Therapeutic hair masks: folk recipes. Mask for regular use, shine and overall health of hair

Not all women use any hair care products other than hygiene products. Meanwhile, our hair is tested every day: dry air, frosty wind, hot styling devices, fixing varnish, and paint with ammonia damage the curls. This affects both the structure of the hair shafts and hair follicles, as well as on the scalp. The hair splits, flakes, becomes dull, begins to fall out almost in strands, the scalp itches, dandruff appears, which further aggravates the problems.

Simply washing dirt out of your hair is not enough. Sooner or later you will have to think about their treatment and restoration.

Trichologists will offer a set of measures, including, most likely, prescribing healing masks for hair. The composition of many of these products is quite simple - they include affordable products. There is nothing difficult in preparing them either. Therefore, if certain problems with hair appear (dryness, brittleness, hair loss, etc.), it is better not to wait until minor troubles develop into big trouble, and start making such masks at home.

The benefits of masks according to folk recipes

Folk hair masks will solve many problems that can occur with hair, unless they are caused by internal diseases, hormonal imbalance or vitamin deficiency. For every hair ailment: hair loss, split ends, excessive dryness or, on the contrary, oily curls, there is a folk remedy, a hair mask with oils, herbs or other useful products.

Folk recipes for hair masks include: herbal infusions and decoctions, oils, including essential oils, honey, yolk, milk and fermented milk products, vegetable and fruit juices, purees, yeast and bread, cosmetic clay, pharmacy vitamins(in capsules), locally irritating substances (mustard, onion, cognac, etc.), etc.

  • Among the oils, the most effective are burdock, castor, sea buckthorn, argan, coconut, olive, as well as rosemary esters, tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon, ylang-ylang.
  • From medicinal plants the most popular are burdock root, nettle, chamomile, calendula, razmorin, aloe. Juice is obtained from aloe, and decoctions are prepared from other plants.
  • Vitamins most often included in therapeutic masks include A, B, E. For example, the Aevit complex is often used, which includes two of them at once. There are many of these vitamins in yolk, honey, and yeast. They nourish hair follicles, strengthening every hair from the root.
  • Oils, decoctions, fruit juices, fermented milk products moisturize curls.
  • A range of oils and medicinal herbs normalizes lipid balance, has an antiseptic and calming effect. They eliminate dandruff and improve the condition of the scalp.
  • Locally irritating substances are included in masks in order to improve blood supply to hair follicles and increase digestibility useful substances entering through the epidermis.

It is necessary to select a mask based on the existing problem and hair type, and use it according to the recipe.

Folk recipes for masks for oily hair

the main problem oily hair- This is dandruff. If it is not treated for a long time, the head becomes covered with a seborrheic crust, itches, and scratching appears. This is not just unsightly, but also dangerous: since the skin “does not breathe,” the supply of oxygen to the hair follicles is reduced, as a result, hair begins to fall out rapidly. Correctly selected hair mask, folk recipes which are quite effective, will help eliminate dandruff and at the same time strengthen the strands.

Another problem is that with increased sebum secretion, the hair quickly becomes dirty. With regular use, at least once a week, masks for oily hair will improve lipid balance, and hair will not become greasy so quickly.
We also recommend reading about how to properly wash oily hair in this article.

    Mask with aloe and esters
    Buy at the pharmacy alcohol tincture aloe vera, you will need 100 ml. You will also need ethers of tea tree, rosemary and cedar. Add 10 drops of each of them to the tincture. It can be stored in a cool, dark place for a long time, so that the product will last for a long period.

    Every time half an hour before washing your hair, shake the bottle, drop a small amount into your palm and rub it into your scalp with your fingers without scratching. The sauna effect will make the use of the product more effective, but it is not necessary to create it with a towel and a cellophane cap every time. After the required time has passed, all that remains is to wash your hair warm water with regular shampoo.

    Protein and chamomile infusion mask
    Separate the white from the yolk and beat it into a foam. Pour two large spoons of chamomile into a quarter cup of boiling water, place in a thermos and leave for half an hour, after which the infusion must be strained and mixed with the protein mass.

