Round or anatomical breast implants. How to make the right choice? Features of breast correction with anatomical implants Anatomical breast shape

Since the mid-twentieth century, breast implants have become widely used in the world of plastic surgery. Currently, mammoplasty is the most common of all plastic surgeries.

Breast augmentation with drop-shaped implants makes it possible to obtain good results with minimal risks of complications after mammoplasty.

Breast augmentation with drop-shaped implants is recommended for patients with a long chest Moreover, the anatomical shape looks more natural, although the cost of such an implant is higher.

The teardrop shape of breast implants improves the contours of the breasts, eliminating indentations and the effect of sagging.

The advantage of teardrop-shaped implants is:

  • teardrop-shaped implants have a natural shape: the widest possible lower part allows you to create a beautiful roundness, while the upper part after correction is only slightly raised, which allows you to correct breasts that sag after breastfeeding;
  • teardrop-shaped implants hold their shape better when the position of the body changes, it also depends on the density of the shell and filler;
  • no problems leading to the inability to breastfeed, since the implants are inserted deeply and do not interfere with the lactation process;
  • breast augmentation with teardrop implants allows you to hide the fact of breast correction due to the exact correspondence to the natural shape of the mammary gland.

Which teardrop implants to choose

For breast augmentation, implants of two shapes are used: round or teardrop-shaped, they are also called anatomical.

Interesting fact!
The first implants were round in shape and filled with a saline solution.

The filler of modern implants is not only saline solution; often preference is given to silicone gel, which is a transparent viscous substance, or hydrogel filler. There are implants with mixed fillers, but they are rare.

The surfaces of the implant also differ: smooth or textured. The second is preferable for the body, as it is better accepted by internal tissues and reduces the likelihood of developing fibrosis.

Important to remember! The choice of modern implants is quite diverse. However, when determining the most suitable implant model, a qualified doctor first of all takes into account the patient’s body shape and chest size in order to achieve maximum naturalness during breast correction.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce high-quality breast implants that are resistant to damage due to natural wear and tear.

The final result of plastic surgery largely depends on the chosen implant. Due to the high demand, there are many companies involved in the production of breast implants. Some have already proven themselves well in this area as the most reliable manufacturers.

The leading manufacturers of breast implants include the following:

  1. Polytech Health & Aesthetics GmbH - a German company that provides free insurance throughout its entire service life. Implants from Polytech minimize the risk of colloid tissue in the area of ​​the endoprosthesis. Prices for Polytech implants range from $1,400 to $1,600.
  2. Nagor- a company that produces implants with a special multilayer shell that can be well implanted into human tissue and minimize the risk of displacement of the endoprosthesis.
  3. Arion- a French company that has been producing implants for more than 40 years provides a lifetime guarantee. Average cost 100 thousand rubles
  4. Mentor- a company that produces drop-shaped implants with the most precise curves, which distinguishes them from all other endoprostheses of this type and the breasts look most natural.
  5. McGhan Company produces implants that have a unique textured surface, which minimizes the risk of fibrosis.
  6. Eurosillicon- a company that uses the latest technologies in the production of implants, provides an endless shelf life of its products at reasonable prices - 120 thousand rubles.

Indications and contraindications

Breast augmentation is primarily a surgical operation., which has a number of indications for use, as well as contraindications that must be taken into account before making a final decision.

Before breast augmentation, you should make an informed decision, since in some cases the doctor may refuse surgery.

Indications for plastic surgery are:

  • the ability to correct physical defects (for example, in case of violation of symmetry or after breast removal);
  • minimizing spinal problems caused by large breast volume;
  • correction of saggy breasts due to breastfeeding;
  • to increase self-esteem in case a woman is dissatisfied with her appearance and eliminate the complexes associated with this.

There are many more contraindications to breast surgery, and you should carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision.

The main contraindications include the following:

  • It is not recommended to do mammoplasty for girls under 18 years of age, due to the fact that the formation of the mammary glands has not yet been completed;
  • the operation is contraindicated for persons with severe chronic diseases;
  • you should not resort to plastic surgery during infectious diseases;
  • Surgery cannot be performed during pregnancy and lactation;
  • strictly contraindicated for patients suffering from bleeding disorders;
  • in the presence of cancer;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • in case of hormonal disorders;
  • for psychological disorders.

List of necessary tests

Carrying out any operation requires the patient to undergo a number of tests, the purpose of which is to detect contraindications and risks of complications during or after surgery.

Be careful!
Each test has its own specific validity period during which it is valid, so the test should be carried out at the time strictly prescribed by the surgeon.

Tests required for breast augmentation surgery with teardrop-shaped or round implants: Expiration date of tests required for surgery
Clinical blood test
General urine analysis
Blood clotting test
Determination of Rh factor
Blood group determination
Biochemical analysis
HIV test
Test for sexually transmitted diseases
Testing for hepatitis C, B
Consultation with a therapist

Preoperative and surgical periods

Before surgery, you should follow a number of recommendations to prepare the body for surgery and simplify the rehabilitation period.

