The cat is a sacred animal. The Great Purpose of Your Furry Pet

The ancient Egyptians firmly believed that every animal was endowed with the greatest power, so their attitude towards them was filled with respect and sacred awe - as if they were carefully preserved relics. However, the most revered animal was the Egyptian cat goddess.

The emergence of the cat cult

Now it is difficult to explain the depth of cat worship that the Egyptian describes. If we boil it down to the simplest, we can say that people who lived in those days associated it with their home, love, marriage and, of course, a kind of protection from the devil.

The first hieroglyphs meaning the words “cat” and “cat” are deciphered as “mint” and “miu”, respectively. In Russian, the transcription of these words is similar to the familiar “meow” to our ears.

Quite a few figurines and drawings of cats have survived. On many of them you can see how a scarab beetle is placed on the chest of the sacred animal. This is another symbol revered in Egypt, with which the concept of life was associated.

As described in documentary film"Cats of Egypt: from deity to wretchedness", these animals were brought from Nubia. Before they became common domesticated animals that people adore for their kindness, gentleness and grace, cats were protectors. They hunted small rodents and thereby saved provisions stored in barns. Cats are carriers of infection, such as plague, and thus prevented epidemics.

When Egypt became a powerful state, granaries formed the basis of its prosperity. Filled to the brim with wheat, they served as a guarantee of prosperity. For four whole months, when the Nile flooded, there was no need to fear hunger. To ensure the safety of grain, cats were required, mercilessly exterminating rats and mice.

Thus began the deification of these animals as creatures embodying specific gods in their images. Isn't it for this reason? supreme god sun Ra was called the “great cat”? The cat-god Ra defeated the serpent of darkness - Apophis, and often the supreme god was depicted in the form of an animal, holding a knife with one paw and pressing the head of a serpent with the other.

The Egyptians associated the cat's pupils, enlarging under the influence of light, with the movement of the cat god Ra on a chariot along the heavenly rivers, and the animal's eyes glowing in the dark with the sign of a fiery chariot. When the sun rises, the cat's eyes become smaller; when it goes down, they get larger.

The Egyptians compared the organ of vision of this unique animal to two reduced suns. For people, they were mystical windows into another world, to which mere mortals did not have access.

During the times of Ancient Egypt, cats were considered aliens from the afterlife, so the dwelling in which this animal lived would never be disturbed by a dark entity. Why? Because cats feel them and see them even in the dark, they will never let anyone into the house that they protect from the devil.

Notice how egyptian sphinx as if he freezes and directs his gaze to one point, perhaps at that moment he is in contact with someone who came from a world invisible to man.

Goddess Bastet and her sacred black cats

The most significant in Ancient Egypt There was a cult of the cat goddess Bastet, which lasted until 1 BC. e.

This breed has ancient ancestors, but the Second World War was merciless not only to people, but also to animals, after which only 2 cats of this breed remained alive in Europe. Breeders had to recreate the Burmese breed with the help of surviving cats and re-crossing Siamese and Persians, but this also turned out to be good side, managed to achieve better external and physiological characteristics. The second name of the breed is Sacred Burma, which is explained by a beautiful legend.

Sacred Burmese cat

The legend about the ancestors of the breed

Brought the legend to late XIX century Russell Gordon, major of a detachment of the British army stationed in the state of Myanmar. There, the detachment had a chance to help the local temple from an attack by barbarians, and the abbot of the temple, Lama Yotag-Ros-Uje, showed Russell a tablet with a picture of a long-haired cat of unprecedented beauty, and told an amazing story.

Hundreds of years ago this temple was erected, and the monks who served in it dedicated their lives to prayers to the goddess Tsun-Kyan-Xe, who translated souls between worlds. A huge statue of the goddess made of pure gold and sapphire eyes was the shrine of the temple, and gave no rest to bandits and robbers who repeatedly tried to kidnap it.

Goddess statue

And they lived in the temple, side by side with the monks, 100 cats, with white fur and golden eyes, in which the goddess reborn the souls of the dead monks, and therefore the animals were revered and protected.

The temple was headed by the Supreme Lama Mun-He, who spent almost all his time at the feet of the statue in meditation, and his beloved cat named Singh was certainly nearby.

