When to introduce meat complementary foods to a child. Introducing meat puree into the child’s diet

The benefits of meat for a child are so great that in baby food it is considered simply necessary product. You just need to introduce it into your baby’s diet wisely.

Meat for children: a very valuable product

Meat is the main source of animal protein, which contributes to the construction of all cells and tissues human body, as well as the synthesis of antibodies, hormones and enzymes.

In addition, meat contains important vitamins group B and valuable microelements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.

Meat also contains large amounts of so-called heme iron (a type of iron that is bound to hemoglobin and is better absorbed than regular iron, which comes, for example, from vegetables and fruits).

Also, meat dishes perfectly train the little eater’s chewing apparatus and thereby develop it. digestive system.

But although the benefit meat dishes obvious for children, we must remember that there are also “pitfalls” here. Thus, meat contains saturated fatty acids, which are difficult for the baby’s gastrointestinal tract to digest. In addition, meat contains so-called extractive substances that stimulate gastric secretion and can cause tender child's body overstrain of the digestive glands.

Meat for babies: the time has come

For approximately the first six months, the baby should be fed breast milk or an adapted formula. And closer to six months, you need to carefully expand his diet, starting the introduction of complementary foods under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Experts advise offering meat purees to babies no earlier than 7–8 months, since at an earlier age the digestive system is not yet ready to digest meat. Yes, and protein can create excess stress on the kidneys or cause an allergic reaction.

According to indications, for example, in the case of severe anemia, weight loss, lack of B vitamins, the pediatrician may recommend expanding complementary feeding with meat purees a little earlier, from 6 months. In addition, children growing up artificial feeding, need earlier introduction of meat complementary foods.

The time of introducing meat also depends on what type of meat the mother plans to give the child: homogenized “canned” meat purees can be given from 7–8 months, but with meat purees homemade It's better to wait until 9-10 months.

Despite the fact that the main recommendations are given by the pediatrician, you can also understand whether the time has come for your child to receive meat complementary foods. A toddler is ready to eat meat if he eats porridge and vegetable puree without any problems, he has no problems with stool, and he accepts a new product with pleasure and interest.

Meat feeding: how to treat your baby

The rules for introducing meat complementary foods are similar to the rules for introducing infants to any foods. Meat can only be offered healthy child when he's in good mood and hungry. It is better to postpone introducing this dish if your baby has recently had a vaccination or it is very hot outside.

First, offer your child homogenized and one-ingredient pureed meat. Give it warm and always before you offer your baby breast milk or formula.

Start with a minimal portion - a quarter or a third of a teaspoon. And carefully monitor the baby’s body’s reaction throughout the day. You should be alert to abdominal pain, bloating, skin reactions, stool disorder.

If you have not noticed any changes in your baby’s condition, then gradually increase the portion size to the recommended age-specific daily dose (at 7–8 months – 30–40 g, by one year – 50–70 g).

Meat for children: the right choice

Rabbit and turkey are the optimal meats for first foods. Such food contains valuable proteins and mineral compounds necessary for toddlers, but at the same time, both rabbit and turkey are less allergenic and are easier for babies to digest than other types of meat.

If your baby eats rabbit or turkey puree with appetite and without negative consequences for a whole week, then you can introduce him to some other types of meat - veal, beef, chicken.

As the child grows, make changes to the consistency of the meat dish: at 9–10 months, offer him a meat soufflé, and a one-year-old gourmet who is curious about adult food can be treated to meatballs or steamed cutlets.

It is best to give meat to a child for lunch, combining it with vegetables, since meat and vegetables harmoniously complement each other - both in terms of nutritional value, and from the position taste sensations. Zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli, etc. go especially well with meat. cauliflower, green pea, carrot. Some cereals are the same compatible partners - oatmeal, rice, buckwheat.

Until fish appears on the baby’s menu (after 10–11 months), meat should be given daily, once a day.

Diet difficulties

Pediatricians know the most common problems that arise when introducing meat complementary foods.

If your baby refuses an unusual taste, don’t insist or force it. It’s better to add meat to his favorite vegetable purees or porridges.

If the baby doesn’t like the taste of meat, then perhaps he simply hasn’t found his “favorite” yet. Offer him a different variety - what if the little gourmet prefers veal to rabbit?

Sometimes a situation arises when an older baby refuses cutlets or meatballs because he is too lazy to chew or cannot cope with their consistency. In this case, prepare dishes for him from very tender minced meat of the highest quality.

Be prepared for the fact that in the first days of introducing meat complementary foods, the child may experience discomfort in the tummy, and, accordingly, he will behave restlessly. In this case, you can reduce the portion. And, of course, mothers need to remember that the introduction of complementary foods does not always go smoothly and the child may initially refuse the new taste. But you must be persistent and patient: if the baby does not want to try meat puree for the first time, offer it every day again and again until he understands that there is nowhere to retreat. Just don’t do it forcefully, just insist gently.

Cook at home

Pediatricians do not insist that mothers feed their babies exclusively with ready-made baby food. But if you decide to treat your baby to homemade meat puree, then you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Choose high-quality lean meat from farmers or stores you trust.
  • Free raw meat from bones, veins and fat, then cook it for at least one and a half hours.
  • Grind the boiled meat thoroughly in a blender or using a meat grinder (the standard recommendation is to grind the meat 2 times).
  • To make the puree thinner, you can add breast milk or formula.
  • Please note that salt and spices are not added when cooking meat for baby feeding.
  • Only serve freshly prepared meat puree to your baby.

Expert opinion

Natalia Volodina, pediatrician at the Medic clinic

Vegetarianism for children is unacceptable from a medical point of view, since the child will not receive the amount of protein necessary for growth from plant products. Also, without meat, he will not receive enough iron, which is important for full development all organs and systems.

The stage of introducing meat complementary foods begins at 7–8 months, after the baby is introduced to vegetable and fruit purees, cereals and juices.

Meat complementary foods should be introduced by mixing it with a product that your child already knows and loves well: most often these are vegetables, but it can also be porridge. If you didn't show up allergic reaction or problems with stool, then increase the amount of meat puree over 7-10 days.

But remember that before the age of two, you should not give children anything that has been cooked with meat, much less bone broth, since it is a concentrate of extractive substances and fats, and such food deals a very powerful blow to the child’s pancreas and liver. Lamb should not be introduced into a child's diet, as it contains refractory fats that are undesirable for his digestive system.

Your baby has grown up, and his mother’s milk is no longer enough for him. Questions correct administration complementary foods are more pressing than ever before. The baby has already tried some vegetables and fruits, as well as juices and purees from them. How and when can meat be introduced into his diet? How much should I give it? How to cook? Will there be an allergy to the new food? The most optimal timing for introduction various types Your pediatrician will explain complementary feeding to you.

Is meat good for babies?

  1. For correct height A baby definitely needs animal proteins, the source of which is meat food. These substances and amino acids cannot be obtained from plant foods.
  2. Meat contains easily digestible macro- and microelements that the child’s body absorbs better than their plant counterparts. It's about about phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, iodine.
  3. The most important vitamins - E, PP, H, as well as group B and many others are contained in this useful product.
  4. Due to its dense fibrous structure meat contributes to the development of chewing skills in the baby.

When should you introduce meat into baby food?

Pediatricians recommend introducing your baby to meat puree from 6 to 8 months. However, this type of complementary feeding should not be the first; it would be correct to introduce it after pureed vegetables, fruits and cereal porridges, and experts advise observing a 2-month interval between the first complementary feeding and the start of feeding meat:

  1. If a baby eats mother’s milk, then the first complementary foods can be given at 6 months, and meat foods at 8 months.
  2. if the baby is artificial, then he already eats vegetable complementary foods at 4 months, and meat can be introduced at six months

The rule of a 2-month interval may not be observed if anemia is detected in the toddler, but even in this case, it is not recommended to introduce meat complementary foods before 6 months.

Reasons why you should not feed your baby meat before six months:

  1. His digestive system is not yet developed to digest meat products, the necessary enzymes are not produced, so even if he eats meat, it cannot be completely digested in the child’s stomach. A large amount of animal protein is a source of putrefactive processes in the intestines of infants.
  2. Before the child is six months old, an allergy to a foreign protein may appear.
  3. An increased amount of animal protein puts a significant burden on the baby’s kidneys.

