Comments on how to put children to sleep for a newborn. Sleeping in the fetal position

How to put a newborn to sleep if he shows with all his appearance that he does not want to rest? Or he is awake at night and dozes during the day, what to do in this case? How to put your baby to sleep without problems? Read the answers to all these questions below.

Baby's daytime sleep: rules

In order for your baby to grow up as a healthy, non-capricious child, it is important to organize rest for him during the day. How to put a newborn to sleep during the day if he categorically does not want to? Mom just has to follow these simple rules:

  1. She must make sure that her baby naps at a certain time every day. This way the child will develop a routine, and he will soon go to bed without any problems. Mothers should know that up to 6 months the baby should nap 2-3 times during the day, and after six months - 2 times a day.
  2. Parents must provide a calm environment for the child. Any harsh or loud sounds unacceptable. Even daytime TV watching can disturb the baby.
  3. Mom should monitor the temperature and humidity in the children's room. If the room is too hot and stuffy, it will be difficult to put the baby to sleep during the day. The optimal temperature for a baby is considered to be 23 degrees, humidity - within 50-70 degrees. It is under such circumstances that your baby will quickly fall asleep.
  4. The parent must also provide Fresh air, for this it is important to ventilate the room where the baby will sleep for at least half an hour.

Baby's night sleep: rules

In order for your baby to fall asleep well in the evening, you need to follow some simple rules.

How to put a newborn to sleep at night so that the mother does not waste her energy rocking her to sleep, and the baby quickly falls asleep? To do this, you need to adhere to basic rules:

  1. There should be a calm atmosphere in the house.
  2. Be sure to ventilate the room where the baby sleeps.
  3. It is necessary to bathe the child.
  4. You should give the baby a relaxing massage.
  5. Change the diaper before the baby eats. Then the mother will put the child to bed without any problems, and there will be no need to disturb the baby.
  6. Feed.

If the parent fulfills all of the above conditions, then the question is: “How to put a newborn to sleep?” will disappear by itself. Babies usually fall asleep near their mother's breast. But if even after this the baby refuses to rest, then you can rock him a little in your arms and sing a lullaby.

Regime comes first

How to put a newborn baby to sleep if he naps every other time during the day? Parents must understand and adhere to one thing some simple advice- you need to strictly follow the regime. From the very first days, the baby quickly remembers when he should be bathed, that this is followed by feeding, and then the mother sings a song. After these procedures he falls asleep. Therefore, the task of parents is to adhere to the regime. After all, if there are failures, the child will react to this first of all. And he will respond to his parents with an unwillingness to doze.

How to quickly put a newborn baby to sleep?

Surely experienced mothers already know the answer to this question. Of course, you need to take the baby in your arms and rock it to sleep. In this case, the newborn can be swaddled so that his arms and legs do not move, as this may interfere with falling asleep quickly. In addition, newborn babies willingly take a nap in a stroller if their mother rocks it at the same time. And if you also go out into the fresh air and roll your baby in a stroller, then he will fall asleep in a matter of seconds. To make placing babies easier modern manufacturers of various children's products, they came up with a “saving” device for mothers - a fitball. Now, taking the baby in her arms and sitting on this gymnastic ball, the mother can easily rock her newborn son or daughter.

What to do if your baby wakes up at night and doesn’t want to go back to sleep?

How to put a newborn to sleep if he refuses to go to bed and cries? First, the mother must find out why her baby suddenly began to cry at night. Perhaps the baby’s crying is associated with colic in the tummy, high fever, or a stuffy nose? Or maybe the baby is hungry and wants mother's milk? All theories need to be tested. If he has colic, then you should put the baby on the changing table and lift his legs up to release the gas. You can also give an anti-colic drug, for example Espumisan, at the same time. If the baby heat, then it needs to be knocked down using medications such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. If the child has a stuffy nose, then it is necessary to clear the nasal passages and then drip a vasoconstrictor. If everything is fine with the baby, then you should simply calm him down. To do this, you can iron the diaper and put it between him and mom. The effect of such heat relieves cramps in the tummy, and also gives a feeling of security and peace. Then you should give the newborn breast or baby formula (whoever usually feeds what). If the child does not want to eat, then you can give him a pacifier. With it, the baby's sucking reflex will be satisfied, and he will calm down. Then you just need to take the baby in your arms, rock him, humming a lullaby. This is how you can ensure that your baby falls asleep instantly.

What if your baby confuses day with night?

How to put a newborn to bed if he wants to walk in the evening and sleep throughout the day? Dealing with this situation is simple. However, the mother must understand that it is her own fault that her little one confused day with night. To return him to the correct biorhythms, you need to do the following: try not to let your baby sleep 3 hours before bedtime. At this time, you can occupy him with games, for example, turn on funny wind-up dolls, cars, etc., and rattle rattles. Mom can also read fairy tales to him when the light is on. It is important that her intonation is not monotonous; the woman should read with enthusiasm, then raise and then lower her voice. Then the baby will not fall asleep, but will listen to his mother. You can also listen to catchy children’s songs with your little ones. At first, the baby will still fall asleep earlier than expected and wake up his mother in the middle of the night. But then fatigue will win, and the baby will return to normal.

