Combined from wet to dry fasting. Is fasting the key to eternal life or useless self-torture? What is an acidotic crisis and what does its onset indicate?

Therapeutic fasting has its roots in ancient times. One way or another, in various forms, the idea of ​​fasting is mentioned in the wisest scriptures of the world. The smartest people it was practiced in different eras. Efficiency and benefits therapeutic fasting proven for human health. With its help, you can not only bring the body’s functioning back to normal, cleanse it, but also recover from chronic diseases. Of course, this method must be practiced with caution so as not to cause harm and be sure to consult a doctor before practicing. How to properly use therapeutic fasting to improve the health of the body? What approaches exist in this matter and how to choose for yourself best option?

From the history of therapeutic fasting

Over such a long period of time, the method of therapeutic fasting has shown its benefits. For example, the representative of Ancient Greece, Herodotus, believed that the inhabitants of Egypt are the healthiest people on Earth, since they practice cleansing the body, and people get all their illnesses from food.

The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras often fasted for forty days. Moreover, he forced his students to do the same as he did. During this period of time, Pythagoras ate only light cooked food or raw vegetables.

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato divided all medicine into two categories:

  • False – the one that gives “false” health and temporary strength.
  • The true one is the one that gives real health, formed under the influence of air, fasting and the sun.

The doctor Hippocrates was an ardent supporter of hunger; he believed that frequent use food causes frequent occurrences diseases.

Plutarch was a supporter of therapeutic fasting; he believed that before taking medicine, it is better to fast for several days.

During the Renaissance, the story of one aristocrat from Venice, Ludvigo Cornaro, is known, who, like everyone around him, often led a riotous lifestyle: he overeated, moved little, and drank a lot of wine. It is not surprising that by the age of forty he was overcome by many diseases that could not be cured. best medicines that time. But there was one of the doctors who offered his patient unconventional method- therapeutic fasting. As a result of applying this method, Cornaro’s condition began to improve, and the aristocrat lived to be 95 years old.

The doctor Chain, who lived at the beginning of the 18th century and was famous in his circles for his great love of cutlets and wine, revised his views on nutrition and was one of the first to propose a revision of the rules Catering, with an emphasis on fasting.

Dr. Friedrich Hoffmann, an ardent supporter of therapeutic fasting, was convinced that at the first manifestations of any disease, the first thing you need to do is review your diet.

One of the American doctors, Edward Dewey, also believed that before eating food, a person must be ready to digest it. According to his method, you need to fast for at least 50 days. Dewey's Dr. Tanner believed that eating food in moderation was an excellent "elixir of youth."

A significant breakthrough in the spread of fasting ideas occurred at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when interest in alternative medicine began to appear. During this period, a number of clinics even opened in Switzerland, the USA, and France.

A. P. Voroshilov - Strategy and tactics of fasting

About therapeutic fasting in Russia

Dr. Pashutin and his followers made a significant contribution to the development of the ideas of fasting. They have proven that with twenty to twenty-five percent weight loss significant pathological changes does not occur in the human body, they occur only with a weight loss of forty percent, they begin to appear.

A Russian doctor in the 40s, Dr. Narbekov, proved the benefits of fasting for asthma, pancreatitis, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Doctor Nikolaev is considered the patriarch of therapeutic fasting. It was he who created the fundamental work describing clinical picture, contraindications, stages of fasting. Thanks to his activities, it was included in the list official methods treatment called (RDT) - fasting-dietary therapy.

Despite pressure from the pharmacological business, therapeutic fasting proves its effectiveness every year and is replenished with a new number of adherents.

The effect of therapeutic fasting on the human body

The fact is that therapeutic fasting, when food does not enter the human body, results in excellent changes. The body does not receive energy in its usual way through food. Therefore, somewhere it needs to get resources for further functioning. And he begins to process his own already stored resources. Moreover, it is at this moment that the body begins to regenerate itself; it seems to close “for repairs.” When the body does not receive a new portion of food, it switches to processing the resources it already has. These reserves are undigested “semi-finished products”. To process them, the body no longer needs to spend as much energy as processing fresh food. For “semi-finished products” to begin to be processed, the body needs approximately five to seven days. For some people it takes eight to ten days. When the body switches entirely to internal nutrition and processes only the remaining “semi-finished products”, this period is usually called a crisis.


After the crisis has passed, the organs themselves begin to produce glucose, and the person’s condition becomes better.


During and after a crisis, “ spring-cleaning» all organs and systems of the body.

In the usual system, nutrition came from the digestive organs to all cells and blood. During fasting, energy is produced by cells independently. From them nutrients enter the blood and reach the cells in need. This is how recovery puts every cell into action. The body itself knows what exactly it lacks, and it synthesizes it. Moreover, if we talk about the quality of the compounds, it is undoubtedly better than substances processed from food.

How longer person starves, the more profound and qualitative changes occur in his body. First of all, the body uses up easily processed substances, then switches to less accessible ones. That is, the longer a person fasts, the more diseases can be cured. There is a period called a cleansing crisis - when the patient’s condition worsens. There is no need to be afraid of this moment. The disease is an accumulation of debris in an organ. You need to endure this stage and continue fasting. Human body- the most perfect invention of nature. It will independently restore and cleanse the necessary organs.


Gradually, during the fasting process, the tongue is cleansed, urine becomes clearer, and skin condition improves.

Fasting is easy!

What is physiologically complete fasting?

Physiologically completed fasting is a fasting in which the resources for restoring the body have run out.

This effect is achieved extremely rarely in humans; to achieve this, one must fast for at least thirty days. A person develops a strong appetite, the tongue is already cleansed. It is important not to delay and immediately switch to restorative nutrition, otherwise the cells will further self-destruct. In order not to take risks, it is often recommended to limit yourself to shorter periods.

During restorative nutrition, understand that at this time the body is again adjusting to external sources of nutrition. But some of the processes of independent cellular nutrition are preserved. The longer a person is on a vegetarian diet, the longer independent cell synthesis persists. Thus, as a result of this procedure, nutrients are absorbed approximately as they would be absorbed by a growing young body. Rejuvenation, cleansing and self-healing of the body occurs, its immunity increases, and the amount of energy increases. In addition, the real taste of food can only be felt after a course of therapeutic fasting.

A. P. Voroshilov - Effects of fasting

Indications for the use of therapeutic fasting

There are a number of diseases during which the use of therapeutic fasting has proven effective:

  • Hypertension, first and second degree.
  • Neuroses, schizophrenia, depression.
  • Some heart diseases.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Gastritis.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Neuroendocrine disorders.
  • Prostate diseases.
  • Skin allergies.
  • Obesity.

Fasting: benefit or harm?

Contraindications for therapeutic fasting

Contraindications to therapeutic fasting may vary, depending on who exactly is the author of a particular approach. There are two types of contraindications:

  • Relative – when is it best to apply restrictions in therapeutic fasting.
  • Absolute – a complete ban on therapeutic fasting.

