The cat screams all the time. Why cats meow: possible reasons

A beloved four-legged pet can bring its owner a lot of joy and trouble at the same time. This refers to cats that may meow and scream for unknown reasons. From the outside, a person does not always understand the language of an animal, so it makes sense to look into the psychology of a pet and pay attention to its health. Today we will look at the main reasons why a cat may meow. So let's get started.

Features of cat behavior

The behavior of cats is determined by the character of the animal itself. Four-legged friends, like people, can be talkative or silent. Some pets experience their shocks on their own, others walk around the apartment and complain to the owner, constantly meowing.

Don’t mistakenly assume that your furry friend is screaming because he’s being mean. There is always a reason for this behavior, you just need to dig deeper. The owner, in turn, must do everything to ensure that the animal calms down.

If you have never raised cats before or have kept the animal in permissive conditions, the pet will learn to manipulate its owner. He will understand that meowing can attract a person's attention.

Changes in the hormonal environment as a cause of meowing

  1. Puberty encourages many animals to seek ways to procreate. These qualities are not characteristic only of sterilized cats and neutered cats.
  2. A healthy pet can scream day and night in order to find its mate for mating. A cat’s desire to find a partner for procreation is absolutely natural; the owner must understand this.
  3. However, it is often difficult for the owner to put up with the constant meowing, refusal to eat and other habits of his four-legged friend. Sexual instincts force owners to take extreme measures - castration or sterilization.
  4. There are medications designed to suppress sexual desire in cats. They can be found at a veterinary clinic, but it is better to first take the animal to be examined by a specialist and get advice.
  5. If you decide that hormonal medications will still be used, purchase the medications in advance before your cat's heat. Read the instructions and side effects carefully.
  6. These pills are called birth control pills. They suppress the desire to mate, but can also negatively affect the cat's health. Be sure to entrust the choice of medication to a veterinarian so as not to harm your pet.
  7. Doctors in most cases prescribe standard drops against “walking” cats, which are called “Antisex”. Among the side effects of this medicine are an increase in the volume of the mammary glands, increased cravings for food, obesity, and changes in behavioral factors.
  8. If you violate the rules for using medications, your animal may notice changes in the functioning of the genitourinary or endocrine system. Therefore, consultation with a veterinarian is mandatory.

Why do kittens constantly meow?

  1. All owners who have at least once kept a cat that has fallen asleep know firsthand how infant kittens scream. It is extremely difficult to calm them down and you certainly won’t be able to reason with them “in an adult way.” Hence the need arises to look for the reasons for the true behavior of the animal.
  2. There are several aspects that cause kittens to meow. Among them is a change of scenery. Perhaps you recently moved to a new apartment or took your baby away from your mother cat. The kitten, accordingly, begins a period of adaptation.
  3. Babies are especially sensitive to smell. When moving, the kitten no longer smells its mother; all objects in the house smell new. He is trying to get used to the changes by meowing tirelessly. If the pet owner shows affection, love and attention, the baby will soon calm down and get used to it.
  4. The kitten may be crying because it is dehydrated. Be sure to place a bowl of clean drinking water next to the food and change it every 4 hours. We are not talking about milk, it must be water. Otherwise, the kitten’s body will gradually become exhausted.
  5. When a little four-legged friend gets into an unfamiliar trap (a gap between a sofa and a wall, for example), he will try to get out. From here a strong cry will begin to be heard. The owner needs to provide timely assistance and get the pet out of the trap.
  6. Another fairly common reason for kittens meowing is a basic lack of tenderness and care. In this case, it is enough to lull the kitten to sleep, scratch it behind the ear, show attention and be nearby as often as possible. A small kitten should never be left at home alone.

  1. It is worth taking seriously why your pet is yelling for no apparent reason. If you delve deeper and think, you can come to the conclusion that this behavior of a cat can be due to most reasons. At first glance, it may seem that the animal simply requires attention, but this is not always the case.
  2. A cat may scream due to the onset of heat. This phenomenon does not have to occur in the spring. An animal's menstrual cycle occurs at any time of the year. During such a period, a pet simply begins to go crazy in the absence of a partner. The cat wants love, hence this behavior. To resolve the problem, you can pair the cat with a male or visit a veterinarian.
  3. Otherwise, the cause of the pet’s inappropriate behavior may be improper upbringing. Here the owner is directly to blame, since he did not pay due attention to the animal at the time.
  4. There is no need to indulge your cat in everything at an early age. It happens that an animal flatly refuses to eat new food. Hence the indecent behavior and shouting. It's better to give in to the animal and give it what it wants. Otherwise, a stubborn cat may suffer from exhaustion. If your upbringing is incorrect, it is already too late to change anything.
  5. Often, a cat may scream and demand attention. This behavior occurs if you get another animal and spend all your free time with it. When a cat starts meowing and yelling, she is trying to convey to you that she also needs affection and care. Often, an animal may require to play with it at night; cats’ bodies are structured differently.

Why does an older cat meow?

