Indoor plants that cause allergies - house flowers. What are the symptoms of a geranium allergy?

Many people love vegetation and flowers in home pots on the windows. Indoor plants bring a lot of beauty and joy, however, their presence in the house can be overshadowed by an unpleasant allergic reaction in their owner. Many plants secrete a lot essential oils, pollen and other things that contribute to the development of allergies. And geranium is no exception.

Can you be allergic to geranium?

Geranium allergy flower, due to the fact that it releases essential oils that fill the room with a pleasant aroma. The plant causes unpleasant symptoms, which is similar to a cold, so an allergic person may not immediately understand that he has an allergic intolerance reaction.

In addition, this plant should not be grown in places with large crowds of people, such as kindergartens, schools, and hospitals.

It has also been established that children are more difficult to tolerate an allergic reaction than adults, since their allergies are accompanied by swelling of the mucous cavities, which can develop into Quincke's edema. This swelling has severe consequences for health and human life, therefore requiring urgent medical intervention.

Is there an allergy to geranium, given its benefits?

In folk practice, geranium quite common for treating infections of the mouth and nose. She has many beneficial properties , which are expressed in antibacterial and antiseptic terms. Folk recipes with geranium make it possible to create decoctions that are used for various laryngeal and oral infections.

Among other things, geranium has the following properties:

  1. it is used as an anti-cellulite agent. It speeds up the work of blood and its circulation in the body system;
  2. has a beneficial effect on the cardiac system;
  3. prevents tachycardia from developing and coronary disease;
  4. purifies the air;
  5. improves the home atmosphere.

For a long time it was worth having a pot of geraniums in the house, then peace and comfort reigned in the house, and the children grew up as obedient and kind people.

How does an allergy manifest itself?

Allergies to geranium occur less frequently than to other allergens. Predisposed to allergic reaction on geranium the following people:

  1. if they have hay fever (a seasonal reaction);
  2. immunity disorders;
  3. sensitive skin type;
  4. irritability respiratory system and mucous membrane;
  5. heredity;
  6. autoallergy and tendency to it;
  7. dysfunctional disorders;
  8. problems with the endocrine system;
  9. at serious illnesses, especially if a person tolerates them;
  10. bacteriological diseases;

Allergic manifestations occur in the following cases:

  1. during tactile interaction with a flower;
  2. if it was consumed ( traditional methods treatment);
  3. if you are allergic, stay in the room where the flower is located.

As a rule, it is impossible to know about the symptoms in advance, so if you have any kind of intolerance, you should take care of yourself and your child in advance. Exist negative manifestations on geraniums that have the following symptoms :

  1. swelling of the mucous cavities;
  2. tearfulness;
  3. conjunctivitis;
  4. sneezing and runny nose;
  5. itching and burning;
  6. intestinal and gastrointestinal disorders;
  7. stool disorders;
  8. soreness;
  9. asthma;
  10. laryngitis;
  11. suffocation;
  12. headache;
  13. urticaria and dermatitis;
  14. shortness of breath and cough, frustration digestive system.

Sometimes allergic manifestations can be extremely dangerous to human life, Therefore, the condition of an allergy sufferer should be closely monitored and paid attention to. Sometimes consequences such as anaphylaxis shock and Quincke's edema occur.

Geranium standing on a windowsill as indoor flower– not only a replicated image, but also a completely familiar picture. Many people grow it at home, but only a few know about the dangers that the plant hides in its stems.

Antimicrobial and antiseptic effects - these are the features that attract gardeners to geraniums. The flower extract can relieve tonsillitis, sore throat or stomatitis, it accelerates blood circulation and becomes indispensable in folk medicine. The essential oil of the plant in modern cosmetology is beginning to replace its more expensive analogues - lemon balm and mint.

When purchasing geranium, we study its beneficial and harmful properties, but we often forget about individual intolerance individual components. In our case, the benefits that a flower brings to people can result in serious consequences, because geranium is not the best gift for allergy sufferers. The reaction to it has been proven by experts and thoroughly studied. It is caused by volatile ether compounds contained in stems and leaves.

Why the question “can geranium cause allergies” is no longer relevant

Reactions to indoor plants are rarely discussed because they do not pollinate. naturally. An allergy to geranium, the symptoms of which we will discuss a little later, can occur for several reasons. The most common doctors include:

  • Hereditary factor;
  • Hypersensitivity to substances contained in geranium essential oils;
  • Reduced immunity and inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.

Having a predisposition to allergic reactions of any type can cause the development of the disease, but it is very difficult to prevent the body’s painful reaction to irritants. It is completely impossible to predict the development of the situation. All you have to do is remember that allergies can be caused by any physical contact with a flower, and sometimes just its scent is enough.

Allergy to geranium: how does the reaction manifest itself?

Geranium is truly beautiful and easy to care for, but as a decorative element it is not suitable for every apartment. The fragrant aroma of an indoor flower, caused by the secretions of numerous essential oils, causes allergies in some people. Its manifestations do not become noticeable immediately. It all starts with a persistent dry cough and headache, and other symptoms follow. A person exhibits:

  • skin itching (sometimes rash);
  • tear discharge;
  • shortness of breath and swelling of soft tissues.

