When is computed tomography used for the nose and sinuses? CT scan of the paranasal sinuses Computer tomography of the sinuses.

> CT scan of the throat and larynx

CT scan of the throat and larynx is a popular diagnostic method for examining this part of the body. It is based on the unique property of x-rays, which passes through human soft tissue and allows them to be visualized. The device takes several pictures at intervals of 1 to 3 mm in several projections. The obtained data is combined by a special computer program, after which a two- or three-dimensional image is created.

Layered images are the best opportunity to examine in detail the structural features of the organ. Thus, the doctor will not only detect the pathology, but also learn about its exact location and size. During the procedure, the observation area includes:

  • upper respiratory tract,
  • thyroid and parathyroid glands,
  • soft tissues and blood vessels.

The main task is to identify the disease, make or confirm a diagnosis, and monitor the dynamics of the development of the disease as a result of treatment.


A CT scan of the throat and larynx is prescribed if the following diseases are suspected:

  1. Laryngeal edema, stenosis.
  2. Tumors of the thyroid gland, soft tissues, and larynx.
  3. Adenomas, cysts, hyperplasia of bone-jaw structures.
  4. Detection of vascular pathologies in this area: aneurysms, wall detachment, thrombosis, stenosis.
  5. Changes in the lymph nodes.

Scanning is also carried out in the preoperative period to obtain an accurate picture of the anatomical features and to highlight the surgical area. After the operation, the doctor checks how the healing is progressing and whether any complications have arisen. Typically, an oncologist, surgeon or ENT specialist directs such an examination in cases where there is doubt about the diagnosis or to accurately detect a tumor in the soft tissues.


Scanning is prohibited for pregnant women, patients with myeloma and diseases of the endocrine system. For children under 14 years of age, CT is performed only for serious reasons, but it is still recommended to use MRI for diagnosis.

If you plan to use a contrast agent, the list of contraindications expands. The obstacle to examination becomes:

  • Kidney and heart failure
  • Allergic reactions to contrast components
  • Serious liver disease

The examination is difficult in persons with inappropriate behavior and hyperkinesis. Some devices have patient weight restrictions of up to 130 or 150 kg.


For examinations without contrast, no preparation is needed. The patient arrives at the appointed time, changes into suitable clothes and lies down on the tomograph table. If contrast is expected, then it is necessary to abstain from food for 4-6 hours before scanning. A few days before the procedure, a biochemical blood test is taken from the person to identify allergic reactions.

Clothing for the examination should be spacious, comfortable, and not restrict movement. Make sure there are no metal or other inserts that could distort the examination results. If necessary, you will be given a disposable kit at the clinic.

How do they do it?

The patient lies down on the tomograph table. Contrast is administered intravenously (if necessary). In some cases, the head is fixed with special straps to prevent involuntary movements. After a few minutes the device starts working. This is accompanied by noise and crackling. The doctor and nurses are in the next room, they observe what is happening through a special window. The patient communicates with the medical staff through the microphone built into the device. If a person feels discomfort, he can always tell his doctor about it. The procedure takes from 10 to 20 minutes.

Using Contrast

Contrast is used for more accurate visualization of blood vessels and soft tissues. The substance colors the vessels, making them more visible in photographs. This allows you to see the work of even the smallest capillaries, detect pathologies and problems in their operation. Contrast is especially necessary if a tumor is suspected - with its help you can not only identify a tumor, but also accurately determine its location, size, and nature. The fact is that tumors have their own blood supply system, which differs from normal. All this is clearly visible in the finished photographs.

Advantages of the method

  • Survey speed
  • High diagnostic accuracy
  • Possibility of obtaining a three-dimensional image
  • Affordable price

Possible risks

Any x-ray examination has a certain effect on the body. CT is a minimal radiation exposure and is completely safe when used once. However, a certain amount of time must pass between two such examinations. Frequent exposure to radiation means an increased risk of developing tumors and pathologies. Due to the sensitivity of the growing body to radiation exposure, such examination is not performed on pregnant women and young children.