Buddhist temple Lao Tsun

And one day trouble came again, another attempt by the barbarians to take possession of the statue. The monks closed all the doors of the temple, gathered next to the statue and Lama Moon-Hae, and waited in horror for developments. The lama woke up from the sound of axes hitting the door, and realizing all the horror, his heart could not stand it. He died at the feet of the statue.

And at that moment a miracle happened. A loud cat scream, louder than the blows of axes, and Singh jumped onto the owner’s body. Placing his paws on his forehead, their color changed to black, followed by his ears and muzzle darkening. The cat looked at the statue, and the paws immediately turned white again, and the back and sides turned golden, and the sapphire sparkle of the wisdom of the gods appeared in the animal’s eyes.

At that moment, one of the doors could not stand it and broke out under the pressure of the robbers, but the monks, inspired by what they saw, fought back and saved the relic.

For six days, Singh sat motionless on the chest of his deceased owner, and on the seventh day he also died, transferring his soul to the gods in heaven, since rebirth was not required. At the same moment, 99 cats took on the appearance of Sinha, turning into a golden radiance, and after 7 days they surrounded the young monk, the lama’s successor.

Llama receiver

Yotag-Ros-Uje gave Russell a painting and two kittens of a sacred breed, but, unfortunately, they did not survive the long voyage to Europe and died. But the major brought priceless notes that said that anyone who raises a hand against a Birman is doomed to eternal torment, and a terrible punishment awaits him until the soul of Moon-Hae forgives him.

Breed characteristics

The Burmese cat breed is simply an ideal pet for a family with small children. Cats get along perfectly with other animals, they never show aggression, are not vengeful, there is no fight for territory, in a word - they are the kindest and wisest creatures.

Bored Birman

Characteristics of the cat:

  • Sizes – medium, closer to large;
  • Coat length – medium or long;
  • Eye color – blue. Occasionally it can be golden or brown, but the closer to blue, the better;
  • Weight – up to 6 kg;
  • Life expectancy is up to 20 years.

The coat color of the breed is characteristic of color point.

Of course, the color of a cat does not change; in any guise they are kind and sweet creatures. Many owners who previously had domestic cats of other breeds note magical abilities Birmans evoke adoration, an uncontrollable urge to take the cat in your arms and stroke it. Perhaps it's all about the look that you can't resist.

Magic look with huge eyes

The Burmese cat is very obedient, calm breed, they play little, preferring to lie on a person’s lap. Of course, they have bouts of activity, running around rooms and jumping high, but they quickly pass.

Buying a cat

Kittens are always born snow-white; their fur begins to darken towards the end of the first month of life. Also, the eye color may first lighten a little, and then darken again - this is normal.

To avoid being sold an ordinary Siamese kitten, it is better to buy a sacred Burmese in a nursery or from professional breeders.

Burmese kittens

Only from professionals can you be sure that you will buy a healthy kitten, with a pedigree, necessary vaccinations, fed and well-groomed. If you're lucky, you will be introduced to the kitten's mom and dad and told about their character and habits.

The price for a kitten starts from 20,000 rubles.

Raising and caring for a cat

Burmese cats require virtually no grooming. This domestic breed, walking outside is not required at all, although it is not prohibited.

Walk outside

All you need is to comb it a couple of times a week, sometimes trim its nails, and don’t forget to feed and change the litter.

No genetic diseases were found, this is very healthy breed with strong immunity.

Their distinguishing feature the fact is that they do not release their claws when they try to snatch the toy from your hands, because they understand that they will scratch it. They can be left to play with small children without fear; the cat will never scratch the child.

But furniture and corners are less “lucky” - if you haven’t bought a scratching post, then the cat will certainly sharpen its claws on the soft corners of chairs and sofas.

scratching post

The apartment should not be too hot, drafts, or open windows. There were cases where Burmese people fled to open window, out of curiosity, it didn’t end well.

Cat diet

The breed is unpretentious in food. You can stop at ready-made industrial feed, the main thing is not to forget to pour fresh warm water into the second bowl.