Preparing for bed after the baby is full

How to put a newborn to sleep after feeding correctly, so that the baby does not start spitting up during a nap? After all, this is very dangerous, since babies can simply choke on their own vomit? What matters here is how the mother feeds the baby. When a newborn eats, his head should be higher than his body. This is necessary so that he does not swallow a lot of air. After all, if he sucks the breast incorrectly or drinks milk from a bottle, then it will be difficult for the mother to put him to sleep, since the baby will simply begin to experience colic and regurgitation. There is only one piece of advice for women: after proper feeding, you need to hold the baby in an upright position for at least 3 minutes. This will help the excess air escape, and after that the baby will sleep peacefully and the mother will not have to put her son or daughter to bed for a long time. By the way, the baby should sleep on his side, with a soft bolster or pillow placed under the backrest. This position is the safest, especially for those babies who can burp in their sleep.

  1. How to put a newborn to sleep if he is overexcited? If you notice that your baby sleeps restlessly, often wakes up and then cannot lie down again, drop a few drops of lavender or valerian on the edge of his pillow.
  2. While laying down, stroke the baby's back, head, and tummy. The baby will fall asleep faster this way.
  3. During night feeding, the mother should also worry about her condition. Excessive nervous tension, overexcitement - all this will transfer to the baby, because stress hormones will migrate through mother’s milk. Therefore, in any case, you should remain calm and think only about the baby at this time.
  4. During a night's sleep, turn your son or daughter over to the other side. After all, a baby cannot do this on his own, and sleeping on one side for a long time is even harmful.

Now you know how to put a newborn to sleep quickly and without problems. The main thing is that your baby is healthy and nothing bothers him. After all, if the baby is sick with something, then what kind of dream can we talk about? Therefore, the mother must monitor his health, adhere to sleep and wakefulness, feed him on time, bathe him, and walk with the child. And, of course, you need to hold the newborn in your arms more often, stroke him, and sing lullabies. Then the baby will not have problems falling asleep.

The best American expert on infant behavior, Tracy Hogg, in her book “What Does Your Baby Want?” pays a lot of attention to the topic of sleep. How to put a child to sleep correctly? Does co-sleeping have a right to exist? What mistakes do parents make when teaching their baby to fall asleep in a crib? And can a child in the first weeks of life even learn to fall asleep on his own?

Co-sleeping or crying in the crib?

Everyone has their own opinion about the best way to put babies to sleep and what to do if they don't want to go to sleep. I will not touch on the ideas of previous decades, I will limit myself to fashion trends in 2000, when this book was written. Now the minds of parents are dominated by two “schools” that are radically different from each other.

The first includes co-sleeping adherents, no matter what it is called, be it “sleeping in your parents’ bed” or the Sears method. (Dr. William Sears, a California pediatrician, promotes the idea that infants should be allowed to sleep in their parents' bed until they are will ask so that they are provided with their own bed.)

This method is based on the idea that the child should develop a positive attitude towards sleep and going to bed (here I am both in favor) and that the most the right way this goal is to carry him in your arms, nurse and stroke him until the baby falls asleep (to which I categorically object). Sears, the method's most influential promoter, wondered in an interview published in Child magazine in 1998: "How can a mother ever want to put her child in a twig box and throw him into dark room completely alone?

Proponents of parent-baby co-sleeping often point to traditions in other cultures, such as Bali, where newborns are kept in their arms until they are three months old. (But we don’t live in Bali!) All this serves to “strengthen attachment” and create a “feeling of security”, so supporters of this point of view believe that it is quite possible for mom and dad to sacrifice their time, personal life and their own need for sleep .

At the other pole is delayed response method, often referred to as "Ferber" after Dr. Richard Ferber, director of the Center for Pediatric Sleep Disorders at Boston Children's Hospital. According to his theory, bad habits, associated with sleep, are acquired, which means they can be weaned off (with which I completely agree). Accordingly, he recommends that parents put their baby in the crib while he is still awake and teach him to fall asleep on his own (I also agree with this).

If the child, instead of falling asleep, begins to cry, actually turning to the parents with an appeal: “Come, take me away from here!” - Ferber advises leaving crying unattended for increasingly longer periods of time: the first evening for five minutes, the second for 10, then 15, etc. (and here Dr. Ferber and I part ways). Dr. Ferber explains in Child magazine: “If a baby wants to play with a dangerous object, we say ‘no’ and set boundaries that may cause him to protest... The same thing happens when we explain to him that there are rules at night. . It's in his best interest to get a good night's sleep."

Both approaches don't work?

Perhaps you have already joined one or the other camp. If any of these two methods suits you and your child, and suits your lifestyle, do not hesitate to continue in the same spirit.

