Traditional treatment of endometritis in women. Treatment of endometritis with folk remedies

Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus and its muscular lining. The disease occurs from an infection that has entered the body through the blood and lymph. This can happen during childbirth, abortion, gynecological procedures, etc.

What is this disease, what are the methods of its treatment, is it possible to get rid of the disease with the help traditional medicine? We will try to answer these and other questions and talk in more detail about uterine endometritis, symptoms, treatment folk herbs of this disease.

Why does uterine endometritis appear?

As we have already said, the disease begins with an infection. It is caused by various pathogenic microorganisms of the group of streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, trichomonas and viruses.
Endometritis must be treated promptly to avoid serious consequences for a woman’s health.

What are the symptoms of endometritis?

The disease has its own characteristic features, when they appear, you need to contact a gynecologist. Endometritis is characterized by: Sharp or aching pain in the lower abdomen, intensifying before menstruation. Often the pain radiates to the lumbar region, sacrum, and spine.

Very often a woman feels heat and bloating in the genital area, perineum, and pelvis.

There are periodic, scanty uterine bleeding, delayed menstruation, cycle disorders. Vaginal discharge may appear - leucorrhoea, sometimes with unpleasant smell. Libido changes and sexual dysfunction occurs.

A sick woman feels psycho-emotional discomfort, deterioration general condition, body temperature may increase. Appears fast fatiguability, weakness.

How to treat endometritis?

The disease is treated under the supervision of a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe drug treatment anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. During treatment, it is necessary to take vitamins.

At severe course The disease requires medical examination and treatment in a hospital. Treatment is carried out until the pathogen is completely destroyed. In addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, herbal treatment of endometritis brings effective results. This allows you to relieve the exacerbation of the disease, increase the effectiveness of the main treatment and speed up recovery.

Traditional herbal treatment

To alleviate the condition and eliminate the symptoms, try preparing this infusion from medicinal herbs:

* Mix equal amounts of cudweed, wormwood, lavender, nettle, and leuzea herbs. Add crushed dry blueberry leaves, pine buds. Mix everything thoroughly. Then pour 2 tbsp into a thermos. l. mixture of herbs, pour 1 liter. boiling water Leave it overnight, strain, take 1/3 tbsp. three times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months.

* For the prevention and treatment of endometritis, prepare another herbal remedy: Mix an equal amount of thyme herb, kidney mountaineer, coltsfoot, chicory. Add the same amount of bearberry leaves, angelica, chopped dandelion root, and bergenia. Mix everything well, pour 2 tbsp into a thermos. l. mixture, pour 1 liter. boiling water Leave it overnight too. Then strain the infusion, drink 1/3 tbsp. three times a day for 2-3 months.

* To treat a disease, try cooking ancient remedy– infusion of noble laurel. Buy several bags bay leaf(this is the Noble Laurel), pour 1 bag into an enamel bucket. Pour half a bucket of boiling water, cover with a lid, and cover with a warm blanket. Let it sit for a couple of hours. Then use this infusion in a moderately hot, but not scalding form, for sitz baths. During the procedure, cover bottom part body warmer, sit on a bucket, warm up thoroughly with healing steam.

* You can also steam forest hay in an enamel bucket. Warm yourself over its healing steam every day until you eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

* Pour a glass of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. crushed forest fern leaves. Heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool. Strain the broth, take 1/3 tbsp. 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

* This can also be used for treatment herbal tea: Mix together 1 tbsp. l. dry St. John's wort, 1 tbsp. l. yarrow. Mix well. 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then cool, drink 1/3 tbsp. three times a day.

You should not have sex during treatment. Sex life possible only after the next menstruation. That is, at least a month must pass from the start of treatment.

To get rid of the disease forever, be sure to follow all your doctor’s instructions and take infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Take care of yourself, watch your health. All measures taken will help you with treatment and speed up your recovery. Be healthy!

