Complex vitamins for nursing mothers are better. Benefits and possible harm

It is absolutely necessary for a nursing mother to have a nutritious and varied diet so that the baby develops normally and does not get sick. Small man grows quickly, taking nutrients and vitamins from the mother’s body that need to be constantly replenished. Before eating anything, a nursing mother must find out what beneficial substances the product contains and whether it will cause allergies in the baby. If she has a lot of milk and it is nutritious, then the baby takes well to the breast and gets better. You can replenish your supply of vitamins with the help of special complex preparations.


What vitamins are needed for a nursing mother?

Without vitamins, not a single biochemical process in the body can occur. They are catalysts for the breakdown and processing of food, the absorption of nutrients from which new cells are built various organs, nervous system, blood and brain matter. Vitamins in the diet of a nursing mother perform the following role:

  • provide cell formation and healthy development tissues of the child's body;
  • speed up processes physical recovery a woman’s body after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • support normal lactation in the mother;
  • participate in strengthening the immunity of mother and child.

The following vitamins must be present in the diet for nursing mothers:

A (retinol). It is found only in products of animal origin. It does not dissolve in water, therefore it is absorbed only with fats contained in food. IN plant products contains its analog beta-carotene. Participates in the processes of growth and restoration of cells of all tissues. Affects vision, skin condition, growth and hair structure of mother and baby. Promotes strengthening and growth of bones, formation of teeth.

B1 (thiamine, antineurin). Participates in the processes of absorption and processing of carbohydrates and fats in the body. Impacts education nerve cells, impulse transmission. Stimulates the processes of formation of brain cells, affects mental development child, formation of speech, memory. The vitamin is useful for a nursing mother and for the baby, as it affects the functioning of the digestive system.

B2 (riboflavin). Part of enzymes produced in the liver. Without it, metabolic processes are impossible. Participates in the formation of hormones and red blood cells. Its deficiency affects visual acuity, the ability to distinguish colors (the formation of the retina, adaptation of the eyes to darkness), and the functioning of the nervous system.

B6 (pyridoxine). Included in both plant and animal products. Varied diet is able to fully satisfy the body's need for this vitamin. Promotes the formation of enzymes and metabolism, the absorption of iron and the formation normal composition blood. Necessary to weaken muscle tone in an infant and prevent seizures.

B12 (cyanocobalamin). It is called antianemic, since the vitamin is actively involved in hematopoietic processes. It can accumulate in liver cells. Participates in fat and protein metabolism, regulates cholesterol levels in the blood. Affects the state of the nervous system and the formation of reflexes. It is necessary for normal development skeletal system and child growth.

C (ascorbic acid). Participates in the formation of collagen, the main element connective tissue. Helps strengthen joints, normal development musculoskeletal system. The vitamin is necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, the formation and growth of teeth. This substance can react with toxins, neutralizes them, and removes them from the body. The vitamin is taken to increase resistance to infections, as well as the allergic effects of certain substances. With its participation, the body's thermoregulation improves.

E (tocopherol). It directly affects the formation of hormones that regulate the mother’s lactation process. Moreover, it is strong antioxidant. Suppresses the destructive effect of free radicals formed in the body as a result of diseases, poor ecology and other unfavorable factors. Necessary for growth muscle tissue, including the heart muscle, the formation of tooth enamel.

Note: This vitamin is absorbed only with the participation of fats and bile produced in the liver. If the mother prefers vegetarian food, then the child does not have enough vitamin E. Symptoms of its deficiency in children include muscle weakness, blurred vision, and the appearance of brown spots. age spots, changes in the composition of tooth enamel (white spots appear on the teeth due to the formation of calcareous deposits in the dental tissue).

PP (nicotinic acid). Participates in the functioning of the blood supply system and heart. Necessary for improving the supply of oxygen to cells, ensuring normal vision, work of the digestive organs.

D (calciferol). It enters the body not only from the outside, but is also formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. It is called an antirachitic vitamin, since without it bone formation and growth are impossible. The vitamin regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body, helps increase immunity and resistance to colds. Participates in regulating heart function and ensuring normal blood clotting.