Another risk is an allergy to the contrast agent. In rare cases, during scanning, an inadequate reaction of the body to the components of the drug develops. To prevent this, antihistamines are available in every CT room.


The closest alternative to computed tomography is MRI. This is a safe, non-invasive method that is also suitable for examining children. The only limitation is the presence of metal implants in the body. Another technique is MSCT, which is also performed using x-rays. However, the radiation dose is even lower than with conventional computed tomography. The convenience is that the examination can be carried out repeatedly in a short period of time.

The simplest and most accessible way to diagnose pathologies of the larynx is traditional ultrasound, which cannot boast of high image resolution, but it is quite possible to visualize the main structures of this area. The most modern technique is PET CT, the main advantage of which is monitoring the organ dynamics in real time.


The price of a CT scan of the throat and larynx depends on many factors: whether contrast is used, scanning is performed on modern or outdated equipment. The price also includes recording the received data to disk and decrypting it. The cost of the examination, therefore, ranges from 3 to 7 thousand rubles. MRI is in approximately the same price niche. But MSCT will cost a little more. It is carried out using innovative equipment, which itself is not cheap. The cost of the procedure ranges from 4 to 8 thousand rubles.

The most affordable diagnostic method is ultrasound, the price of which usually does not exceed 2 thousand rubles. The record holder for cost is PET CT. You will have to pay 20-30 thousand rubles for it. This is explained by the low prevalence of diagnostics, the long procedure and the maximum information content of the images.

Human speech is one of the main parameters that distinguishes a person from an animal. The vocal cords are located in the throat, inside the larynx, to be more precise. If you injure your neck, do not treat thyroid diseases, or are inattentive to your health and feelings, you can miss the development of a tumor that will affect the vocal cords, leaving the person mute. One of the convenient and informative research methods used in medicine today is CT of the throat and larynx.

CT (computed tomography) is a non-invasive method of studying the condition of the patient’s body. It is based on the same principles as X-rays. The main difference: more than a million images are taken during the study, so the radiation intensity in CT is much lower.

History of the creation of the tomograph

X-rays penetrate the human body without being reflected or scattered. They are then taken to a digital detector, which creates an image. Passing through tissues of different densities, radiation is partially absorbed, and the denser the tissue, the more radiation it can absorb. Each such image is a section of the body at a certain angle. After computer processing of all images, a three-dimensional three-dimensional model of the organ or vascular system being studied is obtained.

The idea of ​​taking multiple x-rays of one area of ​​the body came from physicist Allan McLeod Cormack. In his work, he studied the effect of radiation in the treatment of patients with malignant tumors. He needed to calculate the exact radiation dose required for the patient. To do this, it was necessary, first of all, to understand what dose of radiation would be absorbed before it reached the tumor. But this was impossible, because at that time there was no accurate data on the amount of X-ray radiation absorbed by the tissues of the body.

Before a CT scan, an ultrasound or x-ray is usually prescribed.

X-rays showed only the overall effect of the beam passing through the tissue, and it was not possible to find out how much radiation was absorbed, for example, by skin and muscle. All this created the greatest difficulties during X-rays of the head - behind the dense bones of the skull, which absorbed the main dose of radiation, the soft tissues of the brain were not visible.

Then Allan Cormack decided to compare pictures in which the X-rays would be directed at the same point, but at different angles. After receiving a series of images, Cormack developed a mathematical algorithm that allowed him to process the data obtained.

In the course of further research, he anticipated the idea of ​​a modern tomograph. As an object of study, he used an aluminum tube, inside of which there was a wooden block. He rotated this tube at different angles, taking a picture with each rotation of the object. His experiments not only made it possible to examine the structure of the tree, but also found places of non-uniform density in the tube itself.

The device of a modern tomograph

Thanks to the rapid development of computers, it has become possible to quickly process data when scanning an object or human body. And if Cormack presented the first results in the form of graphs, then computer calculations converted them into images.

The tomograph consists of four main parts:

During the examination, the patient lies motionless on a special couch, and the radiation source and detector rotate around him, taking hundreds of pictures. The dose of harmful radiation required to obtain each image is several times less than to obtain one x-ray image. But, since a CT scan takes more than a hundred pictures, the patient is exposed to the same radiation exposure as an ordinary x-ray.

