Cats with fur. Curly cat breeds: complete list with descriptions and photographs Cat with curly hair

Big, small, with different ears and faces. This list also includes curly-haired cats. Their fur is curly, there are even animals with obvious curls. They look very unusual. Let's look at the breeds of curly-haired cats.


Rexes make up a whole group of cat breeds, divided into subspecies. An interesting fact is that representatives of the breeds appeared naturally. Kittens can be born with completely straight hair; it curls over time. It is generally accepted that curliness is the result of a gene mutation. However, when they saw the cute curly-haired cats, breeders fell in love with them and decided to develop breeds of curly-haired cats. As a result of their work and crossings, more and more kittens with curly hair were born. These cats have an unusually attractive appearance and good disposition. For this they have become popular all over the world.

Selkirk Rex

A curly-haired kitten was born in the USA in 1987. To consolidate the breed, breeders began crossing it with Persian, British and exotic cats. Thanks to this combination, representatives of the breed appeared with a wide head, large round eyes, thick paws and a stocky body. Their coat is thick and can be long or medium length. The coloring can be varied, the degree of curl of the fur depends on the shade.

The degree of curling of the coat is also affected by age and seasonality. It happens that kittens are born curly, then their fur straightens, and over time it becomes wavy again. These are very sociable and kind cats. They love the company of people, children and other pets. These animals are also distinguished by their talkativeness. They are also given a name for their coat: lambs or poodles.

Devon Rex

In the 60s, a kitten appeared in Britain that was unusual and captivated everyone. This was the result of a gene mutation and mating with the Cornish Rex breed. The appearance of the resulting cats frightens some, but pleasantly impresses others.

The pet is small in size, has huge, widely spaced ears, its muzzle is flat, and its nose is snub-nosed. Devon fur is soft and hypoallergenic. These animals are active - they run, play, jump, and climb to heights.

Thanks to their developed intelligence, Devons are trainable. Since they are small cats, they need to be treated with care. It is especially important to protect them from drafts. There are such cats in the apartment.

Herman rex

This breed appeared in Germany thanks to the crossing of a Russian Blue cat with an Angora cat. Later, European Shorthairs took part in its breeding.

There were times when the breed was almost completely exterminated. We had to start the selection all over again, so the shades of coat and exterior faded into the background. The main goal was to obtain a characteristic coat texture - without undercoat, soft and with curls resembling astrakhan fur.

Representatives of the breed are very smart and loyal, cheerful and energetic. Moderately curious and inquisitive. The happy owners of these cats are very glad that they chose this particular breed.

Cornish Rex

This is a very ancient breed of cat. It appeared in Britain in the 50s, but was recognized only 17 years later. The first kitten appeared on a farm where they were breeding rabbits. To consolidate the breed, they began to be crossed with Siamese and ordinary domestic cats.

The appearance of this cat is lean and tall, but the body is very graceful and graceful. The ears are very large, set wide apart and look in different directions, the muzzle is elongated, and the eyes are large. The legs and tail are long and graceful relative to the body.

The Cornish Rex is very similar to the Sphynx, but with wavy fur. It differs in that it does not have main hairs, but is an undercoat. Such cats resemble in their appearance a Karakul lamb.

These are sociable and inquisitive cats. They easily find a common language with everyone. They are very smart, very loyal and friendly, and amenable to training.

Ural rex

The Ural rexes appeared completely by accident, thanks to Mother Nature. Such kittens were considered defective, sick and destroyed, thereby reducing the breed to a few individuals. Years later, one cat gave birth to curly-haired kittens. Breeders paid attention to this; they did not miss the opportunity to breed and reproduce this breed.

These are medium-sized cats with a powerful, muscular body. The eyes are large almond-shaped. Their fur is dense and dense, and can be medium-length or short. Due to the presence of large curls, it is difficult for the rex during molting. Lost hairs can get stuck in your hair. The owner’s task is to comb the fur with a special one so that all unnecessary hairs fall off. The character of these cats is characterized by cheerfulness, simplicity and kindness.

The friendly relationship between humans and cats is a fact that science has not yet explained. The wild habitat has taught the animal to care only about itself and its offspring, but it does not forget human affection. The cat's devotion and predisposition towards people is characterized by its personal interests. The peculiar disposition in the character of some breeds is an indicator of individuality and temperament. Curly, fluffy, smooth-haired, as well as hairless individuals are characterized by a difference - the presence of a typical individuality. The breed of curly-haired cats is appreciated by humanity for their unusual appearance. They are suitable as pets for people who love them, who will imitate them in play and pay due attention.

with curly hair

There is more than one breed of curly-haired cats. What is the name of each of them? Nature awarded them with characteristic differences, and man gave them a unique name - rex:

  • elegant and sophisticated Cornish;
  • curly Selkirks;
  • funny and peculiar Devon;
  • short-haired Ural Rex with wavy hair;
  • fluffy laperma and skookum.