In the most severe cases the sick person begins to suffer from suffocation, and Quincke's edema develops. This happens very rarely, but can be fatal. The symptoms that appear are difficult to instantly identify, so allergies are most often confused with colds. Even “experienced” allergy sufferers make mistakes, because there is a catch from the ordinary indoor plant Usually there is no need to wait.

In general, an allergy to geranium is a very rare and very unpleasant phenomenon. A reaction to a flower can occur in both severe and mild forms, and the only thing that can be done is to stop all contact with the flower. Having removed geranium from the house, you will have to go for consultation with a specialist, but you need to be prepared for the fact that doctors do not distinguish allergies as a full-fledged disease, but classify them as secondary.

Having found out whether there can be an allergy to geranium, all that remains is to summarize: it will not be possible to completely get rid of it even after years of immunotherapy. Take all the time antihistamines It’s also hard to call it an excellent option, because side effects Every medicine has it. If you notice even the slightest discomfort from plants in your apartment, get rid of them without regret! Take care of yourself.

Allergy to geranium: features and treatment

Many people love vegetation and flowers in home pots on the windows. Indoor plants bring a lot of beauty and joy, however, their presence in the house can be overshadowed by an unpleasant allergic reaction in their owner. Many plants produce a lot of essential oils, pollen, etc., which contributes to the development of allergies. And geranium is no exception.

Geranium allergy flower, due to the fact that it releases essential oils that fill the room with a pleasant aroma. The plant causes unpleasant symptoms that are similar to a cold, so an allergic person may not immediately understand that he has an allergic intolerance reaction.

In addition, this plant should not be grown in places with large crowds of people, such as kindergartens, schools, and hospitals.

It has also been established that children are more difficult to tolerate an allergic reaction than adults, since their allergies are accompanied by swelling of the mucous cavities, which can develop into Quincke's edema. This swelling has complex consequences for human health and life, and therefore requires urgent medical intervention.

Is there an allergy to geranium, given its benefits?

In folk practice, geranium quite common for treating infections of the mouth and nose. She has many beneficial properties, which are expressed in antibacterial and antiseptic terms. Folk recipes with geranium allow you to create decoctions that are used for various laryngeal and oral infections.

Among other things, geranium has the following properties:

  1. it is used as an anti-cellulite agent. It speeds up the work of blood and its circulation in the body system,
  2. has a beneficial effect on the cardiac system,
  3. prevents the development of tachycardia and coronary disease,
  4. purifies the air,
  5. improves the home atmosphere.

For a long time it was worth having a pot of geraniums in the house, then peace and comfort reigned in the house, and the children grew up as obedient and kind people.

How does an allergy manifest itself?

Allergies to geranium occur less frequently than to other allergens. The following people are predisposed to an allergic reaction to geranium:

  1. if you have hay fever (a seasonal reaction),
  2. immunity disorders,
  3. sensitive skin type,
  4. irritability of the respiratory system and mucous membranes,
  5. heredity,
  6. autoallergy and tendency to it,
  7. dysfunctional disorders,
  8. problems with the endocrine system,
  9. in case of serious illnesses, especially if a person suffers them,
  10. bacteriological diseases,

Allergic manifestations occur in the following cases:

  1. during tactile interaction with a flower,
  2. if it was eaten (traditional methods of treatment),
  3. if you are allergic, stay in the room where the flower is located.

As a rule, it is impossible to know about the symptoms in advance, so if you have any kind of intolerance, you should take care of yourself and your child in advance. There are negative manifestations of geranium, which have the following symptoms :

  1. swelling of the mucous cavities,
  2. tearfulness,
  3. conjunctivitis,
  4. sneezing and runny nose,
  5. itching and burning,
  6. intestinal and gastrointestinal disorders,
  7. stool disorders,
  8. soreness,
  9. asthma,
  10. laryngitis,
  11. suffocation,
  12. headache,
  13. urticaria and dermatitis,
  14. shortness of breath and cough, digestive system disorder.

Sometimes allergic manifestations can be extremely life-threatening Therefore, the condition of an allergy sufferer should be closely monitored and paid attention to. Sometimes consequences such as anaphylaxis shock and Quincke's edema occur.

Allergy to geranium

Geranium is a plant widely used in designer floristry and everyday life. Its botanical name is pelargonium. This plant is an indispensable inhabitant of window sills of apartments and offices, garden beds and street lawns. The Internet is filled with articles about the benefits it brings to human health. But is everything so rosy here?

Can you be allergic to geranium?

The main properties of geranium that have given rise to such popularity are antimicrobial and antiseptic effects, due to the high concentration of essential oil in the stems, leaves and flowers of geranium. If you knead a torn leaf in your fingers, a distinct aroma will arise, which is the specific smell of this plant. Describing this aroma, like any other, is a completely meaningless task, due to the differences in the olfactory associations of each person who does not belong to the caste of odor specialists.

