When can you dye your hair after a circular facelift? Rehabilitation after plastic surgery and facial plastic surgery

Full rehabilitation after a circular facelift as a rejuvenating procedure is considered an invariable condition. The circumferential lift has several alternative names - rhytidectomy or facelift. And although this procedure is considered relatively new, it already has many fans around the world. And indeed, why go under the knife of a plastic surgeon if there is the safest and most effective tightening technique?

Of course, like most cosmetic procedures, a circular lift has a number of contraindications and possible side effects. But the high-quality work of a competent craftsman will negate all possible risks. And some of the difficulties of the rehabilitation period are forgotten at the sight of young and beautiful facial skin.

How long does rehabilitation take?

The rehabilitation period after a circular facelift can take some time. Moreover, the time period required for complete recovery is individual for each patient. The speed of rehabilitation directly depends on the patient’s age, the characteristics of her skin and general health.

As a rule, if the operation was successful and did not cause any side effects, rehabilitation after a facelift goes quite quickly. 3 weeks after the operation, the patient can begin to perform her work duties.

The average duration of the rehabilitation period after a circular lift takes 1-2 months.

The recovery period after the facelift procedure has a number of features:

  • A circular facelift leaves multiple swelling on the patient’s face. They are the result of disruption of small vessels during surgery. To solve this problem, a special compression bandage is applied to the woman’s face. In the case of normal functioning of the body, with the help of this bandage, swelling disappears already 4 days after the intervention. Hematomas appear much less frequently than edema. As a rule, all external manifestations of the postoperative period disappear on the 10th day after surgery.
  • A circumferential face and neck lift is not considered a complex operation. For this reason, to relieve possible pain, it will be enough to take regular painkillers.
  • As a rule, sutures are removed on the 3rd day after surgery. They are replaced with special strip strips.

Due to the tightening of the dermis and the removal of excess fat from the subcutaneous space, the patient may feel discomfort in the form of tightness of the skin at the incision sites. The affected areas may also experience tingling and numbness. Usually these symptoms go away on their own after the skin has completely healed.

You will learn more about restoration from the video:

To ensure that facelift tightening does not cause unforeseen complications, you should follow simple cosmetic recommendations in the postoperative period:

  • The patient is recommended to sleep exclusively on her back for at least 2 weeks for faster tissue restoration and consolidation of the positive effect obtained.
  • For six months after the intervention, you should avoid visiting the solarium and exposing your face to direct sunlight.
  • Follow a daily routine and diet.
  • Optimal alternation of physical work and rest.
  • Also, a woman should minimize sports activities at least for the first time after a facelift.
  • It is not recommended to use aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs 2 weeks before and after surgery.
  • Cold compresses for the eyes using gauze or soft cloth will have a good effect.
  • The first time after the procedure, it is recommended to sit, stand and walk more to consolidate the resulting tightening effect.
  • It is worth taking antibiotics for 5 days to avoid possible inflammatory processes.

Compliance with all the basic rules of the recovery period will help the skin remain beautiful and tight for a long time after the rhytidectomy procedure.

During the first time after surgery, a woman may experience difficulty eating, especially if the oral cavity has been affected. During the entire rehabilitation period, the patient is recommended to adhere to a diet, eating only liquid food. Gradually, a transition is made to softer foods and, finally, a return to the usual diet.

Various juices, broths, jelly and yogurts are especially useful during the recovery period. The latter is especially relevant during this period, because yogurt restores intestinal microflora, which can be disrupted by taking antibiotics.

The recovery period after a circular facelift involves some changes in the patient’s lifestyle and habits. In order for the recovery to be as quick and successful as possible, a woman should take into account some subtleties. So, in the postoperative period, the patient is allowed to:

  1. On day 2-3 you can wash your hair; a visit to the hairdresser after a total facelift is possible on day 7-8.
  2. On the 10th day, it is permissible to apply light makeup to the face.
  3. After a month, you can perform a lymphatic drainage massage procedure.
  4. At the end of the rehabilitation period, it is permissible to consolidate the tightening effect with the help of mesotherapy or Botox injections.

The rehabilitation period after rhytidectomy imposes certain restrictions on the patient. So, at first it is not recommended for her:

  1. Drive a car (the first week after the procedure);
  2. Do a facial massage;
  3. Swim in pools and open water;
  4. Smoking and drinking alcohol;
  5. Lighten and dye hair.

In case of insufficient preliminary examination of the patient’s body before the tightening procedure, certain difficulties may arise at the exit. Thus, the most important side effects after a circular facelift surgery are:

  1. Inflammation at the incision sites. Formed as a result of insufficient preliminary disinfection of work areas.
  2. Damage to the facial nerve. It can form due to insufficiently qualified actions of a plastic surgeon.
  3. Facial asymmetry. Occurs due to uneven distribution of tissues.
  4. The appearance of keloid scars. It is considered an individual reaction of the body to making incisions.
  5. In some cases, postoperative sutures are clearly visible. Usually this problem is solved by using absorbable ointments.
  6. Excessive stretching of the skin.

In addition to scarring, swelling and possible bruising, the following complications may occur after a circular facelift:

Necrosis. Ignoring problems with sutures can cause a complication in the form of necrosis - tissue death. This problem can occur as a result of too much tissue tension or detachment. As a result, the seam line does not close. The area around the ears is especially susceptible to necrosis. In addition to medical errors, the cause of necrosis can be the presence of diabetes mellitus or atherosclerosis in the patient.

Wound suppuration. Hematomas, necrosis, and the entry of various foreign bodies into the wound provoke inflammatory processes and the release of purulent fluid. To avoid such a problem, the wound area is washed several times during the operation, and upon completion, a drainage system is installed to drain excess fluid.

Facial oval deformation. Sometimes patients complain of persistent subcutaneous lumps after surgery. The problem is usually corrected with repeat surgery.

Hair loss. Postoperative sutures are often located on the scalp. For this reason, there is often a significant reduction in the amount of hair in the parotid and temporal zones. The main factor is considered to be damage to the skin and hair follicles. In most cases, the problem resolves on its own 3-4 months after the lift. If this does not happen, it is necessary to excise the scar interfering with growth or transplant skin from other areas.

Real photos of the results of a circular facelift will help you evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure. It is easy to notice the amazing effect after using this rejuvenating technique.

A circular facelift is a modern, safe and effective way to correct facial contours and problem areas. Of course, the maximum effect will be achieved if all safety rules are observed and the doctor’s qualifications are followed. Therefore, the patient should approach the choice of a lift specialist as carefully as possible.

Is it worth getting facial plastic surgery? How is the postoperative period going? How to correct forehead wrinkles? What complications can occur after facial plastic surgery? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

Aesthetic (or cosmetic) surgery is part of plastic surgery, which, in turn, is inseparable from surgery in general. In principle, any doctor who has graduated from a medical university and completed the appropriate specialization can become a plastic surgeon. However, there cannot be many plastic surgeons, not only because the path to their development is very difficult and long, but because this profession requires the doctor to have artistic taste, spatial thinking, and the natural abilities of a psychotherapist.

In other words, plastic surgeons are special people, and meeting them is in itself a success in your life, and the course of the stages of postoperative treatment will largely depend on how warm and emotional your relationship with this person is. Why? Very soon you will understand this, but for now let’s assume that you have already chosen a clinic where you would like to have a consultation about possible plastic surgery.

Of course, the doctor will ask about what changes in your appearance you would like to see. Perhaps he will also inquire about previous or existing diseases and medications taken. The fact is that hypertension, heart failure, diabetes, allergies and thyroid diseases can seriously increase the risk of surgery.

Most likely, the surgeon will ask you questions regarding your personal life, and there is no point in being disingenuous when answering them - perhaps your problems are not related to your appearance at all, and then the operation is unlikely to help. And who needs disappointments?

At the decision-making stage, you will need additional information describing the surgical technique, preparation for them and possible postoperative complications. So, let's start in order.

Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)

As you age, your upper eyelids begin to droop over your eyes, making them appear tired. The lower eyelids also change - bags appear under the eyes. All this will help correct eyelid surgery, which, however, will not eliminate wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, bruises under the eyes and drooping eyebrows. There are other methods for this (dermabrasion, chemical peeling, plastic surgery of forehead and cheek wrinkles). It is possible that your doctor will agree to combine eyelid surgery and forehead correction or cheek lift.

Eyelid surgery can be done at any age, since characteristic changes can appear not only with age, but can also be hereditary. The mechanism of age-related changes is simple: muscle tension in the eyelid area decreases, the skin becomes thinner, and the fat that was previously inside begins to bulge.

Before the operation begins, the surgeon marks the incision line, which runs along the natural groove and protrudes slightly beyond the outer edge of the eye (Fig.).

Drawing. Upper eyelid surgery

Then he carries out preliminary infiltration of the eyelid area with a solution of an anesthetic substance (anesthetic), which, in addition to anesthesia, causes swelling and tension of the skin of the upper eyelid, which greatly facilitates the dissection of tissue with a scalpel. Excess skin is removed along with the underlying muscle fragment.

The surgeon then applies light pressure to the eyeball with his index finger, which helps locate the fat. The fatty tissue is peeled off using a blunt method and then removed using scissors. Performs targeted electrocoagulation of superficial vessels, applies a continuous suture using a special atraumatic thread. This completes the operation.

The incision is made under the eyelash edge, and it protrudes slightly beyond the outer corner of the eye (Fig.).

It is the proximity to the eyelashes that makes it possible to make the future scar almost invisible, but this requires special care from the surgeon: you need to pull the eyelashes to the side with tweezers, protecting them from possible contact with the scalpel.

Then, using scissors, a flap of eyelid skin and part of the muscle (called the orbicularis muscle) are peeled off. If the depth of the detachment is chosen correctly (not deep, but not superficial), then the operation is almost bloodless.

Drawing. Lower eyelid surgery

The flap is peeled off to the infraorbital edge, and fatty deposits become visible and are removed. The skin is tightened with tweezers and removed parallel to the lower eyelid. This is a very important stage, because if you excise a small amount of skin, there will be no positive result; and if you remove too much, an inversion of the lower eyelid will appear.

Then the muscle under the skin flap is excised, which subsequently gives a tension effect. The operation ends with the application of a continuous cosmetic suture.

Postoperative period

Soon after the operation, you can open your eyes, but your vision will be poor due to increasing swelling. If you wish, you can leave the clinic on the same day, but you will still have to remain on bed rest - only at home. Moreover, to reduce swelling, it is recommended to lie with your head high.

Within a few days, the swelling will begin to increase and will persist for several more weeks. However, within a week the skin color will take on its natural appearance, and by the end of the second week the eyelids will look almost healthy.

❧ Using chamomile decoction to wash the eyes and sterile cold compresses will help reduce discomfort in the postoperative period.

Until the stitches are removed, you should not physically strain or lift heavy objects.

The sutures are usually removed on days 3-4, but even after this you cannot use contact lenses for 2 weeks, and you will have to wear dark glasses for 1-2 months.

You can go back to work after 10 days, by which time it will be acceptable to wear makeup. The effect of the operation lasts for several years - it is quite long-lasting, but still not permanent, because the skin continues to age.

This operation is performed for horizontal wrinkles in the forehead, low eyebrows, or wrinkles between them that give the impression of knitted eyebrows.

During the operation, an incision is made behind the hairline a few centimeters above the border of the forehead (Fig.), which runs from one ear to the other.

Drawing. Correction of forehead wrinkles

Then the skin of the forehead is separated from the bone to the upper border of the eye socket, and part of the muscle that creates tension and thus is involved in the formation of wrinkles is removed. After which it becomes possible to stretch the skin, smoothing out the folds. The skin is pulled back, the excess is removed, and the edges of the wound are sutured.

There is a modification of this method using an endoscope. In this case, not a continuous incision is made, but several short ones (two) on each side of the forehead, through which, with the help of an inserted endoscope, the surgical field can be seen on the monitor screen (Fig.).

Drawing. Correction of forehead wrinkles using an endoscope

The skin and muscles are separated from the bones of the skull in the same way as with the technique described above, then the skin is pulled up and fixed with sutures.

Postoperative period

After the operation, a bandage is applied to the entire head and forehead, which is first changed and then removed completely after 2 days. At this time, swelling and cyanosis on the eyelids become visible, which will begin to decrease after a week and disappear after 2 weeks.

The sensitivity of the skin in the forehead area after surgery is usually impaired, and after 2 weeks this is accompanied by itching, which goes away only after a few months. Immediately after surgery, hair along the scar may fall out, but regrowth will begin only after a few weeks.

During the week you cannot lift weights and you must sleep on high pillows, but after 10 days you can already go to work. You are allowed to wash your hair on the 5th day; at the same time, as a rule, it becomes possible to use medical makeup (to disguise bruises on the forehead and around the eyes).

Over the course of a year, it may be difficult to wrinkle your forehead and raise your eyebrows, but gradually this too passes. It is common for the eyelids to not close completely immediately after surgery.

Face lift

This surgery, called a facelift, corrects age-related changes in the middle and lower parts of the face. Most often, such correction is resorted to at the age of 40-60 years. Lifting will help get rid of wrinkles in the cheek area if there is excess skin; from deep wrinkles between the nose and the corners of the mouth, when the natural contours of the lower jaw disappear; from sagging and flabby skin with wrinkles and furrows on the front surface of the neck.

The operation begins with the introduction of an anesthetic into the area of ​​the surgical field in order to facilitate tissue detachment (hydropreparation); At the same time, a drug that narrows blood vessels (vasoconstrictor) is administered. The operation is often combined with liposuction (suction of fat from the chin area), which is performed using a small incision in the chin fold and a special cannula (“duck”), which has a flattened end that allows the tissue to be smoothly separated.

Plastic surgery of the face and neck begins with a skin incision in the temporal region, which is continued along the anterior border of the auricle. Having reached the earlobe, the incision is directed around the auricle from the bottom up and brought to the back of the head (Fig.).

Drawing. Face and neck skin tightening using plastic surgery

The surgeon then performs a wide detachment of the skin of the temples, cheeks, chin and neck. In order for the tissue to peel off easily, a course of physiotherapy is prescribed before the operation. The separated skin is taut, the excess is excised, and the soft tissue is sutured (plication). An addition to plication is the so-called platysma plasty - a wide and thin muscle that occupies the front of the neck with a transition to the lower jaw. The changes occurring in this muscle, in fact, determine the degree of deformation of the lower part of the face and the front surface of the neck.

The skin is peeled off as a single block with part of the platysma, stretched and fixed in a new position, removing the excess.

Despite the fact that most of the incision passes under the hair, when applying a suture it is important to be gentle with the tissue, which allows you to achieve a high-quality scar.

Postoperative period

The operation is completed by applying a bandage to the face, which is changed after a few days, and after a week is removed completely. Already on the 3rd day you can go home, but the swelling will last for several more weeks. Bruising is common after the bandage is removed - this is normal and will go away, as will swelling and unevenness on the face. The skin may remain numb for quite some time, but this will gradually disappear.

Physical exertion and heavy lifting, smoking and sexual activity should be avoided. You should not take aspirin for 2 weeks, and you should avoid sun and high temperatures for several more months.

It should be noted that plastic surgery begins with preparation for it, which includes the following conditions:

You should not smoke for 2 weeks before surgery, as smoking can prolong and even complicate healing;

A week before surgery, you should stop taking aspirin and other drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid. The fact is that they increase bleeding (reduce blood clotting), which can cause postoperative bleeding;

If the operation is planned for the morning, then the last meal should be no later than 18:00 the evening before, and the last fluid intake should be no later than 22:00. The main thing is not to forget in the morning that you cannot eat or drink before anesthesia!

The postoperative period is divided into early and late. The early period ends with the moment of wound healing, and the late period consists of the formation of scars (external and internal). The period immediately after the operation is not very long, but the most painful: bruises, swelling, stiffness, heaviness and other sensations of discomfort that usually accompany the formation of a scar.

No one can avoid depression after lifting, even those who undergo repeated surgery. What helps in this situation is not antidepressants, but a confidential conversation with the surgeon who performed the plastic surgery. Wound healing lasts on average about a week: wound epithelization ends on the 7th day; Until this time, the wound is covered with a crust that protects it. It disappears spontaneously after 10 days.

The process of tissue restoration has its own laws: this period cannot be shortened, it can only be softened, including with the help of physiotherapy. On days 3-4, in order to normalize blood and lymph circulation, microcurrents and magnetic therapy are prescribed. From 4-5 days you can use ozone therapy, which helps prevent the appearance of necrosis in places where there is strong tissue tension, as well as to prevent ischemia in smokers. UHF and ultrasound are used.

In addition to physiotherapy, ointments (troxevasin) are prescribed to resolve possible hemorrhages and swelling. During this period, peelings, cleansing, massages and masks are contraindicated. Vitamins, sedatives, painkillers and sleeping pills are prescribed internally.

The postoperative period ends when relatives and friends stop noticing traces of the operation. In the first month after it, solarium, UV irradiation, sauna and hot shower, manual massage are prohibited.

It is during this period that scarring occurs; the scar turns pink and becomes even more noticeable than immediately after the stitches are removed. It turns pale after 6 months, and this is where the process of its formation ends.

During this period, you can prescribe mesotherapy with the use of vitamins, amino acids, and also return to the facial care that you were used to (massages, masks). The main conditions for proper scar formation: it must be at rest and in a moist environment.

Complications after plastic surgery

Due to the fact that during the operation the skin is peeled off over a large area, a space is created in which blood can accumulate without being able to escape. To prevent such a complication, during a change of dressings, a drainage procedure is performed, during which excess fluid is actively removed. This can be unpleasant, but very useful.

If the hemorrhage is not recognized, necrosis (skin damage due to impaired blood supply) can occur. More often it appears behind the ear, and smoking significantly increases the risk of such a complication.

Sensory impairment occurs in the form of numbness of the skin - this is not considered a complication. However, if the branch of the nerve responsible for facial expressions is damaged, there may be quite unpleasant symptoms: drooping of one eyebrow, unilateral smoothing of wrinkles on the forehead, non-closure of the eyelids on one side, asymmetry of the corners of the lips (especially when trying to smile). Usually all these complications go away, but not immediately, but after a year.

Hyperpigmentation is a temporary phenomenon that disappears after a few weeks if sun protection measures are taken.

As the skin moves back from the temples, the hairline also moves back. In addition, temporary baldness may occur in the area of ​​the seams running under the hair.

The lifting effect lasts for several decades, but certain changes gradually occur, so the operation is repeated if desired.

Everything you need to know about plastic surgery

Any woman wants to remain young and attractive as long as possible, but nature takes its toll: a person ages, the body wears out, wrinkles appear on a once beautiful face, its color is no longer pleasing with its freshness, the skin becomes flabby and dull...

At all times, women have tried in any way to regain their youth. Nowadays, it has become much easier to do this, because modern methods of cosmetology and medicine come to the aid of the beautiful half of humanity. In addition, grandmother’s recipes for various creams and all kinds of masks remain relevant to this day in the fight against wrinkles.

The pages of our website contain a lot of recommendations and advice on how to how to properly care for mature skin and perform it competently makeup, which also helps to lose 5-10 years.

In addition, information about the structure of facial skin, how our body works and how its activity changes over the years is presented here in an accessible form. Thanks to this knowledge, it is not difficult to figure out how to help your skin not age for a long time. After all, if you know how a particular mechanism works, it is much easier to restore its functions in the event of a malfunction. And our body is the same mechanism that begins to malfunction over time.

It is possible and necessary to help the skin not only through the efforts of cosmetologists or plastic surgeons. At any age, massage and gymnastics are very useful for her, so we have presented a set of gymnastic exercises to maintain skin tone and basic massage techniques collected from different parts of the world.

For women who prefer to seek help in beauty salons and aesthetic surgery centers, useful recommendations are given regarding this or that procedure, and all their diversity presented in the modern beauty market is covered in detail.

Always remember that no matter how you look after yourself and the condition of your skin, or use various cosmetics to nourish it, etc., the most important factor influencing the aging of your facial skin remains the lifestyle you lead . Health problems and poor lifestyle choices increasingly affect the condition and appearance of the skin as we age.

There are several main factors that have the most negative impact on the skin. Firstly, it's stress. When a person experiences stress, his body produces the hormone adrenaline, which narrows the blood vessels, which is why the blood can no longer circulate normally and sufficiently supply the skin tissue with oxygen. This is where the main problems with it begin.

Another main factor responsible for early skin aging is poor nutrition. Often, defects in appearance appear due to a lack of certain substances in the body that it does not receive from food. An equally important problem is poor water quality. We are 70% water, and if it is of poor quality, then how can we talk about healthy and beautiful skin?

Don't forget about lack of sleep and bad habits (smoking, alcohol). Thus, with nicotine, aggressive free radicals enter the body, which destroy the walls of any cells that come their way, and alcohol quickly dehydrates the body, which leads to aging in a very short time.

Exposure to a harmful environment is another problem for modern man, because it is very difficult to deal with. Nevertheless, you should try to spend more time in the fresh air, use all kinds of protective creams, etc.

Another harmful factor is the habit of active facial expressions. It is this that causes the appearance of premature wrinkles on the face, which over the years

They only become deeper and clearer. Therefore, always try to watch your facial expressions.

To summarize, it can be noted that after 50 years, the main way to care for facial skin should be not so much the constant use of creams, masks, etc., but rather leading a healthy lifestyle. Although who said that this advice is not suitable for 20-year-old girls?

Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of men and women seeking help from plastic surgeons to improve their appearance. A young and well-groomed face nowadays is the key to success in almost all areas of activity, so a circular face and neck lift is gradually becoming one of the most common plastic surgeries in Russia.

Unfortunately, aging of the soft tissues of the face is inevitable and is part of the body’s natural general biological changes. First of all, the following anatomical structures are subject to involutional changes: skin, fatty body of the cheek (Bishat's lump), superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS system).

Age-related changes are largely due to a decrease in the supporting collagen structures in soft tissues and the effect of gravity on them. As a result, tissues sag downwards - eyebrows, upper and lower eyelids, cheeks. Infraorbital and nasolabial grooves are formed and deepened. Age-related changes also affect the neck - the skin becomes flabby, horizontal wrinkles form, and the cervical-mental angle disappears. Various somatic diseases, exposure to harmful environmental factors and bad habits can accelerate the aging process of facial soft tissues. Thus, under the influence of a complex of reasons, by the age of 40, facial wrinkles are formed in the forehead, eyes, nasolabial, infraorbital furrows, the oval of the face changes, and then it becomes clear that even professional cosmetological care is not enough.

History of the facelift

  • 1906 - the first mention of surgical correction of age-related changes in the soft tissues of the face
  • 1926 - a technique for excision of excess skin around the eyes and temporal areas is described
  • 1974 - the facelift technique was described, during which plastic surgery was carried out not only of the skin, but also of the muscular-fascial complex
  • 1976 - the anatomy of the musculoaponeurotic layer was described in detail and the term SMAS (subcutaneous musculoaponeurotic system) was introduced.
  • 1979 - a technique for subperiosteal skin tightening of the forehead and middle third of the face is described; a method for moving composite (multicomponent) flaps has been developed
  • 1982 - a method for resection and fixation of SMAS was developed

Since then, numerous modifications and combinations of facelift methods have continued to develop. Modern knowledge and many years of scientific and practical research into the anatomy of the human face have made facelift surgery as effective and safe as possible.

When is a facelift indicated?

As a rule, at the age of 40-50 years, the skin of the face and neck is significantly susceptible to stretching and sagging. Sometimes, due to individual characteristics, serious correction of appearance is required at an earlier age (premature aging at 30-35 years). Of course, there is also a non-surgical method of tightening with Aptos threads, but it works effectively when there is no need to move large excess skin. Lifting surgery, or facelift, allows you to influence the soft tissues of the face and neck, successfully eliminating any manifestations of age-related changes, even if they are severe.

Indications for surgery

  • Sagging forehead and eyebrow skin
  • Formation of wrinkles in the bridge of the nose
  • Ptosis of the eyelids
  • Pronounced wrinkles in the temporomygomatic region
  • Drooping of the outer corners of the eyes
  • Deep vertical wrinkles on the cheeks
  • Deep nasolabial folds
  • Ptosis of the soft tissues of the cheeks below the edge of the lower jaw (“jowls”)
  • "Double chin
  • Formation of pronounced wrinkles and folds on the neck


  • Severe diseases of internal organs
  • Infectious diseases
  • Oncological diseases

Preoperative preparation of the patient

  • 2 weeks before surgery, do not take medications that affect blood clotting (for example, aspirin, cough suppressants)
  • The day before surgery, spend a “fasting” day (light food in small quantities)
  • The morning before surgery, do not eat or drink anything.
  • Bleeding disorders


A circular face and neck lift is a long operation (4-5 hours) requiring general anesthesia - inhalation anesthesia. Lifting of individual areas of the face, for example, the forehead and eyebrows, can be performed under local anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia.


During the operation, by removing excess skin and tightening it, strengthening deep-lying muscular aponeurotic structures (SMAS tightening), and using the liposuction method, it is possible to eliminate large folds and wrinkles, improve the oval of the face and correct age-related changes in the neck area. It should be noted that isolated skin tightening without affecting the SMAS structures, if necessary, gives a short-term aesthetic result.

Endoscopic facelift

Endoscopic lifting is a modern facelift technique. All surgical procedures during endoscopic lifting are performed with thin fiber-optic endoscopes. Endoscopes are passed under the skin through 4-5 micro-incisions (up to 1 cm long) located on the scalp. Endoscopic facelift is usually used to tighten the skin of the upper third of the face. It can be used to tighten the midsection in individuals with minimal soft tissue sagging.

Postoperative period

  • Hospital stay 2-3 days
  • In the postoperative period, it is necessary to wear a special compression mask for a week
  • Postoperative swelling reaches its peak on days 2–3 after surgery and subsides by the end of the first week.
  • The sutures in front of the ears are removed on days 6-7 (to form a flat, invisible scar), in the scalp - on days 10 after surgery
  • You can wash your hair a week after surgery, dye your hair - after a month
  • One week after surgery, you can use decorative cosmetics
  • After 10-14 days the patient can return to his workplace
  • No sports (heavy loads) for 1.5 months
  • You can sunbathe and visit the sauna after 1 month
  • After 3-4 weeks, to achieve better results, it is advisable to conduct a course of lymphatic drainage massage; before this time, facial massage is contraindicated
  • The final result of the operation is formed by the end of the second month, when the swelling of the skin finally disappears


Most likely complications:

  • Swelling of the facial skin and bruises - mild when using fibrin glue, go away on their own
  • Skin pigmentation - occurs in patients with sensitive and delicate skin due to intradermal hemorrhages, disappears on its own within six months after surgery
  • Temporary hair loss around skin incisions in the scalp, subsequently their growth is restored independently

Rare complications:

  • Bleeding in the postoperative period -1%
  • Necrosis of the edges of skin flaps - less than 1% (the risk of occurrence increases in chronic smokers and elderly patients)
  • Damage to the branches of the facial nerve
  • Weakness of individual facial muscles - less than 1% (disappears on its own within 3-6 months)
  • Damage to the branches of the ear nerve, temporary loss of earlobe sensitivity - less than 1%
  • Infection of postoperative wounds
  • Hypertrophic scars occur when the patient has an individual tendency to form rough scars


A circular face and neck lift will help patients look 7-8 years younger. The final result largely depends on the patient’s age, the initial condition of the skin, the presence of concomitant diseases and bad habits, and lifestyle characteristics (work, nutrition, etc.). The same factors will determine the duration of the anti-aging effect after surgery. Repeated facelifts can be carried out at intervals of 5-10 years. Therapeutic cosmetic procedures significantly delay the period of reoperation. Mesotherapy, photorejuvenation, lymphatic drainage massage and masks consolidate the results for many years and prevent the recurrence of ptosis of the soft tissues of the face and deep wrinkles.

After facelift surgery, a light sterile gauze pad will be placed over the incision areas and secured with an elastic bandage around the head. The bandage is also fixed to the chin - this will prevent it from slipping. If the bandage is too tight, you can ask the doctor or nurse to loosen it. The bandage will be changed the day after surgery. During dressing, the wound is surgically treated with various antiseptic solutions. If blood leaks through the bandage, this should not be a cause for concern. This happens quite often - just call a nurse and she will solve this problem.


During the tightening, one or two drains are installed with a bulb designed to collect ichor; however, drains are not always necessary. If drainage is not installed, the liquid is gradually absorbed by the body. It is important to keep the bulbs compressed to maintain negative pressure. To do this, open the valve, squeeze the air out of the bulb, and then close the valve while the bulb is compressed. While drains help remove excess fluid, they also increase the risk of infection, making it especially important to take the prescribed antibiotics. After a facelift, drains are usually removed during dressing the day after surgery.

Teeth and hair care

After facelift surgery, your hair will be processed before a bandage is applied. It is recommended to refrain from washing your hair for the first 48 hours after surgery. This measure is taken to protect the suture area and prevent bleeding from them. If you dye your hair, we hope you have done this before your facelift, as it may take 4 to 8 weeks before your doctor allows you to dye it again (preparing for facelift surgery). After facelift surgery, you may have difficulty opening your mouth. In these cases, use a children's toothbrush and mouthwash.


During the entire recovery period after a facelift, it is recommended to start eating with a liquid diet, with a gradual transition to soft foods and familiar foods. However, if surgery was done through the mouth, your doctor may place restrictions on certain foods. Juice, jelly, broth, and yogurt are all good foods to start with. (Yogurt is especially beneficial because it balances the balance of natural bacteria in your gut, which can be disrupted by taking antibiotics.)


The recommended rest after facelift surgery does not mean bed rest. However, returning to work too quickly, with its stress, will negatively affect the healing process. The less you strain after a facelift, the faster the period of complete healing will occur. No physical activity, bending over, sex or physical stress. Leave all this for a period of a week to two after the operation. Any factor that increases your blood pressure increases your risk of bleeding and a hematoma. Get detailed advice from your doctor if your blood pressure increases.

Edema and hematoma

Facial swelling is common after surgery. This is especially pronounced 2-3 days after facelift surgery. Sometimes this is accompanied by swelling around the eyes. However, no need to worry. From this moment on, the swelling will subside. Bruising may appear - these are all stages of the natural healing process. Cold compresses should be applied for 20 minutes and a break of 20 minutes during the entire period of wakefulness. This procedure reduces swelling and reduces discomfort. Ice should not be placed directly on the skin of the face as the skin's temperature sensitivity may still be impaired and this may cause skin damage. Positioning in bed with your head and shoulders elevated also reduces swelling after a facelift.

If you find areas of compaction in the cheeks or under the chin, then do not worry. This is a natural process and over time these areas will dissolve. If a purple color appears and the swelling increases in size, contact your doctor immediately. You need to make sure that it is not a hematoma. During the recovery period, the hematoma changes color from blue to purple then to green and yellow before. The use of arnica and vitamin K preparations is recommended, which reduce swelling and bruising. However, before using them, you should consult with the operating surgeon. The hematoma completely disappears 1-2 weeks after the operation and you will already begin to enjoy your new appearance.


Some of the stitches placed during a facelift are removed after 5 days. Other sutures, typically placed in high-tension areas, may remain in place longer. These seams are well hidden in the hair and provide additional support. Such sutures are removed 10-14 days after the facelift surgery. The suture after the operation will look normal after two weeks, but its color will remain pink for a longer period. Local therapy with special ointments and some types of physical therapy are used to improve the appearance of the suture.


After a facelift, you will have areas of decreased sensitivity for some time. Sensitivity will return within a few weeks to months. Be careful as reduced skin sensitivity carries the risk of burns from cold compresses, curling irons, and hair dryers. Some patients experience discomfort in the ear area. It is possible that blood may have leaked into the outer ear opening during the facelift surgery and needs to be cleaned out. Sometimes, irritation of a nerve located in the neck (the greater auditory nerve) can cause discomfort after surgery.

Having decided to undergo rhytidectomy - a facelift - you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, the pros and cons of this operation. The first adviser in this matter is a plastic surgeon, who, after examining the condition of the skin, will determine which methods will be most effective in achieving the goals. The level of development of postoperative complications depends on the chosen methods and techniques.

There are expected postoperative side effects that always occur after surgical interventions, since the very fact of intrusion into the body’s functioning causes an immediate response on its part to outside intervention. You need to be prepared for such consequences. Usually these are bruises, microhematomas and swelling.

However, there are complications of a completely different kind that require urgent treatment and can even threaten the patient’s life. The absence of serious complications after a facelift and the comfortable course of the recovery period are largely due to the degree of professional training of the surgeon. But nevertheless, surgeons are not gods, and the patient must be aware of possible risks and complications in order to be psychologically prepared. As the ancient sages said: “praemonitus, praemunitus” - forewarned is forearmed.

Classification of complications after rhytidectomy

Thus, all complications are divided into:

  • predicted (early);
  • late ones are heavy.

Early complications include:

  • swelling;
  • bruises;
  • microhematomas.

Predicted or early complications usually do not pose serious concerns and, as a rule, go away on their own within a few days.

Tissue swelling occurs as a reaction of the body to a violation of tissue integrity. Swelling occurs even with the most minor surgical interventions. Edema is the accumulation of fluid in facial tissues or in the space between tissues. The cause of edema is the accumulation of lymph as a result of the active work of the human immune system, which tries to minimize the consequences of surgery.

Much less often, postoperative inflammatory processes can be the cause of edema. As a rule, swelling as a result of inflammatory processes is accompanied by high temperature and local hyperemia of the skin.

Advanced edema can be a serious inflammatory process and have unpleasant consequences, so you need to know how to quickly eliminate it.

Bruises and microhematomas appear a day later and are often postoperative accompaniments of edema. To prevent the development of persistent swelling and bruising, cold compresses should be applied and held for 20 minutes, every 20 minutes.

Compresses will help reduce swelling and bruising, as well as reduce the level of discomfort in the facial area. It should be noted that the ice is not applied directly to the skin, but is placed in a special container like a heating pad. Helps quickly eliminate swelling - sleep on a high pillow with your head elevated.

Late complications include:

  • bleeding;
  • hematomas;
  • seromas;
  • damage to the facial nerves;
  • flap necrosis;
  • infection and suppuration of wounds;
  • formation of hypertrophic scar tissue;
  • hair loss along the suture line;
  • deformation of the auricle;
  • damage to the parotid glands.

Bleeding is the result of damage to blood vessels during surgery. This complication is often accompanied by pain and swelling. To eliminate bleeding, coagulation of damaged vessels is carried out, as well as inspection of suspicious areas that can cause bleeding. As a result of bleeding, hematomas may occur. Certain people experience bleeding more often than others. These people are at increased risk of bleeding because they have problems with blood clotting.

Hematomas are the most common complications after a facelift. Hematomas develop during the first days after surgery. The reason for the formation of hematomas is:

  • high blood pressure;
  • bleeding disorders as a result of taking certain medications;
  • damage to blood vessels.

Hematoma is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain;
  • increase in tissue volume (edema);
  • feeling of tension;
  • pulsations;
  • redness or bluishness of the skin.

In most cases, hematomas disappear without a trace, without causing more serious complications.

Small hematomas are punctured using a needle that is inserted through the surgical wound. Large hematomas require repeated surgical intervention to identify the cause of bleeding and reliably stop it. Treatment of hematoma consists of removing blood clots, washing the wound and electrocoagulation of damaged vessels. It is necessary to re-introduce drainage and apply a compression bandage.

Untimely treatment of a hematoma can lead to very serious consequences, for example, necrosis of the skin flap. This happens in the case of a rapidly growing hematoma. In addition, the accumulation of fluid is an excellent environment for the growth of microorganisms, which contributes to infection and suppuration of postoperative wounds.

Like a hematoma, seroma develops in the first hours and days after surgery. The causes of gray are as follows:

  • damage to lymphatic vessels;
  • the occurrence of inflammatory processes in areas of damaged tissue;
  • high blood pressure;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes.

To prevent the development of this complication, it is necessary to carefully examine the patient before surgery for contraindications to the operation or to eliminate causes that could cause complications in the future.

Small seromas resolve on their own. In other cases, puncture or vacuum aspiration is performed to remove fluid, followed by the installation of drainage tubes in the wound.

Damage to the facial nerves is a very common complication after a facelift. As a rule, the greater auricular nerve is damaged, which is easily found at the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. In this area, the skin flap becomes thinner. Symptoms of nerve damage include intense bleeding. Attempts to restore the nerve are not always successful. Failures provoke additional symptoms in the form of local sensitivity disorders and the formation of a neuroma.

Damage to the motor nerves also occurs, which can lead to paralysis or paresis of part of the face. This is an unfortunate outcome for both the patient and the surgeon. During the operation, it is impossible to know that the nerve has been damaged, but if the surgeon notices this, then it is necessary to try to eliminate its damage by anastomotization (connection).

Fortunately, practice shows that most motor nerve injuries recover on their own over time. But if recovery does not occur within one year, then facial tissue reconstruction can be performed: eyebrow lifting and eyelid restoration procedures.

Skin flap necrosis develops as a result of:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • excessive tissue tension when applying a suture;
  • improper flap planning;
  • damage to the subcutaneous plexus;
  • some autoimmune and systemic diseases;
  • smoking.

Most often, necrosis occurs in the postauricular and anterior auricular zones. If a facelift is performed at a deeper level with relocation of the SMAS complex, then in this case the risk of necrosis is much less, since a more intensively blood-supplied flap is created and its tension is reduced when suturing the edges of the wound.

