Schrödinger's cat popular science magazine.

The popular science magazine Schrödinger's Cat first appeared in 2014, under the auspices of the All-Russian “Festival of Science”. In such a short period of existence, it has already managed to win a stable audience and receive two prestigious awards - for Fidelity to Science and the Alexander Belyaev Literary Prize.

A circulation of 50,000 issues is published monthly. Of course, this is not enough for all lovers of articles about science in a simple and understandable form. That's why many people prefer to read online Magazine Schrödinger's cat.


Despite the fact that the journal is positioned as a scientific one, the list of its readers is unusually wide:

Interested in various aspects of research and modern technologies;
Political scientists;
Schoolchildren and students.

Each of them will find something interesting for themselves. All articles are written by popular and accessible language, despite the large amount of scientific information.

Such popularity of a scientific journal is rare in our time. And yet, even people who are not related to this field of activity are looking for how to download Schrödinger’s Cat magazine online.

Each issue of a rather “well-fed” publication (from 120 to 170 pages) contains many useful information on various topics:

Dictatorship of the future - analysis of political trends and research from leading sociologists;
Development of modern technologies, interesting innovations and discoveries;
Research in Natural Sciences;
Heroes of the scientific world - interviews and information about scientists in various fields;

In addition, if you download all issues of Schrödinger's Cat, you will learn:

How to make a variety of high-tech or simply useful things with your own hands that you can’t buy in a store;
Simple objects that can be the impetus for scientific discovery;
The topic of the issue is a large-scale analysis of a specific topic. How do you like, for example, an accessible explanation of quantum physics in the form of Japanese manga comics?

It's interesting that on at the moment Schrödinger's Cat is the most popular scientific magazine among schoolchildren and students. We can only admire the authors of the articles who managed to reach not only professional scientists, but also young people.

Issues are published once a month, but thematic supplements appear regularly, corresponding in scale to the Schrödinger's Cat magazine itself.

A lot of unique and useful information that expands your horizons, interesting discoveries and research... Are you still not sure whether you should read Schrödinger's Cat magazine? We are sure - definitely yes!

Schrödinger's cat- Russian popular science magazine, published since October 2014. The journal was named after a thought experiment by Austrian theoretical physicist Erwin Schrödinger. The editor-in-chief is Grigory Tarasevich.


For own project Tarasevich found an investor in the management of the Science Festival. The editors of the new magazine included, among others, former employees magazine "Russian Reporter": Svetlana Skarlosh, Alexey Torgashev, Alena Lesnyak, Svetlana Sokolova.

This is a story about a miracle. I still can't believe the magazine exists. It was as if I immediately turned out to be the Prince of Monaco. And I still can’t get used to this strange role.

We proceed from the fact that a strange shift in sentiment has occurred in society: for some reason, science has become important. Either this happened after the 90s, or now there is such escapism from politics, and we decided to catch this wave.

Grigory Tarasevich, 2015

The magazine "Schrodinger's Cat" was registered in September 2014, and the first issue was published in October. On its cover there was a black cat and the inscription “The cat is alive!” The first issue was published in a circulation of 150,000 copies and was distributed at the Science Festival sites in Moscow and Novosibirsk, as well as as an appendix to the Russian Reporter.

The publishing policy of Schrödinger's Cat is very patriotic; 70% of the magazine's volume is devoted to coverage of Russian science:

We naturally give preference Russian science and not only because we are such patriots, but also because we write about people, and it’s easier for us to understand living people in Russia: they are around us. It is difficult to judge a person from a foreign culture based on correspondence, or indeed in general, as a person.

Why does everyone know that Crimea is ours, but no one knows that the periodic table is ours?

Grigory Tarasevich, 2015

The magazine is stated to be monthly, but double issues are published periodically.

The magazine is promoted by the Science Festival, which considers Schrödinger's Cat as its own project.

Journal structure

Schrödinger's Cat has five main sections:

  • Dictatorship of the future;
  • Technologies;
  • Natural Science;
  • Homo Sapiens;
  • Heroes.

In addition to these sections, there are a number of regular sections: “Simple things”, “Do it yourself”, “Topic of the issue”, review of popular science books, board game.

Geography of distribution

The magazine is distributed throughout the territory Russian Federation(including subscription). There is a possibility international delivery magazine by subscription

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Schrödinger's cat

Cover of the first issue of the magazine
"Schrodinger's Cat"

Popular science publication



Editorial address:

119992 Moscow, st. Leninsky Gory, 1, building 77


Russia Russia

Date of foundation:

October 2014


144 pages

"Schrodinger's Cat" on Wikimedia Commons
K: Printed publications that emerged in 2014

Schrödinger's cat- Russian popular science magazine, published since October 2014. The journal was named after a thought experiment by Austrian theoretical physicist Erwin Schrödinger. The editor-in-chief is Grigory Tarasevich.


For his own project, Tarasevich found an investor in the direction of the Science Festival directorate. The editors of the new magazine included, among other things, former employees of the magazine “Russian Reporter”: Svetlana Skarlosh, Alexey Torgashev, Alena Lesnyak, Svetlana Sokolova.

The magazine "Schrodinger's Cat" was registered in September 2014, and the first issue was published in October. On its cover there was a black cat and the inscription “The cat is alive!” The first issue was published in a circulation of 150,000 copies and was distributed at the Science Festival sites in Moscow and Novosibirsk, as well as as an appendix to the Russian Reporter.

The publishing policy of Schrödinger's Cat is very patriotic; 70% of the magazine's volume is devoted to coverage of Russian science:

We naturally give preference to Russian science, and not only because we are such patriots, but also because we write about people, and it is easier for us to understand living people in Russia: they are around us. It is difficult to judge a person from a foreign culture based on correspondence, or indeed in general, as a person.


At the end of 2015, the magazine became a laureate of the “For Fidelity to Science” award, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in the category “Best periodical printed publication about science”.

On September 24, 2016, the magazine received the Literary Prize named after. Alexandra Belyaev for "The Most interesting activity within a year"

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