Hemostatic agents for heavy menstruation. Uterine hemostatic drugs

(synonym: antihemorrhagic drugs, hemostatic drugs) - drugs that help stop bleeding.

They are divided into resorptive and local agents. The hemostatic effect of the resorptive action develops when drugs of this group enter the blood, and the hemostatic effect hemostatic agents local action - in direct contact with bleeding tissues. By influence on the mechanisms of hemostasis among hemostatic agents Both groups distinguish between specific and nonspecific agents.

Hemostatic agents resorptive action. Some drugs obtained from blood and representing purified concentrates of individual (or sums) of blood coagulation factors have specific resorptive effects. These drugs include fibrinogen, prothrombin complex (contains the sum of factors II, VII, IX and X), antihemophilic globulin (contains factor VIII) and factor XIII concentrate. These drugs are effective for bleeding associated with congenital or secondary deficiency of individual coagulation factors. For example, fibrinogen is used for hereditary afibrinogenemia, hypo- and afibrinogenemia due to increased fibrinolysis, secondary fibrinogen deficiency arising from liver diseases, pernicious anemia, myeloid leukemia, etc. Prothrombin complex is used for hemophilia A (see. Hemorrhagic diathesis) and bleeding due to secondary insufficiency of the relevant blood coagulation factors, for example, with an overdose of indirect anticoagulants. Antihemophilic globulin is prescribed mainly for the prevention and control of bleeding in patients with hemophilia. Factor XIII concentrate is effective mainly in hemorrhagic syndrome caused by congenital deficiency of this factor, as well as in hemorrhagic conditions resulting from its secondary deficiency in liver diseases and acute leukemia. Instead of clotting factor concentrates, whole blood, as well as fresh frozen or low-temperature plasma, can be used for these conditions.

As specific hemostatic agents resorptive action is used antifibrinolytic agents, reducing the fibrinolytic activity of the blood. They have a hemostatic effect mainly in bleeding associated with an increase in fibrinolytic activity of the blood, for example, during operations on the prostate gland, lungs, heart, etc., containing fibrinolysis activators, in so-called hyperfibrinolytic bleeding of secondary origin (for example, in cirrhosis of the liver, fat embolism , septic conditions, etc.), as well as for bleeding that occurs during treatment with fibrinolytic agents (fibrinolysin).

Antifibrinolytic drugs obtained from the organs of slaughter cattle (for example, iniprol, contrical, trasylol, etc.) competitively inhibit plasmin and non-competitively inhibit the process of its activation. It is possible that they also have antithromboplastic activity.

Synthetic antifibrinolytics (Ambene, aminocaproic acid), unlike drugs of animal origin, mainly inhibit plasminogen activators (profibrinolysin) and exhibit some antiplasmin activity.

Anticoagulant antagonists are also specific hemostatic agents. To this group hemostatic agents include the heparin antagonist protamine sulfate, sodium citrate antagonists (calcium chloride and calcium gluconate), as well as indirect anticoagulant antagonists vitamin K and its substitutes, for example vikasol and conacion.

A group of nonspecific hemostatic agents resorptive action consists of drugs that do not have a direct effect on the factors of the blood coagulation system; it includes, for example, thromboplastic substances that promote thrombus formation. Preparations representing solutions of pectins, for example hemophobin, have such properties. Hemophobin is effective for hemorrhagic conditions of various origins (allergic and medicinal, uterine bleeding, etc.).

How non-specific hemostatic agents substances that reduce capillary permeability, such as adroxon, are also used for resorptive action. The drug is used along with other methods of treatment for gastrointestinal bleeding that does not require surgical intervention. For massive bleeding, adroxon is not effective. It can be used topically for capillary bleeding from parenchymal organs during surgical operations. Unlike adrenaline, adroxon does not stimulate adrenergic receptors and is not toxic. Serotonin also increases the stability of capillaries and is used for thrombocytopenic purpura, thrombasthenia, hemorrhagic vasculitis, and hemorrhagic syndrome after treatment with cytostatics. Drugs with b-vitamin activity - rutin, etc. - have a similar effect. However, the effectiveness of all these drugs in hemorrhagic conditions is very low.