Naturally, some of the molecules of the essential oil contained in the plant leave it, saturating the room with a smell that is so pleasant to geranium lovers and destructive to microbes present in the air. However, in people predisposed to allergic diseases, the smell of geranium essential oil can cause individual intolerance and allergic reactions. Moreover, direct contact skin a person with geranium in the process of caring for it can lead to the appearance of signs of neurodermatitis in the area of ​​the epidermis in contact with the plant.

Why does geranium cause allergies?

Allergies are one of the most insidious diseases. The causes of an allergy to geranium, like other types of allergic diseases, can be determined by a number of factors:

  • dysfunction of the immune and lymphatic systems,
  • dysfunctions and pathologies endocrine system,
  • hypersensitivity (exudative-catarrhal factor),
  • hematological disorders, usually associated with the presence of inflammatory processes,
  • hereditary factors.

Therefore, it should not be surprising that when treating an allergy to geranium, an allergist involves a number of specialists in the treatment of the patient, seemingly unrelated to this type of disease.

Having purchased geranium for a collection of home flowers decorating an apartment, you should pay attention to whether its appearance has become a trigger factor for the deterioration of the well-being of one of the family members. In this case, it is necessary to temporarily remove the geranium from residential premises (put it on the windowsill in the entrance, negotiate a temporary transfer with neighbors, etc.).

If you feel better, you can say that the cause of the illness is geranium. This - good addition To standard set tests, usually performed by an allergist.

How does an allergy to geranium manifest?

Symptoms of geranium allergy:

  • allergic rhinitis (runny nose with discharge that has a liquid consistency), sore throat and dry cough,
  • the appearance of a headache,
  • tearing and slight swelling of the soft tissues of the face,
  • the appearance of rash and skin itching.

An allergy to geranium can serve as a trigger for the appearance and development of already healed allergic disease.

The listed symptoms develop especially quickly in children, which requires immediate measures to isolate them from the source that excites the allergic reaction and see a doctor.

These facts should not be taken as a call for the widespread destruction of geraniums and the abandonment of its use in floristry. Each plant has certain positive and negative properties, therefore, when creating a project for a particular recreational area, these properties should be taken into account and correlated with the location of the intended location. If necessary correct solution Experts will always advise.

Allergy to geranium: causes, how it manifests itself and what to do

Allergy is an individual reaction of the body to external stimuli. They are flowers (the surge is attributed to the spring period), citrus fruits, animal hair, dust, oils. It happens congenital And acquired. Congenital is transmitted “by inheritance”, along with the genetic code. Acquired is detected in diseases internal organs.

Both types are dangerous. Every year, world statistics record an increase in the number of allergy sufferers. In Russia, almost every fifth person is susceptible to it. According to health data, almost every person has one or another enzyme that causes allergies.

The most common geranium, or pelargonium, received thanks to its beautiful flowering and the release of a bactericidal aroma from the leaves. This plant is unpretentious home care, and housewives often choose it to decorate their home.

A house plant can calm you down nervous system, relieve tension, stress, fight viruses. But it should be noted that pelargonium tops the list the most phytoallergenic flowers, the smell of which can even provoke Quincke's edema. Therefore, before buying a flower, you need to understand how susceptible you are to developing unpleasant symptoms and what to do when negative factors begin.

Can you be allergic to geranium?

Allergies occur even in those who have not previously noticed any reaction. Experts strongly advise against leaving a flower in the house for the following categories of people:

  • People sensitive to flowering.
  • Characterized by weak immunity.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People with low sugar in blood.
  • Having problems with the respiratory system.
  • Children, especially infants.

People who have a family history of allergies, especially to flowers, should treat flowers with caution.

Reasons for the reaction

Leaves, flowers, stem highlight essential oils– they are the ones that can cause allergies. Also, by carefully studying the leaves, you notice how hard they are and how densely they are covered with villi, which are dust collectors. All this has a suffocating effect on people with allergies who do not adapt to this flower, as they do to many indoor plants. According to doctors, it is advisable for people suffering from some kind of allergic consequences to abandon any indoor plants in order to minimize the risk of such a reaction.

Symptoms of a geranium allergy

An allergy may not appear immediately, but after some time. Sometimes you can mistakenly assume that the reaction appeared to something else, and do not immediately remove the source of the problem.

The main features are:

  • Sneezing.
  • Itching of the nasopharynx.
  • Cough.
  • Nasal congestion or runny nose.
  • Severe headaches.
  • Stinging in the eyes, itching.
  • Tearing.
  • Hives (appearance of red, itchy blisters)
  • Difficulty breathing, lack of air.
  • Dizziness.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • Conjunctivitis.

If one of the indicators is present, this usually means the occurrence of a disease. To identify the first signs in a child, it is advisable to monitor his breathing. Any redness or itching of the skin should alert you.

Allergy to geranium in a child

Geranium is often found in kindergartens, schools, and sports institutions. Due to the annual increase in the number of people suffering from allergies, it is necessary to understand how a child reacts to a flower. Young children need to be especially careful, because when a leaf gets into the baby’s mouth, a violent reaction may begin, manifesting itself as a suffocating factor.