Algorithm for introducing complementary foods with meat

  1. You need to start with a small amount of product on the tip of a spoon, which is recommended to be given before the main feeding.
  2. If the baby eats willingly, and no allergies have appeared, then the portion is gradually increased, the amount is added half a teaspoon at a time.
  3. Meat puree must be prepared before feeding; it should be as finely chopped as possible, fairly homogeneous, and at a warm temperature.
  4. It is allowed to add meat puree to other food familiar to the child - vegetable puree, cereal dairy-free porridge which he usually eats, it is allowed to dilute the chopped minced meat with milk or an adapted mixture.
  5. To form correct mode Pediatricians recommend cooking meat and including it in plant-based dishes at lunchtime feeding for the baby.

Correct amount of product

Depending on the age of the baby, it is determined how many grams of meat should be in its diet:

  • 6-7 months – from 5 to 20 g;
  • 8-9 months – portion increases to 50 g;
  • 10-12 months – 50-70 g;
  • 1.5-2 years – 80 g.

Dishes made from healthy meat should be in a child’s diet every day. You should not exceed the recommended amount, even if the baby eats it well, as this can lead to increased stress on the baby’s digestive system and kidneys.

Choosing meat

From a wide variety of options, mothers try to find the healthiest for their babies.

To understand what kind of meat to start complementary feeding with, you need to learn more about its main types.

  1. Turkey and rabbit meat. Considered the best for baby food. There is no allergy to them, excess fat they are absent, and the meat itself is very tender and healthy.
  2. Chicken. Often used in dietary nutrition, although it is digested worse than turkey, it is at the same time the most allergenic product of all types of meat. If the baby is allergic to egg whites, then you cannot give your baby chicken meat; it is better to choose quail meat.
  3. Lean beef. A large amount of protein and microelements make it possible to choose this type of meat as the first complementary food for a baby. However, if he is allergic to cow's milk, then a similar reaction is possible to beef. In this case, it is better to use turkey or rabbit for the first feeding.
  4. Quail meat. A very gentle, dietary product, often recommended for small allergy sufferers. It should be introduced into the baby’s diet after 7 months. Its calorie content is significantly higher than that of rabbit and chicken, so you should not give quail meat to your child every day.
  5. Pork. Too fatty for the first feeding, however, if you choose leaner varieties, for example, tenderloin, then its fat content will be slightly higher than that of beef. In some cases, allergists recommend feeding pork to infants with diathesis and atopic dermatitis.
  6. Lamb, duck and goose are not recommended for complementary feeding for children under 3 years of age because gastrointestinal tract a small person is not able to digest such tough and fatty meat.

Preparing meat supplements at home

Qualitative meat product for complementary feeding, it is prepared exclusively from fresh meat.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the selected meat well, cut off all films from it, remove fatty layers.
  2. Place in a saucepan, pour cold water, cook until fully cooked without adding spices and salt.
  3. It is recommended to cook tougher beef and pork for about 2 hours; chicken, rabbit, turkey and quail meat will be ready faster.
  4. The cooked product can be ground in a blender, passed through a meat grinder 2 times, and then rubbed through a fine strainer to prepare minced meat.
  5. Mix the mixture with vegetable puree and add a few drops of vegetable oil.
  6. Give your baby food that has been cooled until warm.

Try to prepare a small amount of puree, since it is much healthier to feed your baby exclusively fresh meat supplements. If you have prepared a little more than the little one needs for one meal, then the extra dish can be stored in the refrigerator for another 1 day.

Our photo recipe will help you prepare meat puree for your baby's first feeding. In it, for a more uniform consistency, a little mixture or breast milk is added to the ground meat.

Varieties of meat dishes

  1. Babies up to 8 months are fed meat puree.
  2. For children 8-9 months old, you can prepare small meatballs from finely chopped minced meat, which are mashed with a fork before eating.
  3. A 10-month-old baby is allowed to give whole meatballs or meatballs if he has teeth.
  4. At 12 months, the toddler happily eats steamed cutlets.

Canned meat prepared in a special production facility

In any grocery store you can see a lot of different jars of baby food. If the mother cannot prepare such puree on her own, then it is quite possible to use the products of professionals.

Advantages of specialized nutrition for children:

  1. it is prepared from the meat of animals specially raised for this purpose
  2. it is guaranteed to contain the vitamins and other beneficial substances indicated on the packaging
  3. it is produced for a certain age, so the degree of grinding of canned meat varies
  4. -you don’t need to cook it, you just need to heat it up and give it to the child

Possible disadvantages:

  • the high price of some brands, commensurate with the cost raw meat excellent quality
  • if storage conditions are violated, there is a high risk of poisoning

The introduction of meat complementary foods is a small step for your little one in adult life. Only a caring mother can prepare food for her precious child that is fresh and as healthy as possible. Try to strictly follow all recommendations and enter the new kind food correctly - this will help the baby grow healthy and happy, and allergies will not bother him.

In the video below you will find out the most popular recipes preparing meat for baby food with your own hands.


The first complementary food is meat. What kind of meat to start feeding your baby with? When and how to introduce meat into complementary foods for a child. Buy jarred or cook it yourself. How to cook meat properly.

When we start introducing complementary foods from 6 months, it is necessary that the child’s diet contains foods with high content iron: liver, meat, fish and legumes in combination with vegetables and cereals, or complementary feeding products fortified with iron. Meat and fish - best sources zinc

Iron deficiency in children early age and infants is one of the common problems that can cause serious consequences for the baby’s health. Therefore, attention should be paid to the prevention of iron deficiency.

IN breast milk There is little iron contained, but its bioavailability reaches 50%, which is much higher than that of other food products. A child up to 6 months has enough iron reserves received from the mother during gestation.

One of the most important reasons the development of iron deficiency anemia is too early introduction into the diet dairy products and whole cow's milk. Thus, you should not introduce whole cow’s milk as a drink until one year of age, and after introduction, the amount should be increased gradually.

All types of tea (black, green and herbal) and coffee interfere with iron absorption, so they should not be used before 2 years of age. After this age, you should not drink tea with meals.

How to properly introduce meat into complementary foods

Meat goes best with vegetables. Meat contains heme iron, vegetables contain non-heme iron, combining them together, the absorption of iron from vegetables increases by 50%. Thus, the bioavailability of iron contained in a dish containing vegetables or other foods can be significantly improved by adding some meat to it.

What kind of meat should a baby start feeding with?

Preferably lean meat: rabbit, turkey, veal, lamb, chicken.

Some types of meat are expensive, but such as liver are inexpensive, and nutritional benefits have a high The liver contains the following nutrients: zinc, vitamins A, B and D, iron. It is easy to puree, making liver an excellent weaning food after about 7 months.

When to introduce meat into baby's complementary foods

Meat should be introduced after vegetables and cereals, approximately 7-8 months.

How much to enter

If you introduce a large amount of meat into complementary foods early, this will lead to high level protein intake and negative consequences. To increase the amount of iron in the body, you only need a small amount of meat!

Quantity, per day

8 months 5-30 gr
9 months 50 gr
10 months 50 gr
11 months 60-70 gr
12-18 months 70 gr
1.5 - 2.5 years 80 gr
from 2.5 years 120 gr

Approximate scheme for introducing meat into the diet by day

1 day - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 1 tsp. rabbit meat

Day 2 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 2 tsp. rabbit meat

Day 3 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 4 tsp. rabbit meat, etc.

Day 7 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 10 tsp. rabbit meat

Increase to 50-60 g (1 tsp - 5 g). It’s better to use scales or a jar to guide you.

Which meat is better for a child: canned or home-cooked?

The pediatrician advised me to start introducing meat from canned food for children industrial production in banks, because It is quite difficult to make fiber-free puree from meat at home for a child who does not yet know how to chew. The danger is that the child can easily choke. Meat from jars has a delicate consistency, is prepared strictly according to GOST standards, and significantly saves time. Now in Russia there is strict control over the quality of baby food.

This meat is second only to homemade meat, i.e. if you raise turkeys and others yourself or buy from trusted farmers you know.

Which manufacturer of canned children's meat should I choose?