Video: How to take vitamins correctly

Daily requirement of a nursing mother for vitamins. Products with their maximum content

Vitamins Daily requirement What products contain
A 1.5 mg Vitamin A: seafood, egg yolk, butter and cream.
Carotene: apricots, carrots, sea buckthorn, parsley, pumpkin, rose hips, spinach, green onions.
B1 1.8 mg Walnuts, bread, eggs, cereals, offal, legumes, yeast.
B2 2.1 mg Yeast, cheese, eggs, milk, liver, fish, mushrooms, lettuce.
B6 2.5 mg Fish, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, grains
B12 3.5 mcg Offal and seafood, eggs, cheese, seaweed.
C 120 mg Sea buckthorn, rose hips, citrus fruits, red pepper, black currant.
D 12.5 mcg Fatty fish (especially liver): herring, mackerel, sardines, cod.
PP 23 mg Cheese, eggs, yeast, meat and offal, fish.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for nursing mothers

Vitamins for nursing mothers must be taken additionally even with a varied and high-quality diet. Mothers are forced to limit themselves in consuming foods that contain allergens (citrus fruits, nuts, eggs) or cause bloating and constipation in the child (legumes, rice).

Vitamin and mineral complexes, such as Duovit, Complivit, Alphabet, Vitrum, contain not only vitamins, but also calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, iron, iodine, phosphorus and other essential elements.

Things to remember: Vitamin complexes are medications, they should not be taken uncontrolled. The dosage must be strictly observed. If you are taking any medication, including synthetic vitamins, you should consult your doctor.

Contraindications to taking multivitamins are:

  1. Liver and kidney diseases in nursing mothers. Multivitamins are an additional burden. Therefore, you need to include more in your diet natural products, which contain components necessary for the body.
  2. Allergic reactions to certain substances. Often such complexes contain dyes and flavors, which most likely cause an allergic reaction.

Before purchasing vitamin complexes, you should carefully study their composition.

The advantage of taking multivitamins is the ability to dose them into the body. Often, nursing women, in order to increase milk production and improve its quality, overeat and gain weight. Vitamins for nursing mothers help them eliminate vitamin deficiency, strengthen their body, improve the condition of hair and skin, and maintain healthy teeth and nails.

Video: Contraindications to the use of vitamin complexes

During breastfeeding you need to be especially careful about your diet, as well as the intake medicines. Are vitamins really medicine? This question can be heard quite often. Yes, multivitamin preparations are a cure for hypovitaminosis, and it is not advisable to prescribe them to yourself. But young mothers rarely have enough time to consult with doctors and spend a long time searching suitable drug. Therefore, we will try to understand the rules for choosing a vitamin preparation and give some useful tips.

Do breastfeeding women need multivitamins?

Many women doubt the advisability of taking vitamins during lactation. There are different objections, most often women say that it can provide all the necessary substances, and that our ancestors somehow fed ten children without taking any vitamins.

An excess of vitamins is no less, and even more dangerous, than their deficiency, so you should not exceed the dosage of a vitamin preparation.

The second statement, of course, does not stand up to criticism. Our ancestors really did not take vitamins, but infant mortality, the rate of rickets and other diseases were much higher. And mothers in those days did not look their best, turning after forty years into real old women, wrinkled, toothless, always sick. The duration and quality of life in those days remained at a very low level, largely due to the lack of vitamins in the diet.

Modern medicine and pharmaceuticals give us the opportunity to live longer and get sick less, so not using the benefits of civilization would not be the smartest decision. But in modern world we can afford much more good nutrition than our ancestors could even imagine. Really modern woman can he suffer from vitamin deficiency with such an abundance of food?

The problem is that during lactation, not all foods can be consumed; often women have to go on a real diet if the baby is prone to allergies. Then you definitely can’t do without taking additional vitamins, because all the beneficial substances in milk come from the mother’s body. The mother’s diet will not affect the child in any way, but the mother’s health and appearance may suffer greatly.

Pros and cons of multivitamin complexes

Before praising the usefulness of vitamin complexes, let’s consider whether they can cause harm. This possibility exists. Sometimes the body simply cannot absorb large doses vitamins contained in modern multivitamin complexes. This leads to increased stress on the kidneys. Therefore, for those who have chronic diseases of these organs, you should take vitamins with caution and be sure to consult a doctor before using them.

According to the Institute of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, approximately 60-80% of the Russian population is deficient in certain vitamins.

Sometimes vitamin complexes can cause allergic reactions. This may be due to both individual characteristics body, and with the wrong combination of different vitamins in the drug. If the drug causes an allergy in the mother or baby, it is necessary to find out the reason and choose another complex.