    The product is applied to the curls along the entire length, left for 20 minutes and washed off with lukewarm water and a small amount of shampoo. The mask gives your hair a natural shine and keeps it greasy for longer.

    Nourishing yeast mask
    Pour twenty grams of yeast with kefir (a third of a glass), let it stand for a while in a warm place. Then add the juice from a quarter of a lemon and one yolk to the solution. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Apply to hair in the following order: first to the roots, rubbing into the skin, then along the entire length of the hair. Warm your head by wearing a shower cap and tying a towel over it. The mixture should be left on the head for an hour, then you can remove the turban and wash off the mask with warm water.

    Mustard mask for hair growth
    Cooking one of the most effective means to strengthen hair and improve its growth does not take much time: mix a tablespoon mustard powder and five of the same spoons of kefir, beat into the mixture the yolk, mashed with a spoonful of melted honey and a spoonful of burdock oil.

    Apply the mixture to the roots without rubbing, wrap your head in cellophane and a towel, sit for about 20 minutes (if it doesn’t burn too much, you can hold it for twice as long, but if it “burns,” you’ll have to wash it off earlier). Rinse your hair with warm water. Hair will begin to grow better, the greasy shine will disappear.

Therapeutic masks for dry and brittle hair

Dry hair needs intense hydration and nutrition. Otherwise, they will become brittle, dull, and “liquid.” For the beauty and health of dry hair, you need to regularly make nourishing masks at home, which contain natural oil.

    Moisturizing berry mask
    To prepare the mask, take five spoons ripe berries(ideally grapes) and squeeze the juice out of them. Mix it with a large spoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of glycerin. Apply to hair, warm, rinse after an hour.

    By the way, fruit face masks help rejuvenate the skin and cleanse it, so take note.

    Rum mask for strengthening and growth of dry hair
    In equal proportions you need to mix high-quality rum and Castor oil. For 40-50 ml of this mixture, take one yolk chicken egg. Mix.

    This folk remedy needs to be intensively rubbed into the scalp, then distributed over the entire length, insulated, and rinsed off after an hour. Improves blood circulation, accelerates hair growth, strengthens, moisturizes, improves the condition of dry and brittle strands. Judging by the reviews, this is one of the best products for dry and brittle hair.

Masks for strengthening and rapid growth of hair of any type

There are folk recipes for masks that do not have a significant effect on lipid balance. They are suitable for any hair type. We have selected folk recipes for masks that strengthen hair and accelerate its growth.

    Burdock mask
    Pour three tablespoons of burdock roots with water (350 ml), boil in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Finely chop a piece of lard and melt it - you will need 10 large spoons of this product. Strain the burdock broth, mix with fat, place in a ceramic pot, cover with a lid and place in the oven for three hours. Once cooled, drain off excess liquid.

    Rub the resulting mass into the scalp an hour before washing every day. Reviews about this folk remedy only positive ones.

    Mask with aloe and garlic for hair loss
    Garlic mask strengthens hair well and accelerates its growth, however, due to its smell, which lasts for a long time, it is used when the problem of hair loss is truly urgent. It's therapeutic, not just prophylactic. To prepare it, mix a large spoon of aloe juice with a small spoon of honey, add the yolk to the mixture, squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic into it, mix everything thoroughly.

    The mixture is gently rubbed into the scalp (not too intensely), and be sure to insulate it with polyethylene or a towel. Keep it for 20 minutes, then remove the towel and film, apply another yolk to your head and only after that wash off the mask with warm water. The procedure is completed by rinsing the hair with a herbal decoction.

    Anti-dandruff treatment mask
    Mix a large spoon of oak bark and half a glass onion peel, pour in two glasses of water, bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Strain without cooling. At oily seborrhea add a tablespoon to the resulting broth salicylic alcohol, for dry seborrhea - burdock oil.