Depending on a particular method, contraindications can move from the group of absolute to the group of relative, and vice versa. One of the systems of contraindications, absolute contraindications:

  • Malignant tumors.
  • Bronchiectactic disease.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus, first degree.
  • Thyrotoxicosis.
  • Tuberculosis in the active stage.
  • Underweight (greater than 15 percent).
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Heart failure.
  • Kidney failure.

Relative contraindications:

  • Hypotension.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Gout.
  • Diabetes, second degree.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Lactation period.
  • Age – young or too old.

Fasting program

Types of fasting: classic approach

With the classic approach, there are no restrictions on water consumption, but food is completely excluded. Deadlines can be set from one to forty days. Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines, in addition to eliminating food, you should forget about drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. It is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, wear only natural clothes, and perform self-massage and massage.

Types of fasting: dry fasting

Dry fasting is called fasting, in which not only the consumption of food, but also water is completely excluded. Typically, the practice of dry fasting lasts up to a maximum of five days. There are two types of dry fasting:

  • Mild fasting - while excluding any consumption of water and food, bathing and washing are allowed.
  • Strict fasting - completely eliminates contact with water, including enemas, washing, and bathing. As a rule, such fasting is short-term in nature, practiced for up to two days.

Dry fasting practice

Mixed fasting

Mixed fasting implies a combination of dry fasting with a subsequent transition to drinking water. In the first days, dry fasting is practiced. During this period, fats are broken down and converted into water, which the body feeds on. Consequently, a person does not experience significant water shortages. Thus, the moment of onset of the crisis is accelerated. A short dry fast should begin at the beginning, then a transition to a longer wet fast. Distinctive feature This method is that enemas are not prescribed at the beginning of fasting.

Mixed fasting allows you to speed up the process of the onset of a crisis without putting a lot of stress on the body.

Therapeutic fasting according to Breg

Although Paul Breg never had medical education, was an ardent proponent of therapeutic fasting, developing his own system. Breg suggests eliminating any food from your diet, but not limiting your water intake. The fasting period should be from seven to ten days. It is better to start with one day of fasting. At this time, you should not perform enemas, as they only deprive the body of much-needed energy. It’s better to be in a favorable atmosphere somewhere in nature, but don’t forget about active image life.

Paul Bragg. Creating an ageless body

Therapeutic fasting according to Voitovich

Voitovich's technique has shown its effectiveness even in a number of incurable diseases, for example, tuberculosis and oncology.

The practice consists of three phases that follow one another:

  • full/combined – duration is 17-20 days, then goes restorative nutrition,
  • water + dry fasting, lasting up to 35 days, then - restorative nutrition,
  • fasting for up to 25 days.

Restorative nutrition is a dairy-vegetable diet. The duration of such fasting is approximately six months.

Fasting according to Nikolaev

Nikolaev's method is close to the classical method, but has some differences. The fasting period should be 20-21 days. The main emphasis is on inpatient fasting, when the procedure is carried out under the supervision of doctors and surrounded by like-minded people. In addition, enemas are practiced every day, daily walks for several hours a day, drinking plenty of rosehip decoction, massage, and water procedures.

Nikolaev also believed that before practice, every patient should undergo medical examination, pass basic tests. Then, during the interview, the doctor and the patient set a fasting period so that he can adjust psychologically.

Therapeutic fasting. Professor Zhdanov

Urine therapeutic fasting

Urine therapeutic fasting can be practiced only after cleansing the body. With its help, the body is not only cleansed, but also diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated. Urine cleanses the kidneys much better than any juice.

According to the urine method, you should sharply reduce the consumption of fried and protein foods two days before the start of fasting, eating only plant foods. In the morning you need to drink a medium portion of urine, then drink water. Then it is recommended to consume daily urine, except for the last portion. Any food should be completely excluded. You can drink water in unlimited quantities. In terms of timing, it is better to focus on four to seven days.

Fasting treats heart and vascular diseases

Duration of therapeutic fasting

  • One-day fasting is a great option for beginners. Such fasting will not create stressful situation for the body, and the person will gradually get rid of psychological dependence on food. In addition, they improve the functioning of the immune system, rejuvenate the body, and cleanse it. Before starting the practice of fasting, the most important thing is your mood. In a few days, you need to begin to prepare yourself for the event: if necessary, convince family members of the correctness of the procedure, ask for their support. Before the day of practice, it is important not to overeat, you should give up alcohol and cigarettes. It is recommended to drink as much water as possible; it will be useful to do an enema. For dinner you can eat a light salad and drink a cup of tea, take a shower and go to bed. If at the end of the day there is no big appetite, then you can extend the fast for another day.

Secrets of fasting
  • Three-day fasting - in three days, digestion slows down, and the consumption of one’s own reserves is just beginning. However, a complete transition to internal nutrition does not have time to occur. In addition, the way out of fasting occurs during a crisis, which does not have a very good effect on the body. Therefore, fasting for three days is not the best choice. But if it is impossible to implement another, you can practice it too.

Appearance and fasting
  • Long-term fasting – such fasting refers to a practice whose duration exceeds 12 days. In fact, fasting is considered real only after the onset of an acidotic crisis. It is after this that the transition to internal nutrition occurs. Only then can each cell be restored and renewed. Long-term fasting is used for the purpose of deep cleansing the body, getting rid of chronic diseases, as well as self-control. Throughout the procedure, the condition may worsen: there is no need to be afraid and stop. The time of the second crisis comes on the 18-21st day of fasting, characterized by a slower reaction, weakness, bad mood. In some cases, it is worth stopping the practice completely and starting to break the fast. Each time it becomes easier and easier for a person to master long-term fasting. But in any case, you need to be careful with prolonged fasting.

A. P. Voroshilov. Therapeutic fasting
  • Physiologically completed fasting is fasting in which the body has completely used up its fat reserves and all “semi-finished products” have been digested. If you do not stop in time, irreversible reactions will begin in the body, which will only worsen the condition of the body. It has been proven that the resources available for use account for 40-45 percent of the total body weight. Meanwhile, physiologically complete fasting occurs with a loss of 20-30 percent of body weight. Thus, you need to proceed from the total body weight. For some people, 25 days will be enough, for others – 40 days. In medical practice, there are even cases of 90-day fasting without harm to health. You should stop fasting when the body has given a signal of its complete cleansing: profuse salivation, no fecal stones, clean tongue, glowing eyes. In most cases there is no need for such a long fast.

How long can a person survive without food? TV channel "Russia"

Breaking out of fasting

Particular importance should be paid to the process of breaking from fasting. On the one hand, you can go through the entire fasting process perfectly and ruin everything with the wrong way out; on the other hand, when the right way out the healing effect is significantly increased. There are several rules for effectively breaking fast:

  • Gradually increase the amount of foods you eat
  • Split food
  • Focus on plant-based and dairy foods
  • The timing of recovery from fasting should be equal to the duration of fasting.

It's best to go out diluted natural juices, after a couple of days they can not be diluted. The longer the fasting procedure, the longer you need to stay on the juice diet. Then you need to add soups, cereals, fruits, and salads to your diet. Meat can be replaced with nuts or seeds. After two to three weeks, you can eat three to four times a day, paying considerable attention to the quality of food.


The process of restoring the body after fasting can last from a month to three.