These are almost all the disadvantages, but the main advantage of such drugs is that they help provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to understand that the composition of milk is stable and the mother’s nutrition affects it very little. This means that everything necessary will be taken from the nursing mother’s body, even if she does not get it from food. Over time, this can lead to hypovitaminosis and a lack of certain minerals, which will certainly affect the woman’s health and well-being.

Therefore, taking multivitamin complexes during lactation is not for the child, it is for the mother. If you do not take vitamins, then with a high degree of probability weakness and drowsiness will become a woman’s constant companions, and then deterioration in the condition of the skin and hair, nails, teeth, etc. In addition, this will help to avoid overeating, which is often provoked by caring for a child and the desire to get tastier and richer milk.

What vitamins are needed for a nursing woman?

Since breast milk takes away useful substances from the female body, the composition of vitamins must be selected in such a way as to fully compensate for these losses to the mother’s body. During lactation female body necessary increased quantities vitamins A, C, E, D, group B, in addition, numerous macro- and microelements are needed, especially calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc.

If a multivitamin preparation causes an allergy, then most likely it is not the vitamins that are to blame, but the dyes or flavors in its composition.

Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron, improves immunity, protects against fatigue and apathy and makes mother’s skin smoother. Vitamin A is also necessary for maintaining skin tone, as well as maintaining the condition of hair and nails. And the baby needs it for correct formation bone tissue and teeth. Vitamin E is necessary for the normal functioning of the gonads and lactation.

Vitamin D is very important for the formation of the tissues of the child’s skeletal system. The child can obtain it from mother’s milk or produce it under the influence of sunlight. If this vitamin is not present in sufficient quantities in the child’s body, then the baby is at risk of rickets. Therefore, in the cold season, when there is not enough sunlight for both mother and child, it is very important to receive vitamin D from a multivitamin preparation.

B vitamins take part in the processes of growth and formation internal organs, help regulate metabolic processes, maintain the proper functioning of the nervous system, as well as the growth and development of the nervous system.

How to make a choice

Almost all multivitamins that are intended for use by nursing mothers have similar composition. This is not surprising, because they are designed to satisfy the same need. Therefore, any of the commercially available vitamin and mineral complexes can be suitable for any woman. If you have doubts, you can consult a doctor, but without a thorough analysis of your needs, but simply by eye, he will most likely recommend what he personally likes.

Most animals synthesize vitamin C themselves, but humans have to get it from food.

In most cases, taking vitamins at the recommended dosage and in normal quantities does not cause any problems. side effects in the mother or baby. But theoretically, any substance can become an allergen, so you need to be careful and monitor your well-being. If your mother shows signs of allergies, such as itching, swelling, upset stool, you should stop taking the drug. The same actions must be taken if the baby has an allergy. The child may experience redness of the cheeks, skin rash, peeling and crusts on the head, colic and upset bowel movements, tearfulness, sleep disturbances and increased excitability.

After that vitamin complex it is necessary to change and the choice is best made with the help of a doctor. It is important to determine what exactly caused the allergic reaction. Continue to refrain from taking this substance.

Comparison of popular multivitamin complexes

Despite the fact that the composition of multivitamin complexes differs very slightly, their prices vary, and reviews can also vary greatly. To choose the optimal vitamin complex for nursing, you can consider the characteristics of the most popular ones and draw your own conclusions.

Most vitamins are eliminated from the body within a day, so you won’t be able to stock up on them for future use.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte for nursing contains 13 main vitamins necessary both during pregnancy and lactation. Among them are vitamins A, B, C, D, E, PP, as well as some minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron. It has a fairly high iron content, so its intake must be strictly controlled. The price of this complex is quite high.

Elevit Pronatal has approximately the same composition and is suitable for pregnant and lactating women. This vitamin complex is also not cheap, but it does not contain iodine, so it must be taken separately.

Alphabet “Mom’s Health” - comparatively inexpensive vitamin. But many women do not like that all the tablets in it are divided into three categories, and they need to take three tablets daily. different time. But such vitamins are very effective, although the dosage regimen may seem complicated.

Complivit Mama is one of the most affordable multivitamin complexes. It has a good composition, but there are not the best good feedback about it, side effects are quite common.

