Treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy). What leads to these terrible diseases TCV and Tela

Hirudotherapy sessions or treatment with leeches is a method alternative medicine, which is aimed at combating many diseases: gynecological, venous, urological, etc. Therapy can only be carried out by a hirudotherapist - a doctor who specializes in this topic. At the first session, it is necessary to check whether the patient is allergic to leech.

What is leech treatment?

What is hirudotherapy? This known method(science) treatment with leeches, without using additional drugs or equipment. The procedure is painless and has no side effects at proper treatment(the patient can only feel the bite - a little more painful than a mosquito). In the process of sucking blood, leeches release active substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system and vascular systems. The session lasts about an hour.

The size of the leech is small at first, then it sucks 5-10 ml of blood and grows, after which it falls away from the human body. From this moment until 24 hours later, blood continues to ooze - a sterile bandage is applied to the wound site. If you use 5 worms at the same time, the figure will increase to 200-250 ml. As a result, many hours of bloodletting occurs, the veins are loaded, tissue microcirculation and cellular metabolism are improved, and lymph stagnation is eliminated.

The benefits and harms of leeches

The use of medicinal worms is associated with the content of many enzymes in their saliva that have medicinal properties, strengthen immunity. The properties of their saliva are applicable for diseases that are accompanied by severe inflammatory processes, deterioration of blood flow and increased tissue permeability. Inflammation leads to a decrease in the concentration of the drug in the lesion. The problem is solved by increasing the amount of the product. The effect of leeches is to improve blood circulation in areas of the disease, increasing the concentration of drugs in the areas of the disease.

A healing worm can also harm a person. This happens when treated at home and without the supervision of a specialist. Among the features harmful to humans are the following:

  • The worm's body contains bacteria that protect it from disease. Once in the human blood, the microorganism can cause a disorder gastrointestinal tract and poisoning.
  • Leeches can carry diseases. The blood of a sick patient remains on the jaw of the worm, and when bitten, diseases can be transmitted to another person.
  • Due to blood thinning, which is provided by leech saliva enzymes, the wound may bleed longer than a day. In such cases, professional medical help is needed.

Benefits for women

Gynecological pathologies can be treated with leeches. Among the diseases that gynecologists recommend treating with hirudotherapy are the following:

    Inflammatory processes, stagnation of blood in the veins of the small pelvis, menstruation disruptions.

    postpartum adhesions on the mucous membranes of the female genital organs. Several courses of hirudotherapy are used with a long break between them.

    Urination with painful sensations. This phenomenon often worries women due to hormonal imbalance. A course of hirudotherapy helps combat this. The first session is prescribed a few days before the start of menstruation, then every day until the symptom disappears.

    Cysts on the surface of the ovaries. Hirudotherapy treatment is used to get rid of fluid cysts, and the result is noticeable from the first session. One short course eliminates the problem and slows down the growth of new formations.

Indications for hirudotherapy

What is treated with leeches? Therapy is used for various kinds diseases that are treated with hormonal, antibacterial drugs. These include the following diseases and health problems:

  • arthritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • stroke and complications after it;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infertility;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • swelling and hematomas after injections (for recovery);
  • breast mastopathy;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • eye diseases;
  • pathology in the dermatological part;
  • metabolic disease;
  • varicose veins

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are a disease associated with malfunction vein valves, but not with blood viscosity. In this regard, medical worms do not have any effect on the disease, because they are not able to change medical valves in any way. Hirudotherapy reduces pain, inflammation, swelling, external manifestation diseases. This effect does not last long - it is necessary surgical intervention For complete cure. Leeches can heal the disease by early stages, however, patients practically do not turn to doctors when the disease has just begun to manifest itself.


Treatment with hirudotherapy for spinal hernia is based on biological active substances ah, which are contained in the saliva of a medicinal leech. Enzymes promote the resorption of particles of a prolapsed intervertebral disc, improving metabolism and blood flow. This accelerates tissue healing, helps reduce swelling, inflammation and pain syndrome. Treatment with medical worms is effective in combination with other types of therapy and if the hernia is no more than 10 cm.