Health: Lose the excess. Starvation

Fasting in children

You need to understand that fasting is natural physiological process. Parents need not be afraid negative consequences. Moreover, fasting is an instinct that is lost by adulthood. If a child is accustomed to periodic fasting and not insisted on eating food when he does not want, then such a parental approach will only benefit the child.

Often parents force their child to eat during illness. This is fundamentally not true. On the contrary, you need to give him complete freedom in choosing his diet and give him water more often.

For children, therapeutic fasting is prescribed when allergic reactions, digestive problems. Are there any restrictions on therapeutic fasting for aunts?

The timing of fasting is largely determined by the age of the child.

For children under one year of age, fasting should not exceed a day.

For children two years old - no longer than two days.

If the child is not yet twelve years old, the duration of the days of fasting should not exceed the number of his age.

From 13 to 18 years of age, fasting should not exceed twenty days.

Of course, before starting the practice, you need to show your child to the doctor.

Live healthy! Hunger Management


Therapeutic fasting brings enormous benefits to the human body. Before practicing it, you need to choose the right method and timing for yourself, and also consult a doctor.

"The Science of Fasting" Documentary about therapeutic fasting

Regular water procedures force the skin to work at full capacity for absorption. By this we achieve the opposite effect - instead of the usual flow of fluid from the depths of the body to the pores of the skin, we drive water from 96 million pores of the skin to the center of the body. as a result of a change in the direction of the flow, the skin is cleared, and this leads to improved circulation of protective energy in it and better absorption of free electrons. The above mechanisms strongly train the acupuncture system, clean its channels due to the phenomenon of superconductivity and superfluidity, and wash the entire body from the skin to the central part. As a result, one effect, helping the other, sums up and does a tremendous job of improving the health of the body. So, as a result of an increase in energy in the body, all redox reactions proceed better, body temperature increases, everything unnecessary is burned, and what is needed is used again. The superfluidity effect quickly and efficiently removes the products of the oxidation process. as a result of such hunger, the subsequent effect of rejuvenation is more pronounced. Such fasting can be carried out at home, it is easily tolerated psychologically, there is a very good quality cleansing effect, and there are few complications.

Flaws. During semi-dry fasting, wetting the skin with water, rinsing the mouth, dousing, and salt water enemas, although they help the body activate a number of mechanisms, you have to pay for everything. During complete (wet) fasting, the body completely adapts to endogenous nutrition, and if at this time you start drinking juices, eating an apple, etc., then this unique mechanism is completely disrupted, the same thing happens during dry fasting. The cells of our body begin to produce their own high-quality water from their internal reserves. The body completely adjusts to an anhydrous regime; it begins to take water from the air. The body is recharged with the best energy from nature, but when water gets on the body or in the oral cavity, these mechanisms do not work at full capacity. All my patients who have tried rinsing their mouths with water and dousing themselves say that at first it feels good, but then the dryness increases several times, and it becomes almost impossible to go through fasting. Just like salt enemas - there is no cleansing effect, but thirst is provoked. Swim and shower cold water sometimes it is possible, but it is better to do this at the end of the fast. If hunger passes tolerably and evenly, then it is better not to contact water at all. Therefore, after dousing and bathing, it is almost unlikely to undergo a full-fledged dry fast and achieve a second acidotic crisis.

Combined fasting

Usually combined fasting is used: 2-3 days of dry fasting, then given water.

A comment.

Advantage. Combined fasting gives a greater healing effect than complete fasting (with water), because already on the third day of absolute fasting, a ketoacidotic crisis occurs, after which the patient’s well-being significantly improves, and the greatest therapeutic effect for the body is observed. When fasting with water, the crisis occurs only after 7-16 days. With this technique, patients are asked to abstain from food and water for 1–3 days (according to individual tolerance); cleansing enemas are not prescribed. Starting from days 2-4, patients resume water intake, limiting it to 10-12 mg/kg body weight per day throughout the entire fasting period, and continue complete fasting according to the usual RDT method.

A number of researchers note that the use of combined fasting makes it possible to achieve an earlier onset of the acidotic peak and a greater reduction in fatty body mass. in the case of treatment of patients with arterial hypertension, normalization of blood pressure occurs earlier, which reduces the duration of the unloading period and, accordingly, the duration inpatient treatment sick. This technique is the method of choice when the underlying disease is complicated by obesity and edematous syndrome. In addition, the combination of dry and wet fasting is well tolerated by patients, has a therapeutic effect while reducing the total duration of RDT, and optimizes the timing of its implementation due to the earlier onset of acidotic crisis.

Flaws. There is no removal of “dead heavy water” from the body, the anti-inflammatory effect is less pronounced than with dry fasting, and the cleansing effect is also weaker. To get good quality therapeutic effect it is necessary to undergo a long period of fasting, at least 30 days.

Advantages of dry fasting over wet fasting

During dry fasting, the body is placed in more stringent conditions; it must adapt in such a way as to produce not only nutrients, but also water. Body tissues are broken down even more quickly, this happens in a short time. The stages of therapeutic fasting when using the method of therapeutic dry fasting are the same as with wet fasting, but the duration is significantly reduced. Thus, the stage of food arousal lasts less than a day, the stage of increasing ketoacidosis lasts from 1 to 3 days. Already on the third day of dry fasting, a ketoacidotic crisis occurs. The second, most therapeutic acidotic crisis occurs on the 9-11th day. The sooner an acidotic crisis occurs, the faster it passes, the more time remains for renewal and healing of the body.

During wet fasting, exogenous water enters the body, that is, water from outside. and it is precisely this that is the main cleansing factor. According to the law of biological expediency, in this case the cell spends a minimum of its own energy - and so everything goes fine: all toxins, poisons, wastes dissolve and, figuratively speaking, toxins are washed out of the cell, from the intercellular space. And during dry fasting, toxins are burned, one might say, in their own furnace - each cell, in the absence of water, triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. Each cell temporarily turns into a mini-furnace, a mini-reactor. But water is very necessary, and cells are deprived of this freebie, especially sick and altered ones. in such conditions, the strongest, healthiest cells survive, and willy-nilly, in order to survive in such difficult, harsh conditions, they have to activate the production of their own ultra-high quality endogenous water. And this endogenous water should be several times higher quality than exogenous water, again based on the law of biological expediency. After all, the cell spends a lot of energy - therefore, the resulting product must match the quality of the effort expended. This is not the human mind, which can make mistakes. This is nature itself, which has provided for any scenario and does everything to ensure that life continues.

During dry fasting, old “dead water” is replaced with super-quality “ living water", synthesized by the body itself.

Many people note that dry fasting is easier to tolerate than water fasting, primarily due to the absence of a feeling of hunger. This is generally not surprising. The fact is that water outside the body and water absorbed are a big difference. The body processes the molecules of incoming water, clears them of unnecessary information, structures them and turns them into “its own” molecules, which have properties of a given organism. To do this, just like to digest food, he needs to expend a certain amount of energy and time. Therefore, absolute fasting is more complete, as it provides complete rest. If food and “dead”, heavy water do not enter the body, then our blood does not receive many harmful substances, and the blood is constantly cleansed by our body, in fact, the same blood composition will be cleaned repeatedly through filter elements, that is, the blood will be almost not perfectly clean. The blood on the SG is cleared of everything unnecessary, and the blood plasma becomes transparent like glass, everything comes into harmony, including coagulation factors. Dry fasting in this regard purifies the blood more completely than through hemodialysis or hemosorption - hardware blood purification. Consequently, all processes in our body related to blood will be performed almost perfectly.

