Bloody history: how women used to cope with menstruation. Bloody History: How Women Used to Deal with Menstruation If You're Taking Hormonal Birth Control, Your Periods Are Fake

In the life of every representative of the fair half of humanity, there comes a moment when she turns from a girl into a girl capable of becoming a mother. And this event is associated with the beginning of menstruation (menstruation).

What is menstruation

The onset of menstruation is associated with the beginning of ovulation - the process of the release of an egg from the ovary into the oviduct. If a woman has sexual intercourse during this time, she may become pregnant. If this does not happen, the inner layer of the uterus begins to peel off. In this case, its numerous blood vessels are damaged, which leads to bleeding. Blood, enzymes and uterine cells begin to leak out through the vaginal opening. This is menstruation. Subsequently, a new layer “grows” in the uterus. This is how she prepares for the possible appearance of a child inside her.

At what age should this event be expected?

Most girls have their first menstruation between the ages of 10 and 16. But these are averages. For some, menstruation may begin at 8-9 years old, for others much later - at 19-20. To calculate the approximate time of your first menstruation, ask your mother when it happened for the first time. Perhaps it will start for you at the same time. More information can be found.

What does a girl feel before her first period and what does it look like?

It is impossible to accurately predict the onset of menstruation. Some girls may have a stomach ache before this. The pain is usually nagging and localized in the lower abdomen. You may notice that your breasts have increased sensitivity and may feel a little sore. Often before menstruation, mood worsens, irritability appears and desire to cry for any reason. But for many girls this day comes suddenly. When you go to the toilet, you find brownish-red stains on your panties. This is what the first period looks like. On the second or third day, the amount of discharge usually begins to increase. That's how it should be. Towards the end they will become more and more scarce and will soon disappear completely.

For the first time, menstruation can last from a couple of days to a week. Then there will be a break of 2-3 months. Gradually, on average after 1.5-2 years, the cycle will improve and will be 21-35 days.

The beginning of menstruation is a cause for joy. After all, now you have practically become an adult. Tell your mom about this event. She will support you and tell you what needs to be done. There is no need to be shy, this is an absolutely normal phenomenon, characteristic of all healthy women. More information can be found.

Preparing for your first period

You need to be prepared morally and theoretically for this event. Most likely, the mother will tell the growing girl in advance about menstruation and the rules of personal hygiene during this period. But self-education is never superfluous.

To prevent blood from leaving stains on clothes, there are special hygiene products: pads and tampons. At the very beginning of menstruation, it is recommended to use pads. You need to practice fixing the gasket in advance. It's quite simple, but if you're not used to it you can get confused. You should always carry one or two pads with you. After all, you can’t guess when your period will start.

This article provides information that will allow every girl to have basic knowledge about menstruation.

What are periods?

Menstruation is an interval of the menstrual cycle. During this interval, in a female representative, they occur from the vaginal part. They are distinguished by their thickness and dark color.

If the discharge includes blood accumulations or lumps, this is normal; such elements are formed due to the fact that not only blood, but part of the elements of the uterus (endometrium) is released from the uterine cavity.

How to get rid of women's disease? Irina Kravtsova shared her story of curing thrush in 14 days. In her blog, she explained what medications she took, whether traditional medicine was effective, what helped and what didn’t.

When do girls' first periods begin?

The normal age range of occurrence in a teenager is from 12 to 15 years. Often, the initial discharge appears in a young girl at the same age in which her mother had it.

Deviation in the occurrence of discharge from the specified age interval of 1 year is an acceptable phenomenon in adolescence.

Some studies link the onset of menstruation to reaching a certain weight value = 47 kg. In accordance with this, we can conclude that thin girls get their periods a little later than overweight girls.

If discharge occurs before 9 years of age or does not occur after 16 years of age, you should take this alarming signal, and if it appears, it is recommended to immediately arrange a visit to a medical specialist.

Menstruation symptoms

A certain interval before the first discharge will bring unusual changes to the body.

You may feel aching pain in the lower abdomen, and also notice white or clear discharge from the vagina.

When a certain amount of brown discharge is detected on underwear, this is the initial feature of the menstrual cycle.

Often it is no more than a couple of blood droplets.

