Dog allergy treatment: quick results. Allergies to animals are curable! You will stop being afraid of cats and dogs in six months! How to get rid of dog allergies forever

Increased susceptibility immune system adult human exposure to dog allergens causes a lot unpleasant symptoms: cough, runny nose, itching, inflammation. What to do: give up the joy of communicating with a pet or try to alleviate your condition?

The dog is one of the most common types of pets. Unfortunately, adults often develop allergies to their four-legged friend. In most cases, an allergic reaction does not appear immediately, and its consequences can be very dangerous for human life.

Allergies to dogs are common in most cases. congenital disease immune system in both children and adults. Heredity plays an important role: if one or both parents have an allergy to a dog, there is a 50% chance that the child will also have one.

The source of the allergy is not animal fur, but some proteins that are produced by the dog's skin glands. They are present in dog saliva and urine, in sebaceous glands and on the skin, as well as in places where the pet is kept: on toys, care items, in litter.

The main allergen is Can f 1. This protein causes the development of a protective reaction by contacting the bronchi and mucous membranes.

Allergies can be latent and may not manifest themselves during short contacts with domestic dogs. But when living in the same room with a pet for a long time, the disease makes itself felt. Therefore, many doctors advise both adults and children to undergo clinical trial Look for signs of dog allergies before getting a pet.

Peculiarity! If a child was allergic to dogs as a child, this does not mean that it will remain as an adult. At the stage of immunity formation, a child’s body can develop required amount antibodies to fight allergens.


How does an allergy to dogs manifest in an adult:

  • Redness of the nose, stuffiness;
  • Itching in the nose;
  • Wheezing in the chest;
  • Inflammation of the eyes;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Dry cough;
  • Headache;
  • Constant sneezing;
  • Tears;
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • Elevated temperature;
  • Runny nose;
  • Quincke's edema.

In adults with different condition immunity, as a rule, allergies to dogs are expressed in different ways. The main impact falls on the organs of vision, respiratory system and skin. After close contact with an animal, eye irritation occurs and breathing becomes difficult. When a person suffering from allergies touches a dog, itching and redness may begin in the areas touched.

Constant interaction of an adult with an aggressive dog protein leads to increased allergy symptoms. Thus, eye irritation leads to the development allergic conjunctivitis. Inhalation of allergens through the respiratory tract provokes the development severe cough due to swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa, the throat begins to hurt. Initial redness of the skin on the human body develops into urticaria, itchy blisters, and Quincke's edema.

In some cases, dog allergens cause shortness of breath, breathing problems, and asthma attacks. A threat to life occurs with severely advanced allergies and weakened immunity, which leads to strong decline pressure, increased heart rate, loss of consciousness and anaphylactic shock. If a severe allergy occurs, you should immediately seek emergency medical help.


Symptoms of allergies to dogs in adults are similar to other types of allergies, including cat fur, dust, seasonal allergies, etc. To ensure a correct diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment, you should get tested and consult an allergist. This can be done in a clinic or in a private medical laboratory.

There are several methods laboratory research to identify allergic reactions to dogs:

Skin tests

The essence of the method is to apply synthetic analogues of the allergen to human skin. The contact area is scratched with a special instrument - a lancet. If after some time an itchy blister forms in the area of ​​contact with the allergen, this indicates positive reaction skin examination.

Blood analysis

The laboratory method is the most popular because it does not cause complications. Collecting blood serum is safe for adults. The result of a positive test will be the presence of special antibodies (allergy-specific immunoglobulins E) in the blood.


To treat allergies to dogs in adults, an effective and currently unique method has been developed - ASIT (allergen-specific immunotherapy). Therapeutic effect is provided through injections with dog allergens administered under the skin of an adult. Small dosages are increased over time under the supervision of a doctor. The disadvantage of this method is high price and a long course duration - up to three years. For this reason, many people prefer to use folk or traditional medicine to relieve signs of allergies.


What to do if the desire to have a dog is stronger than the effect of the allergy on the adult’s body? Thanks to medications, it is not possible to permanently get rid of the reaction to aggressive proteins in dogs. But constant use of medications will help ease the course of the disease and eliminate danger signs: runny nose, itchy skin, tearing and others.