Combined fasting

Usually combined fasting is used: 2-3 days of dry fasting, then given water.

A comment.

Advantage. Combined fasting gives a greater healing effect than complete fasting (with water), because already on the third day of absolute fasting, a ketoacidotic crisis occurs, after which the patient’s well-being significantly improves, and the greatest therapeutic effect for the body is observed. When fasting with water, the crisis occurs only after 7-16 days. With this technique, patients are asked to abstain from food and water for 1–3 days (according to individual tolerance); cleansing enemas are not prescribed. Starting from days 2-4, patients resume water intake, limiting it to 10-12 mg/kg body weight per day throughout the entire fasting period, and continue complete fasting according to the usual RDT method.

A number of researchers note that the use of combined fasting makes it possible to achieve an earlier onset of the acidotic peak and a greater reduction in fatty body mass. in the case of treatment of patients with arterial hypertension, normalization of blood pressure occurs earlier, which reduces the duration of the fasting period and, accordingly, the duration of inpatient treatment of patients. This technique is the method of choice when the underlying disease is complicated by obesity and edematous syndrome. In addition, the combination of dry and wet fasting is well tolerated by patients, has a therapeutic effect while reducing the total duration of RDT, and optimizes the timing of its implementation due to the earlier onset of acidotic crisis.

Flaws. There is no removal of “dead heavy water” from the body, the anti-inflammatory effect is less pronounced than with dry fasting, and the cleansing effect is also weaker. To obtain a good, high-quality therapeutic effect, it is necessary to undergo a long period of fasting, at least 30 days.

Advantages of dry fasting over wet fasting

During dry fasting, the body is placed in more stringent conditions; it must adapt in such a way as to produce not only nutrients, but also water. Body tissues are broken down even more quickly, this happens in a short time. The stages of therapeutic fasting when using the method of therapeutic dry fasting are the same as with wet fasting, but the duration is significantly reduced. Thus, the stage of food arousal lasts less than a day, the stage of increasing ketoacidosis lasts from 1 to 3 days. Already on the third day of dry fasting, a ketoacidotic crisis occurs. The second, most therapeutic acidotic crisis occurs on the 9-11th day. The sooner an acidotic crisis occurs, the faster it passes, the more time remains for renewal and healing of the body.

During wet fasting, exogenous water enters the body, that is, water from outside. and it is precisely this that is the main cleansing factor. According to the law of biological expediency, in this case the cell spends a minimum of its own energy - and so everything goes fine: all toxins, poisons, wastes dissolve and, figuratively speaking, toxins are washed out of the cell, from the intercellular space. And during dry fasting, toxins are burned, one might say, in their own furnace - each cell, in the absence of water, triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. Each cell temporarily turns into a mini-furnace, a mini-reactor. But water is very necessary, and cells are deprived of this freebie, especially sick and altered ones. in such conditions, the strongest, healthiest cells survive, and willy-nilly, in order to survive in such difficult, harsh conditions, they have to activate the production of their own ultra-high quality endogenous water. And this endogenous water should be several times higher quality than exogenous water, again based on the law of biological expediency. After all, the cell spends a lot of energy - therefore, the resulting product must match the quality of the effort expended. This is not the human mind, which can make mistakes. This is nature itself, which has provided for any scenario and does everything to ensure that life continues.

During dry fasting, old “dead water” is replaced with super-quality “living water” synthesized by the body itself.

Many people note that dry fasting is easier to tolerate than water fasting, primarily due to the absence of a feeling of hunger. This is generally not surprising. The fact is that water outside the body and water absorbed are a big difference. The body processes the molecules of incoming water, clears them of unnecessary information, structures them and turns them into “its own”, having the properties of the given organism. To do this, just like to digest food, he needs to expend a certain amount of energy and time. Therefore, absolute fasting is more complete, as it provides complete rest. If food and “dead”, heavy water do not enter the body, then our blood does not receive many harmful substances, and the blood is constantly cleansed by our body, in fact, the same blood composition will be cleaned repeatedly through filter elements, that is, the blood will be almost not perfectly clean. The blood on the SG is cleared of everything unnecessary, and the blood plasma becomes transparent like glass, everything comes into harmony, including coagulation factors. Dry fasting in this regard purifies the blood more completely than through hemodialysis or hemosorption - hardware blood purification. Consequently, all processes in our body related to blood will be performed almost perfectly.

The anti-inflammatory effect of dry fasting is several times more powerful than that of wet fasting. The thing is that inflammation cannot exist without water. Any inflamed area swells (swells with water). Only in sufficient aquatic environment Microorganisms: germs and viruses can multiply. Water deficiency is extremely detrimental to inflammation. Due to dehydration of the body, strong competition begins between body cells and pathogenic microorganisms for water. Body cells in the host position take water from microorganisms, but the body itself can not only synthesize endogenous water; during this period, the required amount of water comes from the air, absorbed through the skin due to the fact that the body in the process of SG works not on excretion, but on absorption . Healthy, strong cells receive additional energy and water, but sick cells, viruses and bacteria, cannot do this. Microbes, viruses, and worms die instantly without water.

During wet fasting, special procedures are used to enhance the detoxification effect: enemas, colon hydrotherapy, baths, saunas, etc. During dry fasting, the body uses completely unique mechanisms to neutralize poisons and toxins, which do not occur with any type of fasting. During dry fasting, toxins are burned, one might say, in their own furnace - each cell, in the absence of water, triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. It turns out to be a kind of extreme express method of destroying everything unnecessary, heavy, and painful inside the cell. Each cell temporarily turns into a mini-furnace, a mini-reactor. The body's internal temperature increases. This temperature may not be registered with a thermometer, but it is felt by people during dry fasting as internal heat, “fire” or chills. The most important point in this condition is that temperature itself is an important part of the defense reactions. From our own experience, we know that temperature destroys all toxins, poisons, even cancer cells and then they completely suspend their life activity. This process speeds up recovery. By reacting by increasing body temperature, the body slows down the growth of microorganisms. Immune system It becomes easier to hunt down and kill everything alien and changed.

- Slimming effect

With HS, neither food nor water enters the human body, i.e., the supply of energy from the outside completely stops. The body is forced to obtain energy and water endogenously, that is, within itself. Therefore, completely different, unusual things begin to happen in the body. chemical reactions, t. e. change metabolic processes. Less muscle tissue is lost relative to fat tissue. During water fasting, the loss of muscle and fat tissue occurs almost equal proportion. During dry fasting, a person looks like a camel, and first of all, the body maintains its vital functions through fat reserves. Fat tissue is destroyed very efficiently and never restores its original volume; it breaks down 3-4 times faster than muscle tissue, because adipose tissue more than 90% consists of water, and muscle remains relatively intact. The body does not suffer at all from water deficiency, and its needs water is coming from adipose tissue. During dry fasting, adipose tissue burns exactly 3 times faster than during water fasting. At the same time, complete restoration of adipose tissue never occurs, and this is why it compares favorably with water fasting.