    Carry out this procedure every day: moisten a cotton ball generously in the resulting liquid and apply it to the scalp. Cover your head for two hours. Afterwards, rinse your hair or wash it as usual. The condition of the scalp will gradually improve, the itching will disappear.

Weak, thin, unruly hair is a real problem for many women. Strands are difficult to style frequent washing and high-quality styling products are not able to cope with the problem. Properly selected medicinal hair masks, which are easy to prepare at home, will help improve the condition of your hair.

Rules for choosing natural products

For home applications, products available in the pantry and refrigerator are most often used. The choice depends on the type of hair, its length, structure, the problem to be solved.

Weak strands can be oily or dry, porous or dehydrated, overly fine or completely lacking shine. After washing, they can become electrified and fluffy, which makes styling very difficult.

When selecting ingredients for a mask, you should pay attention to:

    Eggs. Rich in lecithin, vitamins and amino acids.

    Nourishes the scalp and roots, quickly restores fragile hair shafts.

    Indispensable for dry, poorly growing hair. For masks, use whole eggs or separate them into yolk and white.

    Dairy products(kefir of various fat contents, homemade yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream). Nourish, moisturize, relieve excessive dryness, and heal the scalp.

    Milk masks are more suitable for dry, porous, lifeless hair devoid of elasticity and shine. Kefir should not be used after coloring; it dissolves pigments and hair quickly loses color.

  • Honey. Excellent nutrient, restores elasticity and shine to hair, removes excess static electricity, fights dandruff. Natural honey is useful for colored hair of any type, including dry or very curly hair.
  • Natural. An indispensable tool to restore dry and brittle hair. The most commonly used oils are olive, burdock and oils; they can be mixed with each other.
  • Black bread, rye bran . Products that promote healthy scalp. Nourish, maintain normal water-lipid balance, eliminate dandruff. Pairs well with fermented milk products.
  • . Stimulate hair follicles, nourish, maintain moisture levels. Used in small quantities in combination with other ingredients. They can cause allergies; to avoid burns, the mixture with ethers must be mixed thoroughly.

Best Recipes

Homemade hair mixtures have many benefits.

They are easy to make, the necessary ingredients are inexpensive, and they can be changed if desired, adapting the recipe to a specific hair type.

The secret of success is the regularity of procedures. They have a cumulative effect, but it does not last long.

To ensure that your hair always looks well-groomed, it is recommended to use therapeutic hair masks in courses of 6-8 procedures, repeating the cycle every 3 months.

Ingredients for mixtures are selected depending on hair type.

Weak strands can be:

  • dry;
  • fat;
  • porous;
  • painted;
  • slow growing;
  • lacking shine;
  • too thin.

The scalp also deserves attention. It is necessary to stimulate it, causing a rush of blood and activating dormant hair follicles.

For growth

Compositions with natural stimulants: vegetable and fruit juices, herbs, honey, mustard powder.

A large onion is passed through a meat grinder and the juice is squeezed out. Add 2 tbsp to the liquid. l. warmed honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice. The mixture is applied to the roots and scalp for half an hour. After rinsing, the hair is rinsed with mint decoction or water with a few drops.

1 tbsp. l. mustard powder is mixed with half a glass of heated kefir. The mass is left for 15 minutes, then distributed over the scalp, thoroughly rubbing into the roots. The procedure lasts 15 minutes; for better effects, the head is wrapped in a towel. The remaining mixture is rinsed first with warm water and then cold water no shampoo.

Another interesting recipe preparing a therapeutic mask for hair growth in this video:

From falling out

Procedures that strengthen roots and prevent hair loss It is worth doing not only for women, but also for men. Their task is to stimulate the hair follicles, making the strands lighter, more voluminous, and stronger.

If the mixture is too liquid, you can add a little oatmeal or crushed flakes.

Natural oils have an excellent nutritional effect. heated in a water bath, distributed over the strands without affecting the roots.

Keep the mixture for at least half an hour, wash off with a mild shampoo, and then rinse your head with chamomile decoction.