I will give several examples of the composition of turkey meat and the amount of protein and fat per 100 grams.

"Subject" Compound:turkey meat, rice cereal, sunflower oil, water.

Protein: 10.9 g. Fat: 8.1 g.

"Granny's Basket" Ingredients: turkey fillet, rice, vegetable oil, water.

Protein: 8.5 g. Fat: 12 g.

"Heinz" Ingredients: chilled turkey meat, drinking water, rice flour, sunflower oil, lemon juice.

Protein: 12.7 g. Fat: 3.7 g.

"Gerber" Ingredients: turkey meat puree (40%), corn and rice starch (for consistency), rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, drinking water.

Protein: 10.4 Fat: 5.4.

"Fruto nanny" Ingredients: turkey meat,rice flour,vegetable oil, corn oil,water.

Protein: 12 g. Fat: 4 g.

"Agusha"Compound:turkey meat, rice flour, vegetable oil, drinking water.

Protein: 9 g. Fat: 5.5 g.

"Semper" Ingredients: turkey 60%, rice flour, rice starch, vegetable oil, water.

Protein: 13.4 g. Fat: 3.4 g.

How to cook meat for a child

Cook the liver or meat well and grind it in a meat grinder or blender.

For your child’s good perception of a new product (meat), add it to a familiar and favorite dish (vegetables or porridge).

Why introduce meat puree “so early”? Isn't breast milk or formula enough for a baby at this age?

Meat purees provide the child with complete animal protein, iron, minerals such as magnesium and zinc, as well as a number of vitamins (A, B, B2, B6 B12). Iron is necessary for work immune system and is an essential component of hemoglobin. In utero, the child receives a certain supply of iron from the mother, but by 4-6 months this “depot” is depleted, which means that a high-quality source of iron must appear in the baby’s diet in order to avoid the risk of iron deficiency anemia in the baby.

At what age is it best to introduce meat puree?

Traditionally, meat puree is proposed to be administered to children after a full 6 months, after the introduction of vegetable complementary foods and cereals. The specific time for introducing the first meat complementary food for each baby is determined individually by the pediatrician.

Which puree is better to choose for the first feeding?

As the first puree, it is best to choose low-allergenic types of meat: rabbit, turkey or horse meat. Turkey and rabbit contain large amounts of heme iron, and horse meat is rich in complete, easily digestible protein. After introducing 1-2 low-allergenic types of meat, you can diversify complementary meat feeding by introducing veal. Chicken is an allergenic type of meat, so introducing chicken puree should be postponed until a later time.

Meat puree: Is it better to buy or cook it yourself?

Meat is a rather difficult product to grind, so prepare a suitable one at home. small child Meat puree that is homogeneous in consistency is quite difficult. In addition, specialized children's products are carefully checked for the content of all substances potentially dangerous to children: heavy metals, antibiotics, hormones, etc. Meat that is sold on the market or in a store does not undergo such a scrupulous check, because... Intended for adults and older children. Therefore, it is necessary to choose ready-made meat purees as a safe complementary food. famous manufacturers. Heinz Meat Purees “Tender Turkey”, “Tender Rabbit” and “Tender Horse” are ideal for baby’s first introduction to meat-based foods. At the next stage of introducing complementary foods, you can use ready-made vegetable and meat purees, such as “Country-style Veal” or “Vegetable Stew with Turkey”. All Heinz meat purees are 100% natural, made from high-quality chilled meats, contain no salt - and, most importantly, are made without added starch.

How often should you give meat puree?

Meat puree, like any new product, is introduced into the child’s diet sequentially, starting with ½ - 1 teaspoon, gradually increasing to age norm. At the age of 7-8 months daily norm meat consumption is 30-50 g. By the age of one year, a child receives on average 60-70 g of meat per day. After introducing fish puree into the diet, meat is given 5-6 times a week and fish puree 1-2 times.

When is it better to give meat puree: morning, afternoon or evening?

Meat purees are usually introduced during the day, adding them to vegetable purees. This shapes the future lunch. It is important to know that adding meat purees to vegetables increases iron absorption several times.

Why is vegetable oil added to meat purees?

Vegetable oil is a very important component of nutrition for all children over 4 months. The oil serves as a source of vitamin E and polyunsaturated vitamins necessary for the baby. fatty acids. Adding a few grams of vegetable oil to ready-made meat purees saves parents from having to do it themselves.

Why is there no starch in Heinz meat purees?

To achieve the required tender consistency of baby meat puree, you need to add water to the pureed meat. Such purees separate quite easily, which disrupts appearance, and consistency. To prevent separation, most manufacturers add starch to baby purees. What makes Heinz pureed meats unique is that it replaces starch with rice flour. The content of rice flour in one jar of Heinz meat puree is only a few grams, which allows you to create the correct consistency of the product necessary for a baby up to one year old.

Breast milk is the healthiest thing for your baby. Before introducing complementary foods, consult your pediatrician. The age of introduction of products is indicated on the packaging.

From 8 months, the child’s daily menu includes meat purees - a source of protein and easily digestible iron (if the first complementary foods were introduced at 6 months, then meat should be given from 9–10 months). For healthy children, meat purees are given starting from 5 g (1 teaspoon), and by the age of one year they are gradually increased to 60–80 g. It is better to start with turkey, beef, and lean pork.

You can buy meat puree in stores or pharmacies, but you can successfully prepare it at home. To do this, fat-free meat, cleared of veins and films, must be boiled, finely chopped with a knife and minced at least twice. The resulting minced meat can be mixed with vegetable puree or milk (mixture).

To save time and effort, you can take a different route: prepare meatballs from raw minced meat, put them in the freezer and use as needed. They can also be boiled together with vegetables, and then chopped together (for example, in a blender).

And of course, we must not forget that to prepare meat dishes for children, you must use only fresh meat, without additives, which must first be thoroughly washed, films, lard and veins, if any, removed.

Which meat is healthier for a child?


Most often, complementary feeding starts with beef, due to its availability and usefulness. It is distinguished by the content of the most valuable proteins, which include almost all essential and essential amino acids. It contains a lot of protein (20%), fat 10%, iron - 2.9 mg per 100 g of product, zinc and B vitamins.

Beef is digestible in the human body by 75%, and veal (meat from calves up to 3 months old) by 90%. Most valuable part carcass recommended for baby food is tenderloin - meat with lumbar region(it contains only 2.8% fat).

However, we must keep in mind that beef can cause allergies in a child. It is also not recommended to give beef to children with an allergy to cow's milk.

Rabbit meat

Hypoallergenic and easily digestible meat. In the human body, rabbit meat is digestible by 90%, and protein from rabbit meat is digestible by 96%). It contains more protein (21%) and less fat than the usual beef. Although rabbit meat is a white meat, it contains more iron than beef: 3–4 mg per 100 g. Rabbit meat contains less salt (sodium chloride) and purines than other varieties. The most valuable meat is young rabbits (up to 3 months).

Turkey meat

Low-allergenic, protein-rich meat. It is relatively low in fat (4%), cholesterol and easily digestible (95%). Turkey breast fillet (the recommended part of the bird) contains 24.5% protein and 1.9% fat. It has more sodium than other meats. In a whole turkey more iron than in beef and even more than in rabbit: 4–5 mg per 100 g, but in its fillet (breast without skin) there is less iron: 2–3 mg per 100 g. Turkey meat is very tender and tasty.


Horse meat is also a low-allergenic meat. Rich in complete proteins (21%), tenderloin contains about 4% fat; in terms of value and digestibility of proteins and iron content, horse meat is not inferior to beef.

Other types of meat that do not start complementary feeding

Chicken meat

Chicken meat is considered even more allergenic than beef, so complementary feeding is usually not started with it. Chicken fillet contains 18–19% protein, 1.9% fat, 1.5 mg iron per 100 g.

Chicken is introduced later (from 7–8 months) and is given to the child only 1–2 times a week. The recommended cut is the breast.


Even later (from 8–9 months), pork is introduced into the baby’s complementary foods. It is also a hypoallergenic type of meat, but has a higher fat content. Pork meat used in children's nutrition contains approximately 14% protein and 33% fat.