But the fact is that I often get calls from people who have already tried both of these approaches. Usually events develop as follows. One parent initially favors the idea of ​​co-sleeping with the baby and convinces their partner that this is the best thing to do. In the end, there really is something romantic in this - a kind of return “to the roots.” Yes, and night feedings cease to be a problem.

An enthusiastic couple decides not to buy a crib at all. But several months pass—sometimes quite a lot—and the idyll ends. If mom and dad are very afraid of pinning down the child, then they themselves may lose sleep due to constant fears, and someone develops painful sensitivity to the slightest sound made by the baby in his sleep.

What is a smart approach to sleep?

This is the middle way, denying any extremes. You will notice that my approach takes something from both principles described, but not all, since, in my opinion, the idea of ​​“let him cry and go to sleep” is not compatible with respectful attitude towards the child, and co-sleeping forces parents to sacrifice their interests. My principle takes into account the interests of the family as a whole, the needs of all its members.

On the one hand, the baby must be taught to fall asleep on his own - he must feel comfortable and safe in his own crib. On the other hand, he also needs our presence to calm down after stress. You cannot begin to solve the first problem until the second is solved. At the same time, parents also need good rest, in time that they can devote to themselves and each other; their life should not revolve around the baby around the clock, but they should still devote time to the baby certain time, strength and attention.

These goals are not at all mutually exclusive. This is what it is based on reasonable approach to bed.

Go where you want to go. If the idea of ​​co-sleeping appeals to you, explore it thoroughly. Is this how you would like to spend every night for three months? Six months? Longer? Remember, everything you do is teaching your child. So, if you help him fall asleep by holding him to your chest or rocking him to sleep for 40 minutes, you are essentially telling him, “This is how you should fall asleep.” When you decide to take this path, you must be prepared to stick with it for a long time.

Independence does not mean ignoring. When I tell the mother or father of a newborn baby: “We must help her become independent,” they look up at me in amazement: “Independent? But Tracy, she’s only a few hours old!” “When do you think we should start?” - I ask.

No one, not even scientists, can answer this question, because we do not know when exactly a baby begins to comprehend the world in the full sense of the word. “So start right now!” - I urge. But teaching independence does not mean giving up crying alone. This means meeting your baby's needs, including holding her when she cries - because by doing this she is trying to tell you something. But once her needs are met, she needs to be let go.

Observe without interfering. Whenever a child falls asleep, he goes through a sequence of certain phases. Parents should know this sequence well so as not to violate it. We must not invade natural processes the child’s vital activity, but to observe them, giving the baby the opportunity to fall asleep on his own.

Do not make your child dependent on crutches. I call a “crutch” any object or any action, without which the child experiences stress. There is no hope that the baby will learn to fall asleep on his own if you convince him that daddy’s hands, half an hour of rocking or mommy’s nipple in his mouth are always at his service. If we endlessly carry a baby in our arms, cradle and rock her to sleep, we actually make her dependent on the “crutch,” depriving her of the opportunity to develop self-soothing skills and learn to fall asleep without outside help.

Develop daytime and nighttime sleep rituals. Putting your child to bed during the day and evening should always be done routinely. I can't stress enough: babies are incredible traditionalists. They prefer to know what will happen next. Research has shown that even very young children, trained to expect certain stimuli, are able to anticipate them.

Learn your baby's sleep patterns. All “recipes” for putting a baby to sleep have general disadvantage: universal remedies can not be. One thing suits one, another suits another. Yes, I offer parents a lot of recommendations general, but I always advise you to take a close look at your child, the one and only.

The best thing to do is keep a journal of your baby's sleep. In the morning, write down when he woke up, and add notes about each day's sleep. Note when he was put to bed in the evening and what time he woke up at night. Keep a journal for four days. This is enough to understand how your child’s sleep “works,” even if it seems that there is no system to it.

For example, Marcy was convinced that nap her eight-month-old Dylan is completely haphazard: “He never goes to sleep at the same time, Tracy.” But after four days of keeping an observation log, she noticed that although the time varies slightly, Dylan always falls asleep briefly between 9 and 10 a.m., sleeps another 40 minutes between 12:30 and 2 p.m., and by 5 p.m. he is always very cranky and cranky. irritated and switches off for about 20 minutes. This knowledge helped Marcy plan her day and, equally important, understand her baby’s behavior and mood. Taking into account Dylan's natural biorhythms, she arranged for him daily life, providing him with the opportunity to fully rest. When he began to be capricious, she better understood what was going on and whether he wanted to sleep, and reacted faster.


