Where to go for New Year with a child? Tours for the New Year. Tourism in winter: where to go for New Year with a child

A great idea for any caring parents is to celebrate the New Year with their children. If you make this holiday bright, it will certainly be remembered long years. In addition, during the celebration, children will certainly receive a lot of positive impressions.

So with a child? There are plenty of options. First of all, you can get your whole family together and go abroad, you can not do this and stay in your hometown or visit another city in Russia. The choice always remains with the organizers of the celebration.

So, what tour options for the New Year are the agencies ready to offer? Let's look at some of them.


One of the best cities The perfect place to celebrate such an event with kids is Sochi, where it is not very frosty in winter. During this time, you can order from the agency a trip to a boarding house or a good hotel, where you can have fun for about a week with your family. Excellent accommodation options would be Krasnaya Polyana and Rosa Khutor - these are the places recommended for celebrating the New Year with children in Sochi. This city has a lot of entertainment places that will be very interesting for kids to visit. One of them is the Shayba ice arena, the Bolshoi Palace, and the Fisht stadium. It is in these places that interesting events are held during the event, which will be interesting to visit not only for children, but also for adults. If you wish, you can visit the Riviera Dolphinarium or the Oceanarium. However, the brightest place for little travelers to celebrate the New Year will certainly be the famous Sochi Park - Russian Disneyland, a visit to which is a real dream for many children!


Another bright place to relax with children for the New Year is the capital of Russia, where a lot of the most significant and exciting events are held at this time. The brightest show programs are held here, in which children can participate. Tourists often prefer to visit the Experimentarium museum with their children, which operates during this period - it is ideal for children interested in natural sciences.

For lovers of extravaganza and magic, an excellent option to visit is the show held at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex called “Save the Northern Lights.” Similar productions are held in major theaters and centers.

An excellent leisure option would be a visit to the main ice skating rink, which is being filled on Red Square, as well as a visit to the Cultural Park named after. Gorky - here in New Year holidays The most exciting events are held and there is also an ice skating rink. Vivid performances are also held at VDNKh.


New Year tours to Scandinavia are extremely popular among tourists. This is where the real one is located, which is traditionally visited annually by thousands of families with children. The New Year will be interesting because a child here can meet the “real” Santa Claus, who will give him a cherished gift and, perhaps, fulfill his deepest desire.

Russian tourism operators can offer a considerable number of hotel options for family accommodation. Most of them are located near the mentioned village and the famous ski resort of Levi, which is nearby.

Tourists who have been here with their children note that children get incredible impressions from staying in this fabulous place. There are teams of professional animators working around here who can please not only children, but also adult guests.

New Year in hot countries

Some Russians prefer hot countries to the cold. The time to celebrate the New Year is no exception. Moreover, during this period various agencies offer a huge number of tours to various exotic regions of the world. This holiday option can be the ideal answer to the question of whether to go with a child, because many kids will prefer to celebrate this holiday not in the snow and near the Christmas tree, but on the seashore and under a palm tree. This is especially true for those children who no longer believe in the existence of Santa Claus and do not need his congratulations.

Countries such as Türkiye, Egypt, the UAE, and Greece can be an excellent option for a holiday. Experienced tourists recommend booking tours for this period long before the start of the season, since they are practically impossible to find in December and January.

When choosing a country for vacation, you should take into account its temperature conditions during a given period. For example, in Egypt in December the sea will be somewhat cold, but many hotels have SPA areas with indoor pools that operate with an automatic heating system.


You can celebrate the New Year very beautifully with children in Europe. Such a trip will undoubtedly be unforgettable not only for the baby, but also for his parents. Tour operators often recommend visiting the Czech Republic and Hungary for this purpose, justifying their recommendations by the fact that it is in these countries that the most magical atmosphere is created during the New Year holidays.

In Hungary, it is fashionable to meet the national Santa Claus - Mikulas, who will congratulate the child and may give him a gift. In addition, in Budapest you can also visit the Tropicarium, the Buda Labyrinth, the Palace of Miracles and the Lazar Brothers Park, where horse shows are held at this time.

The New Year is celebrated very brightly in Vienna (Austria). It also hosts luxurious performances and show programs that will remain in the memory of travelers for a long time. Here, tourists are presented with such interesting objects as the Butterfly House, the Clock Museum, and Schönbrunn. It is in Austria that you can celebrate the New Year with your child inexpensively and abroad.

During this period, colorful masquerades and carnival processions are held in Spain with the participation of tourists and the Spaniards themselves. Here you can also arrange a holiday with children for the New Year. An excellent accommodation option would be a hotel room near the central square of Madrid, where the most spectacular events take place, however, if the child needs silence, it is better to give preference to more remote areas.


Don't know where to go for New Year's with your child? One of the most popular countries during this period for those who prefer to relax with the whole family during these holidays is Italy. Travel packages to her hotels travel agencies They sell out long before the season starts.

There are many places in Italy where to go with children for the New Year. The most popular of them is Gardaland, which is popularly called the Italian Disneyland - it is located next to Verona, where bright and very public events fireworks and original show programs. Not far from this place there is another entertainment center - Movieland, tickets for which are also in great demand. In addition, in well-known Italian cities There are many children's museums and entertainment centers that will undoubtedly be very interesting for them to visit.