The recommended pork tenderloin is 20% protein and only 7% fat. But of all animal fats, pork fat has the most beneficial properties, because it contains a certain amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Pork fat easier to digest. There is approximately the same amount of iron in pork as in chicken: 1.5 mg per 100 g.


Lamb is also used in children's nutrition; the meat is tougher and is not inferior in nutritional value to other varieties. It can be introduced from 9 months.

After the child gets used to meat, different types meat is alternated. Beef is usually preferred.


Fish often causes allergies, so it must be administered with caution. After the child has become accustomed to meat, they begin to give fish. This happens no earlier than 7 months.

The meat of all types of fish is rich in magnesium, potassium and, especially, phosphorus, as well as iodine and fluorine. Fish contains vitamins A, D, E and B vitamins. Choose sea fish, as the most healthy, white, as the least allergenic and low-fat: cod, hake, tuna, haddock, pollock.

Fish puree is prepared similarly to meat puree. Before chopping, all bones are carefully removed. The maximum amount of fish puree by 1 year is 50 g. Fish is given to the child instead of meat 1-2 times a week.


It is recommended to introduce meat into the child’s diet first, and then meat broth. Since meat broth is not a fundamentally significant product in terms of content nutrients: proteins, fats, minerals - you can not include it at all in the diet of children under 1 year.

For the broth, you must take lean meat without streaks. For 30–50 g of meat per 200 ml of water. Wash the meat thoroughly. To reduce the concentration of extractive substances in the broth, it is recommended: pour cold water over the meat, bring to a boil and cook for 5-10 minutes, then drain the broth, add water to the meat again and cook until tender.

Up to 1 year, since the amount of broth in the diet is strictly limited, it is advisable to cook the meat separately from the vegetables, and then add it to the finished portion required amount meat and broth. After 1 year, you can add other soup ingredients to the meat broth while cooking the meat.

The same is true for fish broth.

Dishes for children of the first year of life

Mashed Chicken and Potatoes (Option 1)


  • chicken meat – 100 g,
  • potatoes – 200 g,
  • milk – ¼ cup,
  • butter– ½ tsp.

Cook low-fat chicken bouillon, strain through a wet napkin and pour it over the peeled and cut into large pieces of potatoes. The broth should just cover the potatoes. Boil the potatoes covered for 25–30 minutes, then rub through a hair sieve, adding chicken meat that has been previously cooked and minced through a meat grinder. Dilute the resulting puree with boiling milk and whisk. Heat on the stove until boiling. Add butter to the finished puree.

Mashed Chicken and Potatoes (Option 2)


  • potatoes – 2 pcs.,
  • chicken – 100 g,
  • milk – ½ cup,
  • butter – 1 tsp,
  • salt - to taste.

Boil the chicken and grind in a meat grinder. Peel the potatoes, cut them and pour hot broth over them. Cook for 30 minutes, rub hot through a sieve, add minced chicken. Then pour in hot milk and beat well. Warm over low heat and add butter.

Meat puree


  • meat – 100 g,
  • water – ¼ cup,
  • butter – ⅓ tsp,
  • broth – 30 ml.

Wash a piece of meat (beef), cut off the film, remove fat and tendons, cut into small pieces. Pour in cold water and simmer covered until soft. Pass the cooled meat through a meat grinder twice, rub through a sieve, add broth, salt, bring to a boil over low heat, remove from heat and add butter.

Starting from 7 months, the baby can be given boiled meat. This high quality protein, other than protein human milk, and easily absorbed iron. The child also receives a new type of fat, vitamins (B1, B6, B12), microelements (cobalt, zinc, etc.). In addition, the introduction of meat stimulates the digestive system and promotes proper development teeth and learning to chew.

It is better to give your child lean varieties of beef, veal, pork, chicken, turkey, and rabbit. Boiled and stewed and only occasionally fried is preferable.

Meat puree with rice (Option 1)

  • beef – 100 g,
  • rice – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • milk – ½ cup,
  • butter – 1 tbsp. l.,
  • salt - to taste.

Boil the meat. Cook the rice until done. Pass the meat and rice through a meat grinder twice. Add hot milk, stir and, stirring all the time, heat over low heat for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add oil.

Mashed Meat With Rice (Option 2)

  • meat (pulp) – 150 g,
  • beaten egg – 1 pc.,
  • viscous rice porridge – 4 tbsp. l.,
  • salt.

Pass the meat, cleaned of fat and tendons, through a meat grinder and mix with cold viscous rice porridge, mince again, add egg, salt and beat well. Place the resulting mass in a greased frying pan and bake in the oven.

Vegetable puree with liver

  • liver – 100 g,
  • potatoes – 1 pc.,
  • carrots – 1 pc.,
  • onions – ½ pcs.,
  • butter – 2 tsp.,
  • salt.

Wash, clean and quickly fry the liver in a teaspoon of heated butter on both sides. Add a little hot water and simmer covered for 10 minutes. Boil the vegetables and rub through a sieve along with the stewed liver. Add salt, a little vegetable broth and heat for 5 minutes. Add butter and beat well.

Liver Puree

  • liver – 200 g,
  • butter – 2 tsp,
  • onion– 10–15 g.

Rinse the liver in running water, remove the films, cut into pieces, salt and sprinkle with a small amount of flour. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry first the finely chopped onion, then the liver, quickly turning it over. Place the liver pieces into a saucepan, add water, cover with a lid and simmer in the oven for 7-10 minutes. Pass the cooled liver through a meat grinder twice or rub through a sieve.

Meat cutlets

  • meat – 100 g,
  • water – 60 ml,
  • bun – 20 g.

Wash the meat (veal), cut off the membranes, remove fat and tendons, cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Then mix chopped meat with a loaf of bread soaked in cold water and mince again.

Add salt to the resulting minced meat and beat well, adding cold water. Make cutlets from the resulting mass, place them in a single layer in a saucepan, fill halfway with vegetable or meat broth, cover with a lid and simmer until tender (about 30–40 minutes).

Fish cutlets

  • fish – 250 g,
  • bun – 30 g,
  • milk – 50 ml,
  • egg – ½ pcs.,
  • butter – 1 tbsp. l.

Cut the fish into pieces. Remove the skin, remove the bones and pass through a meat grinder. Grind the minced meat a second time along with the bread soaked in milk. Then add salt and a raw egg and beat until fluffy.

Cut it into cutlets, place it on the grate of a steam pan, greased with oil (or moistened with water), close the lid tightly and cook the cutlets until cooked.

Sea fish meat contains a lot of minerals and trace elements: iron is necessary for normal hematopoiesis; iodine ensures health thyroid gland and is necessary for children in school age; Other microelements include chlorine, copper, and calcium.

Fish Pudding

  • fish fillet – 100 g,
  • bun – 50 g,
  • milk – ½ cup,
  • egg – 1 pc.,
  • butter – 1 tsp,
  • salt.

Soak the bread in milk and pass through a meat grinder together with the fish fillet twice. Rub through a sieve, add salt, raw yolk and mix well. Beat the egg whites until foamy and carefully add them to the mixture.

Grease the mold with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs or flour and fill with the mixture. Place the mold in a saucepan filled with water to half the height of the mold, cover with a lid and cook the pudding over low heat for 40 minutes.

Chicken, Meat or Fish Pudding

  • meat – 200 g,
  • milk – 1 glass,
  • bun – 60 g, egg – 2 pcs.,
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Chicken pulp (if desired, you can replace it with beef, beef liver or paired pike perch) mix with a small piece of dry bread soaked in milk, then pass through a meat grinder twice.

Rub the resulting minced meat through a sieve, add salt, dilute with milk until the paste becomes thick, add the raw yolks, and then the whites whipped into a strong foam, mix carefully (from the bottom up so as not to mash the whites).

Place in a small enamel pan, thickly greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, cover with an oiled circle of paper. Lower the saucepan into a larger saucepan filled to half the height of the smaller saucepan with boiling water, cover with a lid and place on the stove for 40-45 minutes.

Pates for Sandwiches (Option 1)

meat – 100 g,

onion – 1 pc.,

Boil lean meat, finely chop the onion and lightly fry in oil. Mince the meat and onion, add salt and mix well.

Pastes for Sandwiches (Option 2)

Ingredients: chicken meat – 100 g, egg – 1 pc., butter – 30 g, salt.