To combat clinical symptoms For allergies to dogs, the following groups of drugs are used:


Histamine blockers suppress the activity of substances that provoke signs of allergies. Helps slow down allergic processes in organism. Antihistamines Available in the form of tablets, drops, ointments. Among them: Suprastin, Loratadine, Clemastine, Fenistil, Tavegil, Zodak, Kestin, Telfast, Clarotadine, Vibrocil, Allergodil.


Relieves swelling, removes excess liquid from tissues, promote internal cleansing of the body, have a diuretic effect (Sudofed, Fexofenadine).

Combined products

This group includes medications that include both antihistamines and decongestants: Tylenol Allergies, Benadryl Allergies, Zyrtec.


Hormonal drugs that relieve external symptoms, fight inflamed areas. Used for severe types manifestations of allergies.

The main drugs in this group:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Dexamethasone.

Products for removing allergens

  • Smecta;
  • Atoxyl;
  • Polysorb;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Filtrum;
  • Polyphepam.

Apply medications should be done with great caution, since each of them has a large number of side effects and contraindications. The dosage of medication should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics the patient's body.

Folk remedies

To combat dog allergies, there is a wide variety of folk remedies that help the adult immune system fight irritating allergens.


If an allergy manifests itself as headaches, frequent sneezing, and watery eyes, beekeeping products, namely bees, will help in the fight against unpleasant symptoms. These are small honeycomb caps made by bees to seal the honey. It is recommended to chew zabrus daily for 1-2 months.


Powerful folk remedy for allergies - fresh duckweed infused with vodka. To prepare a healing potion, use 10-15 teaspoons of duckweed and half a liter of vodka. After a week of infusion, the product should be taken for 7 days, 20 drops 3 times a day, diluted in a glass of water.


Another strong and effective remedy for allergies - mumiyo. This product is called “mountain balm” due to its unique multi-component chemical composition.

A complex complex of natural components helps cope with the manifestations of allergic diseases and enhances protective functions body

Shilajit is sold in pharmacies in tablet form. For treatment, it is recommended to dilute 1 gram of the substance per 1 liter of water and take 100 ml of solution once a day.

Prevention methods

If there is no possibility or desire to give up keeping a dog, you can reduce allergic manifestations using the following measures:

  • Do wet cleaning 1-3 times a week;
  • Constantly ventilate all rooms;
  • Use special air purifiers;
  • Wash your dog every week;
  • Regularly comb out excess fluff and thoroughly comb the animal’s fur;
  • Do not allow the dog to enter the bedroom or sleep on the bed;
  • Remove carpets and other dust containers from the home to minimize the amount of allergens deposited;
  • Wash your hands with soap after each contact with an animal;
  • Do not allow your pet to lick your face and hands.

Compliance with these simple rules helps reduce the concentration of aggressive allergens in the home environment.

Important! According to allergists, allergens from other people's dogs cause a stronger reaction in the body. While walking with your animal, try to limit its interaction with other pets. This will help prevent other people's allergens from entering your dog's body.


If allergic reactions to domestic dogs occur, not every person will be able to refuse the joy of communicating with these cute pets. Even if an allergy has developed, it should be remembered that its effect can be reduced with the help of various means, and also prevented through optimal prevention. In order for the body to be resistant to the influence of allergens, it is necessary to healthy image life, exercise, spend more time in nature and eat right. And then you won’t have to give up your beloved pet.

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A dog is one of the popular pets, since many people cannot imagine their life without a four-legged friend, but, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that a person becomes allergic to a dog. Which dogs cause allergies and for what reason - read the article.

Dog allergies - causes

Can you be allergic to dog hair?

Allergies to dogs appear due to hypersensitivity immune system to certain, usually harmless proteins that are found in the saliva, urine, epithelium and sebaceous glands of the animal.

Many people mistakenly believe that they are allergic to dog hair, but contrary to popular belief, it is not the dog's hair itself that causes allergies, but the proteins that are found on it.

The main antigen that causes allergies is Can f 1. When it comes into contact with the mucous membranes and bronchi of a person, it can provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

Dogs and cats produce different proteins, but some of them are similar in structure, which is why some people who are allergic to dogs have a reaction to cats. This phenomenon is called cross allergy.

How does a dog allergy manifest?