Stories from our readers!
“The gynecologist advised me to take natural remedies. We settled on one drug - which helped cope with hot flashes. It’s such a nightmare that sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house for work, but you have to... Once I started taking it, it became much easier, you can even feel it that some kind of internal energy appeared. And I even wanted to have a sexual relationship with my husband again, otherwise it was all without much desire.”

How does the first period begin?

Discomfortable sensations in the abdominal area will serve as the first signal that premenstrual syndrome is occurring.

Typical symptoms for this:

  • sudden changes in mood;
  • strong level of irritation and desire to cry;
  • fatigue and apathetic mood.

If traces of brown or red color are found on your underwear, this is an indication that the menstrual process has begun. You should not be afraid of the volume of discharge; a large amount of it is normal.

There is no standard here; this happens on an individual basis for everyone. In this case, they can be observed. In many ways, this depends on heredity and the way the menstrual process goes through a young girl is similar to how it went through her mother.

What does a girl's first period look like?

Brownish or red discharge is the first symptom indicating the onset of the menstrual process.

In this case, the color of the discharge may not be stable and may change, depending on what day of the cycle it is. The color of the discharge can be red, brown or dark brown.

The most initial ones can be different, because not only blood makes up them, but also the layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium), as well as vaginal discharge.

The intensity level of the initial menstruation is not too great. But depending on hereditary predisposition, the opposite may also occur.

You should not worry about this, since this is a completely normal phenomenon.

My personal story

Premenstrual pain and unpleasant discharge are over!

Our reader Egorova M.A. shared her experience:

It’s scary when women don’t know the true cause of their illnesses, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state of the gynecological health of our women is simply catastrophic; every second woman has some kind of problem.

Today we will talk about a new natural remedy that kills pathogenic bacteria and infections, restores the immune system, which simply restarts the body and includes the regeneration of damaged cells and eliminates the cause of disease...

When will the menstrual cycle begin?

Menstruation may not always last one month. Especially when menstruation is only initial. The cycle will be regular only when two years have passed. It will help to track patterns, in which it will be necessary to mark the days of menstruation.

How long does menstruation last?

Standard value for which there is no need to worry 3-7 days.

In the first few days, the strongest discharge is observed; towards the end, it weakens more. On the last day there was almost no discharge.

The duration interval during the first cycle of such days (from the beginning of the first cycle to the transition to the second) is not fixed and each girl has her own.

The average duration is 28 days, but fluctuations are allowed from 21 to 35 days.

These values ​​may change if the girl had stressful situations or had to move from one city to another (change in climatic conditions).

What to do if your period starts?

Some periods can come completely suddenly and take the girl by surprise. No need to worry. Constant will give you confidence.

In addition, you can take tampons or standard pads with you. This will increase preparedness in case of unexpected discharge and allow you to quickly take the necessary measures for continued comfort.

It's normal to feel nervous, especially during your first period.

But to minimize nerves, you should follow these rules:


The downside of most drugs is side effects. Often medications cause severe intoxication, subsequently causing complications in the kidneys and liver. To prevent the side effects of such drugs, we want to pay attention to special phytotampons.

Uterine fibroids - SURGERY DOESN'T MEAN!

Every year, 90,000 women undergo surgery to remove uterine fibroids. Just think about these numbers! The important thing is that simply removing fibroids does not cure the disease, so in 15% of cases, fibroids appear again. Fibroids will go away on their own without any surgery if you drink on an empty stomach ordinary herbal mixture...

Why do we need periods?

The menstrual process is a period when the uterine epithelium is renewed every month.

During this process, irreversible changes occur in the epithelium, and it is removed from the body, since it can no longer be used. Instead, a new epithelium is formed in the body, which is successfully involved in internal processes.

Functional purpose:

  • Degeneration of cells. The menstrual process allows you to renew epithelial cells, which provides an important role for a girl’s reproductive ability.
  • Natural protective. The menstrual process involves a separate layer of the uterus, which is responsible for analyzing problems in eggs that are not fertilized and preventing the implantation of these eggs. Such eggs are excreted from the body along with the epithelium every month.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

This process has 2 phases, in the middle of which the ovulation process occurs.

The ovulation process involves the release of eggs suitable for fertilization into the abdominal cavity and travel to the uterus. By the time of puberty, a girl’s body contains up to 400,000 eggs.

The primary ovulation process occurs shortly after puberty, the final process occurs after menstruation no longer occurs (). During pregnancy, this process does not occur, but it is restored after childbirth has passed and the child is born.