There is an early onset and more complete breakdown of deposited fats than with water fasting. If after normal fasting there is a fairly rapid full recovery adipose tissue (with the same diet), then with dry tissue this happens to a lesser extent. Unlike numerous weight loss remedies, dry fasting costs nothing and, most importantly, is harmless. It is easier to tolerate than numerous grueling starvation diets that bring nothing but harm. Eating from your own reserves is perfectly balanced. The body takes from reserves only what is in this moment he needs, and not what is artificially imposed on him from the outside.

- Rejuvenating effect

From the book Cleansing the Body and Health author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Combined cleansing of cell colloids and internal environments of the body Traditional medicine recommends using a decoction of young spruce (pine, fir) needles for such cleansing. Spruce needles are a good source of vitamins. It contains from 150 to 300 in winter, 50% mg in summer

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FASTING And now we will look at one of the interesting ways of acidifying the blood, which is based, paradoxically, on the fight against blood acidity. Many readers are familiar with Paul Bragg's book "The Miracle of Fasting", but if anyone is not familiar with it, it is about the healing

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Fasting I started fasting in 1982-1983, mainly based on the book by Paul Bragg “The Miracle of Fasting”. Then I became acquainted with the books of Yu. Nikolaev, G. Voitovich, articles by S. Arakelyan, Yu. Andreev and many others. Perhaps I will not be mistaken if I say that everyone wants to fast for long periods of time.

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11. FASTING It is quite remarkable that in this age of genuine degeneration of mankind, the understanding of fasting as a means of healing (by fasting I mean life without solid and liquid food) is still a problem for most people, including

Combined fasting

Usually combined fasting is used: 2-3 days of dry fasting, then given water.

A comment.

Advantage. Combined fasting gives a greater healing effect than complete fasting (with water), because already on the third day of absolute fasting, a ketoacidotic crisis occurs, after which the patient’s well-being significantly improves, and the greatest therapeutic effect for the body is observed. When fasting with water, the crisis occurs only after 7-16 days. With this technique, patients are asked to abstain from food and water for 1–3 days (according to individual tolerance); cleansing enemas are not prescribed. Starting from days 2-4, patients resume water intake, limiting it to 10-12 mg/kg body weight per day throughout the entire fasting period, and continue complete fasting according to the usual RDT method.

A number of researchers note that the use of combined fasting makes it possible to achieve an earlier onset of the acidotic peak and a greater reduction in fatty body mass. in the case of treatment of patients with arterial hypertension, normalization of blood pressure occurs earlier, which reduces the duration of the fasting period and, accordingly, the duration of inpatient treatment of patients. This technique is the method of choice when the underlying disease is complicated by obesity and edematous syndrome. In addition, the combination of dry and wet fasting is well tolerated by patients, has a therapeutic effect while reducing the total duration of RDT, and optimizes the timing of its implementation due to the earlier onset of acidotic crisis.

Flaws. There is no removal of “dead heavy water” from the body, the anti-inflammatory effect is less pronounced than with dry fasting, and the cleansing effect is also weaker. To obtain a good, high-quality therapeutic effect, it is necessary to undergo a long period of fasting, at least 30 days.

Advantages of dry fasting over wet fasting

During dry fasting, the body is placed in more stringent conditions; it must adapt in such a way as to produce not only nutrients, but also water. Body tissues are broken down even more quickly, this happens in a short time. The stages of therapeutic fasting when using the method of therapeutic dry fasting are the same as with wet fasting, but the duration is significantly reduced. Thus, the stage of food arousal lasts less than a day, the stage of increasing ketoacidosis lasts from 1 to 3 days. Already on the third day of dry fasting, a ketoacidotic crisis occurs. The second, most therapeutic acidotic crisis occurs on the 9-11th day. The sooner an acidotic crisis occurs, the faster it passes, the more time remains for renewal and healing of the body.

During wet fasting, exogenous water enters the body, that is, water from outside. and it is precisely this that is the main cleansing factor. According to the law of biological expediency, in this case the cell spends a minimum of its own energy - and so everything goes fine: all toxins, poisons, wastes dissolve and, figuratively speaking, toxins are washed out of the cell, from the intercellular space. And during dry fasting, toxins are burned, one might say, in their own furnace - each cell, in the absence of water, triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. Each cell temporarily turns into a mini-furnace, a mini-reactor. But water is very necessary, and cells are deprived of this freebie, especially sick and altered ones. in such conditions, the strongest, healthiest cells survive, and willy-nilly, in order to survive in such difficult, harsh conditions, they have to activate the production of their own ultra-high quality endogenous water. And this endogenous water should be several times higher quality than exogenous water, again based on the law of biological expediency. After all, the cell spends a lot of energy - therefore, the resulting product must match the quality of the effort expended. This is not the human mind, which can make mistakes. This is nature itself, which has provided for any scenario and does everything to ensure that life continues.

During dry fasting, old “dead water” is replaced with super-quality “living water” synthesized by the body itself.

Many people note that dry fasting is easier to tolerate than water fasting, primarily due to the absence of a feeling of hunger. This is generally not surprising. The fact is that water outside the body and water absorbed are a big difference. The body processes the molecules of incoming water, clears them of unnecessary information, structures them and turns them into “its own”, having the properties of the given organism. To do this, just like to digest food, he needs to expend a certain amount of energy and time. Therefore, absolute fasting is more complete, as it provides complete rest. If food and “dead”, heavy water do not enter the body, then our blood does not receive many harmful substances, and the blood is constantly cleansed by our body, in fact, the same blood composition will be cleaned repeatedly through filter elements, that is, the blood will be almost not perfectly clean. The blood on the SG is cleared of everything unnecessary, and the blood plasma becomes transparent like glass, everything comes into harmony, including coagulation factors. Dry fasting in this regard purifies the blood more completely than through hemodialysis or hemosorption - hardware blood purification. Consequently, all processes in our body related to blood will be performed almost perfectly.

The anti-inflammatory effect of dry fasting is several times more powerful than that of wet fasting. The thing is that inflammation cannot exist without water. Any inflamed area swells (swells with water). Only in a sufficient water environment can microorganisms multiply: germs and viruses. Water deficiency is extremely detrimental to inflammation. Due to dehydration of the body, strong competition begins between body cells and pathogenic microorganisms for water. Body cells in the host position take water from microorganisms, but the body itself can not only synthesize endogenous water; during this period, the required amount of water comes from the air, absorbed through the skin due to the fact that the body in the process of SG works not on excretion, but on absorption . Healthy, strong cells receive additional energy and water, but sick cells, viruses and bacteria, cannot do this. Microbes, viruses, and worms die instantly without water.