Advantages, disadvantages and limitations of the CT method

The undoubted advantages of the method include:

  • This is a research method that does not injure the patient, that is, it does not require making incisions on his body;
  • the pictures are informative, contrasting, clear;
  • possibility of three-dimensional visualization;
  • images are obtained quickly, so biopsies can be performed under CT guidance;
  • the study can be carried out in patients with fixed metal prostheses;
  • the opportunity to assess not only the size of organs and their relative position, but also their structural features.

Disadvantages of the method:

The method also has a number of limitations:

  • obese people weighing more than 120 - 130 kg will not fit into the tomograph;
  • it is impossible to evaluate the work of the organ, since the images are static;
  • kidney disease, liver disease, heart failure and bronchial asthma in a patient

Application areas of CT

Thanks to the operating principles of the device described above, it is possible to perform CT scans of soft tissues, internal organs, neck and larynx, spine, and blood vessels. In this article we will take a detailed look at the indications for which a CT scan of the larynx is performed. The contrast turns blood vessels and soft tissues bright red in the images. Among other things, the effect of contrast is to eliminate the appearance of artifacts in the images from the soft tissues of the neck. Thanks to this, even the tiniest capillaries can be examined in the images obtained during the study and a tumor or pathology can be detected in them.

Tumors are clearly visible in contrast-enhanced scans because they typically have their own blood supply and the contrast quickly reaches it. Moreover, such a circulatory system differs from a healthy one.

Laryngitis is a reason to perform a CT scan.

CT scan of the larynx

The larynx is located between the pharynx and trachea at the level of 4–7 cervical vertebrae. The framework of the larynx consists of cartilage, to which the vocal cords (near the trachea) and muscles are attached. Thus, it turns out that the anatomy of the larynx allows us to speak and make sounds. The larynx has a developed network of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves. Its inner surface is covered with mucus, which consists mainly of stratified ciliated epithelium.

Computed tomography of the pharynx and larynx is performed only with contrast. Without it, the research will be uninformative. Before performing the study, the doctor will interview the patient, collect the necessary medical history, and review the test results. Then he will tell you how the procedure will go and what the patient may feel at each stage of the scan. He will pay special attention to contraindications and adverse reactions. After making sure that the patient has no contraindications to the study, the doctor will give permission to carry out the diagnosis.

Upon entering the office, the patient removes all his clothing, jewelry, watches and removable dentures. He is given a hospital gown and placed on a special moving couch, a catheter with saline solution is inserted into a vein, and he is fastened with belts. Belts are necessary to prevent the patient from accidentally moving. When the tomograph is turned on, contrast begins to flow into the vein. The scanning procedure takes from 10 to 20 minutes, during which the patient must lie motionless inside the operating tomograph.

The main discomfort during the study is usually caused by:

  • inability to move;
  • sensations close to panic due to the confined space inside the device;
  • noise and hum of a working device, comparable to a tractor engine.

Before the contrast agent is administered, the patient is prohibited from eating or drinking for 2 hours. Immediately after completing the study, this prohibition is lifted. The only exceptions are individual cases, which will be reported by the attending physician or the doctor working directly with the tomograph.

According to the law, the patient must sign informed consent for all medical and diagnostic procedures before the scan is performed. This document will once again spell out all the contraindications and adverse reactions that the patient may encounter.

A CT scan of the larynx is prescribed in the following cases:

  • enlargement of the thyroid gland of unknown origin;
  • suspicion of tumor formation in the soft tissues or larynx;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • stenosis;
  • hyperplasia of the bone-jaw structures;
  • various pathologies of blood vessels in the neck;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • purulent discharge from the throat;
  • labored breathing;
  • in case of head and neck injury, it is prescribed in conjunction with a CT scan of the neck;
  • for severe tonsillitis and other viral diseases

Contraindications to CT of the larynx coincide with the contraindications and limitations of the method that are described above.

The examination is carried out on an empty stomach. You must stop eating 8 hours before the examination.