Key phases:

  • Follicular. At this stage, follicular development occurs, during which the release of the egg is observed. This stage occurs from the first day of the menstrual cycle and ends when the ovulation process begins. At this stage, estrogens are produced. During the stages, the basal temperature is less than 37 degrees.
  • Luteal (corpus luteum phase). is created in the ovary, in the area where the egg left. This stage occurs after the ovulation process and lasts until the corpus luteum lives, approximately up to two weeks. The key point at this stage is maintaining a balanced degree of hormonal levels of estrogen and progesterone, which the corpus luteum secretes to prepare the body for a possible pregnancy. During this phase, the basal body temperature can remain at 37 degrees, and then, before the onset of menstruation (menstrual bleeding), drop sharply.

How to calculate the start date of menstruation?

The simplest option is to count 28 days from the 1st day of the previous menstruation. According to average statistics, menstruation usually begins 25-31 days from the first day of menstruation.

Pain during menstruation

Reproductive hormones are responsible for the occurrence of menstruation. The menstrual cycle lasts approximately 28 days and during this time hormone surges are observed.

For most women, this condition passes without any special consequences and the only discomfort for them is bleeding, but for some women, periods are accompanied by pain.

The reasons for this may be the following:

  • negative prostaglandins, causing spasms of the muscular wall of the uterus and constriction of blood vessels;
  • insufficient level of endorphins, enkephalins;
  • increased pain sensitivity;
  • luteal phase deficiency.

Treatment of pain during menstruation

If the pain is too severe, you should immediately contact a gynecologist to solve this problem. This will make sure that there are no signs of pathological processes in the body.

In the absence of pathological processes, pain can be reduced as follows:

  • Massaging the abdominal area.
  • Warmth on the stomach;
  • Assuming the “embryo” pose.
  • Proper nutrition on a light diet.

What should you not do during your period?

In order to avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to follow standard rules during the discharge period. This will help you keep your well-being positive and not harm your health. There are many “dos” and “don’ts”; below are just the key ones.

Menstruation and PMS

This process causes monthly bleeding in the fair sex. The duration of such discharge ranges from three days to a full week.

Premenstrual cycle syndrome or is a concept that medical professionals use to describe the negative symptoms that a girl is exposed to during such a period (for example, an increased level of irritation).

Hygiene during menstruation

During this period, you should take a bath and shower more often than usual, this will help get rid of many negative consequences.

In this case, it is recommended to change the gaskets at least every four hours.

During this process, the girl sweats more. This is due to increased production of hormones in the body. Therefore, washing the problematic part of the body must be of high quality and complete (both front and back), so that harmful microorganisms are not given the opportunity to reproduce.

It is important to understand that on such days a full bath, swimming pool or sauna is prohibited. This leads to unwanted overheating of the body, which leads to blood flow towards the pelvis and more abundant discharge.

In addition, this allows more microbes to enter the body, to the uterus, since during this period it is the most open. This is facilitated by the non-sterility of the liquid.

What product to use when washing or showering should be determined individually; in many ways, the girl’s skin type plays a big role here.

For example, you should understand that any product has a highly alkaline composition and puts a lot of pressure on the skin, adding new tension to the body and preventing relaxation.

If a girl has dry skin, then the more alkali there is in the product, the more irritation of the skin it will lead to. Soap for children

– is also a good option, especially for those who have very sensitive skin. A separate advantage is that it does not contain aromatic additives or harmful elements that can cause irritation or lead to an unpleasant allergic reaction.

How often should you change your underwear?

It is very important to choose the right underwear for yourself. During menstruation, you should give preference to natural fabrics rather than synthetic ones.

In addition, it is worth choosing simple models in which the number of lace and other elements is minimized.

Such preferences will allow the skin to “breathe”, lead to more favorable well-being, and minimize the risks of many complications.

Underwear should be changed at least twice a day. This avoids the formation of harmful microorganisms.

Key ways to protect against leaks: sanitary pads and tampons. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. The ideal solution is to use them alternately.


This solution can be used at any age, after the menstrual cycle begins.

The presence of gynecological diseases is also not a contraindication for use.

The pads have a specific shape suitable for underwear. They have several layers for better absorption of secretions.

The bottom layer is always sticky, so that it is more convenient to place the product on underwear and there are no problems with reliable fastening.