Symptoms manifest differently for everyone: allergies can develop immediately upon contact with an animal ( immediate type allergic reaction) or after a few days (delayed type).

Allergens can be in the air or on the clothes of pet owners, so an allergic reaction can occur even with indirect contact with an allergen, for example, at a party or in in public places: kindergartens, schools, offices, public transport etc.

Allergy symptoms depend on how the interaction with the allergen occurred. If it gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, redness, burning and itching in the eyes occurs - allergic conjunctivitis develops.

Allergy to dog (photo)

Inhalation or deposition of the allergen on the nasal mucosa can cause irritation respiratory tract, symptoms similar to those of hay fever: watery discharge from the nose, frequent sneezing, swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa, leading to coughing, difficulty swallowing and sore throat.

Skin manifestations of allergies are expressed in the form of redness and swelling skin, the occurrence of hives or itchy blisters on the face, neck, chest or arms, Quincke's edema.

In rare cases, dog allergens can trigger asthma attacks, which can cause difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.

In severe cases, anaphylactic shock is possible, life-threatening a person who experiences a sharp fall blood pressure and loss of consciousness.

Allergy to dogs in children

Allergies to dogs in newborns may occur due to a hereditary tendency. If one or both parents had allergic diseases, the probability that a child will develop an allergy to a dog is 50%.

Carrying out preventive measures helps reduce the risk of allergies in newborns.

The symptoms that occur in a baby are varied: itchy rashes all over the body, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, wheezing while breathing, eczema - a painful inflammation of the skin.

Allergy to a dog in an infant (photo)

IN in rare cases The baby may experience Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock, which is life-threatening. In this case, emergency medical attention is required.

If a child suffered from a dog allergy as a child, this does not mean that he will continue to react to it in adulthood. The children's immune system is very vulnerable, so once its formation is completed, the child manages to get rid of it.

How to get rid of dog allergies?

If you have an allergy to pets, you should consult a doctor - an allergist, who will take an anamnesis and, based on it, prescribe laboratory tests and skin testing, and also determine the appropriate treatment.

The essence of the therapy is the injection of allergens under the human skin or under the tongue (sublingual). Treatment begins with a small dose, which is gradually increased to maximum value determined by an allergist. The course can take a long time – up to 3 years.

Sublingual ASIT

Drug treatment used to relieve symptoms, but not cure the disease. To eliminate the main manifestations of allergies, such as runny nose, watery eyes and skin rashes caused by the action of histamine, antihistamines in the form of tablets and drops, for example Zodak, Cetrin, Naphthyzin, etc.

You can get rid of allergic skin itching by topical application of an antihistamine or corticosteroid (hormonal) ointment to the skin: Fenistil, Hydrocortisone, etc.

Preventive actions

Allergy to a dog - what to do?

If you keep your pet in an apartment or house, you should minimize contact with allergens in the following ways:

  • Carry out wet cleaning at least once a week.
  • Get rid of (or vacuum daily) carpets and other dust collectors, as settled allergens are found in high concentrations on them.
  • Use an air purifier and vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.
  • Wash and brush your dog weekly.
  • Keep the room locked: Do not allow your dog to enter the bedroom (or nursery) or sleep on the bed.
  • Always wash your hands with soap after handling an animal.
  • If you are allergic to a dog's saliva, do not let it lick you.
  • If the dog lives inside the house, try to move it to a kennel outside.

What dog breeds do not cause allergies?

Dogs don't causing allergies- This is an allergy sufferer's dream. However, unfortunately, there are no hypoallergenic dog breeds. But there is an opinion that short-haired dogs cause allergic reactions more often than long-haired dogs. This is due to the fact that smooth-haired dogs shed almost all year round, and therefore pose the greatest danger. However, if a person is allergic to animal saliva, any breed of dog is not suitable for him to keep.

Which dogs are not allergic?

So that very day has come - a charming baby, undoubtedly the best breed in the world, has appeared in the house. But the joyful event is overshadowed when one of the family members suddenly has a red and itchy nose, wheezing appears in the chest, and there are tears in the sore eyes. The doctor confirms the suspicions - it is an allergy to the dog that is showing symptoms. The recommendations are clear - get rid of the puppy immediately. What to do? Will you really have to stop communicating with these beautiful animals for the rest of your life?