Alternative diagnostic methods

Alternative research methods for CT of the larynx can be ultrasound (ultrasound) or magnetic resonance imaging. The fundamentals of the methods are fundamentally different: ultrasound uses the ability of sound to pass through soft tissues and be reflected from them, while MRI uses a magnetic field. The images produced by ultrasound depend on the skill of the doctor and the rotation of the sensor in the area of ​​interest, which shows a biased picture. In MRI this factor is absent, since the device operates automatically.

The doctor must choose the optimal method after weighing all the indications, contraindications and circumstances. It is impossible to say exactly what will be best for the patient. Each case is unique and requires a serious approach.

Computed tomography of the larynx- a modern method of radiation diagnostics, which is carried out to obtain information about the morphological state of the larynx, lymphatic and blood vessels, the presence of neoplasms, tumors, foreign bodies and other pathologies located in the larynx.

Diagnostics is able to visualize the area under study in detail thanks to three-dimensional images. The thickness of the sections is 0.2-0.9 mm.

Video about CT scan of the throat and larynx

What does it show

A CT scan of the throat and larynx can detect many pathologies, the main ones of which are:

  • Disturbance of lymphatic and blood vessels;
  • Tumor of bone and soft tissue (location and size);
  • Inflammatory process;
  • Cyst;
  • Adenoma;
  • Various damages;
  • Destruction of throat cartilage;

Computed tomography provides an opportunity to examine the structure of bones, the hyoid bone and formations in the neck.

The clearest images can be achieved by using (injecting) a contrast agent. It is injected intravenously into the ulnar part of the arm.

Indications for use

As a rule, a CT scan of the pharynx and larynx is prescribed by the attending physician if the presence of a particular pathology is suspected, information about which is not possible to obtain in any other way (by other diagnostics). Main indications for the purpose of the study:

  • Damage to the neck, which may affect the functioning of internal organs;
  • Deviations from the norm in the development of any internal organ;
  • Suspicions of a benign or malignant tumor;
  • Presence of a tumor. In this case, diagnostics are carried out to visualize the location of metastases, as well as to obtain all the necessary information about them;
  • Foreign bodies;
  • Cyst;
  • Inflammatory process in this area;
  • Thrombus;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Changes in the size of lymph nodes;


CT of the larynx has the following contraindications:

  • Pregnancy. Diagnosis is carried out using x-rays, which can affect the development of the fetus;
  • Claustrophobia. Closed-type CT scanners may have a negative effect on people with this disease;
  • Obesity. Each device has restrictions on the maximum body weight of the patient. An average device can conduct an examination on a patient with a maximum body weight of 120-150 kg;
  • Age. Children under 15 years of age are not recommended to undergo the study unless absolutely necessary;
  • Kidney problems, as a CT scan can have a negative impact on health.

It is also prohibited to enter the treatment room in the presence of metal objects, as they can affect the results and images.

How they do it

The whole procedure takes about 10-15 minutes. The patient enters the treatment room, having previously left all prohibited items, and lies down on the movable table of the tomograph, which in the process moves inside the ring. In some cases, the patient’s head and chest are secured with belts to prevent the occurrence of movements, since they can reduce the entire result to zero.

If the patient is given iodine-based contrast, the diagnosis will take up to 20-30 minutes. After intravenous administration of the substance, the patient may experience a metallic taste in the mouth and nausea.

During a CT scan, the patient is left alone, and all the doctors go into the next room, where they observe the procedure from behind a glass window.

After the examination, the patient almost immediately receives images, with which he is sent to a radiologist who specializes in interpreting the results.

Decryption takes a little longer: 20-40 minutes. With the resulting conclusion, the patient is sent to the attending physician who prescribed the CT scan to receive further “instructions.”

Differences between CT and MRI

CT and MRI serve different purposes and are completely different in operating principles: CT - x-rays, MRI - magnetic resonances. MRI is excellent at visualizing injuries and their consequences to the neck and larynx, while CT clearly visualizes hard objects and bones.