What to do, how and how to treat

If your health has sharply worsened, but it is unclear why, first you need to move to another room. If you regain your health relatively quickly without a provoking factor, there is a high probability of allergies. In order not to provoke further deterioration of health, it is necessary to remove the source of the allergen, then the problem will go away.

When the source-allergen is not quickly identified, manifestations of an allergic reaction occur, it is necessary to take antihistamines , which can reduce or completely eliminate the symptoms that have arisen. First generation drugs such as suprastin, diazolin, diphenhydramine– cause drowsiness, reduce concentration and have a short duration of action.

Second-generation medications relieve symptoms quickly, effectively, without compromising the quality of life. These include Claritin, fenistil, ebastine.

You can take such drugs long time. Latest drugs third generation are best choice. Selectively act directly on the allergen without causing sleepy state. The main substance is excreted unchanged, without loading the gastrointestinal tract. For example, fexofast, Lordestin, xysal. They are produced in various forms - drops, sprays, syrups, aerosol bottles. Before use, be sure to consult your doctor.

If suffocation or Quincke's edema occurs, you need to take the above medications, try to calm down and urgently call an ambulance.

Some people prefer traditional methods of treatment various diseases. Folk health specialists advise brewing a decoction of calendula, yarrow, St. John's wort, and rose hips, which are taken for a long time until the undesirable manifestations completely disappear.

Allergic symptoms may appear as single case, then they can only manage by eliminating the allergen and using prescribed remedies. If symptoms recur, you should consult an allergist. He will appoint special diet, anti-inflammatory or antileukotriene drugs, immunomodulators.

Sometimes such treatment is carried out for several months, with the help of which it is possible to understand what factors contribute to adverse reaction specific person and how to deal with them. Therefore, to maintain health, you need to carefully monitor the body, reacting quickly if necessary.

Many people love indoor plants. But a big disappointment can be an allergy to them. Geranium, which many housewives love so much, is no exception. Often it can cause a lot of trouble in the form of an acute allergic reaction, as it releases a lot of essential oils.

Allergy to geranium

The pleasant smell of the oil is even used as body fragrance.

This flower can cause a very strong allergic reaction. Geranium releases essential oils, as mentioned above, which create a pleasant aroma in the room. But they are the ones that can cause allergies, especially if a person is prone to exhibiting unpleasant symptoms. Very often, the patient does not immediately understand that he has an allergy, since the symptoms are very similar to a cold. However, this harmless plant may be the cause.

It is especially worth paying attention to growing such flowers in places where there is a large number of people, for example in hospitals, as well as schools and kindergartens. Children have a much harder time with allergies than adults. In them, the usual swelling of the nasal mucosa can develop into Quincke's edema, which is very serious condition requiring medical intervention.

Useful properties of geranium

What makes people decorate their homes with geraniums? The secret lies in its beneficial properties. It has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect, so very often in folk recipes you can find recipes for gargling with geranium when various infections oral cavity and throats.

Geranium has an anti-cellulite effect as it accelerates blood circulation. It has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, preventing coronary disease and the development of tachycardia. Our grandmothers can tell you a lot about the benefits of this flower and will definitely recommend having at least one pot of geranium on the windowsill to purify the air and improve the atmosphere in the house.

Allergy symptoms

Of course, manifestations of allergies to geranium occur less frequently than to common allergens. The following are predisposed to unpleasant symptoms:

    Allergy sufferers with hay fever (seasonal pollen allergy)

    Patients with immune system disorders

    People with skin hypersensitivity, respiratory tract and mucous membranes

    Those who have a family history of this type of allergy

    People prone to autoallergy

    Having pathologies of the endocrine system or dysfunction

    People suffering from serious illnesses, especially those of a bacteriological nature

Geranium is divided into groups: Zonal, Ivy, Royal, Fragrant, Succulent, Angels, Unicums.

An allergy to geranium can appear after several minutes of being in a room with this flower, after direct tactile contact, or when eating it (when treated with traditional medicine). It is impossible to predict whether you will have unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the consequences in advance, especially if you or your child are prone to allergies.

This type of allergic reaction has the following manifestations:

    Swelling of the mucous membranes


    Allergic conjunctivitis

  • Hives


  • Eating disorders

After contact with geranium, it may develop anaphylactic shock or angioedema. These conditions are extremely dangerous for human life, so they cannot be allowed to occur. When the first symptoms of an allergy occur, you should immediately take any measures to relieve them. The child must be shown to a doctor, even if you were able to remove it yourself. acute condition, It may be dangerous!

How to treat allergies?

There are a lot of allergens and you shouldn’t provoke them all if you don’t know what kind of allergy you are allergic to.

The algorithm for relieving unpleasant symptoms is the same for almost any type of allergic reaction. First you need to avoid contact with all possible allergens. Even if you know that you have a reaction specifically to geranium, you should not be near furry animals, go to the park, sit in dusty room or eat foods that provoke allergies (this includes milk, citrus fruits, chocolate, fish, nuts).