Certain types of pads have increased reliability due to the side “wings”, which provide additional attachment to the underwear.

The top layer of the gasket can be made of both artificial and natural materials. Artificial materials absorb moisture better, but can cause allergic reactions. Natural materials do not cause allergic reactions, but absorb secretions less well.

The level of moisture absorption is indicated on the pad packaging by drops. The more drops, the higher the level. Pads should be selected accordingly, depending on the intensity of the discharge. The higher the intensity, the more absorbent pads you should choose.

The pads are conveniently divided into types: for daytime and nighttime use. Daytime pads are most often not as dense as nighttime pads and are narrower. Night ones are focused on long-term use, without frequent changing of the pad.

Many pads are scented, but you should be careful when choosing them as they can cause an allergic reaction.


They are more comfortable and, unlike pads, are invisible even with the thinnest underwear.

In structure, they are a tube with a draw-type thread. Some tampons have an applicator, which makes it easier to place the product in the vaginal area.

Tampons are divided into mini, normal and super according to their type. The “super” type is the most absorbent and is recommended for use if the discharge is heavy.

If they are not abundant, you should use mini or normal tampons.

Tampons should be changed at approximately the same frequency as pads. If this is not done, then the risk of various diseases is quite high. You shouldn’t let it get to this point, otherwise great treatment difficulties will arise in the future.

Which hygiene products are best?

It is important to understand: if sports activities are carried out in the pool, it is important to change the tampon before visiting the pool and after leaving it. Otherwise, there is a risk of infections. This is due to the fact that harmful microorganisms are able to get through the suction cord directly into the woman’s genitals.

Pads can be used by anyone.

Rare cases of non-use include the presence of an allergic reaction.

There are a few more contraindications to using tampons:

  • do not use during the postpartum period;
  • do not use for infections and inflammatory processes in the vaginal part and parts of the uterus;
  • Do not use for various diseases of the genital organs.

Hygienic rules during the menstrual process are not complicated, but are extremely necessary for a woman’s health.

In addition, following these basic rules greatly helps reduce the discomfort experienced during menstrual periods. The use of pads and tampons will help a woman maintain her usual lifestyle without harm to her health when menstruation occurs.

What best helps with women's diseases?

The downside of most drugs, including those described in this article, is side effects. Often medications greatly harm the body, subsequently causing complications in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

To prevent the side effects of such drugs, we would like to pay attention to special phytotampons BEAUTIFUL LIFE.

They contain natural medicinal herbs - this gives amazing effects of cleansing the body and restoring women's health.

Read more about how this drug has helped other women

We wish you good health!

Menstruation most often begins between 12 and 14 years of age. The body prepares for this physiological phenomenon for several years. During adolescence, the level of some female hormones increases in girls, which is why hair begins to appear on the skin above the pubic symphysis, and sometimes acne is observed. Some girls, during the period of hormonal development, even before the onset of their first menstruation, experience nagging pain in the abdomen, which is characterized by cyclicity.

When a girl’s hormonal levels are established at the proper level, the egg matures. If the egg is not fertilized, menstruation occurs, which is manifested by mucous-bloody discharge from the vagina. The first onset of menstruation may appear as scanty spotting and last 1-2 days.

The formation of a girl’s menstrual cycle takes a period from 6 months to 2 years. At this time, they do not occur cyclically; characteristic discharge may appear after 15 days, and then after 60 days. The duration of discharge in adolescence also varies - in one month menstruation lasts 2 days, in another 7.

At the end of puberty, a girl should normally have periods with constant frequency; more often they appear after 28-30 days and last up to 3-5 days. Otherwise, one can assume a hormonal imbalance in the body, and during sexual activity - the onset of pregnancy. The delay in onset is sometimes caused by other factors - treatment with potent drugs, hypothermia, climate change, etc.

Normally, during menstruation, a woman experiences discomfort in the lower abdomen and lower back. Menstruation, accompanied by sharp pain in the lower abdomen, indicates inflammatory processes in the uterus, appendages or ovaries.

Nature of the discharge

Menstruation normally does not involve heavy discharge. In total, 30-50 ml of blood is lost per day. If there is more discharge, menstruation is considered heavy. Such periods can be triggered by chronic adnexitis, endometritis, fibroids and other pathologies of the reproductive system.