There is a noticeable difference in cost and time: the first has an average cost of 4100 and is carried out in 10-15 minutes, and the second is 5500 rubles and is carried out in 30-40 minutes.

CT scan of the throat and larynx helps to identify dangerous diseases and prescribe the best treatment methods. Before undergoing this diagnostic procedure, you should take tests and consult with your doctor. A CT scan of the larynx can detect serious diseases in the early stages.

What will a CT scan show?

Computed tomography of the larynx and throat shows a complete picture of the condition of the upper respiratory tract, as well as soft tissues and blood vessels. This study is usually prescribed when any controversial diagnosis is made. It is necessary to clarify or refute it. At the moment, modern diagnosis of the disease using CT of the larynx is highly valued. What the research shows will confirm or refute the diagnosis made in absentia. The procedure includes a complex set of measures involving analysis and assessment of all symptoms of diseases.

Device structure

The beam tube is equipped with a detector. These elements rotate regularly. In one revolution they can only illuminate a thin strip of fabric. Gradually, a complete picture will be formed when the system takes photographs of all the necessary areas. All photographs are taken in more than one projection, which allows us to examine the problem from all sides. Using built-in programs, the resulting image is gradually transformed.

Principle of using CT

Together with the deformed mucous membrane on the opposite background, the system displays absolutely healthy organs. Next, a detailed analysis of all deviations is performed. The received data is recorded by workers for further transmission to the doctor, who can decipher it. After analyzing the information, the specialist makes a decision on the further course of treatment.

Reasons to do a CT scan

The attending physician recommends a CT scan of the neck and larynx under the following circumstances:

  1. Severe neck injuries, which can lead to dangerous disruptions in the functioning of internal organs that need correction.
  2. Congenital disorders in the growth and development of any internal organs.
  3. The possibility of the appearance of benign tumors, suspicion of their degeneration into malignant ones.
  4. Growth of cancerous tumors.
  5. Study of the location of metastases, their size and possible progression.
  6. Determining the exact location of foreign bodies in the neck if they need to be removed surgically.
  7. Cystic formations of any internal parts of the neck.
  8. Disturbances in the functioning of the upper, any destructive processes, as well as all kinds of curvatures and injuries.
  9. Inflammatory processes of the neck of any complexity. Sometimes research is required even with ordinary sore throat. More often they consider the location of abscesses, all kinds of fluid accumulations due to infectious disorders of the structure of the tissues of internal organs.
  10. Formation of a diverticulum in the larynx, and, if necessary, check for these abnormalities in the upper parts of the esophagus.
  11. Vascular problems, including thrombosis or atherosclerosis, are examined in detail, especially for problems of unknown etiology.
  12. Enlarged lymph nodes, if the cause of this phenomenon cannot be argued.

CT safety

Computed tomography can indeed cause harm to the health of a living organism, but it is insignificant; no cases of pronounced disorders that resulted from a CT examination of the larynx were found. This research method is based on This phenomenon is recognized as relatively safe for human health if he is not constantly near the device without special protection.

Fear of undergoing the procedure is unfounded, so if necessary, you should not refuse this functional study. When performing a CT scan of the larynx, the price is moderate; the study costs about 4,000 rubles. Modern devices are created with a modified design, so the dose of direct radiation is even lower. It is allowed to carry out this study more than once, but no disturbances in the functioning of internal organs will occur.


  1. A CT scan of the larynx should not be performed on pregnant women. The fetus is sensitive to any dose of radiation, so you should not expose it to danger. This study is allowed to be carried out only in cases where the risk to the mother’s health is too great, and any delay could cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. A CT scan is not done if it can be done without it, when there is pain or hyperkinesis, that is, the patient does not control his movements, which are expressed in strong and intermittent twitching.
  3. Doctors do not recommend doing a CT scan with contrast during lactation, that is, while a woman is breastfeeding her baby. This warning is based on the fact that contrast radiation can penetrate and accumulate in breast milk. If a woman was forced to undergo a CT scan with contrast, then breastfeeding must be interrupted for at least 2 days. Before undergoing the procedure, you can strain out a little milk and leave it for the baby so that the temporary transition to formula is not too painful.
  4. Patients with renal failure are limited in their ability to obtain CT scans when needed. If the disturbances in kidney function are too striking, then this study is prohibited. Substances that enter the body as a result of this diagnostic procedure must be eliminated through the kidneys. If these organs cannot function properly, there is a risk of poisoning the body.
  5. People who are allergic to iodine are prohibited from performing the procedure.
  6. For diseases of the thyroid gland, CT is not performed in many cases, but if necessary, doctors allow the use of this diagnostic method. The possibility of worsening symptoms has been recorded. First, the level of thyroid hormones should be determined; if it is unsatisfactory, then CT is most often canceled.