Weak hair is often dehydrated, dull, and porous. Natural moisturizers will help put them in order: fruit, vegetable and berry juices, herbal decoctions.

Grind 2 very ripe peaches, peeled, in a blender. Add 1 tbsp to the mass. l. honey and a little freshly squeezed lemon juice. The mask is applied to pre-washed, slightly damp hair.

A mixture of herbs is brewed in a thermos ( pharmaceutical chamomile, mint, sage, coltsfoot). For 1 tbsp. l. the mixture will need 1 cup of boiling water. After an hour, filter the infusion, add a little honey, a few drops essential oil mint. The strands are generously moistened with the decoction, and an additional portion is applied to the scalp.

Homemade masks are best applied to clean, thoroughly combed hair. Intensive treatment with a massage brush will help remove remnants of varnish, mousse and other care products. The composition is distributed over the strands with a flat brush made of synthetic fibers, and each curl is processed both from the outside and from the inside.

After distributing the mixture, you need to thoroughly massage your scalp. Weak roots contribute rapid loss, massage is designed to strengthen them and stimulate growth.

Movements should be soft and circular. Not only the top of the head is massaged, but also the temples, the back of the head, frontal part, area behind the ears.

A plastic shower cap is placed on the head. You can replace it with a piece of plastic film, from which a turban is made. Cover the head with a thick terry towel. This compress will strengthen beneficial features ingredients, the mask will work faster.

You need to keep the composition on your head for 15-30 minutes. The remaining mixture should be washed off with warm water, but not hot water. If oils were included in the composition, it is better to wash your hair with a mild shampoo without aggressive surfactants. Some masks are difficult to wash off; a plastic comb with sparse teeth. You need to use it very carefully so as not to injure wet strands.

After the procedure, the head is rinsed with conditioner, herbal decoction, slightly acidified cool water. For oily strands, lemon juice or Apple vinegar, dry chamomile infusions are shown, linden color, black tea.

Possible contraindications

Before starting the course, it is worth doing a small test, Apply the mask mixture to the back of your wrist. If red spots do not appear on the skin and itching does not occur, you can safely apply the drug to your head.

Mixtures containing honey are contraindicated for people suffering from hay fever., propolis, beeswax, decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Essential or fragrant oils that can provoke an attack. But masks based fermented milk products, vegetable juices or eggs can be tried without much risk.

Don't make masks too often. The optimal regimen is 1-2 procedures per week. Daily wraps are carried out only in short-term courses with a mandatory break. This is especially important when using concentrated ones.

Trichologists do not recommend frequently changing formulations, experimenting with ingredients. Irritated skin may respond with increased hair loss or dandruff. It's better to choose 2-3 effective recipes and do procedures in courses, alternating compositions.

The correct choice of ingredients and adherence to the procedure schedule will help restore even very neglected hair. Treatment should be supplemented with a diet, gentle styling products, and avoidance of hot curling devices. The result will be noticeable within a month, but lasting improvement will occur no earlier than six months later.

There are probably no girls who would not dream of having beautiful hair. In the pursuit of beauty, numerous styling products and thermal devices are used, which do not add health to the hair. To maintain the natural beauty of your strands or restore it, you will have to make some efforts, where homemade masks play a significant role.

How to make hair masks correctly

In order for the effectiveness of homemade masks to be high, you should stick to some completely simple rules. This is done regardless of the direction of the composition.

Hair loss masks

The duration of the course of masks is from about 12 procedures, with a frequency of 2-3 masks per week. After this, you need to take a break of 1-2 weeks, and then duplicate the course. To make the procedures more effective, it is worth taking a course of multivitamins in parallel. To solve this problem, experts advise using several masks at once and alternating them during the course. It is also not recommended to go outside for a couple of hours after washing off the mask from your hair.

Anti-dandruff masks

The duration of the course of hair treatment for dandruff is limited to 12 masks, repeated a couple of times a week. After this, you need to give your hair a two-week rest and then repeat. Unlike previous recommendations, when treating seborrhea, you cannot alternate masks during one session; you need to choose one and stick to it.