Infertility treatment is a long, labor-intensive process. Medicinal worms are placed on certain places: sacrum, perineum, anus, vagina. Session duration is from 20 to 60 minutes. During this time medicinal leeches they stick, injecting substances useful for humans with saliva, become saturated, and fall off. After the procedure, the patient must rest, so it is performed in the afternoon.


The main task in the treatment of prostatitis is to get rid of stagnation of blood flow, swelling and inflammation. Getting rid of large quantity blood in the painful area, pain relief with hirudin, relieving inflammation, improving blood flow - all this is the merit of a hirudotherapy session. The leech is useful not only by sucking blood containing toxins, but also by containing special substances in its saliva.


Leech treatment has a number of contraindications. As practice shows, some of the prohibitions are relative and, if therapy is carried out under the supervision of a hirudotherapist, then they can be ignored. Contraindications:

  • Hemophilia. This is a bleeding disorder that is inherited. If a patient with such a disease is given a leech, the wound will not heal and without the intervention of doctors, everything can lead to death.
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis is spontaneous frequent bleeding that can be caused by injury.
  • Anemia is an insufficient number of red blood cells (red blood cells) blood cells) in blood. With such a disease, losing blood in any quantity is undesirable, so hirudotherapy can worsen general state patient.
  • Low pressure. A session with leeches lowers it by 20 units, which dramatically makes the patient feel worse. Hirudotherapy is indicated only on the 3rd day after normalization of the indicator blood pressure. Hypertension is an indication for the use of leeches.
  • Pregnancy. Treatment in this state allowed, but before each session a new examination of the patient is required.
  • Intolerance, which is a very controversial contraindication. Rarely does this prohibition lead to severe consequences, if the treatment is carried out under the guidance of a professional.

Leech treatment regimen

The area where the worms are planted depends on the disease. The most common treatment regimens for diseases:


Place for leeches

Number of healing worms

Congestion of the brain

Coccyx area

Infectious diseases

Coccyx area

Suspected stroke

Coccyx area

Overflow of blood vessels spinal cord and its shells

Coccyx area


  1. without organ pathologies;
  2. pulmonary tuberculosis;
  3. heart diseases.

Coccyx area

1 – 2.3 never more than 5

2.3 – 3-5 rarely up to 7

Urological diseases

The area of ​​the coccyx, liver, anus, groin

Women's diseases (gynecology)

Area of ​​the liver, anus, coccyx

Hepatitis, cirrhosis

Liver and anal area

Number of hirudotherapy sessions

How many sessions are needed? The course of hirudotherapy is calculated based on a person’s weight. If the patient weighs 60 kg, then he will need 60 leeches per course - that’s 10-15 sessions. Practice shows that improvement in the patient’s condition often occurs with minimum quantity medical worms – 15-20 and 7-10 procedures. There should be about a week or 10 days between sessions.

Method of placing leeches

Leech therapy has several principles that every hirudotherapist must adhere to:

    Stop points for hirudotherapy: areas of large venous vessels (especially femoral artery), in places with thin skin, on the face, stomach, inside the body.

  1. The skin of the procedure area must be sterile.
  2. There are points overall impact– coccyx, perineum, areas of the pancreas, liver, points along the chakras. If treatment is aimed at local impact, then placing medical worms on the above points will only enhance the effect.
  3. Acupuncture points are the places where it hurts the most, the source of the disease. These areas are used more often than others.

Creams, tablets and ointments based on hirudin

Hirudocosmetics or oral preparations are effective remedies against varicose veins and other health problems with the presence of hirudin in the leech extract. Medicines can be found and purchased at clinics or pharmacies.





Cream "Sofia"

Inflammation of the veins;


lower extremities, hemorrhoidal veins.

Individual intolerance to components.