If you don't know what could be causing your allergy, evaluate general state sick. The main thing is that there are no breathing difficulties, otherwise you need to immediately call an ambulance, as a person can simply suffocate in a matter of minutes. While waiting for an ambulance, you should free your neck and chest from tight clothing, give the person water and open the window to allow water to flow. Fresh air. The patient needs to be reassured, since shortness of breath is often provoked by mental stress.

First generation antihistamines

In the case when the patient’s condition is stable, it is necessary to decide which symptoms need to be relieved. It is best to give the person an antihistamine according to the dosage immediately. Modern means help relieve allergy symptoms within 15-20 minutes. Suprastin, Tavegil, Zodak and other medications are suitable. Remember: tablets can usually be taken by children aged 6 years and older, so read the instructions carefully.

Fenistil - anti-itch gel for external use

If skin rashes appear, you can relieve the itching and relieve inflammation with various gels. Fenistil is suitable: it cools the skin, helps reduce redness, relieves swelling and itching. This is especially true for young children, as it is very difficult for them to tolerate allergies. Don't let your child scratch the redness. This drug can be used even by the smallest.

Be sure to consult a doctor, especially if the reaction occurs repeatedly. May be required complex treatment, which will help not burden the body and allow you to feel normal in any situation. The doctor will be able to accurately determine which substances you have an individual intolerance to. They will have to be excluded from life for normal condition health. Allergy is a serious disease that can cause a lot of trouble if treatment is not started on time.

Allergy is an individual reaction of the body to external irritants. They are flowers (the surge is attributed to the spring period), citrus fruits, animal hair, dust, oils. It happens congenital And acquired. Congenital is transmitted “by inheritance”, along with the genetic code. Acquired is detected in diseases of internal organs.

Both types are dangerous. Every year, world statistics record an increase in the number of allergy sufferers. In Russia, almost every fifth person is susceptible to it. According to health data, almost every person has one or another enzyme that causes allergies.

The most common geranium, or pelargonium, received thanks to its beautiful flowering and the release of a bactericidal aroma from the leaves. This plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness in home care, and housewives often choose it to decorate their home.

A home plant can calm the nervous system, relieve tension, stress, and fight viruses. But it should be noted that pelargonium tops the list the most phytoallergenic flowers, the smell of which can even provoke Quincke's edema. Therefore, before buying a flower, you need to understand how susceptible you are to developing unpleasant symptoms and what to do when negative factors begin.

Can you be allergic to geranium?

Allergies occur even in those who have not previously noticed any reaction. Experts strongly advise against leaving a flower in the house for the following categories of people:

  • People sensitive to flowering.
  • Characterized by weak immunity.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People with low blood sugar.
  • Having problems with the respiratory system.
  • Children, especially infants.

People who have a family history of allergies, especially to flowers, should treat flowers with caution.

Reasons for the reaction

Leaves, flowers, stem highlight essential oils– they are the ones that can cause allergies. Also, by carefully studying the leaves, you notice how hard they are and how densely they are covered with villi, which are dust collectors. All this has a suffocating effect on people with allergies who do not adapt to this flower, as they do to many indoor plants. According to doctors, it is advisable for people suffering from some kind of allergic consequences to abandon any indoor plants in order to minimize the risk of such a reaction.

Symptoms of a geranium allergy

An allergy may not appear immediately, but after some time. Sometimes you can mistakenly assume that the reaction appeared to something else, and do not immediately remove the source of the problem.

The main features are:

  • Sneezing.
  • Itching of the nasopharynx.
  • Cough.
  • Nasal congestion or runny nose.
  • Severe headaches.
  • Stinging in the eyes, itching.
  • Tearing.
  • Hives (appearance of red, itchy blisters)
  • Difficulty breathing, lack of air.
  • Dizziness.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • Conjunctivitis.

If one of the indicators is present, this usually means the occurrence of a disease. To identify the first signs in a child, it is advisable to monitor his breathing. Any redness or itching of the skin should alert you.

Allergy to geranium in a child

Geranium is often found in kindergartens, schools, and sports institutions. Due to the annual increase in the number of people suffering from allergies, it is necessary to understand how a child reacts to a flower. Young children need to be especially careful, because when a leaf gets into the baby’s mouth, a violent reaction may begin, manifesting itself as a suffocating factor.

What to do, how and how to treat

If your health has sharply worsened, but it is unclear why, first you need to move to another room. If you regain your health relatively quickly without a provoking factor, there is a high probability of allergies. In order not to provoke further deterioration of health, it is necessary to remove the source of the allergen, then the problem will go away.

When the source-allergen is not quickly identified, manifestations of an allergic reaction occur, it is necessary to take antihistamines, which can reduce or completely eliminate the symptoms that have arisen. First generation drugs such as suprastin, diazolin, diphenhydramine– cause drowsiness, reduce concentration and have a short duration of action.

Second-generation medications relieve symptoms quickly, effectively, without compromising the quality of life. These include Claritin, fenistil, ebastine.