Another European country that deserves special attention among the huge number of places where celebrating the New Year with young children would be a very interesting decision. The thing is that in the heart of the country - Paris, there is also a Santa Claus village, which, unlike the one in Lapland, opens only during the New Year's festivities. It is a huge park with a huge Christmas tree. The city also has a large Disneyland hotel, which during the holidays becomes a place for tourists to stay. Most travel agencies recommend booking rooms in advance, which is possible for the period from November 7 to December 25. All operators, and even experienced travelers, assure that this place is truly fabulous - a child will certainly love it here. On a positive note is that there is a considerable number of Russian-speaking service personnel.

Moscow region

Celebrating the New Year with children in the Moscow region is a great idea. You can implement such an undertaking either on your own, having thought through everything to the smallest detail in advance, or by contacting an agency where professionals can offer a ready-made trip.

Park hotels "Yakhonty" and "Krankino" can be an excellent option for celebrating the New Year. It provides not only decent accommodation designed for guests with children, but also very bright show programs with fireworks are held during the holidays. Guests who were here at this time note in their reviews that the vacation arranged here turns out to be very interesting and, most importantly, inexpensive.

Saint Petersburg

It will be very bright to meet in the northern capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. It is here that various establishments, theaters, and concert halls invite you to countless events. Many hotels offer excellent conditions for a holiday with a child in this region. Tour operators offer trips ranging from 3 to 7 days, packages for which offer all-inclusive accommodation.

A child in this city can be taken to different views, which are held in large areas - they will definitely remain in the memory for a long time. At this time, vibrant fairs are held here, where you can not only see a lot of interesting things, but also buy original things.

A fabulous walk through the snow will certainly please all family members. Here you can also visit the Cruiser Aurora or luxurious palaces.

Veliky Ustyug

And finally, the most popular place where you should definitely go for New Year with a child is Veliky Ustyug, where the Russian Father Frost lives. In winter, trips to this place are especially popular, since most children who believe in this fairy-tale character want to meet him in person, which is gladly organized by various travel agencies.

Here children are invited to the ice throne room, where a fairy-tale performance takes place with the participation of not only Santa Claus, but also other fairy-tale characters. As tourists note, it perfectly combines professional work artists and skillfully applied special effects that make it more vibrant. There are a number of tours around the city.

There are several hotels in the “city” where tourists with small children can stay very comfortably. The most popular of them are “Iceberg” and “Dvina”, located in the central part settlement and offering quite decent living conditions.


New Year's tours to this country are perfect for families traveling with children aged 7 years and older. There are a huge number of ski resorts here that all family members who love this sport will undoubtedly be happy to visit. The most favorite pastime here is sledding down the snow-covered slopes and ice skating on the best skating rinks. All holiday destinations in this country offer professional photo sessions that will long-last the most vivid moments in the memory of travelers of any age.

To stay here, you can choose different hotels and inns, among which, as a rule, they are small, presented in the form of detached houses. Being here, even adults feel the presence of a fairy tale in their lives.

Features of New Year's tours

Almost all tours that agencies offer for the New Year have a number of features that undoubtedly appeal to vacationers. Thus, most of them offer accommodation within the all-inclusive concept, which includes mandatory This includes not only accommodation in a hotel room or inn, but also three meals a day, transportation costs and, if necessary, all medical insurance provided for by the rules, which especially applies to trips abroad.

As a rule, the demand for family tours before the New Year holidays increases sharply, which is why it is better to book them in advance, especially this again concerns foreign trips. Many tourist operators recommend doing this in September-October, when there is a good system of discounts, and travel prices are not so high. It was at this time that there was a decent selection of tours in the catalogs, and, in best hotels different countries of the world. The cities of Western Europe are very popular among them, where the traditions of celebrating the New Year are different from Russian ones - it is during such trips that tourists can learn a lot of new things and get special emotions. Also, often in winter they prefer to purchase trips to hot countries - during the holidays you can finally enjoy hot days and the sun, as well as gain strength and vital energy, which will definitely be enough until the weather warms up in their native lands.

When choosing a holiday option for the New Year, everyone must remember: how you celebrate this holiday is how you will spend the whole year! Therefore, give yourself and your children a fairy tale.

There is very little time left before the New Year holidays, more and more Russians are thinking about where to go for the New Year 2018: some have already booked inexpensive early booking tours six months ago and are quietly waiting for their vacation, others have decided to celebrate it at home among friends. For those who have not yet decided, this review will help.

Where to relax for the New Year

When it comes to New Year's holidays, the following options are considered:

  • beach holiday;
  • walks through European towns;
  • winter with lots of snow, festivals and fairs.

The first option is suitable for those who do not need anything other than warm sea and sand. These are the resorts of the Red Sea, India, Sri Lanka, the UAE, and the resorts of Thailand. For those who appreciate beautiful European architecture and interesting excursions, the best New Year's holiday will be a trip to the capitals of Europe. Those for whom the traditions of celebrating the New Year are unthinkable without winter and snow should go to Finland, Karelia to ride reindeer sleds, or choose leisure resorts in Austria.

Celebrate New Year

The best place on New Year's Eve is Lapland - you will visit winter's tale, if you choose a camp site or cottage for your stay, they are located in very picturesque places. Of the European cities, perhaps the most fun place to celebrate will be Vienna, Prague or Rome - on New Year's Eve people walk around the city or sit in restaurants, coffee shops, music bands play, and fireworks light up at midnight.

On winter holidays

You can spend the New Year holidays in Moscow or St. Petersburg. The main Christmas tree of the country, New Year's fireworks on Red Square, folk festivities, an ice skating rink, a wish for the chimes cherished wish– what could be better? Everyone who finds themselves on winter holidays in St. Petersburg will plunge into a fabulous atmosphere. The majestic city is especially beautiful on New Year’s Day: the Christmas tree in the middle of Palace Square, the illumination of bridges, embankments, and the laser show will remain an unforgettable holiday in the memory for a long time.