Boil the chicken meat, grind together with the boiled egg, add butter, salt and mix.

Pates can also be made from stewed liver, sausage or frankfurters minced in a meat grinder, fish, eggs or cottage cheese.

Liver pate

liver – 100 g,

carrots – 1 pc.,

egg – 1 pc.,

butter – 30 g,

Cut the livers, remove the veins and quickly fry in oil. Add a little water, cover and simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Cool, pass through a meat grinder twice, the second time along with pre-fried onions, small boiled carrots, and a boiled egg. Add butter, salt, beat well.

Fish pates (Option 1)

herring fillet – 200 g,

onion – 1 pc.,

cheese – 100 g,

green onions,

parsley and dill.

Pass the onion and herring fillet through a meat grinder. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and add to the herring mass. Stir, sprinkle with herbs.

Fish pates (Option 2)

canned fish – 100 g,

egg – 1 pc.,

cheese – 100 g,

Mash boneless fish from canned food (children's canned food is used for children), add to it a boiled chopped egg, finely grated cheese, and season with mayonnaise.

Meat Broth

meat – 100 g,

water – 400 ml,

carrots – 1 pc.,

parsley root,

onions and leeks,


Wash a piece of meat (beef) with bones, cut off the film, remove fat and tendons, cut into small pieces, crush the bones. Pour into two glasses cold water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for an hour. Season the broth with finely chopped roots (onion, parsley, carrots) and herbs.

Continue cooking for another hour. Then remove the fat; Strain the broth, add salt and bring to a boil. Serve with meatballs.

Meat puree soups (Option 1)

meat – 100 g,

broth - ½ cup,

flour – 1 tsp,

Pass raw meat through a meat grinder. Heat vegetable or meat broth and season it with minced meat and flour stirred in cold water. Bring to a boil and cook for 10–15 minutes, then rub through a sieve.

Meat puree soups (Option 2)

chicken meat – 100 g,

milk – ⅓ glass,

water – 250 ml,

butter – 1 tsp,

flour – 1 tsp,

Boil chicken broth. Pass the cooked chicken meat through a meat grinder twice, lower it into boiling broth, add flour fried in butter, and boil for 2-3 minutes. Then add salt, pour in hot milk and bring to a boil.

Beef Soup

Ingredients: beef – 100 g, fresh frozen green peas – 50 g, onion – 1 pc., salt, Bay leaf, spices to taste.

Boil the beef. Remove the meat from the broth and chop finely. Cut the potatoes into wedges, put them in the broth and cook for 10–15 minutes. At the same time, chop the onion and fry until golden brown, and then add the peas to it.

Simmer the onions and peas for 3-4 minutes. When the potatoes are almost ready, add peas and onions to them and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Then add chopped meat to the soup, add salt, spices and herbs as desired. Let the soup sit for a few minutes.

Soups are extremely important for the baby, because they contain salts and extractive substances necessary for the proper functioning of the stomach and good digestion of other dishes. Soups should be given as the first, and not the only, dish for lunch.

Beef Liver Soup

Ingredients: liver (beef, veal) – 100 g, bread – 100 g, milk – ½ cup, egg yolk– 1 pc., butter – 2 tsp.

Rinse the liver in running water, remove films, cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Mix the minced liver with the bread soaked in milk, stir in the yolk and butter. When the mixture is well mixed, rub it through a sieve. Bring the prepared vegetable broth to a boil, add the resulting puree to it and simmer for 5–6 minutes.

Dishes For Children From 1 Year To 5 Years

Steamed Cutlets

  • meat (pulp) – 150 g,
  • butter – 3 tsp,
  • bun – 30 g,
  • flour – 1 tsp,
  • onion – 1 pc.,
  • milk – 150 ml,
  • salt.

Clean the pulp from films and fat, wash and mince twice, adding a slice of stale bread, soaked in milk and squeezed out. Salt the minced meat, mix with 2 tbsp. l. cold milk and 1 tsp. oils Cut into cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil, then put in the oven for 5-10 minutes.

Chicken cutlets

Compound: chicken fillet– 150 g, bun – 30 g, milk – ¼ cup, butter – 1 tsp, salt.

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Then mix the minced meat with the bread soaked in milk and pass through the meat grinder again. Add oil to the mixture and grind everything. Make cutlets and fry in a frying pan or bake in the oven.

Chicken meat contains more protein than any other type of meat, while its fat content does not exceed 10%. Protein chicken meat contains 2% of amino acids necessary for humans. It contains large quantities of vitamins B2, B6, B9, B12. In addition, chicken contains a large amount of iron in an easily digestible form, as well as sulfur, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, magnesium and copper.

Meat Puree

Ingredients: meat – 50 g, butter – 1 tsp, flour – 1 tsp.

Pass a piece of boiled meat without fat and films through a meat grinder. Dissolve the butter in a saucepan and fry the onion in it first, then the meat. Sprinkle the meat with flour, mix well, add a little low-fat broth, add salt, cover and simmer in the oven. Then rub through a hair sieve. Should I add more to the finished puree? spoons of butter.

Baked Meat Puree

Ingredients: meat – 200 g, bun – 20 g, egg 1 pc., butter – 2 tsp, broth – 3 tbsp. l.

Cut the meat, cleaned of films and tendons, into pieces and simmer in a small amount of water until half cooked. Then add the bread soaked in cold water, pass everything through a meat grinder 2 times, add broth, mashed egg yolk and stir. Fold in the whipped whites. Place the mixture in a pan, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and bake, covered, in the oven in a water bath.

Meat Croquettes

Ingredients: meat (pulp) – 200 g, rutabaga, carrots, potatoes, onions – 1 pc. each, green peas – 2 tbsp. l., cauliflower - 1 head, parsley and leek root, bread - 40 g, butter - 1 tsp, salt.

Make clear broth from the bones. Cut the peeled vegetables into cubes, pour in the strained broth and simmer under the lid.

Pass the meat pulp through a meat grinder 2 times along with a roll soaked in cold water and a piece of butter. Make round croquettes from the minced meat. When the vegetables are half cooked, add the croquettes and simmer for 20 minutes.


Ingredients: meat (pulp) – 250 g, bun – 30 g, butter – 2 tsp, egg – 2 pcs., salt.

Prepare the minced meat as for meat cutlets, and carefully fold in the tightly beaten egg whites. Make balls (meatballs) from the minced meat, place in a greased frying pan, add a little cold broth, cover with oiled paper and place in a not very hot oven for 20–30 minutes.

Serve with mashed potatoes or carrots.


Ingredients: meat – 200 g, onion – ½ piece, hard cheese (grated) – 2 tbsp. l., sour cream - 3 tbsp. l., butter - 1 tbsp. l., salt.

Cut the meat, beat it, salt it, put it in a greased frying pan. Sprinkle the top with chopped onions, cheese and sour cream. Bake in the oven until done.

Fish Meatballs

Ingredients: fish – 200 g, breadcrumbs – 2 tsp, butter – 1 tsp, egg – 2 pcs., salt.

Pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder 2-3 times. Add butter, crackers, egg yolk and beaten white to the minced meat. Dip the finished minced meat into boiling water with a teaspoon and cook for 10–15 minutes under the lid.

Ready meatballs can be topped with sour cream sauce.

The meat of marine fish, in the cod group, contains significantly more minerals than the meat of freshwater fish. Cod species include cod, pollock, whiting, navaga, burbot, pollock, and silver hake. Cod meat contains 18–19% protein; it contains very little fat, virtually no cholesterol, and contains phospholipids. Therefore cod is considered dietary product. The meat of pollock, whiting and pollock is close in nutritional value to cod.

Fish cutlets

Ingredients: fish – 200 g, bread – 40 g, breadcrumbs – 2 tsp, butter – 1 tsp, milk – ⅓ cup, protein – 1 pc., salt.

Mix the butter thoroughly with a crustless loaf of bread soaked in milk. Clean the fish, gut it, wash it, cut the flesh from the bones and mince it twice through a meat grinder along with the bread.

Salt the minced meat and grind thoroughly with a small amount of cream or milk, carefully mix with the egg white, whipped into a strong foam. Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil.