The Burmese breed is not prone to obesity, because... have an iron will against overeating. The cat will eat as much as it needs, and not an ounce more.

High quality feed

From natural feed You can give your cat:

  • Raw lean meat;
  • Sea fish scalded with boiling water;
  • Dairy products;
  • Vegetables.

Need to feed adult cat a couple of times a day, a kitten – 5 times a day.

The cat had lunch

Only proper nutrition, care, love and affection will grow a beautiful beautiful cat, as in the photo above.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Burmese cat, educational story

For Christians, a cat is an unclean animal (i.e., as in, for example, a pig, a goat is considered unclean; c - a pig), for Christians a black cat was considered an unclean animal. And for the Slavs, a cat is a sacred animal, regardless of color.
A cat is like the guardian of the Gates of the World Navi.

The same Egyptians learned from the Slavs that the cat is a sacred animal; there was even a cult of the cat. And for the cat in all its forms it was a sacred animal, i.e. the entire cat family: pard, lynx, lion, tiger, leopard, cheetah, jaguar, etc. Let’s say that in Siberia the jungle cat was considered especially sacred - this is a cross between the so-called domestic cat and the lynx. Those. in the old days, a lynx could get along with a person, let’s say the mother lynx died, and little lynx cubs remained, people took them into their home and raised them, but they were not on a leash, they could go into the forest at any time, i.e. were neighbors and helped. The jungle cat was considered a Divine cat that could not be tamed. Those. even if he was saved, fed and raised, he still lives on his own, he is subject only to the will of the Gods and fulfills his mission. And he could leave at any moment, so even now people who keep jungle cats take them outside on a leash with a collar, like a dog.

Black cat and energy

In addition, a black cat is the most sensitive, let's say, natural element - it will never be in a home with negative energy. Everyone knows from school that black color absorbs all types of energy. Therefore, where there is negative energy, a black cat will not live, it will leave there. Upon arrival they started black cat, and if she didn’t leave, but walked around, and even went to bed in the mansion, i.e. where the upper room (bedroom, bedchamber) was, then a bed was placed in that place. Even if anyone saw the Soviet film “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, they put him in bed with the newlyweds little kitten- For what? And because he felt, and at the moment of conception of the child, the kitten protected from the Navi Forces (from dark forces) this new married couple. That's why people have always allowed cats to sleep at their feet.

The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt believed that the universe was created by a pantheon of gods - omnipotent and irreconcilably cruel to disobedience. Animals and plants - multiple incarnations higher powers, their flesh and even parts of their bodies. Animals considered sacred were “tuned” to a certain channel through which they could communicate with the gods, who, in turn, could look at humanity through them. God Ra and the goddess Bastet looked at the world through cat's eyes, and it was through cats that one could turn in prayer to the creators and guardians of all things.

But not only the cat is a sacred animal of Egypt. In addition to the graceful hunters, the Egyptians considered sacred the black bull, falcon, crocodile, jackal, ibis, ram and some other animals and birds. However, the cat was lucky to be close to Bastet and Ra, and therefore these animals were given special honors. How else? After all, Ra is the supreme god, and Bastet is the goddess of fertility and protector of the family principle.

In Chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead it is said: “I am Atum, the one, the existing. I am the sun god Ra in his first rising. I am a great god who created himself...” Atum was once the god of gods, creating the great nine deities from his body, ruling the world. Among the nine heads of the pantheon was the Egyptian god Ra, who subsequently removed the “parent” from the heavenly throne. Ra became the supreme deity; people wove into his story many events from the legends about Atum, forgotten during the Old Kingdom (3200-2060 BC). For example, the sun god Ra, like Atum, created from own body nine supreme gods.