A nonspecific resorptive agent is also etamsylate (dicinone), a synthetic drug that increases platelet adhesiveness and capillary resistance. Etamsylate has antihyaluronidase activity, which helps stabilize the main substance of the capillary wall. The hemostatic effect of ethamsylate is also partly due to the activation of thromboplastin formation. In this case, the prothrombin time does not change and thrombus formation is not provoked. Etamsylate is used for capillary bleeding of various origins. in particular in the treatment of diabetic microangiopathies, metrorrhagia, which are not subject to surgical treatment. In case of overdose of anticoagulants, as well as in case of massive hyperfibrinolytic bleeding, etamsylate is not effective.

For thrombocytopenic bleeding, glucocorticoids, whole blood and platelet transfusions are effective.

For uterine bleeding as nonspecific hemostatic agents use hormonal drugs with gestagenic and estrogenic activity, androgenic hormones, as well as uterine products(ergot preparations, cotarnine, etc.).

Antidiuretic hormone is effective in cases of moderate bleeding in hemophilia and von Willebrand disease, because. it increases the level of factor VIII, stimulating its release from the vascular endothelium.

As nonspecific hemostatic agents for resorptive action, preparations of lagochilus intoxicant, nettle, yarrow, water pepper and some others are sometimes used medicinal plants. However, information about the hemostatic properties of these drugs is based, as a rule, on insufficient assessment of their effectiveness and uncontrolled by modern methods.

Hemostatic agents local action by analogy with resorptive hemostatic agents divided into specific and nonspecific.

Specific K. with local action include some substances that are components of the coagulation system and have a direct effect on the process of thrombus formation (for example, thrombin, thromboplastin), as well as combined drugs (for example, a hemostatic sponge), which include thrombin and thromboplastin.

Nonspecific hemostatic agents local action promotes thrombus formation, because are mechanical matrices on which fibrin is deposited. To this kind hemostatic agents refers to oxycelodex. Locally acting hemostatic agents used to stop capillary and parenchymal bleeding.

Clinical and pharmacological characteristics of the main K. s. is given in the table .

Clinical and pharmacological characteristics of the main hemostatic agents

Names of drugs and their main synonyms

Basic pharmacological properties

Indications for use for bleeding

Doses and methods of administration

Side effects and complications

Contraindications, precautions

Release forms and storage conditions

Hemostatic agents resorptive action



Amino-caproic acid, Acidum aminocapronicum

Cm. Antifibrinolytic agents

Vikasol, Vikasolum

A synthetic, water-soluble analogue of vitamin K. Effective for bleeding due to a decrease in prothrombin levels in the blood. The action of Vikasol develops after 12-18 h after administration

Bleeding with obstructive jaundice, acute hepatitis; parenchymal and capillary bleeding during wounds and surgeries, radiation sickness, thrombocytopenia. The drug is prescribed prophylactically in the last month of pregnancy (to prevent bleeding in newborns); in the presence of hemorrhagic phenomena in premature infants; in preparation for surgical operations and in the postoperative period if there is a risk of bleeding

Orally in a daily dose of 0.015-0.03 G; intramuscularly at a dose of 0.01-0.015 G.