Hyperplasia is a thickening of the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus), in which hyperplastic cells actively divide and develop. The diagnosis is made when the layer thickness exceeds 16 mm. Exist different shapes pathology. Depending on the type of disease, the attending physician prescribes therapy. Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia folk remedies has long been in demand due to its simplicity, safety and effectiveness. Herbal medicine cannot be called a panacea, but as an auxiliary measure it has no equal.

The disease is dangerous because for a long time may occur without obvious signs. The main symptom is a violation menstrual cycle. The woman experiences delays, which are followed by prolonged and heavy uterine bleeding. The discharge is accompanied aching pain lower abdomen.

Only an experienced gynecologist can diagnose the disease. To do this, he uses the results of ultrasound, MRI, clinical tests blood. One of the most accurate and reliable diagnostic methods is hysteroscopy and biological material for histology. Diagnosed more often than others glandular hyperplasia endometrium. Cystic and atypical forms are also found. Depending on the location, the pathology can be focal or diffuse.

Symptoms and treatment of the disease are closely related. In each specific case, the doctor prescribes individual treatment. To eliminate symptoms, drugs to stop bleeding, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. The basis of therapy is a course of hormones, additionally vitamins are prescribed ( folic acid, vitamin E), enzymes. The doctor may prescribe curettage, laser cauterization or cryodestruction. In exceptional cases, when the disease threatens the life and health of the patient, a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and appendages) is prescribed.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment, like traditional therapy, must be selected according to individual indications. It is important to take into account the woman’s age, the form of the disease, the degree of its progression, chronic illnesses, and sensitivity to individual plants and herbs.

Traditional medicine recipes are effective in relieving symptoms and normalizing hormonal levels, preventing complications. Herbs, decoctions and infusions of Sytin - all together this will help strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolic processes in the body, improve the quality and effectiveness of drug treatment, and reduce side effects to a minimum.

Herbal medicine course and its features

A proven and reliable way to overcome endometrial hyperplasia is a four-month course of herbal medicine. It is divided into stages, each stage is characterized by its own rules and features:

  • First month. It is worth starting the treatment program by taking in the mornings and evenings linseed oil, 1 tbsp. l. drink with a glass of plain water. Before lunch, be sure to drink 100 ml of fresh carrot juice. In the evenings, douching with a solution of celandine is recommended. To prepare this solution, you need to pour 30 grams of plant leaves with 3 liters of boiling water, wrap it and let it brew for half an hour. Before use, the solution must be filtered. The procedure is carried out every day.

  • In the next 30 days, taking aloe tincture on Cahors is added to these measures. To prepare the mixture you will need 400 grams of honey and aloe juice, as well as 700 ml of Cahors. All ingredients are mixed and infused for two weeks. You should take 2 tbsp of the tincture daily. l.
  • During the third month, treatment continues according to the presented scheme, only douching is excluded from the general list.
  • Then a week break follows and the course of the third month is repeated.

Effective recipes

Not everyone likes treatment according to regimens. There are many effective recipes, capable of improving the condition of the uterus and woman’s health, reducing symptoms caused by endometrial growth. Widely in demand and popular in the treatment of hyperplasia are:

  • Nettle tincture. To produce it, take 200 grams of nettle and 0.5 liters of vodka. You need to let it sit for 14 days. Should be taken twice a day, 1 tbsp. l.
  • Burdock juice. The root of this plant is washed, peeled and the juice is squeezed out of it. You need to drink it 1 tbsp. l 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 6 months.
  • Peony extract. You can buy it at the pharmacy. The extract must be diluted with water in a ratio of 2 ml to 4 ml of liquid. Drink the mixture three times during the day.
  • Cucumber lash decoction. The shoots need to be dried. To prepare the decoction you will need 50 grams of dry lashes and half a liter of water. The product should be boiled for 5 minutes, and it should infuse for another 60 minutes. You should take the decoction three times a day, 100 ml.