The article is not about anything. From birth I put my baby to sleep in my arms. He falls asleep in bed. But he is already 3 months old. Here's how to lay it down? He is no longer comfortable in his arms. He's spinning. Together with us? He doesn't fall asleep. If you put it to us, toys begin. Crawl there, jump there. In your crib? If I put him there. No, he won't cry. He will jump around like a monkey. Fairy tale? Why does he need fairy tales? He likes to leaf through a book. Sing or tell it yourself? He will smile and giggle. He sees that I’m not sleeping, so he’s playing. Stroller? The same story we will jump on it. So what should I do? Let the child eat until he loses his pulse? Well, I do not. From birth we have a feeding and sleeping routine. As soon as I was born everything was according to the clock. And he took it well. Kst. He falls asleep easily when he takes a nap in his arms. So what should I do? How to lay it down?

01/01/2018 23:37:22, Ksenija148

TO co-sleeping In the first months of a child’s life, parents are often forced to come. When the baby wakes up every hour from the most various reasons and constantly screams, closer to the morning the exhausted mother will put him next to him so as not to run to the crib every time. In general, children are all different, some fall asleep on their own, others need to read or sing, and others will suffer until 2 am, cry, rub their eyes, but will not fall asleep on their own, and even need to be rocked to sleep for hours. Everyone needs individual approach, I agree with the author on this.

Comment on the article "How to properly put your child to sleep: 6 tips"

How to put your baby to sleep correctly: 6 tips. Co-sleeping or sleeping in a crib: what to teach a child. Trick three: how to put your baby to sleep. The eldest son slept peacefully in his crib since birth. For about two years he has been very enthusiastic...

How to put you to sleep during the day? My new girl is 6 years old, abandoned since birth. Usually he doesn’t sleep during the day, but sometimes you can clearly see that he wants to - he lies down on the floor. How to put a child to sleep correctly: 6 tips. Putting your child to sleep during the day and evening should always happen...

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walk before bed. and insist - sleep, now we will sleep, as advised below. mine only goes to bed if I also lie down. By the way, beauty sleep before the dream of a child 3 years old and older. How to put a child to sleep: the experience of a mother and a teacher. Print version. 4.1 5 (22 ratings)...

How to put your baby to sleep correctly: 6 tips. Some prefer for the child to sleep in his own crib, while others prefer to put him in bed with his parents. How to put a child to sleep? First of all it is necessary preliminary preparation to bed - she will help the child...

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how to put a child to sleep. Dream. A child from birth to one year. how to put a child to sleep. Our number one problem now is going to bed... After feeding, it’s clear that my daughter wants to sleep, yawns, closes her eyes, but it seems like she doesn’t want to fall asleep - she starts fiddling around...

How to put your baby to sleep correctly: 6 tips. How to put a child to sleep - 5 rules. Sometimes the task of putting babies to sleep sometimes turns out to be very difficult for parents - the child seems tired, but does not want to go to bed.

Dream. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Section: Sleep (baby wakes up when you put him in bed). You put him in the crib and at that moment he WAKES UP.

How to put you to sleep? Dream. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness. What a nightmare it is to put Lera to bed. Twice a day I fight with her. At lunchtime and in the evening. As soon as it’s time for bed ,begins...

How to put your baby to sleep correctly: 6 tips. Develop daytime and nighttime sleep rituals. Putting a child to bed during the day and evening should always be done routinely. Research has shown that even very young children...

How to put you to sleep? Dream. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.

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Try to put her down in the evening for a couple of hours so that you have time to do your business and work out, and when daddy arrives she will wake up and talk to him a little, and then he will put her to bed. How to put your baby to sleep correctly: 6 tips.

How to put your baby to sleep correctly: 6 tips. On the one hand, the baby needs to be taught to fall asleep on his own - he must How to put a child to sleep - 5 rules. Sometimes the task of getting babies to sleep can be very difficult for parents...

Try at home putting your child to sleep in a stroller, and rocking the stroller as if walking on the street.... My son did not sleep at all until he was a year old. I have 5 rules for putting a child to sleep. Sometimes the task of getting babies to sleep can be very difficult for parents...

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Rocking a 4 month old baby. . Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years. Advise how to accustom a 4-month-old child to a crib. We are rocking my little girl to sleep - I Please advise, share your experience of how you put your baby to sleep...

It is believed that only 20% of infants can fall asleep without the help of adults. In practice, this figure is probably much lower, because... question " how to put a baby to sleep" is very common among parents.

How to properly put a baby to sleep

Before putting your baby to bed, pay attention to the following points:

  • the room must be ventilated;
  • the air temperature should preferably not be more than 23 degrees and less than 20;
  • the child’s clothing is loose, without rough seams, fasteners or overhead decorative elements that can cause discomfort to the baby during sleep;
  • The child himself wants to sleep: he rubs his eyes with his fists, yawns, and becomes slower.

How to put a baby to sleep: easy ways

To begin with, we will present the most common and easy methods that will answer the question of how to quickly put a baby to sleep.

Flaw: Suitable for very young children, it later causes physical inconvenience for the mother: the child’s weight gain affects both the back and arms.

Falling asleep at the end of feeding

If a baby is breastfed or even formula-fed, in the end the baby often calmly falls asleep on his own, then you don’t have to think about how to put the baby to sleep.