Where to go inexpensively for the New Year 2018? An alternative to capitals could be budget holiday in Altai, the most mystical place in Russia. Interesting excursions await tourists in the “places of power” that are scattered throughout Altai, with its unique landscape. Mount Belukha – entrance to mysterious country Shambhala, the sign of Roerich in the Yarlu Valley, the Puzyrkan mounds, which are more than 20 thousand years old - all these places keep secrets, which you can come into contact with on New Year's excursions with experienced guides. New Year in Altai is a relatively cheap winter holiday option.

Without a visa

The visa-free list includes interesting destinations - Belarus and the Caucasus region: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia. New Year's Eve is a family holiday here, but tourists will be able to appreciate restaurants with entertainment programs and local cuisine. Among European countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina is winning the championship from Serbia and Montenegro. The mild climate and stunning nature attract lovers of active recreation here. From the list of popular resorts, travel agencies book Tunisia with thalassotherapy, the beaches of Cuba with unusual diving, and relatively inexpensive Thailand and Vietnam.

Which country to go to for New Year

With the introduction of sanctions and the growth of the euro and dollar, France, Italy or Germany are no longer so attractive to their compatriots. The popularity of domestic tourism has increased significantly - Sochi, Kazan, Karelia - these tourist destinations are very relevant for the new year. Instead of Turkey and Egypt, our tourists discovered Thailand, Vietnam, even islands Indian Ocean The Maldives and Seychelles have become relatively cheaper; now you can vacation there on a budget if you can buy cheap tickets.

European countries

The Czech Republic is popular for its fireworks and Gothic buildings. Prices in Prague are lower than elsewhere in Europe; tickets from Moscow will cost from 20,000 rubles. for two. The popularity of the Baltic countries – Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia – is growing. The beauty of the streets and New Year trees here are no worse than in other countries, and the prices are cheaper. You can get from Moscow to Riga for 10,000 rubles, from St. Petersburg to Tallinn it’s even easier - by bus. The price of entertainment, food and accommodation is one of the lowest among European countries.

Exotic countries

If you are tired of the bad weather, you can fly to Thailand for the New Year - in Bangkok the last seconds of the old year are celebrated in the square; A New Year's party is held on the island of Koh Phangan, and banquets are held on the beach. Good conditions for families with children, Phuket and Pattaya offer. One of best countries The Dominican Republic is considered a winter holiday destination. If you manage to get a last-minute tour or cheap tickets, you can go on an inexpensive holiday on the island for the New Year - prices are affordable within the country. The Philippines is famous for its architecture and landscapes, and you can get more than just a beach holiday there.

New Year abroad – prices

The cost of a New Year's holiday is affected by the departure time, number of nights and hotel category:

  • If tickets to France in mid-December can be found from 13,000 rubles, then tickets to go there for the winter holidays can only be from 16,000 rubles.
  • Five nights in Paris will cost from 61,500 rubles if the departure is on December 26, and already 77,400 rubles if the departure takes place on the 28th.
  • A holiday in Thailand will cost from 99,000 rubles. for two for 7 nights and 118,000 rub. – at 14.
  • Five nights in Finland - from 56,000 rubles. for two up to 84,300 rubles, which will depend on the star rating of the hotel.
  • Book your tickets as early as possible, prices increase closer to the new year.
  • If the location of the New Year or Christmas celebration is not important, then it is worth looking for tours with departures that do not include New Year's dates, with a return in early January. It will cost less.

Popular destinations

Trips to Europe for the New Year, although they have become more rare among Russian tourists, are in demand due to the opportunity to combine sightseeing tours with Christmas sales. The Asian destination also remains popular: Vietnam, Thailand, ticket prices are high, in the range of 25,000-30,000 rubles, but prices within the country are the same as in Russia, or even cheaper.

Ski resorts

Where to go skiing for the New Year 2018? Alpine ski tours in Austria are already familiar, expensive but prestigious destinations are Switzerland and France, and demand for budget destinations in Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Spain is increasing. Bulgarian ski resorts, in addition to budget prices, offer children's trails, and hotels have playgrounds with animators and clubs for children.


Cost of vouchers


From RUR 112,140 for two


Borovets, Pamporovo

From 77300 - to 96500 rub.


From 105400- to 178200 rub.

Mayrhofen, Ischgl, Saalbach

from 49500 rub. for 1 person for 7 nights

Beach resorts

When wondering where to go for the New Year 2018, Russians traditionally go to the sea, where many hotels offer an extensive New Year's program. For example, in Vietnam, the New Year is celebrated at the end of January, but an entertaining New Year's program with a banquet, live music, competitions and dancing is prepared for guests. Long flight will be compensated Exotic fruits and climate.


From 102,000 rub. – tour for two


Goa Resorts

Sri Lanka


From 52000 rub. (early booking) up to 88,000 rub.

Costa Brava

Three nights from 22900 - to 27000 rub.

Family holiday

Where to go on New Year's holidays with children? The most popular destinations remain Disneyland Paris and snowy Lapland with the village of Santa Claus. Budapest offers: Aquaworld water park, Santa Claus - Mikulas, bear park. Budget holiday options: low-cost bus excursion tours. If we consider a beach holiday, then for families with children we can recommend Phuket: dolphinarium, water park, zoo, butterfly park, elephant riding.