  • During pregnancy, almost every woman is recommended to take additional nutrients. But even after childbirth, especially if the mother decided to feed the baby on her own, she still needs additional nutrients to enter her body. At this time, the mother’s nutrition provides not only herself, but also the child. After all, all the substances obtained, to one degree or another, then end up in breast milk, and with it enter the newborn’s body. He needs not only energy, but useful elements to develop quickly and fully. Vitamins for nursing mothers should supply two organisms with everything they need at once. The choice of such additives should be taken seriously. You need to understand well which ones are best for a nursing mother and will make breastfeeding truly beneficial for the baby.

    Why are additional vitamins needed?

    It would seem that during pregnancy and after childbirth, women try to eat right. And the vitamins needed for nursing mothers enter their bodies in the most correct and in a natural way- along with food.

    This is not entirely true. When feeding, it is forbidden to consume foods that tend to provoke allergies. And among them there are a lot of vegetables and fruits that contain a large number of useful substances. Allowed food is most often not so rich in nutrients, which is why it is not able to cover the needs of mother and child.

    In addition, in recent decades there has been one not very good trend. Because of accelerated growth They do not have time to absorb as much fruit as they should, and their nutritional value is significantly reduced. Due to the reduction in soil mineralization, domestic animals also lack microelements. Therefore, their milk and meat contain less minerals than before. IN modern conditions completely satisfy the need for vitamins naturally almost impossible. This amount of food is difficult to eat, and it will lead to weight gain.

    Vitamin deficiency during lactation is an unpleasant and even dangerous thing. It causes disturbances both in the mother’s body, from hair loss to insomnia, and in the newborn. The child of a woman who does not take vitamins may begin to lag behind in mental and physical development- That's what it is main feature deficiency of useful elements.

    What substances are the most important and how much of them are needed?

    The best vitamin supplements should contain all of the nutrients listed below and cover those indicated for normal baby growth and wellness mother's need for them:

    • you need about 1.5 mg per day (that's 500 IU). It protects mommy from hair loss and splitting nails, and has a beneficial effect on the baby’s development visual apparatus, strengthening the rudiments of teeth, bone tissue, improves the condition of the skin and mucous surfaces.
    • A daily intake of 15-20 mg helps the body process carbohydrate foods, strengthens and regulates the functioning of the nervous system.
    • 2.2 mg per day improves iron metabolism, helps cope with liver load, promotes rapid and proper growth newborn and the development of its vital systems.
    • 4 mcg, which naturally occurs in almost all meat, dairy and fish products, provides Good work liver, nerve tissue, sufficient hematopoiesis.
    • , or pyridoxine, the need for which is 2.2. mg daily - very important element in regulating the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems, helps the development of both the spinal cord and brain of the child, and plays a large role in the synthesis of new blood.
    • , or vitamin PP, which you can drink up to 23 mg per day, performs many functions in the body of both mother and baby, thanks to which it ranks one of the first places in the ranking of the most useful components of any vitamin complex. It is involved in oxidative reactions occurring in cells, in protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Normalizes the concentration of cholesterol molecules in the blood. It also affects the circulatory system - it improves capillary blood flow and the movement of blood throughout the body, and helps normalize high blood pressure.
    • Known to everyone, the need for which during lactation is about 100 mg, increases the strength of blood vessels and tissues. Forms the baby's immune strength. Promotes iron processing and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to its powerful antioxidant effect, it fights free radicals. This means it helps prevent cancer and premature aging mother's body.
    • 15 mg per day will help support all the “female” functions of the mother, including the formation of breast milk.
    • Daily consumption of 500 IU of “solar” will ensure proper absorption of calcium and the growth of strong bones and teeth in the baby, as well as timely overgrowth of his fontanelles, correct work heart muscle and harmonious development generally. This element is the basis early prevention rickets is a disease associated with a change in the shape of demineralized bones due to their abnormal softness and fragility.
    • Calcium, for which you can additionally turn to milk, crushed eggshells and yolks ( daily dose- 1200 mg - available in about a liter cow's milk) is vital for almost all systems. Moreover, it is very important both for a nursing woman and for her child - for tissues, organs and nerves, vision, skeletal formation, optimal heart rate and well-coagulated blood.
    • Phosphorus, which is very rich in fish or the same milk, needs 1.8 grams per day and often acts in tandem with calcium. Strengthens bones, helps synthesize protein molecules and produce energy metabolism inside cells. Helps with the functioning of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.
    • 450 mg magnesium, including from cereals and legumes, help form the skeleton, stabilize the mother’s mood, improve sleep and the carbohydrate part of metabolism.
    • Iron- a vital element for any person. Found naturally in meat. Moreover, the redder it is, the more mineral it contains. Its stable intake of 25 mg per day ensures normal level hemoglobin in the blood. This means adequate nutrition of all muscles, organs and tissues with oxygen and other compounds.
    • 25 mg zinc promote the production of insulin, which is responsible for the absorption of sugar, control appetite levels and correct synthesis amino acids in tissues.
    • Iodine very important for hormonal regulation of the whole body. 200 mcg of this compound ensures correct functioning thyroid gland, producing large amounts of important hormones.