  • in several days Before the upcoming operation, you need to have a good rest, avoid physical and emotional stress;
  • need to give up alcohol because alcohol is not compatible with anesthesia medications;
  • it is recommended to refrain from smoking two weeks before surgery, as nicotine impairs healing;
  • you should not lose weight after surgery, since weight loss adversely affects the appearance of the breasts and increases the risk of the need for corrective surgery. It is better to adjust your weight before mammoplasty.

After the operation, the patient spends a day under the supervision of medical staff in the hospital.

During consultations with a doctor, you should describe your well-being in detail and not hide anything, so that the specialist can objectively assess the result of the operation.

During the postoperative period, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • pain arising in the area of ​​the operated area- This is a normal phenomenon, so painkillers must be prescribed;
  • immediately upon completion of the operation compression garments are put on, which are necessary to prevent displacement of the implants, as well as to reduce postoperative swelling;
  • postoperative sutures should be wiped with an antiseptic to reduce the risk of wound suppuration;
  • in case of inflammatory processes or if you feel discomfort caused by the implant, it should be removed immediately. Repeated surgery, if desired, is possible no earlier than after 2-3 months;
  • if the inflammation is superficial, then it is regarded as a side effect and is treated locally;
  • after operation The patient often experiences an increase in temperature, a feeling of nausea, weakness - all this is a normal reaction to a foreign body.

Features and stages of breast augmentation surgery

Breast augmentation with both teardrop-shaped and round implants allows you to get a “new” breast, while the size and shape depend on the chosen endoprosthesis.

Methods of implantation differ in the incision line and its location:

  • axillary or axillary method- an incision is made in the armpit, which avoids visible scars in the chest area, and the implant is inserted under the pectoralis major muscle;
  • periareolar method- an incision passes along the lower part of the areola and endoprostheses are inserted under the mammary gland or into the pectoral muscle. The scars after such an operation are almost invisible, but it is not recommended for women who plan to have a child and breastfeed in the future, since with such an incision it is impossible to avoid even minor injuries to the mammary gland;
  • submammary method- the incision is made directly under the breast. After this operation, scars remain, which can be hidden by the fold under the mammary gland. Not recommended for young patients.

Before breast augmentation surgery using implants, the surgeon examines the condition of the breast, takes the necessary measurements, and then decides on the shape of the incision. This requires agreement with the patient.

General anesthesia is always used during surgery. An incision is made in the intended location, creating a pocket for inserting endoprostheses. Once the bleeding has stopped, the surgeon inserts the implants.

The skin is sutured with special absorbable threads. The operation lasts a maximum of 3 hours. A bandage is applied to the site where it is performed and a special bandage is put on, which is necessary to reduce swelling and maintain the resulting shape.

Rehabilitation period after surgery

To reduce the rehabilitation period, you need to take into account some expert advice so that the body recovers faster and the effect of the achieved result can last for a longer period of time.

  • After surgery, hand movements should be limited and do not raise them above shoulder level, as there is a risk of tissue injury and blood accumulation;
  • in two weeks you should sleep on your back;
  • within 21 days after the lift or breast enlargement using drop-shaped implants, you should not do any household chores and try to avoid stressful situations;
  • you should reduce the amount of fluid consumed to reduce the development of edema;
  • compression garments should be worn at all times at least a month after surgery. Then - only in the daytime or during exercise;
  • necessary completely eliminate alcohol consumption and smoking;
  • refrain from eating spicy foods;
  • warm shower allowed to be taken on the fifth day after surgery;
  • necessary after shower disinfect seams a cotton swab soaked in alcohol;
  • exercise resolved after 2 months.

Compression garments securely hold the breast in place, preventing the implant from moving until it is completely implanted into the tissue.

The patient must follow the prescribed schedule for visiting the doctor for a routine examination.

Rare complications. Implant rupture

According to statistics, only in 1-2% of cases after mammoplasty can a number of negative consequences occur, which include the following:

  • development of fibrosis;
  • suppuration - the body’s reaction to a foreign body;
  • loss of sensation caused by damage to nerve endings during surgery;
  • the likelihood of displacement or rupture of implants.

This is mainly due to doctor errors, non-compliance with postoperative recommendations or injuries.

Before the implant is implanted into the tissue, it is subject to displacement, which is controlled by wearing compression garments, as well as limiting stress on the body and correct posture during sleep.

If the endoprosthesis is displaced, there is a threat of loss of the desired shape and, if the displacement occurs asymmetrically, there is a need for a repeat operation.

The cause of implant rupture is wear and tear on the walls due to respiratory movements in the chest. Therefore, previously it was necessary to replace implants every 5 years. Modern high-quality endoprostheses practically eliminate self-rupture of the implant.

After breast augmentation, if the implant (drop-shaped or round) ruptures due to mechanical impact or trauma to the breast, it should be replaced or removed.