Flaw: very often, after finishing feeding, and especially if it is necessary to move the baby, sleep instantly disappears. In addition, this method works as long as you are breastfeeding.

Swaddling or creating a cozy “nest”

Flaw: Suitable only for very young children.


The babies were next to their mother for 9 months, and now falling asleep next to them is a great pleasure for them. On the one hand, this is convenient: especially during night feedings, but it is better to try not to resort to it or do it when absolutely necessary.

Flaw: it is difficult to wean the child, the likelihood of waking up or touching the child during sleep, as well as inconvenience for the father.

Other ways to put your baby to sleep at night

1. Bathing your baby before bed: A warm bath most often has a calming effect on the baby.

2.Baby massage: Sometimes massage relaxes the child, and falling asleep occurs more calmly. You can read how to massage a newborn in the article.

3. Falling asleep with a toy: a few days in advance soft toy can sleep with mom, because... The mother's smell, when next to the baby, will calm him down.

4. Monotonous noise, music, lullaby. Quite simple and an effective way to quickly put the baby to bed. For some reason, little children love the noise of a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, or washing machine. If your baby is also one of them, use this to your advantage: record the sounds on your phone and listen to them before bed.

Another option: choose musical compositions that your child falls asleep to. Sometimes it may be a melody that is unexpected for you. The main thing to understand is that you just need to develop a habit.

If you don’t want to turn on the equipment every time, you can sing it yourself lullaby for baby: Mom’s voice always works flawlessly.

Flaw: except the mother, no one can put the baby to sleep.

5. Conducting rituals. This method is suitable for slightly older children, not earlier than 6-7, or even 9-10 months, since the child should already understand what you want to achieve from him. The ritual essentially involves a series of sequential actions that you will perform before putting your baby to bed for the night. In terms of time, this should not take more than half an hour; it is important that the actions are the same. What exactly it will be, choose at your convenience.

For example:

  • bathe in the bathroom;
  • read a fairy tale;
  • sing a lullaby.
  • bathe in the bathroom;
  • watch a short cartoon;
  • go to bed with a soft toy.

Getting your baby to fall asleep alone

As your baby grows, you can add methods that will make your life easier in the long run. They will require time and patience from the parents, but sooner or later the child will have to develop the habit of going to bed on their own, so as soon as you decide to do this, you can use these tips on how to properly put your baby to bed:

1. "Timer"

The baby eats before going to bed, after which the mother shows him the clock and says that when the bell rings, the milk will run out. Strictly on call, namely after 10 minutes, the mother takes the baby off the breast and puts him in the crib. Try to react calmly to crying and screaming, soothe him with your voice, stroke him, but under no circumstances pick him up.

2. "Leaving the Room"

If your baby shows signs of fatigue, you need to put him in his crib. Then leave the room. If you hear the sound of crying, wait at least 3 minutes, go in and try to calm him down without picking him up. If you can’t calm him down with stroking and words for 3-5 minutes, take him in your arms, and then, without waiting for the child to completely fall asleep, return him to bed again.

The method really requires patience and is not the most humane. At first, it can take up to 1 hour to put the baby to sleep and take up to two weeks for the baby to get used to it.

3. Gradual training to sleep independently

There will be one for every mother The best way How to put a baby to sleep, because all babies are different. Try it different methods to find the perfect one for your baby. And remember that in addition to the above techniques, your mood and the situation in the house are also important, since the child reacts very sharply to the screams and quarrels of adults.

Author of the publication: Valeria Samoilova

You bring a newborn from the maternity hospital, and he is so small, fragile, defenseless... It becomes scary to touch him, to hold him in your arms. This is especially frightening for young parents. And, of course, the first question that begins to worry them is how a newborn should sleep. What should the baby's crib be like, how to put it to sleep, in what position, etc. All this is very important to know in order to create for the baby favorable conditions for sleep and minimize risks to life.

Conditions for sleeping a newborn

To infant was strong and more deep dream, he needs following conditions:

  • fresh air in the room;
  • temperature not higher than 25°C (ideally 20°C);
  • correct humidity - about 60-70%;
  • lack of bright light, loud sounds.

Naturally, the newborn’s room must be washed and the dust wiped off. If it is a nap, then the curtains are drawn. The baby himself does not need to be wrapped in a blanket if the temperature in the nursery is above 22°C. Overheating can have unpleasant health consequences.

Sleeping positions

It is very important in what position the baby sleeps, because so far he spends most of his time sleeping. Let's look at comfortable positions in which it is better to place the baby.

On the side

The side position is the safest

The safest sleeping position for a baby is on its side. This is how pediatricians and doctors in maternity hospitals advise placing babies (at least for the first time). The thing is anatomical features the structure of the stomach and esophagus of infants, namely, in the absence of a pronounced cardiac sphincter. Therefore, after feeding, the baby may burp profusely. At this point, it is better to lay him on his side to avoid the risk of choking.