The term “allergy” was introduced relatively recently, just over a century ago. But this disease has been known since the time Ancient Egypt. And since then, humanity has been trying to get to the bottom of the reasons for the body’s abnormal reaction, which, in fact, is the so-called allergy to dog hair (it’s not about the hair at all, but more on that below).

So, fact one: an allergy is an excessive, unnecessary reaction of the immune system to a foreign substance that has entered the body (anything, except perhaps distilled water). Fact two: lymphocytes learn to distinguish between “friends” and “strangers” even during the formation of the child’s body, therefore allergies to dogs in children born and growing up surrounded by these pets are much less common. Fact three: allergies occur due to the release of antibodies into the blood, which are aimed at fighting the “intruder” (i.e. the substance that causes the allergy). Similar reactions occur, for example, when a virus enters the body - antibodies (if immunity has been developed) prevent the virus from multiplying. If we're talking about about allergies to dog saliva (pollen, food, whatever), antibodies are produced in excess and without real need, which leads to unpleasant symptoms.

Thus, to put it very simply, the body seems to develop eternal immunity to dogs. You cannot get rid of this “immunity,” that is, it is completely impossible to cure allergies. But you can “put to sleep” an overly vigilant organism, deceive it with medications, or “butter it up” by reducing the amount of allergen in the environment.

Why is it that in some people an allergy to dogs appears and goes away without any treatment, in others it does not occur at all, and in others it causes severe symptoms? First of all, it is important to consider hereditary factor. If one of the parents suffers from allergies, the child is born allergic in 50% of cases, if both - in 70% of cases. Moreover, the type of allergy does not matter: mom cannot stand the smell of perfume, dad sheds tears during the flowering period, and children are allergic to dogs, fish or chemical dyes - it is impossible to predict.

What if there is no genetic predisposition to allergies? Don't get upset, it's easy to earn. Every second we are surrounded by billions of aggressive substances: lipstick, wallpaper, house dust, dishwashing detergent, a purchased apple dripping with pesticides—the list is endless. And we do not pay attention to the environment and nutrition until the question arises bluntly: “Allergy to a dog, what to do now, how to live further?” But the breakdown of the immune system has already occurred: the body is tired of fighting billions of “intruders” and made a mistake.

Recently, allergic reactions in dogs are not uncommon, because... the number of potential allergens is growing every day. Only a veterinarian can accurately determine that an animal has an allergy, so the most competent thing that the owner of a four-legged friend can do if hives or signs of obvious skin itching appears is to seek help or advice from a specialist.

Features of allergies in dogs and its classification

Allergies are not normal increased reaction the body to some foreign substance that has entered it by any means. Under normal circumstances, everything foreign and harmful is simply removed from the body, but in allergy sufferers a certain inflammatory reaction with the release of histamine into the blood. It is this substance that makes itself felt by redness, rash and itching anywhere on the body.

Often this pathology It has genetic predisposition, and the strength of its manifestation depends on the amount of allergen entering the body.

Features of the flow:

  • more severe symptoms (especially in the manifestation of itching) than in other warm-blooded animals and humans;
  • large list of allergens;
  • intensification of manifestations over the years;
  • The condition primarily affects the skin of dogs.

The most unpleasant complication of allergic reactions are scratches and wounds that appear due to strong uncontrolled scratching. Open wound surfaces serve entrance gate For pathogenic bacteria, so the process is often complicated purulent inflammation in places of scratching.

The parts of the body that are most often affected by allergies in dogs can be seen in the photo:

The classification of allergic reactions in dogs combines the types of allergens and the ways they enter the body.

Types of allergies:

  • food allergies in dogs;
  • medicinal;
  • chemical (for animal care products or household chemicals);
  • infectious (viral, bacterial, fungal or helminthic);
  • insect (reactions to insect bites and cutaneous blood-sucking insects, i.e. allergy to fleas in dogs);
  • autoimmune reactions (the rarest form).

Allergic reactions manifest themselves in two ways:

  • cumulative (some time after contact with the allergen - up to several weeks);
  • instantaneous (almost immediately after interaction).