Blood loss per day of more than 150 ml indicates gynecological bleeding. In this case, medical attention is necessary, sometimes surgical treatment is required. Bleeding occurs during acute inflammatory processes in the uterus, with torsion of the fibroid stalk, with ectopic pregnancy, etc.

Menstrual discharge is mucous mixed with blood. Clots in the discharge indicate pathological processes or a high prothrombin index. In case of infectious diseases of the reproductive system, the discharge has an unpleasant odor.

Teenage girls who have just begun to get their first hairs on their labia often ask their older friends about what menstruation looks like. It’s good if they can explain what menstruation is, but often the story about it ends with a story about wild pains in the lower abdomen that tend to stain clothes.

While the girl still does not understand that the time of puberty has come, the role of guide to the menstrual cycle should be taken on by her mother or grandmother. Explain to your child that she should not be alarmed when she finds blood stains on her panties. Tell her that childhood is over and adult life begins, in which there are certain rules of behavior.

Ask your daughter or granddaughter: “What does menstruation look like?” Let her try to explain to you what she feels when hearing this word: irritation, indifference, interest or embarrassment. If by the age of 12-13 a girl has an idea, then further conversations will not make her feel ashamed. It will be better if you clearly demonstrate a tampon, but not a real one, but a knitted one. Invite your child to fill the free space with red threads and tell her that this is what the blood that may appear on her clothes looks like.

If you don’t have threads on hand or you don’t know how to knit, then when talking about what menstruation looks like, photos in a medical journal will come in handy. Give your daughter a pad and ask her to run her palm over its surface. The girl should feel the tenderness of this hygienic means of protection, then she will definitely not think with disgust about the day when she will have to attach it to her panties.

Heavy discharge during menstruation lasts 2-3 days. Be sure to tell your daughter about this so that she doesn’t get scared when she looks into the toilet. Teach her to wash herself using special products and take care of her body during menstruation. Show what painkillers you take, how much, and what you do if they don't work. The girl must understand that only a doctor can help her, and not the advice of inexperienced friends.

The child should not only know what menstruation looks like, but also make a schedule for its appearance. These tables are sold in stores, so it won’t be difficult for you to teach your daughter how to fill them out. If your child is embarrassed to ask the sellers about the product she is interested in, then draw it by hand. At the same time, tell us about the twenty-eight day period and its impermanence. A girl should know that it depends not only on the state of her health, but also on the state of the environment, so the appearance of spotting 21 days after the start of menstruation is rather the norm than a deviation.

The amount of blood that is lost during menstruation is usually between fifty and one hundred milliliters, so along with information about what menstruation looks like, your child should learn that such a small loss is quickly replaced by the body.

Be sure to talk with your daughter about the fact that her sex life may be associated with members of the opposite sex, which is why inexperienced teenagers sometimes end up with unwanted pregnancies. To avoid serious consequences after an abortion, start telling the girl about

The beginning of the menstrual cycle is a fairly important event in the life of any girl. For this reason, many people are concerned about such a pressing topic - what menstruation is and when it starts. Interest in these issues is determined not only by curiosity, but also by the fact that many young representatives of the fair sex want to be mentally prepared for the onset of this event. Of course, talking about this is the task of any mother, nevertheless not all parents can provide the most complete information about how menstruation occurs and what to fear.

Menstruation, why they are needed, features

The beginning of the menstrual cycle often raises a natural question for girls - why are they needed, and how to perceive your body now, what has changed.

In fact, the topic of what menstruation is and when it begins is quite interesting and extraordinary. Menstruation means the beginning of a certain cycle, indicating that the girl’s body is ready for reproductive function. However, the beginning of the cycle does not at all mean that the girl is ready for motherhood. Menstruation is usually begins in girls aged 11 to 15 years and indicate the physiological readiness of the body.

Menstruation is characterized by the release of bloody discharge and small clots from the genital tract. The appearance of clots during the menstrual cycle is the norm, since this is nothing more than the remnants of the endometrial layer that peels off during menstruation.

Note that this layer grows during the monthly cycle, thereby creating certain conditions ideal for implantation of a fertilized egg. If this does not happen, this functional layer separates and comes out along with the blood.

The beginning of menstruation, what they look like, photo

Answering the question of what menstruation is and when it begins, photo, first of all I would like to note that in the first days of menstruation a process occurs that is accompanied by a fairly slow rejection of the endometrium with slight blood loss.