Masks for split ends

Masks for damaged hair

Masks for oily hair

Masks for weakened hair

Strengthening hair masks

If we are talking about hair care, then it is impossible to imagine it without hair masks; it is the masks that deeply affect the hair, treat it, restore it, nourish it, and moisturize it. And every girl should have a good store-bought mask; also, several recipes for medicinal homemade hair masks will not hurt in her arsenal. Therapeutic hair masks at home can be made not only for the length of the hair, but also for the scalp; such masks give a very good result with regular use.

The mask is the only hair care product that works inside the hair and is truly capable of restoring damaged hair. Or in for preventive purposes strengthen the internal structure of the hair in a timely manner, which allows you to avoid possible hair injury in the future, by increasing the level of its resistance to aggressive factors.

In order to see the result from homemade mask, it needs to be done in a course of 10-15 procedures, and then you need to take a break for one or two months and, if necessary, you can repeat another course.

Homemade masks are usually made before washing your hair and you need to prepare the mask immediately before applying it. If the mask contains oils, they can be heated, so they work better.

For achievement best result, homemade masks should be insulated (with a shower cap, plastic wrap or bag, and put on a warm woolen hat or towel on top).

We offer a recipe for a mask, the result of which has been proven over generations; it is universal nourishing mask, which is suitable for both hair length and scalp.

Universal nourishing mask for all hair types

  • 1 tablespoon cognac;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 1 egg yolk.

Mix all the ingredients, olive oil can be heated in a water bath. We first apply the mask to the scalp and then distribute it along the length of the hair. Try to ensure that there is no foam, hairspray or other styling products on your hair before using the mask. The mask needs to be insulated: wrap it in plastic wrap and insulate it with a woolen hat (you can take a steam bath or warm it up with a hairdryer for 10 minutes) for about 40 minutes to 1 hour, then wash your hair with two rinses of shampoo and apply a light moisturizing conditioner.

Homemade healing masks for the scalp

Homemade scalp masks are designed to strengthen hair, awaken it to growth, prevent hair loss, and fight oiliness and dandruff. The main ingredients of such masks are clay, mustard, cinnamon, tincture capsicum which improve blood circulation, therefore nutrients penetrate better to the hair roots.

  • 2 tablespoons mustard;
  • 2 tablespoons warm water;
  • 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of base oil (burdock, avocado, jojoba, olive);
  • 1 yolk.

Dilute mustard powder with water until smooth and add the rest of the ingredients. The mask is applied only to the scalp along the partings. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes to 1 hour, preferably with insulation. The ends of the hair should be lubricated with any base oil so as not to dry out the length. Wash off the mask thoroughly with shampoo (twice) and apply a good store-bought mask to the length of your hair.

Mask for oily hair

  • 1 tablespoon of clay (blue, white, pink);
  • 1/2 tablespoon of water (boiled) or mineral water;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1/2 tablespoon of honey;
  • 3-5 drops of essential oil (rosemary, tea tree, pine, cinnamon).

The mask is done before washing your hair. Dilute the clay with water to the consistency of sour cream, add the remaining ingredients. Apply the mask to the roots of the hair and warm it for about 20-30 minutes. Then wash your hair as usual, but use a mask or conditioner for length, otherwise your hair will be coarse. It is enough to do this mask once a week.

Mask for hair loss

  • 2 tablespoons of red pepper tincture;
  • 2 tablespoons of base oil (olive, flaxseed, castor, sesame, sea buckthorn);
  • 5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil;
  • 3-5 drops of essential oil (bey, orange, lavender, rosemary).

Mix all the ingredients and apply the mask to the scalp along the partings. We insulate it with a shower cap or cellophane film, wrap it in a warm towel, or you can wear a warm woolen hat. Let it sit for somewhere from 40 minutes to 1 hour (it should warm and pinch a little). Next, wash off with shampoo, preferably twice. This mask can be used 1-2 times a week.