Why do you need computed tomography with contrast?

This diagnostic procedure is sometimes performed with contrast. This is a special substance made from iodine, which helps to more clearly see all the internal structures of organs. This drug is administered intravenously to the patient before conducting a diagnostic study. When it spreads through the vessels, a specific color is visible on the display. The substance then accumulates in the tissues, helping to identify the affected structures. This substance is especially effective at staining tissues where there is a large blood flow, so with its help malignant tumors and inflammatory processes can be easily identified.

How is CT performed?

The patient sits on a retractable table, and the doctor monitors his body position.
A special ring starts when the device is turned on and moves around the patient. The person should not move at this time.

When performing a CT scan using a contrast agent, the drug is administered intravenously before starting the machine. Sometimes it should be taken orally. In this case, the doctor gives a special command, according to which the patient drinks the provided liquid.

When performing a CT scan of the throat and larynx, the price is small. The procedure is completely painless and safe if all tests have been completed before this study, and the patient has received the approval of the attending physician for this diagnostic method. The person will have a complete picture of the disease of the neck organs, and based on the identified data, he will be prescribed the most optimal treatment.

CT scan of the larynx is a relatively new method for studying the condition of soft tissues and bone structures in the throat area. A non-invasive study allows us to determine the structural features and occurrence of various pathologies of laryngeal tissue.

A study using computed tomography is a basic type of hardware diagnostics, which helps a specialist create a description of the structure of soft and hard tissues, allows them to be visualized without violating the integrity of the patient’s skin.

This type of research has the following advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • almost complete safety;
  • high speed of conduction.

Using tomography, a 3D model of the patient’s larynx anatomy is created, which allows the doctor to identify the source of destructive processes and make the correct diagnosis with concomitant treatment.

Indications and contraindications

The CT method of the neck and larynx is based on the work of X-rays, with the help of which a computer builds layer-by-layer images of the larynx and simulates a three-dimensional image for a full analysis of all structures of the neck.

This type of hardware research is carried out:

  • to identify the degree of injury to the trachea and associated tissues;
  • in the diagnosis of various formations of the larynx and diseases of the thyroid gland (tumors, cysts);
  • to assess the condition of the vascular system of the neck;
  • to determine the focus of inflammatory processes.

Although the method is based on the work of X-rays, the radiation dose is minimal, so CT is considered a safe research method.

There are several contraindications for which a specialist will select a different diagnostic method. This includes the period of bearing and feeding a child, childhood (up to 15 years), and the presence of implants with metal elements. If the patient is prescribed the use of contrast during the procedure, the list of contraindications and adverse reactions expands - contrast is not administered to patients with renal failure.

How to prepare for a CT scan of the larynx

CT scan of the throat and larynx is performed on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. If the procedure is scheduled for the afternoon, you must stop eating 8 hours before the test. No other methods of preparation for diagnosis are required.

To conduct a tomography, the patient should remove all metal parts of the wardrobe and report the presence of individual characteristics of the body (implants, mechanisms), then follow the doctor to the diagnostic room.

How is the examination carried out?

The patient lies down on the tomograph table and remains motionless until the end of the examination procedure. The procedure takes from 5 to 30 minutes, the time depends on the complexity of the body area being scanned and the need to use contrast.

CT of the larynx is a completely painless research method, therefore the patient must notify the radiologist via communication channel of any abnormalities or discomfort. For this purpose, the device has a microphone.