    How to choose?

    When deciding which vitamins you can start taking, you should consult a doctor who will select best option. In addition, you need to pay attention to the composition of the complex - whether all the necessary substances are present there. Reviews from friends who have used the drug, as well as an allergy test, can help you decide. A product that turns out to be good in all respects and is labeled “for nursing mothers” is worth purchasing.

    Are there any possible side effects?

    If you take the supplement according to the instructions, the risk of negative effects is minimal. The only reaction that is possible in this case is an allergy. After childbirth, a woman’s immune forces are greatly undermined, and her child’s are not yet fully formed, so they are both susceptible to allergens.

    Symptoms that there is an allergy to the complex used are as follows:

    • At the mother's- itchy urticaria, swollen fingers and mucous membranes, constipation or diarrhea.
    • At the baby's- flushed cheeks, skin rash that is flaky and crusty hairy part headaches, exacerbation of colic, diarrhea, bad dream, whims, tearfulness, anxiety.

    You should consult a doctor for treatment of such problems. You should immediately stop taking the supplement, as well as any other medications or food products, which could theoretically provoke a reaction.

    How dangerous is an overdose?

    It is worth taking vitamins for nursing mothers, no matter what, only following the instructions and recommendations of the treating doctor. Otherwise, this is fraught with problems with the baby’s development, the occurrence of chronic form hypervitaminosis both in a nursing woman and in a newborn. Some vitamins, such as A or D, when accumulated in too large quantities, can cause damage to toxins, increase the load on the liver, and interfere with the formation of the child’s systems and skeleton. Such problems can be avoided if you do not try to increase the dose yourself. Moreover, most supplements need to be taken only one capsule per day, which is very convenient.

    What should you choose?

    Among the entire mass of complexes for nursing and pregnant women, the following drugs are most often prescribed to women.

    This complex includes many different vitamins and minerals. Moreover, the concentration of magnesium is quite high, which is needed for circulatory system. The main drawback is the lack of iodine in the composition, which will have to be purchased separately, but by itself is far from cheap drug. But it is very convenient to take - you only need one a day, this is suitable for busy mothers.

    Vitrum Prenatal

    The supplement contains more than two dozen useful substances - everything that mother and baby need. Which means additional dose you won't need anything else. If there is a lack of iodine, you can turn to another version of the drug - it contains a lot of this trace element. In addition to improving a woman’s health and monitoring the development of toddlers, Vitrum helps to increase the volume of milk produced.

    Alphabet "Mom's Health"

    Manufacturer of this product is known for always dividing vitamins into three classes of tablets, which must be taken separately at regular intervals. Not everyone likes this approach - some consider such difficulties when taking it unnecessary and do not want to remember about taking pills three times a day. On the other hand, such a move helps vitamins and microelements to be absorbed really well. Plus, it’s one of the most inexpensive and high-quality vitamins, so it’s quite worthy of attention.

    The drug includes everything necessary for harmonious growth newborn and woman's recovery useful substances. It is completely safe and hypoallergenic. But the fact is that for the sake of this hypoallergenicity, the manufacturer had to slightly reduce the concentrations of vitamins D and A in the complex. These quantities will be quite enough in warm and solar time year, but in the fall you will have to think about starting to take them additionally.

    Vitamins and microelements are a vital part of the nutrition of mothers and breastfed babies. Taking them additionally will have a beneficial effect on the health of both. The main thing is to treat additives with sufficient care and precision, and then everything negative effects will be bypassed.

    On the Internet you can find many recommendations according to which nursing mothers should take vitamins in the form of complex preparations. However, the famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky claims that it is worth taking maintenance medications after childbirth only in cases where the body is weakened by the influence of any negative factors. Vitamins for nursing mothers can be replaced with a normal diet containing all the necessary products.

    Indeed, it is better to consume all vitamins in the form of natural compounds, so they will be better absorbed by the body and are guaranteed not to have a toxic effect on it.