  1. Aging animals often experience changes in character and, accordingly, behavior. If your older cat is constantly yelling and you don't know how to deal with it, there are several reasons you need to look into. The main thing is not to take it out on the animal.
  2. The cat can simply manipulate you with its behavior and nothing serious has happened to it. Over the years of living with you, the animal begins to understand the behavior of the owner, and with the first cries you always tried to console the pet.
  3. An older pet may feel lonely as it ages. By meowing, the cat is trying to say that she is sad and lonely. In this case, it is worth showing attention and compassion. Treat the animal for the time it needs, and reconcile yourself.
  4. Age can directly affect behavior. The cat no longer wants to make decisions on its own and, as it were, asks you for permission to play. Be patient with your pet and spend more time with him.

What to do if your cat meows and screams at night

  1. If you are faced with a problem where a cat tirelessly disturbs your household at night, it is worth looking into the cause. It happens that the animal simply wants to eat. Play with your pet more; this behavior may be caused by loneliness.
  2. The animal must feel your love, this will be enough. The cat should be well-fed and given attention. Also, your pet needs to be provided with a warm and cozy corner. Direct your cat's activity towards new toys.
  3. With this kind of cat behavior, it is important that the owner shows due attention and patience. Remember, the animal will not show its character out of nowhere. Try to figure it out, in most cases the problem lies in a lack of attention.

When getting a cat, you must understand that such animals can have a unique character. It is important to raise your pet correctly and not spoil it. Your pet should not grow up spoiled, otherwise you will suffer with him. Don’t let things go, find out the reason for the cat’s behavior.

Video: 10 reasons why cats meow

Is it possible to stop a cat from yelling? Theoretically, yes, but to do this you will have to identify the reasons why your pet is worried. As you may have guessed, there are a great many of these reasons; let’s look at the most common ones.

Why does the cat constantly yell? Determining the causes of destructive behavior is the best method for solving the problem. Eliminating the cause of irritation is much easier than changing your pet's habits.

Let us immediately note that there are three main reasons for constant yelling:

  • Instincts.
  • Physiology.
  • Psychology.

Instincts cannot be changed through education; you need to come to terms with this right away. Physiological reasons are most often accompanied by discomfort, which the cat expresses by meowing. Psychological problems are always accompanied by stress, which can provoke both behavioral and physiological problems. Let's take a closer look.

The cat screams at night

Cats tend to be active at night, as in the wild they begin to hunt at sunset. Thanks to the special structure of their eyes, cats see perfectly in the dark and are considered universal night hunters.

One of the most common reasons why a cat cries at night is a lack of physical activity during the day. If your pet sleeps all day, interrupted by eating and going to the litter box, there is nothing he can do to stay healthy except to be active at night.

Most cats, even those that receive adequate exercise, exhibit short periods of activity during the dark hours.

Usually the activity lasts 10–15 minutes, but during this time the cat actively runs, sharpens its claws, screams, and behaves defiantly. After a burst of activity, the pet calmly goes to the lounger and falls asleep for the whole night. If the cat does not receive adequate exercise during the day, bursts of activity can last for hours.

Is the cat screaming for no reason?

If you are sure that your pet is getting enough exercise and is screaming for no reason, contact your veterinarian before jumping to conclusions. Night screams may be associated with latently developing diseases.

The most common disease, the first symptom of which is the heart-rending cry of a cat, is. With urolithiasis, urine accumulates in the bladder and cannot exit through the urethra because it is blocked by sand or stone. Trying to empty the bladder, the cat experiences acute pain, as a result of which it screams.

Urolithiasis may be indicated by:

  • Ignoring the tray.
  • General malaise.
  • Increasing the basic .
  • Apathy.
  • Inflammation of the external genital organs.
  • Small amount of urine during bowel movements.
  • Presence of blood in the urine.

If your cat only cries at night, it is likely that she is reacting to stimuli that she does not hear during the day. The pet may hear the movement of rodents under the floor or in the walls, the crackling of electrical wiring, suspicious sounds from neighboring apartments or from behind the front door.

What should you do if your cat is yelling at your bedroom door?

Many owners prefer to sleep with cats, but when trying to train their pet to sleep on a bed, they encounter a number of behavioral problems. A heart-rending scream under your bedroom door is nothing more than a test of your nerves' strength.

Interesting! If you decide to change your routine in one day, without preparation, because you wanted to, a panicked and hysterical reaction from your pet is quite expected.

If you decide to accustom your cat to a bed, proceed progressively. For the first few nights, place the bed in the bedroom as this will be more familiar to the cat. Only after the pet has come to terms with sleeping on a lounger within the bedroom can you try to move it to another room.

How he yells in the morning - reasons

A cat's heart-rending cry in the morning most often indicates hunger. Again, you should contact your veterinarian before jumping to any conclusions. Older cats often experience severe pain in the morning when their joints become stiff. Urolithiasis can also cause attacks of acute pain in the morning when the cat wants to empty its bladder.

Important! In fact, there are a lot of physiological problems that can make a cat scream heart-rendingly and only a veterinarian can differentiate them.

How to stop a cat from yelling and demanding food?

If your pet is used to yelling and demanding food, it will not be easy to correct its behavior. The best method of dealing with the problem is prevention. As soon as you notice unwanted behavior, exclude your pet from the kitchen until you have filled the bowl and placed it in its usual place.

If the cat is used to actively asking for food, carefully review its diet; perhaps the pet constantly feels hungry. Even with a sufficient amount of food, the feeling of obsessive hunger can be associated with vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders or mineral deficiency.