It's even more safe posture than sleeping on your side. Sleeping halfway is beneficial for children who frequently spit up or who suffer from colic. This position promotes better passage of gas.

To prevent the child from rolling over and taking other positions, he must be placed correctly. You need to place a diaper or blanket rolled up under the backrest. It is also necessary to ensure that the baby does not scratch himself; this can be avoided by putting scratchers on him.

Advice: the child must be periodically turned over to the other side, otherwise torticollis may occur.

On the back

When the baby sleeps on his back, his head should be turned to the side

Sleeping on your newborn's back is both beneficial and dangerous. It is useful because it is physiological and natural for him. Dangerous because it's a baby. In a supine position, he may choke on the regurgitated masses.


  1. When laying a newborn on his back, the head should be turned to the side and secured with a diaper roll so that he cannot turn on his own.
  2. The position of the head must be changed periodically to avoid torticollis.
  3. To prevent the baby in this position from scratching and waking himself up with his hands, it is better to swaddle him. If the baby does not like to lie swaddled, he is nervous, then it is recommended to lay him, for example, on his tummy.

The supine position is not recommended if the baby is diagnosed with dysplasia hip joints“if he has signs of muscle hypertonicity (he will constantly twitch his arms, preventing himself from sleeping), as well as with colic (with excessive gas formation, the newborn will not be able to sleep soundly).

On the tummy

The most best pose- on the tummy: prevents colic, is a prevention of infant mortality syndrome

The position on the stomach is a prevention, firstly, of colic (it works well in this position digestive system, gases pass better), and secondly, infant mortality syndrome, one of the reasons for which is, again, the danger of choking when regurgitating. The tummy position will prevent unpleasant consequences regurgitation.

In addition, this position strengthens the muscles, bones of the back and neck, and over time it will be easier for the child to learn to hold his head.

If your baby likes to sleep on his stomach, then certain safety precautions must be followed:

  • purchase a hard mattress, preferably an orthopedic one;
  • sleep without a pillow;
  • do not put oilcloth sheets in the crib;
  • It is better to hang toys above the bed, rather than placing them at the head of the baby.

But even if these precautions are observed, it is better to look after the baby while sleeping on his stomach.

In the fetal position

If a child has been sleeping for more than a month with his legs pulled up to his tummy and his arms pressed to his chest, this may indicate muscle hypertension (hypertonicity). But if after 3-4 weeks the baby straightens up and sleeps in normal positions, then there is no reason to worry.

Important! No matter what position the baby sleeps in, from time to time it is necessary to turn him over to the other side or change his position in order to avoid tissue tracking, deformation of the unstable bone skeleton, and compression of veins and muscles.

Going to bed

When laying your baby down, you need to stroke him or pat him lightly to calm him down.

Studies of infant behavior show that the child is already infancy remembers the sequence of actions that take place, and if something is missed, he will begin to be capricious and will not be able to fall asleep for a long time. It is correct to position the baby so that this process takes place quickly and painlessly, for which purpose before going to bed it is advisable to repeat the same actions, at the same time, in the same sequence.

  1. To calm the child and improve sleep, he is bathed in water with herbs, given a light massage with stroking, and then fed.
  2. You should not put your newborn down immediately after feeding. It's good to raise it for a few minutes vertical position so he can burp excess air.
  3. When putting her to bed, mom can sing to her baby lullaby in a low voice, quietly stroking and patting him goodnight.

Newborn bedding

One month old baby sleeps 18-19 hours a day, older children (3 months - one year) sleep less, but still at least 15-16 hours. That is, almost all the time. Therefore, the task of parents is to decide where to sleep the baby and arrange it sleeping area.

Some parents buy a crib in advance, others put their baby to bed with them. On the one hand, this is convenient for both parents and children, since they do not need to get up at night to feed, and the baby is calmer at the mother’s breast. On the other hand, this is dangerous, since falling asleep parents can crush the baby. Pediatricians warn: you should not accustom your child to his parents’ bed!


Requirements: safety, hygiene, moderate hardness. Pediatric specialists and orthopedists recommend a hard, dense orthopedic mattress that bends slightly under the weight of the baby. This is primarily the prevention of spinal curvature.

Because of active development bone and muscular system It is forbidden for a child to place it on a soft surface for up to a year, especially on down mattresses.

A firm or moderately firm mattress is part of the prevention of infant mortality syndrome. Even with his nose buried in it, the baby will not suffocate, since a smooth surface without creases will not be able to block the baby’s oxygen.

Since children love to chew on their crib (especially when teething), it is better if it is not well sanded and varnished.

A positioner pillow will keep your baby in the best position for him.

Very convenient when caring for a baby. Various modifications of such pillows, mattresses, blankets, pillowcases, cocoon beds for newborns help keep the baby in the position in which he was put to sleep, fixing the head in the desired position. With positioner pad infant must sleep soundly.

