timely manner.

What types of coffee vending machines are there?

There are several varieties of this technique. And all of them are very relevant and profitable today. But there are a lot of differences.

The first factor by which coffee machines are sorted is size. Some models do about 1 square meter area, while others are 2-2.5 times larger. The first ones are more convenient to place in case of shortage free space. The latter are very relevant in the case of neighbors with competitors. The more variety of drinks a machine can offer, the higher its attractiveness in the eyes of potential buyers.

The second factor can be safely called the country that is the manufacturer. The set of functions, cost, and quality of the equipment often depend on this. Most high cost There are devices from Italy, as well as other European countries. At the same time, technology domestic production although it is inferior to them in cost, but not by much. average price The cost of a coffee machine today varies between 100-300 thousand rubles.

Often ideas for business are in plain sight, but people don’t notice them or don’t understand that you can earn good money from simple and familiar things. One of these ideas is coffee machines as a business. They bring good money without requiring you to be constantly present on site. Essentially you get passive income, spending a minimum of time on business.

Principle of operation

Selling goods and drinks through machines is called vending. This is enough profitable business, which quickly pays for itself and is guaranteed to start making a profit. The main thing is to choose a good place for the machines. They are usually installed in walk-through areas: shopping centers, gas stations, universities, etc. A good location is the key to constant and high profits.

Coffee vending business quickly pays for itself

The coffee vending machine does not require an operator or regular maintenance—it can operate autonomously for several days. All you need is to collect it as needed and fill it with ingredients. You can do this yourself or hire an employee to completely automate your business.

Where to get the devices

Coffee machines are sold in many places - you just need to search the Internet and choose the most suitable option. Be sure to read reviews about the machine and study its capabilities before purchasing. Typically, this business uses equipment from Korea and Europe. A high-quality Korean machine costs about 90-100 thousand rubles, a European one 120-150 thousand.

Note: If you don’t have start-up capital, you can rent machines. In any case, vending pays off quite quickly, and the leader in payback is coffee vending.

You should also ask the seller/lessor about the availability of documents for the device. Usually there are no problems with this, but if the documents are missing, then you will probably have problems with regulatory authorities. A license for this type of business is not required.

What is the best way to build a business around coffee machines: buy them or rent them? Let us list the main advantages of both solutions.

  1. The purchase requires a large starting capital, but from the start you work only for yourself. You won't have to pay part of your rental income, but you still need to find a truly a good place for sales, otherwise you risk losing your money.
  2. Renting is beneficial because there is no risk. Typically, the device costs 10 thousand rubles per month, and it is the owner who is responsible for its repair and maintenance. You will be able to understand the business without major investments and check the profitability of the point without risking your money. True, you will have to pay approximately 10-15% of your earnings for the machine itself.

It is more profitable to buy a machine so as not to pay rent

How to work correctly

The costs of running a business selling coffee are minimal - you will only need to register as an individual entrepreneur and draw up a lease agreement for the place. You should also find a raw material supplier who offers the most favorable prices with excellent product quality. After that, all you have to do is take money from the machine and add ingredients to it.