After feeding your pet, be sure to take it out of the kitchen if you are going to eat. Close the door to the kitchen and ignore the screams. The cat must accept that your food is untouchable, since you are the leader of the “pride”. It is in your best interest not to encourage begging and not to feed your pet from the table, even if he really asks.

The cat screams when no one is home - reasons

If your pet starts screaming when no one is home, you have a long and patient job ahead of you. You need to start by recognizing the problem. It is important for you to make a firm decision to correct your pet's behavior, because if you act inconsistently and irregularly, your pet's behavior problems will only get worse.

Advice: try to accustom your cat to a harness and walks. Regular change of environment gives a lot of emotion and allows you to spend energy. In addition, cats are naturally very curious and tend to explore the world around them.

Before you begin to correct behavior, you need to find a stimulus that will motivate the cat to the desired actions. Depending on your pet’s temperament, you can use the following as motivation:

  • Delicacy.
  • A toy or game.
  • Affection.

It is important to understand that cats do not obey those who do not love them. It may be hard to believe, but four-legged animals are great at sensing human intentions. If you are irritated and very angry with your pet, it is better to silently go into another room and close the door.

Interesting communication with your pet will allow you to establish strong interpersonal contact and quickly achieve what you want from your cat.

Important! Rest assured, problems with your pet’s heart-rending scream will be resolved immediately after he finds another way to expend energy, naturally, provided that he is healthy.

Your cat may be crying alone because he's bored. Make sure your pet has ways to have fun and compensate for natural needs:

  • scratching post– gives you the opportunity to let off steam, sharpen your claws, leave scent marks and brighten up your leisure time.
  • Small toys- An excellent entertainment method for young cats who love to scratch and imitate hunting.
  • Game complex– a must-have accessory for owners of active breed cats. Typically, a play complex consists of several scratching posts, platforms, hanging toys and shelters.

The next important step is setting priorities. The cat must understand that the main thing in the house is the owner.

In addition, the pet must clearly distinguish between your reactions. Simply put, if you are unhappy, you need to express it in such a way that the pet is sure to understand you. In order for the four-legged dog to understand the contrast between positive behavior and negative reactions, it must be praised often.

Tip: try to celebrate all your pet’s good deeds with praise, an affectionate tone, stroking and other rewards. In this case, when your pet performs an undesirable action, your negative reaction will be bright and contrasting.

Try to play with your pet as much and as often as possible, as this is the most reliable way to spend energy. Be sure to use safe, familiar accessories for play. In this case, your pet will have the opportunity to have fun independently and in the usual way, even if you are not at home.

Does your pet scream just as loud? Then this article is for you.

Most cat owners expect only pleasant moments from communicating with their pet. It's always a joy to pick up, stroke, caress a soft fluffy little ball, and listen to it purr. However, sometimes a pet shows character, expresses its emotions and becomes not so sweet and cute.

With a loud cry, a cat signals us about its problems and desires. Many pets do not want to silently experience stress, resentment, pain, but certainly try to notify the whole world about them and, first of all, their owners. Remember, every “cat concert” has a reason, sometimes we just can’t figure out what it is.

Loud cat cries often indicate that your pet is in pain. Perhaps the animal has an injury or is experiencing acute pain in the gastrointestinal tract. To determine the cause of your pet's anxiety, gently feel it and make sure that touching different parts of its body does not cause discomfort. Otherwise, you should immediately show the cat to a veterinarian.

When a pet walks and screams for no apparent reason, it is most likely just attracting attention. Cats understand well that the owner will react to their cry. Often in this way they beg for a treat or food when they are hungry, and when they are not hungry either.

Most pets spend the entire day alone and lack affection and attention. With a cry, the cat asks to be played with, stroked, and given time.

Calm the cat, play with it, talk to it, give it something tasty, let the pet feel your love and care. Spend more time with your cat, buy new toys more often. Perhaps then the pet will forget that you need to wake you up at night with its loud screams.

The pet is stressed

Cats don't like changes in their lives. Moving to another place of residence, the loss of a person or another pet, or the arrival of a new family member leads to the fact that the cat begins to worry and show its displeasure by screaming.

In such a situation, spend more time with your pet, do not leave him alone for a long time. If the situation worsens, show the animal to a veterinarian, he will prescribe drug therapy.

Raging sex hormones are one of the most common causes of “cat concerts.” During this period, cats and kittens crave “love.” Unmet needs cause animals psychological and physical discomfort. In pets living at home, sexual activity can occur at any time. Cats are able to go for walks up to 10 times a year, and males can be constantly sexually aroused if they sense the female’s pheromones.

However, sexual heat in cats intensifies closer to spring. Already in February, pets begin to demand procreation: scream heart-rendingly, mark the apartment, and run away into the street.

During sexual heat, cats emit loud cries that can be heard 2-3 km away. In this way, pets attract potential partners for mating, telling them: “I’m here, find me quickly!” At the same time, the owners of screaming cats are in a panic trying to decide how to calm the animal: satisfy the natural needs of the pet, resort to surgery, or use a humane method of contraception with the help of special drugs to regulate sexual heat.

Let's take a closer look at each of these methods.