What is important to know before breast augmentation surgery

Before making a final decision in favor of mammoplasty, you should know and take into account a number of conditions and factors.

If the desire is just a passing whim or a tribute to fashion and is not associated with a real problem, there is a possibility that the operation will be refused.

If the problem is minor, it can be easily solved with physical exercise and appropriate clothing.

8 main life questions related to breast augmentation that interest women who have decided to take this step

Is it possible to have surgery before giving birth?

It is up to the woman herself to decide whether to have surgery before or after childbirth. However, one should take into account the fact that after childbirth and breastfeeding, its shape may change and an implant replacement or corrective surgery will be required.

Is it possible to breastfeed after surgery?

If the mammary gland was not affected during the operation, plastic surgery will not affect the possibility of breastfeeding.

How long should you wait after pregnancy, childbirth and lactation?

It is necessary to wait until the breasts are fully restored after finishing feeding the baby. This takes from 8 months to a year, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Can this be done if the patient has mastopathy?

Mastopathy is not an obstacle to breast augmentation surgery using implants.

Are breast functions impaired or the risk of breast disease?

Properly performed surgery and the use of good quality implants have no effect on breast disease.

Be careful! Breast augmentation with drop-shaped implants that are too large can lead to the formation of necrosis due to pressure on the mammary glands.

Time spent in the clinic

If there are no complications and the condition after the operation has returned to normal without the risk of complications, the patient spends a day or two in the clinic.

Breast implant lifespan

Many companies producing modern implants claim a lifetime guarantee for their products, but no one can guarantee that over time the breasts will not lose their desired shape, and the woman will again have a need to change the size or shape of her breasts.

Implant replacement

Modern implants are characterized by durability and are not subject to age-related changes, unlike body tissues. However, there is a possibility of wear of the implant due to wrinkles on its surface.

Besides With age, breast tissue can stretch under the weight of endoprostheses, which will also make replacement or correction surgery necessary.

Note! If there is no rupture or change in the shape of the breast, when the patient no longer likes the breast, there are no indications for replacing implants.

Cost of implants and surgery in Russia, near and far abroad countries

Prices for implants depend on the brand of the manufacturer; the differences in characteristics and quality between endoprostheses are insignificant. The minimum cost is from 20,000 rubles per piece, but the quality of the products will be low. On average, the price ranges from 40,000 rubles. and higher.

The cost of breast implants directly affects plastic surgery and accounts for 10-50% of the total cost.

The cost of mammoplasty depends on the region, clinic, surgeon services and is formed taking into account the following factors:

  • cost of consultation with a plastic surgeon;
  • cost of examination before surgery;
  • cost of implants;
  • anesthesia;
  • the work of doctors performing surgery;
  • hospital payment.
Countries Average cost of surgery
Russia from 80,000 to 500,000 rub.
Ukraine from 1600 to 4000 $
Switzerland not less than $10,000
Spain about 5000 $
Germany 8000 $
Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia 2000 - 3000 $
Cuba 1200 $
Brazil from 1200 to 5000 $

The results obtained do not last forever: the skin ages and this is reflected in the effect obtained from the operation.

Corrective surgeries will be required over time which are carried out on problem areas. Operations associated with correction do not pose a health hazard and do not require much time.

Useful videos about breast augmentation with drop-shaped implants and the features of mammoplasty

Breast augmentation with drop-shaped implants is an effective and relatively safe operation.Features of the operation and recommendations for choosing the type of implant are given in this video:

How to behave after mammoplasty surgery - expert recommendations in this video:

ID: 341 41

Discussions and disputes regarding the choice of implant shapes are ongoing on various forums. But p Correct selection of an implant is one of the components of success both in the patient’s final perception of the new breast shape and in minimizing possible complications and negative surgical consequences of the operation.

“Round or anatomical?” – this is precisely the choice thousands of women who decide to undergo mammoplasty, breast augmentation surgery with implants, face. There is an opinion that the use of anatomical implants allows the bust to look natural, both to the touch and in shape; round dentures do not give such a result. Offhand this statement seems true, but in reality it is not entirely true. Let's try to figure it out.

Implants vary in:

surface texture

When choosing an implant, the surgeon takes into account many factors, such as surgical goals and techniques, anatomical features and, of course, the personal preferences of the patient. According to the surface texture, implants can be smooth or textured; we will consider this issue in more detail in a separate topic.

The natural shape of the breast is certainly not round. It is truly teardrop-shaped - starting from a flat slope at the top, the breast gradually increases in volume and protrudes forward (rises) at the bottom.

Therefore, an anatomical implant, which imitates the effect of gravity on the breast, looks more natural at first glance and is ideal for creating a breast shape. By the way, its original purpose is the reconstruction of an amputated (for example, in patients with breast cancer) or injured breast.

Despite the seeming logic of placing anatomical implants, most surgeons and patients prefer round ones.