Folk remedies for treating endometrial hyperplasia are not only herbs and medicinal plants. Perhydrol is quite popular. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide was developed by Professor Neumyvakin. Douching with the resulting solution effectively relieves inflammation of the female genital organs. Suppositories ASD 2 are also common. The product was developed by A.V. Dorogov. Suppositories have anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and antibacterial effects.

About the hog queen

Borovaya uterus for endometrial hyperplasia is one of the most effective folk remedies. All components of the plant are used for treatment. You can prepare a decoction, alcohol or oil infusion from the herb.

A uterine boron course lasting 3-4 months can improve overall physical state women and reduce endometrial growth. To prepare the decoction you will need 2 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of water and boil in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. It is important that the decoction steeps for 1-2 hours.

The resulting solution is filtered and taken 100 ml three times a day. The decoction can also be used for douching.

The alcohol tincture is prepared in the same proportions. Pour 500 ml of alcohol into 2 tbsp. l. plants, wrap and store in a cool, dark place for 15 days. You should drink the infusion 30 drops after meals daily.

The oil solution is made according to the same recipe, but refined oil is used instead of alcohol. A tampon is moistened in the resulting mixture and inserted into the vagina overnight. Treatment must be comprehensive and last at least 90 days. When allergic reaction You should urgently consult a doctor.

Nutrition for hyperplasia

An important condition during the treatment of pathology is proper nutrition. A diet for endometrial hyperplasia can reduce cell proliferation and slow down the development of the disease. It is important to give up fatty foods, sweets, baked goods, coffee, spices, yeast, and eggs. The diet must contain PUFAs, such as Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9. IN large quantities they are contained in fatty varieties fish (salmon, mackerel, herring).

An important component of the diet is fiber. Carrots, zucchini, cabbage, beets - all these vegetables can be prepared in such a way that it is both tasty and healthy for you. women's health. Celery, pumpkin, garlic are foods that can suppress the production of estrogen. Vitamin C also plays an important role. Try to eat vegetables and fruits containing this vitamin - rose hips, citrus fruits, black currants.

Nutrition for endometrial hyperplasia should be balanced and complete, satisfying all the body’s needs for vitamins, minerals, acids, fats, etc. You should eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. Must be supported water balance body. Daily norm fluid consumption is 2 liters.


Inflammatory diseases of women reproductive system are becoming more and more widespread in Lately. On the one hand, they are quite successfully treated medications, and on the other hand, such treatment is sometimes quite toxic and can have many side effects. Therefore, quite often some patients choose treatment for endometritis with folk remedies and herbs. Is this advisable, and can it really help get rid of the disease? This is discussed in this material.

Advantages of the approach

What are the advantages of treating endometritis with folk remedies? First of all, this is a significantly lower toxicity of folk recipes compared to medications. They place much less stress on the liver compared to hormones and antibiotics and can be used even in cases of pathologies of the excretory systems and contraindications to taking medications.

The main treatment offered for this diagnosis is official medicine, is antibiotic therapy wide range and quite strong. It has been noted that with long-term use of antibiotics, the body and bacteria develop resistance to them. As a result, after taking such drugs once, they will not work for several weeks after that. And after an excessively long course, much longer stability may develop. That is, during this period it will be pointless to prescribe them for any inflammatory disease, both of the reproductive system and outside of it. People who carry out treatment with folk remedies are insured against such a development of the situation.

Much more low cost Such products are also a significant advantage compared to those sold in pharmacies. Because folk recipes sometimes they turn out to be more than two or three times cheaper.

Disadvantages of the approach

The main disadvantage of this approach to treatment is its low effectiveness. It works much worse than pharmaceutical medications prescribed by a doctor. In addition, it was noted that not all people are generally responsive to alternative treatment. For some, it is not effective at all, just like homeopathy.

Low efficiency is serious problem this method, since endometritis is a serious and severe inflammatory and infectious disease that can lead to severe consequences including infertility. Long-term use This method without the desired effect leads to the fact that the infection develops and the condition worsens. For this reason, this approach cannot be completely relied upon.