You can take such drugs for a long time. The newest third generation drugs are the best choice. Selectively act directly on the allergen without causing a drowsy state. The main substance is excreted unchanged, without loading the gastrointestinal tract. For example, fexofast, Lordestin, xysal. They are produced in various forms - drops, sprays, syrups, aerosol bottles. Before use, be sure to consult your doctor.

If suffocation or Quincke's edema occurs, you need to take the above medications, try to calm down and urgently call an ambulance.

Some people prefer traditional methods of treating various diseases. Folk health specialists advise brewing a decoction of calendula, yarrow, St. John's wort, and rose hips, which are taken for a long time until the undesirable manifestations completely disappear.

Allergic symptoms may appear as an isolated case, then they can only manage by eliminating the allergen and using prescribed remedies. If symptoms recur, you should consult an allergist. He will prescribe a special diet, anti-inflammatory or anti-leukotriene medications, and immunomodulators.

Sometimes such treatment is carried out for several months, with the help of which it is possible to understand what factors contribute to the undesirable reaction of a particular person and how to deal with them. Therefore, to maintain health, you need to carefully monitor the body, reacting quickly if necessary.


Many people love vegetation and flowers in home pots on the windows. Indoor plants bring a lot of beauty and joy, however, their presence in the house can be overshadowed by an unpleasant allergic reaction in their owner. Many plants produce a lot of essential oils, pollen, etc., which contributes to the development of allergies. And geranium is no exception.

Geranium allergy flower, due to the fact that it releases essential oils that fill the room with a pleasant aroma. The plant causes unpleasant symptoms that are similar to a cold, so an allergic person may not immediately understand that he has an allergic intolerance reaction.

In addition, this plant should not be grown in places with large crowds of people, such as kindergartens, schools, and hospitals.

It has also been established that children are more difficult to tolerate an allergic reaction than adults, since their allergies are accompanied by swelling of the mucous cavities, which can develop into Quincke's edema. This swelling has complex consequences for human health and life, and therefore requires urgent medical intervention.

Is there an allergy to geranium, given its benefits?

In folk practice, geranium quite common for treating infections of the mouth and nose. She has many beneficial properties, which are expressed in antibacterial and antiseptic terms. Folk recipes with geranium allow you to create decoctions that are used for various laryngeal and oral infections.

Among other things, geranium has the following properties:

  1. it is used as an anti-cellulite agent. It speeds up the work of blood and its circulation in the body system;
  2. has a beneficial effect on the cardiac system;
  3. prevents the development of tachycardia and coronary disease;
  4. purifies the air;
  5. improves the home atmosphere.

For a long time it was worth having a pot of geraniums in the house, then peace and comfort reigned in the house, and the children grew up as obedient and kind people.

How does an allergy manifest itself?

Allergies to geranium occur less frequently than to other allergens. The following people are predisposed to an allergic reaction to geranium:

  1. if they have hay fever (a seasonal reaction);
  2. immunity disorders;
  3. sensitive skin type;
  4. irritability of the respiratory system and mucous membranes;
  5. heredity;
  6. autoallergy and tendency to it;
  7. dysfunctional disorders;
  8. problems with the endocrine system;
  9. in case of serious illnesses, especially if a person suffers them;
  10. bacteriological diseases;

Allergic manifestations occur in the following cases:

  1. during tactile interaction with a flower;
  2. if it was eaten (traditional methods of treatment);
  3. if you are allergic, stay in the room where the flower is located.

As a rule, it is impossible to know about the symptoms in advance, so if you have any kind of intolerance, you should take care of yourself and your child in advance. There are negative manifestations of geranium, which have the following symptoms :

  1. swelling of the mucous cavities;
  2. tearfulness;
  3. conjunctivitis;
  4. sneezing and runny nose;
  5. itching and burning;
  6. intestinal and gastrointestinal disorders;
  7. stool disorders;
  8. soreness;
  9. asthma;
  10. laryngitis;
  11. suffocation;
  12. headache;
  13. urticaria and dermatitis;
  14. shortness of breath and cough, digestive system disorder.

Sometimes allergic manifestations can be extremely life-threatening Therefore, the condition of an allergy sufferer should be closely monitored and paid attention to. Sometimes consequences such as anaphylaxis shock and Quincke's edema occur.

Allergy to geranium

Geranium is a plant widely used in designer floristry and everyday life. Its botanical name is pelargonium. This plant is an indispensable inhabitant of window sills of apartments and offices, garden beds and street lawns. The Internet is filled with articles about the benefits it brings to human health. But is everything so rosy here?

Can you be allergic to geranium?

The main properties of geranium that have given rise to such popularity are antimicrobial and antiseptic effects, due to the high concentration of essential oil in the stems, leaves and flowers of geranium. If you knead a torn leaf in your fingers, a distinct aroma will arise, which is the specific smell of this plant. Describing this aroma, like any other, is a completely meaningless task, due to the differences in the olfactory associations of each person who does not belong to the caste of odor specialists.