Allergies in dogs: general and specific symptoms

The body of any animal is densely covered with hair, so signs of increased reactivity of the body do not immediately become visible. It is useful to carry out an unobtrusive examination of the skin, muzzle and ears at the moment of direct contact with the dog. It should be noted that the shorter and lighter the coat, the more pronounced and noticeable the symptoms.

The following list of symptoms may indicate that your pet has an allergy.

Important: dogs do not sweat in the sense in which people are accustomed to understanding the meaning of this physiological phenomenon. Sweat glands in these animals, those that control thermoregulation are located only on the pads of the paws and in the mouth area. Increased humidity in the armpits and in any other part of the body is always a sign of health problems and, most often, a symptom of an allergic reaction!

Photos of types of allergies

Autoimmune cutaneous vasculitis Allergic otitis media Interdigital dermatitis Drug allergy
Food allergies Quincke's edema with anaphylaxis Erythema multiforme lupus erythematosus

Flea dermatitis Hives Atopic dermatitis Bullous pemphigoid

Anaphylactic shock in a dog: symptoms, first aid

Regardless of what causes anaphylaxis, it always occurs the same way. It can be local and systemic, and the first form can transform into the second. Most often occurs due to bites or injection of drugs.

Local manifestation:

  • urticaria ( local redness, rash, itching);
  • angioedema (under the skin and in deep tissue layers).

Systemic signs:

  • vomiting and increased agitation, which is replaced by depression;
  • respiratory depression;
  • cardiovascular failure and possible loss consciousness.

Important: if there is a risk or actual occurrence of anaphylactic shock, you should immediately take the animal to a veterinary hospital. There is no more than 1 hour to provide first aid to the animal, otherwise it will die!

Veterinarian actions:

  1. Immediate intramuscular injection suprastin or diphenhydramine - 0.2 ml/kg.
  2. Intravenous cordiamine 0.02-0.6 ml/kg or subcutaneous sulfocamphocaine 0.2 ml/kg (supports heart function).
  3. Subcutaneously any of the steroids: hydrocortisone, dexamethasone or dexon - 0.5-1 mg/kg depending on the size of the dog.
  4. Intravenous “cocktail” of glucose and ascorbic acid in one syringe (m ml + 0.2 ml/kg).
  5. Intramuscularly 1 amp. immunofana.

Next, after stopping the attack within 24 hours:

  1. Calcium chloride from 1 to 5 tbsp. - drink during the day.
  2. Instead of water, it is better to drink a decoction of the string.
  3. Relieve itching with hydrocortisone spray 2-3 times a day (4 amps of hydrocortisone, 80 ml of alcohol, 50 ml of glycerin, 350 ml of water - put in a hand spray bottle).


Before the diagnosis of allergies is confirmed, the veterinarian will rule out those diseases that have similar clinical manifestations. IN differential diagnosis includes skin scrapings, stool analysis for helminths, trichoscopy, bacterial cultures and blood tests, etc.

To determine food reactivity, diagnostic nutrition is administered for 1.5-2 months and a protein map is drawn up. During this period, the dog’s body’s reactions to various food proteins. All reaction results are recorded in a protein map. Products containing proteins that are reactive to the body will need to be excluded for the rest of the animal’s life. There is no other way to find out what food a dog is allergic to! Human tests in in this case absolutely not suitable.

To determine the reaction to fleas and their saliva, use a wet white paper test. visual inspection, trial diagnostic treatment. When testing with wet paper, red spots from “black” dandruff combed from the dog’s skin and fur will spread out on the sheet - these are traces of flea activity.

Determine allergies to other substances found in environment, it is possible if there is increased attentiveness of owners to their pets. An attentive owner notices the slightest changes in the health of the pet and the reasons that caused these changes, which are then brought to the attention of the veterinarian. Also, when assuming allergies to plants and their pollen, seasonality is taken into account, and not just external signs diseases.

Allergy treatment

If a dog has an allergy, only a veterinarian knows how to treat it. Bring the body out of a reactive state into mandatory Only a specialist should, because only he can distinguish non-standard reactions from some other infectious and non-communicable diseases that have a similar clinical picture.

Treatment of allergies in dogs is always complex and depends on the type of reaction and its symptomatic manifestations. But regardless of the nuances of the development of the condition, two main points of treatment are present in any case:

  1. Stopping exposure of the body to allergens.
  2. Antihistamine therapy - general and local.

Feed sick or convalescent animals a special hypoallergenic food for dogs with allergies, specially designed for similar cases. You can also plan your diet according to food diary, excluding all reactive product names.