Children under 1 year of age are prescribed 0.002-0.005 G, up to 2 years 0.006 G, 3-4 years 0.008 G, 5-9 years 0.01 G, 10-14 years 0.015 G. For newborns, the drug is administered orally in doses of no more than 0.004 G. Prescribed in courses of 3-4 days with 4-day breaks. G Higher doses for adults intramuscularly: single - 0.015 G, daily - 0.03 G; orally: one-time - 0.03 G

Hemolytic crises in newborns and persons with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

Increased blood clotting, thromboembolism

Powder; tablets 0.015 G; ampoules 1 ml 1% solution. Store in a well-closed container, protected from light, tablets and ampoules - in a place protected from light

Protamine sulfate, Protamini sulfas

A drug of protein origin, from fish sperm (mainly salmon sperm). Forms strong complexes with heparin and is used as a specific antidote for an overdose of this anticoagulant. 1 mg protamine sulfate neutralizes approximately 85 units of heparin

Used to neutralize the effect of exogenous heparin (for example, in case of overdose, after operations using extracorporeal circulation and the use of heparin)

Administered intravenously under blood clotting control. The jet is injected slowly (within 2 min 1 ml 1% solution). If the administration is carried out no later than 15 min after the administration of heparin, then to neutralize 100 units of heparin, 0.1-0.12 is required ml 1% protamine sulfate solution. For long intervals between administrations, the dose can be reduced. According to indications, administration is repeated at intervals of 15-30 min. The total dose of the drug is usually up to 5 ml 1% solution. During extracorporeal circulation, the drug is administered dropwise in higher doses.

Allergic reactions (urticaria). Falling blood pressure, bradycardia, shortness of breath, fever, paradoxical increase in bleeding

Severe hypertension, thrombocytopenia, adrenal insufficiency

Bottles of 5 ml 1% solution and ampoules of 2 and 5 ml 1% solution. Storage at not lower than 4°. Freezing is not allowed


Sterile, pyrogen-free preparation from donor blood plasma. Under the influence of thrombin, it turns into fibrin and thereby promotes thrombus formation

Bleeding with congenital afibrinogenemia, with hypo- or afibrinogenemia due to hyperfibrinolysis or consumption coagulopathy (for example, with premature placental abruption, amniotic fluid embolism), as well as bleeding due to secondary hypofibrinogenemia that occurs in certain diseases (for example, with pernicious anemia, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome , myeloid leukemia, hypoplastic anemia, metastatic pancreatic or prostate cancer, burns, post-transfusion complications)

Solutions of the drug are prepared immediately before administration using water for injection, heated to 25-35° and administered intravenously (drip) through a system with a filter in doses of 0.8 G up to 8 G. The average dose is usually 2-4 G

Possible allergic reactions

Prethrombotic conditions, thrombosis, increased blood clotting, myocardial infarction

Bottles with a capacity of 250-500 ml, containing respectively 1-2 G fibrinogen. The bottles come with an infusion system with a filter. Storage at from 2 to 10° in a dry, dark place

Etamsylatum, Etamsylatum; synonym: aglumine, dicinone, etc.

Nonspecific hemostatic agent. Reduces bleeding time, reduces capillary permeability, stimulates platelet activity. The hemostatic effect after intravenous administration develops after 5-15 min and reaches a maximum after 1-2 h. Effect duration up to 6 h. When taking the drug orally, the maximum effect occurs after 3 h

Prevention of capillary bleeding in otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, dentistry, urology, as well as pulmonary, intestinal, uterine bleeding and hemorrhagic diathesis

For prophylactic purposes, administered intravenously or intramuscularly in 1 h before surgery 2-4 ml 12.5% ​​solution or give orally 2-3 tablets of 0.25 G for 3 h before surgery. If necessary, 2-4 doses are administered intravenously during surgery. ml 12.5% ​​solution; ml if there is a risk of postoperative bleeding - 4-6 G

12.5% ​​solution per day or given orally in the form of tablets in a daily dose of 1.5-2

No data

Do not mix with other medications in the same syringe ml Ampoules 2 each G

Hemostatic agents 12.5% ​​solution and 0.25 tablets

local action

Thrombin, Thrombinum

The drug is made from donor blood plasma. It is a natural component of the blood coagulation system and promotes the transition of fibrinogen to fibrin. The activity of the drug is expressed in activity units (EA). In the presence of alkalis, acids, heavy metal salts, the drug is inactivated