Naturally, some of the molecules of the essential oil contained in the plant leave it, saturating the room with a smell that is so pleasant to geranium lovers and destructive to microbes present in the air. However, in people predisposed to allergic diseases, the smell of geranium essential oil can cause individual intolerance and allergic reactions. Moreover, direct contact of human skin with geranium during its care can lead to the appearance of signs of neurodermatitis in the area of ​​the epidermis in contact with the plant.

Why does geranium cause allergies?

Allergies are one of the most insidious diseases. The causes of an allergy to geranium, like other types of allergic diseases, can be determined by a number of factors:

  • dysfunction of the immune and lymphatic systems;
  • dysfunctions and pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • hypersensitivity (exudative-catarrhal factor);
  • hematological disorders, usually associated with the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • hereditary factors.

Therefore, it should not be surprising that when treating an allergy to geranium, an allergist involves a number of specialists in the treatment of the patient, seemingly unrelated to this type of disease.

Having purchased geranium for a collection of home flowers decorating an apartment, you should pay attention to whether its appearance has become a trigger factor for the deterioration of the well-being of one of the family members. In this case, it is necessary to temporarily remove the geranium from residential premises (put it on the windowsill in the entrance, negotiate a temporary transfer with neighbors, etc.).

If you feel better, you can say that the cause of the illness is geranium. This is a good addition to the standard battery of tests usually performed by an allergist.

How does an allergy to geranium manifest?

Symptoms of geranium allergy:

  • allergic rhinitis (runny nose with discharge that has a liquid consistency), sore throat and dry cough;
  • the appearance of headache;
  • tearfulness and slight swelling of the soft tissues of the face;
  • the appearance of rash and skin itching.

An allergy to geranium can serve as a trigger for the emergence and development of an already treated allergic disease.

The listed symptoms develop especially quickly in children, which requires immediate measures to isolate them from the source that excites the allergic reaction and see a doctor.

These facts should not be taken as a call for the widespread destruction of geraniums and the abandonment of its use in floristry. Each plant has certain positive and negative properties, therefore, when creating a project for a particular recreational area, these properties should be taken into account and correlated with the location of the intended location. If necessary, specialists will always suggest the right solution.

Allergy to geranium: symptoms and manifestations

A geranium standing on a windowsill as an indoor flower is not only a replicated image, but also a completely familiar picture. Many people grow it at home, but only a few know about the dangers that the plant hides in its stems.

Geranium: allergen or not?

Antimicrobial and antiseptic effects - these are the features that attract gardeners to geraniums. The flower extract can relieve tonsillitis, sore throat or stomatitis; it accelerates blood circulation and becomes indispensable in folk medicine. The essential oil of the plant in modern cosmetology is beginning to replace its more expensive analogues - lemon balm and mint.

When purchasing geranium, we study its beneficial and harmful properties, but often forget about individual intolerance to individual components. In our case, the benefits that a flower brings to people can result in serious consequences, because geranium is not the best gift for allergy sufferers. The reaction to it has been proven by experts and thoroughly studied. It is caused by volatile ether compounds contained in stems and leaves.

Why the question “can geranium cause allergies” is no longer relevant

Reactions to houseplants are rarely discussed because they do not pollinate naturally. An allergy to geranium, the symptoms of which we will discuss a little later, can occur for several reasons. The most common doctors include:

  • Hereditary factor;
  • Hypersensitivity to substances contained in geranium essential oils;
  • Reduced immunity and inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.

Having a predisposition to allergic reactions of any type can cause the development of the disease, but it is very difficult to prevent the body’s painful reaction to irritants. It is completely impossible to predict the development of the situation. All you have to do is remember that allergies can be caused by any physical contact with a flower, and sometimes just its scent is enough.

Allergy to geranium: how does the reaction manifest itself?

Geranium is truly beautiful and easy to care for, but as a decorative element it is not suitable for every apartment. The fragrant aroma of an indoor flower, caused by the secretions of numerous essential oils, causes allergies in some people. Its manifestations do not become noticeable immediately. It all starts with a persistent dry cough and headache, and other symptoms follow. A person exhibits:

  • skin itching (sometimes rash);
  • tear discharge;
  • shortness of breath and swelling of soft tissues.

In the most severe cases, the sick person begins to suffer from suffocation and Quincke's edema develops. This happens very rarely, but can be fatal. The symptoms that appear are difficult to instantly identify, so allergies are most often confused with colds. Even “experienced” allergy sufferers make a mistake, because you usually can’t expect a trick from an ordinary houseplant.

In general, an allergy to geranium is a very rare and very unpleasant phenomenon. A reaction to a flower can occur in both severe and mild forms, and the only thing that can be done is to stop all contact with the flower. Having removed geranium from the house, you will have to go for consultation with a specialist, but you need to be prepared for the fact that doctors do not distinguish allergies as a full-fledged disease, but classify them as secondary.