Apply through the vein from bottom to top for 2-3 minutes 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-5 weeks.

Cream “Leech extract”

Spider veins, venous insufficiency, varicose veins,



Individual intolerance to components, do not apply to open wounds and purulent processes.


Capsules and solution "Piyavit"

Varicose veins, hematoma and edema, thrombophlebitis, phlebitis.

Stomach ulcer, increased bleeding, decreased blood clotting.

1 capsule or 300 mg 3 times a day.

Course – up to 20 days.

Video: health benefits of leeches

“The centuries-old history of the successful use of medicinal leeches in preventive and medicinal purposes indicates that it is undeservedly forgotten in our time. Of course, in the age of aspirin and nitroglycerin, the mention of leeches can bring a smile. The younger generation of doctors knows about them only by hearsay. But I think it is unreasonable to consign centuries-old experience to oblivion positive action hirudotherapy. Of course, giving a patient a pill is much easier than giving leeches, and less troublesome, but...” (G.I. Nikonov)

The second part of the story about International Center medical leech. Today we'll talk on the production of medicinal and cosmetic preparations based on biologically active substances isolated from medicinal leeches, as well as from leech extract.

1. The saliva of medicinal leeches is a balanced complex of biologically active substances. The photo shows a model leech and tools for collecting saliva.

2. The leech is clamped head up in special scissor-vice and the precious saliva is sucked out using a tube. During this operation, the leech does not die, but it also receives little pleasure.

3. The work of collecting saliva is completely manual. The saliva is literally sucked out.

4. Briefly list the main advantages balanced complex biologically active substances in leech saliva, you get the following list: this complex ensures normalization of protein and lipid metabolism in the skin, improves blood microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, increases tissue oxygen supply, stimulates local immunity, antioxidant activity, elimination of foci of inflammation, skin pigmentation disorders, has a protective effect against aggressive influences external environment, stops the aging process, blocks the effects of fatigue factors, improves skin elasticity and retains cellular moisture.

5. The leech withstands photography.

6. A concentration of leech saliva is added to cosmetics. Biologically active substances of medicinal leech in combination with starch polysaccharides, Chinese rose milk, vitamins A, E, F and C, olive oils, grape seed, peach, karite, lotus, bamboo, water lily, oat, cornflower and D-panthenol extracts, intensively moisturize and tighten the facial skin, nourish, tone, restore natural regeneration, increase skin turgor and elasticity.

7. Like this in artificial conditions The leech works for the benefit of man.

9. Working moment.

10. For breeding leeches and producing cosmetics, specially prepared water is used, which is purified and settled in special tanks.


12. About a hundred different ingredients are used to produce cosmetics.

13. In addition to saliva extract, the leech itself, or rather its extract, is also added to cosmetics. To do this, it is first dried at a low temperature and briquettes like this are obtained.

15. And add it to specially prepared water.

16. The resulting mixture will be the main component of the cosmetic product.

17. First, the powder is stirred by hand.

18. Then, for thorough mixing, the mixture is poured into jars...

19. ...and loaded into a special centrifuge.

20. After mixing and filtering, a pure leech extract is obtained, which is the main component in the production of cosmetics.

21. Biologically active substances of medicinal leech in combination with starch polysaccharides, Chinese rose milk, vitamins A, E, F and C, olive, grape seed, peach, shea butter, lotus, bamboo, water lily, oat, cornflower and D-panthenol extracts , intensively moisturize and tighten the facial skin, nourish, tone, restore natural regeneration and increase skin elasticity.


24. Cost cosmetics based on leech extract varies greatly depending on the amount of extract and the components added. The most expensive type of cosmetics is made based on an extract from leech embryos. One tube can cost about 45,000 rubles.

25. Various imported fragrances are added to cosmetics to give a pleasant smell.

26. General view of the laboratory. All production is semi-automated, many operations are performed manually by employees.