    Any multivitamins can be replaced with a traditional set of vegetables and fruits, which includes the following products:

    The list can be continued for quite a long time, but the general direction should be clear to you.

    Komarovsky also recommends that a nursing mother consume a small amount of legumes at least a couple of times a week. They contain a lot of magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and selenium, which are vital for the development of the nervous, endocrine and immune system person.

    You should definitely eat meat, which is an excellent source of protein, but after giving birth it is better to avoid fatty and fried foods. Nursing mothers need to steam meat, and also limit themselves to poultry and lean beef, completely avoiding pork. After childbirth, it is also better to eat a small amount of fish, but avoid seafood for a reason that will be discussed in detail below.

    Komarovsky talks about the need to use various coarse cereals, as they cleanse the intestines of a nursing mother, thereby preventing the formation of toxins in her body that negatively affect the quality of breast milk.

    Any multivitamin, including the well-known drug Elevit, contains a large amount of calcium, which is necessary for both mother and baby. To not accept synthetic vitamins, after childbirth it is recommended to drink more cow's milk. However, Dr. Komarovsky says that this is the wrong decision, because pure milk in its original form is poorly absorbed by the adult body. Instead, nursing mothers should take dairy products and cottage cheese, since they disintegrate much faster into gastrointestinal tract and help improve the functioning of the digestive system.

    Pediatrician Komarovsky also claims that it is not worth taking Elevit and other synthetic vitamins to prevent rickets, since required amount useful substances of group D can be obtained by the body in another way. It is best to provide the baby with the opportunity to sunbathe a couple of weeks after birth, and with such treatment he will receive a considerable amount of vitamin D3.

    In addition, a nursing mother should eat more cod liver, fish oil V pure form, you can also eat raw yolks, lean beef and butter.

    What is better to refuse?

    To find out which substances primarily harm a child, you do not need to understand the intricacies of biochemistry - these are alcohol, nicotine and narcotic drugs. It is especially dangerous to take them immediately after childbirth, since the entry of such toxins into breast milk in the first weeks causes irreparable damage to the baby’s nervous system and can even cause cerebral palsy.

    It is possible to understand which products are prohibited for consumption by a nursing mother without considering intoxicants.

    Of course, they do not contain much less vitamins than Elevit, but they also give breast milk an unpleasant taste, which is why most children refuse to take natural nutrition. The same recommendations apply to hot peppers.

    After giving birth, it is advised to stop eating all seafood except fish, as they are the strongest allergens. Don't drink strong coffee and green tea, because they can disrupt the baby's digestion. He is often allergic to strawberries, chocolate and peanuts. Citrus fruits can cause an abnormal reaction in the body of mother and child - it is worth limiting the consumption of the fruits themselves, as well as drinks based on them.

    In addition, Dr. Komarovsky advises not to get carried away with vitamin preparations, an example of which is Elevit, because an excess of even the most beneficial substances can cause intoxication in the baby and a whole range of allergic reactions.

    Optimal Nutritional Supplements

    If you nevertheless decide to take vitamins in the form of dietary supplements or follow the recommendations of your pediatrician, you should know which medications are best to take. The above-mentioned Elevit allows you to get the recommended doses of vitamins D3, A, C, E, PP, necessary for nursing mothers. However, it contains quite a few microelements and minerals, the need for which will have to be replenished separately. The dosage is equal to one tablet per day every day during the period of breastfeeding the baby.

    If you need to find out which drugs contain the full range of useful substances, you should pay attention not to Elevit, but to Pregnavit or Vitrum Prenatal Forte. They also contain all the vitamins mentioned above, however, the peculiarity of such dietary supplements is the inclusion wide range minerals, necessary for the body baby immediately after birth:

    • calcium;
    • potassium;
    • magnesium;
    • iron;
    • copper;
    • selenium;
    • zinc;
    • chromium.

    Thanks to this, the normalization of the development of all systems of the baby’s body is achieved, as well as the prevention of the development of many dangerous diseases. It is also worth drinking these vitamins daily, taking 1 Vitrum tablet or 3 Pregnavit capsules.

    A good option is also the Alphabet Mom’s Health vitamins, which are completely similar in content to those mentioned above the best drugs. However, their composition is selected in such a way that food supplement produces a synergistic effect - each substance significantly increases the strength of the other. In addition, the dosage, which involves taking one tablet every 4-6 hours, helps create optimal size reserves of every mineral and trace element, which allows you to achieve ideal health of mother and child.