Each breed of curly-haired cat is individual. The photo will only confirm the uniqueness of the Rex.

Cornish Rex

The playful, affectionate Cornish is a small, closer to medium-sized animal with an unusual appearance. Nature rewarded a cat of this breed:

  • egg-shaped head;
  • large ear size;
  • curly sideburns.

You can admire his short fur with curved hairs for a long time, without taking your eyes away. This breed's unusual wavy coat comes in many colors and patterns, including bicolor - pure white and tortoiseshell.

Looking at the fur, you might think that the animal was the victim of a hairdresser who decided to experiment while cutting, giving the fur coat a wave shape. But that's not true. Short, soft, wavy hair is nothing more than the product of a spontaneous mutation that this breed of curly cats received as a reward from nature.

The description indicates that the suit itself is considered rare in the cat world. The first known representative of the felines was named, living on the English peninsula of Cornwall. Its fur looked like a rex rabbit's fur. But this is not the only similarity. The feline had a rabbit-like, egg-shaped head, topped with atypically enlarged eyes, curly whiskers, and unusually long hind legs.

But its interesting appearance is not the only thing that distinguishes it from ordinary cat breeds. The Cornish is a very intelligent and active animal that loves to be involved in everything its owner does. He eagerly learns everything that is taught to him, and by the nature of his activity he is amenable to training. When purchasing it, it is necessary to take into account that the owners will not receive a gentle and quiet, hand-accustomed toy as a friend. This is an active animal that is always on the move.

Selkirk rex

It should be noted that these unusual pussies not only have curly fur, but also mustaches and eyebrows. This increased curliness gives them an unprecedented charm. Even inside the ears the hairs look like lovely rings.

According to color, Selkirks are divided into:

  • plain;
  • striped;
  • spotted.

As a rule, the color of the animal should also match the color of the eyes.

The funny Selkirks are descended from British Shorthairs, Exotics and Persians. The process of establishing the breed is not complete; it is currently being carried out by crossing with other species.

It is worth noting that cats have perfectly adapted to life circumstances. They are endowed by nature with curiosity, goodwill, activity, abundance of love and a tender attitude towards their owners.

Devon rex

The breed of curly-haired cats, whose name is Devon, resembles some fairy-tale characters (elf, fairy).

Having a predisposition and successful genetics, animals are ideal for living in a family environment.

Devon has a memorable and unusual appearance. The cat gained its original appearance by harmoniously combining a short muscular body and high paws. The breed is also distinguished by its small head and disproportionately large ears and eyes.

Cats understand perfectly well what their owners want and are easy to train. In addition to their charming appearance, they are also distinguished by their agility and jumping ability. Their love of jumping and climbing keeps them constantly on the move. When communicating with a person, they use a quiet and pleasant purring. Compared to other species, the breed is more friendly. Hostility on their part towards others is extremely rare.

Ural rex

The distinctive feature of the breed is its long, wavy coat. But this difference is also their advantage. Rare and unnoticeable shedding does not require additional care and constant cleaning. The maintenance of Ural pets is simple. The main factor is periodic care of the fur coat with periodic combing and washing.

This breed of curly-haired cat is very active. Enjoy spending time with your family. She is endowed with the ability to sense the slightest changes in her owner’s mood. Loving nature and care will guarantee a good mood for those around you. Their light purring at a moment of joy is a sign and gratitude for the attention shown.

Habits and behavioral characteristics of cats

Each furry breed, when living together with a person, is accompanied by typical behavior towards people.

Sitting at the entrance doors, they can greet the owner, anticipating his arrival, or follow, like a little dog, on his heels under the guise of a security guard.

Some breeds endure the departure of their owners with painful grief.

But there is also behavior typical for all varieties:

  • movements of the body, tail and paws indicate their location;
  • sounds made during communication speak of desires;
  • in females during the period of estrus, all reflexes become more acute;
  • At the same time, males mark their habitat.

The curly-haired Rex cat breed is an excellent choice for married couples with children. They have excellent contact with other animals in the house and frequent guests.

Additional benefits of contact with the species

They are considered exceptional therapists who are ready to treat their owners at any time and love to travel with their family.

There is an opinion among breeders that their wool is hypoallergenic due to its special texture, which means it is safe for people in contact with the animal. Some allergy sufferers with the Rex species have noticed fewer symptoms.