Buckwheat pillows

Recommended for newborns by neonatologists. Such orthopedic pillows filled with buckwheat husks easily follow the contours of the baby’s head and neck in any position and help correct formation spine and cervical curve. In addition, the pillow has a massaging effect, improves blood supply to the head and neck, and calms the baby well.

Cocoon diapers

The cocoon diaper will provide restful sleep baby

They come with zippers or Velcro, are easy to use, and allow you to quickly secure the baby’s arms and legs, leaving him freedom of movement. Such soft swaddling prevents restlessness during sleep, since the baby cannot wake himself up and scratch himself with his hands. These give the baby the impression of being in the womb.


What a baby sleeps in depends on several factors: the temperature in the apartment, the time of year (in the summer you don’t have to dress the baby at all, leaving only a diaper), his well-being, age, etc. The most comfortable clothing is a jumpsuit with scratches. It does not restrict movement and protects the baby’s delicate skin from its own sharp nails. It's warm and easy to put on and take off, which is especially good for parents who use diapers. The jumpsuit is ideal for children of both sexes.

These recommendations should definitely be taken into account, especially if parents want their child to sleep peacefully throughout the night. And if the child sleeps peacefully, then mom and dad sleep, which gives them the opportunity to feel full of strength and the desire to communicate with your baby.

Reading time: 7 minutes

After giving birth to a child, a woman needs to master many different skills. Understanding some of them occurs on an instinctive level, while others need to be learned. Carrying a baby in your arms is one of the most important points in the relationship between mother and child. Every mother thinks about how to hold a newborn while feeding, how to carry a baby in a column and in other ways. A fragile skeleton and underdeveloped muscles require a special approach to holding (carrying a child in your arms).

How to properly hold a newborn

Mothers have the greatest fear when lifting their child from a horizontal surface: from a crib or stroller. In fact, everything is very simple:

  1. Approach the newborn from the side and bend over.
  2. Place one palm under your butt and the other under the back of your head.
  3. Gently lean the baby against you (not too much!) and move the baby's head to the crook of your elbow.

You can immediately place your head on your elbow - this way the newborn will be more securely fixed in your arms. If your baby is awake on his tummy, slide your hand under his chest and the other under his belly. The second option is to turn the child on his back and use the proven method. To lay your baby down, lean over the crib and carefully move the newborn onto a hard surface. Stay in the hanging position for a few seconds - the child should relax. After that, you can take your hands out from under it.

How to hold a newborn baby correctly

The child's bones are plastic, and the muscles of the neck and whole body are too weak. Until the baby's head is confidently held, it needs to be supported. Neglect of this rule leads to incorrect formation cervical spine spine. An upright position without back support is contraindicated in newborns. You can’t carry such babies under your butt! There is no talk about sedentary time until the child can sit confidently (6-8 months). How to properly hold a baby in different situations?

During feeding

If you are breastfeeding, familiarize yourself in detail with all existing breastfeeding positions. This can be done while sitting or lying down. General tips:

  1. Organize a feeding area. A relaxed posture promotes better milk flow. Cover a chair or bed with pillows.
  2. Leave very little clothing on the child, free the chest.
  3. If you are feeding while sitting, place your newborn in your arm so that the neck is in the crook of your elbow. Support your back with your forearm and cup your butt with your palm.
  4. Turn your baby's body so that the mouth, stomach and legs are in line. Your bellies and your baby's bellies should be touching.
  5. Raise the baby to your chest level. Place a pillow or stool under your arms. This will relieve any tension that has arisen.

The pose described above is called the “cradle”. When the baby is very small, it is more comfortable than others. You can also place your baby on a pillow that lies on your lap, and rest his head on your elbow. If you want to feed while lying on your side, hold your newborn like in a cradle position, just turn around and face each other. Place two pillows under your head, one under your leg, and another one to support your child.

After feeding

A well-fed baby should be held upright so that the air comes out of the stomach. This is the “column” or “soldier” position. Correct posture reduces the severity of colic and gas. Here are some useful tips:

  1. It will take 5-20 minutes for the baby to get the air out.
  2. If the belching happens almost immediately, do not hold it for too long.
  3. A sleeping baby may not get the air out right away, so place your newborn in an upright position when he or she wakes up.
  4. Lift your baby smoothly - sudden movements can cause regurgitation.
  5. You cannot pull the baby up by the armpits, forearms, or give support to the legs.


If your child spits up a lot, feed in a semi-upright position, and only then switch to the “soldier” position. How to properly hold a newborn upright after feeding is described in the following algorithm:

  1. Place the baby upright. Bend as close to him as possible, put one hand under your head and the other under your butt and lower back.
  2. Raise your child and gently press him towards you so that his chin rests on your shoulder.
  3. Be sure to secure the head so that it does not tip over. Use the forearm of the same hand to support the back, and with the other control the position of the lower back and butt.