Strengthening hair mask

  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon (powder);
  • 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil;
  • 1 tablespoon hemp oil;
  • 5-8 drops of cinnamon essential oil.

Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl; you can heat it in a water bath. Apply the mask to the scalp for 30 minutes to 1 hour, or longer. The mask needs to be insulated (with plastic wrap or a shower cap, and a hat or towel on top), you can also warm it up with a hairdryer. After the time has passed, I wash my hair as usual.

Nourishing scalp mask

  • half a teaspoon of dimexide;
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon castor oil;
  • 3-5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil;
  • 5 drops of bey essential oil or any other.

Warming up base oils and add the rest of the ingredients, add dimexide at the end, apply the mask to the scalp and insulate it. Leave for about an hour and wash off with shampoo (two or three times).

Therapeutic home masks for hair length

If we talk about homemade medicinal masks for hair length, the main ingredients in such masks are oils. Natural base oils can restore hair from the inside, moisturize dry and brittle hair, nourish the exhausted. Treatment masks for hair length can work wonders on our hair.

Hair mask with lamination effect

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon argan oil;
  • 1 teaspoon jojoba oil;
  • 8 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil.

The mask is made before washing your hair and the proportions of oils can be changed depending on the length of your hair. Mix all the ingredients, heat in a water bath in a glass container, except for the essential oil, add it at the end. And while warm, apply the mixture to the hair, moving away from the roots of the hair, lubricate the ends well and insulate. Leave the mask for at least 2 hours, or preferably overnight, wash off the mask with shampoo (2-3 times). The mask is very nourishing and it is enough to do it once every two weeks.

Mask for damaged hair

  • 1 tablespoon shea or coconut butter;
  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil.

Mix the oils in a glass bowl and heat in a water bath. Apply the mask before washing your hair, for about 2-3 hours, you can insulate it with plastic wrap or a shower cap, and put a warm hat on top. We wash our hair with two or three washes of shampoo and don’t forget about the conditioner.

Hair mask based on pharmacy vitamins

  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B6;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B12;
  • 1 ampoule nicotinic acid- AT 3;
  • 1 ampoule of aloe extract;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • one yolk.

The mask is made before washing your hair, mix all the ingredients and apply to the length of your hair, moving away from the roots. We insulate the mask and keep it on for 1-2 hours, and then wash my hair as usual.

Nourishing mask for hair length

  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil;
  • 2 ampoules of vitamin C.

The mask is applied to the length of the hair before washing; if the scalp is not oily, it can also be applied to the scalp. We add vitamin C to the mask at the very end, because it quickly loses its properties. We insulate the mask and keep it on for 1-2 hours. The mask can be done 1-2 times a week, in a course of 10 procedures.

Moisturizing mask for hair length

  • 0.5 cups of kefir;
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil;
  • 1 yolk.

Mix all ingredients, apply to hair, warm, and after an hour wash your hair as usual. It is enough to do this mask once a week; it is very suitable for hair care in the summer.

Looking for an effective hair care product? Then go ahead and you will learn how to restore your hair.

Hair care is a difficult, time-consuming process that requires patience, a competent approach and, of course, compliance necessary recommendations. This is the only way to achieve the desired result, improve hair health and accelerate its growth.

Wherein this treatment can be carried out in beauty salons, paying a lot of money for services, or you can use therapeutic masks at home, using the gifts of nature. The latter option is an advantage among the fair sex, as it is available to everyone without exception.

No matter how expensive the shampoo and conditioner you purchase, it will not be able to compare in its effectiveness to homemade masks. They are recommended for absolutely all girls, regardless of the condition of their hair. However, in order for such procedures to be beneficial, they must be carried out at least twice a week. In this case, the course lasts two months, if necessary, it can be extended to six months. But keep in mind that you cannot alternate several masks at the same time. You must complete a course using one of them, after which you can try the second. Failure to comply with this rule will reduce the effectiveness of the “medicine”.