Any breed of curly-haired cats will bring the owner the joy of communication. A day spent with a pet will be filled with delight and pleasant emotions.

My brother recently bought himself a cat with unusual fur. She curls like a lamb. Imagine, now a little sheep is running around the house and meowing - I have a pattern break!

I asked the editors of the site to tell us more about cats whose fur curls in curls. They are so cute! Maybe I'll get one for myself when my brother tells me everything.


At first these cats were drowned in bags - they were thought to be sick. But in the twentieth century they began to be specially bred due to the growing demand for this breed. Curls have attracted and continue to attract people's attention!

Selkirk Rex

Descended from the offspring of stray cats with wavy fur and Persians. This breed was officially registered in 1992. Selkirk Rex is a rare breed, so kittens cost from 30,000 rubles. My brother just bought one for himself, she is calm but loves to hunt - she attacks his legs and bites. Such a funny and funny little girl!

Devon Rex

This is the most popular breed in Europe, which is somewhat similar to a fairy. This is probably what elf cats should look like! They are perfect for allergy sufferers because, for inexplicable reasons, no allergic reaction occurs to their fur. They are very understanding, responsive and dexterous!

Cornish Rex

Active, inquisitive and very mobile cats, they climb trees well and love to sit in company. They are very persistent in asking to play, they are smart and loyal animals!

Ural rex

This cat, not large, with wavy fur, seems to be adapted for harsh living conditions. She sheds in small clumps of hair, which also do not cause allergies. Loves to run and jump, play with children and react to the mood of the owner.


They are a cross between two breeds - LaPerm and Munchkin. The result was a small cat with short legs and curly hair, very playful and friendly. Simply beautiful! It becomes strongly attached to its owner - you can’t tear it off with pincers!


The most unusual breed in our opinion - the fur curls in rings in a spiral from the ears to the tail, it sticks out and curls in a funny way. These are very friendly cats, they love to play with children and adults, and require a lot of attention and care. But for their part they show maximum warmth, so it’s never boring with them!

Cornish Rex cats have soft and silky fur, which is also very wavy. The fur of this cat can be compared to an astrakhan fur coat. Another distinctive feature of these cats is their large ears.

In addition to their beautiful appearance, it is worth paying attention to how they behave in different situations and what kind of care they require, which is described in detail in this article.

Curly cats like lambs, Selkirk Rex sheep

Clean Cornish Rex cats are very intelligent and loyal to their owners. Sheep cats have good health and live about 20 years.

The Selkirk Rex breed graces the cat world. Because of their curly and soft fur, the charming cats of this breed are called sheep.

Selkirk Rex breed description, reviews, character, history, coat care, feeding

The Selkirk Rex is a medium to large sized cat. Round muzzle with expressive eyes and curly eyebrows and mustache. The coat is thick, soft, wavy. The tail is long and bushy. Calm and balanced in character, these cute cats will not refuse to play actively. The inquisitive Selkirk Rex does not like to be alone. Reviews about these cats are the most positive: “kind caresses”, “beautiful unusual cats”, “so adorable”.

29 years ago, a domestic cat gave birth to kittens, and one kitten was very different from its brothers and sisters. He had expressive eyes and curly fur that was soft to the touch. This is the only breed whose name comes from a person’s last name. Cats became popular very quickly, but appeared in Moscow only in 2003.

The Selkirk Rex's coat requires constant care: the cat needs to be brushed several times a week. Vitamin B is beneficial for wool.

Another advantage of this breed is that they are unpretentious in food, but you should not overfeed them. The cat's diet should include: dietary meat, low-fat cottage cheese, fish, and greens. The Selkirk Rex prefers fruit as a treat. To keep your cat healthy, she needs to be given vitamins regularly.

Selkirk Rex shorthair shedding

It is important to brush cats with curly hair carefully and regularly, as they are prone to heavy shedding.

Curly cat breed, cat what is the name of the breed

The group of curly-haired cat breeds is called Rex, which means curly.

Curly cat breeds list, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex

Similar in fur, but different in all other respects, there is a whole list of cat breeds with curly hair: Selkirk Rex, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, Ural Rex, Laperm, Skookum.

Curly cat Albert

The angry face of Albert, a Selkirk Rex cat, looks funny. They named him after Albert Einstein, who also had luxuriant hair. They call the poor cat with a frown a lot of different names: “curly-haired evil” and “the harshest cat in the world.”