During wet fasting, special procedures are used to enhance the detoxification effect: enemas, colon hydrotherapy, baths, saunas, etc. During dry fasting, the body uses completely unique mechanisms to neutralize poisons and toxins, which do not occur with any type of fasting. During dry fasting, toxins are burned, one might say, in their own furnace - each cell, in the absence of water, triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. It turns out to be a kind of extreme express method of destroying everything unnecessary, heavy, and painful inside the cell. Each cell temporarily turns into a mini-furnace, a mini-reactor. The body's internal temperature increases. This temperature may not be registered with a thermometer, but it is felt by people during dry fasting as internal heat, “fire” or chills. The most important point in this condition is that temperature itself is an important part of the defense reactions. From our own experience, we know that at temperature all toxins, poisons, even cancer cells are destroyed and then completely suspend their vital functions. This process speeds up recovery. By reacting by increasing body temperature, the body slows down the growth of microorganisms. It becomes easier for the immune system to track down and kill everything foreign and changed.

- Slimming effect

With HS, neither food nor water enters the human body, i.e., the supply of energy from the outside completely stops. The body is forced to obtain energy and water endogenously, that is, within itself. Therefore, completely different, unusual chemical reactions begin to occur in the body, i.e. e. metabolic processes change. Less muscle tissue is lost relative to fat tissue. During water fasting, the loss of muscle and fat tissue occurs in almost equal proportions. During dry fasting, a person looks like a camel, and first of all, the body maintains its vital functions through fat reserves. Fat tissue is destroyed very efficiently and never restores its original volume; it breaks down 3-4 times faster than muscle tissue, because fat tissue is more than 90% water, while muscle tissue remains relatively intact. The body does not suffer at all from water deficiency, and water from adipose tissue is used for its needs. During dry fasting, adipose tissue burns exactly 3 times faster than during water fasting. At the same time, complete restoration of adipose tissue never occurs, and this is why it compares favorably with water fasting.

There is an early onset and more complete breakdown of deposited fats than with water fasting. If after normal fasting there is a fairly rapid complete restoration of adipose tissue (with the same diet), then with dry fasting this happens to a lesser extent. Unlike numerous weight loss remedies, dry fasting costs nothing and, most importantly, is harmless. It is easier to tolerate than numerous grueling starvation diets that bring nothing but harm. Eating from your own reserves is perfectly balanced. The body takes from reserves only what it needs at the moment, and not what is artificially imposed on it from the outside.

- Rejuvenating effect

Those who regularly engage in cleansing the body, losing weight and various health-improving practices have thought about fasting at least once in their lives. There are a large number of proprietary methods that describe in detail how to organize it correctly, as well as the potential that it contains. At the same time, they are subject to severe criticism from official medicine, and the research results, like reviews, are too contradictory, so doubts always remain: is it harmful? how to stand it? How effective?

Fasting refers to conscious abstinence from any food, and in some cases from water, for a certain period of time. Professor Nikolaev proposed another term - fasting-dietary therapy (RDT). The main goals of such an event are healing, cleansing, rejuvenation of the body and weight loss.

Scientific research

There are many scientific studies on fasting. We present only the most thorough ones, which have left a serious mark on science.


In the 60s of the XX century. in the USSR, the method of therapeutic fasting was tested on personal experience enthusiastic doctors, among whom were Professor Yu. S. Nikolaev and several nutritionists from the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences. The research results are presented in methodological recommendations according to RDT. Diseases have been identified in whose therapy it is possible to include this method as an auxiliary one. A list of contraindications has been compiled. One of the most important conclusions that was made by a working group of doctors: RDT can be carried out exclusively in a hospital setting with the mandatory presence of an intensive care unit and under the supervision of experienced doctors.


In 1944, physiologist, professor at the University of Minnesota, nutritionist Ansel Keyes conducted extensive research based on intermittent fasting. 36 people took part in it. Stage I (preparatory) lasted 3 months, when people received good nutrition. Six months were allocated for stage II. Intermittent fasting was organized with a significant decrease in daily caloric intake according to the 10/12 scheme. Stage III(recovery) lasted another 3 months. Result: all participants were diagnosed with physical and emotional exhaustion, so conclusions were drawn about negative impact on the body of long-term hunger strikes.

In 2014, the results of a study organized by V. Longo (professor, gerontologist at the University of Southern California) and M. P. Mattson (professor of neurobiology, head of the neuroscience laboratory at the New York National Institute on Aging) were published. They called their work “Fasting - molecular mechanisms and clinical application" They refute the harm of this system and show its limitless potential opportunities for treating many diseases and prolonging life.


In 2016, Japanese biologist Yoshinori Osami won the Nobel Prize for discovering the essence of the autophagy process. This is the self-destruction of cells that have outlived their usefulness (turned out to be damaged or simply died). The result is rejuvenation of the body, as new, healthy cells appear in their place.

The scientist’s discovery is directly related to fasting, since it is the factor that triggers the process of autophagy. However, only in its interval and short-term version. This does not apply to long-term residents. Osami conducted research at the University of Tokyo for several years on mice.

What happens to the body

What happens when you fast by day:

  • Day 1: cleansing the intestines and blood vessels;
  • 2 days: stimulation of nerve fibers;
  • 3 days: renewal of tissue fluid, partial restoration of the gastrointestinal epithelium;
  • 7 days: complete restoration of the gastrointestinal epithelium, liver cleansing, normalization of blood circulation, resorption benign neoplasms and polyps;
  • 14 days: renewal of skin, kidney and liver cells, cleansing gallbladder And bone tissue, resorption of unstarted malignant tumors on initial stage development;
  • 21 days: destruction of old and dead cells, excess adipocytes, neoplasms, pathogenic microorganisms, harmful substances, infections.

Please note that everything described above is theoretical in nature and is promoted primarily by supporters of fasting. Official medicine is not so decisive and refutes most of these postulates as unproven. The studies that have been conducted are contradictory. The subjects used were animals whose bodies differ significantly from those of humans.

Inventory consumption

The first to be burned are carbohydrate reserves - the body's main energy reserve, stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver. After them, fats are broken down (to obtain the necessary energy) and proteins (to form new cells).

By the end of the week, the level of ketone bodies in the blood and urine increases sharply, which changes the pH of the body. This leads to crisis and acidosis. Continuing fasting after a crisis condition forces the body to adapt to new conditions exactly until the moment when vital proteins begin to be consumed.

The maximum duration of absolute fasting compatible with life is approximately 40 days (plus or minus depending on individual characteristics organism and conditions). At this point, the weight loss results are about 40% of the initial weight. After this period, the body wastes vital proteins, which ends in death.

Stages (for long-term schemes)

Stage I

Another name: food excitement.

Lasts 2 days. It is quite easy to carry. You can lose 3 kg. The breakdown of glycogen in the liver, the body’s adaptation to new living conditions. Apoptosis (death of damaged cells) is triggered. Complete cleansing intestines.

Stage II

Other names: increasing acidosis, I acidotic crisis.

Comes on day 3, lasts 2 days. Difficult to tolerate. You can lose another 3 kg. The process of fat burning and protein breakdown starts. The pH is oxidized. Homotoxicosis begins, provoked by hunger.

Stage III

Other names: compensation, adaptation.