Helping your pet satisfy the call of nature is the most natural way out of a situation when a cat screams. However, this is only at first glance.

If a cat does not represent a breed value, unwanted kittens will be born, which will be difficult to place in good hands. Thus, having temporarily solved the problem of your pet’s sexual desire, you get another problem related to the fact that there are often not enough good hands for everyone.

Surgery is another way to get rid of a cat’s crying due to sexual heat. Sterilization and castration are surgical operations to remove the genital organs of cats.

In cats, the ovaries and uterus are removed during surgery. The testes and part of the spermatic cord are removed from cats. In order to carry out sterilization or castration, the animal is temporarily euthanized and the pet is under general anesthesia.

Preparation for the operation begins with choosing a veterinary clinic in which it should be performed. It is better if it is a large clinic that has proven itself well.

Before surgery, in some cases, an ultrasound of the heart is performed. The cardiologist must make sure that the pet’s cardiovascular system is healthy and that it can tolerate anesthesia. If necessary, the therapist takes a general and biochemical blood test, does a urine test and a smear for hidden sexually transmitted infections. After this, the cat is sent to the surgeon.

Since sterilization is performed under general anesthesia, preparation must begin in advance. One of the doctors' requirements is a mandatory starvation diet. The pet should not be fed for 8-12 hours and given water 3 hours before surgery. An animal that is left without food is stressed and will constantly ask to be fed. However, you cannot give him food.

The amount will be different in different regions. On average, preparatory tests will cost the animal owner from 1000 to 2000 rubles. In addition, sterilizing a cat will cost you 5,000 rubles, if you castrate a cat, the price will be about 3,000 rubles.

So, it is already clear that castration or sterilization is not a simple operation. When we take a pet into our home, we take on a huge responsibility. So what can happen after the operation, what consequences can the owner expect?

Consequences of the operation

If the operation was performed poorly, an infection was introduced during its implementation, cats may experience bleeding, prolapse or inflammation of the stump of the spermatic cord, abscess, peritonitis and sepsis, and infectious diseases may develop.

In cats, a poorly performed operation may cause peritonitis, postoperative hernia, bleeding and inflammation.

If we talk about more long-term consequences, these are problems in the functioning of the kidneys and endocrine system. Especially if the cat was operated on before 8 months. The consequences of castration, which no longer depend on the conditions in which the operation was performed, can be urolithiasis and obesity.

Note that the listed consequences do not always arise, however, if the owner still had to deal with them, additional costs of time and money will be required.

Surgery is a serious step. Remember that this operation always has a safe alternative - the use of drugs to regulate sexual desire. The most famous drug, which is designed to effectively solve all problems associated with sexual heat in cats, is the drug SEX BARRIER.

The composition of the drug takes into account the type and gender of the animal, which means that SEX BARRIER effectively solves problems that are important to the owner: keeping the pet calm, interrupting sexual arousal or preventing unwanted pregnancy.

It contains not one, but two analogues of natural sex hormones. Unlike drugs containing one hormone in their composition, the dosage of hormones in SEX BARRIER is reduced tenfold.

With regular use of the drug according to the scheme of maintaining sexual rest, the pet will not experience sexual arousal for a long time. Moreover, 2-3 months after stopping treatment, the pet will be able to have kittens again.

The form of application of SEX BARRIER - drops and tablets - is convenient for most cat owners. In addition, it allows you to quickly and confidently obtain an effect with a minimum dosage of hormones in the composition. This is possible due to the rapid penetration of active substances into the animal’s body through the gastrointestinal tract.

You and your children will be able to come into contact with the animal, which, for example, is contraindicated when using similar drugs in the form of drops on the withers.

Owners of cats and dogs who choose the drug SEX BARRIER do not skimp on the health and peace of mind of their pets. However, they are practical and know that course use of the drug SEX BARRIER is cheaper in comparison with other contraceptives.

Use the most humane solution to the problem of loud cries due to heat in your cat. Find out the address of the nearest pet store in your city where SEX BARRIER is guaranteed to be in stock.

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Reviews of the drug Sex Barrier

Baranova N.A. Kurgan, Endovet clinic

For 5 years I have been using the drug SEX BARRIER drops for cats and dogs in our clinic. The drug is effective; no side effects were noted when taken in accordance with the instructions. I am satisfied with the result and the convenience of the drug. I will recommend in the future.


Thank you for the wonderful drug, our cat has become simply smart. We are glad that we were able to correctly choose the right “medicine” for her and it makes her feel better and we feel calmer!

Most often, pets make noise to remind their owners to fill the bowl with food again. But now the pet is fed... and the desperate cries do not subside. To find out why a well-fed cat meows endlessly, you will have to pay attention to the behavior of the animal - the reason for the screams can be quite serious.

Like people, animals have their own personalities. It is possible that you have come across a very talkative animal that needs to communicate often and a lot with its owners. Perhaps he simply lacks attention and affection - take the cat in your arms, pet him, play with him, most likely, having played enough, the animal will calm down and go about its business. If you have no time, give the cat a small ball or an artificial mouse so that he can distract himself with them.

The presence of food in a bowl is not a guarantee that the animal is full. Check if the food has spoiled and if fresh water needs to be added. Maybe your cat just wants something different, or maybe the portion is too small for him. Cats often make noise, demanding a tempting piece from their owners’ table, especially if they previously managed to get the treat by screaming. Do not accustom the animal to handouts from the master's table - it is better to demonstrate to the cat that you are not going to succumb to provocations.

If the cat is not neutered, a possible cause of screaming is the beginning of the period of sexual activity. The cat may persistently ask to go outside, scratch doors and furniture. If the cat has recently eaten, perhaps he needs to go to the toilet, and the litter box is not clean enough or the path to it is completely blocked - in this case, it will be enough to open the door for the pet or clean the litter box so that the screams stop .Cats are often conservative; any changes surprise and frighten them. Maybe your pet is dissatisfied with the appearance of a new piece of furniture in the house, the arrival of guests or unusual noise - in this case it will be easiest to ignore it, soon the cat will get used to it and calm down.
If a well-fed cat has free access to the litter box, does not need to communicate with you or the opposite sex, but nevertheless continues to desperately yell - most likely, the animal is trying to tell you that it is not feeling well. Try to pick up the cat, gently touch his belly - if your pet has digestive problems, the touch will be unpleasant for him, which he will quickly let you know. Unhealthy symptoms may include unusually dull fur, watery eyes, nasal discharge, and lethargy. The best solution would be to go to a veterinary hospital.

Check to see if there is a piece of food or fish bone stuck in the animal's mouth or throat - in this case, the screams may be hoarse or muffled. If it is not possible to quickly remove the foreign body, immediately show the cat to the veterinarian before the sharp edges injure or pierce the palate or esophagus of the animal.

Crying while eating is possible if the cat has pain in chewing or swallowing - for example, due to diseases of the teeth and oral cavity.

You should not punish a cat, even if the screams cannot be explained by illness or other reason and they really annoy you - to silence the cat, spray water on it. Having fallen under an unexpected shower several times, the cat will firmly associate the unpleasant sensations with causeless screams and will stop persistently attracting attention to itself unless absolutely necessary.


Why does a well-fed cat constantly yell?

The cat constantly asks for food and yells: reasons, what to do?

Surely every cat owner knows the approximate portion of food that a pet can eat in one sitting. He also knows the special preferences of his pet, what the furry beauty likes most.

The cat constantly asks for more, what should I do?

But what to do and how to react if suddenly your pet’s preferences change or the usual portion becomes small, and the animal constantly asks for more?

How to react if your cat constantly asks for food?


Among the reasons for this phenomenon, there are both completely harmless explanations and alarming ones, those that are worth paying special attention to. The most common of them are the following:

  • period of gestation of kittens;
  • baby feeding time;
  • young developing organism;
  • change of environment to a colder climate;
  • overly active lifestyle;
  • old age;
  • individual characteristics of nutrient absorption;
  • diabetes;
  • neoplasms in the liver;
  • use of certain medications.

Cat pregnancy is one of the reasons for constant hunger.

Polygaphy - constant hunger in a cat

The presence of constant hunger in a cat is called polyphagia. Moreover, the term implies an eating disorder, if everything was fine before the appearance of such a symptom. This does not apply to those animals whose owners simply underfeed their pets, do not pay much attention to them and do not care about them.

Gluttony manifests itself in young and active animals that expend too much energy.

To replenish lost energy, more nutrients are required. Vitamin and mineral supplements to your daily diet may help. Perhaps these are precisely what the young animals lack, and in order to get the required amount of vitamins, the cat tries to eat twice the usual portion.

To replenish energy, the cat needs to be given vitamins.

Cold season

It is known that in the cold season, trying to warm up, the body spends the entire supply of calories that comes with food.

During the cold season, the cat’s body requires constant nutrition.

Thus, changing a comfortable climate to a colder one leads to increased consumption of calories, which is what the pet tries to make up for, demanding to double the portion.

Elderly cats

Polyphagia in old age is explained by reduced body resistance as a result of previous diseases.

In addition, it is known that old animals, like elderly people, are more likely to freeze. The same loss of calories occurs to keep warm, which is quite explainable by the manifestation of hunger to replenish them.

Older cats are often cold and need calories to stay warm.

Malabsorption of nutrients

Impaired absorption of nutrients may indicate not only the congenital characteristics of a particular individual, but also the presence of diseases, such as intestinal cancer, exocrine insufficiency, and intestinal inflammation. In this case, hunger will be present in parallel with a sharp weight loss.

With intestinal diseases, a cat experiences a constant feeling of hunger and weight loss.

Reaction to medications

Polyphagia is often caused by a reaction to various medications.

The use of anticonvulsants is characterized by an effect on the central nervous system and hunger may occur. Taking hormonal drugs is almost always fraught with increased appetite.

Previous stress or prolonged discomfort may also manifest itself. It is known that during stressful situations cats rarely eat, and after eliminating the dangerous situation, hunger may increase.

During a stressful situation, the cat will not eat, and then severe hunger appears.

The cat constantly wants to eat during pregnancy and feeding

A female cat bears babies for an average of nine weeks. Any deviations from the given norm in one direction or the other are quite acceptable and depend on: breed, physical activity, physiological state. If the female cannot give birth after the seventieth day, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is noteworthy that at the very beginning of pregnancy, the animal, on the contrary, begins to eat less; this is most likely due to toxicosis.

Increased appetite occurs around the fourth week of pregnancy, although this is not a categorical statement. For each individual individual, the process occurs purely individually. In this case, it is recommended to switch the female to ready-made food designed specifically for pregnant cats. It contains the entire complex of useful substances required in such cases.

Much the same thing happens when feeding kittens. The mother's appetite depends on the number of offspring, as well as on the amount of milk. A ready-made balanced special food will eliminate the problem.


In diabetes mellitus, nutrients are not absorbed in the body, which causes energy deficiency.

Particular attention should be paid to such a disease as diabetes.

The disease is characterized by the development of metabolic pathologies that provoke absolute or relative insulin deficiency. As a result of such a disease, metabolic processes of all systems are disrupted. There is a failure of carbohydrate, fat, protein, mineral and water-salt balance.

Despite the efforts of the owners and the good diet of the animal, nutrients cannot be absorbed into the body, since a lack of glucose provokes an energy deficit for this process. And glucose itself is absorbed only with insulin, which is not enough as a result of a failure of metabolic processes.


One of the symptoms of diabetes is constant thirst.

The main accompanying symptoms of diabetes include: obesity, increased thirst.

  • With excessive appetite, the pet sharply loses weight, and the amount of urine output increases.
  • Peripheral neuropathy manifests itself - the animal walks, leaning on the entire foot, the gait is uncertain, unsteady.
  • The cat becomes weak, lethargic, and reluctant to make contact.
  • The smell of acetone is felt from the oral cavity, the skin becomes thinner, the coat is disheveled, dull, a sickly appearance and a dull look.


Therapeutic measures consist primarily of a properly selected low-carbohydrate diet.

A properly selected diet is the key to successful treatment of a cat.

If diabetes is suspected, the owner can independently check the sugar level. To do this, you will need to conduct a test using special urine strips. It is also possible to use a veterinary glucose meter to check your blood sugar levels. The physiological indicator of sugar in the urine is its absence. In the blood - from 3.3 to 6 mmol/l.

Video about a cat asking for food

Why does a cat scream and how to calm it down?

The domestic purr does not always please its owners; sometimes at night or throughout the day it screams loudly and heart-rendingly. There can be many reasons for such behavior in an animal, ranging from special sensitivity to physiological needs. Why is the cat screaming? How to deal with this? This article will help you understand the problem of night and daytime cat tantrums.

Why is the cat screaming?

The first thing to do after the heart-rending cries of an animal is to check if its stomach hurts. Normal bloating may cause your cat to experience severe discomfort.

The reasons for the first appearance of a loud cry in adult cats can be:

  • urolithiasis (pain when urinating);
  • infection with worms;
  • Alzheimer's disease (the appearance of symptoms similar to senile human disease);
  • injury or painful wound on the body (paw, head, ears);
  • severe nervous disorder.

With urolithiasis, which castrated cats are prone to, the animal cannot go to the toilet for a long time. While in the tray, the pet screams loudly and crouches.

Cats aged 8 years or older often develop dementia resembling human Alzheimer's disease. Animals get lost in space, do not recognize their owner, and constantly meow and scream.

Pain in any organ or part of the body can also provoke night and daytime hysterics in a cat. Do not ignore this, be sure to examine your pet.

Nervous disorders caused by abuse, fear, lack of attention cause the animal to scream for no particular reason. If you adopted a cat from a shelter or from the street, then surround him with affection and warmth. This will help minimize the consequences of psychological trauma.

If you suspect illness, consult your veterinarian. Do not ignore the animal’s alarming “statements” about its problem.

However, a cat screams not only because of physical discomfort or pain. His “roulades” may be associated with the search for a female to create offspring. Urging can be prevented through castration in cats and sterilization in cats.

Hormonal drops do not give much effect and, as experienced veterinarians say, have a negative impact on the pet’s health

What to do when an animal runs and screams at night? Try to organize his day and early evening, saturate him with active games. The fact is that cats are wild predatory animals by nature; they need to be constantly on the move.

They are nocturnal, so when living with a person, domestic cats cannot adapt to their daily routine. To get rid of night “vigils”, you need to play active games with your pet in the evening (if possible, during the day), and run with it. And after a simulated hunt, feed them with a meat delicacy. Gradually, the animal will get used to a certain daily routine and stop screaming at night.

Why does my stomach swell after eating?

Cat owners are often faced with a situation where their pet walks around the house and meows for no apparent reason. Indeed, a person cannot always understand the reason for such behavior, especially when the cat is healthy.

The cat meows for no reason, why?

If a cat meows for a long time, then she is trying to tell you something. Perhaps she is sick or something is bothering her. Or maybe I'm just bored?

In fact, there are many nuances that explain this behavior of the animal. It is worth understanding that there is no such thing as meowing for no reason; it is a kind of cat language with which the pet tries to attract the attention of its owners.

If at the same time he walks around the house and cannot find a place for himself, you should take a closer look at your pet.

Obvious reasons

Meowing of varying degrees of volume, and sometimes frankly persistent yelling, can be heard at any time of the day: in the middle of the night, early in the morning or during the day. And if for oriental breeds such behavior is considered within the norm, then for other cats it is a signal that something is bothering them.

The cat meows and asks for a cat

Hormones. This is the first thing that may come to mind when a cat that has left childhood begins to bother you with its frequent meows. Absolutely all mature, non-sterilized cats, as well as non-castrated cats, behave this way. Not only psychological, but also physical discomfort is caused by the lack of opportunity to have offspring.

In addition, a loud cry is a signal to individuals of the opposite sex that they are ready to mate. Such “concerts” will be repeated regularly, and when adopting a kitten, you should immediately decide for yourself whether you will sterilize it, or will have to put up with loud meowing and patiently wait for the end of the difficult period.

The cat does not leave the owner due to attention deficit

Cats, like all animals, love affection.

Attention deficit . Sometimes cats may meow in hopes of attracting the attention of their owners. They quickly begin to understand that people immediately react to loud sounds, and thus try to achieve what they want, most often - some favorite treat.

If this is the case, you should try to wean your pet from such a bad habit, otherwise the domestic terror will be constant.

But it happens that a cat is forced to spend most of the day at home alone, and when his beloved owners meet, he begins to meow loudly. In this case, it is enough to simply pay attention to him: play, pet him, communicate affectionately, honor him behind the ear. If your pet is left alone for a long time, you should provide him with food and toys so that he has something to occupy himself with.

Why does a cat constantly meow?

If a kitten meows constantly, then it yearns for its mother.

  • Yearning. A small kitten, recently separated from its mother, will be very homesick for her at first. It is not surprising that during the first days of his stay in his new home he will “cry”, very pitifully and loudly. At this time, he needs a lot of attention and care, distractions in the form of toys, etc.
  • Anxiety. Bustling around rooms, accompanied by loud meowing, may indicate that cats are feeling something alarming. Perhaps this is an approaching natural disaster or some serious event. However, there are weather-sensitive individuals that react in this way to changes in the weather.
  • Disease. If an already middle-aged male or female cat, long past puberty or having successfully survived castration (sterilization), suddenly begins to scream loudly, most likely this is a sign of some kind of disease that is tormenting the animal.

Alzheimer's disease

In old age, this is usually a nervous disorder or. You can alleviate your pet's condition with the help of special medications prescribed by a veterinarian.

The cat signals acute pain or injury

This cat injured his paw and meowed until his owner noticed it and took him to the vet.

If the cat is young and healthy, then it can thus signal acute pain or injury.

You need to carefully examine it, in particular, the stomach - it should be soft, and with gentle pressure it should not cause discomfort in the animal. If the cat furiously scratches the owner during palpation, and his abdomen resembles a dense drum, you should immediately go to the veterinarian.

Helminths (worms)

The cause of despondency and melancholy in a cat can be worms.

The cat could be offended by the owner for his upbringing. Often, cat owners resort to punishment such as ear tugging.

Reaction to owner's behavior . Unfortunately, not all cat owners treat their pets with kindness and care. When a kitten is small, it causes only tenderness, but, turning into an adult animal with its own habits and habits, it begins to irritate its careless owners.

As a result, the cat receives undeserved kicks and spanks. Anxiety and loud meowing in this case are just the cat’s way of protecting himself - in this way he is trying to scare you and drive you out of “his” territory. To restore peace and silence in the house, you need, first of all, to change your attitude towards your pet.

Video about why cats meow

What to do if the cat does not sleep at night, walks and meows

If a once calm cat screams even after a hearty meal, the first thing you should do is contact a veterinarian. Examination and, if necessary, treatment can quickly correct the situation.

But the natural desire to reproduce will be more difficult to overcome. If your plans do not include castration or sterilization, you just need to give your pet the opportunity to have a good run and just wait out the turbulent days. It is just not recommended to give drugs that reduce sexual activity - they are very harmful to health !

Games and attention

To give your pet a chance to release its energy and express its instincts, play with it often during the day. Active games and jumping, simulating hunting, will calm the cat. To achieve a lasting effect, immediately after the game, the pet should be fed, and more satisfyingly. Thanks to this imitation of hunting - food, the cats begin the final stage - a sweet dream.

Don't let your cat sleep a lot during the day

To prevent your furry pet from disturbing you with its pacing and meowing at night, you should not let it get enough sleep in the evening.

Cats meow on video (concerts)


To calm a cat, you yourself need to have a strong nervous system. However, even in the most difficult moments, you should not break down and shout at him, much less use violence.

As you know, all cats have a feeling of revenge, and it can be directed even at a beloved owner. Only love, attention and patience will help you cope with the problem and get the long-awaited positive result!

Some cats have an amazing talent: to scream in a voice that is not their own for days and nights. Sometimes this behavior seems strange and unreasonable to the owners. Indeed, it is not always possible to understand why a cat yells, especially a healthy and neutered one. But you still have to try to figure this issue out.

Why can a cat yell?

Loud cries of a pet can be heard at any time: in the middle of the night or in the morning. Some vocalize during the day. And there are also those who are able to scream around the clock. For animals of the Oriental breed this is the norm, but for other pussies there is always a good reason for such behavior.


During the period of heat, all non-sterilized cats scream without exception. The desire to have offspring is so strong that it causes the animal not only psychological, but also physical torment. The same fate awaits a cat if it is not neutered.

In addition, during mating, a loud cry is a signal for an individual of the opposite sex. The cat reports that he is full of strength, energy and longs for love. Of course, a constantly screaming animal causes discomfort to the owners, especially if concerts take place in the morning or at night. But this is a natural phenomenon that cannot be fought. All you have to do is wait patiently for the difficult period to end.


If an old cat constantly yells, he may have Alzheimer's disease or a nervous disorder. This is a consequence of irreversible age-related changes in the animal’s body. The owner should consult a veterinarian. There are a number of medications that can alleviate your pet’s condition and help him calm down, at least for a while.

The heart-rending cry of a young cat may indicate some kind of injury or severe pain. Perhaps the animal is experiencing acute pain in the abdomen. The owner will be able to determine this by carefully palpating the cat. Normally, the abdomen should be soft, and gentle pressure should not cause concern. If the abdomen is hard, swollen, resembles a drum, and the animal furiously scratches the owner’s hands, then you need to immediately go to the veterinarian.

Helminth infections can also cause previously calm purrs to scream at night. Worms cause pain in the intestines and often even lead to intestinal obstruction. Preventive treatment of your pet against worms should be carried out regularly, starting from the third week of life.

With urolithiasis, furry cats also feel acute pain. They meow pitifully and loudly every time they try to go to the toilet. If such signs are noticed, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

To attract attention

Sometimes a pet walks and yells for no serious reason, just attracting attention. Adult cats quickly understand that a person is reacting to a loud cry, and thus try to achieve what they want. Sometimes this is persistent begging for a treat. Some vocalize when they are hungry. If it’s not clear why your pet started yelling, you should try giving him a treat. Perhaps he will calm down after this. But if this phenomenon occurs again, ignore your pet's requests. Otherwise, the cunning creature will get used to it and will constantly terrorize its owner.

It also happens. Your pet spends most of the day alone at home, and simply lacks attention. He tries to attract the owner's attention by shouting in order to get his share of affection. Calming a kitty is simple - you need to play and talk with it so that it does not feel forgotten. When leaving your cat alone at home for a long time, provide him with toys and food so that he can keep himself occupied with something.


The cat expresses its anxiety with heart-rending screams and incessant meowing. This could be a premonition of some event, even a natural disaster. Fluffies also react strongly to changes in weather. Among them, as among people, there are weather-sensitive individuals.

Fight for territory

From their wild ancestors, modern cats have received many instincts that do not disappear, despite the changed conditions of existence. One of these instincts is the fight for territory.

To claim its rights, it is not enough for an animal to put marks. It is necessary to declare oneself with a loud cry so that rivals do not even risk entering into a fight with him. This behavior is often observed after moving to a new place of residence. This is not a pathology, but a completely natural phenomenon that will pass over time.


A small kitten that has just appeared in the house can also scream loudly in the first days. The reason is longing for the cat mother, who was nearby just recently. The baby meows very loudly and pitifully. To calm him down, try to distract him with an interesting toy or just be nearby.

Reaction to inappropriate behavior of the owner

Not all cat owners are madly in love with their pets. Of course, a small and fluffy kitten evokes affection in most people. But over time, the baby grows up, becomes an adult wayward animal and begins to irritate its owners. Constant slaps, kicks and loud screams force the cat to defend itself. He actively marks his territory and screams loudly, instinctively trying to scare you and drive you out. The problem has a solution - you just need to change your attitude towards your pet.

How to calm a cat if he is yelling

If a previously calm cat suddenly begins to scream heart-rendingly, then there is only one way out - consulting a veterinarian. Proper treatment will not only save you from cat yelling, but will also make your pet’s life much easier.

The urge to reproduce is more difficult to overcome. There are many hormonal drugs that reduce the sexual activity of animals, but such drugs are very harmful to health. Their use is justified only in the most extreme cases. It is better to give your pet free rein and let him go for a walk. He will calm down on his own when he completes all the important things. Well, after this it is better to castrate the animal.

If your cat walks, screams and doesn’t let you sleep at night, you can try this strategy:

  1. During the day, play with the animal as much as possible, making it actively move and jump. This is an imitation of hunting, which all wild cats are constantly engaged in. Having satisfied its instincts, the domestic predator will calm down.
  2. After the game, you need to feed the cat something more satisfying, preferably meat. This is also an imitation of a natural process: hunting - eating prey. After such a ritual, the next instinct should also work - a well-fed sleep.
  3. Don't let your kitty doze off, especially in the evening.
  4. From the first day a kitten is born, teach it to sleep in its own place, preferably not in the room where the owners sleep. Then, during difficult periods, he can be kicked out of the bedroom and rest peacefully. In especially severe cases, you can even lock the vocal purr in the back room, not forgetting to leave him water and a tray.

If you suspect that the cat’s screams are not caused by illness, but by a bad mood or a desire to annoy, you can give him herbal preparations: Kot Bayun, Feliway and others. They are safe for pussy health and have a mild soothing effect.

The only thing you should not do is scream and offend your pet. Physical violence will not produce results: the pet simply will not understand what he did to deserve such treatment. We must try to find out the cause of the screaming and eliminate it. Then the cat will be calm, and the owners will be able to sleep normally.