However, for endometritis, these methods can be used as additional ones. That is, as complementary therapy to the medication that was prescribed by the doctor. In addition, this treatment can be taken when recovery period when the main therapy has already been taken and the body is recovering from the disease. Also sometimes treatment chronic endometritis, which does not bother, is asymptomatic and not too developed, is carried out by such means.

High allergenicity (especially herbal medicine and treatment with bee products) makes these methods inaccessible to allergy sufferers. Even if previously there was no reaction to a particular herb, for example, over time, as the allergen accumulates in the body, it may appear.


There are a lot of contraindications for the use of traditional treatment, but they are specific and different for each specific case. From general contraindications The following apply to all recipes:

  1. Presence individual intolerance, hypersensitivity or allergic reaction to any component of the recipe;
  2. Alcohol-containing recipes are contraindicated for people suffering from alcoholism or being treated for it, as taking them can cause a breakdown;
  3. Allergy sufferers should be more careful - if they have an increased tendency to have an allergic reaction, then it is better to start therapy with a reduced dose, gradually increasing it, and if symptoms of intolerance appear, immediately stop taking it and start symptomatic treatment allergies;
  4. If the vagina and cervix are involved in the inflammatory process, tampons may not be recommended for fear of further damaging the mucous membrane, but this issue should be resolved together with a doctor.

In any case, before starting treatment of endometritis in women with such methods, you should first consult a doctor, since there may be a number of nonspecific and unobvious contraindications.


Herbal medicine is one of the most popular methods or approaches in folk medicine. It is used when various diseases gynecological field, including endometritis. Herbs are used as decoctions and tinctures both for oral administration and for use in tampons. Therapy with bee products is also popular.

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Endometritis can be detected only by passing full examination at the gynecologist. This is the name for inflammation that begins as a result of infection inner shell uterus The appearance of endometritis can be caused by penetration into the uterus pathogenic microorganisms. If this disease is detected, the doctor will definitely prescribe medication, but recovery can be accelerated with the help of folk remedies.

Main symptoms

Before looking for folk remedies to treat a uterus affected by endometritis, it is necessary to understand how this disease manifests itself. In the acute form, treatment should begin immediately. The main signs of the onset of the inflammatory process caused by infection:

  • unpleasant odor from the vagina;
  • uncharacteristic bloody or serous discharge;
  • a sharp rise in temperature to 38-39 ° C;
  • pain in lower sections abdomen, extending to the sacral region.

In acute endometritis, antibiotic therapy is necessary. The condition cannot be normalized with the help of herbs. It is necessary to start treating the disease as early as possible. After eliminating the infection, folk remedies are actively used during the recovery period.

Chronic endometritis can occur unnoticed. The main manifestation of the pathology is the occurrence of long-term, painful menstruation and intermenstrual bleeding.

For chronic endometritis can be used in consultation with a gynecologist alternative methods therapy. Treatment should be aimed at restoring the endometrium, normalizing reproductive and menstrual function woman's body.

Causes of the disease

After making a diagnosis, it is necessary to understand the cause of uterine endometritis. Treatment tactics are selected after identifying the factors that provoked the disease. Inflammation can develop:

  • against the background of tuberculosis, vaginosis, chlamydia;
  • after diagnostic procedures, in which various liquids or instruments are introduced into the uterine cavity (checking the condition fallopian tubes, probing uterine cavity);
  • due to sexual intercourse during menstruation;
  • when infected with ureaplasma, gardnerellosis;
  • in the period after childbirth, cesarean section.

To clarify the diagnosis of one gynecological examination not enough. Necessary:

  • do an ultrasound;
  • take a vaginal smear;
  • check for infections using PCR diagnostics.

The doctor must prescribe medication. But at the same time, a woman can learn how to treat pathology with folk remedies.

Principles of therapy

Before treatment of endometritis with folk remedies is started, you should consult with your gynecologist. After all, using only methods alternative medicine may cause the condition to worsen significantly. With the help of herbs it is impossible to get rid of bacterial damage to the uterine cavity or infections transmitted through sexual contact.