Comes on day 5, lasts 3 days. Stress is reduced a little. Minus about 1.5 kg. The body adapts to hunger. Most side effects and discomfort disappear.

IV stage

Another name: II acidotic crisis.

Comes on day 9, lasts 2 days. Maximum level stress. Losing weight by 2-3 kg. There is an exacerbation of existing diseases, deterioration of health, exhaustion, possible breakdown. It is at this stage that healing from most pathologies occurs (according to supporters of therapeutic fasting).

Benefits for weight loss

People interested in fasting are divided into 2 groups: those who do it for the sake of healing the body, and those who want to lose weight in this way. Indeed, body weight will inevitably decrease. How much can you lose? As practice shows, on average it takes 0.5-1 kg in 1 day.

However, one point is important here. With excess body weight, weight loss is more intense, and the results are more impressive than with obesity. The fact is that people with this diagnosis have impaired metabolic processes, including lipolysis. It is difficult for the body to get to these deposits; it is much easier for it to break down proteins, which are in this case They are used both to form new cells and to obtain the necessary energy. And fat reserves remain practically untouched.

Some researchers include obesity in the list of contraindications. They explain this by the deterioration of the patients' condition after fasting.

Not only is there a return of all lost kilograms, but also weight gain. This happens due to the fact that the body’s accumulative memory is triggered: it is afraid of the repetition of “rainy days” and begins to spend part of the food it receives not on producing the necessary energy, but on forming reserves.

Obesity: causes, signs, treatment and forecasts for the future. About this, in.

Indications and contraindications


  • overweight, obesity (this indication is questioned by some scientists);
  • weakened immune system;
  • helminthiases;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • increased levels of bad cholesterol;
  • osteochondrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • skin diseases;
  • constant headaches;
  • risk of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes.


  • nutritional obesity of I-II degree;
  • anorexia, low body weight, exhaustion;
  • atherosclerosis, ischemia, hypertension of II-III degree;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • age under 16 years and after 60 (relative contraindications);
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases and processes;
  • hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • bile and urolithiasis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, anemia, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, problems with blood clotting;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • oncology;
  • increased body temperature, bad feeling, chills or fever;
  • gout;
  • constant use of medications;
  • mental illness;
  • rehabilitation period after operations, serious illnesses, chemotherapy;
  • diabetes mellitus type I, thyrotoxicosis;
  • tendency to swelling;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • chronic diseases at the gene level;
  • ulcer.

Benefits and harms

What are the benefits of fasting:

  • eliminates in 50% of cases physical dependence from nicotine, alcohol, drugs;
  • normalizes digestion, restores beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • improves blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • activates creativity and mental potential;
  • increases life expectancy;
  • ensures smooth functioning of the heart;
  • reduces blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • reduces the risk of developing cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease.

Harm is found in side effects that can manifest themselves at any time:

  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • decreased concentration, endurance, performance;
  • dizziness, fainting, spots before the eyes;
  • muscle spasms;
  • headache;
  • irritability, mood swings, aggression;
  • nausea;
  • discomfort in the epigastrium, heartburn, unpleasant belching, problems with stool;
  • coating on the tongue, body and mouth odor.

Side effects may appear in the initial stages, or may occur after a few days if a long-term option is chosen. The difficulty is that the condition cannot be alleviated with medications, the use of which is strictly prohibited by all fasting schemes. If they do not go away on their own within 24 hours and develop progressively, the experiment must be stopped and an urgent medical examination must be completed to identify possible complications and get treatment.

Particularly harmful are long-term regimens in which the body is sorely lacking vital elements.

Advantages and disadvantages


At proper organization starvation:

  • comprehensively heals the body, improves well-being, relieves minor ailments;
  • reduces the risk of developing many diseases;
  • cleanses the intestines well;
  • promotes weight loss, in which you do not need to calculate and monitor daily calorie intake and dietary requirements;
  • saves money (no need to buy groceries) and time (no need to cook).


Scientific data obtained during research contradict each other, which makes it difficult to understand the true benefits or harms of the technique. The same goes for specific examples starving people: some heal their soul and body, while others end up in the hospital with serious complications and even die.

In addition to this we have:

  • an extensive list of contraindications;
  • frequent side effects;
  • constant feeling of hunger, drowsiness and lethargy;
  • loss of muscle mass.

Fasting is difficult to bear due to deterioration in health and attacks of hunger, which requires strength and self-control. And the process of fat burning proceeds slowly; weight loss at first is achieved mainly due to the removal of excess fluid (the so-called dead water) and harmful substances.

Types of fasting

According to Suvorin

Full name: Alexey Alekseevich Suvorin. Country: Yugoslavia. Rank: traditional healer, a naturopath, had no medical training. Book: “Fasting Treatment.” Type: water, extreme (due to duration). Terms: 2, 6, 9 weeks.

Basic principles:

  • drink only distilled water;
  • practice only in a hospital setting;
  • Cleansing enemas are required throughout the course.

According to Shchennikov

Full name: Leonid Aleksandrovich Shchennikov. Country Russia. Title: professor. Book: “I fast for health.” Type: dry. Duration: 10 days.

Leonid Aleksandrovich Shchennikov

36 hours of fasting - break for 2 days - two-day fast - break for 2 days - three-day fast - 2 weeks off.

Basic principles:

  • permit for water procedures;
  • enemas are not recommended;
  • the daily routine is clearly defined;
  • offers methodological and practical assistance in its own treatment center.

According to Nikolaev

Full name: Yuri Sergeevich Nikolaev. Country: USSR. Title: psychiatrist, doctor medical sciences. Book: “Fasting for Health.” Type: water. Duration: 3 weeks.

Basic principles:

  • 2 stages of preparation are required: moral and physical;
  • application throughout the course;
  • water treatments are required every day: shower, bath;
  • when losing weight - self-massage of those areas where there is the most fat deposits (see methods and tips for implementation);
  • physiotherapy for the treatment of existing diseases;
  • mandatory medical supervision;
  • recommended drinking alkaline mineral water;
  • allowed me to drink rosehip decoction in the morning and evening.

According to Filonov

Full name: Sergey Ivanovich Filonov. Country Russia. Title: professor, practitioner. Book: “Dry therapeutic fasting.” Type: dry cascade. Timing: depending on health status.

Sergei Ivanovich Filonov

Basic principles:

  • offers methodological and practical assistance in its own treatment center;
  • allows water procedures;
  • recommends any means for cleansing the intestines ();
  • between hunger strikes, a plant-based diet is required (almost a complete transition to a vegetarian diet).

According to Lavrova

Full name: Valentina Pavlovna Lavrova. Country Russia. Title: doctor, nutritionist. Book: “Dry cascade fasting.” Type: dry cascade. Terms: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 days.

Basic principles:

  • ban on water treatments;
  • use of a step scheme with a gradual transition;
  • describes each step in detail.

Basic Rules


The most important thing in this matter is to know how to start, since your well-being during fasting and your results will depend on this. With proper preparation, there will be fewer side effects and complications in the future, and the process itself will not be so difficult.