31. Installation for filling and sealing tubes.



34. The date of manufacture is immediately indicated.



37. Finished products.

38. If you want to receive full treatment When using medicinal leeches, do not try to save money by buying them at the market or catching them in a pond.

39. Before placing a leech, make sure that it is medical. It is more reliable and safer to use leeches grown under artificial conditions in Biofactories, which have a license from the Ministry of Health and a certificate of conformity issued by special authorities.

40. A couple of working moments.

41. Ilya took photographs, I gave out commands.

Some information about leech placement:
First of all, having chosen a place to place the leeches, it must be carefully prepared. Remembering that the leech is very sensitive to odors and chemicals, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the staging areas, leaving no opportunity for odors to scare off the leech, and for pathogens on human skin to infect the patient. The patient will feel a slight tingling sensation - this is the leech beginning to bite through the skin. The time of the beginning of the act of blood sucking is determined by the appearance of wave-like movements or rhythmic contractions of the leech’s body. The act of bleeding, depending on the place of application, can last from 10 minutes to 1 hour. Having eaten its fill, the leech disappears on its own. Used leeches are immediately destroyed by dipping them into a 3% chloramine solution. Thus, leeches - medicine disposable. Bleeding wounds after a leech bite should be treated with iodine and a sterile bandage should be applied with a large cotton swab. It must be large, because blood oozes from the wound for quite a long time (from 6 to 36 hours). There is no need to be afraid of this, you just need to monitor the condition of the tampon and, if necessary, replace it with a fresh one. Blood loss from placing one standard leech ranges from 3 to 8 grams.

The first part of the story about

Live leeches are applied directly to the human body according to specially designed patterns. The choice of attachment location is determined by many factors: disease, severity of the process, and patient’s condition. The sucking process lasts from 10-15 minutes to an hour, after which the leeches are removed with alcohol, iodine or, in the case of feeding to satiety, they are released on their own. Fed leeches must be destroyed by placing them in a chloramine solution; their reuse is not allowed. The therapeutic effect of live leeches is due to several factors:

  • dosed hemorrhage (from 5 to 15 ml of blood for each leech, depending on the mass of the leech and the duration of the attachment);
  • the action of biologically active substances in leech saliva;
  • a complex of body responses to a bite, biologically active substances in leech saliva and subsequent blood loss.
The possibility of transmission of infection through a leech is practically excluded if more than 4 months have passed since the last feeding. By this time, a small amount of blood remains in the leech’s stomach, and possible growth pathogenic bacteria manages to choke on the symbiont bacterium A. hydrophila. Her titer drops, and when sucking she does not get into the wound.

However, in weakened patients with reduced immunity or on grafted tissue flaps (due to a decrease in local defense mechanisms) Aeromonas infection may still occur. To prevent the development of this infection after plastic surgery In the USA, courses of antibiotic therapy with fluoroquinolone drugs (ciprofloxacin) are recommended.

Reliable guarantee of protection against leech transfer infectious agents It is considered the use of animals raised in artificial conditions and starved for a sufficient time, in the intestines of which there is no pathogenic flora.

Biologically active substances

The action of the secretion of the salivary glands of the leech is due to a complex of biologically active substances (enzymes) that have local and resorptive effects.

The first of these substances was obtained in 1884 by J. B. Haycraft. It reduced blood clotting and was called hirudin. Hirudin was first used parenterally in 1909, but was not widely used due to numerous side effects and difficulties in obtaining it.

To date, about 100 proteins and peptides over 500 Da have been detected in the saliva of medicinal leech using 2D electrophoresis. The main ones:

  • hirudin is a highly specific thrombin inhibitor that blocks all reactions involving it;
  • Kalin - inhibitor of platelet adhesion and aggregation;
  • bdellins are polypeptides with a small molecular weight that inhibit host tissue response enzymes: trypsin, plasmin, acrosin, and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • aeglins are also anti-inflammatory polypeptides that inhibit the activity of α-chymotrypsin, mast cell chymase, subtilisin and neutrophil protein, elastase and cathepsin G;
  • hyaluronidase is one of the penetration factors, breaks down hyaluronic acid and acidic mucopolysaccharides;
  • collagenase - causes hydrolysis of type I collagen fibers;
  • destabilase - hydrolyzes isopeptide bonds in stabilized fibrin.