Cats in Egyptian history were often identified with Ra. Probably the mustachioed residents are so honored the most ancient state were awarded due to the structure of the eyes. According to the Book of the Dead, the god Ra changed his eyes depending on the time of day (the eye of Ra is the sun or the moon). Cats also perform this “trick” - in bright light, their pupils narrow, turning into almost invisible slits. It was believed that during the day a cat absorbs sunlight with its eyes, and at night, giving Ra’s favor to people, it gives away sunlight - obviously we're talking about about night flicker cat eyes. Cats were considered the messengers of Ra also because these animals hate snakes, destroying any that settled on their territory. According to mythology, Ra descends every night into the underworld, where he kills his sworn enemy, the serpent Apophis, and then returns again to the waters of the heavenly Nile (i.e., morning comes). A sacred animal associated with Ra is the scarab beetle, which can be read on the chest or forehead of a tabby-colored cat (namely striped and spotted cats lived in Ancient Egypt, inheriting this color from their wild ancestors). Sometimes the Egyptian god Ra, when killing Apep, acts in the form of a huge red cat (an animal that hates snakes, plus red is the color of the sun).

Around 2060 BC (New Kingdom), Pharaoh Mentuhotep, ruling Upper Egypt, seeks the unification of the country by subjugating Lower Egypt. A single religion is formed, and as a result of the mergers of two cultures, Amon Ra, the sun god of the Egyptians, is “born.” He united two gods - the above-described Ra and Amon, who was the main god of the Upper Kingdom. In order to unite the people, the priests endowed a new supreme deity general features Amon and Ra. On initial stage Amon Ra, the god of the sun, was still depicted in the form of a cat and was considered the patron of these animals, but over time, Amon “took over”: Amon-Ra was depicted as a man wearing a golden crown or with a ram’s head.

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After the death of Alexander the Great, the Greek dynasty reigned in Egypt. The country was freed from the yoke of the Persians and finally lived peacefully and quiet life. But suddenly, violating all political predictions, a bloody uprising occurred in the former capital - the city of Memphis. Angry Egyptians razed the city's Greek quarter to the ground, killing some of its inhabitants and dispersing the rest. The reason for the uprising was that one of the Greeks committed a terrible crime that chills the soul of every devout Egyptian - he drowned newborn kittens.



In Egypt there was a special attitude towards cats. These animals were highly valued - and for good reason.

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Cats appeared in this country about 2000 BC and were almost immediately declared sacred animals. Of course, he acted here too economic factor : Egypt was a country specialized in the production of grain crops. Someone had to guard the huge warehouses with the richest reserves of grain. Initially, they tried to adapt stoats to this work, but small animals did not cope well with this hard work



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. Only the cats that appeared later were able to cope with the task. ancient world There was only one reliable way to ensure the integrity of an animal - to declare it sacred. But it seems that this is not the only reason that forced the Egyptians to solve the problem in this way.


Among occultists Egyptian priests have always been considered a chosen caste, best versed in magic in the world. This belief has been known since ancient times; medieval authors wrote that of all the magical arts that have ever existed, 90% went to Egypt.

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From the point of view of the priests, a cat living in a family also performed the task of karmic unloading of the clan and contributed to its well-being. It is still generally accepted that an abandoned kitten picked up on the street will definitely bring good luck to the house. Moreover, it was believed that a cat appears in a house for a reason.


According to the Egyptians, it embodied the soul of a recently deceased person close to home. Most often - the deceased owner.

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Was alone famous case, when a real cat invasion began in one apartment. Homeless animals have chosen not just a staircase as a place to live, but a rug under the apartment doors. What could be done with them? I had to let them in and then give them to friends. So in three years, more than a dozen cats changed, and, strangely, they all resembled someone they knew well. Taking a closer look at them, it was discovered that the behavior of almost every cat displays character traits inherent in family members who once died. The similarity was so clear that the thought arose: maybe the dead are really returning to the house, now in the form of a cat?


However, over time, the issue was resolved differently. The last cat that appeared in the house was unlike any other cat that had lived there before. It seemed that the pattern had been broken. However, taking a closer look at him, it turned out that he looks like the narrator himself!

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The solution to the phenomenon turned out to be quite simple - these animals simply absorb the mental matrix of the one who once lived in the house, thus clearing the energetic atmosphere in the apartment from the karmic accumulations of the people who lived here. The mental matrix is ​​inherently a circuit connecting a person. It is she who regulates how he should feel, think and act. Not only is it the cause of almost every disease in existence, but it also dictates how we should respond to different situations and what actions to take. After all, really in real life we often react automatically - not rationally, but in the way that our matrix and the matrices of our ancestors prescribe to us. This happens even when the actions we take can lead to disaster.