Round implants, when compared with anatomical ones:

give more volume
lift the chest higher
create a beautiful neckline (Victoria's Secret bra effect).

But not all women like large volume in the upper part of the breast; they consider this shape to be not entirely natural, and prefer anatomical implants as more natural.

An anatomical implant looks more natural than a round one, is that true?

Yes and no.

A round implant, indeed, can sometimes make the contours of the breast unnatural and artificial. For example, if it is placed too high on the chest, or in patients with insufficient volume of their own breast tissue, but who insist on a large-volume implant.

That is, it is in no way due to its shape. An implant of any shape can look fake. It only depends on how well the implant matches the individual contours of the patient’s body. And in some cases, a round implant looks more “anatomical” than an anatomical one.

But all the discussions above apply to implants that “lie on the table.” How will they behave when they are implanted into a living woman, made of flesh and bones?

Implanted in the mammary gland, round implant in general, it “behaves” more naturally than the teardrop-shaped one. In an upright position, when a woman stands or sits, under the force of gravity it independently acquires a natural, anatomical shape.

And of course, a round implant absolutely wins in a horizontal position. A woman's natural breasts naturally "blur" when she lies down. Anatomical implant, the shape of which is rigidly predetermined in advance, will remain sticking up in its lower part - contrary to all the laws of gravity, giving itself away; a round implant looks quite natural in a lying position. A round implant also looks more natural during active body movements - running, jumping, intense dancing, etc.

Before performing breast augmentation surgery, the doctor must take into account a whole list of factors, which begins with the patient’s wishes about the size and shape of the bust and ends with the doctor’s aesthetic vision of the need for one or another approach. It is important to listen to the opinion of your operating doctor, because he is the one who knows how to make the right choice.

The surgeon is always the patient’s ally, and it is successful work in tandem with him that gives consistently good results and satisfaction from the work performed. Based on many years of experience, the doctor provides informed decisions regarding the brand of implant, its size, access for surgery and many other components of mammoplasty.

Basic Concepts

A. Width (base) of the implant.

B. Height (base) of the implant.

C. Projection of the implant.

Round implants

Round implants are characterized by the fact that the width of the implant base is equal to its height. In this case, the point of maximum projection is located above the center of the implant base. Thus, round implants with the same base width can differ from each other only in the projection size.

For a round implant, the width and height of the base are equal. The point of maximum projection is located in the middle of the height of the base.

Round implants with the same base width may differ from each other only in projection.

While in the patient’s tissues (provided that the patient is in an upright position), the round implant, to one degree or another, acquires a certain “drop-shaped” appearance. This degree depends, first of all, on the density or pliability of the shell and filler of the implant, and the properties of the patient’s tissues. If a round implant is placed under the pectoral muscle, then due to the pressure of the muscle on the upper pole of the implant, this “teardrop shape” will be slightly higher than with a supramuscular location.

Round implant in horizontal and vertical positions.

Teardrop implants

Teardrop-shaped implants are also called “anatomical” because, according to many, this shape most closely matches the natural shape of the mammary glands. They are characterized mainly by the fact that the point of maximum projection of the implant is located below the middle of its height, that is, in the lower half of the implant. In addition, the vast majority of teardrop-shaped implants have different base widths and heights.

Thus, teardrop-shaped implants with the same base width can differ from each other not only in the size of the projection, but also in different heights. This significantly increases the number of different combinations of width, height and projection, allowing manufacturers to create a wide, universal range of implants of the same style.

For a teardrop-shaped implant, the width and height of the base are almost never equal. The point of maximum projection is located below the middle of the base height.

Teardrop-shaped implants with the same base width can differ from each other in both base height and projection.

This variety gives the surgeon the opportunity to select the required implant shape for almost any type of breast anatomy.


One of the most important characteristics of the implant shape is the profile. The profile is a percentage ratio of the projection of the implant to the width of its base. The larger the projection and the smaller the width of the base, the more high-profile the implant is. In other words, the profile size tells you how “convex” (high profile) or “flat” (low profile) the implant is.

Each implant manufacturer has their own idea of ​​what a high or low profile is, just as clothing manufacturers have a different opinion on what an XXL size is. This difference in ideas is due to the fact that different manufacturers use different types of fillers and shells in their products, differing in density and other characteristics.

Because of this, the ability of implants from different manufacturers to maintain a profile while in the patient’s tissues (the properties of which, by the way, are also purely individual) varies and, apparently, by labeling their lines they strive to give the expected “final” value.

In general, you can focus on the following figures (the article discussed McGhan implants):

  • profile up to 32% - low-profile implant.
  • profile from 32 to 38% - medium profile implant.
  • profile over 38% - high-profile implant.

Choosing an implant shape

Round implants provide less fullness of the lower pole and greater fullness of the upper pole of the mammary gland compared to teardrop-shaped ones, all other things being equal. This is more pronounced the more dense the shell and filler of the implant is. In addition, the likelihood of visualizing the upper contour of a round implant in a patient with a thin layer of integumentary tissue is higher than when using a teardrop-shaped implant. Also, a round implant is more likely to form wrinkles or “corrugations”. The denser the shell and filler of the implant, the less pronounced this is.

Teardrop implants provide greater fullness of the lower pole and less fullness of the upper pole of the mammary gland compared to round ones, all other things being equal. This is manifested more strongly the higher the profile and the lower the height of the implant, the denser its shell and filler. This property of drop-shaped implants provides some “lifting” effect to the mammary gland, thereby giving them the opportunity to more successfully correct somewhat sagging breasts.

Teardrop-shaped implants, to a greater extent than round ones, retain their shape when changing body position. This property is more pronounced the denser the shell and filler of the implant. The cost of teardrop-shaped implants is usually higher than round ones from the same manufacturer, all other things being equal.

"Lifting" effect of a teardrop-shaped implant

For patients with different body types and different types of chest, certain types of breast shape are characteristic. The rounded shape of the mammary gland, in which the width is approximately equal to the height, is most often found in normosthenics, although there are exceptions to this rule. In patients with a hypersthenic physique, the width of the mammary gland often prevails over its height, and in asthenic girls there is often a predominance of height. In such cases, if the patient wants to maximize breast enlargement, it is advisable to use drop-shaped implants, among which there are both “wide” and “high” models, while round implants have equal width and height.

LEFT Breast with a predominance of width (hypersthenic physique) - a “wide” implant is required.

ON RIGHT Breast with predominant height (asthenic physique) - a “high” implant is required.

When choosing an implant profile, it is necessary to take into account that the higher the profile, the stronger the visual effect of enlargement, but the “naturalness” of the resulting result suffers somewhat. The most beautiful breast shape can be achieved by using medium-profile implants.

However, there are situations when the use of a high profile is unavoidable. For example, significant excess skin with sagging breasts, which must be adequately “filled” in order to achieve the lifting effect. In this case, with the maximum width of the implant base, the projection of a medium, and even more so a low-profile implant may not be enough to achieve the desired effect. The use of high-profile implants is also necessary in patients with a narrow chest who want to enlarge their breasts to the maximum extent possible.

Thus, there is no ideal implant shape. Drop-shaped implants can be called somewhat more universal in general, and most suitable for correcting sagging mammary glands. There is no alternative to round implants if it is necessary to greatly fill the upper pole of the mammary glands. In addition, round implants are preferable for axillary (through the axillary fossa) access.

At the same time, one should not lose sight of all the features, advantages and disadvantages of round and teardrop-shaped implants listed above. In any case, the choice should be made taking into account the wishes of the resulting breast shape, taking into account the characteristics of the original mammary glands, chest, the properties of the patient’s tissues and, of course, based on the aesthetic preferences of the surgeon and the patient.

Kirill Gennadievich’s article helped me better understand the issue of choosing an implant shape and determine what breast shape I want to get in the end.

Author Reviewer: Update: 04/05/2018

Men won't let you lie - a woman's breasts are the most attractive part of the body. Of course, many women strive to give this paired organ a perfect shape (we don’t take into account man-haters, feminists and people with unconventional orientation). But what is the ideal shape, or, in other words, an anatomically shaped breast - what is it like?

Let's say right away - the perfect breast does not exist. There are millions of women, and each of them has different mammary glands with their own characteristics. However, plastic surgeons use several parameters simply so that they have a starting point in their work. This is called “breast aesthetic criteria”. These are the parameters:

  • the distance between the nipples and from each nipple to the jugular notch is 21 cm (an equilateral triangle is formed);
  • the distance from the nipple to the middle of the collarbone on the corresponding side is also 21 cm;
  • distance from the nipple to the inframammary fold – 5.9 cm;
  • the outer edge of the mammary gland protrudes somewhat beyond the chest;
  • the distance between the outer edges of the mammary gland is equal to the width of the hips.

Is it possible to achieve ideal breast parameters?

Considering the desire of many women for the ideal, it is not surprising at all the efforts they make to make their breasts ideal. Everything comes into play: physical exercise, refusal of breastfeeding, traditional medicine, Chinese means for tightening, etc. Unfortunately, the only thing that somehow improves the appearance of the mammary gland is physical exercise. By increasing the volume of the pectoral muscles, they lift the glands, making the chest slightly higher. This looks like an increase in its volume, although in fact it is not.

The only really effective way to enlarge the breasts and give them an ideal shape is augmentation mammoplasty. In other words, installation of implants. And this is where the fun begins.

Breast augmentation with implants: anatomical or round

We would like to say right away one thing that works everywhere in medicine: what suits one patient may not suit another. If you know a woman whose breasts became ideal after installing an anatomical (more correctly, teardrop-shaped) implant, this does not mean that the same one will suit you. That doesn't mean he's better. It doesn't mean anything at all. Everything is individual and the selection of an implant is carried out taking into account many factors:

  • the presence of ptosis (sagging breasts);
  • nipple position;
  • breast volume;
  • potential capacity of the “case”;
  • presence of asymmetry;
  • chest shape;
  • the presence of tubularity (narrow base of the cone of the mammary gland);
  • the presence of micromastia (exceptionally small breast sizes), etc.

The difference between round and anatomical implants

Round implants have the shape of a ball or ellipse segment, and anatomical ones have a drop-shaped shape. The top of the latter is narrow, the implant widens downwards. There is an opinion that anatomical implants are better than round ones, since their shape follows the shape of the breast.

The practice of plastic surgeons shows that, with rare exceptions, teardrop-shaped implants do not have any advantages over round ones. Moreover, the cost of anatomical ones is much higher, the surgical technique is much more complicated, which also increases the cost of the intervention.

Finally, round implants do not have such a complication as rotation - rotation of the implant around its axis. This complication severely deforms the mammary gland and is an indication for repeated expensive surgery. Breasts with round implants look no worse, if, of course, they are treated by an experienced doctor.

Features of preoperative preparation

First you need to determine exactly what a woman needs. Preparedness for the result is the main component of success. It should be remembered that sometimes you have to “pay for” beautiful breasts with the appearance of pain, impaired skin sensitivity, etc. Yes, you can just feel the endoprosthesis to the touch. Is the woman ready for this? Here's an important question.

It should be understood that there is no “flawless” implant. For example, when using a dense endoprosthesis that maintains the shape of the breast when a woman stands, her breasts will also “stand up” when the woman lies down. This is unnatural, and this is a “payment” for the result. A softer implant will not hold the shape of the mammary gland so clearly in a standing position, but lying down it will look perfect.

There are other subtleties that a surgeon should talk about, and this is a criterion for assessing his professionalism and “focus” on the result, and not on simply making money. The decision is still made by the woman, she just needs to be given all the information for this.

Before the operation, an imitation of mammoplasty is carried out by placing special inserts in the bra cups. This is done so that the lady can determine in front of the mirror what her breasts will look like. Most often it turns out that breast enlargement is not as important to a woman as improving its contour.

After determining the volume of the prosthesis, a decision is made on the location of the incision. There are also nuances here. For example, with a poorly expressed submammary fold (SMF), an incision cannot be made in it, and then they resort to axillary access (under the armpit), in which the scar can be noticeable for six months, and the course of the operation is more complicated. On the contrary, with severe SMS, a submammary incision is made, which provides more opportunity for viewing the surgical field. But it also has disadvantages: a longer scar, and if healing is problematic, the implant may slip out of the incision site.

The location of the implant can be subglandular (inserted between the mammary gland and the chest muscles) and subpectoral (inserted under the pectoral muscles). The latter method is considered more correct because it achieves a more natural breast shape and reduces the likelihood of contracture, the most common complication of mammoplasty.

My question is this: do Allergan anatomical implants cause breast cancer?

Neither Allergan (correctly called Natrelle) nor any other implants increase the risk of developing malignant tumors. Moreover, in women who have undergone implantation, the likelihood of developing breast cancer is approximately one and a half times lower. Reason: such women are much more attentive to any processes in the mammary gland and precancerous conditions are identified and treated earlier.

Before the operation, most doctors photograph the woman in different projections. This is done for this purpose. to study the “before” and “after” situation, make a prognosis for the postoperative period, and simply “please” the patient with how the shape of her breasts has changed.

After this, the mammary glands are marked. This is necessary for the convenience of the surgeon, who must know how and where to insert the implant to achieve the desired result.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia using local anesthetics. No endoscopic methods are provided here, because it is impossible to insert an implant through a thin tube! Before this, antibiotics are administered to prevent infectious complications. At the end of the operation, drainage tubes are inserted into the wound, through which wound discharge flows out within 2-3 days. This is a normal process and the tubes are removed on the third day (usually).

After discharge, the patient should continue to take antibiotics for another three days, painkillers as needed, and if the slightest complications arise, she is advised to call the doctor at any time of the day.

Good afternoon. Tell me, which breast implants are better - round or anatomical? Emma, ​​34 years old

Hello Emma. Experts believe that in the vast majority of cases, neither anatomical nor round silicone implants have any special advantages. Moreover, researchers show that anatomical ones have more problems, the surgical technique is more complex, due to which their cost is higher. Don't fall for marketing campaigns, listen to your surgeon's opinion...

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Anatomical implants are drop-shaped endoprostheses. They were first used for breast reconstruction after mastectomy. Due to their shape being as close as possible to natural breasts, they have gained popularity in aesthetic surgery.


The shape of the female breast resembles a drop. The flat slope of the upper zone smoothly transitions into a voluminous protruding lower zone. The point of maximum projection of the endoprosthesis is fixed in the lower part of the implant, below the middle of its height. Most of them also have uneven base widths and heights. With the same base width, implants differ in height and projection size. Therefore, anatomically shaped implants have a large number of options and combinations in height, projection, and width. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of models of endoprostheses of the same style. This is where their name “anatomical” comes from. The doctor has the opportunity to select the most suitable form of prosthesis for any type of breast.

Main characteristics of anatomical implants:

  • lack of symmetry;
  • full, projected lower pole, conical upper pole;
  • the difference in horizontal and vertical diameters makes it possible to choose between narrow and long, wide and short models.

Various options for diameter and projection make anatomical implants universal. They are prescribed to women with non-standard characteristics of the chest, minimal volume of the mammary glands. Breasts with anatomical implants acquire volume, a beautiful, anatomically ideal shape. The teardrop-shaped elongation forms a smooth transition between the upper and lower poles.

There is one more characteristic of implants. The profile is the ratio of the size of the projection of the implant to the width of its base, expressed as a percentage. A high-profile endoprosthesis is characterized by a less wide base and a large projection. Endoprostheses are divided into high-profile (more than 38%), medium-profile (from 32 to 38%), low-profile (up to 32%). A medium-profile implant creates the most beautiful shape of the mammary glands. The concept of profile type differs somewhat among different manufacturers, as different materials are used.

The most common implant manufacturers: Mentor, Allergan/McGhan, Nagor, Polytech. The Mentor company is the most frequent supplier of endoprostheses to Russia. Anatomical prostheses from this company have three types of heights and projections, which contributes to the optimal choice. They are characterized by the most accurate curve parameters corresponding to the natural shape of the mammary glands.


Breast augmentation with anatomical implants is recommended in the following cases:

  • if you want to have a natural-looking bust;
  • after breastfeeding;
  • in the presence of asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • with small breasts;
  • with hypersthenic and asthenic physique;
  • for the correction of severely sagging mammary glands;
  • if desired, do a breast lift and augmentation at the same time.

Mammoplasty with anatomical implants is performed in accordance with the body type, which directly affects the shape of the mammary glands. A hypersthenic physique implies a predominance of the width of the mammary glands over their height, while an asthenic physique has the opposite characteristics. Round implants, with their equal width and height, are not suitable. Among teardrop-shaped endoprostheses, you can choose both high and wide models.

The structure of the anatomical endoprosthesis is represented by a silicone shell, the volume of which is filled with a special filler:

  1. Saline filler is a saline solution that is safe for surrounding tissue. Allows you to make the incision minimal, as it can be inserted directly during the procedure through a special hole. Some of them can be adjusted after the procedure. But they are vulnerable to mechanical damage. Too soft to the touch, making gurgling sounds when moving. Validity period is limited (about 18 years).
  2. The gel filler is as natural as possible upon palpation. It is resistant to damage and almost does not seep into fabrics. Sterile, resistant to ptosis. The disadvantage is the need for a large incision, as well as a magnetic resonance imaging procedure. The service life is lifelong.

There are several types of gel filler:

  • hydrogel - soft, capable of leaking during injury, has the property of biodegradation;
  • highly cohesive - has the highest density, does not leak, feels solid to the touch;
  • “Softtouch” - natural elasticity, does not leak.

The volume of filler serves to determine the size of the implant and is measured in milliliters. One size equals 150 ml. The volume of the natural breast is also added to this figure. The implant volume of 300 ml corresponds to breast size 2. After adding the volume of the patient's natural breasts, the result is size 4.

The surface of endoprostheses is produced in two types:

  1. The smooth surface is stable, soft, and costs less. Capable of displacement, can provoke fibrocapsular contracture.
  2. The textured surface has micropores, is better fixed in the pockets of the mammary glands, and creates a reliable fixation of the endoprosthesis. Does not provoke fibrocapsular contracture. Characterized by a denser structure, high cost, and shorter service life.

The highest price is for an anatomical implant that has a textured surface with Softtouch filler. A highly cohesive gel that retains the shape of the endoprosthesis is also popular.

The difference between an anatomical implant and a round one

Anatomical and round implants - which is better?? The choice is determined by the anatomical characteristics of the structure of the breast and rib cage (volume and proportions of the breast, the area of ​​its base, the distance to the submammary fold, the shape of the ribs). The structure of the skin, the presence of tissue volume around the mammary glands, and the degree of ptosis are also taken into account.

An important role is played by the qualifications of the specialist and his experience. To make the right choice, you should analyze all the parameters of round and anatomical endoprostheses. To choose the ideal implant, you need to decide what effect should be achieved. To obtain the most natural result, anatomical implants should be preferred. If you need a large volume and elevation, then you will need round endoprostheses.

The disadvantage of a round implant is the unnaturalness of the breast when large implants are introduced. The slope at the top of the chest looks crowded. Round implants give good results only if there is a sufficient amount of glandular tissue. If there is a deficiency, it is advisable to install an anatomical type of implant.

A significant advantage of an anatomical endoprosthesis is the low probability of capsular contracture formation. This complication occurs when the body does not accept the foreign body and hard, painful scar tissue grows around it. Round implants are more likely to cause complications. Another important factor is cost. The price of an anatomical implant is higher than a round one.

The disadvantage of an anatomical endoprosthesis is its fixed shape. If a slight displacement occurs, the shape of the breast is deformed. To correct this defect, a repeat operation is required. Round implants remain invisible when moved or turned over. The rigidity of the shape of the anatomical prosthesis creates a slightly unnatural appearance if the woman is lying down. In a horizontal position of the body, round prostheses take the shape of a natural breast, flattening slightly. Anatomical endoprostheses are the most acceptable option for breast asymmetry and small volume.

Anatomical and round types of implants are characterized by approximately equal numbers of advantages and disadvantages. There is no clear opinion among surgeons regarding the best type of implant. To make the right decision, you can consult several surgeons.

The choice of breast implants will have a significant impact on the appearance of your breasts after your breast augmentation procedure. To achieve the desired result, you need to immerse yourself in the topic of choosing implants, so as not to rely only on the opinion of your plastic surgeon. Breast implants come in different shapes and qualities, some with specialized purposes: round, anatomical, smooth, textured, saline, silicone gel, etc. This article compares round and anatomical implants.

Choosing breast implants starts with chest measurements. A statistical scientific method is used to determine the width and height of the breast, the position of the chest folds, breast tissue, the position of the areola and possible breast asymmetries. These parameters will serve as a basis for discussing options, goals, and possible outcomes of the operation.

Anatomical gel implants

Anatomical implants use a textured surface that allows for soft tissue attachment, which is desirable as it ensures secure implantation and reduces the long-term risk of capsule loss.

Multilayer technology is used to construct the implant body, combining materials with special properties to provide a flexible protective barrier with reduced silicone permeability, increased strength and less risk of rupture.

The gel is a key component of the implant, as it gives it shape and hardness. Silicone can be made in almost any form, from liquid to solid, depending on the number of cross-linking components included in the formula. Anatomical breast implants use a hard gel (also known as “shape-resistant”). Shape stability means that the gel retains its shape even after being compressed, these gels provide the best possible shape control - while still having the firm consistency of natural breast tissue.

Round breast implants

Round implants typically use a soft gel and are therefore less shape resistant.

A round breast implant is a compromise when it comes to enhancing breast shape (it does not require the use of anatomical implants).

They have one shape that suits everyone. They are traditional and have been used in medicine since 1963. Although women's breasts are not naturally round, the round implant remains the most widely used implant in the UK. When placed correctly, round implants can provide natural results and satisfy the desires of women, especially young girls.

When choosing a round implant, two parameters are important: the diameter of the implant and its projection. It is important to note that round implants mainly add volume to the breasts.

Anatomical implants – an individual solution

The function of a shaped implant is to strategically place volume when needed. In appearance, it is most similar to young natural female breasts.

Because anatomical breast implants are fully customizable in shape and volume, they provide a customized solution for proportionally enhancing a woman's breasts. In addition to providing a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, these implants can also be used to lift breasts, restore volume lost after breastfeeding, or restore asymmetry. Anatomical implants also offer the opportunity to improve the appearance of patients with breast deformities (tube breasts), as well as for a wide range of reconstructive procedures after cancer surgery.

Many women may not realize that the volumes (i.e. weight of the implant) are different for anatomical and round implants. Among implants with the same width, anatomical implants will be approximately 20% lighter than round implants with the same base width. In addition, anatomical implants require less gel compared to round ones.

If larger breast augmentation is required, anatomical implants will be more balanced with the chest and shoulders than large round implants.

When using anatomical implants, three parameters can be changed: width, height and projection of the implant. For this reason, anatomical breast implants can provide “three-dimensional” breast enlargement.

Celebrity Choice. Photo “Before and after”

Kaley Cuoco preferred anatomical implants.

Implantation methods

Anatomical breast implants are usually placed: behind the pectoral gland and over the muscle, partially behind the pectoral muscle using a two-plane approach, and completely behind the pectoral and serrative muscles. All these “places” have certain advantages and characteristics.

All textured breast implants are fixed into a permanent position after two weeks. Before this, the implants can rotate (statistically, this corresponds to 1%). If this occurs, minor adjustments will be required to reinsert the implant.

Safety and predictable results

Round silicone implants have been used for more than 45 years, and gel implants since 1993. Due to the high worldwide interest, the anatomical gel implant is one of the most studied, which means there is a wealth of clinical data supporting the safety and predictable results associated with them. Of all the breast implants that have been clinically tested, anatomical bonding implants have the lowest rates of complications of any type.

Which implants are best to choose?

Anatomical breast implants provide an individual and aesthetically pleasing solution to improve the shape and volume of the breast. As a solution for natural three-dimensional breast enlargement, implants address general aesthetic concerns and specialized aesthetic requirements equally well.

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