Fish and Potato Cutlets

Ingredients: fish – 200 g, potatoes – 3 pcs., breadcrumbs – 40 g, butter – 1 tbsp. l., milk - ½ cup, egg - 1 pc., salt.

Boil the potatoes. Clean the fish, gut it, wash it, cut the flesh from the bones. Pour water over the bones, head and skin and cook. Pass the pulp and boiled potatoes through a meat grinder 2 times. Add breadcrumbs, butter, salt, yolk and milk to the resulting minced meat. Knead thoroughly and place the entire mass on a wet board. Make cutlets, coat with egg white, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil.

Beef zrazy

Beef – 200 g, bun – 20 g, rice – 2 tbsp. l., onion – 1 pc., water or milk – 2 tbsp. l., egg - 1 pc., salt.

Roll the minced meat into a ball with wet hands and roll it out into a flat cake 1 cm thick. Place boiled rice mixed with chopped egg and onion in the middle of the flat cake. Pinch the edges of the flatbread, immediately give it an oval shape and fry in a frying pan with butter or put in the oven for 30–40 minutes.

Veal Croquettes

Ingredients: meat (pulp) – 150 g, ham – 60 g, butter – 2 tbsp. l., flour - 1 tbsp. l., milk - ¾ cup, egg - 1 pc., salt, parsley.

Cut veal and ham into small cubes. Put butter in a saucepan, let it boil and add flour, then bring to a boil. Dilute with hot milk or broth.

Boil for about 10 minutes, stirring, add salt and chopped parsley. When the sauce thickens to the consistency of porridge, add veal to it, let cool, and place on a board sprinkled with flour. Cut croquettes the size of a nut, coat with egg and roll in breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil.

Nowadays people really like to over-salt food. Make sure that the ham is not over-smoked or over-salted.

Stewed Meat Dishes (Option 1)

Ingredients: water - 1.5 cups, beef - 200 g, potatoes, onions, carrots - 1 piece each, green beans - ½ cup, bay leaf, parsley, dill, green onions, salt.

Cut the meat into pieces, boil until half cooked in salted water along with a bay leaf. Peel the vegetables, cut into cubes and add to the meat. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Stewed Meat Dishes (Option 2)

Ingredients: meat – 200 g, onion – 1 pc., tomato paste – 1 tbsp. l., butter - 1 tbsp. l., flour - 1 tbsp. l., bay leaf, salt.

Cut the meat into cubes and fry in oil. Sprinkle with flour, add bay leaf, finely chopped onion, tomato paste, salt and simmer for 15–20 minutes.

Casserole with Meat and Vermicelli

Ingredients: vermicelli – 100 g, milk – ½ cup, egg – 1 pc., butter – 1 tbsp. l., boiled meat – 100 g, onion – 1 pc., salt, tomato sauce.

Boil the vermicelli in salted water, discard through a colander and let the water drain. Place in a saucepan, add egg and milk and stir. Place half of the noodles on a greased baking sheet. Place minced boiled meat on top, simmered in a frying pan along with finely chopped onion. Place the remaining vermicelli on the meat, crumble the butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake in the oven. Serve with tomato sauce.

Casserole with Meat and Potatoes

Boiled beef – 100 g, potatoes – 3 pcs., onions – 1 pc., butter – 1 tbsp. l., egg - 1 pc., ground crackers, salt.

Prepare mashed potatoes. Place half in an even layer on a frying pan greased with oil and sprinkled with sifted breadcrumbs; Place the meat minced and fried with onions on top and cover it with the rest of the puree. Brush the surface of the casserole with egg mixed with sour cream and bake in the oven.

Meat Casserole with Cabbage

Ingredients: meat – 200 g, white cabbage – 1 leaf, butter – 2 tbsp. l., onion – 1 pc., milk – ½ cup, water – ½ cup, egg – 1 pc., salt.

Pass the boiled meat with finely chopped onion through a meat grinder. Finely chop the cabbage, put it in a saucepan, pour hot water and simmer covered over low heat for 15 minutes. Then put butter in the cabbage, turn the meat, pour in cold milk, salt, add a beaten egg, stir well and place in a frying pan, previously greased with oil. Brush the top of the casserole with egg mixed with milk and place in the oven for 30 minutes.

When serving, pour over sour cream or tomato sauce and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Chicken Casserole

Ingredients: boiled chicken – 250 g, egg – 2 pcs., White bread– 1 slice, milk – 50 ml, sour cream – ½ cup, butter – 50 g, ground crackers – 2 tbsp. l., cheese - 50 g, salt.

Pour milk over white bread and leave to soak. Separate the yolks from the whites, put the whites in the refrigerator. Mince chicken, add yolks, soaked bread, salt, sour cream and 2/3 butter. Mix well.

Beat the chilled whites with a small amount of salt, carefully add to the minced meat and mix. Grease a deep frying pan with the rest of the oil, sprinkle with half the breadcrumbs and lay out the chicken mixture. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top and place in a preheated oven for 30–40 minutes.

Chicken can be replaced with boiled turkey meat.

Fish and Potato Casserole

Ingredients: fish – 200 ml, potatoes – 3 pcs., breadcrumbs – 2 tsp., butter – 2 tsp., milk – ⅓ cup, egg – 2 pcs., salt.

Mash hot, freshly boiled potatoes and stir with milk. Boil the gutted fish, remove the flesh and mix it with the potatoes. Add melted butter, salt, yolk and beaten egg white to the resulting mass. Grease the mold with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, place the minced meat in it, cover with oiled paper and cook in a water bath for 40 minutes.

Fish Casserole

Ingredients: fish – 200 g, butter – 2 tsp, cheese – 20 g, breadcrumbs – 2 tsp, salt.

Boil the gutted and cleaned fish in boiling water (5 minutes), cool quickly in cold water, place on a sieve and let the water drain. Cut into pieces and remove the flesh from the bones. Place the pieces of fish in a fireproof clay cup, greased with oil, pour over the sauce made from dried flour, broth and milk, sprinkle with grated cheese and sifted breadcrumbs on top. Bake in the oven for 15–20 minutes.

Fish Rolls

Ingredients: fish fillet – 500 g, egg – 1 pc., milk – 3 tbsp. l., breadcrumbs, butter - 50 g, vegetable oil - 50 ml, flour, herbs, salt. For minced meat: rice – ½ cup, hard-boiled egg – 1 pc., butter – 20 g, salt.

Salt the fillet and refrigerate for 1–2 hours. Prepare the minced meat. Rinse the rice and cook in plenty of water until half cooked. Drain the water, add oil to the rice, cover with a lid and place in a hot oven for 10–15 minutes. Then cool the rice, put it in a bowl, add salt and pepper, and mix with boiled eggs. Place the prepared minced meat on the fillet, roll into rolls, tie with threads, roll in flour, moisten in egg mixed with milk, and bread in breadcrumbs. Fry in plenty of oil.

Remove the finished rolls from the threads, place in a saucepan and pour over melted butter, without covering, put in the oven.

Steamed Fish Balls

Ingredients: fish fillet – 250 g, green beans – 150 g, bun – 50 g, milk – 50 ml, fresh mushrooms– 100 g, egg – 1 pc., butter – 2 tbsp. l., salt.

Pass the skinless fillet through a meat grinder, mix with bread soaked in milk, add salt and pass through the meat grinder again. Then add softened butter and egg to the mixture and mix well. Cut without dredging in flour, giving the minced meat the shape of balls.

Place the cue balls in one row at the bottom of a pan, greased with oil; in between, put peeled, washed and chopped fresh mushrooms (white or champignons), sprinkle with oil, pour in broth made from fish bones, so that the cue balls are three-quarters immersed in the liquid. . Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 15–20 minutes.

Steaming is always healthier than frying or, especially, deep-frying.

Fish Pate (Option 1)

Ingredients: sea fish fillet – 250 g, butter – 50 g, carrots – 1–2 pcs., onions – 1 pc., salt.

Peel the carrots and onions and grate them. Lightly fry. Chop the fish fillet and fry along with vegetables until cooked. Pass this mixture through a meat grinder twice, add salt and add the butter remaining after frying. Mix everything thoroughly, beat and cool.

Fish Pate (Option 2)

Ingredients: cod fillet – 300 g, potatoes – 3–4 pcs., onion – 1 pc., egg – 1–2 pcs., parsley – 1 bunch, salt.