Using Contrast

Contrast is a substance that is introduced into the bloodstream of the human body and allows you to increase the clarity of the diagnostic result, as well as identify the slightest changes in blood vessels and soft tissues. This makes it possible to see the development of malignant tumors at the initial stage of formation.

Tomography of the larynx with contrast is prescribed to identify inflammatory foci and neoplasms, since such pathologies are accompanied by changes in the vascular network. The result of a CT scan with contrast visualizes all such changes and makes it possible to detect cancerous formations, cysts, stenosis, aneurysms or other abnormalities.

CT with functional tests

This type of tomography is used to study the base of the tongue, tonsils, vocal cords and other tissues of the neck. CT scan of the larynx with samples is an important method for studying dysfunction of the speech apparatus.

The study is carried out as a standard tomography, but the patient must pronounce the sound “and” during the specified periods.

What does a CT scan of the throat and larynx show?

During the diagnostic process, the tomograph collects data on the condition of the soft tissues and organs of the pharynx and larynx: the upper respiratory tract, the vascular system, the thyroid and parathyroid glands, and the cervical spine.

Pathologies detected using tomography:

  • various injuries or structural anomalies;
  • tumors and neoplasms of various nature;
  • diseases of the vascular system;
  • foci of inflammation;
  • swelling of the throat or enlarged lymph nodes of unknown etiology.

Computed tomography of the larynx is prescribed to the patient to clarify or confirm a preliminary diagnosis, for the purpose of diagnosing cancer and other neoplasms.

Decoding the research results

After the tomography, the radiologist compares the scan results with baseline indicators and identifies various abnormalities. Within a few hours, the patient receives a specialist’s report with photographic materials, which must be presented to the doctor who ordered the study.

Based on computed tomography, the cause of pain or swelling, difficulty breathing or the sensation of a lump in the throat is clarified, and the cause of impaired blood flow in the brain and other organs of the head is identified.

Advantages of the method

Computed tomography is considered a new generation research method, and therefore has a number of significant advantages over conventional diagnostics in the form of x-rays or ultrasound:

  • speed of the procedure;
  • non-invasive;
  • minimum level of radiation;
  • effectiveness of results in the form of a 3D model;
  • the introduction of contrast reflects the slightest changes in the vascular system of the analyzed area;
  • allows you to accurately determine the focus of pathology, this is used for planning surgical intervention.

Tomography of the throat and larynx makes it possible to identify various disorders in the first stages of the disease, which makes it possible to prescribe timely treatment. This is an important point in identifying new foci of cancer and can significantly increase the patient’s chances of a full recovery.

Possible risks

Various types of diagnostics based on X-rays have a negative effect on the human body. During a computed tomography scan, X-rays affect only the area of ​​the body being examined, so the person receives minimal radiation, the dose is several times less than that of X-rays.

It is necessary to maintain the recommended time interval between such studies, since excessive exposure to radiation can provoke the development of formations and the occurrence of other pathologies.

Alternative Methods

If the patient has contraindications, the specialist prescribes an alternative hardware examination method, such as MRI. Diagnosis is made using a similar method, but instead of X-rays, a phenomenon called nuclear magnetic resonance is used. It is completely safe for the body, therefore it is used for diagnosis even in young children. The only contraindication for MRI is considered to be metal elements in the body, which can heat up or become displaced during operation of the device.

As an alternative to CT, MSCT is used; this study is also carried out using radiation. The device creates multiple slices of the body area being examined, but the radiation damage is lower when compared with a standard CT procedure.

There is linear tomography of the larynx, in which the device reads data using a beam of X-rays, moving along the depth specified by the radiologist. This allows you to maximize the detail of the desired area, while the remaining tissues that do not provide informational benefit for the study remain blurred. Most often prescribed for the study of hollow organs - lungs, larynx, bronchi.


The cost of the study depends on many factors, which take into account the use of contrast, a modern tomograph, and the qualifications of the radiologist who conducts the study.

The device, as well as its maintenance, is expensive, so such examinations are carried out in large treatment centers or specialized clinics. The price of computed tomography of the throat and larynx ranges from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles.