Beautiful corgi dogs. Dog breeds: Pembroke Welsh Corgi


"Welsh" is translated as "Welsh", the word "Pembroke" indicates their small homeland - Pembrokeshire. But no one knows exactly what kind of “corgi” it is: either from “cor” - dwarf and “ci” - dog, or from “cur” - to guard.

It is unknown exactly when and how exactly the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed originated. But about a thousand years ago, their ancestors definitely already lived in the south of Wales - medium-sized dogs with short legs. They were used to herd sheep and ponies.

According to one version, they became short-legged due to a natural mutation. Those who disagree with this claim that they are the result of crossing Welsh dogs and Vallhunds. Or maybe it’s all about the infusion of Schipperke blood - this is how some historians explain the presence of the bobtail gene in the DNA.

Previously, the Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgis were not officially separated. But since Pembrokes differ in appearance, genotype and even character from Cardigans, in 1934 the Kennel Club assigned separate standards to both, now independent breeds.


According to the description, it gives the impression of a strong, well-built and capable dog. The height is only 25-30 cm, and the weight is from 9 to 12 kg, but the Pembroke Welsh Corgi does not at all resemble a decorative dog: a powerful stretched body, a flat top, a strong long neck and a deep, rather wide chest.

The photo shows the most important features of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi's exterior according to the standard.

The limbs must be set straight, the bones are strong - the bone is wide right down to the paws. The head is “fox” shaped – a wide skull, a soft transition from the forehead to a neatly tapering, not too long muzzle (3 to 5 in relation to the skull). Medium-sized ears are always erect, with softly rounded tips.

According to the standard, the short coat of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi should not be wavy, hard or soft. The hair is straight, fairly coarse and fits well.

Common colors

  • pale yellow;
  • ginger;
  • black and tan;
  • and sable.

White markings are often described on the chest, neck, face and legs.

Who are Fluffies?

Some Pembroke and Cardigan puppies are born with long, soft and very beautiful hair - a collar, feathering, and a fluffy tail. The so-called “fluffy” are full-fledged representatives of the breed, but with defects in coat. Thin, soft hair does not protect well from cold and moisture, it catches dirt, snow sticks to it strongly, and rolls into tangles without care.

But during the molting period, fluff is easier to collect than coarse “needles.” And if the puppy is purchased as a pet, with no exhibitions or breeding plans, fluffies are ideal for lovers of long-haired dogs. But you should buy such a puppy exclusively from a nursery - mixed breeds and mongrels are often sold under the guise of fluffy.

A typical example of a fluffy-fluffy Pembroke (pictured is a 9-month-old male from Finland).

Passion by the tail

The genotype of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi has bob tail, i.e. some puppies are born with short tails. The degree of “shortening” is unpredictable: from the complete absence of a tail to a “stick” almost the length of a normal tail.

Visually, not all “beans” – short tails – look neat. Therefore, throughout the selection process, their tails were docked “at the root.” It is clear that the breeders did not pay attention to this part of the body - cut it off anyway.

But in 1980-90. across Europe there was a wave of bans on cosmetic surgeries that do not benefit the animal. Those. They stopped cropping ears and tails in breeds where this is done only for beauty - otherwise it is impossible to participate in exhibitions, and therefore to engage in breeding.

This led to a split of Pembroke Welsh Corgi breeders into two camps. Some have accepted the existing realities and are working hard to improve the shape of the tail - ideally straight and low. Others strive to get as many bob-tailed puppies in their litter as possible. And future owners have a choice - to buy a puppy with a tail of normal length or with a short bob.

Compare for yourself and decide which option you like best.

Character and relationships

Most Pembrokes, according to their owners, are born clowns (it’s not for nothing that they can often be seen in the circus arena). An active, cheerful and inquisitive character makes the Welsh Corgi a pleasant companion and affectionate, sociable friend (see video below).

Like other shepherd dogs, the corgi clearly distinguishes one owner. But he sincerely loves the whole family, including small (sometimes careless and intrusive) children. Of course, you shouldn’t leave your baby alone even with the most patient corgi. But an older child, who already understands how to communicate with a dog, will find in Pembroke a tireless companion for endless games.

They treat strangers in different ways, from lively curiosity to indifference, but extremely rarely with aggression. This applies to both people and animals – “friends” or “strangers” encountered on the street. Pembroke Welsh Corgis rarely provoke conflicts and are almost always willing to make contact.

Their lively nature makes them somewhat dependent on people. But this tendency rarely develops to the point of painful obsession: if you regularly give your pet attention, he will not howl with melancholy all day and spoil things out of boredom.

Nuances of education

The herding past sometimes makes itself felt: some young corgis herd running children into “herds”, grabbing them by the heels. Such behavior should be stopped with a firm “no”, without unnecessary rudeness (manifestations of instinct are corrected gently).

Pembrokes are not prone to dominance, but, like herding dogs, they are incredibly smart and quickly assess the situation. They will not obey a hysterical, cruel and/or inconsistent owner.

In this case, problems with education will arise - the dog will stubbornly refuse to follow commands.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi – physically active breed not only in description, but also in life. They perfectly master various tricks and are good at obedience, freestyle, and agility. The only peculiarity is that they quickly begin to get bored and lose interest if you use repetition tactics.

Therefore, education and training should be approached as a game - easy and fun, constantly changing the sequence and set of exercises.

Another dynamic photo from an agility competition.

The short coat sheds quite heavily, twice a year. During such periods, the pet needs daily grooming - if the fur is not combed out, “needles” will be everywhere. They bathe as needed - the wool is water-repellent and does not collect dirt.

Pembroke's feeding should be balanced - they love to eat, and excess weight leads to problems with the spine. Due to the structure of the skeleton, it is better to choose a bowl on a stand so that the Corgi does not bend over to eat.

It is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress for a lounger. Soft shapeless pillows bend under the weight of the dog, and a special base supports the spine.

In any case, it should not be too soft.

Otherwise, there are no nuances that differ from the rules for keeping other dogs.


If a puppy is genetically pure, then with proper care he will retain good health until old age. This is not a sickly, not pampered, but a working and strong breed in every sense. The only caveat is that many corgis cannot mate and give birth on their own, so breeding should be done under the guidance of an experienced breeder.

List of breeds genetic defects and diseases of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi:

  • eye diseases (lens displacement, retinal dysplasia and atrophy, cataracts, etc.);
  • cervical disc disease (malformation or degeneration);
  • skin asthenia (stretched folded skin, displacement of joints);
  • narcolepsy (sudden heavy sleep);
  • von Willebrand disease (spontaneous bleeding due to a bleeding disorder).

And also epilepsy, hypothyroidism, cystinuria and other ailments that are also found in other breeds. The conclusion is simple: the Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy purchased must be born exclusively in a kennel, preferably with an excellent reputation. Only competent breeders conduct DNA tests and do not include problematic individuals in breeding.

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat

The Welsh Corgi is a shepherd in an unusual format: a big and fearless soul, dressed in small body no more than 30 cm tall. The compact size was not a hindrance to excellent performance of their work: corgis herded chickens, geese, herds of sheep and even cattle.

The Welsh Corgi is a dog with a sense of humor. She is funny, loves to make people laugh, and her smiling expression on her face lifts the spirits of everyone around her. She won the hearts of many: both Welsh peasants and royalty. It was highly valued among the peasants. The reason is her working qualities. The small dog alone looked after the herd, made sure that it did not scatter, and protected it from robbers and predators. Yes, yes, a miniature shepherd could fight back against larger animals.

A smiling Welsh Corgi, whose price is higher than some elite breeds, is a decoration for the home, a devoted friend, a tireless companion during active walks and a real generator of good mood.

Interesting! The Welsh Corgi could do without human intervention in the pasture. Early in the morning, by whistling at a high note, the dogs drove the cattle across the pasture and grazed them all day. In the evening, when they whistled at a low note, they gathered the cattle and drove them home.

The Welsh Corgi, it would seem, outwardly has nothing in common with such breeds as or, but just like them, it is a herding dog and belongs to the 1st group in the ICF classification, section 1 “Sheepdogs”.

IN national park In Brecon Beacons, located in South Wales, scientists from Cardiff University during archaeological excavations found the remains of a dog whose structure is very similar to modern Welsh Corgis. This find dates back to the 9th century, which suggests that the Welsh Corgi breed has a long history.

Another proof of the antiquity of the breed is the mention of it in the code of Welsh laws of King Hywel the Good, who ruled Wales in the 10th century. According to medieval law, for the murder of a Welsh Corgi dog, the offender had to compensate for the loss with a whole thief. This is an unprecedented measure, since other dogs, even elite ones, were not worth a ram.

According to one version, Welsh Corgis are descendants of the Scandinavian Lundehunds, which, in turn, descended from Canis ferus, an extinct dog. How did Lundehunds come to the British Isles? They were brought with them by the Scandinavian Vikings, who periodically attacked Britain.

The Welsh Corgi breed is not homogeneous; there are 2 varieties that were formed in different areas of Wales: Cardiganshire and Pembrokeshire. Varieties of the breed are called Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Because these areas were separated by the Cumbrian mountain range, there was no contact or crossbreeding between these types of dogs, allowing them to evolve in different directions. In modern times, they have a number of differences that make it possible to strictly identify each type.

Despite the ancient origins of the Welsh Corgi dog, it was presented at exhibitions only in 1925. The special attention of the royal family to this breed also contributed to its popularization. Dogs were favorites of royal daughters.

Interesting! There is no consensus on the origin of the name of the breed.

  • Version No. 1. The word "Corgi" comes from the merger of two Welsh words: "cur" - "collect, observe" and "gi" - "dog".

  • Version No. 2. The word "corgi" means "angry dog".

  • Version No. 3. The word "corgi" comes from the Welsh words "cor" - "dwarf" and "gi" - "dog".

Characteristics, description, character

The Welsh Corgi is small in size. Their size is not a disadvantage, but an advantage, because dogs could easily and safely run under cows and drive them into the herd, biting their legs. Varieties of Welsh Corgi differ in appearance:

  • The Pembroke type has shorter legs and is often born with short, docked tails. The color can be golden, red or tri-colored with white markings on the paws, chest and face. The head is shaped like a fox and has large erect ears of a special shape that protect against cold, wind and dirt.
  • The cardigan type can be of different colors: black, brindle, red, marbled. Only white Welsh Corgis are not found. They have longer legs, which makes them appear taller.

The Welsh Corgi breed has a special character. She adapts very well to environmental conditions, is excellent for keeping in an apartment and gets along well with all family members and other animals.

  • Dogs are very loyal, have cheerful disposition, love make you laugh family members.
  • In the small and light body of the Welsh Corgi there is enough courage, to use her as a conscientious shepherd. In modern times, only a few representatives of the breed are used for their intended purpose, that is, as a herding dog. Now this is an excellent companion who loves to spend time with the owner, members of his family, especially children.
  • not timid, not aggressive, responsive And sociable. He feels great in the company of familiar people, and may exhibit some restraint towards strangers.
  • They are very intelligent and smart. In this they are similar to the breed, recognized by cynologists as the smartest breed.
  • Obedience, patience, caring towards children, friendliness– qualities that make a dog best friend and companion.


Welsh Corgi dogs often develop diseases musculoskeletal system. This is due to their “non-standard” structure: short legs and long torso. The breed is susceptible degenerative myelopathy, which is considered a disease of old age, but the Welsh Corgi can begin to develop in at a young age. The saddest thing is that this disease is hereditary and cannot currently be cured.

Like other selected breeds, for example, the Welsh Corgi is characterized by difficult births and about half of the puppies are born through caesarean section. Eye diseases also occur: glaucoma, progressive retinal atrophy, lens luxation, corneal ulceration.

The breed may develop skin problems. If the owner notices seemingly wet lesions on the skin, then these are symptoms raw eczema. At timely application A visit to the veterinarian can quickly cure the disease. Thanks to their strong immunity, dogs do not have chronic diseases and can live up to 14 years.

Care and maintenance

The Welsh Miniature Shepherd has a thick coat of hair, so the coat of the Welsh Corgi breed requires careful care. The dog needs to be brushed twice a week, and during the shedding period - in spring and autumn - daily. During walks, a short-legged dog gets dirty more than its long-legged counterparts, so after walking you need to wash its paws and the fur on its belly.

Walking is necessary not only to satisfy the need for movement, but also for toilet training. Smart Welsh Corgis, as a rule, immediately understand what they want from them and do not cause trouble for their owner. In a situation with a breed, you can even do without absorbent diapers, and take the dog outside after eating, after sleeping or after a fun game. This way the puppy will get used to going to the toilet outside and will look forward to walks.

While walking herding dog must be able to run around a clearing or in the forest without a leash. This is a real pleasure for them, because their ancestors ran for kilometers on pastures, fully satisfying their need for active activity.

Proper nutrition is the key to your pet’s health. Welsh Corgis are food lovers and can eat whatever is put in their bowl. Overfeeding a dog is dangerous, as it is prone to obesity, and excess weight is an additional burden on the ligaments, joints and spine.

Education and training

As soon as the Welsh Corgi puppy appears at home, she must learn the main rules: know her sleeping area and do not climb on the owner’s bed, do not bite even during play, do not growl. Such actions should be stopped immediately and, as an educational measure, you can shake the dog by the withers, but under no circumstances should you shout or punish.

The breed is smart and smart, so it will learn commands within 2-3 times. The Welsh Corgi can even learn circus tricks, delighting all family members, children, and guests. They can even be taught to sing - a funny howl with modulations.

Modern Welsh Corgis are dogs that lend themselves to many types of training. Many of them are champions in competitions in OKD, agility, and obedience. When training your pet, you should keep in mind that dogs do not like monotony and monotony, but they love treats, affection and approval from the owner.


When choosing Welsh Corgi puppies, follow these important rules:

  • No need to fall for low prices, offered by private breeders, but you need to choose nurseries with a good reputation.
  • Pay attention to how the puppies were kept and the quality of their food, because this directly affects their health and general condition.
  • You should be interested not only in the pedigree of the puppy you like, but also in his parents, because... both positive and negative traits mothers are passed on to their offspring.
  • A passport, a puppy and a veterinary card are required.
  • If the price is low, this should be a concern. The Welsh Corgi breed is one of the most expensive breeds due to the difficulty of breeding them.

Welsh Corgi puppies are terrible food eaters, and the owner should know this, not overfeed him and have the strength to refuse an extra piece that the little gourmet will beg for. The owner’s task is not to turn the puppy into a beggar, so all his attempts to beg food from the table must be nipped in the bud. When a puppy is brought into the home, he usually eats 4-5 times a day. At 3 months of age, the amount of feeding should be reduced to 3-4 times. A six-month-old puppy is already fed 2-3 times a day, gradually becoming accustomed to twice feeding.

Early socialization is very important for Welsh Corgi puppies. The sooner they begin to communicate with family members, guests, other animals, and get involved in different situations, the more resistant to stress they will be, the stronger their immunity will be.

Many owners take puppies to bed, thinking that they will be lonely alone, but they should not do this. Firstly, because in the future it will be difficult to eradicate the habit of sleeping in the owner’s bed, and secondly, because a separate sleeping place develops independence and independence in dogs.

When all vaccinations have been given, you can start walking them outside. Puppies need a lot of space; they love to crawl, run, and climb over obstacles. However, it is important to take into account that physical activity must be age-appropriate, otherwise problems with the still fragile musculoskeletal system are not far away.


How much do Welsh Corgis cost in Russia? Puppies can be purchased for prices ranging from 20 to 60 thousand rubles. In our country they are not as popular as in Europe, they are difficult to breed, so these factors affect the cost of the breed. If private breeders offer a puppy at a ridiculous price, then this should alert you, since you may become the owner of a timid or aggressive mestizo, and not a purebred Welsh Corgi.

The average price of a puppy in Moscow is 45-50 thousand rubles. The national average is slightly different.

The Corgi is a dog breed that originated in Wales as a herding dog. The origin of the name “Corgi” is not precisely established; according to a popular version, it is derived from the Welsh words “dwarf” and “dog”. Despite their small size, they belong to the shepherd family. The Welsh Corgi dog breed remained unknown for a long time, only in 1892 after visiting the exhibition it became widespread, which was greatly facilitated by the Duke of York, who donated to my own daughters two puppies.

Description of the breed and appearance

The Welsh Corgi dog is small, up to 30 cm in height, and weighs up to 14 kg. Despite the objections of select breeders, there are two distinct main species - Cardigan and Pembroke.
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is smaller at the withers (25-30 cm) than the Cardigan and differs in the shape of its head. The Pembroke is a squat, moderately elongated compact dog, weighing 13.6 kg (males). Bitches weigh a little less, up to 12.7 kg. Rib cage round shape, the body tapers somewhat towards the lower back. Pembroke's head is similar to a fox, the nose is black, the ears are mobile and erect, and the limbs are short. According to the standard, Pembroke tails were previously docked, in last years Pembrokes with tails are more common.

The silky coat is of medium length, the undercoat is short and dense, resistant to getting wet. The Pembroke's color ranges from sable, red, dark brown, tricolor, sometimes black or fawn.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi dog breed is an ancient and established one, however, due to the popularization of the Pembroke, there have been changes in breed standards, especially with regard to weight and size increases. With an increase in the massiveness of the head and chest and unchanged short legs the working qualities of dogs decrease.

Habits and character

Welsh Corgi dogs have a cheerful, lively and friendly character. Dogs are distinguished by their innate intelligence and loyalty. The owner's family is treated with love and reverence. They are loyal to strangers and animals, and get along well with cats. These are born nannies, watching over children and protecting them. They adapt well to city life. Dogs of this breed love to take long walks and love games. They know how to keep their distance from people who are not too friendly towards dogs, while remaining friendly at the same time. ОThey sense the mood of those around them well and know exactly when it is better to keep their distance or cuddle.

The Cardigan and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi have a balanced character, but the Pembroke is more excitable and lively. Dogs are charming and not without a sense of humor. They have a sense of tact and are excellent companions.

The breed is one of the easiest to train. If you want, the pet will learn the lesson the second or third time. Pembrokes take part in competitions with great interest and easily learn circus tricks. Rancor and mischief are not typical for dogs, but dogs are quite capable of learning the habits of the owner and using knowledge in their own interests. Corgis have no equal in their powers of observation and ability to draw conclusions.

Dogs are silent by nature, making a voice either when meeting with acquaintances or when meeting the owner or guests. Some Welsh Corgis are capable of singing. The singing looks like a funny howl with modulations, performed once as a greeting. While dogs are easy to train, they are taught to sing regularly.

Excessive noise in dogs of the breed indicates deviations in education in early childhood, Welsh Corgis often copy their owner's temperament.

The breed is contraindicated for weak-willed people: dogs are prone to overeating, and it is difficult to resist the tricks of a charming and cunning pet.

Care and nutrition

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi does not require special care. The dog sheds twice a year and the pet does not smell like dog. In order for the dog to feel good, the puppy will need to be accustomed to grooming nails, combing and cleaning the ears. Nail trimming is a mandatory weekly procedure for puppies. When trimming claws, it is necessary to trim the hair inside the paw and between the toes. The dog's ears are cleaned as they become dirty.

Welsh Corgis are one of the oldest herding dogs british dogs. The lands of Wales are considered their homeland. Thanks to their short but powerful legs, they are able to quickly catch up with cows, biting their legs, but at the same time avoid retaliatory blows with their hooves. Despite the modest size, dogs of this breed are classified as.

Currently, Welsh dogs are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. Dogs are smart and active, as well as cute and funny. You still need to look for such intelligent and loyal pets. Later in the article we will provide more detailed description breeds of Welsh Corgis (Pembrokes and Cardigans), and we will also talk about the nature of the dogs, their care and optimal diet.

Appearance and photo

Dogs of the breed in question cannot help but bring a smile to the face of their owners and their friends. These dogs have an incredibly cheerful and cute expression on their faces, which is very reminiscent of a fox, shiny fur, elegant color. The Welsh Corgi Shepherd is compact in size, but at the same time strong and has powerful jaws.

Considering Pembrokes and Cardigans separately, it is worth noting that the latter are larger in size. They are distinguished by the rounded shape of their ears and have a fairly long fluffy tail, which is somewhat reminiscent of a fox.

Pembrokes are smaller in size and have pointed ears. As for the tail, previously it was very short, but over time it became increasingly longer and somewhat curled. Breeders only in the 21st century began to make a number of efforts to return in a natural way dog has a short tail.

Did you know? The well-known collars equipped with spikes were invented by the ancient Greeks. The device was designed to protect a dog's neck from wolf attacks.

  • Weight: 9-12 kg.
  • Height: male - 27-30 cm, female - 25-27 cm.
  • Wool: average length, the undercoat is dense.
  • Color: red, purple, fawn, black, sable, orange. There are white spots on the neck, chest and paws.

  • Weight: 10-15 kg.
  • Height: male - 27.5-31 cm, female - 25.5-28 cm.
  • Wool: short or medium length, dense and waterproof undercoat.
  • Color: could be anyone. Interspersed white usually extensive, but do not dominate people of color.

Character of the breed

Welsh Corgis are one of those dogs that are ideal for living in a family with small children. The dog will become a friend and even, to some extent, a nanny for the child. Welshies are very friendly and balanced pets. They do not like to conflict, so they can even coexist quite calmly without showing aggression towards them.

Welsh Corgis are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence. These animals are also moderately active. In any case, they will be happy to accompany their owner both during walks along the park alley and during regular trips to visit friends.
The lady in question loves to get a lot of attention in her direction. It will be quite normal for them to share one sofa or chair with their owner, thereby showing off full member families.

It is worth noting that they are not security guards. A low level of aggressiveness will not allow these cute pets to engage in such activities. But, naturally, in cases where strangers try to make any sudden movements towards the Welsh Corgi, the dog’s response can be unpredictable, since a reflex may work. But, in general, aggression is not typical for these pets. It is also impossible not to dwell on high rate the learning ability of these pets.

Welsh Corgis learn commands with amazing speed.
They do not like drill; it is better to encourage the positive dynamics of learning with something tasty, or to praise in a gentle tone, stroking the fur.

History of appearance

The dog breed in question was created in Wales, in the west of Great Britain. Welsh Corgis are divided into two subspecies, which have a number of differences. They are called cardigan and pembroke. The homeland of the former is considered to be the territory of Cardiganshire, and the latter - the county of Pembrokeshire. Selection work was carried out on the Icelandic Sheepdog and the Swedish Vallhund breed.

For a long time the breed was known only in Great Britain, but they soon received due recognition by visiting an exhibition in 1892. After this event, people began to buy such dogs all over the world.
Real popularity came to the Welsh Corgi dog breed after George 6 gave two puppies of the breed in question to his daughters.

This happened in the 30s of the 20th century. One of these daughters, Elizabeth II, in the future became Queen of England. The British Kennel Club recognized and distinguished Cardigans and Pembrokes as separate breeds in 1934. There were dogs indispensable assistants for shepherds, because they knew how to manage a herd of cows and could run quickly and deftly.

Did you know? There is a legend according to which peoples received the first Welsh Corg puppies from gnomes as a gift. It was said that the gnomes rode corgis and also harnessed them to their teams. According to this legend, it was from that time that dogs wore a saddle-shaped mark on their backs.

As for the meaning and origin of the word “corgi”, this is not known for certain at the present time. In some sources you can find a translation of this word as “guard” or “guard”, and in others - as “dwarf”.

Choosing a puppy

The Welsh Corgi dog breed, the description of which was presented above, is unique and incomparable with other representatives of domestic animals.
In order not to make a mistake in choosing when buying puppies, you must adhere to a number of recommendations.

Important! The sale of puppies can begin at the age of 45 days (one and a half months). But in cases where there is information about a breeder with an excellent reputation, it is advised to contact him in advance and order a puppy for yourself.

Important! Don't be afraid to buy a puppy whose ears don't stand up. At the age of one and a half months, the ears of the dog breed in question may still lie down and will rise a little later.

In general, Welsh Corgis are one of the most exotic and, accordingly, the most expensive dogs. It is difficult to say how much a corgi dog costs with 100% accuracy. The cost depends on many factors, but on average can range from $500 to $1,250.

Housing for Welsh Corgis

The breed in question adapts very quickly to new living conditions. They can feel great at home. Despite their general love of running and activity, they are modest and compact, which makes it possible to successfully keep them even in a city apartment.

They will soon learn the rules of behavior in a confined space and will look forward to going for walks with enthusiasm. fresh air, but, at the same time, do not be capricious and do not damage the furniture in your home along the way. But in order for the Welsh to be as comfortable as possible, they should be provided with a properly organized personal territory.
Corgis are sociable pets, so their personal territory should remain open at all times. The dog should have a wide view of the room and, accordingly, family members. The bed should be moderately hard, ideally on an orthopedic basis. In this way it will be possible to provide the animal correct posture what has great importance for him, due to the characteristics and specifics of his physique.

These pets love to gnaw and chew fabric, so the covering on its territory should not simply be removed or separated. The place should not be too dry or too damp - balance is important. Air fresheners and air conditioning should be kept away to avoid catching a cold or developing allergies. Food bowls should be tall, deep enough and stable.
The best option there will be a metal bowl. It is recommended to ensure that the dog does not have to bend over too much when eating.

Did you know? The last line of defense of the emperor in ancient China was a small dog of the Pekingese breed. It was hidden in the sleeve and sat there in order to rush at the enemy in case of danger.

Welsh Corgi dogs can be called an ideal option for keeping in a city apartment. The pet is not large and is relatively easy to care for. And in connection with high level intelligence and incredible prerequisites for fast learning, there will be a minimum of problems during the maintenance process.


It should be noted that dogs of this breed shed quite heavily. This occurs to the maximum extent in spring and summer. At this stage, it is important to brush your dog every day. In other seasons, you can comb the fur only twice a week. Devices for such procedures must be selected with special care.
It is advisable to buy a steel comb that has teeth with rounded tips, as well as a coarse brush with short teeth. It is also recommended to purchase a special massage glove, since Welsh people love stroking the sides, back and belly.


You should bathe your dog only when necessary. Twice a year will be enough, at a time when Welsh Corgis do not shed. It is also necessary to wash the dog’s chest and paws from street dirt at the end of walks. There is no need to wash your pet too often, because in the process it will deteriorate its fur and also wash out its natural lubricant.

Eyes, ears, claws, teeth

Your dog's eyes, ears and nose should be examined and cleaned weekly. Cleansing is carried out using cotton swabs and clean napkins.
The claws of this breed grow very quickly, so they will also need to be trimmed a couple of millimeters twice a month. For this procedure you will need to purchase a nail clipper.

The teeth of these pets are very sensitive. In this regard, they should be cleaned regularly using a special toothpaste and a brush, or use gauze and soda.

Corgis are very active dogs, so you will need to take them for walks every morning and evening. The minimum duration of such a walk should be 40 minutes. It is very useful to give the dog the opportunity not only to walk along the sidewalks, but also to find an opportunity to let him run for a while. open space. There is no need to stop walking when winter comes. These pets tolerate cold much easier than heat.

Important! Welsh Corgis can overeat quite often, so exercise is essential for them to stay in good shape.

Making up a diet

It is impossible to quickly change a puppy’s diet, which has already become familiar to him. It is better to ask the breeder what the puppy ate before purchase, and give him the same food for at least the first few days. After this period, you can gradually introduce some new feed products and enrich the diet as a whole.

For a puppy

You can feed puppies as follows: natural food, and purchased. If preference falls on the second option, then the product brand should be well-known.
High-quality food will contain many vitamins, as well as the necessary amount of nutrients. Such a complex will provide good condition the puppy's health, and there will be no need to supplement him with any other foods. Up to 2-2.5 months. Dry puppy food is recommended to be soaked.

During the training process, you should encourage small dog some delicacies. Cheese, dog biscuits, and rye crackers are suitable for this purpose. Bones should not be given to a puppy under any circumstances until his teeth are fully formed. You can feed your pet milk, but in limited quantities.

You need to make sure that the puppy does not overeat. This breed has no sense of proportion when it comes to food, so you shouldn’t overfeed it. The bowl of food is set out for 10-15 minutes and immediately removed after this time, without paying attention to whether the dog has finished the food or not.
Over time, the Welsh will learn to eat quickly, without leaving anything in the bowl. Until the age of six months, the presence of a small layer of fat in the dog is acceptable, but the ribs should still be clearly palpable.

If the puppy's diet consists of natural products, then you can include cottage cheese, millet, lean meat, raw liver, semolina, buckwheat and vegetables. Porridge can be cooked as a side dish for meat, and vegetables can be used as a stew. Raw vegetables You can also give them after making a salad out of them. You can add a little sour cream or vegetable oil to it, but under no circumstances mayonnaise. Puppies must have access to water at all times.

For an adult

The main recommendation that every owner of a Welsh Corgi dog should adhere to is that the amount of food for the dog should depend on the volume physical activity, which the pet receives. If your pet moves a lot, walks and runs, then you can feed it a large amount of food, but if there is little stress, then the amount of feeding should be reduced.

You should not give whole meat to your pet; it is better to first cut it into comfortable pieces. It is best to feed your dog meat in the evening. If pet on a diet, then you can feed it with boiled poultry, it will also be no less useful sea ​​fish, which should be steamed.

Dog breeders advise to accustom your pet to liquid porridge and thick soups. You can also feed the animal boiled egg, but only in in rare cases.
As for vegetables, zucchini, carrots, potatoes, bell pepper and beets.

It is forbidden to give Welshies candies and other sweets, and it is also forbidden to include excessively salty foods in the diet. Sausages and other sausage products will also not be healthy.

Education and training

You need to start raising a small Welsh Corgi puppy immediately after he moves to new house. It is necessary to explain to the pet the rules of behavior, and also immediately indicate the boundaries of what is permitted. You should absolutely not allow your child to do things that in the future, when he grows up, will be unacceptable in his behavior.

Socialization is extremely important. A puppy who is not afraid of the neighbor's dogs large groups people and cars, it will be much easier to train than his timid relative.
These dogs are able to grasp all commands on the fly, remembering them after two or three repetitions. But it is important to practice clear and correct intonation.

All commands should be given in a calm and even tone, without raising your voice to your pet. The learning environment should also be quiet and calm. Later, as the dog learns, it will be possible to consolidate the results in noisier places, near highways and on noisy streets.

Important! During the training process, you need to remember to regularly reward your pet’s efforts and successes. This could be a pat, a treat, or enthusiastic praise.

Breed health

The health status of Welsh Corgi dogs has its own characteristics that potential owners of this breed need to know about.

Possible diseases

The most common disease in these dogs is dysplasia. hip joints. This is a congenital pathology, which is very easily detected using x-rays. Such examination is usually carried out by a predominant number of purebred pets.

Dogs have very weak labor activity. Due to this feature, they often need the help of a surgeon during childbirth. Approximately every second birth is performed by caesarean section. The reason for this is the considerable weight of the puppy, each of which can reach 500 g. Birth canal The dog’s tails are quite long and narrow, which is also the cause of this problem.

In rare cases, dogs of the breed in question experience eye diseases. Congenital pathologies are unlikely.
For example, Welsh people rarely suffer from hemophilia and heart disease. But you can often find diseases such as: epilepsy, obesity, corneal ulceration.

Required vaccinations

Dogs are vaccinated with a complex vaccine at the age of two months. It is repeated approximately 2-3 weeks after the first procedure. In the future, vaccination will be carried out at seven months of age and at 1 year. Then, in order to prevent the generation various kinds diseases and pathologies, vaccination must be repeated annually.

A Welsh Corgi dog will be reliable and true friend for all family members. Having settled such a pet in his home, the owner will not have to regret his decision, since caring for the dog is not at all difficult, but the volume positive emotions from his company will be unusually large.

This cute dog with a cute expression on its face and a slightly elongated body can resemble a terrier, since its short legs only slightly raise its body above the ground.

  • However, the Welsh Corgi is a shepherd dog originally from Great Britain. Its cute appearance, kindness and optimistic character have made this dog a popular pet in many countries.

The exact date of origin of dogs of this unique breed is not known for certain, but the first descriptions date back to approximately the 10th century.

There are many different versions about the origin of the corgi, among which there are both quite realistic stories and completely fantastic legends. However, every owner of a shepherd's "fox" has the right to believe in the story that seems most plausible to him.

Some argue that the name of the breed comes from the merger of two words in the Welsh language, and if they are translated, it will come out literally.

  • Short limbs allow the dog to ideally cope with herding functions, because he is practically not afraid of the blows of the hooves of the animals under his care.

There is a beautiful fairy-tale version about the origin of dogs of this breed, which says that elves used corgis as sledding vehicles. And one day, fantastic creatures forgot several puppies in the forest, where the cute dogs were discovered by children who took them into their home. From that moment on, these dogs began to live among people and became shepherds.

For a long time, this breed of dog was distributed exclusively in England, but end of the 19th century Art. everything has changed. In 1892, the Welsh Corgi was recognized at the official level; they began to participate in exhibitions and competitions. From that moment on, miniature shepherd dogs began to gain recognition around the world.

Nowadays, pets with a “fox” face are very popular among Americans and Europeans; in our country, the popularity of this breed, which does not require care, is just beginning to gain momentum.

Description of habits and character

This friendly, sweet dog is very active and smart. The dog is immensely devoted to its owner and his family; the animal happily plays with children and protects them in every possible way. The Welsh Corgi is loyal to strangers and is distinguished by its innate intelligence.

  • If a person is indifferent to a dog, then the latter will not persistently beg for a dose of attention, but at the same time will maintain a friendly attitude. Dogs of this breed can get along well under the same roof with other pets, even cats are no exception in this regard.

Welsh Corgis have high degree adaptation to different conditions residence, they will feel equally at home both in a private house and in an ordinary apartment. These characteristics make the Corgi an ideal family pet.

Despite the small size of the body, the dog has a good appetite, he is prone to overeating and obesity. Therefore, your pet’s diet should be controlled and not succumbed to its “provocations,” no matter how sophisticatedly it asks for supplements. Corgis can be very creative beggars when it comes to their favorite treats.

Special mention should be made of the amazing intellectual qualities of this breed. Corgis have a sense of humor and are able to cheer up their owner by performing all sorts of tricks.

  • In addition, these dogs perfectly sense the emotional state of not only their owner, but also strangers. If you are not in the best mood, the animal will not impose its communication on you. Some dogs of this breed love “public speaking”; they perform funny tricks and “smile” good-naturedly, attracting the tender glances of others.

Welsh Corgis are considered “quiet” dogs; their barking is a fairly rare occurrence, although they often emit a specific iridescent howl, reminiscent of “singing”. In many ways, the character of your pet will depend on how you raise it and what care you provide.

Appearance description

The Welsh Corgi's muzzle resembles a fox, so this breed of dog is often compared to a wild animal. The dog's eyes are smart and expressive, his nose is black, and his ears are erect. The dogs have a small height (26-30 cm), a slightly elongated compact body and short legs. There are two separate types of corgis - Pembroke and Cardigan.

The latter have greater height and weight, and the two types also have slightly different head structures. Cardigans and Pembrokes also have slight differences in character, the former are more serious, but the latter are more sensitive and energetic. The sternum of these dogs is rounded, the body is oblong, tapering towards the lumbar region.

Dogs have a shiny coat with a short dense undercoat, the length of the coat is medium, and its color can vary.

The most common are individuals with red-white and brown colors; tricolor, black and sable coat colors are also no less common. However, there are other unusual color descriptions, they are often found among mestizos.

Care and nutrition

Caring for puppies and adult Welsh Corgi dogs cannot be called difficult. The medium-length coat of a dog of this breed sheds heavily only in the spring and summer. However, after shedding, you can comb your pet no more than once every 3-4 days with a special comb.

It is advisable to maintain ear hygiene and oral cavity, regularly cleaning off accumulated plaque. Water procedures Grooming should only be done as needed if the Welsh Corgi's coat is very dirty. For bathing, use high-quality shampoo, rinse soap suds thoroughly with water.

Puppy and adult Corgi dogs love to eat delicious food, which sometimes leads to weight gain. excess weight. If you feed your pet natural food, then the percentage of meat protein should be at least 2/3 of general diet. Porridges are rich in carbohydrates, the excess of which leads to obesity, so their share should be a maximum of 1/10.

Also, we must not forget about vegetables, fruits and dairy products, they should be included in the diet every day. There are special ones on sale complex vitamins, which allow the dog’s body to stock up on everything necessary substances, be sure to buy them for your pet.

Extra-premium dry food is a good alternative to natural feeding, but it should be selected individually for each individual in accordance with its level of physical activity.

How many times a day should you feed your dog? Corgi puppies should eat at least 4-5 times a day, adult dogs can be switched to two meals a day, this will be enough for them.

Health characteristics and typical diseases

Fox dogs often have good health, but like any other breed, the Welsh Corgi has its own Achilles heel. To keep your pet healthy and energetic, provide him with proper care. Like other shepherd dogs, small shepherd dogs often have vision problems (glaucoma, lens displacement, corneal ulceration).

Every second female has a difficult birth, during which she has to undergo a “caesarean section.” Difficult labor is caused by a specific device reproductive organs and large fruit size.

Other diseases typical for these dogs:

  • hip dysplasia
  • hot Spots
  • epilepsy
  • excess weight
  • degenerative myelopathy

How many years do dogs of this breed live? Welsh Corgis can live from 10 to 15 years, everything will depend on the care of your pet.


On this moment When breeds are at the peak of popularity, Corgi mixes are becoming increasingly common. Most often, the parents of mixed-breed corgis are all possible terriers.

We would like to warn you and make you understand: you should not take a mestizo dog crossed with a terrier, husky and shepherd, it will not be healthy dog, definitely with problems.

Crossing terriers and corgis is strictly prohibited; the breed should be improved and developed, and not killed at the root.

All mixed breeds are not healthy and problematic dogs, this is unacceptable. Be especially careful when buying a puppy, because while the puppy is small it is difficult to say where the catch is, so that such situations do not arise, buy puppies only from real breeders, check the documents and look at the parents.