Boil cod and jacket potatoes separately. Squeeze excess moisture from the fish, peel the potatoes and pass through a meat grinder along with the onion. Add chopped parsley and eggs to the minced meat. Mix well and add salt. Place in a mold and bake in the oven.

Stew of Meat and Vegetables

Ingredients: beef – 200 g, potatoes, carrots, onions – 1 piece each, cauliflower or white cabbage 1 White list, green peas – 2 tsp, butter – 2 tbsp. l., flour - 1 tsp, milk - ½ cup, water - 2 cups, salt.

Cut the meat into small pieces, put in a saucepan, add hot water (1 cup) and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Then put finely chopped potatoes, carrots, onions, pieces of raw cabbage, green peas, water (1 cup) and salt there. Simmer the stew over low heat for another 30 minutes, then add sifted and dried flour, diluted with cold milk, and, stirring gently, boil for 3-5 minutes.

Meatloaf Stuffed

Ingredients: meat (pulp) – 200 g, bun – 30 g, carrots – 1 pc., egg – 2 pcs., butter – 2 tsp., green onions, salt, sour cream.

Prepare the minced meat, place it in a long strip on wet towel and roll out slightly. Place finely chopped eggs in the middle of the minced meat, sprinkle with green onions, and place fried carrots on top. Pinch the roll, bringing the edges of the towel together, and place it, seam side down, in a greased frying pan.

Grease the roll with sour cream, mashed with egg and butter, prick it in several places with a fork to prevent it from cracking. Add some hot water to the pan and place in the oven for 30-40 minutes, pouring hot water from the pan from time to time.

Meatloaf With Cheese

Ingredients: beef – 200 g, cheese – 50 g, butter – 1 tsp, vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l., herbs, salt.

Cut the beef into pieces, beat it, salt it, make a cheese filling from finely grated cheese mixed with butter and chopped herbs, place it on the meat, wrap it in a tube, and fry it in vegetable oil. Then add a little hot water and simmer until done.

Canned stewed meat

Ingredients: meat – 200 g, carrots, onions – 1 piece each, celery root and shallots, tomato sauce – 1 tsp, butter – 1 tbsp. l., salt.

Trim the fat from a piece of meat, wash with cold water, put in a colander and let the water drain, then dry with a towel and rub with salt. Melt the butter in a frying pan and lightly fry the finely chopped onion, then add the meat and chopped roots. As soon as the meat is well fried, add 2 full tablespoons of water, cover the pan with a lid and simmer in the oven, periodically turning over and pouring juice over the meat. To improve the taste, add tomato sauce.

Veal With Potatoes

Ingredients: veal – 200 g, potatoes – 2 pcs., onions – 1 pc., vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l., tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l., crackers - 1 tbsp. l., grated cheese - 1 tbsp. l., herbs, salt.

Boil the meat and potatoes, cut into slices, place in a frying pan, pour in the sauce (mix fried onions with tomato paste), simmer for 15 minutes. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and cheese and bake for 10–15 minutes.

Liver With Vegetables

Ingredients: beef or chicken liver - 100 g, onions, carrots, potatoes - 1 piece each, tomatoes - 2 pieces, flour - 1 tsp, butter - 2 tbsp. l., bay leaf, salt.

Wash, peel, and cut vegetables (except tomatoes) into cubes. Wash the liver, remove the film, cut into pieces, sprinkle with flour, fry in oil. Add vegetables and fry for 10–15 minutes. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, peel them, cut into slices and place with the vegetables and liver. Add salt, add bay leaf and simmer until done.

Chicken with rice

Ingredients: chicken meat – 150 g, rice – 100 g, butter – 2 tbsp. l., flour - 1 tbsp. l., broth - 1 glass, onion - 1 pc., tomato puree, salt.

Cut the boiled chicken meat into cubes. Melt the butter over high heat and fry finely chopped onion in it, and then dry rice, previously dried with a towel. Fry the rice until slightly yellow. When the rice acquires a pleasant smell, pour the broth over it and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

When the rice is soft enough, add a teaspoon of tomato paste and chicken, stir and heat.

Chicken Pudding

Chicken (pulp) – 300 g, bun – 30 g, butter – 1 tbsp. l., milk – 150 ml, egg – 3 pcs., salt.

Rinse the boneless chicken and mince it twice; the second time, pass the meat along with stale wheat bread, previously soaked in some milk. Rub the resulting mass through a hair sieve, mix with the rest of the milk, add raw egg yolk and white beaten into a strong foam, salt, transfer to a greased form and cook in a water bath for 20–25 minutes.

Stuffed cabbage rolls

Ingredients: meat (pulp) – 150 g, rice – 60 g, cabbage – 0.5 kg, onion – 1 pc., tomato – 1 pc., butter – 1 tbsp. l., egg – 3 pcs., flour – 2 tsp., sour cream – 3 tsp., sugar, salt.

Cut off the thick parts in the cabbage leaves and place the leaves in gently boiling water for a few minutes (depending on the thickness of the leaves). Place the leaves in a colander and let the water drain.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder, add boiled rice, finely chopped and fried onion in oil, and a chopped egg.

Place the minced meat in the middle cabbage leaf and wrap it up. Roll the cabbage rolls in breadcrumbs or flour and fry in oil. Then place in a saucepan, pour in tomato sauce and simmer in the oven for 30–40 minutes.

Preparation of the sauce: dissolve the butter, fry the tomato in it, add sugar, sprinkle with flour, dilute with broth and sour cream, let simmer for 8-10 minutes.

Lazy cabbage rolls

Ingredients: rice – 1 cup, cabbage – ½ head, onion – 1 pc., meat – 200 g, tomato paste – 2 tbsp. l., water - 4 cups, butter - 4 tbsp. l., herbs, salt.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder, wash the rice, chop the cabbage and onion. Place in a pan in layers: cabbage, onion, meat, rice. Salt each layer. Dilute tomato paste in hot water and pour it over the layers. Place butter cut into pieces on top and simmer over low heat until tender. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Fish stuffed cabbage rolls

Ingredients: fish fillet – 250 g, cabbage – 250 g, rice – 1 tbsp. l., onion – 1 pc., butter – 2 tbsp. l., tomato sauce - 2 tsp., salt.

Boil fresh cabbage and chop finely. Fry thinly sliced ​​onion, boil rice. Grind the fillet in a meat grinder, add cabbage, rice, onion, salt, mix thoroughly and make sausage-shaped cabbage rolls. Place in a heated frying pan, fry, pour over tomato sauce and bake in the oven.

Dressing Broth

Ingredients: meat (beef) – 300 g, water – 6 glasses, carrots – 1 pc., parsley root, salt, onions and leeks, parsley.

Wash a piece of meat with bones, cut off the film, remove fat and tendons, cut into small pieces, crush the bones. Pour in cold water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for an hour. Season the broth with finely chopped roots (onion, parsley, carrots) and herbs. Continue cooking for another hour. Then remove the fat, strain the broth, add salt and bring to a boil. The dressing broth can be used both for making soups and as a separate dish.

You can season the broth with finely chopped vegetables (1 tbsp per glass of broth) or pre-cooked fluffy rice(1 tsp per glass of broth). You can season with pre-stewed fresh cabbage (1 tbsp per glass of broth) or semolina (1 tsp per glass of broth), pureed vegetables or pureed meat, taken 1 tbsp. l.

Broth With Vermicelli

Ingredients: meat – 100 g, vermicelli – 2 handfuls, carrots – 1 small, butter – 1 tsp, salt.

Place vermicelli in boiling salted water and cook until tender, then discard in a colander and rinse with cold boiled water. Finely chop the carrots into rings or thin strips and simmer in oil. Place boiled vermicelli and stewed carrots into the hot broth and boil.

Average amount of first course: for a child from 1 to 2 years old – 120–150 ml, from 2 to 3 years old – 150–180 ml. IN different days A child may have a different appetite; there is no need to strive for him to eat everything.

Cauliflower Soup

Ingredients: beef – 100 g, cauliflower – ¼ head (or 10–12 inflorescences), carrots – ½ piece, butter – 1 tsp, onion – ½ piece, parsley, dill, salt.