Christmas tours

European cities transformed for the New Year, immersed in fabulous illumination. Tours for New Year and Christmas 2018 are traditionally purchased by lovers of the European Christmas atmosphere. A mug of mulled wine in Germany, Estonian Santa Claus - Jõuluvana, Sacher cake and apple strudels in Austria, upside-down Christmas trees in Graz - you will find all this in festive Europe.



Three nights from 14950 – 72000 rub. for 7 nights (accommodation cost)

From 33,000 rub. (without flight)


From 62700 rub. – 8 nights with air ticket


From 39,000 rub. – 8 nights, no flights

From 42,000 rub. – 9 nights, no flights


From 29,700 rub. for 8 nights, without flights

Lithuania – Latvia – Estonia

Christmas Express Tour of the Baltics

From 18,000 rub. in 3 days/4 nights

Where to go for New Year in Russia

Domestic tourism is developing at a serious pace. When asked where it is better to go for the New Year 2018 in Russia, operators offer many trips, ranging from the beautiful cities of the Moscow region to excursions to the Arctic Circle. Different types of recreation are offered: resort and recreational, educational and excursion. The downside is the inflated prices of hotels and the huge Russian distances. It happens that the price of tickets exceeds the cost of the tour.


Greater Sochi offers ski slopes with a wide infrastructure for any budget. Inexpensive guest houses and five-star hotels await guests. You can choose a package tour or book a hotel room and plane ticket yourself, choosing interesting excursions on the spot. Package tours to Sochi start from 65,000 rubles. for two for 7-8 nights, including flights and New Year's banquet with entertainment.

Saint Petersburg

Traditional New Year's tours to the Northern capital delight with variety, ranging from a hotel room with a New Year's banquet and independent selection of excursions, to a fully thought-out full-fledged tour:

  • “New Year in a medieval fairy tale” – 3 days + train with a visit to St. Petersburg / Kronstadt / Vyborg, New Year's program Yule in the Viking city of Svargas, Kronstadt. Tour cost from 14,800 rubles;
  • “The Radiance of Northern Winter” 6 days - secrets and mysteries of St. Petersburg palaces, from RUB 11,370;
  • “Vacations in St. Petersburg” for parents with children, 6 days – interactive and theatrical excursions for parents with children, from 11,540 rubles.


More and more tourists are celebrating the New Year in Kazan - an amazing city where cathedrals and mosques coexist, a city with almost a thousand years of history:

  • “New Year at Kysh Babai” - welcoming the New Year and a trip to the residence of the Tatar Father Frost, cost from 8900 rub. in 3 days;
  • “New Year's mosaic of Kazan” – a tour with excursions and a trip to the Raifa Monastery and Sviyazhsk. Cost from 6050 rub. in 5 days;
  • “New Year's Tale of Sviyazhsk” - a tour with an excursion around Kazan, with a visit to Sviyazhsk, Lake Lebyazhye, the Kazan Kremlin, cost from 10,960 rubles.


Traditionally, Red Square is chosen as the place to celebrate the New Year with the chiming of chimes and fireworks, with an extensive New Year's program and entertainment. For example, the Moscow club “On Huskies from Kuzminki to Alaska” offers a dog sled ride with these friendly dogs you can take a photo. Tours to Moscow with excursions included:

  • New Year's Symphony of Moscow - walking and bus excursions, New Year's banquet, 3 days - 9120 rubles, 5 days - 17450 rubles;
  • New Year's golden Moscow – 2-10 days, entertainment with sightseeing, from 6800 rub.;
  • Individual Moscow – 2-5 days, excursions according to an individual program with a personal guide, minimum cost 20,260 rubles, depends on the number of people.

Veliky Ustyug

Traveling to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug has long been in demand; not only children happily come to the fairy-tale palace for emotions:

  • New Year with accommodation at the dacha of Father Frost - 4 days, 24,950 rubles, includes a New Year's banquet, tasting of liqueurs from the berries of the North;
  • New Year with accommodation in village houses - 4 days, 18,600 rubles, with a Russian bath and a festive banquet;
  • New Year on the Estate of Father Frost - 3 days with a program for children, master classes, performance, from 18,300 rub. (adults), 17,450 rub. (children);
  • New Year in the Homeland of Father Frost - includes a trip to Father Frost, excursions around Veliky Ustyug, New Year in the hotel restaurant, New Year's show, 4 days, from 18,850 rubles. (adults), 17950 rub. (children).
  • “New Year's Tale of Sviyazhsk” - tour with an excursion around Kazan, with a visit to Sviyazhsk, Lake Lebyazhye, the Kazan Kremlin, from 10960 rub.


When planning to celebrate the New Year in Russia, keep in mind that there are few good hotels here, so many people start booking New Year's holidays in March (!), most bookings occur in October, and in November there are no decent hotels left. However, you can “catch” something interesting in December, when cancellations of reservations appear. It turns out that it’s better not to take risks and plan the New Year holidays in advance - let our list of the best places to celebrate the New Year help you with this:

1. Fabulous New Year in Sochi + Krasnaya Polyana

Sochi is an excellent choice for celebrating the New Year. The weather is warm, the streets are beautifully decorated, and there is a festive atmosphere all around. And, most importantly, there is something to see in Sochi and where to go: at the Ice Palace in Olympic Village you can go ice skating, then go to the Amusement Park, visit the famous Arboretum, sail on a yacht or go to Krasnaya Polyana for a boat ride alpine skiing. At the hotel, ask for excursions, for example, to Abkhazia to Lake Ritsa, Gagry, Pitsunda, or book an extraordinary one from the locals - this is much more interesting, but you also need to book in advance. However, many people travel around the surrounding area on their own, renting a car is cheap and you can choose not only the class of car, even a specific make and year of manufacture.