British cat curly, hairless, oriental price and where to buy

The British cat has a very dense coat, a strong body and short legs. The British can come in different colors. The Cornish Rex cat seems to be wearing a curly fur coat. The color of such a fur coat can be any. Not all cats have fur; there are breeds of hairless cats - sphinx, bambino, elf.

The Oriental cat is very smart and quick-witted. With its love and devotion to its owner, the Oriental cat resembles dogs. Externally graceful, muscular, with pointed ears. You can buy such a kitten at a nursery for a price of 15 thousand rubles.

Curly cat smooth-haired

La Perm kittens can be born with either curly or smooth hair.

Selkirk Rex (Selkirk Rex, “Cat-Sheep”) - detailed description of the cat, photos, videos, features of the content and history of the origin of the breed

History of the origin of the breed

These cute cats have a memorable appearance, which has given rise to several funny names for the Selkirk Rex. People usually call the breed “sheep” and “bear cubs”, and all because their wool is very soft and fluffy, and at the same time curls into cute curls. In modern felinology, there are already several breeds with curly hair, but, nevertheless, the Selkirk Rex is different from the rest. Their ancestors include the British and Persians, from whom the new breed took only the best - complaisance, friendliness, playfulness. The first representatives of this fundamentally new breed of feline pets appeared in the not-so-distant 1987, and by now have won the hearts of many breeders around the world. These cats are especially popular in the United States of America, as well as in Europe (in Germany, Selkirk Rexes are especially in demand and revered).

The Selkirk Rex breed appeared in the USA in the late 80s. This happened in Wyoming in one of the cat shelters. One day, a shelter worker noticed that one kitten from the litter was different from his brothers and sisters - he had curly hair, like a poodle, and even a mustache - and it was wavy. Next, the unusual kitten was handed over to cat specialist Jerry Newman; she became so interested in the unusualness of this baby that she immediately began breeding the breed in order to understand the whole phenomenon. As a result of selection work, it was revealed that for the birth of curly-haired Selkirk Rexes, it is enough for one of the parents to have such hair - and in the litter several kittens will definitely be born curly-haired charmers. The breed gradually gained popularity and won the hearts of breeders.


Photo: Selkirk Rex (Sheep Cat)

Selcreeks have a medium-sized head, rounded, with a wide skull. The muzzle also has rounded outlines, the cheeks are round and massive, a strong chin, and a nose with a pronounced stop. A distinctive feature is that the Selkirk Rex's eyebrows and whiskers curl, just like their fur. The ears are not very large, closer to medium size, wider at the base, set wide and slightly high. A distinctive feature is that the fur inside the ears curls in light waves. Selkirks' eyes are round, expressive, and set wide apart. Eye color may vary. It is generally light yellow to amber. But colorpoint individuals can sometimes have blue or green eyes. White Selkirks can also have eyes of different colors (one blue, the other green, for example, but this is extremely rare).

The Selkirk Rex has a medium-sized body; sometimes larger representatives of the breed are found. The body is not long, proportional, the muscles are well developed. The shoulders and croup are almost the same in width. The legs are long, graceful, muscular and strong. The paws are massive and large relative to the body.

The tail is proportional in length to the body, thick and massive, the tip of the tail is rounded. The Selkirk's coat is soft and silky, curls into charming curls, and can be short or half-length. A wide variety of color variations are acceptable, including chocolate, lilac, colorpoint and tortoiseshell.

Psychological picture

Selkirk Rex is a wonderful breed of companion cats, friendly and sociable, loving human company and fun outdoor games. They are very patient and gentle, treat all members of the family in which they live well, do not conflict with pets, and live peacefully. Selkirks value communication with their owner most of all, they cannot live without it, and they become very attached to the owner, therefore it is strongly recommended not to leave Selkirk Rexes alone during the long absence of the owner. These cats love to be the center of attention, they really love sitting in the arms of the owner, hugging and scratching behind the ear.

Selkirks are great for keeping in a city apartment; they can also easily adapt to changes in room temperature and practically do not get sick from it. The lush coat of these cats requires careful weekly care: brushing no more than once a week (otherwise the curls of the coat will not be so presentable), bathing the cat once a month is enough. It is very important not to overfeed Selkirks, because they are one of those breeds that are prone to obesity. If these cats are overweight, their risk of developing polycystic kidney disease and hip dysplasia increases.

Price policy

Selkirk Rex is not a cheap breed. The price, of course, depends on what you need: adult cats, cats or kittens, show class or for breeding work, with or without documents. On average, the cost of one individual with all the documents and necessary vaccinations will be somewhere in the range of 15-20 thousand rubles.

Price: 15-20 thousand rubles


Washing a curly cat