Wash a head of cauliflower, peeled from stalks and leaves, cut into small pieces (florets), put in strained boiling meat broth and cook at low boil for 15 minutes, add salt. Before serving, add butter to the soup and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley or dill.

Brussels Sprout Soup

Ingredients: beef – 100 g, Brussels sprouts – 3-4 pcs., carrots – ½ pcs., parsley, dill, sour cream, meat broth – 1.5 cups, salt.

Boil meat broth. Cut off the Brussels sprouts, rinse thoroughly and put in cold water for half an hour, then wash again. Place the husks in boiling water and, when the water boils again, immediately remove them with a slotted spoon and place them in the hot broth. Add diced potatoes and cook until tender. You can also prepare soup using water or vegetable broth. Serve with sour cream.

Vegetables should be washed and peeled immediately before cooking, placed in boiling water and preferably simmered under a lid in a small amount of water. You should not cook vegetables for more than 30 minutes, as prolonged cooking leads to the destruction of vitamins.

Strong Chicken Soup

Ingredients: chicken meat – 400 g, water – 6 glasses, parsley root – 50 g.

Place the processed young chicken carcass in a saucepan, put on high heat, bring to a boil and skim off the foam. Then reduce the heat and simmer over low heat for 1-1.5 hours until the chicken is tender.

Remove the chicken and place it in a cold place salt water so as not to darken. Strain the broth through a damp napkin, put it back on the fire and season with semolina, or noodles, or rice. At the same time, add the minced chicken and let it simmer for another 20 minutes. Children over 2 years old can be served separately with a piece of chicken with rice and white sauce.

When cooking vegetable soups You need to remember that vegetables must be fresh and undamaged. Puree soup intended for baby food should not be too thick.

Chicken Cream Soup

Ingredients: chicken meat – 400 g, water – 6–8 glasses (depending on the size of the chicken), parsley and leek root – 50 g each, egg – 1 pc., flour – 1 tsp, milk – ¼ glasses, butter - 1 tsp, salt.

Cut the chicken carcass into small pieces, add cold water and cook under the lid. Skim off the foam and add salt to the broth. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam again, add the white roots, let it boil, then simmer the broth, covered, over low heat until the chicken is soft. Remove the chicken, remove the flesh from the bones and turn it through a meat grinder 2-3 times.

Add flour fried in butter to the resulting chicken puree, stir well, adding strained chicken broth until the desired thickness is achieved, so that the puree soup is not very liquid and not very thick.

Light Rice Soup

Ingredients: meat – 100 g, water – 0.5 l, rice – 2 tsp, carrots – 10 g, turnip or rutabaga – 10 g, salt, a small amount of onions, parsley and dill.

Boil meat or chicken broth, strain. Sort the rice, rinse, put in salted boiling water and cook at low boil until soft, without overcooking. Place the rice in a colander and let the water drain, then place the rice in the hot broth and boil. The greens, washed with boiled water and finely chopped, are placed on a plate before serving.

Fish Broth

Ingredients: fish – 150 g, white roots, onion – 1 pc., water – 1.5 cups, salt.

Take a fish fillet (or remove the bones from the fish carcass) and cut into pieces. Place them on the bottom of the pan, add hot water (1 glass of water per 100 g of fish), add chopped raw roots, onion, salt and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer over low heat (almost without visible boiling). Remove the finished fish from the broth and strain the broth. Serve with fish balls.

Fish Meatballs For Soup

Ingredients: fish fillet – 100 g, bun – 15 g, butter – 1 tsp, egg – ½ pc., salt.

Pass fish without skin and bones through a meat grinder twice with wheat bread previously soaked in milk and squeezed out. Add butter, salt, beaten egg to the crushed mass and mix well, then roll into balls (meatballs) approximately the size of a hazelnut. Place the meatballs into the boiling broth. Cook at the lowest simmer for 10–15 minutes.

It is best for children to give cod, pike perch, navaga, sea bass, silver hake and other types of fish containing a small amount of fat. It is advisable that the fish be fresh or frozen.

Fish Soup With Rice and Vegetables

Ingredients: fish fillet – 300 g, water – 1 l, sweet pepper – 2 pods, tomatoes – 2–3 pcs., onions – 1 pc., rice – ¼ cup, vegetable oil – ¼ cup, lemon wedge, dill, parsley and green onions, salt.

Remove seeds from pepper pods and cut into strips. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and then immediately with cold water. Remove the skin and cut into slices. Peel the onion and chop. Fry the onion directly in the pan until transparent. Add the washed rice to the onions, add peppers and tomatoes. Fry, stirring, for 5–7 minutes, then pour in hot water and cook for another 15 minutes. Salt the fish fillet and sprinkle lemon juice. Cut the fillet into pieces or strips and place in boiling soup. Cook over very low heat until the fish is done. Finely chop the greens, add to the soup and immediately remove from heat.

Fresh cabbage soup with meatballs

Ingredients: meat – 150 g, parsley and leek root, onion – 1 pc., potatoes – carrots, rutabaga – 1 pc., cabbage – small fork, tomato – 1 small, sugar, salt.

Boil clear broth. Simmer the shredded meat under the lid white cabbage, carrots and rutabaga with added sugar and a small amount of strained broth. When the vegetables are half cooked, add the potatoes and tomatoes, simmered separately in a small amount of oil. When the vegetables are ready, add the rest of the strained broth, let them boil again and serve with or without sour cream.

Meatballs For Soup

Ingredients: boiled beef – 200 g, wheat bread – 1 slice, egg – 1 pc., small onion, parsley, dill, salt.

Pass the boiled meat through a meat grinder twice along with wheat bread (without crusts) previously soaked in cold water and then squeezed out, add a beaten egg, grated raw onion, salt and mix. Cut the minced meat into balls the size of a hazelnut. Before eating, place the meatballs in the boiling broth and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Veal Meatballs

Veal (pulp) – 200 g, milk – 2 tbsp. l., egg (white) - 2 pcs., salt.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder twice, add salt, add milk and mix well, then add egg whites, whipped into foam, and mix again. Roll the prepared mass into balls the size of large cherries, place in a small pan, greased with oil, add a little broth or water and close tightly with a lid. Steam.

Green cabbage soup

Ingredients: meat – 150 g, spinach – 200 g, potatoes – 2 pcs., egg – 2 pcs., sour cream – 2 tsp.

Boil the meat broth and strain through double-folded gauze. Sort the spinach, wash it in several waters, and put it in the boiling broth along with the chopped potatoes. Cook, covered, until the potatoes are cooked through. Remove the spinach and potatoes from the soup and rub through a sieve, then put the resulting puree back into the broth and bring it to a boil. Season the finished soup with raw yolk, mashed with sour cream. Serve with half a hard-boiled egg.

Lazy cabbage soup

Ingredients: beef – 100 g, sauerkraut – 150 g, onions and carrots – 1 piece each, tomato paste – 1 tsp, sour cream – 1 tbsp. l., flour – 1 tsp., butter – 1 tbsp. l., bay leaf, salt, dill.

Boil the broth, remove the meat. Fry chopped onions and carrots in oil for 10 minutes, add sauerkraut, tomato paste, bay leaf, simmer for another 10–15 minutes. Combine with broth and chopped meat, boil for 10 minutes, add flour dressing. Before serving, add sour cream and dill.

Borscht With Meatballs

Ingredients: meat – 200 g, water – 600 ml, bun – 30 g, parsley and leek root, onion, carrots, rutabaga, beets – 1 piece each, cabbage – ¼ medium head of cabbage, tomato – 1 small, sour cream, butter - 1 tsp, sugar, salt.

Separate the meat from the bones. Make clear broth from the bones.

Prepare meatballs from the pulp: add a roll pre-soaked in water to the minced meat, add a tablespoon of very cold water and mix well. Cut meatballs the size of a walnut.

Separately chop beets, cabbage, some carrots, rutabaga and onions. Simmer the vegetables in a small amount of broth (covered) with the addition of a small amount of sugar, add a tomato poached in oil.

Meatballs (4-5 pieces per serving) are dipped into the soup 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Recipes from the book "Grandma's Recipes for Kids. Tasty, Hearty, Healthy", Agafya Tikhonovna Zvonareva