Apply topically, dissolving before use in a sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution at room temperature. Sterile gauze wipes or a hemostatic sponge are impregnated with solutions of the drug, which are applied to the bleeding surface. The gauze swab is removed immediately after the bleeding has stopped, if the wound is closed tightly, or during the next dressing, if the wound is treated openly. A hemostatic sponge soaked in thrombin solutions can be left in the wound (it dissolves)

Possible allergic reactions, widespread thrombosis when entering blood vessels

The drug is contraindicated for bleeding from large vessels. Avoid getting the drug into the lumen of large vessels (to avoid thrombosis)

Bottles and ampoules with a capacity of 10 ml, containing at least 125 EA. The amount of the drug and its activity are indicated on ampoules and bottles

There are times when the blood flows without stopping. Sometimes neither cotton wool nor bandages can help. Such situations happen anywhere and for various reasons. The main task of a person is to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. To do this, you should use special pharmaceutical preparations. But some hemostatic tablets can only be used with the permission of a doctor.

Review of hemostatic tablets

Hemostatic agents are designed to stop the flow of blood. The tablets are taken orally. For external use, other forms of production are used - powders, ointments, hemostatic sponges. Blood coagulation is a complex scheme of combination of plasma and platelet processes. The main cause of bleeding is usually one of the following factors:

  • insufficient platelet count;
  • excessively active action of one of the components of the coagulation system;
  • taking anticoagulants, disruption of the fibrinolysis system.

Attention! Drugs have different effects on different parts of the chain.

Some medications normalize platelet levels, while other variations of hemostatic agents promote the synthesis of prothrombin. The third group may affect the fibrinolytic system. In this regard, not a single drug fits the category of universal ones. To eliminate various causes of bleeding, a special medicinal composition is required.

It is worth noting that the tablets are not able to stop bleeding from a vein or artery. In addition, the drugs are effective only in the treatment of chronic pathologies that lead to bleeding:

  • liver diseases;
  • radiation sickness;
  • leukemia;
  • coagulopathy.

Also, the tablets can resist periodic uterine or ulcerative bleeding, if impaired hemostasis does not threaten a large loss of blood to the body. Special drugs to eliminate bleeding are prescribed only after the cause of the process has been determined. If the tablets are used uncontrollably and not as directed, the patient runs the risk of blood clots forming in the bloodstream.

Some medications are quite effective in emergency situations. However, in most situations it is not recommended to use them for more than 3-5 days. Some tablets do not bring results as quickly as we would like. However, they have an advantage over others - they help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and also have virtually no contraindications for use. This group of hemostatic medications can be used for a long period, more often in combination with other medications (to prevent the development of bleeding).

Important! Patients can be prescribed hemostatic tablets by surgeons, gynecologists, gastroenterologists, and hematologists. Preference is given to the drug that can have an optimal effect on the mechanism that served as the impetus for prolonged bleeding.

A list and brief overview of hemostatic drugs that are popular among medical professionals and can be prescribed to most patients is presented below:

  1. Vikasol belongs to a series of first-generation drugs. It is considered a synthetic analogue of water-soluble vitamin K. The main active element is sodium bisulfite menadione. The medicine is directly involved in the synthesis of prothrombin and regulates blood clotting. The drug is effective if bleeding occurs due to insufficient vitamin K in the body. If a drug in this group does not have a significant effect on reducing blood loss, a different drug should be considered.
  2. Dicynone. The active component etamsylate prevents the breakdown of mucopolysaccharides in blood vessels, due to this, the permeability of the walls returns to normal. The drug helps stop bleeding and the formation of a primary blood clot. The last action is the beginning of the formation of blood vessel protection. Dicinon should not be used by people who have a tendency to form blood clots, as well as in case of blood loss due to taking anticoagulants.
  3. Tranexam. The main substance is tranexamic acid. Instructions for use indicate that the active component has an antifibrinolytic effect. In addition to the main property, it has many others: it reduces allergic inflammation and swelling in hereditary angioedema. This medicine should not be taken by patients with renal failure, thrombosis, or subarachnoid bleeding.
  4. Ascorutin is a combined composition of the vitamin group. Active components are ascorbic acid and vitamin P. Helps restore tissue elasticity and strengthen vascular walls. Helps support the human body's immune system. It is considered quite effective against bleeding. In addition to the above, it has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Reduces the radiation effect on the body's cells, minimizes the negative impact of oxidized molecules.
  5. Aminocaproic acid is an antihemorrhagic drug. It has specific properties that help reduce the permeability of capillary walls. Strengthens the antitoxic function of the liver. Stops bleeding caused by activation of fibrinolysis. The main advantages of the product are complemented by anti-shock and anti-allergic effects. It is forbidden to take it by persons with prerequisites for the occurrence of blood clots and in the presence of gross hematuria, with diseases of the cardiovascular system, with diagnosed kidney diseases and hematopoietic disorders.
  6. Phlebodia. Increases the elasticity and extensibility of the walls of blood vessels. Prevents venous stagnation. Reduces vascular permeability. Participates in inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxane. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribed as a remedy for impaired microcirculation and hemorrhoids. Helps eliminate the symptoms of lymphovenous insufficiency. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Each drug is manufactured in the form of round, film-coated tablets for oral administration. Some of the items are additionally produced in solutions (ampoules) for oral administration by injection. The name of the tablets is similar to the names of the liquid formulations.

Sometimes hemostatic medications are prescribed together. It would seem that they are similar in properties, they are prescribed in a complex. For what? Dicynon and Tranexam, together they should be used in emergency situations when it is urgent to stop bleeding. In this case, Tranexam minimizes blood loss, and Dicinon will not allow blood clots to form. They take a complex of hemostatic drugs according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Know! In quite rare situations, a medical specialist may prescribe Dicinon and Vikasol at the same time. Dicynon has a rapid effect, Vikasol has a delayed but systemic effect. Such appointments happen very rarely. Typically, anticoagulants in combination are recommended for patients with severe hemorrhagic syndrome.

Comparison of drugs and analogues

Tranexam, as well as Vikasol, is popular and is considered an effective drug. It is prescribed for postoperative bleeding, as well as in the event of an increase in their profuseness or an increase in the level of fibrinolysin.

However, a buyer at a pharmacy may have a natural question: Tranexam or Vikasol, which is better? Tranexam differs from Vikasol in action and indications for use. When using the first drug, effectiveness is achieved faster than when using a similar medication. Vikasol has a stimulating effect on liver cells, so the production of prothrombin increases. Thanks to this, blood clotting improves. Adverse reactions from the body, as well as existing contraindications for medications, are similar.

Dicinone also has an effect similar to Vikasol. This medicine has become widespread in medical practice. However, the patient can clarify what is more effective - Dicynon or Vikasol? The main advantage of Dicinon is that the targeted effect is achieved in a short period of time. It is used in almost all areas of medicine:

  • in gynecology (with heavy periods, with fibroids);
  • in therapy (for nosebleeds, for cuts);
  • in dental clinics;
  • in surgical practice;
  • in the traumatology department.

The drug helps reduce the duration and severity of bleeding and reduces pain.

Which is better: Vikasol or Etamzilat? Both drugs are considered hemostatic agents. In most cases, the latter is recommended for capillary bleeding that was caused by injury.

Attention! Etamzilat is suitable for stopping bleeding after surgical procedures, as well as during dental operations. Vikasol is usually recommended for use in gynecology and obstetrics in case of Warfarin overdose.

If everything is so good, then the next question arises: Dicynon and Vikasol, what is the difference? The difference is that the result from the administration of Dicynon is achieved within 1.5–2 hours, and after oral administration – after 3–4 hours. In addition, Dicynon has virtually no side effects. The following may occur from taking Vikasol:

  • hypervitaminosis;
  • an increase in the amount of bilirubin in the blood;
  • disruption of the digestive system.