Where to stay in Sochi? Choose a sanatorium with full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner included) and with all amenities. Don’t take a completely “soviet” one, so as not to spoil your holiday with the dull appearance of shabby walls and lack of service. According to reviews from vacationers, the best sanatorium in Sochi is the Avangard sanatorium - inexpensive, cozy, with excellent service and a heated pool.

The Avangard sanatorium in Sochi is one of the best. #Sochi

Irina: “We lived during the New Year holidays in the Primorsky building.” Just wow. The sound of the waves in your room. Sea air. Silence, calm. No fuss. The best location in the city, how many times we drove and walked – I haven’t seen anything better for relaxation and proximity to the sea.”

For those who love active recreation, we recommend Krasnaya Polyana. The easiest way to get to Krasnaya Polyana is by train from Sochi and Adler, from the railway. station. Even if you don’t like skiing, you can have fun skiing on cheesecakes. And be sure to climb the mountains – the views are magnificent!
Ski resorts of Krasnaya Polyana: resort “Gorki Gorod”, “Gazprom”, “Rosa Khutor”.

Krasnaya Polyana for New Year in Russia

Do you want to get into a New Year's fairy tale? Then choose the fabulous Golden Tulip Rosa Khutor hotel - located in the Rosa Khutor mountain resort, just a 3-minute walk from the ski lift. Even if the weather is bad, there is something to do here: go to the fitness center, relax in the sauna with a swimming pool, or take massage treatments.

Spend New Year's holidays in Krasnaya Polyana can be quite inexpensive, if you know the places :) For example, take a look at the Inn Viktoriya hotel with cozy wooden houses where you won’t want to leave - see prices.

Outdoor heated swimming pool, Grand Hotel Polyana

Do you want to go skiing and then swim in a warm pool overlooking the mountains? Then watch our unique one and relax in comfort!

Here are some more inexpensive special offers:

Krasnaya Polyana, prices

Skiing, unforgettable excursions to the most beautiful places Karelia, horseback riding through snow-covered forests, fun snowmobiling and even dog sledding - what could be better for a family holiday?

3. New Year in St. Petersburg

The main thing is to properly plan the New Year holidays in St. Petersburg. Keep in mind that the best time to visit the Hermitage and visit the museums is December 28, 29 and 30, while everyone is buying gifts. From January 1, there is no point in wasting time on exhausting queues at museums, where you can stand for several hours; instead, it is better to stroll along the beautiful streets. During the New Year holidays, there are concerts and shows on the streets, so you can walk endlessly. Want more experiences? Arrange for yourself

In the photo: celebrating the New Year in St. Petersburg

Keep in mind that St. Petersburg on New Year's Day is a very popular place not only among Russians, but also among foreigners, so book your hotel well in advance - here is a list of the most, and - the best exquisite hotels, in which you seem to be transported to the era of Peter the Great, feeling the whole the splendor and splendor of those years. To fully experience the spirit of St. Petersburg, you can stay in an inexpensive hotel for several days, or in a luxurious one for at least one night. After all, as the first week of the New Year goes, so will the whole a year will pass, - let at least a little luxury appear in your life in the coming year.

4. With children to Veliky Ustyug for the New Year

Veliky Ustyug for New Year, Russia

Do you prefer to meet New Year at home with the whole family? Great! But then, during the New Year holidays, the whole company can go to Veliky Ustyug. Children will be delighted with a trip to the homeland of Santa Claus. You can’t do it all in one day, have fun in the company of fairy-tale characters, see Father Frost’s palace, walk along the “fairy tale trail”, so come to Veliky Ustyug for at least a couple of days.
There are a lot of people during the New Year holidays, so book your hotel in advance - the best prices cm. .

5. New Year in Altai

Perhaps only in Altai can you still spend the New Year in Russia inexpensively, but at the same time bright and extraordinary. And both as a family and as a couple. What to do? Go skiing and skiing, organize snowmobile races, admire the beautiful views, and in the evenings warm up in the sauna, then spend a pleasant time by the fireplace, taking a break from the bustle of the city.

By the way, many modern tourist centers have now been built in Altai - look - so your vacation will be not only active, but also comfortable. Not everything yet Russian tourists they know about Altai, so prices, even on New Year’s, are low, and the quality of vacation is quite high - have time to enjoy an inexpensive, high-quality vacation :)
In Altai there are picturesque, respectable eco-hotels located away from noise, where there are no crowds of tourists, and prices are incredibly low - 3-4 times less than Sochi.
For example, in this secluded eco-hotel of European level at Altai prices:

Of course, you won’t find tours and trips to the best places in Altai. Such pearls are not for “package” tourists; You need to book and travel on your own. To get to Gorny Altai from Moscow or other Russian cities, there are several options:
– fly to Gorno-Altaisk (closest, there are direct flights, see “search for air tickets” in the column on the left). Then take a taxi, or better yet, arrange with the hotel to pick you up;
– fly to Novosibirsk, then take a bus to Biysk, and then take a minibus, bus or taxi.

Has begun academic year, the parents breathed a sigh of relief after finishing the family project “summer vacation”. And now it’s time to think about the winter holidays.

The most experienced travelers, who love to celebrate Christmas and New Year in interesting and often unfamiliar places, began to think back in the summer about where to go for New Year with their children. But for most, it's not too late to start stocking up on plans, ideas and tickets now.

Where does Santa Claus live? New Year 2017 in Russia

Today we will not suggest you plan long trips abroad. Our goal is to talk about what is not so far away (although it is clear that “not far” in Russia and nearby countries is a very relative concept 🙂). For several years now, trips to visit Santa Claus have been very popular.