To treat uterine endometritis with folk remedies, you must first understand how they affect the body. Some herbs:

  • have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • strengthen immune forces;
  • normalize hormonal levels;
  • have a calming effect.

Infusions and decoctions

Before going to the pharmacy for herbs, you need to find out how uterine endometritis can be treated at home. There are many recipes whose effectiveness has been tested by time.


Sage contains phytohormones that are similar to female sex hormones. The use of this plant promotes the growth of the endometrium, so sage is actively used in the period after the end of treatment for acute endometritis or in the treatment of a chronic form of the pathology.

For oral administration, an infusion of sage and linden flowers is made. It is drunk during the period between the end of menstruation and the onset of ovulation. You need to take 1 tbsp. linden and sage per 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 40 minutes, then the liquid should be strained. They consume medicinal infusion on an empty stomach, 15 ml three times a day.

But to treat endometritis it is possible in another way. Healers recommend making decoctions from 1 tbsp. sage and a glass of water. After boiling the liquid in a water bath for 10 minutes, add the prepared broth to the water and take a sitz bath.


An effective means by which many supporters traditional methods It is recommended to treat endometritis with an infusion of ivy leaves. To create a drink from ivy, 1 tbsp. plants are poured with boiling water (you will need 1 glass). The liquid is infused all night. In the morning, the infusion is brought to a boil over heat and infused for 10 minutes.

You should drink the prepared liquid three times a day after filtering 1/3 cup. For improvement taste qualities It is recommended to add honey or sugar to the drink.

St. John's wort

Endometritis can be treated with a decoction of St. John's wort. To prepare the healing agent, 1 tbsp. St. John's wort is poured into a glass of boiling water, the liquid is boiled for a quarter of an hour over low heat, then it is filtered. You need to drink the prepared decoction a day before, a single dose is ¼ cup.



To treat uterine endometritis, it is not enough to drink infusions or decoctions. Local procedures have proven themselves well. At inflammatory lesions It is recommended to use oak leaves. A handful of leaves is boiled for ½ hour in a liter of water and cooled. Women can douche with the decoction for 2 weeks up to 4 times a day.

Also, to treat the uterus with douching, an infusion of:

  • black elderberry flowers;
  • immortelle;
  • oak bark.

You need to take 5 tbsp. of the indicated plant components, pour boiling water over them (this amount will require 1 liter). The infusion takes 40 minutes to prepare. You can douche twice a day. The recommended course of treatment with douching is 5 days.

Having decided to treat endometritis with folk remedies, you need to consult a gynecologist. He will tell you how you can combine the methods of traditional and traditional medicine, and select optimal scheme treatment. Refusal of medications may cause the condition to worsen. IN neglected form It will be more difficult to treat endometritis.

The disease can be caused by infection from the vagina entering the uterine cavity (usually gonococcal, streptococcal, or staphylococcal infections).

Infection can also act as a complication during abortion or prolonged complicated childbirth. Factors that contribute to the development of the disease are very different - from gynecological procedures, menstruation and sexual intercourse to decreased immunity and poor compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of women.

The disease can be acute or chronic, and the first option can develop into the second. Next, let's look at what this disease is and figure out whether endometritis can be cured with folk remedies.


The disease may be asymptomatic, but is more often characterized by an increase in body temperature, in some cases significant, pain in the lower abdomen and curdled discharge from the vagina. Usually these phenomena accompany menstrual irregularities.

In the acute form of the disease, a few days after infection (often on the 3-4th day) the following are noted:

  • chills;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the lower abdomen that radiates to the sacrum or inner surface hips;
  • the appearance of vaginal discharge, with blood or admixtures of pus;
  • stool disorders.

Patients often complain of sleep disorders, excessive irritability and anxiety. If adequate therapy is started on time, the disease goes away quickly, and if it is not given, it can become chronic. This form of the disease is a logical continuation of inadequately treated or untreated acute endometritis. It should be noted that chronic form can develop without acute.