Folk hair masks are prepared in compliance with the following rules:

    The ingredients specified in the recipe are mixed well until you get a mass that has a homogeneous base of the consistency you need.

    After the “medicine” is ready, apply it to your hair. If you do this later, the effectiveness will decrease significantly.

    While applying the paste, gently massage your head with your fingers.

    To get the best result, it is recommended to wear regular hair on your hair. plastic bag, then wrap your head in a towel.

    You cannot keep the mask for more than the specified time, as this can damage the hair structure.

    Wash off homemade masks with warm water without using soap or shampoo. The only exceptions are those folk recipes that contain honey, kefir and eggs.

Mask recipes can be diluted if necessary by adding different ingredients at your discretion.. This will not cause harm, but on the contrary, it will improve their condition. But when choosing additional components, you must take into account your hair type.

So, folk recipes require:

  1. For those with oily hair, you can add mustard, lemon juice or honey.
  2. For girls with dry hair, campfire or olive oil is perfect.
  3. For normal hair It is recommended to use lemon oil, ylang-ylang, fir, etc.

Therapeutic restorative hair masks provide beneficial effect not only on the curl itself, but also on the scalp. This is very important, since the dull color of the strands and their cross-section in most cases is the result poor care for hair.

Treatment mask for hair loss

A mask against hair loss is made from nettle leaves, birch, calendula flowers, coltsfoot and hop cones. The herbs must be taken in equal quantities, crushed and poured with hot water (0.5 liters). Once it has settled, rub it into your scalp and hair using a cotton swab. You need to keep it for about fifteen minutes.

Therapeutic mask for hair growth

If you are interested medical cosmetics for hair, which has positive influence for hair growth, we recommend choosing this option.

To prepare it you will need:

  • cognac - five spoons;
  • regular onion juice - eight tablespoons;
  • burdock decoction - twenty spoons.

You need to rub the mixture in two hours before washing your hair.

Treatment mask for damaged hair

Strongly damaged hair difficult to cure, even with the most effective means and cosmetic procedures. It is because of this that most girls prefer to cut their hair. However, if you feel sorry for them, try to restore them using this mask. But the result will not be noticeable immediately, but after two months. So please be patient.

So take:

  • cocoa powder - one spoon;
  • homemade kefir - 0.5 cups;
  • egg yolk.

Mix all ingredients well. You need to keep it for thirty minutes.

Treatment mask for dry hair

Homemade recipes even help in the fight against dry hair, providing it with good hydration And proper care. Take one standard packet of white henna, one yolk and a spoon natural honey. Apply to hair for forty minutes.

Treatment mask for split ends of hair

One yolk, mix with a tablespoon of good quality olive oil, henna powder, honey and cognac. Rub into ends of hair. You need to keep it for thirty minutes. After this, it is recommended to rinse off the mixture and apply warm yogurt to your hair, keeping it under a cap for about thirty minutes.

Anti-dandruff treatment mask

Folk masks, the action of which is aimed at treating hair and scalp against dandruff, are especially popular. There are many varieties of them, which differ both in their components and in effectiveness. The best remedy for fighting dandruff is parsley. It is added to almost all recipes. We offer a universal option that is suitable for any hair type.

Use a sharp knife to cut the parsley leaves into small pieces, add a little vegetable oil and place the ingredients in a water bath to warm up. This will take about thirty minutes. Rub the mixture into your hair and scalp. Repeat this procedure need three times a week. Reviews of its use confirm its magical properties.

Therapeutic hair masks: reviews

Dasha, 20 years old

For a long time I struggled with dandruff using expensive cosmetic products. There was no result. I decided to try the secrets folk wisdom, got rid of the problem in two weeks.

Ira, 29 years old

I didn't believe in it before traditional medicine! When I dyed my hair unsuccessfully, I decided to treat it using masks prepared with honey and eggs. I'm pleasantly surprised.

Erika, 38 years old

DIY masks are the best remedy for hair treatment. I recommend to everyone!