Tranexam and Dicinon - their difference lies in the many side effects, as well as a whole list of contraindications. For example, Tranexam cannot be used to treat those patients who have bleeding in the brain, heart attacks and thrombosis in various systems of the body. It is also unacceptable to use the drug Tranexam if the patient’s color perception is impaired. It is worth noting that Tranexam is a medication that is dispensed only upon presentation of a prescription from a doctor. Vikasol and Dicynon are sold freely in retail (without prescriptions).

Important! The price of Vikasol tablets varies in different pharmacies at the level of 15–40 rubles. for one package. These are the most inexpensive tablets among hemostatics.

Tranexam tablets are not cheap. Depending on the concentration of the active substance, the drug costs from 250 to 1000 rubles. per package. Dicynon is sold for 45–120 rubles. for 10 tablets and 300–550 rubles. for 100 pieces.

Application in medicine

Hemostatic agents are prescribed, first of all, based on the general clinical picture, and also depending on the cause of hemorrhage:

  1. For heavy periods, the best medications are Ascorutin, Dicynon, as well as any other medications based on tranexamic or aminocaproic acid.
  2. For uterine bleeding, they may prescribe medications that are completely different in their properties. Before prescribing medications, it is recommended to clarify what caused this pathology. For example, Oxytocin injections are used during childbirth, Vikasol and Dicynon can help with menopause, in other cases Tranexam may be suitable.
  3. For hemorrhoids, Vikasol, Etamzilat and Dicinone will stop bleeding.
  4. During pregnancy, bleeding can begin due to the death of the fetus, polyp, spontaneous abortion, or after sexual intercourse. Not all medications are allowed. Usually, on the recommendation of a local gynecologist, they start taking Dicinon.

For heavy periods, Etamzilat and Dicynon tablets are the first aid. But you cannot take them before consulting a gynecologist. First, the doctor refers you for diagnostics. The examinations will help to exclude ovarian dysfunction, endometriosis, fibroids and other dangerous pathologies.

At home

The home medicine cabinet should contain different types of hemostatic drugs for all occasions. So, as a result of an injury at home, wounds should be treated with hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to use any means that have an antiseptic effect. If the cut is shallow, you can treat it with iodine or brilliant green.

Know! When blood pressure rises, nosebleeds may occur. In such situations, you need to use vasoconstrictor drops: Naphthyzin, Dlyanos, Xylene, Otrivin, Sanorin.

If a person has received severe damage, his skin is damaged, local hemostatic agents are suitable:

  • Tachocomb;
  • Hemostatic collagen sponge;
  • Zhelplastan;
  • Thrombocol.

Tablet forms are ineffective in this situation, since their effect unfolds after a few hours. Injections stop bleeding faster, but not all people have the necessary skills. After using local hemostatic agents, it is necessary to contact a medical institution as soon as possible, where a diagnostic examination will be carried out, internal injuries will be excluded and a treatment regimen will be prescribed.


Each drug must be accompanied by instructions. You need to familiarize yourself with it before use. After all, strong hemostatic agents, like a number of other drugs, can have a lot of contraindications. If you ignore the recommendations, the already poor condition of the body can greatly worsen. In some cases, the use of drugs, if used despite contraindications, can lead to disastrous consequences.

Contraindications for use among the most popular means are considered:

  1. Vikasol. Due to the strong impact, it is prohibited to use the composition if there is pathologically high blood clotting or a predisposition to blood clots.
  2. Ascorutin. It is not recommended to use it if you have kidney pathologies, or if there is a risk of thrombosis.
  3. Erythrostat. It is forbidden to take in case of hypertension, during early and late pregnancy, during breastfeeding.
  4. Dicynone. Do not allow use in patients with thromboembolism.
  5. Tranexam. Before prescribing, cerebral hemorrhages and cardiac pathologies are excluded.