Having found out whether there can be an allergy to geranium, all that remains is to summarize: it will not be possible to completely get rid of it even after years of immunotherapy. Taking antihistamines all the time is also difficult to call an excellent option, because any medicine has side effects. If you notice even the slightest discomfort from plants in your apartment, get rid of them without regret! Take care of yourself.

Allergic reaction to geranium

Geranium is considered beneficial ornamental plants, which has many beneficial properties for the body in the treatment of various diseases. The plant has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound-healing effects. Except great benefit for the body, such an unpleasant phenomenon as an allergy to geranium is often observed. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can be mild or severe. When this problem occurs, it is very important to know how allergies occur and what to do if an illness occurs.

Symptoms of a geranium allergy

Can geranium provoke the development of an allergic reaction? Definitely yes. Any type of geranium can cause allergies. The most common type of plant is Pelargonium, a tulip-shaped, rosaceous species of crop. All of them can provoke unpleasant symptoms of an allergic reaction. When answering the question of how an allergy to geranium manifests itself, the following signs should be highlighted:

  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • tearfulness;
  • burning in the nose;
  • allergic conjunctivitis, causing pain in the eyes and severe lacrimation;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • rashes on the body in the form of urticaria;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • development of cough;
  • severe or moderate skin itching.

In severe cases, the following may occur: dangerous manifestations illness, such as disruption of the digestive system, increased blood viscosity, decreased blood pressure, as well as a general deterioration in well-being.

A very common type of allergic reaction is tracheobronchitis. allergic type. This form is accompanied by a dry cough, sore throat, weakness, and difficulty breathing.

All these signs can appear in patients after close proximity to the plant, inhalation of its pollen, tactile contact with the flower, as well as when using it for treatment using traditional medicine.

In addition to the above symptoms, the body’s reaction to the components of geranium can lead to such severe complications as anaphylactic shock and Quincke’s edema. These phenomena pose a particular danger to children. Such features of the plant should be taken into account when using flower leaves to treat various diseases.

Who is at risk

provoke severe reaction Any patient can develop an allergic reaction to geranium, but there are categories of people whose bodies are most at risk of developing the disease. These include:

  1. Patients prone to seasonal allergies on pollen and plant fluff.
  2. People with reduced immunity.
  3. Patients with such a feature of the respiratory tract as hypersensitivity to various irritants.
  4. Patients who have had a history of an allergic reaction to the plant in their family should be considered at risk.
  5. People prone to autoallergy.
  6. Patients with diseases of the endocrine system.
  7. Allergies can occur in people with severe viral and bacterial infections. It can be chronic diseases colds (pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis).

In the presence of one or a combination of the above factors, the manifestation of allergies can provoke quite serious disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Important! When you find yourself alarming symptoms after contact with geranium, you must seek medical advice medical care. A timely response to the problem will help avoid many complications.

Methods for treating allergies

Treatment of the disease primarily consists of eliminating the cause of the disease, that is, the allergen itself, which causes unpleasant symptoms. Only in this case will therapy be effective.

Use of drug treatment

To diagnose the degree and severity of an allergic disease, you should consult an allergist. The specialist will prescribe necessary treatment taking into account the course of the disease and individual characteristics patient.

To get rid of allergies in medical practice The following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antihistamines. Medicines in this group can be used in the form of tablets, drops or ointments for topical application. Such drugs block excessive amounts of histamine in the blood, which provokes allergy symptoms. This group includes drugs such as Tavegil, Diazolin, Peritol.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs. They are used when allergies are accompanied by ailments such as rhinitis, asthma, eczema. Drugs of this type are made of steroids (Cortisone, Hydrocortisone, Betamethasone), as well as non-steroidal ones (Diclofenac, Diclak, Movalis).
  3. Antileukotriene drugs. Used for treatment bronchial asthma and rhinitis with various types allergies. A drug used here is Omalizumab.
  4. Immunomodulators. Immune stimulants help strengthen the body and increase its ability to resist various allergens. Among such drugs, Likopid, Kagocel, Arbidol are used.

Important! All medications should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Under no circumstances should you change the dose of treatment on your own. A negligent attitude towards your health can cause serious complications.

Application of traditional methods

They can cope with the manifestations of the disease folk remedies. You can carry out therapy with their help only if you are confident that your body does not have an allergic reaction to their components. TO popular recipes belong to the following:

  1. Calendula decoction. To prepare the product, pour 2 tablespoons of dried flowers and leaves of the plant into 500 ml of boiling water and bring to a boil over low heat. Afterwards, remove the broth from the heat and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Take the medicine one tablespoon three times a day.
  2. Yarrow tea. To brew tea, you need to pour 500 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of yarrow herb and leave the product to brew for 15-20 minutes. After this, drink half a glass in the morning and evening after meals. Unpleasant symptoms and the allergy will subside within a day of such treatment.
  3. Smelly celery juice relieves allergic reactions well. To do this, squeeze the juice from a fresh plant and take it a teaspoon 3-4 times at equal intervals throughout the day.

Allergies are quite unpleasant and dangerous reaction body on various stimuli. Timely response to the problem and correct treatment will help to avoid complications and cope with the problem in its early stages.