Veliky Ustyug: New Year at the residence of Father Frost

To the question Where does Santa Claus live? More and more often you will receive a confident response: “Well, how about that? In Veliky Ustyug! Yes, this is where the “Father Frost – Veliky Ustyug” project is being developed. This is one of the places where you can not only have a good winter holiday with your child and celebrate the New Year, but also plunge into a real fairy tale. In the city of Veliky Ustyug there is a Residence, Post Office and Father Frost's Shop. But the main place is a special entertainment center "The Estate of Father Frost" (13 km from the city), where he actually lives. Here you can not only chat with Father Frost and his retinue, including the Snow Maiden, but also ride horses, snow bikes, skis, skates, and sleighs. At the same time, the complex provides places for food and quiet rest, as well as rental of sports equipment.

The estate of Father Frost is located in a pine forest. And from the very entrance to the carved gate, behind which the fabulous Father Frost lives, guests are also immersed in the fairy tale created by the house of Father Frost, its inhabitants and the surrounding nature.

You can go to Veliky Ustyug on your own, even for one day, or in a tourist group. And in the winter vacation In 2017, a train tour to Veliky Ustyug is offered for parents with children and groups of schoolchildren - Train to Santa Claus 2017 .

For the winter holidays of 2017, the choice of train tours is quite large and varied.

  • In Ustyug itself you can see the Cathedral Courtyard, the Church of the Ascension-on-Torg, the Michael-Arkhangelsk and Trinity-Gledensky monasteries, the Museum of the History of Veliky Ustyug, the Northern Chern plant, the Museum of Ethnography in the St. Nicholas Church, the Museum of New Year and Christmas toys in the Church of the Myrrh-Bearing Wives. In the same church there is an Old Russian school, where you can attend the interactive lesson “Lessons at school Ancient Rus'" There are two active churches in the city.

On holidays, the city hosts exhibitions and fairs - bright, in the traditional Russian style. At this time, a lot of people relax here - most often, of course, mothers, fathers and children.

Winter holidays on the Volga: New Year holidays visiting the Kostroma Snow Maiden

IN last years In Russia, they have come up with several more places where the beautiful winter nature and the creativity of the organizers attract parents with children for vacation - both for the New Year, and “before”, and “after”.

For example, very close to the main Father Frost of Russia, who lives in Veliky Ustyug, she recently settled Kostroma Snow Maiden , for which a fairytale tower was built on the Volga bank in Kostroma, where the land itself breathes fairy tales.

Here she organizes bright holidays, and her mothers and nannies help her - and fairy-tale friends: Brownie with Brownie and Cat Bayun.

The most wonderful miracle in the patterned mansion of the Snow Maiden is the Ice Hall, which was created from pure ice Ural lakes. In that hall everything is made of ice - sculptures, trees, benches. And the Snow Maiden tells fairy tales, the Cat Bayun helps her, and the Housewife plays games with the children and treats her to delicious dishes.

  • In addition to the Snow Maiden's tower, in winter Kostroma you can organize a child-friendly program for several days for adults and children: the ethnographic museum, the Losefarm, the Ipatiev Monastery, the museum of the Noble Assembly, the museum of flax and birch bark, the museum of wooden architecture (it consists of wooden huts brought from various villages).

You can go to celebrate the New Year with the whole family by purchasing a tourist package, or you can go on your own: since 2008, the Snow Maiden hotel has been operating, in the courtyard of which the Snow Maiden’s residence is located. It is in the city center, overlooking the Volga and next to the ancient temple - the Church of the Resurrection on Debra. And you can book a room directly at this hotel by phone.

New Year's Eve in Karelia: Karelian Santa Claus

On a visit to Karelian Santa Claus , whose name is Pakkaine (Frost), invites you to the tourist center “Aleksandrovka Village” in Olonets.

Where does Karelian Father Frost live? Oh, he lives in a great plague! Pakkaine receives guests, sitting on a throne in the center, and the guests sit around him on deer skins. Forest trolls and their own local Snow Maiden help to receive guests.

During the holidays, the Pakkaine residence hosts sports games, you can ride reindeer sleds and horses, and you can also take part in the making of traditional amulets and other souvenirs. Skis and sleds, which are so necessary in winter, are available, there is a Russian bathhouse, and children receive sweet gifts.

And here, every year on December 1, an international tournament of Santa Clauses takes place, including decorating a Christmas tree, throwing felt boots, running with obstacles, measuring the length of the beard - who has the longest, and singing songs.

  • Next to the Karelian Father Frost, you can visit the Kizhi Museum of Wooden Architecture, see Lake Onega, the Kivach waterfall and the arboretum where the famous Karelian birches grow. A museum of ancient history has been created in the city of Olonets. New Year's toys, where Pakkaine’s guests bring their toys to add to the collection.
  • If you come to Karelia from afar, you should definitely see the capital of Karelia - the city of Petrozavodsk, visit the Governor's Park and the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.
  • Another day can be devoted to the “cultural capital” of Karelia – the city of Kondopoga. Here are such famous sights as carillons, the only belfry in Russia, delivered from the Netherlands, Kondopoga Palaces, and the Lutheran Church with an organ.
  • Very close by is the Marcial Waters resort, which was founded by Peter I in 1719 and since 1721 the Church of St. Apostle Peter has been here. The resort is considered the first in Russia. 80 km from the town of Kondopoga there is a country dog ​​kennel where there are excursions and where you can ride a dog sled along a special 2 km long track. Here in the nursery there is a Guest Chum, where you will be fed a traditional dish of the peoples of the North - red fish soup.

Where does the Tatar Father Frost, Kysh Babai, live?

Lives in the center of Russia, not far from Kazan, in Tatarstan Tatar Santa Claus Kysh Babai . He has his own residence in the village of Yana Kyrlay in an ecologically clean place on the bank of a river, 60 km from Kazan, where he lives with his Snow Maiden, whose name is Kar Kyzy. It has its own fairy tale, its own traditional heroes.

At the beginning of the journey, guests will find a forest customs office, where Shaitan is in charge. Plus - a lot of entertainment - slides, an ice rink, horse riding, and also a restaurant of national Tatar cuisine, a souvenir shop. The residence is located in the Arsky district, about a 2-hour drive from Kazan.

  • If you are going to visit Kysh Babai, you will, of course, stop in Kazan, where you will see a beautiful city, the sparkling Kremlin, on the territory of which there are a lot of attractions, see the Miraculous Kazan Icon in the Bogoroditsky Monastery Mother of God, returned to Russia from the Vatican, visit the National Museum of Tatarstan and many other attractions of the capital.
  • Most people who have visited Kazan mention the Bakhetle supermarket as a place that is impossible to pass by - here you can truly get acquainted with Tatar cuisine. Kazan also has a wonderful large water park on the territory of the Riviera, and almost all museums and the Kremlin host Christmas trees during the New Year holidays, and in the Raifa Monastery there is an exhibition of ice sculptures and other festive fun, for which you can book tickets in advance.

New Year in Belarus: Zyuzya from Belovezhskaya Pushcha

How to get to visit the Belarusian Santa Claus? Only through dense forests, where the paths and roads are not easy...

Very close to Russian border(60 km from the city of Brest in Belarus) in “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” - a national park, a protected forest - lives Zyuzya - brother Russian Santa Claus . The Zyuzi residence was built in 2004 where there used to be a bison nursery, a house for researchers, bison breeding specialists.

Then the bison multiplied and settled in the Pushcha, and the house became vacant. It was transformed into a carved two-story tower. The estate is large - about 15 hectares. Its main attraction is a 40-meter tall spruce tree (according to the park’s owners, the tallest in Europe), which is already 120 years old.

At night, several thousand large and small multi-colored light bulbs light up on the tree - all year round. And all the rest new Year decoration There is no filming at the estate all year.

And more than a thousand trees, called giants, have been preserved in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. About 100 species of plants grow here, some of them are rare and even endangered, and there are many species of animals and birds. There is a nature museum.

The entrance to this dwelling of Father Frost is guarded by wooden knights - Dub-Dubovich and Elm-Vyazovich, and throughout the territory there are many wooden sculptures and compositions based on the stories of fairy tales “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “12 Months”, “Pinocchio” and others. Walking through the park, you can come across a windmill, a magic well, a fairy-tale pond in which the Frog Princess lives.

If you are going with your children to the Belarusian Father Frost for the New Year, you can organize a holiday in one of the sanatoriums in Belarus. They are usually small, with an intimate atmosphere. The food in these sanatoriums is praised - “tasty and home-style”, the conditions for relaxation are without much luxury, but warm, clean, comfortable.

On holidays - New Year and Christmas - the decoration, table and program are organized by the sanatorium workers. You can live in Brest. There is also a hotel on the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

  • You can see not far from Brest: Brest Fortress - a monument of the 19th century, a monument to the Great Patriotic War; museum-estate “Pruzhany Palace”; ruins of the Carthusian monastery in Bereza; Trinity Church in the village of Chernavchitsy (XVI century); Khmelevsky Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, Nesvizh Palace and Park Ensemble, the former residence of the princely family of the Radziwills, Mir Castle Complex - 16th century in the village of Mir, Berestye Archaeological Museum.
  • The city of masters “Dudutki”, a museum of ancient folk crafts and technologies, is also famous. This place, known since 1600, today as a museum consists of several complexes: a craft yard with a mini-exhibition folk life and a blacksmith shop, a stable and a zoo, a garage with vintage cars, the only one operating in Belarus windmill, wooden church of St. John the Prophet.

There is also the “Saved Art Treasures” museum - this is a unique place where works of art and antiques confiscated by Brest customs officers were exhibited during an attempt to illegally export them abroad.

You can, of course, buy a ready-made tour - there will be a hotel and excursions.

Where else would it be interesting to celebrate the New Year with your child? You don't have to worry about it!

It must be said that on New Year's holidays, Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the fairy tale will be in all vacation spots that are intended for visits by children and parents, and even where only adults relax. Therefore, if you are choosing in advance how and where to celebrate the New Year and spend the winter holidays, our previous materials can help you:

Of these ten places, the Puzhalova Gora ski resort (the city of Gorokhovets) has already announced tours for the New Year and winter holidays 2015, national park"Zyuratkul" in Chelyabinsk region- this is precisely the patrimony of the Ural Father Frost; Ethnomir offers New Year's Eve packages “New Year's Eve”.

New Year: on vacation in the Moscow region

Those who live in Moscow do not need to think long about where to go on vacation and where is the best place to celebrate the New Year with children. The answer is simple: nearby. 🙂 So, for Muscovites, hotels, sanatoriums, holiday homes and boarding houses in the Moscow region offer a wide variety of entertainment on New Year’s days.

On New Year's holidays, parents and children can enjoy walking through the clean winter forest, ice skating and snowmobiling, fishing, archery and even horseback riding.

They will also be offered paintball, a swimming pool, a sauna and something else original. On New Year's Eve there will be a festive banquet, and on the remaining days of the festive holiday there will be a mass fun entertainment on fresh air and indoors. There is no doubt: a holiday with a child for the New Year will be a success, because in the Moscow region such holidays are already an established tradition.

Beauty of the northwest

Hotels and boarding houses in the Leningrad region do not lag behind in the variety of offers. In these places (for example, in Zelenogorsk) the nature is almost like in Finland. Spruce and pine trees are like something out of a fairy tale, the snow-covered (if you're lucky, of course) Gulf of Finland, fresh air, a sea of ​​different New Year's entertainment.

Where have you gone or are you planning to go with your children for the New Year?

Surely, where you live, there are also great ideas about where to go on holiday for the New Year and winter holidays, how to spend the holidays fun, interesting and at the same time be filled with new unusual impressions.

Maybe you know where your local Santa Claus lives? Or maybe, if you have already been to the places we have just told you about, you have something to add to the picture?

As a rule, children look forward to winter holidays no less than summer ones. After all, winter is truly a fabulous time, especially for New Year's travels. Every day there are more and more opportunities for an exciting and unforgettable family winter holiday. The choice of place for such a trip depends on financial capabilities, interests and the exact time of the expected departure. Many travel agencies offer a wide variety of offers for have a nice rest for every taste and pocket. So, if you wish, you can choose a tour to warm and sunny countries or to ski resorts with beautiful landscape slopes.

Where can you relax during the New Year and Christmas holidays?

Relax on the beach

If you want to change the gray winter environment, then the best option a beach holiday in warm countries will be for you. There you and your children can soak up the warm rays of the sun on the colorful coastline. If you decide to go to a place where it is always sunny and warm, then such a popular country as Egypt will be an excellent place. It has a large influx of tourists, but there will certainly be a place for your family. The temperature of the Red Sea in winter in Egypt averages 22 degrees. The most popular resort in this country is Sharm El Sheikh. Almost all hotels here operate on an all-inclusive basis. In addition, you can have fun in water parks, dolphinariums, discos and excursions.

Do you admire oriental flavor? Then your family needs to visit Thailand, which amazes with its hospitality and caring attitude towards children. This country has divine views and truly paradises. Thailand is a country where the tourist season lasts all year round, and you can choose the resort that your heart desires. If quality service and beautiful nature are important to you, then the island of Cuba will be one of the most colorful countries for a winter holiday.

Latin American beaches are ready to welcome guests all year round. Here you will definitely find a resort for every taste. Winter temperature Caribbean Sea reaches 26 degrees. In addition, when vacationing in Cuba in winter, your family members will have unique opportunity visit numerous carnivals, dances, and also try local drinks and food. In general, there are a lot of countries for a winter holiday on the beach, but those listed above are the most proven and truly interesting.

Ski holidays

Winter holidays have many advantages. There are ski resorts in almost all popular tourist countries, where you can breathe in clean, cool air, and, of course, go skiing or go on cross-country skiing. A lot of countries offer ski holidays, but Bulgaria will offer you ample opportunities for a wonderful winter holiday. In addition, one cannot but rejoice at the moderate prices for ski resorts in Bulgaria. Moreover, the affordable cost of the tour in no way affects the quality of service. The most popular resorts in Bulgaria are: Vitosha, Bansko, Pamporovo and Borovets.

Ski holidays in Turkey are also considered one of the best. In this country it is appropriate to combine acceptable prices and excellent quality of service. Kartalkaya is considered a wonderful winter resort town in Turkey. Going there, you can enjoy perfectly clean snow and twenty equipped ski slopes. In addition, it is worth paying attention to such resorts as Uludag, Sarykamysh and Palandoken. If you want to have endless opportunities for recreation, entertainment and sports, then you should take a tour to Austria. This small country has a huge variety of ski resorts with slopes of all difficulty levels and glaciers, which allows them to operate all year round.

Holidays in Europe

Would you like to get up close and personal with the magnificent views, castles and other sights of Europe? No problem. Any travel agency will select an excursion or even a health tour for you to suit your taste and pocket. Excursion tours are a great opportunity to get acquainted with the culture, traditions and gorgeous views of European countries in one trip. Tours to Europe can be of very different duration and intensity. So you can go on Christmas holidays to Spain, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Greece and many other European countries. It all depends on your financial capabilities and personal preferences.

Holidays in Russia

If you don’t want to leave Russia, but are still waiting for a frosty winter to travel, then you can plan your winter holidays without leaving the country. So, you can go to snow-covered Siberia, where a rich excursion program and a lot of active entertainment. Your best winter holiday can take place in Karelia, Lake Baikal or amazing places in Kamchatka.

How much does a winter holiday abroad cost?

If we talk about warm countries, then a vacation there in winter will cost you on average from $400 to $600. The cost of a holiday ski resorts depends on its duration and starts from $600. As for sightseeing tours in Europe, everything depends on the chosen route and the countries themselves. All details and price ranges can be found in any travel company. The most budget winter holidays are tours around Russia. Your choice of where to go is purely individual.

When you decide on the desired tour or excursion trip around Europe, you should immediately order tickets (vouchers), book tours and pay for them. The advantages of early booking a tour are, firstly, a guarantee that you will get to the best and most popular hotel and, secondly, you will save a significant amount, since on average you can get about 30% discount on the entire cost of the tour.

Give your child the opportunity to experience new experiences and unforgettable holiday abroad or in Russia. Fabulous places globe They will clearly not leave you or your children indifferent.