Attention! Sometimes, mainly for uterine bleeding, pregnant women are still prescribed hemostatic drugs. As you can see, not all of them have pregnancy on the list of contraindications. Which drug to prescribe in the first, second trimester or before childbirth is the doctor’s task.

It is believed that Vikasol, Ascorutin, Dicynon and Tranexam do not affect the fetus. But still, doctors must prevent the occurrence of other dangerous conditions in the pregnant woman, and only then prescribe this or that medicine.

In therapy, one constantly has to deal with local bleeding - external or internal. Bleeding occurs due to a mechanical violation of the integrity (tightness) of blood vessels or a violation of the blood clotting mechanism. Bleeding can often occur during operations; in this case, intravenous laser blood purification is also used.

Causes of bleeding

The functioning of blood in the body is ensured by three interconnected systems:

  1. coagulation;
  2. anticoagulant;
  3. fibrinolysis.

The coordinated work of these body systems ensures constant maintenance of blood flow in a liquid state. When the tightness of the bloodstream is damaged, a complex process of blood clotting occurs. As a result of the failure of this process, bleeding occurs. It is at this moment that a person needs hemostatic drugs - injections/droppers.

Hemostatic drugs are selected depending on the intensity of the bleeding and its source. The causes of bleeding may be:

  • tissue injury;
  • infectious processes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • attack of hypertension;
  • labor activity;
  • thinning of the walls of the body's blood vessels;
  • food/drug/chemical poisoning;
  • genetic bleeding disorder;
  • surgical intervention.

Important! Excessive blood loss leads to death.

Hemostasis methods

How to stop bleeding? Hemostatic measures will include several options:

  1. mechanical influences;
  2. herbal methods;
  3. laser cauterization;
  4. medicinal influence.

Mechanical impacts include:

  • local cooling;
  • tamponade with hydrogen peroxide;
  • pressure bandage;
  • application of a tourniquet;
  • finger pressure;
  • limb flexion;
  • vessel ligation (surgical);
  • cauterization using medical equipment.

In addition to mechanical methods of stopping bleeding, hemostatic droppers are used:

  • Vikasol;
  • Medical gelatin;
  • Fibrinogen;
  • Trasylol;
  • Protamine sulfate;
  • Hemophobin;
  • Etamsylate (dicinone).

Herbal hemostatic agents are:

  • Tincture of Lagochilus (harelip) intoxicating;
  • Nettle leaf extract liquid;
  • Yarrow herb extract liquid;
  • Water pepper extract liquid;
  • Red pepper powder.

These herbal hemostatic agents have moderate properties and have a mild stimulating effect on blood clotting. They are usually used for light bleeding.

Preparations from human/animal blood plasma also have a hemostatic effect:

  1. Hemostatic sponge;
  2. Fibrin film;
  3. Thrombin.

Plasma preparations are used for local use - bleeding from the nose, ear, gums, mucous membranes. These drugs are produced in the form of solutions, films or sponges. Use strictly according to instructions!

Important! Blood plasma preparations cannot be administered intravenously/intramuscularly. This is dangerous for the body (see instructions for medications).

Hemostatic herbal infusions

Folk hemostatic agents have been used for centuries. List of medicinal herbs and their purposes:

  1. Horsetail is used to heal open wounds and hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  2. Nettle is used for gynecology, nosebleeds, urology (fresh juice/infusion).
  3. Fresh plantain juice stops external bleeding; for internal diseases of the body, a decoction/infusion is used.
  4. Peppermint decoction is good for hemorrhoids.
  5. Chamomile decoction is used for rinsing for gum diseases and female douching.
  6. Raw/boiled cranberries are used for stomach/intestinal bleeding, gynecological diseases and hemoptysis.
  7. Bear ears are used for urological ailments.
  8. A decoction/infusion of yarrow helps with internal bleeding.

Important! The use of traditional recipes is always discussed with the therapist in advance. Herbal infusions can be used as an addition to the main drug regimen. Ignoring this provision may lead to unpredictable results.