On the second or third day, as a rule, the uterus recovers and by the sixth or seventh day the menstruation process is completely over. Then the cycle begins again, during which the endometrial layer thickens in preparation for fertilization; in the absence of the latter, the cycle ends with the beginning of menstruation.

We pay special attention to the fact that in the presence of a disease such as endometriosis, it is possible to isolate clots of a special type, which are the remnants of functional endometrial tissue.

The onset of menstruation in girls depends on the characteristics of the body, but the standard age range is 11-15 years. However, they can start earlier as well as later. But if menstruation does not begin when you reach the age of sixteen, you should consult a specialist.

Menstruation in girls 12 years old, what to look for

Note that the onset of menstruation is characterized by the fact that a few days before the start, certain symptoms may occur, talking about the imminent arrival of menstruation. This is caused by premenstrual syndrome, which causes some discomfort. Most often this such signs:

  • quite frequent mood swings;
  • the appearance of weakness, apathy to almost everything happening around;
  • increased irritability.

The appearance of blood stains on your underwear can also indicate the onset of your period. Note that even girls 12 years old can have heavy discharge, so you shouldn’t be surprised by this. As a rule, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism.

In addition, critical days are not always accompanied by painful sensations, as many believe. Some teenagers learn about the onset of menstruation only when blood appears, while others are quite bothered by aching pain in the lower abdomen. Often, menstruation, its intensity and pain syndrome are determined by hereditary factors.

Menstruation in girls 14 years old: possible disorders

The intensity and regularity of menstruation in adolescents (menstruation in girls 14 years of age and older) is quite sensitive to the influence of various factors. That is, this is influenced not only by heredity, but also by ecology, family situation, physical and mental stress, lifestyle, nutrition, as well as the presence of diseases, etc.

It should also be taken into account that, as a rule, Teens' periods are often irregular and therefore both the girls themselves and their parents are interested in the question of in what cases they should worry. Exists several reasons for concern, which will be indicated below:

  • no onset of menstruation before age 16;
  • absence of breast development up to 13 years of age;
  • sudden cessation of menstruation for a long period (from 3 months);
  • after the monthly cycle became regular, a failure occurred, after which the cyclicity of menstruation is irregular and sudden;
  • cycle too short or too long;
  • duration of menstruation for more than a week;
  • excessive bleeding, severe pain;
  • the appearance of bleeding between cycles;
  • sudden increase in temperature.

Menstruation in women: basic rules

The menstrual cycle in women occurs differently, as mentioned above, everything depends on the characteristics of the body and hereditary factors. For some, the cycle has virtually no effect on their well-being, while others suffer quite a lot from discomfort and pain.

There are several basic rules that should be followed in order to alleviate the condition and not harm the body. First of all, during menstruation, you should reduce physical activity and be sure to follow the basics of intimate hygiene.

Please note that when carrying out water procedures there are some restrictions when menstruating, these include:

  • ban on visiting bathhouses and saunas.
  • prohibition on visiting and swimming in pools and open bodies of water.
  • prohibition on taking hot baths.

These recommendations are primarily aimed at preventing infection and the occurrence of a disease such as endometriosis. Also, for these reasons, many experts do not recommend sexual activity during menstruation. This is explained by the fact that during menstruation the uterus is slightly open, which in turn makes it easier for various infections to enter its cavity.

Menstruation and their role, video

According to the current definition, the menstrual cycle is the period from one menstruation to the next. That is, a woman has the opportunity to conceive a child every month. This is explained by the fact that monthly cyclical changes occur in the body of women of reproductive age, which are a kind of preparation for pregnancy.

The central event of the cycle, both in its significance and in timing, is the process of ovulation, which involves the maturation of the egg and its release, after which it can be fertilized.

That is, menstruation and their role, a video about which you can watch below, is very important and significant process, without which the prolongation of the human race would not have been possible. And therefore it is very important that women’s health is always in order. This requires a timely visit to a gynecologist and an appropriate examination. This will help you avoid possible problems, as well as plan the desired pregnancy and fully experience all the happiness of motherhood.

Let's sum it up

We hope that the presented material helped our readers answer a question that was of concern to many- What are periods and when do they begin? The main purpose of the menstrual cycle and the periods themselves is to prepare the female body for conceiving a child. For this reason, you should not neglect the recommendations presented. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about treatment with folk remedies.