When washing

Boys and girls are washed differently. For newborn males, this method is suitable:

  1. With your palm, hold the child by the shoulder that is farthest from you.
  2. Rotate the forearm of the same arm so that the bulk of your torso rests on it.
  3. Turn on warm water, the stream should be directed from front to back (you can put your butt under the water).
  4. With your other hand, wash the head of the penis without opening it. foreskin, then the scrotum and lastly the anus.

Holding a newborn correctly when washing is very simple if we're talking about about the girl. The technique is slightly different from the previous one:

  1. Place the baby's head on the bend of your elbow, use your forearm to support the back (tummy up position). Hold the leg with your palm.
  2. Bring the baby's genitals to a stream of water and wash in the direction from the vagina to the anus.

When swimming

A newborn in the bath should be kept in a diaper - this way he will not slip and freeze. If you have an assistant, have him use his hands to support the baby's head and neck. Meanwhile, you wash your body. If you are on your own, practice this method of support:

  1. Place the forearm of your left hand under the back of the baby's head.
  2. The neck and back are fixed with the palm of your hand. You can clasp the baby's shoulder farthest from you with your palm.
  3. Hold the baby's hips and buttocks with your right hand.
  4. Immerse the newborn in the water, you can free your right hand.

How to wear a baby correctly

Don’t be afraid to hold your baby in your arms once again – it is vital for him. A hug from a mother or father gives a newborn a feeling of security and warmth. Time will pass, and the child himself will not want his mother’s hands. Until such a moment, you need to practice holding, because this will have a beneficial effect on the physical and psychological development baby. Very little ones can be carried not only in your arms, but also in a sling. When the baby learns to sit, try using an ergo backpack, but it is better to avoid a kangaroo. How to hold a newborn in different positions?


The classic version of the pose has already been described above. Always remember that the baby must have three points of support: head, back, butt. Although the “cradle” is the most common, it is sitting position Mom gets tired quickly, her body is tense. If you carry a newborn in this position for a long time, the hand becomes numb, the lower back begins to feel, thoracic region spine.

On the stomach

An older baby can be carried tummy down. There is a butterfly pose that makes it easier for gases to come out. Right hand Place it under your baby's tummy. The head will be at the elbow, and groin area at the palm of your hand. Legs and arms hang at the sides, you can press the legs to the tummy so that gases escape better. This position requires physical strength, so it is better to entrust it to dad.

Three-month-old babies who already have good control of their body can be held in an airplane. One hand clasps the chest, the other - the abdomen (make sure that the pressure on the peritoneum is not too strong). Legs and arms are free. The pose is useful for digestion processes and training the back muscles. In this position, you can have fun flying around the room - kids love dynamic games.

On your arms at your side

It is allowed to hold the baby in this position from birth until mother and baby feel comfortable. Turn the baby face forward, place it in an upright position, slightly tilting it back. Support your child top part torso, grab your feet with the other hand. The baby's head is at the level of the adult's chest, he holds your forearm with his hand, his legs are bent and spread at the knees. This pose is very useful for the pelvis and joints of the baby.


Doctors recommend practicing this pose after six months, when the newborn has become a little accustomed to this world and begins to show active interest in it. Turn the baby face forward, place him in a semi-lying position, slightly tilt him to one side. Your stomach should be your fulcrum. Hold the baby under the chest with one hand, secure the leg under the other bent knee. The second leg will hang freely. Both of the baby's hands are not fixed, one rests on your forearm. The “Buddha” pose is also good. In this case, the legs are pressed to the butt, the back and head rest on the adult’s chest.

On the side of the thigh

For a newborn classic version this position is not suitable. You can keep your toddler in this position only if he knows how to sit well. The child, being in a vertical position, clasps your thigh with his legs from the side. He holds your shoulder with one hand, the other is free. You will be able to hold the baby with one hand, since the main load falls on the hips. An adult should be very careful when carrying a child in this way.. A particularly fidgety baby can easily slip out of a hug.

An option for a tiny baby is the “under-the-arm” pose. It is similar to the butterfly position, but the baby lies tummy up. Better than a newborn swaddle so that the legs are fixed. The head is held with the fingers of an adult, the neck is fixed with the palm. The back and buttocks lie on the forearm, the legs pass under the armpits. The main weight of the child falls on the hip. When the baby becomes too mobile, you should be careful with the pose.

How not to hold a newborn

Some points have already been outlined, but there are still several important prohibitions that you need to know about. An adult is prohibited from:

  • Lift the child by the wrists, forearms, legs. The joints and tendons are still very weak, and it is easy for a newborn to be injured.
  • Hold the baby by the armpits only.
  • Carry the baby with one hand. When the baby gets older and can hold his head well, you can use this method, but you always need to be alert.
  • Remove the support from the spine and move it to the baby’s bottom.
  • Allow the legs to dangle when the newborn is lying tummy up. This has a bad effect on the development of the hip joints.
  • Wear it in a vertical position for a long time.
  • Relax, get distracted.