“Abnormal” vaginal discharge appears: bloody or mucopurulent. Periodically, the patient is bothered by aching, pulling painful sensations in the lower abdomen, which radiate to the lower back or sacrum. Long-term chronic endometritis often causes infertility, as well as miscarriage, since the inflamed mucous membrane is unable to accept or prematurely rejects a fertilized egg. Therefore, if you have chronic endometritis, treatment with folk remedies may cause the condition to worsen. Therefore, before starting it, you should consult your doctor.

Main symptoms of endometritis

  • increase in body temperature: in case of light form- up to 38 degrees on the 5-7th day; for severe cases - up to 40 degrees on the 2-4th day;
  • pain in the lower abdomen varying degrees severity, depending on the severity of the disease;
  • long lasting pathological discharge from the vagina, changing their color to brownish-brown. There is an unpleasant odor;
  • the uterus has weak contractile activity;
  • general intoxication of the body.

Treatment is carried out as prescribed by the doctor with strict adherence by the woman bed rest to avoid the spread of inflammation. Timely treatment allows you to destroy bacteria and restore the mucous membrane. It is also possible to use folk remedies for endometritis, but this must be agreed with the attending physician.

Treatment of endometritis with folk remedies: herbal remedies

It is recommended to use an infusion of medicinal herbs orally. To make it, you need to take equal parts of marshmallow and leuzea roots, dried grass, wormwood, sweet clover, lavender, pine buds, nettle leaves and blueberries. The raw materials should be crushed and mixed thoroughly. One serving is two tablespoons, which must be filled with 500 grams of boiling water and placed in a thermos. The infusion should be left to infuse overnight. You need to take the medicine one third of a glass 3-5 times a day. Treatment is carried out over two months.

Chronic endometritis can be cured using folk remedies under the supervision of a doctor using the following method. To make the medicine you will need thyme (thyme), knotweed, chicory, coltsfoot and calendula flowers, bearberry, dandelion and angelica, and also bergenia roots. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. The infusion is prepared in the same way as in the previous version of the recipe. The regimen for taking the drug remains the same. The duration of treatment, as in the previous case, is about two months. If you take the drug correctly, then after two weeks there will be a noticeable improvement in your condition.

Most great effect when treating endometritis with folk remedies, it can be obtained by first drinking one collection for two months, and then undergoing the same course of treatment with another collection. To consolidate the results obtained and as a preventive measure, the course of herbal treatment can be repeated.

There is another composition herbal infusion. To prepare it, you need to take the herb of Volodushka, mint, shepherd's purse, thyme, motherwort, mantle leaves, viburnum bark, chamomile flowers, and Rhodiola root. The technology for preparing the decoction and subsequent treatment is the same as in the previous two cases. In order to improve the taste of the infusion, you can add a spoonful of honey to it.

Treatment of endometritis with other folk remedies

To treat endometritis, you can also take a decoction of St. John's wort orally. However, this should be done with caution. IN large quantities St. John's wort can cause unpleasant consequences. So, for example, St. John's wort should not be used by people suffering from hypertension during an exacerbation inflammatory processes, and also when elevated temperature. One tablespoon of St. John's wort herb should be poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for fifteen to twenty minutes. The broth should be filtered and consumed a quarter glass three times a day. Usually discomfort they leave after a week. Can also be taken as a preventive measure.

To prepare another remedy, take lemon and orange, wash them well, dry the fruits thoroughly, and then grind them using a meat grinder. You need to add a few drops of onion tincture and a teaspoon of granulated sugar to the pulp. Mix everything well until smooth. You should take this drug one teaspoon three times a day. The course of treatment is at least a week.

External folk remedies for endometritis

The use of sea buckthorn oil gives good results in the treatment of inflammation. Tampons that are thoroughly soaked sea ​​buckthorn oil, should be inserted into the vagina at night. It is necessary to carry out ten such procedures. You can use bay laurel for sitz baths. To make a decoction, take 20 grams of laurel per bucket of water. Used for inflammatory diseases uterus and urinary tract.