The same procedure accompanies medicines- Only drugs that do not cause allergies can be administered. Drugs that have provoked a non-standard reaction at least once are usually recorded in the personal medical card animal or in the veterinary passport.

Features of medical care for different types of allergies:

  • Food— determination of the type and elimination food allergen through a diagnostic diet.
  • Insect- removal of all cutaneous blood-sucking insects from the surface of the animal and from its environment.
  • Medicinal - immediate antiallergic or, if necessary, antishock therapy (usually local treatment is not required).
  • Infectious - determining the type of infection accompanied by immune failure and eliminating it (without eliminating the cause of the allergy, antihistamine therapy will be ineffective).
  • Atopic dermatitis - cannot be completely cured, therefore symptomatic antihistamine therapy and local antipruritic effects will accompany the dog throughout its life.
  • Autoimmune reaction - administration of massive doses of glucocorticoids to relieve exacerbation of the disease, followed by transfer to minimal maintenance doses;
    • therapy that suppresses immune activity so that the body stops “attacking” its own cells and organs;
    • symptomatic therapy, depending on which organ or system is “attacked” by the immune system.
  • Allergic otitis - against the background of antihistamine therapy, general anti-inflammatory treatment of otitis is carried out.

Review of Allergy Medicines in Dogs

Due to the peculiarities of the manifestation and course of allergic reactions in dogs, the range of antihistamines allowed for use in them is quite wide. All antihistamines are divided into 3 large groups:

  • drugs that reduce the response of H1/2 receptors (what reacts to histamine in the body);
  • drugs that bind and remove histamine;
  • drugs that prevent the production of histamine.

In dogs, drugs belonging to the first group are most often used, i.e. reduce the body’s response to histamine circulating in the blood, relax smooth muscles, relieving spasms, reduce swelling by reducing vascular permeability and eliminate other obvious allergic symptoms. The decision on what to give your dog for allergies is made only by a veterinarian!

Diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine)

It has a pronounced antihistamine sedative and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for any reactive failures, including medicinal ones. Administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly in the form of a 1% solution twice a day.

Dose: 0.6-0.8 mg/kg animal body weight.

Diprazine (phenergan, pipolphen, allergan)

Effective for dermatitis accompanied by itching. Causes drowsiness. Administered intramuscularly in the form of a 2.5% solution or tablets.

Dosage: 4.5-5 mg/kg 2-3 times a day.

Diazolin (mebhydrolin, incidal, omeril)

Prescribed for allergies of unknown origin. Used internally in the form of tablets. Partially inhibits the functioning of the central nervous system.

Dose calculation: 3-4 mg/kg once or twice a day.

Suprastin (allergan)

It is used for absolutely all forms of allergies. Has minor sedative effect. Given as a 2% solution.

Dosage: 0.1-0.5 ml twice a day.

Tavegil (angistan, clemastine)

The therapeutic effect is similar to diphenhydramine, but with a longer lasting effect. The dosage is the same for both the 0.1% solution and the tablets: 0.015-0.02 mg/kg 1-2 times a day.

Ketotifen (astafen, zaditen)

Often used for anaphylactic shock, histamine bronchospasm and long-term systematic elimination of allergic reactions (due to the cumulative effect).

Dosage: 0.02-0.05 mg/kg. Twice a day course for 2-3 months.

Astemizole (gismanal)

Works well for food allergies, urticaria and rhinitis. They ask inside. Do not use during pregnancy.

Dose: 0.3-0.35 mg/kg 2-3 times a day.


An excellent antiallergic drug that does not cause drowsiness. Once or twice a day.

Dose: 0.25-0.5 mg/kg animal weight.

Loratadine (Claritin)

Performs well when allergic rhinitis and lacrimation in dogs. Not prescribed to pregnant bitches.

Approximate dosage: 0.1-0.15 mg/kg once a day.


Antihistamine drug with antiserotonin action for general use: allergic lacrimation and rhinitis, drug allergy and reactions to food atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, hay fever.

Regimen: 1-1.5 mg/kg up to two times daily for 1-2 weeks. In case of seasonal outbreaks, you can repeat the course throughout the year.