    Of course, that's the list vitamin preparations does not end, but the means described are the most effective and have minimum quantity side effects.

    The birth of a child is an exciting event for a woman, requiring enormous costs both physically and psychologically. That is why a young mother must carefully take care of her health, because the health of the baby depends on its condition. Lactation or feeding breast milk- Very important process, ensuring not only a close connection between the child and mother, but also necessary condition for the formation of immunity and healthy microflora in the baby.

    Maintaining lactation

    Increased lactation

    In cases where milk production is insufficient, the following is recommended:

    • Taking hawthorn extract (20 drops three times a day, course - up to 10 days).
    • Nettle decoction (1 liter of boiling water is poured into 20 dried leaves, infused and taken a tablespoon (tablespoon) three times a day, 10 days).
    • Collection according to Jordanov: dill, anise, oregano, 25 g each. The collection is poured with boiling water (1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water). Take a tablespoon three times a day.
    • Vitamin E during lactation - 0.2 twice a day for a week.
    • Ascorbic acid 7 days up to 1g per day.

    Restoration of lactation

    • The drug "Apilak" 1 under the tongue three times a day.
    • Brewer's yeast, 2 tablets three times a day.
    • "Gendevit" - vitamins during lactation (if milk is lost). Three times a day, 1 tablet;
    • Honey on an empty stomach in the morning - 1 teaspoon before meals, and in the evening the same amount after meals 2 hours later
    • Soups (especially mushroom) at least twice a week, half a liter.
    • Special herbal tea to increase lactation.
    • Drink plenty of fluids (sweet tea, milk, fruit drinks, compotes).

    All of the above points are observed for four weeks. Lactation is restored after a month.

    The danger of hypo- and avitaminosis during lactation

    In cases of prolonged lack of vitamins during lactation, not only the body of the nursing woman suffers, but also the baby. And this is not surprising, because such necessary vitamins there is simply nowhere to draw it. With such inadequate feeding, the development and growth of the baby can slow down.

    The most unfavorable, according to pediatricians, is insufficient intake vitamin D, leading to rickets. For prevention of this state Children receiving breast milk are prescribed additional vitamin D.

    In accordance with research data conducted by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, most often breastfeeding mothers develop a lack of vitamins B1, C and A.

    As a result of such a deficiency, caries occurs, nails become split and hair falls out.

    The benefits of vitamins during lactation

    To prevent the problems described above, a nursing woman should monitor her diet, paying attention to foods that contain vitamin E, zinc and biotin (from B vitamins).

    Vitamins during lactation are extremely important for both the baby and the mother, because they not only affect excellent health, but also ensure a larger volume of milk produced.

    Where do the vitamins go?

    Not everyone knows that the reason for the intensive consumption of macroelements and vitamins during lactation lies not only in milk production, although the lion's share of the above substances is spent precisely on this. There are other reasons for the deficiency of nutrients in the postpartum period:

    • Vitamins are necessary for intensive work intrasecretory glands, which are activated at this time due to the acceleration of metabolic processes.
    • Recent childbirth involves a significant expenditure of vitamins, which are lost during the birth of the placenta and the removal of amniotic fluid.
    • Some loss of vitamins occurs through feces and urine.

    The choice of sources of vitamins depends only on the nursing woman. For example, you can select special food products that contain the maximum of healthy and necessary substances. However, it is problematic to do this immediately after the birth of a child due to strict dietary restrictions. Thus, the bulk of berries, fruits and raw vegetables is prohibited, and if the baby develops allergic reactions, the mother’s diet is narrowed even further (only cereals, pasta and broths are allowed). But mom, no matter what, needs to restore the supply nutrients lost during childbirth, and therefore there is a second option - the selection of multivitamin complexes specially designed for pregnant and lactating women. It is worth noting that it is better not to use ordinary multivitamins, as they can provoke allergies.

    What vitamins to take during lactation?

    Any medications, even the most harmless ones, must be prescribed by a doctor. But in any case, during lactation you should only use special means(due to their safety and effectiveness). They contain special microcapsules, each of which contains various substances that, if they “meet”, can interfere with the absorption of each other. Therefore, each capsule opens at a different time.

    What vitamins can you take during lactation?