The influence of matrices is destroyed by cats, absorbing negative information.. When there is too much such information, the cat, of course, dies, but manages to cleanse its owner. It is on this dependence that the belief that cats have a healing effect on humans is based. The significance of a cat is really great, it’s not for nothing that a cat is a sacred animal.

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What is described above is only a part positive influence cats. There are other factors as well. So, one woman replaced four cats in her house in two years. They all died under different circumstances. Curious about why her pets were dying, she turned to the seer. During the session, the chain of trance visions developed as follows: on the line of her husband’s fate there were signs signifying death, destined for an accident . The cats took on all these troubles, dying instead of the owner.




This phenomenon is not something new. Even in the ancient world, there was a tradition according to which the death of a dying king could voluntarily be taken upon himself by one of his confidants. It often happened that the person who gave such consent actually died, and the king recovered. IN in this case The cats took on the role of the victim, dying instead of the owner.

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Exists folk sign: if the cat does not get along in the house, then you should purchase an animal of a different color. Thus, with the same positive effect on its owner, the cat will be much less exposed to blows. If the owner treats his pet tactfully, then the cat always remains loyal to him and often helps him out of big troubles.



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There is a well-known case that happened in England at one time. The woman worked as a nurse at the hospital. One day, when she returned home after work, she was suddenly grabbed by thieves operating in the apartment. I couldn’t stand being treated like this by the hostess. domestic cat- quite a massive animal. A few minutes later, both crooks rushed out of the house with their clothes torn to shreds and badly scratched. The angry cat chased them for a whole kilometer.

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No less interesting story said a woman living in a village near St. Petersburg:


“I once climbed into the attic for hay, threw down an armful and went for another. While walking around the hole, she stepped on something, lost her balance and fell straight down on her back. There was nothing to grab onto. It’s not scary to fall with your back on the hay, but below there were attachments to the tractor and walk-behind tractor. Most likely, I would have smashed my head on this pile of iron. I realized all the consequences while sitting on the floor, in the hay. And when I flew with my back into the hole, I had no time to think. But at some point, at the edge of the hole, the eyes of my cat Bagheera flashed. She suddenly rushed forward, and her sharp claws dug into the sleeve of her quilted jacket. For a split second, Bagheera managed to delay my fall, but this was enough to change its direction. The heavy felt boots went down and I landed safely on my feet in the soft hay with the crampon on my sleeve. Afterwards Bagheera limped for a long time and her claws were not retracted. Now she is in perfect order, slender, lean, black with shiny fur.”

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Cats often exhibit a sense of precognition. They seem to feel what kind of trouble threatens their owner, and if possible they try to “spread straws”. Of course, more often this happens if the owner suits them. In the end, the owner himself determines the form of relationships with his animals.

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Cats have one more property: they interfere with vampires. According to ancient Egyptian legends, vampires die from cat scratches. In reality, of course, this is not the case, but nevertheless cats have the ability to resist vampirism in any form. There are often people who pathologically cannot tolerate these animals and experience a feeling of hatred towards them. Remembering the mentioned cat ability, I would like to ask: why would it be?



Evil spirits really don't like cats. One of the women living in the village said that in her house periodically there were strange cases poltergeist. At the same time, the cat, calmly sleeping on the Russian stove, was suddenly lifted upward by some unknown force, and then hit the floor with all its might, killing it to death. She claimed that the brownie did not like cats, but most likely it was a much more powerful and negative demonic force. Apparently, cats living in the house largely prevented this force from exerting its influence on people.


It is curious, but this family in the village was considered unclean. There were many black witches in it, and the narrator herself, after some time, died a very difficult death, which, as we know, is typical of black sorcerers. Later, her relatives reported that not only did cats not take root in their house, but no plants grew either. What was happening in the village was a poltergeist initiated unconscious abilities a born fighter.



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The ancient Egyptians had a much deeper knowledge of magical arts than modern people. Naturally, they knew much more about the occult influence of cats. This knowledge allowed them to consider the cat a sacred animal. But even with the knowledge that we have, we can say with confidence that such an attitude towards these pets has sufficient grounds.

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