Cyprodine (adekin, apetigen, peritol)

Works well for urticaria, skin itching, insect bites and serum sickness. They give it inside.

Dose: 0.09-0.1 mg/kg up to 3 times a day, based on the speed of action on symptoms.

In most cases, allergies are not a fatal pathology. But timeliness plays a decisive role in preserving the life and health of a four-legged friend: definitions allergic symptoms, delivery to the veterinarian and in the provision of therapeutic antihistamine assistance.

An allergy to dogs is not just a manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, but also quite dangerous situation. It usually occurs when a new person appears in the house. four-legged friend, which leads to subsequent separation from him. How does the disease manifest itself and are there dogs that do not cause allergies?

Having discovered signs of an allergy to dogs, the first thing people do is start to think that their four-legged pet is the cause. But experts do not recommend rushing to conclusions, much less trying to get rid of the dog as quickly as possible, since the symptoms of an allergic reaction to fur are no different from the effects of other allergens:

  • rhinitis develops, the nasal mucosa swells;
  • hyperemia (redness) of the skin is observed, urticaria spots form, signs of dermatitis;
  • breathing becomes difficult, swelling in the throat forms;
  • lacrimation is observed, possible development allergic inflammation conjunctiva, eyes turn red.

It is worth paying attention when symptoms appear. If immediately after interacting with an animal, then most likely we are talking about an allergy to dogs. However, there are situations when the source of the disease is not so easy to find out. For example, if the signs appeared some time after contact with the dog, or if their fault is not the animal at all.

More often, an allergy occurs immediately after the owner comes into contact with a pet, but there are cases when it occurs even when a person is in the same room with the animal. It is natural that similar situations make it somewhat difficult to determine the source of the disease. And, besides, not all dogs can cause allergies, but only representatives of certain breeds.

If the signs of an illness are associated with constant communication with your pet, then it is enough to give it away for a while and evaluate whether there is an improvement in the condition or not. Have your symptoms disappeared? So it's all about the dog.

If you still need more accurate diagnosis, then you need to consult an allergist. To identify the allergen, the specialist suggests taking a series of tests - skin samples and blood for a radioallergen sorbent test. Research can also help confirm or refute a person's belief that a dog causes the disease. Sometimes the results indicate that the allergen is pollen, molds, or street dust, which an animal can bring into the house from the street, and not its fur.

What to do if you are allergic to dogs? In most cases, therapy consists of eliminating existing signs of the disease. For these purposes, the specialist prescribes a number of drugs that are used to treat allergic manifestations caused by almost any allergen:

  • Funds with antihistamine effect that block the action of the allergen - Suprastin, Zyrtec, Erius, Claritin, etc.
  • Drugs with a pronounced anti-edematous effect (Sudafed, etc.)
  • Corticosteroids are available in the form of aerosols for intranasal use.
  • Vasoconstrictors - used at the first sign of allergy to eliminate swelling of the nasal passages.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a course of allergy injections, but they are not always effective and are not able to cope with the existing symptoms. To improve the patient's immune system, immunostimulants may be prescribed. This group of drugs includes the following drugs: Apilak, Kagocel, Timogen, Imudon. Imunnal et al.

Doctors warn that you should not ignore allergic manifestations, since without treatment, acute allergies turn into chronic form. People suffering from illnesses such as: bronchial asthma, since most patients with this diagnosis exhibit symptoms of allergy to pets. Communication with a pet can lead to an exacerbation of the disease, including dangerous attacks of suffocation.

More often children's body reacts almost immediately to the appearance of an allergen, in this case animal hair. Sometimes 10-15 minutes of playing with a dog is enough for primary symptoms diseases. Most allergic manifestations Children under 5 years of age are susceptible, and if wool is the allergen, then not only its owners, but also items made of wool can provoke the disease.

Standard symptoms in children are somewhat different from the manifestations of the disease in adults; they include the following conditions:

  • violation respiratory function(the child has difficulty breathing);
  • a rash appears on the skin and turns red;
  • the child begins to sneeze frequently;
  • mucous membranes swell.