Moral preparation

Read the relevant literature, watch films, find reviews from those who have practiced one of the systems. Make sure of two things: you need it and you can handle it. And immediately decide why: for health improvement, for weight loss, for testing willpower, for healing mental wounds. If at this stage there are doubts or uncertainty, it is better not to continue further.

If you are sure that this is exactly what you vitally need, start choosing the method by which you will fast. The ideal option is a system that is practiced in one of the health centers in your city. Then you will need to make an appointment with them and conduct the first experiments under their guidance and control.

Attention! Fasting for more than 36 hours is strictly prohibited for beginners to do on their own at home.

Physical training

The duration of entry depends on the duration of the selected scheme. One-day events should be prepared about a week in advance. Accordingly, for longer ones - in 2-3 weeks.

What should be done:

  • undergo a medical examination to make sure that you have no contraindications;
  • first minimize and then gradually abandon harmful foods (fast food, trans fats, alcohol, soda, etc.);
  • calculate the daily caloric intake required by your age, height and degree motor activity, and then reduce it daily by 200-300 kcal ();
  • set a meal schedule and strictly follow it, do not overeat;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • exercise intensively, focusing on strength training (we suggest) to build muscle mass;
  • quit smoking (nicotine and fasting are incompatible).

The day before fasting you need:

  • reduce daily caloric intake to 1,200 kcal;
  • use only plant foods: vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, nuts, algae;
  • increase daily consumption water up to 2 l;
  • In the evening, do a cleansing enema, you can drink (just not too powerful).

All these activities will help prepare the body for the upcoming test. If you use the author’s methodology, then almost each of them offers its own recommendations for organizing the entrance, follow them.

Fasting process

Proper fasting is abstaining from any food for a certain period of time. If the water option was chosen, you can drink distilled, melted, mineral, bottled water. It cannot be replaced with other drinks.

It is advisable that 1- and 2-day fasts occur on weekends.

On days of hunger, be sure to:

  • do pleasant and favorite things, but not lie on the couch watching TV;
  • limit the use of a laptop, tablet, TV and other devices with a blue screen;
  • spend as much time as possible outdoors;
  • provide yourself with lungs physical activity(gym and dumbbells are cancelled): morning exercises, yoga, housework and work summer cottage, shopping, walking are welcome;
  • keep peace of mind, do not be nervous;
  • get enough sleep.

It would be correct to carry out multi-day hunger strikes in a hospital, under the supervision of doctors, while simultaneously using physiotherapy to treat existing diseases. Short-term systems of 1 and 2 days are allowed for self-administration at home, if there are no contraindications and permission has been obtained from a specialized specialist.


You need to exit fasting just as gradually as you entered it. If you immediately eat too much the next day, the body will become intoxicated, which can be fatal. The longer the test lasted, the longer it will be recovery period and the more difficult it will be to finish all this without harm to health.

Study the chosen method carefully. It describes in detail the products that can be eaten at the exit. This important point, because Bragg, for example, recommends fresh carrot salad with olive oil, while many other experts only allow heat-treated foods. Nikolaev advised starting with light chicken broth.

Basic exit rules:

  1. Start with a glass of warm water, which you need to drink in small sips. This is especially important when coming out of a dry version.
  2. For the first 2-3 days, the basis of the diet should be vegetables and greens with the addition of a small amount of nuts and fruits.
  3. Then you need to gradually (1-2 products per day) introduce eggs and low-fat foods: lactic acid, fish, chicken.
  4. Do not eat fatty foods for 1 week.
  5. Do not eat harmful products within 2 weeks.

The most important rule for going out is not to overeat (how to deal with compulsive gluttony, we). Portion sizes, as well as daily caloric intake, must be increased gradually.


What kind of water is best to drink?

Paul Bragg recommends drinking exclusively distilled water. But scientific journals describe cases where, after long fasts with its help, people’s kidneys failed. Professor Nikolaev insists on alkaline mineral type Borjomi, since it is able to remove excess uric acid from the body. Here everyone chooses the most acceptable option for themselves: thawed, bottled, chilled, boiled, filtered are not contraindicated. The main thing is not tap water, although Neumyvakin, based on it, proposed using a structured one for this purpose.

How much water should you drink?

On account daily norm water during hunger strikes, opinions differ:

  • the amount you are used to, increased by 2 times;
  • at the request of the body, during thirst.

How to withstand it?

Start with a one-day option and do not move on to the next one until short-term ones are tolerated by the body quite easily. Don’t think about hunger while lying on the couch: distract yourself with interesting and favorite things. Enlist the support of loved ones so that they can help prevent a premature breakdown, and not be tempted by delicious smells from the kitchen.

Which technique is better?

The safest system is considered to be intermittent fasting.

World record. Under 1973, the Guinness Book recorded 2 cases of prolonged fasting: 236 and 249 days. This is how two women lost weight at a Glasgow clinic. The weight of both at the beginning of the test was more than 100 kg.


Your well-being and state of health after fasting will depend on how long it lasted and how well it was organized. The longer the period, the more irreversible processes can occur in the body, which you should know about in advance:

  • dehydration;
  • hypoglycemic coma;
  • atrophic changes in the intestinal mucosa;
  • immune suppression;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis;
  • split muscle fibers, connective tissue, vital proteins;
  • death of nerve cells, mental disorders;
  • oxygen starvation of the brain.

The consequences of short-term and interval fasting are usually positive: cleansing the intestines of toxins and losing 1-2 kg.

From the world of stars. The fasting method was used by singer John Lennon, directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrei Konchalovsky, singer Irina Ponarovskaya, actor Nikita Dzhigurda, actresses Elena Proklova and Elena Andreichenko, presenter Yulia Menshova.

Books about fasting

  1. Bakulev A. N., Kolesnikova R. S. Treatment with fasting.
  2. Brazhko I., Kalyuzhnaya G. Proper fasting from a professional nutritionist.
  3. Bragg P. The miracle of fasting.
  4. Veselkin P.N. Fasting.
  5. Voitovich G. A. Heal yourself.
  6. Hamilton A. Effective therapeutic fasting, cleansing and losing weight in 5 days.
  7. Leomer M. 21 days of therapeutic fasting. What Paul Bragg was silent about.
  8. Makarova N. Health improvement through fasting.
  9. Malakhov G. P. Great encyclopedia therapeutic fasting.
  10. Malakhov G.P. Fasting for medicinal purposes.
  11. Nikolaev Yu. S. Fasting for health.
  12. Siryur P. Three-day energy fasting.
  13. Smolyansky B. L., Liflyandsky V. G. Therapeutic fasting.
  14. Firsov L.F. Therapeutic fasting. Fasting and dietary therapy.
  15. Khrushchev V. L. Starve in order to live without getting sick. Therapeutic fasting.
  16. Chaitou L. Basics of fasting.
  17. Shelton G. Fasting will save your life.
  18. Schertz G. Fasting, cleansing and losing weight in 7 days.
  19. Yakuba A. School of healing fasting and raw food diet.

If you are planning a fast, you need to choose your plan wisely. The results and your own health. The interval method is one of the most useful and safe. It’s better to start with it (we left a link to our article on this method of fasting above), and it is strongly recommended to practice the remaining systems under the constant supervision of doctors.