Drugs to stop bleeding in humans

Normally, our body copes with various types of bleeding quite easily, thanks to the ability of blood to clot. However, in some cases, this function may be impaired or it may simply not be enough. Accordingly, the use of different medications may be required to stop bleeding. Such medications are called hemostatic, some of them are used exclusively by doctors, while others are quite suitable for independent use. What drugs exist to stop bleeding? Let's try to understand their diversity in a little more detail.


This medication is essentially a synthetic water-soluble analogue of vitamin K. Its use is advisable for the correction of bleeding caused by a reduced amount of prothrombin in the blood due to a lack of vitamin K. Vikasol is usually used for hepatitis and cirrhosis, as well as for obstructive jaundice, the so-called renal-hepatic syndrome and in the event of an overdose of indirect anticoagulants. In addition, such a remedy can help a little with ulcerative, as well as uterine (juvenile or menopausal) bleeding.

The drug can be purchased in the form of tablets or a solution for intramuscular administration. It should not be used for excessive coagulability, thrombophlebitis and acute infarction.

Epsilon-aminocaproic acid

This substance has a strong hemostatic effect, both general and local, due to its ability to inhibit the activity of the fibrinolytic system. The use of such a drug is advisable for the correction of bleeding from the nose, gums, intestines, stomach, kidneys, and also uterine types of various etiologies.
It can even be used for Wergolf's disease, hemophilia or applastic anemia. The medicine should be consumed three to five grams three to four times a day, or administered intravenously. To stop local bleeding, powder is sprinkled heavily on the mucous membranes.
Epsilon-aminocaproic acid cannot be used for thrombosis and acute liver failure.


This medicine is a human blood product, namely, the first blood coagulation factor, it is used in the correction of afibrinogenemic bleeding, administered intravenously. In most cases, Fibrinogen is combined with epsilon-aminocaproic acid. This medication cannot be used for thrombophlebitis or acute myocardial infarction.


This remedy is a preparation obtained from the parotid glands of cattle. It effectively inhibits the processes of intravascular microcoagulation and also breaks down trypsin. This medication is prescribed for bleeding that occurs against the background of extensive tissue trauma, as well as after a septic abortion or against the background of acute leukemia and other conditions. Trasylol is administered by drip in the inpatient department. Doctors can also prescribe it for acute or chronic forms of pancreatitis, or for mumps. It is worth considering that this drug can cause severe allergies or phlebitis at the injection site.


This medication consists of a solution of pectins, and has a weak hemostatic effect. It can be used to eliminate hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding, etc. Usually the drug is taken orally or administered intramuscularly. In addition, Hemophobin can also be used topically, for example, after tooth extraction.


This medication helps cope with capillary bleeding after minor injuries. Tampons are moistened with its solution; in addition, the product can be administered intramuscularly, for example, before and during surgical interventions, and at the postoperative stage. Adroxon also helps to cope with gastrointestinal bleeding.


This medication is able to optimize platelet activity and reduce capillary permeability. It is usually used to prevent and eliminate capillary-type bleeding that develops during tonsillectomy and tooth extraction. In addition, Etamzilat can help eliminate pulmonary or intestinal bleeding. The drug is taken orally, two to three tablets, or administered intramuscularly.

Herbal medications to stop bleeding

To eliminate bleeding, herbal medicines can be used, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. So, for minor recurrent nasal, hemorrhoidal, and uterine bleeding, you can use tincture of Lagochilus intoxicating. It should be consumed one teaspoon three or four times a day, dissolving the product in a quarter glass of water.

To eliminate moderate uterine, kidney or intestinal bleeding, nettle leaf extract (liquid) can also be used. This remedy should be consumed twenty-five to thirty drops three times a day, about half an hour before meals.

To stop local bleeding, it is most often recommended to use a hemostatic sponge, Thrombin, Fibrin film and Red pepper powder.

To select the most optimal remedy, you should consult a doctor.