Repeated mention of the negative impact of nicotine on the condition of blood vessels and blood supply is not for the sake of a nice word. The risk of developing necrosis in smokers prevails. Studies have shown that in heavy smokers, skin necrosis occurs 13 times more often than in non-smoking patients.

Diseases such as diabetes mellitus and vascular diseases of connective tissue can cause circulatory problems and require serious treatment before surgery.

Necrosis is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • changes in skin color;
  • numbness of part of the face;
  • deterioration of general condition;
  • changes in temperature indicators;
  • tachycardia;
  • swelling of tissues.

Therapeutic actions consist of daily treatment of the affected area with hydrogen peroxide and the use of antibacterial ointment. A course of antibiotic therapy is also mandatory. With the second tissue tension, the necrotic areas heal well. To improve the condition of an area with necrosis, constant monitoring and care of this area is required.

Infection and suppuration of wounds develop, as a rule, as a result of a hematoma that is not completely cured. And also due to necrosis of the edges of postoperative wounds. To resolve this problem, follow these steps:

  • regular wound treatment with aseptic solutions;
  • use of drainage systems;
  • using a course of antibiotic therapy.

The formation of hypertrophic scar tissue occurs as a result of suturing the skin flap with excessive tension. The process of formation of scar tissue hypertrophy appears two weeks after surgery. The cosmetic seam begins to harden, becomes denser and thicker. Such metamorphoses strikingly distinguish it from normal skin. Treatment involves the use of hormone therapy (steroid injections) and cosmetic hardware procedures (laser, mechanical resurfacing) that can smooth out the scar and make it even with the skin. Surgical treatment of scars is used in the most extreme cases.

Hair loss along the suture line. Unevenness of the incision line can contribute to hair loss in the temple area and along the edges of hair growth where the incisions were made. Hair loss comes in two forms:

  • local;
  • generalized.

With local hair loss, the areas are located in the temporal and post-auricular areas. The causes of hair loss lie in damage to the layer of skin in which the hair follicles are located. Hair in the temporal region can be restored by transplanting a micrograft. Sometimes the hair follicles can regrow on their own, but if the flap is sutured with excessive tension and the hair follicles are damaged, the hair will not grow back. Hair restoration should occur approximately six months after surgery. If their recovery has not occurred during this time, then you can think about their transplantation.

A generalized form of hair loss develops as a result of a stressful situation. As a rule, a predisposition to general alopecia occurs in women with weak hair follicles.

Deformation of the auricle, or otherwise “satyr’s ear” or “devil’s ear,” occurs if the auricle is positioned incorrectly. As the ear heals, it droops, which contributes to its deformation. The best way to eliminate the defect is V-Y plastic surgery, but this can only be done six months after the main plastic surgery.

Damage to the parotid glands is very rare. The complication is eliminated by suturing the accessible part of the SMAS flap. If fluid accumulates, the area is aspirated, drainage tubes are placed, and a rigid bandage is then applied.

Psychological risks after rhytidectomy

Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body and it is natural that the patient may encounter psychological problems. There are times when the operation was performed flawlessly, but the patient is not happy with his “new face.” Even before the operation, each patient chooses a certain standard of appearance, what he wants to achieve. Striving to live up to his ideal in everything, he does not think about how the fictional ideal harmonizes with his own external data.

Sometimes some inadequate individuals fall into their own trap of “searching for the ideal appearance” and are constantly trying to fix something about themselves. Unfortunately, we all understand well what this leads to, and there are a lot of faces that look like frozen masks among public and ordinary people.

In addition, the patient must get used to his new image, and this adaptation may be accompanied by difficulties of a psychological nature. Relatives and friends, as well as work colleagues, may not accept the new appearance, which can cause disappointment in the person. In addition, a new image forms in a person a new model of social behavior. Therefore, having decided on facial plastic surgery, you need to visit not only a surgeon, but also a psychotherapist for psychological support.

How to avoid complications?

Having decided on facial plastic surgery, you need to organize yourself to get a good result.

  1. First, you must clearly define your goals: why you are doing plastic surgery and what you want to achieve with it. Being like someone is not a reason to go on the operating table. Also, don't dream about the impossible. We must remember that not a single plastic surgery can turn back time and give a woman back the face of a 25-year-old girl. The human body is aging - this is embedded in its biological program, the ultimate goal of which is slow extinction and involutionary degradation of the personality, and the elixir of youth has not yet been invented. But we have the power to stop the aging process, smooth it out and refresh the external characteristics of the skin.
  2. Secondly, when deciding on facial plastic surgery, you need to know exactly your true state of health. This will help to avoid unforeseen complications and unpleasant moments in the future. After all, when dreaming of plastic surgery, everyone wants a good result with minimal risks. If the price of plastic surgery is your own health, then what is the point of it? No wonder they say that if there is health, then there is hope, and if there is hope, then there is everything. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination to identify contraindications to the operation. Also, do not lie in front of the surgeon and keep secrets about your chronic diseases and current state of health.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and follow his advice in everything. At this interval of life, he is your God. Listen to his advice in the preoperative period and under no circumstances violate the postoperative regimen, do not skip scheduled examinations and visits to the doctor.
  4. Fourth, choose an experienced professional. Do not be led by advertising and marketing gimmicks when choosing an aesthetic clinic and doctor. Make sure personally that the surgeon has experience in the field of practice and has performed a sufficient number of similar operations. Recommendations from girlfriends, friends and acquaintances, as well as queues outside his office, are the best indicator of his professional training.