Many of these proteins can now be obtained using genetic engineering (recombinant hirudin, bdellostasin, etc.).

Preparations from leeches

In Russia, an extract is obtained from the native medicinal leech, as well as an extract of its salivary glands. In the future, they are used for the preparation of cosmetic products (creams, ointments, gels, shampoos, etc.).

At home or medical institution leeches are kept in a 3-liter glass jar of no more than 30 pieces together. The jar should be filled 2/3 with tap water at room temperature that has been standing for 24 hours. Boiled water, as well as mineral, cannot be used. The throat is tightly covered with cotton cloth and tied with an elastic band, as leeches can easily escape. The jar should be placed in a bright, ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight. Under no circumstances should it be in the refrigerator. The water must be replaced twice a week.

Special biofactories are engaged in breeding leeches on an industrial scale. Currently, there are only four such factories in Russia: two in the Moscow region, one in St. Petersburg and one in the city of Balakovo, Saratov region.

In total, they grow 5-5.5 million leeches per year, which makes Russia the leader in the production of leeches in the world: in France and the USA only 0.5 million are grown per year.-

The healing properties of leeches have been known to people since antiquity. Throughout human history, these annelids have been directly associated with medicine - healers used them for bloodletting and noted a positive therapeutic effect on the sick body. However, no one guessed how, besides letting blood, a leech helps a sick body.

Today it is reliably known that when treated with leeches, substances enter the blood that have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and capillary bleeding is effectively eliminated venous stasis and significantly improves blood supply to a certain area of ​​the body.

Medicine "Piyavit"

"Piyavit" is a drug based on an extract from leeches, developed Russian specialists in 1994. Until now, no analogues have appeared in the world that would have similar mechanisms of action and therapeutic effects. Nature itself has selected and perfectly balanced valuable biologically active substances in proportions that have a complex effect on the body.

Application of "Piyavit"

"Piyavit" is an effective preventive and remedy at varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis. There are many drugs that can resolve blood clots, but Piyavit not only eliminates blood clots, but also prevents the formation of new blood clots, while simultaneously improving blood supply to the entire body.

At hypertension a preparation made from medicinal leech extract significantly reduces blood pressure and reduces the risk of hypertensive crisis.

At diabetes mellitus“Piyavit” has a noticeable preventive effect - it allows you to halve the intake of insulin and other drugs that lower sugar levels, and also reduces swelling of the lower extremities.

Therapeutic effects

"Piyavit" has a number of therapeutic effects that help fight various diseases:

  • antihemostatic effect;
  • antithrombin effect;
  • protective antithrombotic effect;
  • antiatherosclerotic effect;
  • thrombolytic effect;
  • analgesic effect;
  • anti-inflammatory effect, etc.

Indications for use:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • joint diseases;
  • neuralgia;
  • urology;
  • gynecology;
  • diabetes mellitus (allows you to reduce the therapeutic dose by 2 times)
  • varicose veins;
  • varicose ulcers;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • thrombosis of varicose veins;
  • lymphangitis;
  • postphlebitic syndrome.


"Piyavit" is contraindicated for:

  • hemophilia, anemia, hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • simultaneous treatment with anticoagulants;
  • hypotension, fainting, shock, collapse;
  • cachexia;
  • individual intolerance.


The composition of "Piavit" includes a secret salivary glands medicinal leeches, which determines the biological activity of the drug.

Release form:

30 capsules with freeze-dried medicinal leeches powder.


LLC NVF "Girudin"

Piyavit is allowed medical use Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation, registration number P N000363/02/-2001. A certificate of conformity was issued for Piyavit in capsules No. ROSS RU.FM01.N94082