The situation when allergies are treated through constant contact with an irritant, that is, a pet, deserves serious attention. However, as practice shows, it is small patients, living with a dog in the same house, who more often than adults get used to the allergen, and negative reaction disappears.

also in special attention kids need infancy, since they often show signs of allergies to wool. The most common symptom of the disease in children is atopic dermatitis. The skin of the face is most often affected, but as the disease progresses, the rash can cover other parts of the body. In addition, allergies in infants may be accompanied by swelling of the larynx and mucous membrane.

How to choose a hypoallergenic pet

Numerous studies have confirmed the existence of hypoallergenic dog breeds (dogs that do not cause allergies) that rarely cause symptoms of the disease in people prone to it. First of all, their peculiarity is associated with less molting, during which the allergen spreads abundantly. In addition, dogs whose salivary fluid has a low protein content are less likely to cause allergies. causing symptoms allergies. And, of course, representatives of “slobbery” breeds are not suitable for an owner with allergies.

But among other things, it should be borne in mind that hypoallergenic breeds can still cause the disease in certain people. There have also been cases in medicine where two dogs of the same breed had different effects on human health. One dog provoked an exacerbation of allergies, while the second did not cause such a negative reaction.

Since it is impossible to know in advance whether a pet will provoke an exacerbation of the disease in an allergy sufferer, it is necessary for the person to stay with the dog for some time before a new member appears in the family. And if the body does not react in any way to the proximity of a four-legged friend, you can think about taking the dog into the house.

If this is not possible, then you need to agree in advance with the breeder about the likelihood of returning the puppy back if its presence in the home affects the health of anyone in the family. When choosing a hypoallergenic dog, you need to consider some points:

  • It is worth giving preference to dogs that are smaller. There is an opinion that strong allergic reaction Caused by animals with long fur, however, this is not so. The risks of exacerbation of the disease are higher if there is a dog with short hair in the home that sheds constantly. In addition, cleaning short hairs is a rather difficult and sometimes impossible task. It is better to take a modest-sized dog into a house where an allergy sufferer lives, since less hair will be shed from it than from a large animal.
  • Loud pets are more likely to cause allergies. This observation is associated with the fact that when a dog barks a lot, it produces a lot of saliva containing allergens.

Hypoallergenic dog breeds

The American Kennel Club conducted a study that resulted in a list of breeds that are suitable as pets for allergy sufferers:

  • The Bichon Frize is a small dog from the group of lapdogs, originally from France. Doesn't need daily care for fur, as it does not shed;
  • poodle – mostly decorative dogs, which also do not shed. There are 4 types of different sizes – large, small, miniature and toy poodle;
  • (fully called Yorkshire terriers) - tiny dogs with long hair, have no undercoat;
  • Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier – strong dogs with soft, silky coat without undercoat;
  • Schnauzers - a group of breeds including (medium-sized dog), (dwarf variety), (giant schnauzers). They have a hard coat with a dense undercoat. The fur does not fall out on its own, so regular plucking or trimming is required;
  • Mexican Hairless Dog (Xoloitzcuintli) are dogs without hair, although individuals with hair may be found in litters. They rarely cause allergies and are odorless;
  • Bouvier des Flandres – large herding dogs, with hard, dense coat and thick undercoat. Like schnauzers, they require regular clipping and trimming;
  • Bedlington Terriers are brave dogs that look like sheep. They hardly shed, but need grooming 3-4 times a year;
  • The Bolognese is a small lapdog from Italy, like the other breeds on this list, not subject to shedding. They should be combed daily, and can be cut as desired;
  • – a type of Bichon with long, luxurious hair;
  • American Hairless Terrier - dogs without hair, but require skin care and special clothing;
  • – hairless individuals have hair on the head, tip of the tail and limbs, and downy ones are completely covered with hair, but have no undercoat;
  • welsh terrier ( Welsh Terrier) – has a hard, non-shedding coat, a fairly unpretentious pet to care for;
  • affenpinscher – ancient breed, which belongs to the miniature pinschers;
  • dwarf Spitz - includes several breed varieties - orange, Japanese, German, bear type. Small dogs with a very pretty appearance and fluffy fur.

When choosing a hypoallergenic pet, you should take into account that if there is a person in the house who is allergic to wool, you should still limit the pet’s presence in the bedroom and also monitor the animal’s hygiene. Then the owners will be healthy and the four-legged friend will be happy.