    There is a lack of certain microelements and vitamins, and therefore:

    • Multivitamins for a nursing mother must contain calcium, because it strengthens the mother’s teeth, nails and hair, passing through breast milk into the baby’s body, and promotes the proper development of the baby’s bones.
    • Vitamin D during lactation is simply irreplaceable due to the fact that it ensures sufficient absorption of calcium, and, therefore, prevents the development of rickets;
    • Almost all women experience a decrease in selenium levels as a result of pregnancy and childbirth. This microelement is responsible for the adequate functioning of the immune system and, therefore, for the prevention of inflammatory pathologies.
    • With a chronic lack of vitamin E, a nursing woman may develop muscle weakness and postpartum depression.

    Vitamin complexes

    Special multivitamins have been developed for nursing mothers, which contain essential vitamins and microelements necessary during an important period for her.

    Every day, a nursing woman produces from half a liter to 900 ml of milk, which contains large amounts of minerals and vitamins from the mother’s body, which is why taking vitamins during lactation is so important for maintaining the health and beauty of a nursing woman.

    Taking "Aevita" while breastfeeding a baby

    The content of vitamins E and A in "Aevit" is quite high, and therefore is not recommended and useful for all breastfeeding women. If the need to use this complex nevertheless arises, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe required dosage. This drug is safe if taken adequately therapeutic dose: 1-2 capsules per day, course 30 days. Due to the body’s ability to accumulate vitamins, this drug is used in courses, the interval between which should not be less than 6 months. Moreover, repeated courses are prescribed strictly by the doctor according to indications.

    According to many doctors, Aevit should not be taken if a woman is already drinking another vitamin complex that contains vitamins E and A, due to high probability overdose (hypervitaminosis), accompanied by vomiting, drowsiness, nausea and dizziness. In addition, uncontrolled intake this drug may lead to agitation or confusion ( severe cases), due to an overdose of vitamin A; allergic reactions, changes in the liver, thyroid gland and kidneys.

    Using medications that contain magnesium

    Magnesium is one of the most essential microelements in the body, because its sufficient quantity provides normal work nervous system and heart. Magnesium, as well as vitamin B6, is included in almost all multivitamin complexes developed for pregnant and postpartum women.

    The absorption of magnesium is possible only in the presence of vitamin B6, which explains the popularity of the drug "Magne-B6", which is often prescribed to pregnant women for high blood pressure, uterine tone and other problems.

    Magnesium in combination with vitamin B6 should only be taken if prescribed by a doctor, due to the fact that the components of the drug come from mother's milk into the infant's body and if used uncontrolled can cause drowsiness, bradycardia and muscle weakness.

    Use of medications containing calcium

    One of the drugs often prescribed during lactation and pregnancy is Calcium gluconate. The indications for its use are allergic processes, lack of calcium in foods, bleeding, various inflammatory processes and dysfunction parathyroid glands. In addition, this drug is included in the composition complex treatment pathologies of the skin, liver, bones (in particular fractures) and kidneys, and also as an antidote in the treatment of poisoning with fluoride, oxalic acids and magnesium sulfate.

    The drug is contraindicated when prescribing cardiac glycosides, sarcoidosis and a tendency to lithiasis (formation of stones in organs).

    Calcium gluconate is prescribed to pregnant/lactating women more often in tablet form and much less often in injection form.

    Calcium in the form of this drug should be taken in dosages prescribed by the attending doctor and with extreme caution if the woman is already taking vitamins containing this mineral.

    Vitamins in food

    It's no secret that a nursing mother should eat well, and most importantly, regularly. Below is a list of products whose natural vitamin content is quite high and covers the needs of both the mother’s body and the baby’s body:

    • C. Source - fruits, sauerkraut, vegetables, berries. Maintaining immunity.
    • E. Sources - vegetable oils. Necessary for the synthesis of lactation hormones.
    • D. Contained in eggs, oily fish, liver. Prevention of rickets, proper development teeth and bones, the work of blood vessels, the heart.

    Vitamins for lactation - which ones are better?

    As mentioned above, lactation is an extremely important process for both mother and baby, and therefore this or that drug should be selected strictly individually and only by the attending doctor.

    Vitamins for lactation, reviews of which are often positive, are selected in accordance with the woman’s diet, associated pathologies(if any) and financial situation parents of a nursing baby.

    The most common are:

    • Fish fat;
    • "Elevit pronatal";
    • "Alphabet";
    • "Vitrum pronatal forte";
    • "Complivit";
    • "Multitabs".